TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1922 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON iAGE NINE :", Talking About Unsecured Pledges-There Are Those Election Pledges cou ournal Capi BSCRIPTION RATES By carrier 10 cents a week.-48 nts a month. 85 a year In ad- i' nee, ln .Marlon arid Polk "V n month 60 cents, "n.hs $1 25, 6 months 82.25. onths i-"ii . R,i .., By mall. Elsewhere 60 cents a ar J4.00, monthiJlaj!ri - mail L'ntu tereu, as second nt Salem, Oregon ASSOCIATED PRESS velv e u tor pub. "IS S3, to Tt or not otherwise credited In this PP' B"f,J?' 'al n"hH.shed herein. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Advertising representatives: : W. D. Ward, Tribune bldg., N V.rl. CMtV. V S Stockwell, hide.. ChlcagoIU, Peoples Gas CLASSIFIED RATES Rate per word each insertion 2 cent3, three Insertions 6 cents one week 8 cents, one cents, one year, per month. 12 .:.. minimum per ad 25 cents. First insertion only in New To-r-itv ads cash In advance, ...i' nnt taken over phone, unless advertiser has monthly accoui No allowance for phone errors. "NEW TODAY rrrs h RNT Furnished 3 room nt 590 Union, phone 667J. jW rrT"nKNT fimall house 8. F, L. Wood, phone 794. 341 State St. wTED Experienced saleslady for dry goous, WENT One large houa' keeping room furnished. 629 i N. Winter. J"97 rri-j-r Airedale dog answers to uul - DV..,r,a 17Q9T name or jvyoor. i reward. CTTrT-RRNT TliKht housekeep ing rooms, luriiionw nin1fltn . 1297 sr-Hj fJTTmT 2 room furnished --. . apt. Call 98F5. KOR KENT Attractive four room unfurnished apartment 13th and Wilbur, lblifJ. WANTED Cuttingsof Campbells Early ana uonouiu B'ap Pknn. 1I6F4. 1297 i'iir RENT 5 room modern furnished hoU3e. 1154 Oak St phone 1297R. J296 WANT $5400 at 7 per cent from 2 to 5 years, nrst Class security. Box 9 care Journal. ' vim SALE '.Household lunmu omnii strictly modern home fo rent. Phone 1076 J. c296 LOST -Monday evening package containing crochet and art n en. Finder call 1184M, 29 I'HEiSli milk cow lur saiu. m. Hoyser, Rt. 3, box 210A, East Independence station. e29 WANTED Work, by day or hour, will do plain sewing or mend ing. 1955 Fairground road. h300 IF you want your money to worn for you where you receive what it really earns, address isox i care Journal. 295 A FPU-Id 7 5c box. 3 for J 2 deliv ered. Spitaenberg, Rome Beauty, Vanderoool. Ward It. rlicnara on. nhone 494. 29 Wk have a new car valued at J1100 and $1600 cash to ex change for house not over $3000 Thomason 331 V4 state &t.izm LOST Alredaile dog about seven vears old. with neck piece, uii eral reward for Information Mrs. John Rowland,, phone 13 or 1782J. 295 LISTEN Now is the time to clean up your basement and .. attics, We pay top prices for paper, raera and second hand goods Phone 1497M. m306 LOOK. COUPE, LOOK Ford coud6 nearly new, 1922 model disc wheels, oversize tlrea, over S200 In extras, the best buy In Salem. Phone 887 W. 29 7 ROOM modern bungalow, fruit, nuts. barn. Nob HIM addition, $1000 cash, J25 a month, price $3200: trade for ranch. M. Hunt. TjLdd & Rush bldg. a FOR SALE Beautiful suburba. home of 8 acres, with 8 room modern house. Situated on pav ed street, In city school district Terms. W, A. Listen, agent, s Court street. 295 11 a ACItKIS. 85 acres cultivated, acres, stood timber, all fenced erood 7 room house. 2 barns, springs, water piped to build lugs, good road, 4 miles town at $110 per acre, terms. JVt. Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. FORTRAnre 10 acres fenced, buildings, located 1 mile good town with good schools; will take good Ford truck as part payment or will trade on housi and lot in Salem. See ti. J Wriu'ht. Aumsville. Or. - 295 FOR SALE Or tiade, 38 acres good land, several hundred cora fir wood, on rnck -road, cree - runs thru place, and 2 miles of good live town. Will take goo light car as part payment. See Koss Condlt, Aumsville, ur. 295 PGR SALE New 6 room bunga low at 1740 north 5th suet' with sleeping porch, .dutch kitchen, cement walks. pave street and eraraa-e: near car line and school. $3250. terms. Krue- ger. Oreeron hide, nhone 217 a296 FINE modern bungalow on Cap! . tol street, priced right; also fine room bungalow, good location, close to S. Commercial, lights, bath, hot and r.old . for $21o some terms. Tha Welcome Real Estate office, over Busick State and Commercial!. j WANT A salesman who can ap predate an opportunity to con neet with a larsro orgamzatio with best future possibilities ever offered. Unless willing to work hard, don't answer. Call after 10 a. m. 411 Masonic tern Pie. g297 4 ROOM house, plastered, lights. sewer, city water, furnished, blocks from State street. Price 1250; also new room house, good lot. citv water.-Price $50 will take !irht car no to $150 The Welcome Real Estate office state and Com'l St. over Bu slck's, phone 659. a297 LA-N'O BARGAIN 50 acres five miles from ftnlem ill A.nre-9 seed ed to wheat and vetch, six acres timber, remainder splendid pas ture, seeded to tame grass and fenced hog tight: rood well and new windmill. A bargain at NEW TODAY ANTED Pasture with barn. 295 Phone 744J. FOK RENT One large furnished house keeping room. 859 Center street. - ' 295 OR SALE -1922 Ford, Just like new, cheap. Call 2546 State St. after 8 p. m. q297 WANTED To rent before Jan. 1 well furnished modern bunga low, apartment, or part of house with private bath. Preferably close In. Call Harold Windus, Oregon theater. 295 SNAP 'Beat this, 5 room house, lights, bath, hot and cold water, good cond.tion, $1250, term3. The Welcome Real Estate office State and Commercial over Bu slck's. a -ttjtM. uuriAUK liooa as new; east front; paved; big porch; small cement cellar; lot 50x130; shed, garage, garden. $2600; terms. Harris, 624 N. Capitol. 295 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Good bungalow, owner. Phone 896W. a304 FOR SALF, 2 brand new bunga lows on easy terms. Paris shoe store. a29 PORTLAND TRADES Will take Salem lots or house for equity in small Portland house, rental $30. Property value $3000. Wm Fleming, 841 State St. a ROOM house on paved street for $3000. 6 room house for rent, $45 per month. 5 room house for rent, $30 per month 8 room house for rent, $45 per month. Oertrude J. M. Page 492 N. Cottage, call after 6 eve nings. V 1 FOR SALE Or exchange, owing to husband's death, I wish to dispose of beautiful new home, brick house, modern, all con veniences, large barn, 3V4 acres fine land! will consider Salem resldenoe property In trade. Mrs, M. A. Coe, Woodburn, Or. a29,'. WHY PAY RENT? I can sell you a good 7 room nouse, Darn chicken house and 4 lots, you can move right In on your own terms. Wanted a 5 -or 6 room house, must be good not too fa out, will pay cash; acre to trade for lot or light car. Thorn ason, 331 State street. n FOK RENT GARAGE, close In. phone 1021J J298 HOUSE for rent. Inquire Parii shoe store, J295 FOR RENT Brand new apts. o5 5 N. Liberty. 32 BOARD and room close in, 495 N, Commercial. Ji FOR RENT 8 room home $45 Oertrude J. M. Page. FOR RENT Apartment, 486 N Liberty, phone 612M. J29 FOR RENT Furnished rooms a 365 Bellevue, phone 536W. J299 NICELY furnished apartment adults, 265 S. Commercial. iu TWO sleeping rooms with break fast. January first. 