fONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1922 ; DIPHTHERIA CASES IN CITY, I GASHAT SAYS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, uitouuw RULES POUND Jurlng the past week there were . . x t. n f? Pnahntt.. prtea iu Ith officer tor th"e Salem dls H seven casea ot diphtheria In n,. making a total ot 11 cases 1 in the ctiy, three cases ot the ase from Silverton and six is of chlckenpox In Salem, the diphtheria cases are nearly In the Englewood district, Tiio th rhlckennox is scattered 9r the city. In order that the jmer may be checked before it f,.BsBttrv to close the schools irn Matthis. school physician, requiring that all children who Ire subject to exposure navo tu. L. taken to see it they are car ing the germs even though they Lmselves do 'not show signs ot idnf the disease. He has ti .proximately 60 cultures. Other actors have also taken a number I that there have probably been ,,rly a hundred taken all togeth- t-rhfl Schick teBt, used to deter mine if a person is immune from -he disease, nas nmu " w Lie. Dr. Matthis also estimates Sat there have been as many as, ftfty antitoxins given during the1 last week. He alone has given tbout 10 while many parents are laving the family physician do the work. I All cases are being quarantined 9 soon as they are discovered 'and with strong efforts to check the disease . being made it is not hiw.iv that it will spread. Dr. I Matthis urges that all people who are experiencing sympiums ui uiyu .viq tn immediately consult a .hiinn. To catch the disease in its first Btages makes it possible or the antitoxin to perform its duty much better than if the case Is far advanced. The sickness ..oiiv heirlns with a sore throat with miny mistaking it tor tons!- I litis. There can oiten oe iounu f in the throat and nose a thin white j membrane. ALUMNI GAME FIRST ON ML ANGEL SCHEDULE Mount Angel College, St. Bene am nen. 18. With but three letter men -in school and the re maining 12 candidates who have answered Coach Kasberger's call possessing very little experience, the outlook for a championship basketball team for Mount Angel college is not so good. Walter Cranston, all star guard Henry Kropp, captain ot last year's team and all star center, and Charles Spear, another fast guard, are the only letter men back. However, there is plenty of new material available, and from this Coach Kasberger will have to pick his team. This year the team will miss the services of such guards as Terheyden and Hudson and the torwards, Stupfel and Schmidt. . Mount Angel college will open Its basketball season here on De cember 17, when the varsity quint meets the fast alumni team, which is made up of last year's star hoopers, such as Emanuel Stupfel, the Rassier brothers and Lucas Terheyden. Warsaw, Dec. It. (By Associ ated Press) Martial law be came effective In Warsaw today by proclamation of the cabinet. Captain Niewadomskl, the craz ed artist who assassinated Presl dent Narutowlcs Saturday hai been held for trial by court mar tial. At his preliminary examination he declared he had acted on his own initiative in shooting tha president and that he had no accomplices. . The declaration ot martial law has added to the sense of security felt by the people who, with Gen eral JoBeph Pllsudskl established as chief of staff of the army and General Slkorski as premier, await the convening of parlia ment on Wednesday for the elec tion of a new premier. One of the first acts of Slkorski in taking over the premiership, was to or der the arrest of several of th former soldiers of General Hal ler, whose influence in the army has been capitalized, by the na tionalists In their opposition to GeneraJ Pllsudskl. Many other persons also are in custody. Among those detained is Colonel ModelskI, once adjutant to Gen eral Haller. GRANG E FAVORS TAX LEGISLATION The Salem grange at a meeting here Saturday went on record favoring the enactment of a grad uated Income tax law and indors ed the so called property tax. The grange also favored amend lng the constitution of the state so as to permit initiative meas ures to be referred to the voters upon obtaining the signatures of 8 per cent ot the registered elec tors and referendum measures car rylng signatures of 