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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1922)
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1922 THE - CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE THREE Edited by MIS3 RUTH AUSTIN Phone 82 Cottage Started Rafet Pasha Rules in Constantinople On Farm College Dances Are Set Two dances which will he of iio Oregon aiumm rounty and the 0. A. C. dance, X Suied for December 0 both fo take place In Derby hall. t0,,,fco in Portland there are two dances set for the holiday va cation and sponsored by the unl ity and college. A large affair Inticipated by the college set is the annual Christinas .. w m t the Multnomah hotel, December 26 by the Woman's league of the u niveau ul eon Both ball rooms will be in uge and- the tea gardens between. A number of Salem students and society maids and matrons attend this annual dance as well as tlv? one sponsored by O. A. C. which takes place the following evening at the Multnomah hotel, ' These nre always very gay and Biiccessful events and are among the most enjoyable holiday events The two dances in Satem al ways include guests here for the vacation and students and friends of the school from out of town. - Eight tables of progressive five hundred were in play baturaay evening at the resdence of Mr. and Mrs. P. Q. Horton in King wood Park when Mrs. Horton and Mrs. M. C. Petteys were joint hostesses for a very delightful evening. Honors were awarded to Mrs. James Imlah and C. C. Cha fee. The guests who wore invited lor the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Page, Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Kugel, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Me- Call, Mr. and Mrs. James Imlah, Mr. and Mrs. Corydon Blodgett. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Utley, ,Mr. end Mrs. M. P. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Allen, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. O. A Koyes, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Grote, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chaffee, Miss Nellie Taylor and A. H. Bunn. ' The Degree of Honor protect ive association met Wednesday in McCornack hall for a regular bus iness meeting and elected officers tor the coming year. The past president was Mrs. Nellie White, with the new officers, president. Mrs. Julia McKinney; vice pres ident, Miss Edna Aufrance; sec ond vice president, Miss Sylvia White; financial secretary, Greta Bailey; treasurer, Mrs, Louis Mc Kinney; sister usher, Mrs. Muset ta Ksch; usher, Mrs. Ruby Pou Jade; inner watch, Mrs. Nettie McFadden; outer watch, Mrs. Laura Sell wood; musician, Mrs. Sandy; degree staff captain, Mrs. Nellie White. : ' Wednesday evening the degree of honor will give a social dance for their members in the McCor Back hall, the social committee in charge are, Mrs. Ruby Poujade and Miss Greta Bailey. The marriage of Miss Lucille Saunders, a prominent newspaper woman,-at one time identified with a Salem paper, and a student at the University of Oregon, to Harold McDonald of Portland, lso a student at the university, was an event of Tuesday in New York. Mr. McDonald Is a medical student in the University of New York, while Mies Saunders is cor respondent for the United Press there. Tonight at the First Christian church Miss Nellie Schwab will be presented in concert by Dan F. Langenberg assisted bv Miss Mil dred Jaeger, pianist accompanist, and Harry L. Pearson, tenor. The Program has been arranged as follows, and the public is invited to come and enjoy the recital: (a) April Morn, Batton; (b) "lie Star, Rogers; Miss Schwab. (a) I did not know, "Marshal Loepke; (b) Then You'll Remem ber Me, Balfe; Harry Pearson. ') Turkish March, Beethoven, (b) Leprechaun' Dance, Grang er; (a Leprechaun is a tiny man wiry who wears a tall hat and knee breeches;) (c) Country 'ardens, Granger; Miss Jaeger. (a) Baby, Brown; Flower rain, Schneider; (c) Croon, Croon, Un seat' de Moon) clutzon; (d) ny name. Wood; Miss Schwab. a) Wher'er you walk, Handel; ) Kiss Me Again, Herbert; Har- Pearson. (a) Vale, Russell; (b) By the waters ot Minnetonka, Lieur '"ce; (c) There is no Death (re vest,) O'Hara; (d) A Little Schwab Prayer' Hope; " Miss After spending six weeks in aiifornla, most of the time at the rne of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kyle 8 Jf DS Beach' Mr. and Mrs. S. Hast returned to their home Mr aturdav evening. Mr. and and t, 1 made tne'trP hy motor o had a very pleasant trip down encountered some snow on the back to Salem. The weather Beacn now is quite ideal cording to Mrs. East and Quite I, "ntrast with the cold weth " ey found here. Members Of P.E.O.Are Hostesses Presented with pieces of silk, needle, thread and thimble the women at the nartv in at. niaht i Dr. Mary Rowland's when chap ter ad, f. e. O. was hostess for chapter G, were instructed to make a Christmas gift. The eve ning passed quickly making vari ous gifts and then while musl.: was played the gifts were passed around, each package to become the property of the woman who held it when the music stopped. The home of Mrs. Rowland president of chapter AB, was gay with Christmas decorations, including a number of small Christmas trees. A real holiday Spirit pervaded the place. Mrs. Eva Scott Myers and Mi Mnv Rauch were the committee in charge of the party assisted by otner women. ..... The Etokta club is meeting this afternoon at the invitation of Mrs. E. E. Fisher and the pro gram will concern Oregon his tory. This Is the first program meeting of the fall and from now on the history of Oregon with all of Its sidelights and human inter est will have its place in the meetings. 