MONDAY, DECEMBER Mothe CapitaMsJournal SUBSCRIPTION MTBS ; J-T ,v J .) year in ao- cent a .. - . vn('e n in Marion and Polk By mail. In w cehts g countiea, on. "rooIltlw a.25, 1 m" t4 no! Elsewhere 50 cent. .t. s a year. Entered as mail nlTV.n PRESS A? tinted Press is excluo The Associated rr ,vely entitled to the i dlspatche(j llcation of all t otherwise credited to It or alsQ Jo C1.edltea in 'vTed herein. Member ...ji Bureau or u""" -i-tT7TiTr??eiresentatives:i ' dvrHlY Tribune bldg., New VY. " 7' .- i. r-llv w S. Stockwetl Peoples Gas hide. Chicago, 111. rrlSMFlED RATES TT-TTT per word each Insertion Hd,ie irirtlniis 5 cents. .h.An insertions 2 ,k l cents, one month 20 ne. weL oer month, 12 cen s' " i,imnm Der ad 25 ci First nsertlon only in New "bVhh, na cash In adva To- ?!Vot taken over phone, unless ""I".?!, has monthly account. Sfo allow" nee Jor phone errors. "NEW TODAY r-rrT i.- ilaese. phone 8F12 -rrw,..,m for rent. 355 S. Win I'KUi" ' 130? rrK 6 weeks old piffp. e302 FOR phoni 1Kb 11 : . . ( fi F; Tfiiffmnil 1917 koku " -r;r Mtnr Co., taiB 800 Trroi: modern noni for rent A 1,w .... iiMX. Mate street. A uw 300' TFTnrge furnished room, for "housekeeping, cheap and clos, Phone 630. . SOU jTTTtEN-T Six furnished house. room $30. niodern phone J 3 01 1060 w: ".;ui house work. Write box r.,T, m 3. - 300 1 Oi -- - . .IT . 1 V. fi. FOR SAMS neyumi - S " wood Phone 37F14. eeauo TOHDsedan for sale, can taki Ford touring: or roadster as pari Pnt. 219 State St. 300 VoITsALli Ciood mare, Weight I'M) 1 years old. G. W. Sanders fit 3, box 82, Salem. e301 WANTED Housekeeper, middle aired, stale wages required, etc. Write box O Capital Journal. ASK about our new liability poll--v fnr vnur auto. Something new Low rates. Standley & Foley. asrts. 300' FOR SALE Order your Xmas tur irov now: some bracking etock. Claude H. Stevenson, phone SBF16. LOST 1'air of glasses on down town streets thi3 morning. piphib leave at Capital Journal Kwanl. k301 WK would like to list your prop , erty either for sale or trade. Call us up, phone 17 0. xnomason 831'4 State St. GOOD home on paved street and car line. Price $3000; will take car not over $1000. Thomason, J31M, State street. a TYPEWRITERS for . Christmas mas presents, standard ami portable; all makes at bargair prices. Paul M. Sims, 442 State 300 GIVE investments for Chrixtma Ihia year, for something wortr: while and to suit your pocket book, write Box 18, care Jour nal. SOU 119 ACRES, also 160 acres, im proved, good location, for sal. at any reasonable cash offer. Id: M. Cumroings, 227 W. 4th St., Albany. Or. 30 FOR SALE Qwner going awa. wishes to sell one new four room bungalow $300 cash, one 4 room bungalow $150 cash, baJ easy Phone 47 0. . . . 300 NOTICE If you have let any thing freeze up and burst dur ing the cold snap let us weld 1: bring the pieces. Oxo-Oas Heating Co., 337 Court. )30t WANT Work in country print ing office; press feeding, assist ing in general work; some time on linotype. 615 N. 21st St. Sa lem, phone 479M. 300 AOFICE If you want to buy a restaurant and one that Is do ing business, call at the Wel come Real Sstate office over Busicks, Sitate and Commer cial, c FOR rent 5 room house, also 4 room bungalow with out build Ings, just east of town. The Welcome Real Kstate office, over Busick's, State and Com- B"Telal. J 5-A CHICK & fruit tract 2 mi E Salem; 6-r house; barn; equip ped for 500 chicks; young or chard and berries. $3500, terms, will trade for house in Salem. jfarrls 1942J. 300 CALENDAR salesman wanted to j"ry our line of advertising calendars, blotters, fans, etc. ood proposition. J-T Specialty 252 Sutter St., San Fran--jjcoCal. 300 SALE Good home grown English walnuts properly dried cents per lb; will deliver. chickens dressed or alive, "ll deliver them. Phone .99F2 pJSgLl P- m. . c302 F0R SALK Two young milk wa, one fresh, one fresh in arcn, two yearling heifers, 2 ' .weight 1200. James quarter e306 w east T.ihpt,, v,n 8Ss5JEN--Carry most copi- ki " "" raPia selling adverua kZ . 