677 N. win ter. 3296 FOR RENT 3 room apartment outside entrance, ground floor Phone 1617. 32" FOR, RENT Large 0 room house to responsible people. ikiu norm Cottagg St. FOR RENT-? Furnished apart ments, phone 1123W. S. High. Call 49 3295 FOR RENT 2 apartments, one A room $13, one 6 room $15. Cal at 955 Union 6t. 3297 FOR RENT -Modern five room newly furnished bungalow, ca.i after four p. m. 1040 Broadway. J296 FOR SALE Automobiles FOR SALE Or trade for lighter car, 1918 Stude 4. mil s. uap itol, q29.-. SEE our special Ford Job for thii- month. Reliance Auto r-aint wo 219 State St., cor. Front, 2nd floor. 1' OLESON USED CAR Ex change. Cars bougnt ana suiu. Guaranteed repairing. Washing, polishing. FOR SALE Buick light fix tour ing in A-l condition, or traoe mr Ford touring. Phone 809, 271 Chemeketa St. 0 PARTS FOR ALL CARS Do your Christmas shopping nere. W. E. Burns, Dan Burns i Not Brothers the Same Man) High St. at Ferry, Salem, Or. q Before buying your used car, compare your choice with our cars and Our prices. Ford, 1921, $245 Chevrolet "19 $225 Oakland 6 "19 $300 Buick 6 $375 ' Buick 6 $425 Buick '19 roadster $575 Buick '19 touring $600 Buick '20 touring $650 Buick '20 touring $800 Buick 4 '22 touring $750.; OTTO J. WILSON 18 N. Coml, Phone 220. q236 for SALE LIVESTOCK rrv t3AT.Pl Pointer DUDS, a lew rv" . .. . nnina .907 lo ohean. t-none oni-m. FOR SALE 60 young Shropshire ewes. 044 univeraitj wt. ''- 1137W. e295 FOR SALE FOX terrier standard. Box J a iapiuu nal. FOR SALE Five year old Jersey cow. fresh , very gentle. 200o r at eaD nna ail.R 4 hoes, weight 150 each;' weaning pigsi ;2 cow . fresh in few days. Phone 64FU. wnR SALE Thoroughbred Ches ter White pigs and brood sow. Phone 1790W2 or call routeJ, BRINGING UP FATHfc-K mp - ... ETOoT ) I t . -r rCF JL ti-i i--t.:3a KEEP ON AM y ;HTT-LSI OFHERE I ill. UERKHOW g - -1 ' OON"r-. .ryI- If 1 1 I'LL T OP IN I 5 60 f V VOO yPJT 'PEA CHINESE 1 5 M Tk ? KNOW WHAT vTpfY, jjj. II MINUTE J THERE. 1 Vl ' ONlOrl'.lt iL. . ' L i FOR SALE FARMS ACRE tract for trade only for Salem property. 492 N. Cottage St. hours from 2 to 6 for a few days. b FOR SALE Miscellaneous OR SALE Cheap, Cherry ave. wagon. 2575 c296 FOR SALE Burbank potatoes. phone 44F14. c295 OR SALE Sunrise potatoes 75c per 100. 44F22. c296 FOR - SALE 'Singer sewing ma c295 cnine, 20. 638VV. VIOLIN for sale, fine condition. Call at 2619 Brooks ave. c296 FOR SALE Young canaries, bar gain. Box K j capital Journal. f295 FOR SALE Used piano, excel lent condition. Call 9, day time. c295 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Ply mouth Rock cockerels. Phone 41F3. f295 PUREBRED Mammoth Bronze turkey toms. Rt. 9, box 15, G. Riley. . f295 FOR SALE 1 more drag saw, good as new. Capital Bargain House c FOR SALE Davenette bed. Vic- trola, dining room table. 1306 south 14th. c295 FOR SALE While Persian kit tens. Address Clair Donker, Aumsville, Or. c296 FOR SALE Round oak extension table and chairs, other furni ture. 780 N. Cottage. c296 FOR SALE 1921 Harley David son motorcycle and side car, 74 model. Phone 1138R. c295 FOR SALE Homemade fruit cakes, weight 2 lbs. Phone orders to 1793J1 or 809 Locust St. C299 1922 ROADSTER side car, cheap, am leaving will consider light trailer on trade.' Lewis, phone 57J. 3295 ORDER Upjohn's named gladioli bulbs in $1, $2.50 and $5 collec tions for holiday gifts. Phone 1700. . c315 PUBLIC AUCTION Every 6at. 1 p. m. 160 S. High opposite Ore gon Electric bldg All kinds of furniture, tools, live stock, ma chinery and miscellaneous arti cles. Col. J. B. Gable, auction eer, phone 1446. c FOR SALE WOOD 16 INCH old fir for sale. Phone 77F2. ee296 WOOD SAWING phone 1131, city or country. Ed Sproed. ee312 BEST grade mill wood 4 ft. and 16 inch, prompt delivery and reasonable prices. Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church street, Dhone 1542. ee LOST AND FOUND LOST Saturday Dec. 2, tie pin, ereen set. Rewatd. 58F12. k295 WANTED Miscellaneous WOOD sawing. Fisher Bros, phone 1756. ee316 WANTED Furniture, Phone 511. tools, etc. WANTED Colored woman wants day work. Phone 798J. 1306 WANTED i House keeper for small family. 1398 Ferry St. g300 WANT Two room unfurnished housekeeping rooms, 2 adults, nhnne 780. 1296 WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone 19, Capital Citv Bedding Co. m' Lady wants girl to share modern three rooms with bath. Apt. 1. 610 N. Com; Tel. 1601. 3296 WANTED Team weighing arounl 1300 lbs. also harness and wa go n. Box II Capital Journal. 1" WANTED To buy furniture, tools . and miscellaneous articles for cash, or will sell on commis oinn nhnne 1446. i WANT good used piano, will pay cash for a good used piano, price must be right. Address Rox W care Journal. 1304" LISTEN Now Is the time to lean up your basement and attics. We pay top prices for paper, rags and second hand goods. Phone 1497, 1206 WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for cash or sell on commission. Phnn 511. woodry. tne auc tloneer. WANTED Listings on property that can be sold on easy terms, also anything you have to ex change. . Thomason, 331 State street, phone 175. WANTED Used furniture, rang es heaters, cook stoves, tools, etc We pay cash, get our prices before you sell. Liberty Exchange 911 N Com'l St. pnone oi. j wAWTun 7500. will Klve first mortgage on property valued at $20,000 pay 7 per cent, tnree iu . five years. Donald W. Miles, 17 Ladd and Bush bank, phone 19-1. WANTED By young man of 21, general office work. Steady po sition and one with advance 'ment desired. State salary and full particulars to R. C. Van Hine, Yanuina, Ore. ' h295 WANTED Second hand furniture arid stoves. We also carry a full 'line of new furniture, stoves, tools etc. Once then always, people's Furniture store, 271 N. Commercial St. phone 734. 1 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC beauty parlors at the Ore gon Bath house. 1)07 RIDING pony to give away. 1445 Oak St. Phone 943M. m296 FULLER brushes, local represent ative. 'Cmes;J932LJEiii PAPER hanging or tinting, call 131 after 5 o'clock call 1268W. MISCELLANEOUS COL. J. B. GABLE, auctioneer, for farm and city sales; call phone 1446. - m AUTO tops, curtains, etc., to or der. Anderson & Teed Top Shop 171 S. High. mS16 FURNITURE repairing and all kinds of woodwork made to or der. Wood turning, shop 19th and State, phone 883. c THE Rickenbacker Motor Co., a good safe Investment. For gen eral Information call or phone 246 Marlon St. Phone 1135R. m297 NORTHWEST RUG CO. Fluff rugs rept. here 8 days. Fluff rugs made from any kind of old carpets and wool clothing. Phone 1806R. . m296 SOOS Scavenger service, garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates phone 629, residence 2058. Suc cessor to Neat's Scavenger. m HIGHEST price paid for second - hand clothing and-shoes. Also cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Ex change, 342 N. Commercial, phone 1368W. . m WANTED HELP WANTED Girl to assist in house work. Apply 1055 Marion St. i295 THE Whitney company, with a large logging operation at Ida ville, Tillamook county, Oregon, that will, weather permitting, run all