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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1922)
PAGE SIX THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON GOSilEBS COURT The following is the official publication of the record of claims before the Marion county commissioners court for the Nov. term 1922 with the amount allowed, bills con tinued, etc., according to the records in the office of the county clerk. (Continued from Yesterday.) Balem Paving Plant Weissenfels Btob, coal chisel Burr Theo M, valve ' Drager D O, asphalt . Ealcm Iron Works, easting lugs etc . ,. - Bcott A Merle, hauling A C jBauninn A, shovelre Davis W M, raking A 0. Kron Erwin, mixer Lick el L H, fireman ...... 6.45 2.75 247.76 70.80 24.00 S.50 22.00 25.00 22.50 25.00 20.00 22.50 13.00 2.79 Mattsott Chas weigher - Bawland Elec, ehovelingA O Wager J I, raking A C Scollard Paving Plant Drager D G, sana Whitman C F, lantern globes wicks eto .. Miscellaneous Paving Plants Standard Oil Co, asphaltum..2171.50 Btayton Crusher Brown G L, gravcj 92.70 Brown Lucy E, do - 92.70 Cladok and Tate, trip to Santinra for cable .. 5.00 Murphy A L, wood 150.00 The Smith & Watking Iron Works, , brass , bushings spring etc 24.20 Trask Gus B, feeding crush er etc .. 82.70 Union Oil Co of California, grease oil etc 20.88 Grace Hugh, hoist man etc.. 121.50 Knight Dick, engineer 96.00 Biegmund Frank firing don key eto 118.00 Arthur Lewis, wood - 27.50 Brown G L, checking rock 90.00 Boje G C, wood 4.00 Btayton CliflfoJid, crusher man 91.00 Trask Gug B, feeding crush- r 82.25 .. Tweedie John, wood 1.50 Taylor Lisa Roy, making out rock claims . 6.00 Zubor Martin, wood 30.00 Market Road No, 7 Albright Herman, shoveling off car 19.50 Cutsforth I E, graveling. 1.25 Cutsforth K J, shoveling gravel .'. ....... 15.00 Grassmas Lawrence, banking and spreading gravel....,, 18.00 Messer John, banking gra vel .... 3.00 Schoek Jake, shoveling off car 3.00 Vanderbeck Gabriel, driving team .. 13.50 Cutsforht John H, graveling 36.00 Market Road No. 12 Cook N F, dragging. 10.00 Market Road No, 14 Silver Falls Timber Co,' ce dar posts 7.68 Whitman C F, fence rods. 69.60 Wolf Bernard, grading . 30.00 Buchkowsky Albert, shovel ing rock 6.00 Davis Chas, shoveling gra vel 6.00 Keiaor C J, hauling .gravel.... 10.00 Lee William O, do 10.00 McClure T J, shoveling gra- vol 3.00 Miller James, hauling gravel 30.00 Murphy Hugh, shoveling gra vel .... - 6.00 Fendloton HV, cleaning cul verts hauling dirt 6.00 Wampole Clarence, haifling gravel 17.00 Woisbart Andrew, shoveling gravel . 6.00 Beollard Wm, patrolman 16.00 Market Road No, 16 Coast Culvert & Flume Co, grader repairs 110.01 Meyers Tom, help laying tiles 3.00 llcnsen Clires, ditching 3.00 Nelson A K, team on grader 2.50 Van Cleave J A, foreman'. 3.00 Drouelich Carl, graveling...... 140.00 McEee Chas A, checking gra vel 4.00 Market Road No. 16 libner J W, caps fuse and dynamite 1.50 Traviss N B, bridges pipe 57.75 Griesenauer Anton, hauling water .... ., 56.75 Kloft Frank, scraping dirt 15.00 Norton A, do 17.50 Norton Sam, do" 12.50 Bent- Anton, cleaning out under bridges . 27.00 ' Bkiller C E, scraping dirt 7.50 Wolleck George, clnining out under bridges 12.00 Zollner Joe, running steam roller 15.00 Market Road No. 18 Ebner J W, rope pulley and nails 7.80 Balem Sand and Gravel Co, gravel 136.80 Market Road No, 19 Bollier Clif, helping patch pavement .. 