8 and Penholders; good mmlssion paid prompUy. fcf m Pencil Co., 1251 urth Av., Cedar Rapids, la. 800 QUtCK-Nifty 5' mow room bun- and sleeping porch at JTlft T - . vim otn street, wood shed 7noni "Ycu street ana 13250 ,WaIk3- Lot 66x122. Price blue .a ms- -r"eger, Oregon a301 toon 1.." r Won , clty water, possession Mil i,,! rlco 5a. some .terms, wf ear for "art Payment. State ?me Real Estate office wek'i 1 Com l St-- "ver Bu iUTyjgSe 659. a302 Win , ta seil advertising cal kin t0JmerchanU after mas lt f,der 'Of 12. A corn Ported eCU n inJudin. lra bout i5(?ni1 domestic goods "'iiuin.r.f T"Kn ln 'he line. GNa n pai weekly, r-fer ePrtenc. if any, and on 6f "o - S- w!sh. 6(0 Mls SSan Francisco. 300 18, 1922 MayT iimaAOLr, woman will work Ti T T " by i.uui. in venter. h301 A C. UTVI.l'KD. ..." Cm. r a , . "s and CUt .-b. calkin iron workH 300 FOR SALE HOUSES" 'UM SAXE Go.i.1 bungalow, owner. Phone 896W a304 k inn , IT : u -iva, iruct tor trade only for um properly. 492 N. Cottage St. hours from 2 to 6 for a few days. h, 5 ROOM modern bungalow, east front oa paved street, 2 blocks to St. car. M. J. Hunt. Ladd & Bush bldg. . FINE new modern bungalow 5 rooms, bath, basenient, fireplace pavement, $3675, easy terms. ouuumiaKy, an state. 8 ROOM niodern bungalow, base- im-nace, will take 5 room bungalow as part payment r6U. Socolofskv . 841 aim. PORTLAND TRADMawnT7:c: Salem lots or house for equity '"small Portland house, rental t-roperty value $3000. Wm, Fleming, 341 State St. n IjV O c- a t t-i t: - 8,-1,18 old nuus8 or the Ihlelsen lot, corner Court and Capitol, we are open for sealed ujuo, must oe moved in 30 days. The Capital Apartment Co. a302 ,. u Beat tnls- B room house, lights, bath, hot and cold wate good cond tion. IKsn The Welcome Real Estate office outiv ana commercial over Bu- sick's. a taVL, room bungalow, near State uuuau, moaern conveniences uuBDiueni, an excellent buy at $2500 and terms anyone can naiuue. Winnie Pettyjohn, 331 oim BLieec. SEE this DoUge for a bargain good tires, good paint, top new, side curtains new, open "with uuurs, oraKes relined, new pis tons, rings, valves, battery, etc. Phone 71SJ. a30o FINE modern bunealow on C.un tol street, priced right; also fine room Bungalow, good location, close to S. Commercial, lights, bath, hot and cold . for $2150 some terms. The Welcome Real estate office, over Busick's, niaie ana commercial. a 7 ROOM house clone in on paved oliccl, faiuu, jouu uown. a corner lot, house and barn 6 room bungalow on paved St $3000. These are priced for quick sales jertruae J. JVl. Page, 492 N. Cot tnge St. ai FOR SALE Automobiles 3EE our special Ford job for this month. Reliance Auto Paint Co., 219 State St., cor. Front, 2nd floor. OLKSON USED CAR Ex change. Cars bought and sold Guaranteed repairing. Washing polishing. t PARTS FOR ALL CARS Do youi cnristmas snopping here. W. E. Burns. Dan Burns (Not Brothers the Same Man; rtlgh St. at Ferry. Salem, Or. q GIOOD used cars are always in de- mana. you can see some of the best in the city listed below but you will never know what they are like till you see the cars in our show room. Ford 1921, $245 Chevrolet 1919, $225 Oakland 6 '19 $300 Buick 6 $375 Buick 6 $425 ' Dodge $450 Buick '19 roadster $575 Buick '19 touring $600 Buick '20 touring $650 Buick '20 tourins $800 Buick 4 22 touring $750 OTTO J. WILSON :88 N. Com'l. phone 220. q300 FOR SALE Miscellaneous WALNUTS for sale, telephone 4F3 C306 L.'OR SALE English phone 11F31. walnuts, C3U1 FOR SALE Barred Rock cocker els. Phone 99F4. ' f301 FOR SALE Rhode Island Red cockerels, phone 29F11. f30:i FOR SALE 1 more drag saw, good as new. Capital Bargain House c PEAR trees for sale, all varieties. Roy Mathis, phone 1140M, 161 S. 14th. d322 THOROUGHBRED Single Comb Rhode Island Red cockerels. phone 17F6. 