10 per cent. A legislative committee to look after the Interests of the grange was appointed, composed of S. H. VanTrump, A. Slaughter, L. M. Gilbert, D. W. Fisher and W. D. Mahoney. C. H. Taylor was elected pres ident of the grange and Ethel Fletcher secretary. D. W. Fisher was chosen aa lecturer. i ii iii i . i luvoi rnuiuuiwvrHS ur- JJ'ASC'lSTl UUVOLT UN 'itOME l - "When Knighthood Was In Flower COST ABOUT $2,000,000 AND WORTH IT THE GREATEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL PICTURE EVER PRODUCED Still Running After Many Weeks in all the Large Cities in Amer ica and Europe ABSOLUTELY A SENSATION . Theso exclusive photographs have arrived in America by spocal messongcr. They Uo-vr -me arrival of armed Fascisti bands male and female in the peacoful revolution that overthrew the Italian cabinet and Benito Mussolini, leader of the Fascist, Italian Premier. GRAND JURY ACTION IN BONUS CASE DUE SOON Subscribe for the Journal Portland, Or., Dec. 18. Action on the Bend bonus scandal investi gation by the federal grand jury is expected some day this week. The grand jury adjourned Thurs day night after excusing all the witnesses from Bend, some of whom were In Portland for about 10 days. The body will reconvene Monday. , It is quite likely that any report which the grand jury may make in the bonus matter will be secret, especially if indictments are re turned, as the Investigation is an original one, and no person is at present under bond. This would mean that news of the arrest of any defendants to indictments would not be released until the United States marshal had made arrests. STATUS OF PRUN E MARKET SHAKY plus to carry over Into 1923: "A trace of weakness has re sulted from the pressure to sell. But many packers think that the present dullness is transient and will disappear after the middle ot January." The prune market may be said to be on uneasy street, as author ities in the east differ as to wheth er it will weaken after the holiday trade, or whether the trade will consume stocks in the east which are rather light, resulting in firm market early in January. The New York Journal of Com merce, under recent date, in ow cussing prune conditions and prospects for the coming year, has the following: "The dried fruit market is a rather one sided affair, due to er ratic delivery of stocks all season. This has resulted finally in suffi cient stocks for immediate con sumption, and with the future out look uncertain, there has been a pronounced lull in buying. "Jobbers who cater to the re tail trade for Christmas, are dis appointed at the volume of busi ness now being done so far this season. The demand is just for actual needs and there Is little de sire to buy ahead to create a sur- ELECTION FRAUD CASE GOES OYER TO JANUARY Portland, Or., Dec. 18. Trial of W. H. Emrick, chairman of the election board in precinct No. 201 In the primary election of this year, will not be held this month. Originally set for December 20, the date was moved ahead to Jan uary 15 yesterday by Presiding Judge Stapleton in district court. This was in response to a showing made by Chester A. Sheppard, at torney for Emrick, with the con sent of the district attorney's office. MATHEWS' ELEVEN TO . HAVE NO TEAM CAPTAIN Give Her a UNIVERSAL Gift anrl male the lov of Christmas mombg last the whole year through. There's no more pleasing gift for a woman than one selected from among UNIVERSAL Home Needs ICHm CtruUUl tUrb-ic I CoHN I I Rcalattr I We are showing a complete line of these well known, well made appliances, in designs, ize and prices to suit your requirements. Wm. Gahlsdorf 125 N. Liberty St. Phone 67 Jil8 HarfrV 4 BtU fcctiiU Moscow, Idaho, Dec. 18. Uni versity at Idaho football players have voted against electing a cap tain for next season. At a meet ing of the players held to decide what action would be taken on the matter, they decided it would be best to do without a team captain for the season. However, since it is necessary that some one player bear the title of captain when the team is in actual competition, since the cap tain is the only player authorised to represent the team with offi cials handling the game, the play ers voted that the coach should have the power to