PAGE EIGHT SCHOOLS ASKED TO HELP BOOS! CORN In order that the coming Mar- ion-roiK county corn snow may r.ceire attention . through " the ohools, . Paul Carpenter,: . Polk county agent, who la assisting In putting on the display, has written a letter to school teachers. The letter in part Is as follows ".'The object of this event is to promote the growth of better corn In the two counties and to in crease the acreage. One of the outstanding needs of our soil is the production of more crops that must be cultivated during - the summer season. Corn fills this need, making profitable returns in addition. "Will you be so kind as to call the attention of the older pupils in the school patrons to this display. A very attractive offering is made far a community display and it Is probable that your people will be interested in competing. "Your cooperation in putting forward this show will not only be met by the appreciation of the committee In charge, but you will be rendering a real service to your district." In giving a few pointers in the selection of corn for display, ir Carpenter offers the following suggestions: ' v Corn must be ripe to be a suc cessful crop. .The ear takes on its growth during the last few days of the growing season. Willam ette valley corn should be hard by September 15. The shape of an ear of corn should be like a pltchford handle. A to size, It is not always the largest ear that is bent. Ears of about eight to ten ounces are what we should aim for. The cob should be small every time. The profitable corn Is from ears that have small cobs and deep kernals. Rows should be straight, as tnat means more grain to the ear. There should be no open channels between rows. ' As to kernels, the deeper the bet ter, and straight on the sides. With Dent varieties, there should be a well defined dent in ever" kernel. The butt and tip should be fill ed, with tip rounded and covered with kernels. Grain should be crowded right to the shank of the butt. The color should be uniform Color is a good indication of the purity of the variety. The Marion-Polk county corn show will be held In the , Salem chamber of commerce rooms three days, beginning Decemu. 4 Cash prizes amounting to $150 will be awarded. CHURCH PLANS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON Members of the Court Street Christian church are planning on the erection of a $30,000 church within a year or so. At the last meeting .of the forward movement held Sunday evening, $8,000 was suoscrlbed and it is the opinion of members of the church that when ute proposition of building is brought before all members, suf ucieni runas will be subscribed to Justify making plans for the new church. At present the membershln of the church is about 400. Last Sunday the attendance at Sundav school was 312. With the many aaaiuons to membershln diirlne- me recent services, and the Ken eral growth of the church, it in relt that large quarters will soon be necessary. The new church will be erected on-the corner lot at court and Seventeenth street, now owned by the church. HARDING FAILS TO SEND MESSAG E wasnmgton, Dec. 6. Preslden naming nag broke a precedent by permitting the second dav of me new session of congress pass without delivering his annual message reporting on the "state of the Union" and outlining the administration's recommendatios ror legislation. It was said at the White House that no date had been fixed for the president's appearance before the senate and house, but that he expected to complete his message in time to deliver it before the end of the week. AUBURN PEOPLE ASK FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS A number of residents living on the Auburn hall road, have just made arrangements with the Port land Railway, Light & Power com pany for the extension of electric service into their homes. These Include J. A. Poole, . Murray J. Johnson, Homer D. Tarpley, Carl Swanson, W. H. Hayes, I. W. Mc- Elfresh and H. Wado Leonard. To reach these homes, the elec tric service will be extended about, three quarters of a mile east from Auburn hall, and work will begin at once. It is understood that a number of residents living north of Au burn hall are