302 APPLES 3 boxes for $2, deliv ered. Ward K. Riohardson, 2395 Front, phone 494. c301 ORDER now, fat goose or chick en to bake for Xmas dinner. W. D. Henry, phone 2F13. f301 ANYBODY wanting Delicious ap ples that are delicious, phone 14F22, A. E. Zimmerman. c300 FOR SALE Home grown 'filberts 1210 N. 18th, or 416 Oregon bldg, phone 546 office hours. c304 JRDER Upjohn's named gladioli bulbs in $i. $2.50 and $5 collec tions for holiday gifts. Phone 1700. c315 WILL sell furniture and turn a cash salary job to you, you must be a farmer and understand stock. Socolofsky, 341 State, c" FOR SALE Pyerless popcorn m i chine. Sure money maker, terms, bargain for cash. Owner leav ing citv. 1160 Broadway. c300 PUBLIC AUCTION Every Sat. 1 p. m. 160 S. High opposite Ore gon Electric bldg All kinds of furniture, tools, live stock, ma chinery and miscellaneous arti cles. Col. J. B. Gable, auction eer, phone 1446 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK I 6-WEEK3 old pigs for sale, phone 105F24. FOR SALE 2 cows wun jnnns calves. J45 ana oa. i-m... 41F13. e301 BRINGING UP OF CHir- I'VE HAD ISOTHIN' EOT TROGQL.E. HERE- endtheturnace Tho father Knows More About the Poker 22H ACRES, 2 miles from Salel tine chancfi fnr- .m.n , U...U1, UOil, ttltU poultry ranch.-Price only $3700 easy terms. Socolofsky, 841 State b FOR SALE WOOTT WOOD SAWING phone 1U1, cit" tiumry, KOanrnpr, ee312 uu &AL.J!. 1000 cords of siump- Hge. J. a. cummines. Rt a hr,v 213B ee304 BEST grade mill wood i ft. 16 inch, prompt delivery' and reasonable prices. Frpri p Wells, 305 S. Church street, phone 1642. FOR RENT- at 444 S. High. . j300' lU room apt. and Karace. 1132 Center. oul FOR RENT Furnished apart w Lnion.- 1301 r UK RENT 1st class furnished apt. 720 N. Com'l. adults. 1" ivii-aji iurnished apartmeir. adults, 265 S. Commercial. 130! FOR RENT Furnished auart- ments. 486 north Liberty, phone 6 12M. 1301 tiULSE lor rent, &ome furniture for sale, corner Winter and Judson. , i3oo tOK RENT 3 room furnished apartment, private bath, tnllpt 290 N. 18th St. phone 30F2. J300 APARTMENTS, housekeeping and sleeping rooms, with heat. Leon ard hotel, 254 N. Front street J323 run RENT 9 room modern house partly furnished, suitable for board and room or roomers Phone 2092R. ' mni rHE floor plans of the Capital apartments can be seen at Hom er H. Smith's office, come ln and make your reservation, two, three, four and six rooms, forty to one hundred dollars. J302 LOST AND FOUND" LOST Small female fox terrier, stub tail, one black ear. Reward 544 Ferry. K3oo LOST Between Chemeketa and Division street, gentleman's brown leather purse. H. G. ' Laners, phone 1931W. k301 WANTED HELP WANTED-Jlan and wife to care for lady for use of ranch. 2363 State street. i30 MR. SALESMAN Would $300 to $400 per month appeal to you' Are you willing to work hard for success, where your future 1s assured? If so, call at 411 Ma sonic temple aftor 10 a. m. g301. WANTED Miscellaneous GIRL wants 586J. house work, phone il301 WOOD sawing. Fisher Bros, phone 1756. ee316 WANTED Furniture, Phone 511. tools. etc. 1 WANTED Colored woman wants day work. Phone 798J. 1306 WANTED House keeper fo: small family. 1398 Ferry St. g300 WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone 19, Capital City Bedding Co. m WANTED Work by day or hour, will do plain sewing or mend ing. 1955 Fairground road. h30" WANTED-Team weighing arounl 1300 lbs. also harness and wa gon. Box H Capital Journal. 1 WANTED To buy furniture, tools and miscellaneous articles for cash, or will sell on. commis sion, phone 1446. i WANT good used piano, will pay cash for a good used piano, price must be right. Address Box W care Journal. 1304 LISTEN Now is the time to clean up your basement and attics. We pay top prices for paper, rags and second hand goods. Phone 1497. 1206 WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for cash or sell on commission. Phone 611, Woodry, the auc tioneer. 