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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1922)
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1922 ... m-- miinnr .nn aiwniMrnMmr untfwrn ,1 i 1. 1i a Tiavmnnf ..ret, no Dittu- ' t--. incomo reveaue office with lkl,' in the postofficti build- l(,aqI ! iinirht that theso blanks . . i vaeMVtsi until possibly " nt .limuorv, or even later. Calendars. Homer H. Insurance, McCornack 1923 free. n,;9tmai mrriaies five . Were Issued last Saturday ' j one on Sunday, The average age . rt men as shown o.n the records . oo vr-ars, and that of the pros " lve brides, years. Of the r - :ond today the averace e of the bridegrooms was 30 years lid ! of the brides, 24 years. Capital Ice & Cold Storage Co ,,. available for apple stor lor other products 560 Trade itreet. Tt ia iust a Uttle too early to pay ! mi for 123. The reason for tbis is that the county clerk's office j,,, not as yet received the collars wiich it is required by law to issue tho dog license is issued., now ier, it iJ probable that the collars wjll'be received by the first of the sr, The enclosed toy auto that was riven away by the Salem Hard ware Co., Is for sale. If Interested .n 1045 N. 18th, 306 Hiss Eutli Wallace, who 'presides .t the marriage counter of the coun tr clerk's office, is occasionally obliged, acting in her official cap neity, to grant requests. ' And one that is refused from time to time is thst of impressing public record of mirrlatro licenses issued. When a license is issued, it becomes a public record and the record of the license is spread on the official marriage license docket, Picture Shop. framing, Tho Son 306 The Marion county grand ju will meet Wednesday morning at 10 nVlock nt the court house. W. A, Miunuiiugs is foreman. Picture Shop. framing. The Song 30 A marriage license was issued thi morning o Christian L. Jorgenson laborer, of Jefferson and Mary An derson, teacher, of Jefferson. Also (o Howard Kanoff of Mill City, lumber worker, and Beatrice Wolfe, a waitress, of Mill City. On Christ mas (lav a license was issued to James Stout of 633 Ferry street, construction worker and Goldie Keeney, clerk, also of 633 Ferry street. Late Saturday evening, a He ense was issued to Glenn Albert hen pen of 1195 north 17th street, Sa lem, a shipping clerk, and Lucile Young, of 495 north Commercial street. Hotel Bligh Arrivals THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON marriage license was issuwl Kr.-i vlini. d.u,. qk ..- - urday to Bay Mauldiug of Silverton John J. Roberts, Salem, Larl T. laborer, and Edith Johnson, of Roberts, Hood BWer; Mrs. W. I. Silverton Also to James B. Wilson, Staley, Salem, and Miss Gertrude of Brooks, a laborer, and Jauuita Roberts, Portland, died early this l o,uem, rural routs 8. In- morning lu Portland, according to eluding theao licenses, nine have word reachinir hum tniW. -rimm-al been issued the nost inn i ..... i o " j - pleted. B. Steadman, Chicaeo: Mnsex mcLoy, Mountain Dale;. J. H. Martin, Portland; R. B. Thorp, Bliss, Idaho; J. Luman and wife, Chicago; E. F. Latham and wife, Russia; E. Youncman and wif Denver; Z. A. Tatam, Lebanon' Dr. R. B. Miller, Lebanon; Mar vin Bright, Portland; Mary Mar tin, Portland; O. Bewley, Dallas; Geo. Spikes, Turner; C. E., Por ter, Portland; A. M. Itudewood. Lakeside; John Johnson and wife Oregon City; O. B. Lang. Canbv: Dock Moreley, city; R. B. Clay ton, Stayton; S. K. Lulay, Flor ence; C. F. Rupell. Portland: P. C.. Beck, Portland; D. Keeney, Portland; Geo. Melendy, Port land; S. B. Rhodes. Portland: ft Ilandee, Portland; Dr. J. Nord- berg, Portland; Jimmy Duffy and wife, Portland; B. E. Evans and wife, Newberg; Frank Fer guson, McMinnvllle; E. T. Shoe maker, Corvallis; Harry Wilson and wife, North Bend; W. W Abbey, Astoria; II. E. Eccleston, Stayton; G. H. Hiltebrand, Eu gene; S. Oye, S. F; W. H. Young- man, Denver; Lester Huckins and wife, Everett, Wn; Jim Sing city; G. R. Hill, The Dalles; J. L. Rob ertson, Weiser, Ida; Cecil Row land, Mosier; Frank H. Miller, Independence; C. W. Miller, In dependence; C. H. Myers, Wood- burn J. H. Graham, Grand Ronde; H. h. Forest, Seattle; W. E. Mount and wife, Silverton; Miss G. Moore, Portland; Jas. M Wllcor, Portland: F. Snoderly and wife, Albany. Governor Oleott expects to return to baleui