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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1922)
I r PAGE TWO THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON DEATHS EXCEED BIRTHS DURING NOVEMBER HER E The stork failed to keep pace with the grim reaper in Salem and vicinity during the month of November, with 33 births being recorded aa agaimt 52 deaths, ac cording to the monthly record o! births and deaths given out by Dr. C. E. Oashatt, health officer for the Salem diatrict. Counting out the deaths from the state hos pital and the tuberculosis hospit al, the births would have exceed ed the deaths. - A very peculiar and unusual thing about the births for the month is that in all of the 33 ba : bies there were not two names the same. The nearest that two children came to having the same r.nme' was that one girl was nam ed Evelyn and another Bernlce Kvelyn. Names Unusnal - ' A number of names not com- mon to most people were wished upon babies Examples are: Bar bara Jane, Vene'.a Louise, Wal lace Marlln, Robert Lawrence, Jack Leo, Gordon Hans, Lillian Grace, Adah Olive, Aleta Berna- dine, Lois Vivian, Evelyn, Bruce Griffith, Veokra Onalee, Orvllle Henry, James Valentine, Sylvia . tae, LaVersa . Boll and Herman Schuyler. Two boys will carry a Jr. after Ueir names. One of the boys will carry the name of two men that stood out In world His tory Joseph Napoleon. He Is ono of the two Jrs. In only three families were there already three children to greet the new one. The arrival in one family marks the sixth time that the stork visited the house hold, flv in two families, four In one. three in one, and the sec ond in eight families, while twen ty families are receiving congrat ulations for the first time. Only In two Instances was the age .of the mather under 21 years one l. and the youngest, 18. Only pni mother of the new babies was over 35. She was 46. Thrff Ttnm Knvember 27 Th hieeest days work of the noted biid was on Nov. 22 wher. he left three babies here. Two wpr horn on Nov. 1. 5. 15, 17 23. 27 and 30. The only days in the month when he passed over Salem were Nov. 8, 14, 16, 20 and 26. I'd to Dec. 1 there have been a total of 451 births reported In the Salem district, an average of about 41a month. Of those who died during tha month there were but 14 out of the 52 who were under tha-age of 44 years. The youngest was three months old baby who dleil after an illness of one day. The oldest age attained by any of tha number was 87 which two had reached. Fourteen were 75 years of age or more. The largest num ber of deaths In a single day was on Nov. 23 when there were six. The average age at death now is about 44. AMUSEMENTS JLjL Salem Theatre News As Seen by the Press Agents Oregon George Arliss Is surrounded by a group of excellent players in hl3 forthcoming photoplay, "The Rul ing Passion," to be seen today at the Oregon theater. liberty Those who have not seen "An na. Ascends." Alice Brady's latest picture, now on view at the Liber ty theater, shouldn't miss tne final showinirs today. The story is strong and there are many genur ine thrills in the action. KoDeri Rllla and David Powell, promi nent film players, have the lead ing male parts. . Grand Edna Wallace Hopper, 63 years of age and looking and acting like a young flapper of 24 sum mers comes in person to . the Grand Friday and Saturday. This is a most unusual attraction and Edna will give a special matinee inr the weaker sex on Saturday. At that time the women will see her go thru the fame maneuvers ihA would if they were at her home any morning, for the time that she gets up until she Is all ncrrori nn for the street. She is possessed of all sorts of pep and she has a message tor an women of Salem that feel age creepin;,- on. BELL ALLEGES WIFE QUIT; ASKS DIVORCE Dallas, Dec. 12. Bennl Bell has brought suit in the cirtult Isourt at Dallas for an absolute decree of divorce from Sadie Bell, alleging in his complaint that she had treated him in a cruel and inhuman manner and desert ing him after she had once filed a divorce suit In Clackamas county and later withdrawing her complaint. He also alleges that at a number of different times she had threatened to take her own life. The couple were married at Bolton. Or., May 20, 1914, no children having been born from the union. TO OPEN HERE SUNDAY i Sunday is the big day at the Grand theater. Promptly, at i o'clock the doors will swing open for Salem folk to flock In for the altial showing of "When Knight hood Was in Flower," the story by Charles Major and filmed by Cosmopolitan at huge expense. Salem has long been waning fnr this nicture. in which Ma rion Davies is the star, assisted -" 1 . J by a cast declared to be seconu to none. Critics wherever It has been shown declare It to be the great est picture of the day; In Seattle and Portland It has been doing a record business. Bruce McRae, the man who created the role " of Charles Brandon in Julia Marlowe's pro duction of "When Knighthood Was