1 WANTED Listings on property that can be sold on easy terms, also anything you have to ex change. Thomason, 331 Vi State street, phone 175. n WANTED Used furniture, rang es, heaters, cook stoves, tools, etc. We pay cash, get our prices before you sell. Liberty Exchange 241 N. Com'l St. phone 841. i WANTED Second hand furniture and stoves. We also carry a full line of new furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Once then always. People's Furniture store, 271 N. Commercial St. phone 734, i MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC beauty parlors at the Om gon Bath house i307 FULLER brushes, local represent ative. Grimes, 1937.Ii m313 PAPER hanging or tinting, call 131, after 5 o'clock call 1258W. m306 COL. J. B. GABLE, auctioneer, for farm and city sales; call phone 1446. mj AUTO tops, curtains, etc., to or der. Anderson & Teed Top Shop 171 S. High. m316 IF you want a real estate or chat tel loan, see John II. Scott, 228 Oregon bldg. m300 FURNITURE repairing and all kinds of woodwork made to or der. Wood turning, shop 19th and State, phone S82. c LISTEN Now is the time to clean up your basement and attici. We pav top prices for paper, raas aiid second hand goods. rhnno 1497.M. , m SOOS Scavenger service, gau5 and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates phone 629. residence 2068. Suc cessor to Neal's Scavenger. m FATHER 1T NE A. TICKET - PAY YOU 1 I . . i ' -.-j i er I J l An i ' 1 1 i XT SOONER WE css$ l i ewe the. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MISCELLANEOUS PREPARE now for old age ; by , putting your money to work ln small or large amounts where you will receive more than inter est, Address Box 20 car Jour- nal- m301 HIGHEST price paid for second hand clothing and shoes. Also cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Ex change, 342 N. Commercial, phone 1368W. m REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANCiE A 5 room house, good corner lot well lo cated; want good auto as first payment Price $2100. 45 acres, set of buildings, all improved, not far from Salem on paved road. Price $6500. ; Want a good house ln Salem up to $4000, good termj on bal ance. L. S. HILDEBRAND 341 State St. room 8 Bayne bids. 02 BEST BUYS IN Hrt-viKi' 4 room cottage with basement at 529 south Com'l St. Price $3000 New bungalow near Mckinley school, $2250 cash. 8 room modern home with two lots, 4 block from State 9t. price $8000; will consider smaller home as part payment. , 5 room bungalow with fireplace, price $2400, ft cash down. 6 room bungalow close on N. Cottage. Price $6800 cash, modern tn every way. Real estate and fire Insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 275 State St. U. s. bank bldg. FOR SALE- 80 acres, half In cultivation, bal. timber and pasture, good six room house, barn and other out build ings, 9 cows, team, chickens and all farm machinery, must be sold Price $6000, half cash, bal. easy terms. Nice 3 room house, good lot close to car. Price $1750, $500 cash bal. like rent. See H. L. Marster. for bargains. Phone 907. . SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reports of Sa. lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Revised dally.) Grain: No. 1 white wheat $1.10; No. 2 mixed wheat $1.08; No, 3 red wheat $1.09; (sacked.) Hay: Cheat hay $18.00; at hay $2021; clover hay (baled) $20S21. Wholesale Prices Meat: Hogs $s.7589; dressed hogs 12c; top steers 66c; cows m&ihic bulls 3c; lambs 910c; dressed veal 12c. Poultry: Light hens I3ci heavj hens 18o; old roosters 810o; springs 18 (g) 18c. .Butterfat: Butterfat 62c; cream ery butter 52 53c; country butter 30&32c; eggs 44c; milk $2.35 cwt. Vegetables: Wax onions $2.2i crate; beets $2.00 cwt; Oregon cabbage H4c lb; green peppers 20c lb; potatoes 76c cwt; Oregoi, lettuce $2.25 per crate; parsley 40c doz. Fruits: Oranges $9.75; lemoni $9.00; bananas 10c; Calif, grape fruit $7.60. Retail Prices Poultry and eggs: Eggs 48 50c;' creamery butter 66 68c. PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or., Dec. 18. Cattle lower; receipts 1S37; choice steert $7.25 8. 00; medium to good steers $6.257.26; fair to mediun, $5.506.25; common to fair $4.00 5.50; choice cows and heifert 4.50 5.00; medium to good $4.0C 4.50; fair to medium $3,504 4.00; common $2.60 3.60; can ners $1.602.50; bulls $3.005i 4.25; choice feeders $5.00'35.60; fair to good $4.00 & 5.00; choice dairy calves $8.00 8.50; prims light $8.008.60; medium light $7.50 8.00; heavy calves $4.00 7.50. Hogs steady; recepts 2517; prime light $9.009.50; smooth heavy 200 to 800 pounds $8.00 9.00; 300 pounds and up $7.50 fx 8.00; feeder pigs $8.50 & 9.00; fat pigs $8.509.00; stags $4&6. 