designate one nlaver aa captain before each game. , Pacific Elects Captain. Pacific University, Forest Grove, Dec. 18. Albert Schneider, two years tackle on the Pacific univer sity football team, was elected cap tain for the 1923 squad at the football lettermen's dance and dinner. Schneider will play his last year of football for Pacific next year. He is one of the best tackles. NINE GRAIN STEAMERS ENTER LAKE HURON Bay City, Mich., Dec. 18. The fleet ot nine steamships loaded with grain and bound for Lake Erie ports Which left Fort William Friday night, passed through St. Mary's river yesterday and early today entered Lake Huron on the way down. The ships and their cargoes are worth $28,000,000. SPECIAL MUSIC Now Playing POPULAR PRICES T W CATRC Evenings Only fim tte Baint! GjP And the Gift that Always PLEASES HER! CHOOSE NOW! $1.00 to $15.00 A gift of dainty lingerie will delight her, especially if selected from our lingerie shop. We are showing the Marts newest styles and creations in chemise, gowns, knickers, silken underthings, new vests camisoles, boudoir caps, break fast jackets, morning coats, etc. We feature Vanity Fair quality, every garment guar anteed to be perfect in mater ial, design and workmanship. MILLER "The Christmas Shopping Center" Select your Xraas candies at our store. All our candies are guar anteed fresh, pure and wholesome kept in sanitary condition. Our caftdy prices as well as our grocery prices will save you money. Staple groceries, our regular every day prices. For Christmas give an order on our store for $1, $2, $3 or $5. We will deliver for you. WASHED BRAZIL NUTS These nuts are from the late crop and are thoroughly washed and free from dirt. The meats are large -and bright, per lb........ 20c 2 lbs. for".:...... ...35c OREGON FILBERTS Easy to crack, insuring whole, sweet meats, per lb.... 24c 2 lbs. for - 45c JUMBO PEANUTS ROASTED Extra large fancy peanuts, 2 pounds ... 25c SALTED JUMBO PEANUTS Fresh stock, f lavory and nourish ing, per pound 20c SOFT SHELL ALMONDS Meats are sweet and large easy to crack per pound 29c OREGON WALNUTS Large No. 1 Oregon nuts of the latest crop. Bright sweet meat, per pound 29c No. 2 Oregon Walnuts, excellent quality. A little smaller size, per pound 25c FANCY MIXED NUTS Walnuts, Almonds, Filberts, Peanuts and Brazils. Mixed in suit able proportions, per pound 20c FILBERTS IMORTED Imported Filberts or Hazelnuts, whole sweet meats. MIXED CHRISTMAS CANDY Machine made in daylight fac tory, absolutely pure, per lb 13c 5 lbs. for 62c SPECIAL MIXED Sugar candies mixed with the best gum drops, per pound 16c 2 lbs 30c BROKEN MIXED The kind the children like, per pound 19c ....Also many other kinds of fancy candy including chocolates, large sticks. Candy canes all stripes. ROYAL CLUB CORN You will enjoy this corn, packed as it is from choice selected Nonall grain stock, the extra sweetening too, gives it flavor that cannot be had in the ordinary kind. No. 2 cans, per can. ...... ...... .......20c 6 cans, per can ........18c . GOLDEN IRIS SWEET CORN STANDARD This corn packed No. 2 sanitary tins. A good value, this price, per can - 19c 3 cans for -50c 6 cans for .. 95e STANDARD CORN Maryland sweet corn. Excellent quality, per can ......11c 5 cans, per can 10c LILLY OF THE VALLEY TINY : SIFTED PEAS A popular size of the sweet var iety. No. 2 can 25c 6 cans for ...$1.38 ROYAL CLUB PEAS ....An exceptionally fine pea, they are tender and of excellent flavor. Considered the best by many. No. 2 tins per can 22c 6 cans, per can .20c MONTANA PEAS 250 cases packed in the best pea growing district of Montana val leys. An extraordinary flavored pea, per can 15c by the dozen, per can 13c THOSE GOOD TOMATOES ....Packed in Utah in No. 2'z sani tary tins. An excellent quality red ripe tomato, per can 18c By the dozen, per can 16c VIM FLOUR Buy a sack of Vim for that needy family. Special this week only, per sack '. $1.85 Remember this price on Vim is for this week only. Albers Oats, large pkg. 2 for....49c No. 10 Sack Rolled Oats 47c 2 for - 92c 4 lb. Snowdrift 1 ...70c 8 lbs. Snowdrift ......$1.38 Cream Cheese 29c 2 lb. Gem Nut 45c Shredded Wheat 10c Post Toasties 10c Kellogg's Corn Flakes 10c Campbell's Soups 10c T7 SALEM ALBANY WOODBU R