PAGE EIGHT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1922 BON NAMES ELL ALL STAR FIVE OF CITY LEAGUE Four players on the Better Yet Commercial league team which won the league championship with ecven wins ana iwo deleats were named this morning by O. R. Eonell, president of the league, among the mythical squad which will compose the official Y. M. C. A. basketball team known as the Yellow-Jackets. The choice of Air. Bon ell is as follows: Forwards, Glenn Gregg and Harold Socolofaky, Better Yets, and Ray Lucas, U.' S. National bank; center, A. Leiske, Ander son & Brown, and Alvin Lennon, Central Pharmacy; guards, Wal ter Socolofsky, Herbert Socolofsky, Better Yets, and R. Mason, Hauser Bros. Garnet Harra, Russell Bone steele, forwards; Kermit Thomp son, center, and Ted Girod and Robert Ratcliffe, guards, were considered and received honorable mention. The members of the squad are to meet Friday evening at the Y M. C. A. at 7:30 where Coach Bonell will outline plans for the coming season. The naming of an all-star team Is a very hard matter, according to Mr. Bonell as some very good basketball traits are possessed by some that others do not have. Also In playing on the "Y" gym floor It. is hard for any of the players to show what they are really worth All of the men named on the squad played exceptionally good tall all through the season and It was only through the Commercial Basketball series that several of the members named were able to how their ability. The Bonesteele Motor company was the only team that Is not to be represented. No games have been definitely scheduled but Coach Bonell is in hopes of ararngiug games with the Legion or town teams from Sil verton, McMinnville, Dallas, Inde pendence and Newberg. He also hopes to arrange several practice games with the Bearcat five. Amusements i as seen oy tne rress Agents Polk County Court F. L. Newman vs. Elizabeth Richardson. Action for money, Probate Court Rozetta Ann Smith appointed guardian of Harold Percy Smith Hardin Francis Smith, Esta Maria Smith and Avalyn Elizabeth Smith, minors. Lucile Neef, R. S. treason and Charles Gregory ap pointed appraisers of estate. C. W. Henkle, county coroner, appointed administrator of estate of Mary Ann Arrow, deceased Bond of 500 required. Order made closing estate of C H. Wheeler, deceased. Order made approving oath and bond on sale of real estate of Mar garet Inez Fitchard, as guardian of Robert Louis Fitchard, a min or. Order for citation made in mat ter of estate of Allen Johnson, de ceased. Order made approving and ap praisement of estate of John M. Lyn Sr.. deceased. Estate valued at $5760.09. uruer made setting aside per sonal property to widow and al lowing monthly support of $ pending settlement of estate of John M. Lynn Sr. Saturday, January 20, 1923, at 10 a. m., at county court house set as time and pface'for hearing final account of estate of Thomas f. Notson, deceased. Order made to show cause in estate of Whaling B. Syron, pre sumed deceased. Saturday, Feb ruary 3, 1923, at 10 a. m county court room in Dallas, set as time and place for the hearing of evidence concerning alleged ab sence of presumed deceased. Order made authorizing Rozetta Ann Smith, guardian of Harold Percy Smith, et al., minors, to borrow money to pay debts. Final account allowed and ad ministrator discharged in estate of Eliza Schultz, deceased. Final discharge entered In es tate of Martha Ellen Williams. Final account allowed in estate of Dorsa M. Turner, deceased. Oscar Hayter appointed admin istrator of estate of Marguerite McKye, 'deceased. Matter of estate of Thomas Boulden, deceased. Order made admitting will to probate. C. C. Mulkey, A Parker and W. R. Gra ham appointed appraisers of es tate. Order made authorizing ex ecutor of estate to sell property. Sikh The opening scenes of "Th Fighting Guide," which will be shown at Bligh theatre today, re veal some of the most picturesque country obtainable in the west. William Duncan, as a heavily bearded scout, Is seen leading his little party through the big open country, a party in which an English nobleman and his valet bring up the rear. A half breed Indian is the other member of the party. Because the nobleman insists upon having "all the comforts of home," even In a far west camp ing ground, does not make a hit with the scout and his stoical halt breed assistant. Also the fact that the nobility's valet suggests that Duncan, as the scout, wash his master's socks adds to com plications which leads to a se quence of humor. Oregon Pirates being thrown headlong from towering decks; sword fights while cannon boom and a thrilling swim for life 130 feet across and over the deck of a rakish corsair craft such are the thrill features of the sea se quence in "To Have and To Hold," with Betty Compton an Bert Lytell in the featured leads, aided by Theodore Kosloff and W. J. Ferguson in strong roles. The picture Is now on view at tho Oregon theater. role, "Honor First," his latest feature, will open at the Liberty theater tomorrow. Press reports from other cities where this pic ture has been shown accord It high praise. Many who have re viewed the feature assert that Gilbert is at his best. The story deals with the dif ference