on New Years day accord- Mr- ani Mrs. Fred Barker and ing to a telegram received by his daughter spent yesterday "wilh Mr, office here Tuesday. The governor a,lli Mr3' William Barker, living on ana Mrs. uicott who had attended aorta otn street. the conference of eoveruors at times the Munich museum found that it wag necessary to dispose of some of the pictures. While the name of the person who painted the pic ture is not known It can be discern ed: from the style that it cme from the late Flemish art which marked the end of the Renaissance. The dis play of the painting at this part of the year is particularly appro priate. The motion picture film which is being shown at the Oregon ndw is eutitlod, ''To Have and To Hold.'' White Sulphur Springs. W. Ya., The Kiwanis club did not hold spent Christmas dav with his parents tneir vecuf mncaeon today as it at ijong Beach, California. ,uc" "" " many oi ine memners tnat could not Mr. and Mrs. Allan G.,n f a,tena oa amount of the day com Salem, spent the week-end visiting lllg between Christmas and New at Roseburg. Mr. Carson is a local Yora'9- The Rotary dub will not attorney mee' tomorrow fur the same reason. Walter Fuller, a farmer living near Brooks, was in Salcai a short Miss Margaret Griffith, a student at the LniveraitT nf Oroirnn ) .. . . . , ,. " ' '"Itime today oa business. s,fimmg um Lunstmas nouaay vis iting her parents, Dr. and Mrs, F. Griffith, of Salem. J-'- The F.iurW n V M H 4 c1,,h basketball team, were defeated by All- anA ( Wnlt- rT.,. L J Ur nJ Xf Willi IT. i -f J " ' Mia, i.i,JulU II rflOUU, Ul Salem, spent Christmas at tho home Tomorrow evening: Dec. 27, ' the of E. F. DeLong at Richardson's Eagles 'basketball five will go to Gap, Liua county. Dallas to meet the Dallas Wildcats. Funeral services for Cretoria Pas co, 09, who died yesterday at his residence, 1008 north 17th street, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 8 o'clock from the Rigdon and Son funeral parlors. Interment will be E.ado in the Lee Mission eemotery. Mrs. Pasco was a member of the Congregational church and also of the Women's Relief corps here. Rev W. C. Kantner will conduct the serv. ices. There survive two sons, J. B. Smith, Edmunton, Canada; Thomas D. Smith, Eagle Creek, Ore.; daughter, Mrs. James Dale, Ann Arbor Mich,; a step son, VV. A Pasco, and a stepdaughter, Mrs. F. u. uartnoiomew, saiom. Milton Stoiner, son of It. and Mr- n3 M- Mead Elliott and Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner, is spending family spent Sunday and' Christmas the Christmas holiday here. He is in Newnerg as the guests of Mr. a student at the University of Ore gon. Elliott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M P. Elliott, be formulated at a conference in New Orleana next Thursday of those conducting the Inquiry. The coroner's Inquest over the bodies of Daniels and Richards and the report of the New Orleana pathol ogist who conducted the autopsy will be discussed. A report that the farmer, who gave his name as Berry Whet stone, ,waa being secreted in Baton Rouge, along with auother (Im portant state witness, could not be verified from Baton Rouge today Another witness is reported as having been removed to Texas to await the hearing. Those acquainted with the char acter of the witnesses the state will call are authority for the statement that they will not fear to testify to all they know. It was this spirit of defiance to the robed and masked men that la be lieved to have led to the death of Daniels and Richards. Mr. and Mrs. X. Paulsen, Portland returned home yesterday evening after visiting here with their son, and wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. JT. Paul sen. Mr. N. Paulsen is sales man ager for the Far East Importing company, Portland. - Dr. B. H. White, 606 U. S. N tional bank bldg. announces the installation of apparatus for the practice of electronic reactions as outlined and taught by Dr. Al bert Abrams. ' 311 Funeral services for Fred How ard White, 70, a retired farmer living about four miles oast- of Sa- Tomorrow afternoon all boys weighing under 95 pounds who in tend to take part in the pentathalon being held during the vacation by lem who died Saturday afternoon, the ..y un(Jer the di-ectio of will be held tomorrow morning a 10:30 from the Rigdon and Son