winter, invites applica tions from buckers, fallers and other timber workers. Standard wages, good grub, fine, comfort able camps; 8 hours; no strikes. Address, giving all particulars, The Whitney company, Employ ment Department, 904 Lewis building, Portland. Or. g' REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES If you have loooked with every realtor In the city except with us and have not found what you want whose fault is it? It is not the fault of the realtor you were out with; because he was anxious to sell you. We always welcome the fellow with a difficult proposition in either selling, buying or exchang Ing. Try us at once. If your proposi tion has merit we may get you the desired result. SOCOLOFSKY 841 State. FOR SALE 80 acres, half in cultivation, bal. timber and pasture, good six, room house, barn and other out build ings, 9 cows, team, chickens and all farm machinery, must be sold. Price $6000, half cash, bal. easy terms. Nice 3 room house, good lot close to car. Price $1760, $500 cash bal. like rent. Soe H. L. Marsters for bargains Phone 907. BEST BUYS IN HOMES 4 room cottage with basement at 629 south Com'l St. Price $3000 New bungalow near McKinley school. $2250 cash. 8 room modern home with two lots, block from State St. price $8000; will consider smaller home as part payment. 5 room bungalow with fireplace, price $2400, Vi cash down. j room oungaiow close on n Cottage. Price $6800 cash, modern in every Way. . Real estate and fire Insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State St. IT. 8. bank bldg. ' 6 room bungalow, new, modem conveniences, garage, $2750, $300 cash, balance easy terms. 5 room bungalow, new, modern conveniences, garage, $2800, terms that you can handle. 7 room house, State street, mod ern conveniences, garage, $2500, $500 cash, balance easy payments. Strictly modern 8 room home In best part of east Salem, $5000. WINNIE raTI JUilN 331 State street. SALEM MARKETS Complied from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Revised dally.) Grain: No. 1 white wheat $1.10; No. 2 mixed wheat $1.08: No. 3 red wheat $1.09; (sacked.) Hay: Cheat hay $18.00; 'at hay $2021; clover hay (baled) $2021. Wholesale liters Meat: Hogs $8.75 9; dressed hogs 14c; top steers' 6 6c; cows 2Vkic; bulls aZUc; lambs 99c; dressed veal 13o. Poultry: Light hens 13c; heav, hens 18c; old roosters 810o, hrnilorn 1R02OC. Butterfat: Butterfat 62c; cream ery butter 5253c; country butter Mf5U2,.: eEa 40c; milk $2.35 CWVecetabIes: Wax onions $2.2i wi. 19. no cwt: Oregon cabbage 1W.C lb; green peppers 20c lb; potatoes vac cti, lettuce $2.26 per crate; parsley 40 dFruits: Oranges $9.76; lemon! $9.00; bananas .10c; Calif, grape fruit $7.50. Retail mcea poultry and eggs: Eggs 4550c creamery butter cue. PORTLAND MARKET Pnrtlnnd. Or.. Dec. 12. Cattle Hteady receipts none; choice steers $7 00 47 75; medium to good steers $6.50 f. 7.00; fair to medium 5 75&6.50; common to fair $4.) I&.5.75; choice cows and heifers 4 50 (7 5.00; medium to good $4.00 04 00; fair to medium $3.00r8 4:50; common $2.60-3.50; can n.,. J1.5OtZi2.00; bulls $3.00 4.00: choice feeders $ ACETYLENE WKLDINO IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cop per. Bring the pieces. Oxo-Uas Heating Co.. 837 Court. Al t'O PAINTING RELIANCE AUTO" PAINTING - " - . .j... bUl livt t, v.ifa. AUCXIONEKR F. N. WOODRY. the mZ stock. iurniture, real estate auctioneer. Phone 611 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. eummer. THE RIGHT AUCTIONEER means dollars to you. G. Satter lee, Salem, Or., ISO N. Com'l St. room 21, over People's cash store. Res. phone 1211J, office 430. IMTTfcaiY SUPPLIES PREST-O-LITE BATTERY SER- vtciu. Jixpert auto electricians. Phone 1803. 