in character and temper-! ament between twin brothers, both of whom served in the French army during the war. Gilbert portrays both brothers. His work as the cowardly broth er is said to be especially worth while. This characterization calls for extraordinary force In acting. Ml 111 INCOMING SHIPS REPORT RECORD ATLANTIC STORM New York, Dec. 2S. Tempests of the sort known only to, season ed mariners of the North Atlan tic, against the howling power of which huge ocean liners are but flimsy cockleshells, have raged through the paBt week, threaten ing smaller vessels with destruc tion, wrecking steamers' dock equipment, driving fast liners out of their usual lanes and striking terror to the hearts of hundreds oi passengers, according to wirelesi reports received today. Relentless gales, playing havoc with the schedules of the largo steamship companies, described yesterday by officers of the Cedric the Zeeland and the United States which arrived several days late after weathering the worst storm in their history, still are whipping the waters of the Atlantic to fury The Manchuria and LaSavoie re ported today they would arrive Oi. Thursday, two days late. The Ni gara due today, reported she wil try to fight her way to port to morrow. The Caronla reported from Hali fax that she had been forced ti put in there. The Mount Carrol i: due here and the President Mon roe in London tomorrow, both fai behind schedule. Veterans of scores of storms wh guided liners into port yesterday said they had never before seer the treacherous north Atlantic in such a protracted hurricane mood five reel feature comedy which has just been completed, Harold Lloyd has assembled a trio of prime favorites of the American stage and screen as his principal support besides Mildred Davis. These are Eric Mayne, John T. Prince and Ncrman Hammond. There is plenty of room in all three portrayals for superb acting and Lloyd considers himself for tunate in being surrounded by such capable performers. At the Grand today and tomorrow. Grand In the cast of "Dr. Jack,' the REMEDY FORD 0WNEBS LOOK Have your Ford painted for Xmas. Surprise your friends. We are running a special on Ford3 during December only. Don't miss this unusual op portunity. EE1IANCE AUTO PAINTING CO. 219 State, cor. Front St.. Second Floor 0,000 GIVEN TH II STATE UNIVERSITY University of Oregon, Eugene, Dec. 2S. (Special.) Ten thou sand dollars in cash was the Christmas gift made to the Uni versity of Oregon today by a friend jf the institution who lives 3000 ulle from Eugene. The donor Is Mrs. Alice W. Wrlsley of Asbury, X. J. She has requested that her vft be used as a student loan fund. The sum is the largest benefac tion received by the university since alumni and others gave $28 000 in September to launch the endowment campaign of "Ten Million Dollars In Ten Years." President P. L. Campbell of the university is the originator of a plan whereby the Wrisley gift of $10,000 may be used as a guar antee fund upon which to bast loans ranging from an aggregate Df $50,000 to $100,000. Thus the riginal gift, under the plan, may be made five to ten-fold more ef efctlve than is usually the case with such gifts. IDR. BELLS Pine(pr Honey i 4, "AS III I AMERICAN CHURCH IN . PARIS MADE CATHEDRAL Paris, Dec. 28. The elevation of Holy Trinity, the American Protestant Episcopal church In Paris to a pro-cathedral, Is plained by the rector. Rev. Fred erick W. Beekman. as due to the multiplication of American Epli copal churches In Europe and tc the fact that Paris has the largest American community abroad. Bishop G. Mott Williams, as signed by the authorities of the church in the United States to di rect Its European interests, wil! make Paris his headquarters. Troubled with Weak Kidneys Have been troubled with weak kidneys since childhood, writes Mrs. G. Hyde, Benzonia Michigan. "Now past forty ami have had terrible backache and that tired out feeling, hardly abl to do my work. By using Foie; Kidney Pills accompanied with Foley Cathartic Tablets I soon felt like a new person." Back ache, rheumatic pains, dizziness and blurred vision are symptoms of kidney trouble. Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief. (adv) Breads Coughs otB Colds People everywhere are finding relief foe coughs and $pds in this depend able prescription fcf an old family phy cin. Dr. Bll'a ) genuine yrup of pine-tar honey. It stopg cough, looesna cMnging; phlegm end oothe Inflamed iauMofththroat. lis efficacy, plaaaot tasta and pure ingredient make It an Ideal ty rup (ot children aa well as adults. Your druciziat haa it. ff7ffx rubtituttPlNE-TA1LHONEr J Iniitt on DicBBLL'f. Capita! Junk Co. WANTS All kinds of junk and second-hand goods. We pay full value. 215 Center Street . Phone 393 A Stubborn Cough Loosens Right Up TbUi home-made rmdy I ft won doc for quick main. YmMj ad cheaply mad. TTora im m liftmo.mflile fivruD which millions of oeoDle have found to be I the most dependable means of break ing up stubborn coughs. It is cheap tnd simple, but very prompt in ac tion. Under its healing, soothinsr in fluence, chest soreness goes, phiepm loosens, breathing becomes easier, tickling in throat stops and youeet a good night's restful sleep, loe usual throat and chest colds are con quered by it in 24 hours or less. Nothing better for bronchitis, hoarse ness, croup, throat tickle, bronchial asthma or winter coughs. To make this splendid cough syrup, pour 2'a ounces of Find into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup and shake thoroughly.