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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1922)
,1 PAGE TWO ill TY BONDS ARE EASY TO SELL, REPORT . Marlon county road bond are in . -... 1 1Mn11u Kul among bankers In the east, accord ing to the bids offered Thursday when the Marlon county court considered offerings from the many bond houses that were in vested in securing the (150,000 offer. The high bid of a premium of fered by the National City Bank of New York city was on a basis of almost 106 per cent or to be ex act, 105.956 per cent, whlcn figures out a premium of $8934. On this basis, the county would re ceive $158,934 for Its $150,000 bonds. Once Went Begging. But conditions for Marion coun ty bonds were not always so favor able. When the county offered for sale $170,000 bonds on July 15, 1940, there were no offers, and it was only through the banks of the city and a few individuals, that the bonds were sold at par, drawing 5V4 per cent. . " Conditions for Marlon county A U,. 1 nrf-. 11 n hot t Of wfl ATI the county court offered $225,000 bonds for- sale on January 10, 1921. Again to save the county from an embarrassing situation, as the bonds could not legally he Bold under par, ihe bajiks and a few citizens came to the rescue, and this Issue of $225,000 was pro-rated among the banks. And then the standing of Mar lon county in the bond markets of the country suddenly changed, and when the county court offered on December 80, 1921, Its $200, 000 road bonds, there was spirited hiririlne. The issue was finally sold at a premium of $48(10. v'aat is, the county received ?u,5ou for its issue of $200,000 road bonds. , , Road Bonds Sold High. ' ' When the issue of $150,000 bonds were advertised- for bid December 28, 1922, so anxious ware bond men to own the Martor. iiuinv i-oiids, that 15 bond sales men were present when the bidfe were opened, with the highest bla offering a premium of almost 6 per cent. Next Tuesday the coun ty court will make Us award. On June 3, 1919, the proposi tion of issuing $850,000 bonds for permanent roads in Marion county was oiierea voters in me rouuiy, The bonds carried with 4434 In favor of the Issue and 2004 against. As at all special elec tions, only a small per cent of tht voters availed themselves of the opportuntly to express themselves on the proposed Issue of bonds. There remains of the total $850,000, an Issue of $105,000 which will be sold one year from now, to be used in road worn aur ing 1924. After 1924, if Marlon couuty is to continue Its road building, either another bond Is sue must be voted, or money may be raised by a direct tax. There remains two years more of building for market roads. Dur ing the past three years, 64 miles of 16 foot wide county market roads have been paved, and 50 miles graded and gravelled. Within the next two years the county court will complete the original program of giving the county 100 miles of smooth sur faced roads, 16 feet wide, and 50 miles of lateral graded and gravel led roads. TWO MEN ABE ARRESTED; DRUNKENNESS IS CHARGED Liquor was responsible for the arrest here yesterday of two Sa lem men. . i Lute Bartlett was charged with being Intoxicated and with hav ing booze In his possession. T. Weaver vaa accused of being In toxicated. -'' s . Patrolmen Thompson, Parrent and Shelton made the . .. arrests. Both men will be arraigned In the police court before ' Judge - Earl Race. '. PRAYER WEEK TO THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OKUUUXM LOVELL LEAVES BE OBSERVED HERE Throughout the country, begin ning January 1, there will be held a week of prayer. The week will be observed In Salem through un ion services In which alt churches will participate. The services are to be of a devotional character, evangelistic and for a general get-to-gether of all church people of Salem and vicinity. The services will be held in the evenings as. follows:. Monday First Christian church with an address by an evangelist. , Tuesday -Flrst Baptist church, address by the Rev. Blaine E Kirkpatrlck of the First Method ist church. Wednesday First Congrega tional, the Rev. Ward Willis Long dl the First Presbyterian cKurch delivering the sermon. . Thursday First Presbyterian church, the Rev. W. T. Milllkln of the First 'Baptist church speaker. Friday First Methodist tharch, address by the Rev. W. C. aatner of the First Congregational church. At each of the meetings, the pastor - of the church In which services are held, will preside. Music for the services will be In charge of the church choir In which the meeting Is held. - New - York. Otto- H, Kahn, banker,., favored cancellation of a portion of the allied debt In ai letter to Senator Smoot of Utah. ON HEALTH TRIP Frank K. Lovell, state tax com missioner., left this morning for Portland from where he will leave tonight for Los Angeles to spend the remainder of the winter for the benefit of his health. Although the resignation of Mr. Lovell has not yet been accepted