PAGE EIGHT fiO DELIVERY OF CHRISTMAS I I ON DECEMBER 24 A number of pniterg urging tb public to "Mall early, wrap ue eurely" were received at tbe lo cal postofflce ' this morning anil are being posted In the poet of fice lobby and other public build ing . "In lending girta . the public muet take Into consideration that wniimu mis year comes on Monday and that there will be no delivery of mail on that day or Sunday, making it necessary for mail to arrive on time at Its destination to be delivered Ra,r. day," Postmaster Farrar said this morning. In sending rifts it la tlve, if the full spirit of the Yule tide is to go with It, that the article arrive before Christmas day. When the gift comes the day louowing the regular routine bus mess is oocupymg the mind of the receiver and as a result the gift is looked on more for its intrinsic value." The Christmas spirit is gone and the full mean ing is lost. . Holiday gifts for the eastern nu southeastern part - of the uuiiea states and foreign coun tries 1b already bectnnlnr . in, according to Mr. Farrar. Any nsue articles should be sent early if only for a short distance or else left until after the rush season as the whola department Is taxed to the limit and the mail io extremely heavy. ELKS SERVICES MEMORY OF DEAD IS HELD SUNDAY MOBAN AWAjTSMD JURY Warren Moran, alleged pervert waived a hearing when he was arraigned before Judge O. K Un ruh In the Justice court late Sat urday afternoon and was bound over to the grand Jury. His ball, eet at 1000, was not furnished Moran, who is 63 years of age Is chareed with ot .i . commit a crime against nature lie was arrested several days ago by Chief of Police Moffitt, with the assistance of Miss Elsie Eisa man, police matron. Solemn services, in memorv of deceased members of the order was held Sunday afternoon at the (.rand opera house by Salem lodre No. 33S, Benevolent and Protect ive Order of Elks. Fourteen names were added to the roll of a been-, members during the past year. The full ritualistic exercises of the lodge were carried out under the direction of D. O. Draeer. ex alted ruler. C. E.(Knowland, mem ber of the lodge.'paid feeling tri bute to the 14 Elks who had pass ed beyond during the year. Judge John h. Hand, of the Oregon supreme court, delivered the address for the memorial ex ercises. He referred especially to the fact that the order of Elks taught its members patriotism and a love of country. "It is our form of government that has made us the most con tented nation on earth." Judge Rand said. "And it is to our form of government that the Elks ded icate their services. As long an we stand for our prlnciDles. the order of Elks will be a mainstay to our American institutions." With conditions as they are in the United States, Judge Rand was of the opinion there was need of loyalty and patriotism as expressed In the principles cf tbe ordor of Elks. There are those who would tear down our lihnrtv by lawlessness, and it is the dutv of the Elks to oppose such disre gard of the law, he said. The world will not be free un til our form of government if adopted by the whole world," dr. Glared Judge Rand. "And it wli never do to arraign one class o people against another. Our nen- Pie snould not be divided into re ligious, race or occupational clas eS and such a thing should not be allowed." Referring to the dangers of large Immigration, Judge Rand said that six states in the east were' controlled largely by the labor vote, a majority of whom were foreigners who had not yet become familiar with the ideals of American citizenshlD. Two vocal solos were offered by Ruth Emery Riddle. The Rev. Ward Willis Long offered the in- ployed while the 150 Elks march ed in a body from tbe lodge rooms to the opera bouse. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON TWO TRAFFIC SQUAD . OFFICERS SUSPENDED T. A. Raffety. chief of the state traffic squad, has announced the temporary suspension of H. L. Griffith and C. N. Wiles from the squad for neglect of duty. Th suspensions, Raffety explained, were necessary for the rood of the good of the service. Griffith and Wiles have been in the service since May, 1921. Griffiths has been on duty on the Columbia highway between . Portland and Hood River, and Wiles has been covering the lower Columbia river highway from Portland to Astoria. Groves, et al. Action for money. Order made allowing widow of C. D. Nairn an allowance from the estate Order made setting Friday, De cember 29, at county court rooms, as time and place for hearing final account of estate of Walter Sako. deceased. Bond of A.' J. Turner as mar. dian of person and estate of Ches ter D.' Turner, a minor, approved. Amount Of 11700. Lucile NTeof Robert Kteason and Charles Greg ory appointed appraisers. Friday, December 19, at court house, Dallas, set at time and place for hearing final account of estate of Anna Helsey, deceased. Order made approving final ac count of estate of Charles H. Hnke, deceased. ' ' Order made alolwlnsr final ac count of estate of Charles S. Her- ren, deceased. Order made directing -'citation to issue in estate of John 11. Mor an, deceased. Saturday, December SO. at county court room set as time and place for hearing second final ac count In the matter of the guar dianship of person and estate of Monara is. uomstocK, et al. Inventory and