fun oral parlors with Rev. W, T. Milli kin officiating. Interment will Te made in the City Yew cemetery. Mr White has lived in the vicinity of Salem for the past 17 years, A Christmas program for the old people of the Deaconess hospital, Old Peoples department, and as many of the patients and nurses as could be present, was held yester day morning in the hospital chapel De Molay Commaudery will meet next Friday evening in the Masonic Temple to confor the order of Malta on two candidates. Work will begin in the afternoon at 5 o'clock, and tho order will be conferred by a team under the direction of Judge Georgo O. Burnett. Following a din ner at 6:15 o'clock, the work will continue, at 8 o'clock the order of the Temple will be conferred by of ficers of the commandery, - Xfead Elliott, will meet for their events. The events consist of a pota to race, broad jump, basketball toss, and swim. Friday the boys weigh ing over 110 pounds will contest and on Saturday the boys weighing 93 to 110 pounds will meet. The rec ords are being made a permanent record. The Tumbling Midgets, a Y. M. C. A. club basketball team, ere go ing to Newberg to play the Pacific sollege academy team. Funeral services for Thomas Ed win Caufield, 53, a former Salem resident who died suddenly in San Diego, Cal., Monday, Dec. 18, were held Teachers who were examined last week for certificates will know their fate by about the middle of next month, or possibly not until Picture Shop. framing, The Son? 30G For a consideration of $3000, John Burgemeister and wife has deeded to R. E, Anderson end wife, a 25 sere tract part of tho. Waldo Hills Fruit Farms Co. The warranty .deed for tho tract was placed on record today. Music during dinner this eve ning at the Gray Belle by Os wald's 7 Serenaders orchestra from O. A. C, later at the Dream land rink for the dance. 306 Mary L. Fulkerson, county super intendent will leave tins evening for Portland to attend the Oregon State Teachers convention Mrs. Fulkerson will go as delegate from this county. The convention will re main in session the remainder ot tne week. Music during dinner this eve nlng at the Gray Belle by Os wald's 7 Serenaders orchestra trom O. A. C, later at the Dream land rink for the dance. 30b Chick Rosse, Portland lightweight who is to meet Jimmy Aberdeen Iuffy, Aberdeen, Wn., here tomor row evening in the company F box ing show in the main event, arrived in Salem last night and is register tng as the guest of the Terminal otel. After traveling in California since the State fair last fall in an effort to find a location which- they would like better than Salem, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Corn, fourteen years residents of the city and former owners of the Good Eats restaurant, returned here "and have leased the building which was for some time the home of the Elgin Six automobile, on Com mercial stree.t between State and Ferry streets, where they will open a restaurant about the first of the year. The new eating place is to be known as the Valley Grill. Both Mr. and Mrs. Corn are well known in Salem. lie church. Interment was made in a vault in the Catholic cemetery. A number of the membrs of the Elk lodge, of which Mr. Caufield was a member, acted as an escort Wanted, a 600-egg incubator, must be standard make in first class condition. Phone 4F4 eve nings. du6 Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb and family returned home yesterday eve ning from Portland where they spent Christmas with relatives. this morning from the Catho-U 2Q pmia m ba gndf& by the county superintendents of the state who will meet in annual session ,at the state house beginn ing Saturday, Dec. 30. In addition to general conferences on the work from the Rigdon and Son funeral lf & coimty sui,eriutendent there parlors to the church and from the church to the cemetery. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Whelon, living on route 4, Saturday evening at the Deaconess hospi' Phil J. Bartholomew of Portland will make Salem his home having accepted a position with A. C. Bohrnstedt to handle insurance and farm loans. Mr. Bartholomew was formerly a student at Willamette University. Mr. and Mrs. V. Lyle McCroskey, Stayton, weer in Salem today on their way home after spending the wfeek-end visiting in Port'and. MURDER CHARGED TO (Continued from Page One.) Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mount, of Silverton, stopped in Salem last iL'ht as the guests of the Bligh hotel on their way home from visit ing with friends in Portland yesterday. will bo put in daily, a certain time in grading papers. "Adoration of the Angels, painting between 300 and 400!'years old which pictures the Christ child being admired by,a group of angels, is being shown this week in the foyer of the Oregon theatre. Until the war came the picture was held priceless but with the wa; and hard An automobile driven by John P. Hunt, of Woodburn, was struck by another car yesterday. The driver, of the other machine, according to Mr. Hunt, failed to stop to deter mine whether damage had been done. Mr. Hunt told the police no would prefer charges. Music during dinner this eve ning at the Gray Belle by Os wald's . 7 Serenaders orchestra trom O. A. C, later 'at the Dream land rink for the dance. 306 A. M. Legrande, 35, a resident of Portland died here yesterday. The body was shipped thi safternoon by Webb and Clougb to relatives in Portland. COMING EVENTS - Dec. 27. Company F boxing show, armory. Dec. 27 Barbara Fritchle D. of N., meeting. Dec. 31. Elks "Midnight Follies," Grand Theater. Jan. 1. New Years, - Y. M. C. A. annual open house. Jan. 17-2. National Thrift Week. " Jan. 8. Monday, legisla- ture convenes. - Jan. 8. Inauguration of Walter M. Pierce as governor Fenders on two automobiles were rlam.nred yesterday when one driv- W G. E. Rises, of Albany, col lided with a stationary one owneu by A. E. Bennette, 2233 Fairgrounds road. The Bennette car was siuw iiir in front of the Bennette resi dence when the accident occurred. His automobil parked on a down town street here, was stolen yester day, O. H. Soots, of Albany, com plained to tUe ponce. The body of Cyril Hunt, 22, who died here Saturday afternoon, was shipped by Webb and Clough yester day to relatives in Portland for fun- oral services ana Dunui. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hunt, there eurvive three brothers, alt liv ing in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A? J. Englebart spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kurz, who live four miles south of Salem on the Jefferson road Mr. Englebart is connected with the Roth Grocery company. H. Wood, of Mill City, stopped in Salem last mght as mo - the Terminal hotel on Ms wa m,"., frora Portland where he spent the week end and Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. William Gray, for merly living at wz Miu .i-- , -"- Christmas moving io iu. " r wi.m Mr. Gray is connect- ed with the Willard Battery Ser vice station here. The railroad of the Pacific Spruce corporation opening between sou n Beach and waiaporv - - county, has been declared to be a ommon carrier, in an order .ssued by the public service commission bT, T. L; is ordered to file tariff, covering passenger fares and ' . . i -.. The road was built rrelgnl pro. Ln ,nrr,oration as a logging road In, 1918., Bequest that the ro.dbe A man who gave his name as R. W. Williams and who wa arrested by Patrolman George White on a drunk eness charge, yesterday was re leased under bail of 25 and was eitcd to appear in the police court today. While moving east on the Eola road, his automobile struck a hack driven by TJ. Z. Blaser, James Hunt, 710 south Thirteenth street, told the police. There was some damage but no one was injured. His automobile was badly damag ed when it struck some wires which were across the prison road, G. T. R.tnrff. 805 Oak street, told the police. No one was injured, however. Ray Dunn, of Portland, was in Salem last night on his way from Eugene to Portland. He had spent the" week-end visiting relatives in Eugene. A motorcyefe ridden by William Vogt was considerably damaged Sunday when it met up with a Mill Citv stage at the corner of High and State streets. No one was in jured. His bievcle was stolen from the , ,," ,-,..,,,.. i,illflini. Max- rear or mo wc"" " - . well Galfius, 896 north Commercial street, told the police. a ,trt car and an automobile .1. 101. j.. h- John Baer, oi oum street, were both damaged yesterday when they collided on south Twelfth -..., No one was lnjurcu, cordinV to the report made to the police. Wnndmen of the World will hold , meeting next rriaay ,he Woodmen of the World . . . ,r.,.f',ncr fhfl tfmile. Following i" -."