8hep steady; receipts 405; east of mountain lambs $10.50012;' choice alley $10.50 12.50; med. $9.5010'60; common $8.509.60; culls $6.76 8.50, light yearlings $9.50 10.00; heavy $9 9.50; light wethers $7,50 0 8.60; heavy $7 7.50; ewes $2(gJ1. Butter strong; ex cubes 4647c: under grades 44 46c; carton 67c; prints 51c. Butterfat No, I churning cream 52 54c fob J' 4c at sta tions; under grades 498tla Eggs: Steady. Buying Ctfitii receipts 45 & 47c; white henneries 4Sc. Poultry: Light hens 13c, heavy 22c; springs 18c; old roos ters 10c; geese 18c; ducks 20o; turkeys, live 26c, dressed 33 36c. Wheat: Hard wnite $1.50; soft white $1.25; western white $1.25; hard winter $1.20; northern spring $1 21: western red $1.19. Millfituffs; Mill run $3435; scratch feed $46: middlings $43; barley $35; oats $35.50; corn No. 3 yellow $32 fi 33.50. Hay: Buvlng price, timothy val ley, $20i.2i; alfalfa $18.6019, grain ?!ra-i, ciover i -a. DRURK70ISORDEM CHARGE Cliarjrrd disorderly, wilh being drunk and a man who gave his name as Pearl Zimmerman was tak en into custody last night by Patrol man George White. Zimmerman was released under bail of $23 and was cited to iippes.'' before Judc Earl Hare in the po lice court lale this afternoon. two Ttrk-rTi TO INDIA -DO WE CO V TRAIN OP I'LL BOAT. TRAVEL CANALti ACET1XENK WELD1NQ IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cop per. Bring the pieces. Oxo-Gaa -o.. aaf uourt. AL IO FAINTING RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING i 219 State St. corner Front. AUCTION EKR F. N. WOODRY the live stock, furniture, real estate auctioneer, i Phone 611 for sale dates. Res. Bummer. THE RIGHT AUCTIONEER means dollars to you. G. Satter- oaiem, ur ISO N. Com I St. room 21, over People's cash store. Res. phone 1211J, office 430. - BATTERY SUPPLIES vfoS"0UTlfl BATTERY SER VICE, Expert auto electricians. Phone 1803, 418 Court St. I Phone 203. Mi 828 N High B a 1 1 riea recharged and repaired. XJeggjt Burrell. R. D. BARTON, Exlde batteries, i starter and generator work. 171 B. Commercial. AUTO Electricians, expert trouble shooting. 238 N. High St. phone . 203. , CHIROPODIST DR. S. F. SCOTT. S. C graduate . national University of Seionce, Chicago. Scientifio chiropody. Masonic temple, phone 640. CHIROPRACTOR DRS. SCOTT AND chiropractors, 416 bldg. SCO FIELD, U. S. bank DR. S. R. SMITH, chiropractor, room 322 Oregon bldg. Chronic and acute cases treated by care ful adjustments. DRUGGISTS WM. NEIMEYER, -JUST DRUGS' 176 N. Commercial, phone 167. J. C. PERRY, Rexall druggist. 116 S. Commercial St. KLECTRIO SUPPLIES HAL1K ELECTRIC SHOP 331 Court. We do house wiring and carry a complete stock of fix tures. Instrument repairing, ex perimental work. Electric appli anccs repaired. Fho ne 488. HOUSE wiring and supplies. Welch Electric Co. Phil Brown ell. manager, 379 State St ARCHIE FLEENEK. electrician, bouse wiring by Iiour or con tract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980, 414 Court St. FiiORisr CUT flowers and floral pieces. De livery. C. F. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty, phone 38pv FARM LOANS HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 205 :. Oregon building, 6, 7, 10 and twenty year loans, 6 per cent interest. Privilege to pay $100 or multiple on any interest date. 20 YEAR FARM LOANS on rural credit plan. Prepayment pnvi i leges with discount allowed. I will finance you for a less rate of interest than any firm on the V'Coast. R. W. MARSTERS, 411 ' Oregon bldg FARM LOANS made in amounts of $5000 or more, 6 percent In terest. Government plan of re payment. General insurance. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 497 Masonio Temple. Salem, Or. UARAGJES RADIATORS Fenders and bodies made or repaired. J. C. Balr, 349 Jerry at. GUARANTEED REPAIRING of all kinds on autos and tractors. Cars stored by day, week or month. Cutting and fitting pipes done, grocery store ln connec "' tion. E. Ki oeplin and Sons. 1610 N. Commercial and Nor way. HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemsuujnii stamping, buttons, hand embroi dery. Room 10, over Miller's store, phone 117. SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain stitching, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 379, 329 Oregon bldg INSURANCE W. A. LISTON, GENERAL. IN SURANCE Fire, automobile and liability. Bonds and loans. 