appraisement of the estate of William Youngblood. deceased, approved by court.. J Decree made allowing final ac count ot estate of Michael Kelly, deceased. ty court room, set as time for hearing on report ot sale ot estate of Charles E. Osborn, deceased. . Tuesday. December 2S at coun ty court room, set as time ana place to hear and settle final ac count oi estate ot Mary E. Owln, deceased. Marriage Lioeiuei. George Henry Osborne, ut 1.1. Independence, and Cleo Ida Rose, age 17, Independence. Cornelius V. Shreeva. - ace 29. Dallas, and Adah Leon Campbell, age it, Dallas. - Loren Wilson, Dallas, and Alice Pierce, Dallas. Vernon D. Wolfe, age 11, Inde pendence, and Vera Dynge, age 20, Independence. Noel Dickey, age 35, Dallas, and Vera Rlckards, age 23, Dallas. Safe Milk For Infant. invalid A . Children The Original Food-Drink for AH Age iUKL,uncntnamc,uriiccroBiuuiw ! derfcTabletforma, Hourtthtae-N.aoHiie. JP Avoid Imitations and Substitute MONDAY, DECEMBKP. i ,tt, . - Polk County Court B. Ortman, et al,: vs. ;:Abner Summers, gt al. Action for fore closure of. mortgage. Willamlna State Bank, vs. Car rie S. Robb, et al. Action for foreclosure. E. Matthews vs. M. E. Shiltz. Action for money. Bertha Holsington vs. Oscar L. rHEST COLDS txyyiy uvcr uuoat ana Cnest cover with hot flannel cloth. V Vapo Rub Over I? Million Jan VtcJ Yearly Appetite Keen and Bowels Relieved You can relish your meals without fear of upsetting your liver or stomach if you will mtvour faith in rsrs-gglSL- Jv fc.n.r-. Lita. CARTER'S ITTLE IVER This simple treatment clears the head.loosens irritating ' phlegm, cools Inflamed, (tinging tissues and breaks the cold. See bottle for simple directions. Go to your druggist apra yourself serious trouble start now to take DaKINGS DISCOVERY a syrup for coughs &colds W3 El DM I Pill.. Foul accumu- poison the 4 blood are ex- IrfJMWPwwraO. pelled from the bowels and headacne, dizziness and sallow akin ars rrlirvH Small Pill Smell Dose Small Price) Jl L.M.HUM Care of YickSoTong Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. has medicine which will cure any known dis ease. Not open Sundays 153 South High Street Salem. Orrgon. Phone 281 Ladies' Wool Scarfs Brushed Wool .In new colors that is sure to keep you comfortable these cold days. Extra large size. Each $3.75 GALE & CO. Commercial and Court Streets WHaaaamtfmmmmsaimamsm - JhT ; . : M ' . i BEST . ' PLi 1 IT TEST --that a big can at a low cost many timM e-'u i bakings that are unfit for food. 7 M in --tJiat lack of proper leavening strength mpan. and disappointment on bakeKiay. means Tthat one cent's worth of inferiorBaking PowdPr m times rmna one dollar's worth of other incSSo that millions depend n . The Economy BUiUG POL7T? not because of quanti ty but on account of quaK- -ty not because of price but by reason of results. That is why the sale ot Calumet is 2 times as much as that of any other baking powder. Buy it--try it never fail to use n. A pound can of Calumet contain full is ounce: Some baking powder come in 12 ounce inttead of 16 ounce can. Be tare you get a pound when you want it. THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING Pcim LAD D & BUSH BANKERS- ESTABLISHED 1863 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. aioury s, the Store with the Real Christmas Spirit Do Your Christmas Shopping Early ft -t" w frL Here are Thousands of Lovely Gifts that will he appreciated Christmas morn Doubtless one of your gift shopping problems is won dering what to give to relatives, mother, grandmother, , wife, mother-in-law, sister, daughter or baby, to intimate friends, fellow club members or neighbors. ' Most Everything that's Dear to a Worn Opening of OYLQNB In Our Downstairs Store Come to Toyland bring the youngsters, they probably have made out Christmas lists a foot long, and expect everything to come down the chimney, but bring them to Toyland anyway Children Have the time of their Lives at Christmas JjQjJgTnat ftre dressed and undressed and sleep, some that flirt Bisque dolls,. rag dolls, metal dolts, rubber dolls, electric trains, sanitary rag dolls, steam engines, iron trains, merry-go-rounds, dogs, bears, cats, horsse, monkeys, elephants, brooms, stoves, games, blocks, mechanical boats, clowns, birds, - lambs, rubber dolls and many other things too numerous to mention- Toys and Dolls are located in our Downstairs Store Furs Gloves : Jewelry Dress Silks Suits Hankies : Combs Dress Groods Dresses Blouses Bags Table Linens Kimonas Waists Vanities Madeira Skirts - Umbrellas Beads 3ed Spreads Petticoats Neckwear Pearls Blankets Corsets . Ribbons Bar Pins Robes Underwear Camisoles Ear-rings Comforters Gowns Silk Hose Bracelets Pillows Everything for Babies Fountain Pens Silver and Gold Pencils Sweaters Gifts You Make Will Please What you can't do withSRibbon- isn't enough to talk about. Many pretty things can be made of ribbon. Priced at 10c to $4.89 yard. The gift one makes is usually appreciated the most. Even a dainty handmade hanky is big enough to carry a big Christmas message. Hendkerchief Linen in colors at, a yard.... $1.69 Handkerchiefs Linen in white, yd. $1.50, $2, $2.50 New Paisley and Bulgarian Silks at, yard.... $2.9$ Salem Store 468 State Street Portland Silk Shop 383 Alder Street Only 17 Shopping Days 'til Christinas r n tr a o: oi b ft tl t)