considering the pro position of securing electric Ugh service. i MM BOOZE PARTIES AT W000BURN PROBED vvoocilmrn, Or., Dec. 6. There was a little excitement in this city yesterday when It was learned that three attaches from the ad jutant general's office was here and investigating the rumor that tnere was considerable drinking in one of the rooms at the armory Thanksgiving night. A number of parties were Interviewed. It is also understood that a dry squad was here a few days ago searching places for booze iu the vicinity and in the town. Considerable boot legging has been going on here and an effort is being made to Jtamp It out. , , . ' Teachers to Meet. Dallas, Or., Dec. 6. The next regular teachers' examination in Polk county .will be held In the circuit court room of the Polk munty court house in Dallas on December 20, 21, 22 and 23. Su perintendent of Schools Joslah Wills has arranged a program and anticipates that a large number1 will take the examination. STUOEBAKER COMMON RETunnS25 PER GEN New York, Dec. 6. The Stude baker . corporation automobile manufacturers have declared common stock dividend of 25 per cent on common stock. , A statement said that it was voted to captlallze $15,000,000 of net earnings which have been per manently Invested in ' plants. equipments, etc.. to' provide for future growth. The stock will he given to share holders of the present $60,000,000 capitalization at the rate of one share for every four. FALLS CITY STUDENTS ORGANIZE SOCIETIES Dallas, Or., Dec. 6. Two new societies have been organized in the high school at Falls City and at present are cerrying on activi ties as the "a" and ''b" societies, Intending to continue under these names until ones more appropriate have been thought out. Two basketball games have al ready been played between the two societies. The "b's" were vic torious in both the boys and girls games. There developed a great deal of friendly rivalry between the supporters of both societies in the form of serpentining and yell Ing. ' The "b" society is making prep arations for the giving of an ap propriate Christmas program Falls City has just reason to be proud of the fact that her boys have started the basketball sea son by winning the first game with the high school team at Air lie. The girls' team lost by a score of 6 to 9 In Alrlle's favor. Polk County Court HIGH SCHOOL TO STAGE COMED "Three Live Ghosts," a three-act comedy-drama after the war story, is to be presented by the associates' student body of Salem high school on Friday, December 16. in the high , school auditorium at o'clock. Regular rehearsals are going on under the direction of Miss F. Bo- lin. The setting of the story is England with the plot centered about an ex-soldler who was re ported as killed in action hut wh Is alive and living under an suraed name. The complications developing from this situatlofl form the basis of the play. There is a decided comical feature in the story and at the same time a som bre note which carried throughout that is strongly portrayed. The characters are: Mrs. Dubbins, Luclle Pettyjohn William Foster, Charles Ander son; Jimmy Gubblns, Burton Randall; Spoof y, Lewis WeBt Rose, Alice Roth; Peggy Woofers, Frances Rhodes; Briggs, Harold Mero; Benson, Arley Anderson Boulton, Clifford .'Goode;, police man, Charles Coffey. BUTLER NOMINATION RETURNED BY HARDING Washington, Dec. 6 The nomi nation of Pierce Butler of Minne sota to be an associate justice of the supreme court, which failed of confirmation at the special session congress was returned to the senate Tuesday by President Hard ing. Probate Court- Decree of final settlement made In estate of J. D. Durham, de ceased. W. B. Cuthbert appointed ex ecutor of estate of Joseph Bezan- son, deceased. E. E. Paddock, J McLeod and J. M. Jones appointed appraisers of estate. Circuit Court. Mollle Stump vs. Nessisa G Stark, et al. Action to quiet title. OFFICER HAD TO QUIT HIS FORMER JOB Dt KING'S PILLS -Jbr. constipation JbrJiverilh T Hljl Subscribe for the Journa Everybody Is I Talking About FOR THE TEETH All you hare to do is to ask one of my patients bout this wonder anethetic for the teeth any who have tried it will tell you