484 Court. ANDERSON AND RUPERT, IN SURANCE Liability, automo bile, fire, surely, bonds, loans ' and investments. 406-7 Oregon bldg; PltlNTINO SATISFIED customer returns to Rowland Printing company, phone 1512 Maaonio Temple. ' MACHINE SHOP WECHTKR AND SMITH Machin lsts, engineers, welders, HEALL' cylinder grinding service. Phone 662, 345 Ferry St H. AND M. CO. Specialty grind ers and welders. Automotive ser vice. 490 Ferry St. JM OTOI (.CYCLES LLOYD E. KaMSUEN, Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles 3 is I Court street " HARRY W. SCOTT .ytiJ 117 S. Com. phone A 68. - M USIO PIANO playing, 12 weeks, guaran teed. Beginners, advanced. Room 3 over Miller's. NURSERY STOCK FRUITLANJ) Nursery has sales yard at Cherry City f-ed barn. Salem, 644 Ferry St. Office phone 199; res. 1140M. Please .. rail and see my stock before buying. SALEM Nursery company, .rnun-ipnt.Al tree. fruit Small fruit and roses. Phone 1763. 428 Oregon bldg. JK'JOT fZ - NEVER MIND (V"""" , CT A, TICKET Lp -V THE. TICKETS- TOR YOOfV A ft V w ' "'y l La com. n. w T"" n,i Hi i 'a-h MERCHANT TAILOR D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men and women. 474 Court St. M. A. ESTES, fine tailoring. 384 State street. PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono, graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonograph and sew ing maahines, 432 State, Salem. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur dette, optometrist. Bow Optical Co., 826 f.tate street. MORRI8 OPTICAL. G"6. suit $01 Oregon ( Elect rlo) felA OSTEOPATHY DR. W. I MERCER, osteopathia physician and surgeon. Kirks ville graduate. 40:-406 V. S. Na tional bank bldg, Phones, office 919, residence 614. DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, osteopathio physicians and sur geons, 600 VI. S. bank- building. Phone 859. Dr. W'Ulte , resi dence phone 409; Dr. Marshall, residence phone 834. PLUMBING THEO. M. BARR -r- Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works, 164 S. Commercial. PLUMBING, repairing and cull work, reasonable charges. A. L Godfrey, shop foot of Union fit. Phone 1397J. REPAIRING STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60 years experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sizes 26 to 68 inches high. PainU, oil nd varnishes, eto. logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove, Works, 250 Court street, phone 124. SCAVKNGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by tite month at reasonable rates , Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167. Night phone 1695W. R. O. Cum mings, Mgr. TRANSFER OREGON Transfer & Storage Co. Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertilizer; n,nn.4 o. TJ1. TI WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 67. WOOD WORKING WOOD WORKING All kinds of wood work made to order. Nov elty Shop 239 Court, telephone 1591, LOSS BY FIRE (Continued from Page One.) the state hospital, both ot which ire out of the ctly limits. These fires, however, were fought by the local department. Fewer Calls Answered. These figures, contained ln the mnual report of "Buck" Hutton ahit of the local department, will be submitted to the council at Us egular meeting tonight. The loss was not only much ,'reater here last year, but there were many more fires. In 1921 tha department responded to 170 alarms during the year, while, during the last 12 months, it an swered but 142 alarms. Last yeai the trucks traveled 215 miles, and this year, however, they covered 239 miles. The loss on buildings this year totaled $18,746.33 and the loss on contents was $13,950. Insurance taid on buildings was $6380.30 and on contents, $17,250. . Citizens Are Thanked, There are, at the present