IHLCAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON CAN STEP CHILD BE CITIZEN BY NATURALIZATION : There may be persons in Ma rlon county and other parts of Oregon who will be Interested in the Bltuatitm here presented. John Smith came to the United States as a child a few years old. . His father died in a short time, never having been naturalized. His mother married in a few years and while John Smith was still quite young his step father became a naturalized citizen. I'i John, now a man grown, a citi zen? The proofs at the abovo facts are complete and in his pos session, so there is only the le gal conclusion to be reached. A Salem citizen asked advice from a Unittd States official on the matter and has received the following:: "The bureau of naturalization for administrative purposes holds that step children do not become citizens by virtue of the naturali zation of the step father, and ad- ? vises all such persons to apply for and procure citizenship in their own personal right. Therejs ttt affirmative statement in the law conferring cmzensnip upon h ' step child by virtue of the natur alization f the step father. There are numerous court decis ions "which are conflicting, some courts having derided that the step child is naturalized by vlr ture of its step father's naturali zation, while others take the con trary view, and as the matter has never reached the supreme court of the United States, it still re mains a moot question. I do not know of any decision of any of the Oregon courts touching the matter, so that It is virtually im possible to say Just what the status qf the step child is until such time as we get a final ad judication of the matter." Under the naturalization laws the citizenship conferred upon the man made bis wife also a citizen and section 4367 of the U. S. statutes, included in the new law on that subject says: "The children of persons who have been duly naturalized un der any law of the United States, or who, previous to the passing of any law on the subject, by the government of the United States, may have become citizens of any one of the states, under the laws thereof, being under the age of twenty one years at the time of the naturalization of their par ents, shall. If dwelling in the United States, be considered as citizens thereof." Inasmuch as John Smith's mother became a citizen while John was a minor the average layman would conclude that the intent of the law is to recognize him as a citizen upon reaching his majority. There is enough of uncertainty about the matter, however, to cause John to look into it further. SIX CENT DYM1TE discovered; is claim Seattle, Wash., Dec. 18. Dis covery of a process to make for six cents a pound, dynamite that will do the work in stump blasting for which an explosive costing 15 cents a pound has been required, is announced by Professor Wil liam M. Dehn of the chemical de partnient at the University oi Washington. Sawdust instead o T. N. T. is used in his process. Il ls going to ask the legislature I have the new dynamite manufac tured by the state - and sold t. farmers at cost. SAY WALLACE REID FIGHTING FOR LIFE Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 18. Wallace Reid, film actor, If "fighting for his life" in a smali Hollywood sanitarium, according to a story the Los Angeles Timet published today, quoting his wife, known professionally as Dorothy Davenport, and his mother-in-law. Mrs. Alice Davenport. Reld suffered a breakdown nearly two months ago, after hi? health bad been failing for three years, they said, and for several weeks he has been under the care of two physicians and two male nurses. . . Halifax The United States ship ping board Btcamer West Hardaway which had been adrift for 24 hours without fuel oifwas picked up by a shipping vessel. MUTT AND JEFF Jeffs Right Arm Beats a Niblick All Hollow. MONDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1922 Copyright 1820 by Istl. Feature 8errie Ins. -Trale Mark Beg. la the 0. g i rr- 1 keep, iovjk. mi ::mm i "it i SHS : "- y fore" MA I: PlV HmW South Dakota. ' '" "1""1 " "T 'I FORD OWNERS LOOK ft HiniL U!l IUI1UI, December 19 is the last day tor ( JH f VJ!!rL lAf For SALEM IS URGED As there is but one more week 'or mailing Christmas packages, lohn H. Farrar, postmaster, igain urges every one to hurry up with mailing. And again the old .njunction is given not to enclose letters in packages, and to tie packages instead of sealing them. Small-sized envelopes or small arils are likely to go astray in the aoliday rush as the cancelling ma hine used for letters does not ,-atch small cards or envelopes. Nor may one mail tinsel cards, unless enclosed