PAGE TEN TURKS GREEKS DENY BLAME FOR SMYRNA TRAGEDY lausanne, Deo. 12. (By Asso ciated Press.) The debate be tween Turkey and Greece over tne Question of which nation is re sponsible for the tragedy of Smyr na continues the dominant factor at ' the Near East conference Ismet Pasha says he is quite will ing; that the - treaty which the delegates hope to frame shall pro vide a system of payment to the allied nations for the damages their nations suffered in Turkey luring the great war, but that on the other hand he will insist upon reimbursement by Greece for the losses sustained by the Turk in asia Minor at the hands of the re treating Greek army. f Former Premier Venizelos in lists that the Greeks burned only through military necessity. He leclares that the real crime of the Asia Minor campaign was the ac tion of the Turkish troops in out raging and shooting Greek resi lents, sacking homes and deport ing hundreds of thousands of des titute human beings. , If Turkey exacts reparations Irom Greece, M. Venizelos says he it 111 present a bill for the horrors rod: injustice suffered . by the 3rkf.. , ; ., - ilSSIONARY IS IE V F ED liberty Alicd Brady m "Anna Ascends" Other Subjects Too- -Doors Open at 1:45 and 6.45 P. M. Oregon - George Arllss In "The Ruling Passion" Bligh Hickman Bessey Stock Company in "Mother 0' Mine" Grand Menlo And His Assistants in an I Expose of Alexander and f All Famous Mediums 3AR1IN RECRU T HERE Peking, Dec. 12. (By Associat k1 Press.) Anton . Lundeen ' of Kewman Grove, Neb., a missionary tldnaped by bandits in Honan province on October 13 last, has teen released, It was announced tere today. Three other Americans are still Held captive and the diplomatic iorps here has appointed a com mission which will start for Ho lan province Thursday to hegoti ite their release. ; ' 800 Player Piano $357 Beautiful player piano Just like tew, with rolls and bench. J 2.50 own a week. ' Geo. C. Will . 432 State Street , Recruits from Salem for the United States army are sought by Sergeant W. D. Schuster and Cor porals Harvey and Wilson, who arrived in Salem today from Port land and who have set up head quarters at the Bligh hotel. Sergeant Schuster pointed out that there are now between 4000 and 6000 vacancies in the Ha walian islands and about ISO at Vancouver, Wash. Recruits, he said, are being obtained speedily in Portland and he expressed the belief that a large number will be secured here. Persons interested should get in touch with Sergeant Schuster or NAZI IYI OVA What's New on the Market BT FORREST GINN A fresh supply of vegetabl oysters, often called salsify, ap peared on the market this morn ing. They were selling at 10 cents a pound. For those who have not eaten vegetable oysters a treat is In store. One of the best ways to cook is to prepare and boil as one would potatoes or carrots and then serve with butter. Brussel sprouts are selling at from 20 to 26 cents a pound. Japanese oranges, much smaller than the regular varieties but very sweet and Juicy, are selling at from 30 to 60 cents a dozen Se pending upon the size. A very few Tokay grapes, lm ported from the southern part of the state are still on the market The quality is not extra good They are selling at 20 cents pound or two for 35 cents. Chestnuts are still on the mar ket. -They are selling at 20 cents a pound. Those planning on dry ing any of the nuts should buy soon as some of the nuts are be ginning to mold on the outside now. his aides immediately. They were unable to say just how long they will be in Salem. Buenos Aires. The Brazilian government informed Argentine that it had abandoned plans for a trl-partite conference on limita tion of armament. Washington, D. C. The su preme court adjourned until January 2. Merciless Neuritis Imps of Hades armed with red hot pitchforks could scarcely in flict more cruel, agonizing torture than that endured by many suf ferers from neuritis. The sharp stabbing pains cauB- ed by this disease are usually cen tered, about- the shoulder, neck, forearm, small of the back or along the thigh and leg in the region of the sciatic nerve. bometimes they move from one part to another, sending out light ning Jabs which produce untold misery. If you want prompt relief, ap ply Tysmol over the part that hurts, and the pain should disap pear. Tysmol Is absorbed through the pores of the skin and has a sooth ing, healing effect upon the in flamed, diseased nerves. Contains no "dope." Guaranteed harmless. Price $1 at Dan'l J. Fry's. Tysmol Company, Mfg. Chemists, 400 Sut ter St., San Francisco. (adv) THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON OVERALL TO HELP CHANCE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1922 Los Angeles, Cel., Dee. 12. Frank L. Chance, who "will man age the Boston club of the Ameri can league, before leaving Los An geles recently for the east signed Orvle Overall, formerly, a pitcher for the Chicago club of the