time, one auto pumper and two chemical and hose cars at the disposal of the local fighters. Soon the city will have its new triple-combination fire truck. "1 wish to thank the mayor, the city council, membera of the polic department and all citizens who have assisted the fire department thus year," Chief Hutton said to day. After the first of the year the city will hav 20 firemen on duty Provision for six additional fight ers was made in the budget for 1923. Chief Hutton's report, which will be submitted tonight, Includes up to and Including December 17. L.M.HUM Care of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. has medicine which will cure any known dis ease. Not open Sundays 153 South High Street Salem. Oregon. Phone 283 SALEMITES GIVE $58710 CHARITY To date there has been received by Harry Levy, president ot the Associated Charities, a total of $587 to be used in the aiding of the unfortunate during this win ter. Mr. Levy wishes It under' stood that none of the money re ceived by the Charities Is being used ln the purchase of Christmas baskets and should not be con fused with the goodfellow move ment fostered by The Capital Jour nal and Elks. Only the absolute necessities are purchased for needy families. The list of those who have so far subscribed is as follows: Judge E. T. Race, William Bell. Charles Weller, W. T. Uigdon & Son, Mrs. Hulleck, F. A Williams, Otto Hendricks, Ed Jory, Dr. C. W Southwprth, F. W. Marvin, Roy Shields, F. A. Erlxon, Oliver Mey ers, Karl Becke, Dan Fry Sr., C. T. Doty, Judge John Rand, F, B. Southwlck, Paul Farrlngton, Frank Gibson, W.. H. rarker, O. Simens, C. L. Moores, , William Bennett, I. M. Doughton, C. F. Wilson, Ray Hartman, Harwood Hall, E. W. Kay Andy Gump, Al fred yicki Dr. O. U Scott,' Blanche M. Jones, Ike Vincent, A. 3. Ruhn, B. T. Busselle, Paul Johnson, Her bert Stiff, II. T. Love, N. G. Ka- toury, Edward Scliunke, E. Cook Patton, A. C. Nelson, James W. Nicholson, M. T. Madson, Dr. J. H. Garnjobst, Dr Fred EUla, Dr. Carl IS, Miller, Will T. Kirk, N. D. El liott, L. C. Farmer, Fred E. Broer, Dick Barton, Carl D. GabrielBou, L. M. Gilbert, George M. King, W. I. Needham, Charles J. Lisle, Bert Ford, P. D. Qulsenberry, Arthur rleeue, Dr. John L. Lynch, R. H. Cooloy, Thomas Roberts, John II. Carson, L. Reed Chambers, F. W .linn. F. G. Delano and Otto Paulus. . Rev. W. W. Long and Rev. I. G. Lee, pastor of the First Presby terian aud Friends churches, re spectively, turned ln sums contri buted at the Thanksgiving serv ices. George Arbuckle turned in a substantial amount raised m cash by the Rotarians besides amounts which a number had pledged. Chadwick chapter, O. B,. 8., and the Eastern Star, fraternal orders, reported their sum in a group. Business houses to contri bute were the Salem and Union Abstract companies. The Spauld- ,ns Logging company donated a number ot loads ot wood which will be distributed to needy tarn- Salem-Dallas Stage Leave Salem Stage Terminal 7:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 6:10 p. m. Leave Dallas, Gail Hotel 8:30 a. m. 12:80 p. m.. 6:30 p. m. FARE 60 CENTS Daily and Sunday Every day except morning trip does not run Sunday Round Trip 90 cents Halriu-SllvcfKm DlviMloil Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m, 6:00 p. m. Leaves Sllverton News Stand, 8:00 a. m 1:00 p. m., 6:00 p. m. Saleni-InuVpoiidom-e-Mmiimmth Leaves Sulem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m., 9:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m. 3:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth ho tel, 8:15 a. m 1:00 p. m., 6:15 P. rn. Leaves Independence, Beaver ho tel, 8:30 a. in., 10.00 a. m., 1:16 p. m., 4:00 p. m., 6:30 p. m. We make connections at Salem to all parts of the valley. Extra trips by appointment. J. W. PARKER General Manager Hamman Auto Stage Effective May 22nd Three Stage Daily Leaves Salem Stage Terminal: No. 1, 7:30 a. m., jno. j, a. m. No. 5, 4:30 p. m. Leave Mill City: No. 0, 7 a. m. No. 2 12:30 p. m. No. 4, 4 p. m. No 3 connects with east bound train at Mill City, No. 2 walls for west bound train at Mill City. ,JOS. ll.VMM.VV, Prop- SIIiVERTON MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND C. & M. Stages Schedule South bound read down Dly. i'ly. Diy. No 5 No 3 No 1 PM I'M AM 6:00 1:30 8:00 Portland 8:05 3:35 10:05 Mt. Angel 8:30 4:00 10:30 Silverton Ar Ar Ar North bound read up Dly. Dly. I'ly- ' " No 2 No 4 No 0 AM P.M I'M . . . 