by the state tax commission, this formality, it U understood, awaits only the re turn of Governor Olcott, who is due home next week, and the se lection of a successor. Lovell, who has been tax commissioner for the past three years, is one of the oldest men In the state In point of years of serv ice. He served for several years as an auditor and as deputy In the office of secretary of state and served as state insurance commis sioner for one term. E. L. Fisher, present secretary to the tax commission, is under stood to be slated for the commis sionership. Fisher has been in the department for " the past three years and prior to coming to Sa lem was for two terms assessor for Linn county. Dublin. Eamon DeValera in a declaration said the republicans dedicated themselves "anew to the achievement of the Independence of our country." Memphis. Miss Charl Williams of Memphis announced she would resign as vice-chairman of th the employ of democratic national, committee. FRIDAY, PENTATHALON RESULTS TOLD The results of the vacation pentathaion being staged by the Y. M. C. A. in the contests yester day afternoon for the boys weigh ing 95 pounds or under were as follows: High jump First, Robert Hall; 2nd, Malcolm McReynolds; 3rd, James Kllen and Dick Renttro, tied. Height, 4 feet 2 inches. .. Broad Jump First, Bob Hill; 2nd, Delbert Schwabbaur; 3rd, Malcolm Hill and Delbert Schwab-' baur; 3rd, Malcolm. McReynolds. Distance, 10 feet, 10 inches. Potato race. First, Malcolm DECEMBER 29, 1922 mciieyuuiuB;- ana, Dick Rt.L Bob Hill and Delbert Schwabbaur' tied. Time, 25 seconds. ;' Basketball toss First, Daibjrt Schwabbaur; 2nd. Dick Rentt, Five baskets converted out of iti attempts. The swimming events were post, poned to a later date as the tank had been drained for a few rj. pairs. The records of the winners win be placed on honor shields which will be hung la the "Y" lobby t0 stand until bettered. This afternoon the boys weigh lng 110 pounds or over ai meet. Tomorrow afternoon n9 time set for the contests between the boys classed in weight be tween 95 and 110 pounds. Subscribe for the Journal mtj uiucei 11 it: lj iu nic ,iivfj w . .. i " - i i i. "m.v ' " """"" " " " .. g..-. ... ...... .. w. :.. ... .-,-a.,-h,-,i i ii.ii.iiil inriii i irmiirli i 1 1 1 mi nmn mm f1 f"""' 'aVST"1" "'" ""y fT II II 41 .... - ! SVy7f L; 1 """5 I y h The Original Food-Drink for All Ages. QulckLunchtHome,OPficeaiFountains. NourUhint-Nocooklng. Avoid Imitations and Substitute , The Odd 25 If, out of every hun dred people in civilized lands, 75 were minus one hand, one foot, one ear or one eye, everyone would marvel. Yet today 75 people in every 100 are defective, more or less seriously, in what is un doubtedly our most prec ious grift the faculty of sight. Think it over Then ACT MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 301-5 Oregon Bldg. Oregon's Largest Optical Institution Phone 239 for appointment. Salem, Ore. WITH SENSATIONAL MONEY SAVINGS A THREE DA Y SALE Commences Saturday Clean-Up of All Odds and Ends Men's Dress Shirts You will find all sizes in the lot. Values to $1.50 eo at T7 w A THREE DAY SALE Commences Saturday 59c Children's Heavy Grade 25o to 29o Values SCHOOL HOSE . . All sizes in black only. A wonderful value, you should not miss. Sale price per pair . lie 1 I 58x58 Bound Scalloped U I TS Dl FT M mm u w sa 5rj OTHR n J PREMIUM COUPONS As usual with purchases of 50o or. more. $1.49 Kegular $2.50 values, you can use two or three at this Inventory price. Many elements enter into the reasons for this pre-inventory sale and drastic price cuts, aside from the fact that it is our usual clearance period. But the time has come for action rather than words; action on our part to mark prices still lowr to assure speedy action on your part. A record breaking six months business is now revealed through its broken lines, and so called, odd lots which must be disposed of quickly. ' Every department shares and the savings run to half and more. You Can Come and Expect Real Big Bargains The result of our eagle eyed search through the stocks of every department in the store in preparation for our inventory. Seductions far greater than we anticipated will be in evidence. This sale is made imperative because of the largeness of our remaining stocks, and our desire to dispose of them immediately, . ' . MEN Boys' $8.50 Wool Mackinaws All wool kangaroo brand Mackinaws, In all newest pretty plaids and plain col ors. Made with large con vertable collars. On sale at $4.85 Drastic Price Cuts on All Lines of Winter DRY GOODS Hope Muslin, yd. 14c 27 In. Fancy Flannels Regular 19c value per yard, I I j special J. XV 27 In. Amoskeag Gingham Regular 19c value, per yard, 'jLTCv Bpecial 36 In. Standard Percales ' 1 yf 25c per yard values, on sale fj 36 In. Corduroy Velvet OA In all colors, $1.25 value per Unbleached Indian Head -I A 10 to 20 yard short lengths, I only, special ..yard llw Men's Leather Army Jerkins All leather army