in an envelope. In mailing packages to eastern points, Mr. Farrar gays one should remember that in the Christmas rush there is likely to be a delay of a day or more. It is already too late to mail -packages to stateB on the Atlantic coast and expect them to arrive before Christmas. Monday, December 18, is the last day for mailing Christmas presenU to arrive before Decem ber 25 to the following states: Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas. Indiana, Nebraska, Kansas nnc South Dakota. December 19 is the last day tor mailing to Montana, Wyoming. Colorado, Arizona, Utah, Nevada and California south of San Francisco. Wednesday, December 20, la the final days for mailing to northern California and Idaho. Thursday, December 21, the last day for Washington and oreau" Packages mailed next Friday or Saturday will probably not be de livered until Tuesday, December 26. CHAMPIONSHIP GO OF FEATHERWEIGHTS DUE Paris, Dec. 18. (By Associated Press.) A .meeting between John ny Kilbane and Eugene Criqui for the featherweight championship oi the world has practically been de cided upon, the bout to be held at the Polo Grounds in New York on May 30, next. Criqui's manager,. Robert Eude line, today cabled Jack Kearns au thorizing him to accept an offer from Tom O'Rourke, New York promoter, with a alight modifica tion as to the division of the gross receipts which Eudellne feels cer tain O'Rourke will accept. rices SlosSicci At Wholesale SAVE SAVE Get that Christmas Phonograph NOW. Come in and see these Wonderful Bargains and you will be convinced. Make your own terms within reason. fZi' v. 14 IJ If .SIX 1 This $125 Victrola Slightly Used ft H Vi 41 "A Very easy terms $175.00 Cut to .50 It's a real buy we have only a few of these machines, so first come, first served Act Quick, . 5K.'"a.4a'." " ' '- " Infant, valid & Childrtn The Orieinal Food-Drink for All Ages Quick Lunch t Home .Office SiFountains. RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract in Pow-' derhTabletforms. Nauriahlof7Vo cooking. t"A?oid ImlUtions and Substitute; Have your Ford painted for Xmas. . Surprise your fri-ends. We are running a special on Fords during December only. Don't miss this unusual op portunity. RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING CO. 219 State, cor. Front St., Second Floor LADD & BUSH BANKERS- ESTABLISHED 1863 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m, O Few Other Real Buys $123 Brunswick 99.00 $75 Concerto $ 33.00 $65 Pathe . ... ....$ 21.50 $125 Pathe - - -1 67.50 $150 Victrola (Demonstrator) ..:.$ 129.50 $225 Edison outfit ul$ 125.00 $73 Victor Outfit , a $ 37.50 $165 Columbia Grafonola 4 $112.50 fliriE S)iiflppeir We have the largest line of Men's, Women's and Children's Gift Slippers that we have ever been able to assemble and at prices equal to any pre-war price ever offered by anyone, and we defy all competition to produce a slipper equal in quality to any one of the following lines even at a higher price. This is a challenge. Women's Felt Slippers All sizes, most all styles, to close out regularly priced up to $3.00, these are short lines at" 95c Men's Felt Slippers All colors, all sizes and just one quality, the best. We are limited in this line, so get them as soon as pos sible or you will be dis appointed. $1.35and$1.95 Children's Felt Slippers Blue, Red and Old Rose, all sizes from little size 5 up to big girls' size 2, in Booties as well as ribbon trimmed. We have put all children's Slippers togeth er at one price Men's Leather Slippers In the highest grade qual ity, all sizes brown only, both event style as well as Romeos- We have just two qualities. $1.95 and $3.35 Boy's House t Slippers Both in plain patterns and the Boy Scout pattern; all good quality and good sizes. You can not find anything near the quality for $1.35 Ladies' Leather Slippers Soft Suede leathers, in green, red, tan, black and champagne. Slipeers reg ularly sold at $3.50. We have only a few left at $1.95 SALE PRICES ON ALL SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK Wednesday Rubber Heel Day; all makes heels put on y2 price, per pair 25o REPAIRS The best repair work in the city. We have put in all new machinery and have the best man in the city. Try us once. If it is not the best repair work you ever had we will not ask another chance. CkBo &9 &Ae&Rotfettt&&3E2 DR. L.J.WILLIAMS CHIROPODIST and Foot Specialist is in charge of our Foot Comfort Department. All Foot Troubles scientifically treated and corrected without pain or loss of time. If you have Corns, Cal louses, Ingrown Nails, Bunions, Weak and Fallen Arches, consult him at once. Ten years' practice in Oregon. ...... i