418 Court St. rechs-gert and repaired. tegsj ' Tturrell. 1 R. D. BARTON, Exide batteries, starter and generator worK. ui S. Commercial. AUTO Electrtoians. expert trouble shooting. 23S N. High Pt. pnone 208. CHIROPODIST DR.' S. F. SCOTT, S. C, graduate national University of science. Chicago. Scientific chiropody. Masonic te mple, phone 640. - CltlROPltAirrOK DRS. SCOTT AND SCOFIELD, U. S. bank chiropractors, 41$ bldg. DR. S. R. SMITH, chiropractor, room 322 Oregon bldg. Chrome and acute cases treated by care ful adjustments. DRUGGISTS WM. NEIMEYER, 'JUST DRUGS' 175 N. Commercial, phone 167. J. C-PERRY. Kexall druggist. 115 S. Commercial St. ELFCTHIO SUPPLIES HALIK ELECTRIC SHOP 33. Court -We do house wiring and carry a complete stock of fix tures. Instrument repairing, ex perimental work. Electric appli ances repaired. Phone 488. HOUSE wiring and supplies. Welch Electrio Co. Phil Brown- ell, manager, 879 State St. ARCHIE FLEENER, electrician. bouse wiring by hour or con tract. Estimates iurnisnea Phone 980, 414 Court St. ' FI-OK1ST CUT flowers and floral pieces. De livery. C. F. Breithaupt, florist, 1 23 N. Liberty, phone 380. FARM LOANS 11AWK1NS AND ROBERTS 205 j Oregon building. 5, 7, 10 and twenty year loans, 5 per cent 1 interest. Privilege to pay $100 or 20 YEAR FARM LOANS ou rural rrfif nlftn. Prenavment privi leges with discount allowed. I f'tviil firmm-s vou for a loss rate I of interest than any firm on the .coast. R. W. UABSilSlus, ill Oregon bldg & a w i .i i a md.de in amoun.a : of $5000 or more, 6 percent ln- terest. Government pian oi ' Payment. General insurance. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Musonio Temple. Salem, Or. GARAGES RADIATORS Fenders and bodleB made or repaired. J. C. Bair, 349 Ferry at. GUARANTEED. REPAIRING of all kind on autos and tractors. Cars stored by day, week or month. Cutting and fitting pipes done, grocery store in connec tion. E. Kroeplin and Sons. 1610 N. Commercial and Nor way ' INSURANCE W A. LlaiuN, L.ENERAL IN SURANCE Fire, automobile and liability. Bonds and loans. 484 Court. ANDERSON AND RUPERT, IN SURANCE LlaDiiuy, auioiiiK bilo, tire, surety, bunds, loano and investments. 406-'f Oregon bldg. dairy calves $8.O08.60; prime light $8.00(8.60; medium light $7.608.00; heavy "calves $4.00fe 7.60. Hogs steady; receipts 1740; prime light $9.00 9.60; smoott heavy 200 to 31)0 pounds $8.00 ( 9 00- 300 pounds and up $ 7 . B 0 4?: s'oo; feeder pigs $8.604e9.00; fat pigs $8.509.00; stags $46. Bhcep steady; receipts none; east of mountain lambs $10.6012; choice alley $10.60 12- medium $9.5010.50; common $8'CO0.6O; culls $6.758.60, tight yearlings $9.6010.00; heavy $Dfi9 50; light wethers $7. 60 8.50; heavy $77.50; owea $26. ' nutter higher; ex cubes 46 47c Under grades 4446c; carton 67c; prints 61c. Butterfat No. 1 churning cream 5254c fob Portland; 49c at sta tions; under grades 49iffl52c. !.-. w.-ak. Buying current receipts' 46!i48o; white henneries 52 to 54o. , ... i,,.,.itrv- Llcht hens 13c, heavy 22c; springs 18c; old roos ters 10c; gceae num. w- Wheat:; Hard white $1.50; soft Mr. 11 55: wes'ern while $1.41 hard winter $116; northern spring fl-'l)- western re'i i.iu. imiuH.ffa- Mill rtin $34 35 .m-atch feed $48; middlings $43; hirley $35: oats $.15.50; corn No. . yeHow $320 33.50. .llav Buying price, timothy val ev J"0(f(21; alfalfa $18.5019 HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. tis. ' nijijjaixt tiemswuiiung stamping, buttons, hand embroi dery. Room 10, over Miller's store, phone 117. SALEM Elite, nemfcuiciun, cnatn stitching, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 879. 