jerkins with olive drab all wool linings. A wonderful arti cle tor the sportsman or the working men. $6.50 value.. Inventory sale price $3.95 Men's $16.50 Wool Overcoats Heavy quality wool Over coats. Thoroughly lined, good belted models In all sizes. Special Inventory sale price, now $9.75 Men's Long Slicker Coats A large stock of slicker coats, 5.00 and $6.00 val ues. In all sizes for men. Well made and guaranteed for quality. Inventory Sale Price Corduroy Duck Lined Coats Well constructed water resisting corduroy coats, full cut, well lined with good weight duck, $5.00 values. Pre-inventory Sale Price Loggers Heavy Wool Shirts $2-98 $2-69 One large lot loggers shirts made to resist wet, double back, shoulder and sleeves. $9.00 values. Pre inventory Sale Price $5-98 Men's Heavy Work Shirts HOT COFFEE Served to everybody in the basement. ladies Fine Quaere U COTTON "I -WHOSE 1 1C g Black and brown only 25c per f & Pair, value. On sale at per pair Blue chambray and striped percale shirts. In all sires from 1 4 Mi to 17. Regular values to $1.00. On sale commencing Saturday at 47c mm fcT ,ai 1 Ti""fc'V Crown Flour Our Price Per Sack $1.75 1 sack Blue Ribbon $1.49 Del Monte, Hard Wheat $1.75 10 lbs. Head Rice 65o 9 lbs. White Beans ; 65o 10 lbs. Red Mexican Beans ..... 730 1 sack Oatmeal : 50c 1 sack Corn Medl 29c Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs 190 Kernel of Wheat, per pkg 150 Canned Goods 5"cans Milk '. 470 5 cans Corn 50o Fancy Main Corn, 2 cans 35c 5 cans Llbby's Pork and Beans 50c 3 can3 Booth Sardines 55c 5 cans American Sardines 22o 5 cans Salmon, tall 55c 3 cans Stag Oysters, tall 43c 3 cans Norwegian Sardines 40o Kellogg's Corn Fifties or Shredded Wheat lOo 5 lbs. Economy Coffee 90c 5 lbs. Cocoa in bulk .. 40o Gunpowder Tea, per lb. ... ' 30c Instant Postum, small size .... 23o Mince Meat, 1 can 25c value...-10o Frye 's Delicious Hams 27o Picnics 19c Cottage Rolls 28o Large size Sweet Oranges, 1 dozen 45o California Solid Head tettuce 15c Celery - 12c Cranberries 23o Mixed Nuts 20o Plain Mixed Candy ... ... 15o Chocolate 23o 100 lbs. best Spuds 75c -WOMEN One Lot Ladies' Dresses Gingham and organdie dress es.' A" clearaway assortment that include values to $8.60 Nicely trimmed dresses In the' balcony department. Pre-lnven torv sale price $J.85 Girls' All Wool Sweaters fT - DELTVEEY le TP" ders of $2.00 " 1 Sl 01 0V6r i 6 Inch Width Pretty Silk i HAIR "I A W RIBBONS 1 Many colors and patterns to select from. Values to 35c per yard. Special Our eagle eye search has picked together assortments of all wool sweaters that formerlj sold to $4.98. Pre-lnventorj sale price (balcony Red and Navy Blue Middies All wool middles, with large Bailor colars. Red and navy blue trimmed with white braid and cheverons. $5.00 values,! inventory sale price Crepe de Chine Undershirts A newly arrived shipment that must be cleared away be fore inventory time. All silk crepe de chine underskirts, some hemstitched and plain, scalloped and pleated ruffles $5.00 values at $.85 $2-98 $2-95 $2-85 Virgin Wool Pendleton ' Blankets Size 72x84 virgin' wool Pendleton, comfort batts made of pure fleece wool. $3.50 values, on sale at Pretty Plaid $3.00 Value Blankets A real wonderful value. Large, double plaid blankets with pretty pink, blue and gray plaids. Pre-inventory sale price, per pair $J.98 Ladies' Silk Stripe Unions Men's $3.00 Khaki Work Suits V $1.85 Men's Heavy $1.50 Value Unions Men's combination khaki work luits. Regular $3.00 value Full cut and well made. A clearaway pre- Inventory sal price at 56 Inch $3.50 Wool Coating Very suitable for capea, etc. Price now $2.50 value ladies' silk stripe unions. Perfectly tail ored union .suits with long sleeves and ankle length. Some short sleeves with tight knee in the lot. Pre inventory sale price per suit A Clearaway of All Ready-to-Wear Plush Coats Full and A lengths, values to $32.50 on sale $14.75 $12.50. $15.00. $10.00 and $22.50 values in Tricotine and Canton Dresses In assorted colors and trimmings at $8.75 Overlace trimmed "Evening and Party Dresses, values to $32.50 go at $14.50. Out Sizes Ladies' Unions $J.98 We have received a special order ot ladles' large size union suits, size 40 to 50. The lots are virge enodgh to take action in reducing val ue. On sale TREE CALENDARS 1923 Calen dars now in for free dis posal to our customers. Heavy winter weight cotton derby ribbed union suits. In all sizes. 4 Well cut garments. Savings worth while la the great pre-inventory selling at 98c 54 Inch $1.50 Wool Flannel In assortment ot colors. Special Ladies' Fine Kid Gloves per yard Ladles black kid Shoes in all sixes, -values to $5.00, go t ... -41.98 95c Famous make of Aurille Borriss Imported grades of , Frendh kid gloves. Certain lot In all colors and sizes. Values to $4.75 on sale at Ladies' Bed . Room Slppers, values to Il.TS go at .w 89c $i?69 ttSISEL Our Entirek of Yf KIMONAS I."- J A complete closing out Values to $35.00 In the lot. Special at ... ''