- If you prefer use Clari fied molasses, honey, or corn s vP, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, you get a full pint a family supply of much better cough syrup than you could buy ready-made for three times the money. Keeps perfectly and children love its pleasant taste. Pinex is a special and highly con centrated compound of genuine Nor way pine extract, known the world over for its prompt healing effect upon the membranes. To avoid disappointment ask your druggist for "23 ounces of Pinex" with full directions, and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give absolute isatisfaction or money fromptly refunded. The Pinex Co., t. Wayne, Ind r 04 nr uarm era u . pat. orr.', f Shoes & The Insignia Ml of good Shoe lyl W Making a 1 9 IKAjI HARK R0 US. PAT. AT. IKAUl "ARK KIQ.U5.PAI Off. JOHN J. ROTTLE 167 N. Commercial Salem, Ore. I mm in 11 1. 11 in 1 FOR THE BELIEF OF Coughs, Colds, Croup WHOOPING COUCH, HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS -SOLD EVERYWHERE Liberty With John Gilbert In the star Here's Relief For Neuritis Never mind wncre, when or how those awful, stabbing palm of neuritis got their start you want relief from the torture right now! Stop at any flint class -'druc: store and get a supply of Tysmol. Apply a small quantity of this soothing preparation over the spot that hurts, and in a short time you should bo free from pain. Tysmol is taken up through the pores of the skin, going direct to the throbbing, achincr peripheral nerves, which quickly respond to its healing influence. Ther is no "dope" In Tysmol--no dangerous drugs of any kinil. Guaranteed to be absolutely harm 'wax. iVople everywhere say that! nothing ever gave such onilr ful relief. Price tl at I'.ml J. Fry's and all other leading drug, gists. Tysmol Company, Mfi;. Chemists, 400 Sutter St., iui Frnm-lsco. (adv) SEEDS For Every Requirement FARM ORCHARD GARDEN New catalog sent free on request. Write us for special prices on quantities Good Seed Produces Good Crops. GCMorse&Go. 749 FRONT ST. Retail Store 115 Market St. X c r.. : i S-H LOW HOLIDAY ROUND TRIP FARES By the Oregon Electric Railway Tickets on Sale Dec. 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31 ; Jan. 1. Return Limit Jan. 3. Portland .... $2.25 Hood River S6.1S Spokane .. $22.49 Albany $1.13 Junct. City $2.78 Tacoma ....$10.58 Astoria . $6.42 Lewiston.. $21.84 1 he Dalles.. $7.34 Bend $15.72 Orenco $2.79 Walla Wa $15.84 Corvallis .... $1.65 Pendleton $14.43 Wilsonville $1.53 Engene $3.47 Redmond $14.84 Woodburn .... 93c Harrisburg $2.54 Seattle .... $12.63 Yakima.... $19.16 Similar fares to other points on the Oregon Electric Railway and all connecting lines from Portland, to which the one-way fares are $30.00 or less. . Tickets sold and baggage checked through to destin ation. Details will be furnished on request. Oregon Electric Raliway J. W. Ritchie, Agent, Salem, Ore- GENUINE FORD PARTS Are made of the highest quality material, by good work men and by the most efficient methods. From' the smallest gear to the motor block itself THEY ARE PERFECTION If you would get the utmost value for your money DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS Buy them from us and you are assured of Genuine Ford quayty and service. LADD & BUSH BANKERS ESTABLISHED 1863 ' GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Under U. S. Government Supervision Member Federal Reserve System "Success Is Up Stream" Those who attain it must know how to "swim." A bank account with this strong serviceable bank is one of the best teachers. Why r.ot open yours today? "The Bank That Serried Built." IMtedSfates 'fKatonalBSmk Valley motor Co. 260 North High Street " . Salem, Ore. H Ph c3 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 17 xtrao OF THE REGULAR PRICE "THE TOILERS' or "Three Generations Painted by Herbert de Moreau, the Third painter the internationally ous pJ?t This Father Herbert de Moreau, Jr., painter ot the famous canvas Never' Alnn. also tramped around Lyons and painted for vear twB- ever Alone son, the 3rd Herbert de Moreau, and gives to the h'. m, comes the grand produced before by the de Moreau famUy. In the '-Toilers- he hrn. anyHthlnS .tturrt ziT' grandson-and - ti iighu6, St tf7ul S retasffiPLacceuXs; hai3 r atm;nt f - flood of day light. When he fatigued by old age and tol h.i? dgrand1father grandsoa looks at him and smiles, uhile the father i, i. fa"e asleep. The red-hot Iron on his anvil. father ,s gIvlns aI1 me to the It is not .a big canvas but it is a priceless one. Herbert de Moreau III was. born in Lvons France In io- ti v distinction in the Grand Solon, and the ColorossI e haa shown wlth The picture is one of a collection owned in liostnn r, i shown free as a New Year treat to the general public Ught t0 Salem ani On exhibition for a limited time, in special settings on second floor. W orth & Gray Department Store 177 North Liberty Street Phone 132