329 Oregon bldg. MACUlNiU fcHOF WECHTEK AND SMITH Machin lata, engineers, welders, HEALD cylinder grinding service. Phone to a, 4B Ferry at. - H. AND M. CO. Specially rind i era and welders. Automotive ser vlce. 490 Furry St. MOTORCYCLES LLOYD E. KAMSOK.N, Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles 887 Court street. LiARRi W. BOOTT Cn- s The Cycle Man." ,, m9 147 S. Com. Phone iUer" 6S. MUSIC- PIANO DlayinK. 12 weeks, guaran teed. Beginners, advanced. Room 1 over Millers. NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND Nursery has sales- yard at Cherry City feed earn, Salem, 544 Ferry St. Office phone 199; res. 1140M. Please call and see my stock before buying. SALEM Nursery company, fruit nd ornamental trees. smn fruit and roses. Phone 1763. 428 Oregon bldg, l'HINTING SATISFIED customer returns to Rowland Printing company. phone 1512 Maaonlo Temple. MERCHANT TAILOK D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men and women. 474 Court St. M. A. ESTES. fine tailoring. 384 State street. PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet muslo and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines, 432 State, Salem. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L R. Bur- dette, optometrist. Bow optical Co., 325 State street. ilORR18 OPTICAL O O. suite 801 Oregon lEieotrioj MliXi - OSTEOI'ATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathic physician and surgeon. Kirns vllle eraduate. 404-405 U. B. Na tional bank bldg. Phones, office 919, residence 614. DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, ostennathlo Dhvslclans and sur geons, 606 U. S. bank building. Phone 869. Dr. White . rest deuce phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence pnone 884; 1'IAJMliING THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works, 161 S. Commercial. PLUMBING, repairing and coll work. rennoillLbltt charges. A. L Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. pnone I3u. . REPAIRING STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60 vears exnerienue: Depot Na- . tional and American fence, sizes 26 to 68 inches high. rami. oil ind varnishes, eto. logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street, phone 124 SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removea by tre month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167. Night phone 1596W. R. O. Cum mlngs, Mgr. THANSFKa OREGON Transfer & Storage. Co. Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertilizer; wood sawing. Phone 77. WATER UOMPANTC SALEM WATER COMi' AN Y Of fice, corner Commercial ana Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly In advance. Phone 67. WOOD WORKING : WOOD WORKING All kinds of wood work made to order. Nov elty Shop 239 Court, telephone 174$. ilL V 1 :RTO N M O UNT A N GEL PORTLAND C & M. Stages Schedule South bound read down Dly. Dly. Diy. No 5 No 8 No 1 PM PM AM 6:00 1:30 8:00 Portland 8:05 8:36 10:05 Mt. Angel 8:30 4:00 10:80 Silverton Ar Ar Ar North bound read up Dly. Dly. Dly- . No 2 No 4 No 8 AM PM PM 10:30 4:00 8:30 Portland 8-25 1:65 6:25 Mt. Angel 8:00 1:30 6:00 Silverton Lv Lv Lv Sunday only 8 pm from Portland Stages leave Stage Terminal Port land and Steelhammer's Drug store Silverton Hamman Auto Stage Effective May 22nd Thrco Stages Dally Leaves Salem Stage Terminal: No. 1, 7:30 a. m.. No. 8, 10:30 a. m. No. 5, 4:30 p. m. Leave Mill City: No. 6. 7 a. m. No. 2 12:30 p. m. v-n. 4. 