'After the program the women will enjoy a social hour together. Embroidery and sewing passed the afternoon hours for the mem bers of the Three Link club when they met Friday afternoon in the I. 0. 0. F. hall for their regular meeting. The next meeting for the club will be December 22 when they will have a Christmas tree and a real holiday party Hostesses for the Friday meeting were, Mrs. Laura . Noyse, Mrs. Minnie' Gregg, Mrs. Harry Chaf fee, Mrs. Addie Cummings, Mrs. Richard Carlson. The entertain ment committee for the afternoon was, Mrs. Addie Hammer, Mrs. Harry Condon and Mrs. Florence Yarnell. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cory had as their guests for Sunday, Mrs. D. C. Cory,- Al Kummer and his mother-Mrs. Kummer, from Port land. The party motored here or the day, returning Sunday eve ning. The Business and Professional women's club meets tomorrow Wednesday evening at the Uni tarian church for their regular meeting. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bolinger aro receiving the congratulations of their many friends because of he birth of a baby daughter yester day morning. The baby will be named Jean Olive. The Civic are section of the Salem arts league will meet to morrow, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the city library. . The Elks will sponsor another dance for the club members and friends tomorrow, Wednesday evo ning in Derby hall. Vaatiirlne the work of the Smith-Hughes classes in sewing and dressmaking the women in Aurora will give a fashion show Thursday. These classes are spon tnrod hv -thp Aurora Woman's club under the direction of Mrs. F. E. Barker of Salem. Mrs. Bar ker and Miss Louise Wood, super visor for home economics at O. A. C., will be in Aurora Thursday to attend the fashion show and as sist if necessary. ) The White Shrine of Jerusalem Nn 2 will hold their Christmas ceremonial at their stated com- (nation in the Masonic tem- nia at eiirht o'clock tonight, Tues day. This will be a very beautiful service. 'A i j Blackteads With Cnticcra Bathe with Cutlcura Sopndhot water to free the pores of tapurit. Ud follow with gentle application of Cuticur. Ointment to heal. Cuticur. Talcum is ideal powdering and perfuming. Fine Piano $137 $5 down and o per month. Geo. C. Will 132 State Street Y 0 The "breaklne of Hrroutid" fnr their first cottaere nn th hnmo farm near Corvallis has been an nounced by the board of rllroetnra of the W. C. T. U. children's farm home for Saturday at 1:30 p. m. at uorvanis, and this marks the building of the first cottage for the farm home community for the dependent children of the state. Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh an nounces the ceremony and .has sem invitations throughout the aiaia inviting people to attend the ceremony, which means the beginning of a project which has long been hoped for. This project, has been sooken nf nfton in o- lem and people have been gen erous in their support of the pro- posea rarm home community. I he board is verv anxious tn have as many friends as possible attend the ceremony which means that the vision of a "Real home on a real farm" for the homeless Protestant children of tho state is about to be realized. The W. C. T. U. here has Wn active in supporting the hmtie at all times and a number of the women will motor to Corvallis Saturday to participate in the ceremony. The cottage will be built for boys only, and the tipvt work will be to 'secure monpv enough to build a cottage for girls since the plea for heln is lust. great from them. The need is des perate and the home will bo com menced at the earliest possible date. Mrs. Kenneth Hall was hostess yesterday afternoon for a meetintr of the Gamma Phi Beta alumnae in Salem. The afternoon was spent with Christmas sewing and later in the afternoon tea was served by the hostess. The mem bers who were present were, Mrs. John H. Carson. Miss Catherine Carson, Mrs. Hugh McCammon, Mrs. Holhs Huntington, Miss Grace Bean, Bernice Craig and the hostess. BRONCHITIS! Often the result of a "little cold" often the forerunner of grave and serious diseases. Don't have itl Keep yourself free from "little colds "with BINZ Bronchi-Lyptus. It relieves Bronchitis too. Safe and pure. No narcotics, no alcohol. Keep a bottle handy. BRONCHI TRY YOUR DRUGGIST FIRST The Capital Journal The Year 'Round Gift Here's a gift that will prove interesting every day of the year an annual subscrip tion to the Capital Journal. It's a gift that never gets tiresome for it tells ,a differ ent story every twenty-four hours. And it will be welcome by every member of your family or