In Flower," Is probably bet ter able .to pass Judgment on the picture than most anyooay else. A short time ago he viewed fh screen classic of this Iamous story. On the screen Forest Stan ley appears In the role of Bran don. Here is what McRae says or the wonder film: 'I hara heen hearing and read ing about this screen version of when Knla-hthood Was in Flow er' for the last six months, and expected much of It. I was totai i nnnrenared. however, for the amazing spectacle I witnessed. It is unquestionably the greatest oi all modern pictures, a. feast for the eye, and was so amazingly well acted as to be perfectly flaw- Vietrola like new $59; $1 down, il a week. See this before you less. I have never witnessed a per formance or more semblage of actors, and certainly witnessed such gor geous stage setting and( such wonderful ngnuus i wDh Dec. 12. The -lf,lint,i In the BUD- ornation of perjury case on trial in superior court "here was fur- ther reduced to n . i. Titisu Bernadine cnarge " , . Collins was ordered dismissed on motion of counsel ior mo based on Insufficiency evidence. The motion waa not resisted by the prosecution TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1922 v L.r II M lLi?r' V i ft hi mil- Geo.C.WiU - J iiSISKt... x.j.. , -7 199 Ctato Rtrpt , 7 ii " l 1 ; I III! Illlllllll II I 'IT I I II! i I Mill illhi hi . 77 - Tii.t-rrTTTTTTiTT-TTT.infiii'uui.iMiiiiiiiiML:i-jMMniiMi riiuiMMiniiniMii VT:, kIHllUlimiilliHJ flu l it nt-: I gfllMBl I & I ml JM Wtt ifl HliULilflR HLUHI Mm 1 MR flP Mm OJH Hi! A I 1 is ii us i? mm uu iwiii w k&h fi imh m ft ms n iwu nu mtm mim im hh u -Wtirfi ii.rji.NH .1 : m 1 mm w wm m m x. w m i m u h k i ti htm m wm m m 11 u m ii mu m t hi h t m e 9- m c v bi n m km ii a n in m i w a m tm rvv t, i m vd m en - m f mm MR! ' "B" I I f"" It "ff" th (jKMIMU I nCH I Kb. TONIGHT if Piles are usually due to training when constipated. Nujol being a lubricant keeps the food waste soft and therefore prevents straining. Doctor prescribe Jy'ujol because it not only Boothes the suffering of piles but relieves the irrita tion, brings comfort and helps to remove them. lubricant not a medicine or laxative - so nnnt . irrine. Try it today. MASTER MYSTERY MAN FIRST SENSATIONAL EXPOSE OF ALEXANDER and many other mediums' and spiritualism methods, mind read- Ing. spiru niesaaB"! "n moving hand tappings, cabinet manifestations, ghosts, messages from Uq) A) A $ I ReMnd the Scenes with the Mediums Prices, including war tax $1.00, 75c, 50o r-u. (9J PUTS A UEVoaUSED PIANO IN YOUR HOME There is nothing that will bring as much happiness to the whole family as a fnllfh We carry over twenty-three standard make pianos and the three leading phonographs, and we have arranged payments on these fine instruments that will enable all to enjoy one this Xmas. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICES AND TERIVIS Wfi havp. P-onft over our entire stock and made the mo st rediculous cuts and the lowest prices ever made. This Fine Used Piano, Mahogany case, will be recon ditioned in our own shop by our own workmen, and it is worth $300 but ve are going to make this special Christmas offer Only $5 and balance $5 a month . " i l 1 E23 $100 new-Phonograph ' f,.nwiim"!iiH 'p hk i in m. fS-iiiin'''lto''''''ii''i. IT' . , . J Tliia Plnwr. nsed 1 1 Emmmmmmmimmmmmf'm mmmimwmimmmmMmmmmmniw'. , , , ,,, , mum ,. m . . Here is a real buy 11 S? s ?.40i for only I '.tt.T-,S; ill $5 down, f K if 4W I $75 new ' I aawee, ; 11 ; phonograph ; ' hiimiih i' f i j i ii n...n,iu iiiu .n i ' i ii i.ii n v .1 11 1 I iimiMim ' iiiiiiiii.M'rniiii.1 inii.iariiir'r r fij 1,1 j , 1 This old stand- I 1 ffJl7 50 SSil ard make could j 1 This fine slightly YVB tp9JJ hardly be told j used from new only J ! "T Phonograph $i down, $1 down, $357 'f l ' ' $1 a week $1 a week jf V $1 down, S2 a week. ' ' ! l . $1.50 a week ty IZIZZ T i 1 f I Victrola : I $120 Edison l Victrola j 1 CKfL This is one of 1 like new like new like new ! ; ( 1 the world's , ! T"" i greatest Pianos, ifr 1! iTV rt 7 ft (i? Cf fl $55o used by the- 8 j3 ft m MtfU ' ( i now world's greatest JL ftp 1 : JfI $425; Artist- V ' ". I "I j; 1 J ji 4-? $1 down, $1 down, $ldown 1-. H 60c a week $1.25 a week $1 a week J $2.50 a week I, " . ' S New Phonographs Cut One Half Ve are Closing Out One Old Nationally Advertised Line of Phonographs at Half Price. This is Much Below Wholesale Cost. L. r v i.... -". I, . "i- $150 Phonograph $75 $1 down, $1.25 a week $200 Phonograph $1 down, $1.50 a week i! $250" Phonograph $125 $1 down, $2 a week in nr.A yTrirt'ti" nilimiiiilini""" mm. Graforola a real buy $23 $1 down, $1 a week Victrola new $1 down, $1 a week Grafonola large size $85 $1 down, $1.50 a week We also have the largest stock of Victor, Columbia and Edison Records south of Portland- Come down now and select that Piano, Player Piano or Phonograph and pay only $1 down and we will hold it for Xmas delivery.' Established Everything Musical el WILL Will Building H 1881 432 State St