4 d. m. No 3 connects with east bound triln at Mill Citv. No. 2 waits for west bound train st Mill City. JOS. 1 1AM MAN, Pro". Prominent Figrures ( -:. v - . rAt flBfSK i I" a 7 v - v.. y , f i Cscal,: J . 4 ' ; ,t- United Slatos Senator Oscar W. member of Congress and leader of the Peuioovntio minority in the Senate, lvaa announced that his health will not pormlt lilm to retain the leader ship. Charles W. Bryan, brother of William Jennings Bryan, has been elocted Democratic Governor of Nebraska. George W. P. Hunt, Demcx crat; has been elected Governor of Arizona. Friend W. Ricluwdson, Re publican, has been elected Governor Italy Starts U. S. Paper For Propaganda IQuiff Dara,arv3 Louis Barfcoue, well-known Ital-j ion journalist, is in America , to establish an Illustrated Italian! paper, backed by the Italiuu gov ernment, to' bring about closer amity between America Bnd Italy, Tha Mussoliuiun ministry an nounces a nothing ror Homing foreign policy for ItHly. That Is an improvement upon the "something for nothing" policy other European diplomat have pursued in leccnt years. , Salem-Dallas Stage Leave Salem Stage Terminal 7:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 5:10 p. m. Leave Dallas, Gall Hotel 8:30 a. m. 12:30 p. in.. 6:30 p. m. FARE 60 CENTS Daily and undny Every day except morning trip does not run Sunday Round Trip 90 cents Kaicm-KUvprlon DIvIhIoii Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal. 7:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m, 6:00 p. m. Leaves Silverton News Stand, 8:00 a. rn.. 1:00 p. m., 6:00 p. m. Halciii-IiHl-M-ndciicc-Miiiimiuth Leaves Sulem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00. a. in., 9:00 a. m 11:00 a. m. 3:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth ho tel, 8:15 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 6:15 p. m. Loavs Independence, Beaver ho tel. 8:80 a. m 10:00 a. m., 1:15 p. m., 4:00 p. m., 6:30 p. m. We .make connections at Sulem to all parts cf th: valley. Extra trips I) v appointment. J. VV. PARKER General Manager f h v. in American Politics Underwood, of Alabama, veteran of California. FIRE TRUCK AND GAR CLASH Yakima, Wash., Dec. 12. While responding to a fire call lu tlio business section, a fire truck col- llded with a street car In such a fashion that Sidney Treneor was swept by tha trolley from hla posi tion on the truck. He broke both legs In the fall, but his physicians say hs will recover. Only slight damage was done In the blaze. OVER V DOUBLE THE NUMBER In the eleven months ending November 30, 1922. The Capital Journal printed 39,080 paid In advance Want Adsnot Includ ing real estate and classified. In the same eleven months the Statesman printed 19,016 Want Ads, not Including real estate and classified There's a Reason And Its because The Capital Journal ads pay." In every city one paper Is the Want Ad medium and In Salem its The Capital Journal L.M.HUM Care of Yick So Tong Chinese Medlolne and Tea Co. has medicine which will cure any known dis ease. Not open Sundays 15$ South High Street Balem. Oregon. Phone tti Capital Junk Co. A!l kinds of junk and second-hand goods. We pay full valua. 215 Center Street Phon 398 . STEINB0CK JUNK CO. Is always In the market for all kinds of Junk, Rags, Rubber, Sacks We pay 60c per 100 pounds for magazines and 40c for newspapers securely bundled. We also buy ana seu used Furniture. Top cash prices paid. Phone 523. 402 N. ComT 4000, $500 cash $1000 In wood delivered in ma1nilfr Jong time; you had' better look mo mis. u is a rare bargain. un i. soott, 228 Oregon bid 295