that THERE IS NO HURT It make no difference ; whether your teeth are ; sensitive -here you will absolutely feel no pain. 1 DR. F.L. UTTER f ros. CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS Headache INDIGESTION Stomach Trouble SOLD EVERYWHERE- Tanlac made me feel like a ew man In every way, and I am ready to tell everybody about It," declared C. I.. Braim, 2901 Grace St., Spokane, Wash., well known member of the police force. "Stomach trouble caused me no end of suffering for five years and I fell oft from a hundred and eighty to a hundred and fifty six. I had appetite enough, but what I ate did me no good. Gas would form on my stomach ,and a cold sweat would come on me. I would get dizzy and my heart would flutter so I thought I had heart trouble. I lost all my strength and had to give up my work as a machinist and black smith and find a lighter job. "But three bottles of Tanlac set me on the right road and ' I soon got back in fine shape. My weight went up again, my stom ach came back, and now I always feel fine and ready for work. Tanlac certainly pulled me out of a bad hole, and I am thankful." Tanlac is sold by all good drug gists, (adv) Liverpool, Dec. 6. (By Asso ciated Press) The local police today seized quantities of rifles, ammunition and explosives dis covered on ships sailing for south ern Ireland. Dr. BELL'S PinfrTarHonej whS. Qrn'efs Cbu$ing-C&r&r Colds The most stubborn, throat-rasping coughs cannot survive a few doses . of Dr. Bell's that good old-time immJt. There is mm and relief in Jhe very Brit teeapoonful of this tooth Ing ptne-ter-honey eompouud. Dr. Belt'a beale the raw epote looeene, then etope the cough. PlenKDt to tekel SOo All drug-si te. JOHAS TURKEYS If MAY BE CHEAPER WEDNESDAY, DEcWp . y Dealers in produce are of the opinion that the Christmas turkey will not cost quite so much as the one bought for the Thanksgiving celebration. This is due to the fact that the great markets of Portland ana oan Francisco carried a heavy over load of turkeys which will be held in cold storage tor the holiday markets. Dealers in Salem say that local ly, , the market was. fairly well sold, but that market conditions here are controlled entirely by the Portland market. Hence the feeling that the tur key market is in for a decline. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Ladies' Pure .Thread - oiik nose At popular prices Slrin Ablaze with Eczema Constant Itching Almost Unbearable! We know there la one thlnr that cope cctema, eua that it more reo blood-celle I S. S. B. ballds them by the million! Ton can inrreaae your red-blo: telle to the rmlnt where it la practically linpoaalble for soaema to exist. We know that as blood-celle Increase In number, blood lmmirltlea vaniBni we also Know that night loi-lo-jrs day. Both are facts I But have yon, eoiema sufferers, ever actually taken dvantage of this wonderful fact? Thousands just like you have never thouirbt about it! Skin eruptions. eczema with all its fiery, akin-digging torture and lta aoul-tearlng, unreach- ble Itching, pimples, blackheada and boila, they all pack up and go, when the tide of blood-cells begins to roll in I Blood-cells are the flehtinc-Klanta of nature) 8. 8. S. builds them by the million! It has been doing It since 1826! S. S. 8. la one of the greatest blood - cell builders, blood - cleanser. and body-bnlldera known to us mor tals I when you put these facta to gether, then to continue to have ecze ma and akin ernptlona looka more like a sin than a dlBease. Mrs. Arthur N. Smith, Pearl St., Newark, Ohio, wrltea: Ml tittle 0iri had a very bad ease of mama. She btpan taking S. S. 8. and weU now. I thank voa very muck. I teli mn friend what food madicint it , I cannot talk tot much about it, for know it im O. K" Here is your opportunity. 8. 8. B. contains only vegetable medicinal In gredients. Because 8. 8. 