10:30 4:00 8:30 porlland 8:25 1 :55 6:25 Mt. Angel 8:00 . 1:30 8:00 Hlverton I.v I.v Lv Sunday only 8 pin from Portland Stages leave Stage Terminal Port land and Steelli imme.r'e Drug store Sllverton Hies this winter. Caah received from anonymous sources amount ed to $21.40. SALEM WOMAN PASSES IN EAST A telegram was received this morning by' A. T. Woolpert from Mrs. Woolpert at Edgar, Nebraska, ' stating that her mother, Mrs. E. : M., Fugate, died at 10:30 o'clock -this morning. . ; ., Mrs. Fugate had been a resi dent of Salem for the past 15 years and 'has been living with her daughter, 1195 South High street. - She left about the first ot June for j an extended visit to the old horns , town ln Nebraska, where resides a daughter, Mrs. Frank Bk Voigt, at whose home she passed away, ,. and while there was taken ill, , As . soon as it was learned that tha illness would likely -be serious, Mrs, Woolpert, Salem, and Mrs. P. A. Fugate ot Aberdeen, Wash ington, daughters, were summon- , ed. i ... - .'. V- . : While the telegram stated that ., no funeral arrangements had been , made as yet, Mr. Woolpert stated that he thought that the body , would, be shipped here tor burial. , LIVESLEY SUES HORST COMPANY Aloging breach of contract, T. A. Livesloy & company hav brought suit againBt the E. Clem ens Horst company for the return of $126,000 paid ln advance for hops, based on a contract signed February 2, 1920. The plaintiffs allege that the E. demons Horst dbrapany agreed to sell and deliver them 600,000 pounds of hops,' grown ln tha Cali fornia Wheatland hop district, and that such bops should be equal or better than prime hops ot tha Wheatland district. The hops were for 1922 delivery and the price 42 cents a pound. Ot the 600,000 pounds Involved in the contract, the plaintiff al lege that ouly 327,131 pounds were up to the quality specified ln the contract, and that the re mainder was Immature, broken bales, immature, of dull and un even color, carelessly dried, dirt ily picked and with sterna and for eign substances. According to the terms ot the contract, T. A. Ltvesley & com pany had paid In advance ot de livery various Bums, amounting to $128,000. But when delivery was tendered, It was found that, ac cording to the complaint, that only 1789 ot the 2977 bales in volved in the contract were up to quality. The plaintiffs refused to accept hops alleged not up to specifica tions of contract, and claiming that the defendants bad violated their contract, the Salem firm sued tor the total amount ot mon ey advanced. What's New on the Market BY FORREST GINN From 32 to 34 cents per pound is being offered by local butchers fur fancy dressed gobblers and hens. Old Toms are bringing two cents a pound less.' Live turkeys. No. 1, are from 25 to 27 cents a pound. The wholesale price ou ducks Is this year higher than geese. From 22 to 25 cents a pound Is being offered for No. 1 dry or steam picked ducks. The price on large live ducks is from 16 to 18 cents a pound and from 13 to 14 cents on the smaller ones. Geese are being quoted at the buying price at from 20 to 23 cents a pound for number one steam or dry picked. No. 1 dry picked capons are bringing from 30 to 32 cents wholesale. It is thought by local butchers that enough birds at the prices quoted can bo secured and that a raise will be unnecessary. The Portland market is but btween two and three cents higher than the prices quoted here. The retail price on turkeys will be about the ' same as at Thanksgiving which will hold true with the other birds. Moscow Leo Kamaneff was syaiu chosen president of the Mos cow soviet. Capital Junk Co. WANTS All, kinds of junk and second-hand goods. We pay full value. 215 Center Street Phon398