your friends' families, for all of them have an interest in it some way or other. Special offer during December, $1.00 for 3 months by mail. The Capital Journal Salem, Oregon This is the latest photograph of Eafet Pasha, appointed by Mus tapha Kemal Pisha, ;as the new Governor of Constantinople, after he had forced the Sultun to flee on a British warship. ikrottisl Sven a little helps to free you from that cold and eases the coughing. See directions on bottle for relieving congestion, soothing Inflamed, scratchy throats. Banish that cold. Now don't risk yodr health through sheer neglect ask your druggist for DuKINGS DISCOVERY -a syrup for coughs &colds - LYPTUS i V The Wisdom of Shopp for Your Holiday HP: .6 THIS SEASON'S NEWEST NOVELTIES DOMESTIC and IMPORTED Words fail to describe the different Kerchiefs you '11 find here now! From Home and abroad these hankies came pouring in until our stocks are Blmply bulging with tBe daintiest, sheerest, loveliest Kerchiefs that can be purchased. Visit the Hand kerchief booth today. Prices 50 to $1.75; by the box 3oo to $3,00. U3 to A SALE OF STYLISH APPAREL ALL THIS WEEK MtSL For the sturdy boy we suggest Babe Kuth Sweaters, Oregon City overcoats and mack lnaws, wool suits; also ones of corduroy; wool Advance planning avoids the haste of last minute gift finding, which robs the heart of the, true spirit of Christmas giving. From now on' make every shopping trip count numerous things may be more advantageously selected now than later. M$19 fy ef Gift tyndkorcfiiofs Say It With Ribbon So many pretty as well as practical gifts made of ribbon and .when It's hand made its sure to be appreciated. Our rib bons are the famous J. and C. quality, satin, taf fetas, brocades, metalics, shirred ribbon elastics, two tones and . many novelties not here listed. The Store of Comfy's Express jour thoughts with Slippers; our stocks are well balanced with soft soled Comfys, Kid Everetts, Pullman's, Bou doirs .slippers for the whole family. B e side Comfy 'e we have a special line of felts at $1.50 that are guananteed to give good wear. Add Another Piece of Ivory to her set Clocks, trays, bruBhes, combs, ' photo frames, Bctssors, manicure sets, mirrors, etc, at consider ably lower prices than usual. Many pieces were not shown before this season; many interesting Xmas suggestions may be gained by visiting this department. Our ready to wear sale continues this week with sweeping reductions. Con' tinued cold weather will make an Investment in this department worth while. Choose her gift from this showing .of coats, suits and dresses, while the prices are ex tremely low. Coats The finest and most luxurious coats we have are now offered at $49.50 many sold at $85.00; some have large collars of fur, cloth coats in good practical styles as low as $18.75. Party Dresses Sheerest silks to chif fon velvets; you'll find so many new gowns here now that choosing should not be difficult. The new sleeve, the new drape, all found here and on sale at a saving. shlrtu and blouses, mad ras shirt) and blouses, shoes and boots, caps, gloves, and many other things here that will make him happy. Gifts SELLING f .StC "AIN'T WE GOT FUN?" Come to Circus Land Of all the glitter and glamor Toyland takes the prize. Every day Is Joy day In Toyland now. Mechanical toys, musical Brassieres Brassieres of silk bro cade or plain Skinner' Satin are very glvable gifts lace, ribbon and silk camisoles weere nev er prettier than this sea son. Corset department. ing Early MLIER'S CoodGoocfa. fli J Fancy Towels Fancy Towels are al ways acceptable; one never gets too many. Our towels this year are all entirely new in design, our assortments are in deed everything to be de sired In this line. Bed Spreads Give her a bed spread, a good one. We have them $3.00 to $7.50 that are guaranteed to wear, launder and retain their perfect and : original shape. Table Linens Surprise her this Xmaa .by giving her a beuutiful table set of linen. Gen uine Irish linen damask with napkins to match, conventional patterns. A New Shipment of French Ilenee Pearls $4.75 to $24.00 Have you seen the Renee Pearls Imported from France? They are graduated sizes, Inde Itructable, beautiful qual ities. ' A string of Renee Pearls will more than please her. Give her a BAG $1.50 to $15.00 Christmas would not be Christmas without new and attractive hand bags, coin purses and vanity cases. A new shipment came today many inno vations, among them you '11 find the octagon Bliape with double com partment fully equipped with (ollet sundries. Christmas Stationary II I gu grade writing papers and correspond ence cards here In abund ant assortments. Special boxes of combination cards, paper and en velopes priced $1.25 to $5.00. Greeting cards in new and exclusive de signs. Prices 3c to 25c each. Xmas stickers here a plenty. ones, dolls, drums, books, doll buggies, ironing boards games, dishes, blocks, and now is the time to buy your Jhuas tree decorations. Filmy Lingerie Vanity fair silk Lin gerie finds its home ex clusively here. You'll en Joy giving qualities such as these dainty under thlngs In the season's new styles and colors. Corset department.