-s. evening will be spent in dtncing. rWimed a common filed with the commission by tne Port of AlseaandtheWaldportCom mimity association. . -7i:. atran police offi- eer of Salem, has heea tU at h s .everal days. Motorcycle Died VICKt At the residence, Port land road, this city, Dec. 26th, Charles Frederick Vlck, age 7 4 years, husband of Mrs. Sopha Vlck, father of Charles H. Vlck, George F. Vlck, Alfred J. Vlck and Mrs. Josephine Sny der, all of Salem, Bernard W. Vlck of Albany and Mrs. F. W. Zelse of Deer Creek, Minn. An nouncement of funeral will be made later from the Rigdon mortuary. PASCOE At the residence, 1698 N. 17th street, Dec. 25tn, Mrs. Cretoria C. Pascoe age 69 years, wife of Henry Pascoe, mother of Mrs. Jas. Dale of Ann Arbor, Mich, J. B. Smith of Edmundton, Alberta and Thos. D. Smith of Eagle Creek, Or., stepmother of W. A. Past-no of Medford. Minn., and Mrs. F. O. Bartholomew of Sa lm. Member of the 1st Congre gational church and the Wo- ou rinrno Vimariil services Wednesday, Dec. 27th, nt n. m. from the Rigdon mortuary. Interment Lee Mis sion cemetery. WHITE -At the home, 4 miles east of Salem, Macleay road, Dec. 24th, Fred Howard White, husband of Mrs. Kate White. father of Harry E. White of Tfrmebure. Mrs. Frank Gesner nf Rose Lodee. Mrs. Grace Bus ter, Mrs. Clarence Johnson nit Mrs. Mildred Sehrunk all of Salem, brother of Jennie, Holland. Albert and Inez Cor nish. Funeral services Wed nesday Dec. 27. at 10:30 a. m from Rigdon's mortuary. Inter ment City View cemetery. De ceased was a member of the 1st Baptist church. Funeral Notice Funeral services for the lat-3 Minnie Berg will be held from the Terwllllger home Tuesday, a 30 D. m. Rev. M. Fereshetian tors who have been working on the case for several months said today. The Identification will be made. the secret service men .said, through testimony at the open hearings obtained . by Governor John M. Parker to begin here January 5, of a farmer whose home Is near Oak Ridge, More house parrish. They said he told them he witnessed the seizure and spiriting away of the quintet and recognized some of the abductors. ' The farmer, according to the investigators, was held up by tho band on the Mer Rouge-Bastrop highway the night ot the kid naping and commanded to go to a nearby ranch and get a bucket of water. When he returned, he lf said to have declared that he recognized several, meutbors of the band when the' raised their masks to drink from the bucket. The Investigators declined to disclose the present whereabouts ot the farmer, but It was inti mated he was somewhere In Mis sissippi under the protection of a government officer. It was stated that he would be produced wnen wanted. Plans for the open hearing will 1 " 4 "To Have and to Hold" with BertLytell Betty Compaon and , Theo. Kosloff This is one of the season's biggest and best pictures LAST TIMES TODAY an open ng at E O Boval, district manager of . V. !- i;friet of th Woodmen the oaiei'1 , , . World, will come to Salem in January and will assist in ; a. membership campaign The Salem camp number, at present 615 members. Af.mbers of the Elks lodge have . vl- Year's day. The pro r f"rth. day will begin at 2:30 !Xk and continue until 10 o'clock in the evening. officiating. Burial In tne Fellows cemetery. Odd 306 TAKE OUR ADVICE-USE TU Economy" BAKING POWDER It. D. Gilbert & Co. 'theater. Starts Today. Tom Mix in "DO AND DARE'' Also Two Reel Comedy and Other Subjects. HAROLD LLOYD IN "DR. JACK" GRAND T W C KT R C N Harold Lloyd in "DR. JACK" His Best Comedy Better Than "Grandma's Boy" Now Playing Fifth Week in Portland IWebb & Clough I FUNERAL DIRECTORS I EXPERT EMBALMER3 Rigdon & Son's MORTUARY Uneqnaled Service Vjwm mum 1 fpV-wH Starts Today mm 44 TERWILLIGER Residence Parlors 770 Chtmeketa St. Phono 724 lady Embalmer A TODAY TO HAVE and TO HOLD BETTY COMPSON THEODORE KOSLOFF AND BERT LYTELL One of the most bsautiful love romances .ever written you'll enjoy every second of it and then wish for more. il MAP" Starts Today HICKMAN BESSEY STOCK CO. Presents "THE SLAVE GIRL" Wm. Duncan in "The Fighting Guide" Bligh Theatre ISirold Winduf 'laying ''Miserere' 8 I ma mm? r PAGE FIVE TY Starts Today pinta ing as day White's absence. of Oregon &