6.00 Farmer Hardware Co Ray L, nails and oil - ,70 Marketa Road No, 21 Bchnrp Geo, hauling water.... 5.00 Market Road No, 22 Clark J D, work on grader 6.00 Spa ulding Logging Co Chas K lumber ..- 12.40 Coast Culvert t Flume Co, pipe culvert . 70.90 Market Road No. 23 I Kishner Art, ditching road Kishuer John, plow in and scraping ; 8.00 NelBon Martin, ditching road 18.75 Park L L, leveling, road 6.00 Kieck Paul, ditching road. 18.75 Kinisey J E, blasting rock. 27.00 mort B O, drawing gravel 42.50 tutliner John, grading and drawing gravel 22.50 Dossier Geo, do 20.00 ' Feiber Chas, drawing gravel 42.50 Feiber Frank, do 17.60 Ferrig Harry, shoveling gra vel ...i 18.00 Hooper E A, spreading gra vel 83.00 Mesarvey Harry, shoveling gravel 19.50 Nannenann Chas, do .. - 1.50 Oberest Geo. do 80.00 McAllister Dexter, grading and 'drawing gravel ............ 45.00 McAllister V J, do 50.00 Schnider J, shoveling gravel 28.50 Wells B D, 'drawing gravel..- 47.50 Well M E, shoveling gravel.. 13.50 Young Emerson, do 13.50 McAllister O L, drawing gra vel .... - - 45.00 Market Road No. 21 Darling W A, grading . 9.00 Miller Harriett Claggett, gra velling , 1-80 Savage W E, team work . 2.50 Squler Lyle, grading.... 1.50 Darling O B, team work 10.50 Market Road No, 26 Barr Theo M, pipe . . 4.40 Fandrich Gust, bridge work .98 McCracken-Ripley Building Materials Oo, reinforcing steel bars - - 37.21 Salem Hardware Co, hammer handles iron bolts 6.10 Spaulding Logging Co, lum ber .. . 365.21 Winslow Paul, bridge work.. 55.00 Bartruff Ed, do . 66.00 Davis W M, do - 56.00 Gire Paul, do 40.00 Herman A J, do 92.00 Herndon Henry, do . 78.00 Hoven Oscar, foreman bridge crew 162.30 Murphy George, bridge work 4.00 Wagers I I, do . 73.00 Salem Paving P & M R 26 ' Dresner Alford, bridge work 93.50 Dresnner Paul, bridge work and night watchman 84.00 Griggs Clyde, bridge work.. 110.00 Hoven Otto, do 77.00 Hoven G A, foreman Salem paving plant 97.00 Fangmun Henry, hauling wa ter for R R 10.00 Henne Art, hauling dirt - ,22.50 , Market Road No, 31 Lau E C, tile ,10.60 Boje Herman, hauling water 87.50 Hall A L, do 6.38 Loose W H, wood etc 14.25 Reuf Alfonso Grading ' 44.00 Wourms J P, hauling water 30.00 Market Road No, 33 Brendan Iver, dirting road.... 19.50 Brenden Olaf, do 19.50 Brown Leslie, hauling water.. 52.50 Rue Ole, dirting rock 19.50 Shepherd Newton, shoveling dirt ditching eto 31.50 Zollner, running road roller 47.50 Brokke Carl O, checking and supervising 46.00 aMr&et Road No, 34 Salem Sand & Gravel Co, gravel 71.10 West Side Gravel Co do 499.00 Harl Sam, shoveling gravel.. 54.00 Kasor Ervin, do 3.00 Kaufman Bon, do 42.00 Kaufman Geo, do .'. 39.00 Klopfenstein Reuben, do 24.00 Longsdorge Ben O, hauling gravel - ; 5.00 McKinley Fred, shoveling gravel 42:00 Oregon Gravel Co, pipe 44.80 Junction Clackamas County Silverton Lumber Co, lumber and shingles '. 76.55 Market Road No, 34 Wenger Wm, shoveling gra vel 64.00 Kaufman J S, patrolman and cash advance account de murrage 111.00 Miscellaneous Market Roads Burghardt W H, insurance on road bonds - 1.74 Market Road No, 12 and 13 Road Builders Equipment Co, grader repearB 10.00 Market Road No, 29 and 30 Pound Ora, grading 65.00 Miscellaneous Market Roads Schmaltz & Sons N, paint ce ment and oil 25.37 McMullen Bill, shoveling gra vel 4.50 McMillan E O, do 4.50 Russoll C W, do 3.00 Russell II E, hauling gravel 20.00 Thomas Ralph, shoveling gra vel 3.00 Russell