8. doea build Md-blood-cells, it routs rheumatism, builds firm flesh, fills out hollow cheeks, beautifies the complexion, builds yon np when you are run-down. b. b. b. is soia at an drug stores, lu two sites. The larger size bottle lg the more economical. yotaidfagam Salem Bank of Commerce Building uuiiuiuk x A Summer Clime for your Winter Outing that's o Like many others at this season of the year you are thinking of a trip to a warmer clime. California Is Just the place for your winter outing. Here the days', are flooded with bright warm sunshine. You may enjoy all outdoor recreations or simply rolax and rest "In comfort under sunlit skies. - There are noted golf courses, polo fields, tennis courts, miles ot splendid highways and countless places of scenic and romantic charm. Go now and take advantage of Excellent Train , Service and Through Sleeping Cars to San Francisco and Los Angeles. LOW ROUND TRIP TICKETS Now On Sale For fares, train schedules, sleeping car reservations or descriptive fold ers, ask local railroad ticket agents, or writs JOHN M. SCCTT, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon oney Saved IS- . oney Earned YOU GAIN-WE LOSE We are determined to move everv dol lar's worth of Groceries formerly owned Jy the Capital Cash Store, before Christ inas, hence if you want to make your dollar go iurtner look over our prices. Turner's Cream White Flour, 49 lb. sack $1.45 .. Crown Hard Wheat :. Flour, 49 lb. sack $2.00 1 lb. can Royal Club Coffee - 40c . Big 5c stick candy free with each lb. " 3 lb. can Royal Club Coffee $1.15 1 lb. can Golden West Coffee 41c 2 lb. can Golden Coffee 80c West Fresh Cream Brick Cheese per lb. 32c No. 2 Rosedale Ripe Olives per can 20q Libby's No. Alaska 1 tall Red Salmon 25c Orange Peal per lb. 25c Lemon Peal, per lb. 25c 1 Pint Bottle Boiled Cider 20c 1 Pint Logan Berry Juice 20c Libby's No. 1 Plumb Pudding, per can 30c Libby's No. 1 Pork and Beans, per can lie Value String Beans No. 2 cans, 2 for 25c Blue Bell Corn Flakes, 3 large pkgs. for 25c Pint . Bottle Monopole Maple and Cane Syrup 20c , We pay. the highest cash market price for eggs and butter. Store fixtures for sale. 456 State St., opposite Bake Rite Bakery OHMSOW C.A,J Handkerchiefs, a complete line for men, women and children ....10c to 59c each Also in fancy holiday boxes, boxed three . handkerchiefs 39c, 59c, 75c and $1.25 per box. LADIES' FANCY PURSES And Vanity Cases, a new shipment just re ceived, featuring ' the "Purse of the Hour." Prices $1.49 to $7.75 each. ' Pigeon brand, extra quality arid wear Pair-7"---" $1.75 Ladies' Umbrellas In cotton and colored silk. Cotton Umbrellas $1.25 In 9as ....... $3.98 to $9.75 Silk Umbrellas GALE 6? COMPANY Commercial and Court Streets It Is Christmas afKafoury's Come See the Decorations Join the Happy Throngs This Is the Gift-Maker's Haven , The friendly thoughtf ulness expressed by the hand-made gift is ever appealing, particu larly at Christmas. There's still time for deft fingers and shiny needles to get together Our Art Goods Needlework Section will inspire you. There are ever so many things you ?an make. Turkish Towels, Guest Towels, Glass Towels, Scarfs, Pillow Cases, Lunch Sets, Gowns, Infant's Dresses, Combing Jackets, Buffet Sets, Rompers, Gertrudes, Infant's Pillows, Rag Animals, and Centerpieces, Scarfs, and Pillows in Linen color. Full Line of 6-strand Colored D. M. C., also Perle D.M.C. Crochet Cotton in White and Colors Art Linens .A fine assortment of excellent qual ity linens for fancy work. Bleached 18 in., 20 in., 36 in., 45 in., 54 in. Priced 98c to $2.45 yd. ibleached 18-inch, 20-inch, 36 ch, 54-inch 65c to $1.75 yd. Cottons for Underwear The best to be had in making up gift underwear. Nainsooks, Bastiste, Crepes and Dimities. Priced at : 35c to 98c yd. Colored Linen Handkerchiefs, cen ters, also pongee at 20c .each. Silks for Gift Underwear Pure Silk Radium 40 inches wide $2.50 yd. An imported silk of good weight, beautiful quality; colors are flesh and orchid only. Suitable for under Pure Wash Satin 36 inches widel $1.79 yd. A heavy lustrous satin, washable, splendid qaul ity, suitable for under wear. Colors are flesh and white. Silk Jersey For Underwear 36 inch $1.25 To be had in plain or drop stitch; colors are white, flesh, orchid. Cotton Charmeuse 36 inches wide 85c This is a lovely soft fabric, suitable for un derwear. Colors are white, flesh, orchid, black, yellow, baby blue, in plain and fancy. Salem Store 466 State Street Portland Silk Shop . 383 Alder Street