Na tional league, to become Chance's assistant In the Red Sox manage ment, according to statements published here. , CHOWERS TO DISCUSS METHODS OF PAMO ' Spokane, Wash., Dec. 12. Con ferences on fruit and potato packs and graded and other topics of the importance to the horticultural industry of Washington will oc cupy fruit growers of the state in the annual four-day convention of the Washington State Horticulture al association Which opened here today. DAINTY GIFTS That Appeal to the Feminine Heart ABOUND AT OUR STORE Ladies' Pure Thread Silk Hose Pigeon brand, extra quality and wear, per pair $1.75 Handkerchiefs A complete line for men, wom en and children, each 10c to 59c Fancy boxes, three to box, per box 39c, 59c, 75c, $1.25 , ) Ladies' Umbrellas In cotton and colored silk. Very good values. Cotton $1.25 to $3.98 Silk $3.98 to $9.75 Ladies' Fancy Purses and Vanity Cases. A new ship ment just received, featuring the "Purse of the Hour." Each $1.49 to $7.75 Only Eleven Shopping Days Till Christmas A Wonderful Assortment of Christmas Gifts That Would Please Immensely We Suggest Just a Pew Jewelry Novelties The Friend to Friend Gift Something more than jnst a card and something less than the usual gift. That is how you want to remember a good many friends, isn't it? And for such gifts jewelry novelties just about solve the difficulty. Dingle dangles of every sort are very fash ionable it is part of the Oriental trend in costumes. Novelties at 35c, 49c, 69c, 75c, 98c, $1.25 and up to $3.95. Hand Bags and Vanity Boxes, $1.98, $2.50, $2.95 up to $19.50. Beads of all kinds including Pearls from 98c up to $8.00- She'll Want a Silk Umbrella What shall I get her? is probably a ques tion that you've been repeating. Why be in doubt when one or more colored silk umbrel las are always accepable, especially in this rainy country. Lovely handles and bright colored silk, red, purple, green, gray, brown, taupe, navy and black. 17 " m i Prices range at $4.95, $6.95, $10.50 and $13.50. GALE & CO. Commercial and Court Streets Watch Our Daily Christmas Window Display Salem Store 466 State Street Portland Silk Shop 383 Alder Street WW 11-9 ine Kanse o implicity an mmm i ' c u " .. m m . n i Uii i t ji WW '-:. jV in,, mmni iiiimiwwmin. & SIMPLEX UNIVERSAL Xv-MJ of the ,j j ,1 ' Ganges I if fyj U from Coal J If y GetS ...... ..... K;SWfatMm ff" OJ J K-1 r: ' ff.fl 1 f M ! ffl Sfl BiirfflHl?! .. I TM'T77- DSAi combination i WlwvlwPwM I '1 lli r , j The eras key for the oven is most conveniently located at the front as is shown in illustration to the left. When this key is turned "on'1 the oven is ready for gas and it is merely necessary to Lisrht the oven burner. When turned '"off" the ranee is ready for coal or wood. ould anything b e more conveniett The key does it all. automatically by a mere ''twist of the wrist." You have noth ing to think about except your baking. See Our West Window The big thing abou the UNIVERSAL is its simplicity and economy. FOR GAS simply turn on the gas and light it. FOR COAL OR WOOD simply start your fire. Absolutely nothing to take out or put back a complete Gas Range and complete range for coal and wood all in one. ' The same oven is used for all fuels and both gas and coal or wood can be used at the same time in the oven or on the cooking top. This range is a splendid vitreous porcelain possessing unusual strength, durability and glaze- As far ahead of ordinary stove finishes as the porce lain bath tub is over the old tin tub! You will find the trademark UNIVIT stamped on the Porcelain. Makers of UNIVERSAL STOVES AND RANGES Offers Special Inducem ents Until Saturday Only We have arranged with Cribben & Sexton Company, Chicago, makers of this nationally known product to have their expert in our store this week. They will conduct an educational, exhibit and demonstration and are cooperating with us in offering you a remarkable opportunity to procure one of these famous ranges. You cannot afford to miss these offers. Bead them. Remember thev are limited to this week, and after which they will be positively withdrawn. Plan to come today if possible. FREE Set Rogers Silverware During this Demonstration Only. With every Universal range we will include without charge this beautiful 26-piece set of Rogers Hampden design guaranteed silverware... .... This set of silverware carries an unlimited guarantee from the maker, Wm. Rogers & Sons. Don't miss this opportunity. ' , . Your Old Stove Taken in Exchange - During this exhibit we will take your wasteful, old. broken down kitchen range, and make you a snecial liberal allowance on your new purchase. Make your own terms on the balance. Hot Biscuits WITH PASTRY AND COFFEE Will be served during this great demonstration $5.00 DEPOSIT $5.00 cash will hold any Universal Porcelain Range yon may select for futuue delivery and entitles you to all inducements of this demonstration. See Our West Window f vao? j I I