H E, foremen 24.00 Blanchard Roy, shoveling A C eto 42.00 Brant Lcroy, do 48.00 Birdwell W S, engineer on tandem etc 114.50 Chapman Jnuies, do , 135.05 Douiegulln F A, foreman bridge work etc 111.25 Grassman Frank, shoveling A C etc : 44.00 Hull A O, shoveling and bridge work eto 40.00 Herrcn J II, bridge work 78.00 Mcllwain Wm, foreman patch ing pavemont - 156.00 Tade Henry, raking A C - 50.50 Tschida John, bridge work.... 44.00 Whitney E J, shoveling A C 48.00 Wyooff F S, bridge work.... 45.00 Englhart Anton, cleaning out under brifle (. 45.00 Prison Mike, shoveling dirt.. 49.50 Ludnny Nick, cleaning out under bridges - 43.50 Lux Joe, do 48.73 Stahl John, hauling planks.. 53.00 Griesenauer John, foreman.... 127.75 Bocdigholmer George, hauling water r. 85.00 Colvin Bob, work on grade 60.00 Deuchateau Will, rolling. 100.13 Reams Max, work on grade 74.23 Kirsvh Tim, hauling wter.. Lyon M G, spreading rock.. Lyon Dick, work on grade West Side Gravel Co, cement 108.33 Junction linn County Hammond Lumber Co, lum ber .. 8.17 Trask Lawrence, repairing bridee 100 Junction Folk County Buena Vista Garage, gas and oil - , Porter A R, labor on ferry Junction Yamhill County Jorgensen Ira, bolts and washers . . Larkin-Prince Hardware Co, pipe 12.37 85.00 16.70 6.20 4.12 9.00; Mueller Adolph, wood Mix Art, shoveling dirt . Myers A G, work on gTade . Neitllng John, rolling etc. R'gtts W A, grade work ete.. Simpson Frank, shoveling dirt Wagoner Dick, foreman Zubor Alva, wwk on grade. Junction Claukamas County Erb Grant, bridge work.. 17.50 Jorgensen Ira, washers etc 17.51 100.00 79.63 7.50 "4.50 86.00 67.50 66.37 77.00 54.00 45.00 T1.25 Yamhill Electric Co, light Fabor Ed, repairing Newberg bridge 31.50 Labonte Louis, do -.- . -27.00 Pillett Ted, do 15.00 Pillett Stanley, do .. 30.00 Road Roller Account Ebner J W, oil grease etc 70 Kuach A P, wood 28.33 Travess N B, valve 1.75 Ames 8, spikes -.. 4.50 Campow A, lantern - 1.00 Fisher Phillip, foreman.. 185.00 Gilmour M M, bridge work.. 80.00 Hammond Lumber Co, lum ber .... 75.20 Horner & Co A B, zeroleifc- 6.90 Kocher E H, lighting lantern 1.00 Scholl & Sons J, nils hack saw etc - b.vo Schumacher Harold, bridge work 76.00 Sandborg Chas, do 80.00 Thomas eo, do 72.00 Willig Geo, bridge work 4.00 Miscellaneous Accounts Ashby Claude C, foreman tool house 90.0U Bentz Al, grading etc 15.00 Associated Oil Co, distillate gas ete 664.80 Bowman W H hauling rock 1107.12 Cleveland Fred, hauling ca ble 5.00 Cook J L, foreman bridges market roa dete 143.75 Culver W J, county roadmas- ter's salary and expenses.. 316.70 Culver W J, cash advance ac count freight etc 6.7.2 Doughton & Marcus, nails brushes etc 20.39 Drnger D G, cash advance for freight on gravel 1379.85 Emmett E G, casket nails.... 33.01 Ernst C H, mattock 2.00 Farmer Hardware .Co Ray L, bolts etc 176.62 Ferry Freddie, wood 83.50 Goulet Glenn A, hauling tile ete 16.50 Goulet W H, county commis sioner salary and expen ses 92.00 Jensen H P, pipe etc 11.30 Johnson F O, deputy road master's salary end expen ses : .-. 219.10 Jorgensen Ira, clevis and files 77.23 Keithley A F, tubes ete 14.79 Lambert L S, deputy road master's salary and expen ses 260.80 Lampmnn's Machine Shop, ropairing engine etc 7.75 Mcllwain Lester, grading driving trucks 100.00 Linde Air Products Co, oxy gen 4.40 Mercer Ralph, chainman 8.50 Mielke John F, grub hoe cable nails etc 21.78 Nutschler H J, repairing iron ete .... - 8.00 Oregon Gravel Co, gravel eand pipe and screenings.. 2505. 70 Oregon Statesman, publish ing" notice Of special tax meetings ,, . 49.20 The -Pacific Telephone and Telegraph -Company, tele phone services 8.85 The Pac Tel & Tel Co, toll services ' ' - 6.20 Portland Railway Light and Power Co, lamps 140.84 Portland Railway Light and Power Co, tar - 10.00 Rcasoncr D B, crushed rock..l294.40 Rodgdrs Paper Co, clasp envelopes 8.63 Salem Hardware Co, gasket paper etc - 7.90 Salem Sand & Gravel Co, gravel and sand 1266.75 Salem Water Light & Power Co, water service 4.43 Scott Harry W, new tire 14.90 Smith U R, salary county motorcycle officer 124.69 Smith & Watkins, gas. 1.08 Spaulding Logging Co, lum ber 164.07 Standard Oil Co, distillate gas etc 286.49 State Industrial , Accident Commission, contribution account insurance county -motorcycl eofficer 4.06 Swart H S, salary and ex penses 153.00 Tweedie and Cace L M, haul ing crushed rook 2566.44 Vun Cleave L M, foreman bridge work etc .180.80 West Side Oravel Co, gravel and cement .......1436.80 Willamette Equipment Co, grader blades 350.00 Road Roller Account Etzel P J, slab wood 4.00 Road District No, .10 and 16 Ebnar J W, spikes..... 4.50 Englhart Anton, bridge work 3.00 Frison Mike, do . Ludany Mike, do .. Luse Joe, do Ditmar T A, graveling 50.04 Rubens Joseph, patrolman 82.00 Road District No, 26 Amon John, holding plow... 1.50 Bate O O, slip scraper 8.00 Earl H L, stump Powder. 5.45 Given George, damping eerap- er .... . 1.50 Given George, placing rock..- 8.00 Salem Hardware Co, wire ! nails -.... 4.60 Salisbury Will, holding scrap- er ... 8.00J Thomason P E, pulling plow- 2.50 Witzcl K H, hauling lumber bridge work etc - 22.25 Witzel R O, patrolman 26.00 Road District No, 33 Standard Fir and Tie Co, lumber ..- - ; 7.12 Siegmund Henry, scraping.... 6.00 Titze J M, patrolman 7.60 Road District No. 33 Va Beringer G E, shoveling gra- vel . 6.00 Pacific Tie Timber Co, ' lumber Fowler, Jorn, relief for self . and daughter . Oaither Nellie, relief Gobin Lizzette, do 15.00 y 10.00 12.00 16.00 . 40.00 10.00 20.00 - 10.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 No 2 6.00 1.12 64.50 ..20.00 51.00 38.94 16.00 6.00 17.50 28.00 Pettyjohn O, bridge work Taylor Ed, working on bridge Taylor Aug, hauling lumber.. Bersieger Wm, patrolman Road District No, 34 Fisher Hugh, viewer and sur veyor .. . . .. Keech George, road viewer- McElhnney C B, do aMrket Road o, 15 Muller Albert, hauling rock Muller Fred, shoveling rock.. Nadon Leo. do Road District No, 21 West Side Gravel Co, gravel Scott Harry W, sprocket chain etc Market Road No, 2 Dent Wilbef, hauling gravel 103.32 Ellis Wayne, do 40.00 Freman Earnest, do 70.00 Georgeson Cris, do Hampton Louis, do Harris Clarence, dlsigging road Harriss Earnest, hauling gra vel 18.32 Hartley Arthur, do .... 18.32 Hartley Bex, do' .., Marlatt George, do 19.50 4.50 4.50 25.00 3.00 , 12.00 .33.00 .80 10.00 20.00 5.00 43.32 5.00 Mitchell Brothers, do 60.00 Ramey F A, do . 65.00 TinGelsted Marten, do . 3.32 Tomasek, John, gravel 14.70 Whitman John, do 6.30 Harris John, dragging road.. 21.00 Junction Clackamas County Ebner .1 W. oil 1 nil Fisher J S, lumber .. 93.57 Noftsker P W, eaa and oil 15.69 Junction Linn County Riesterer F J. eas 10.29 Miscellaneous Accounts Hunt J F, looking after roads 20.80 Magee M M, patrolman 11.62 Rosebraugh Co W W, steel plate patterns etc 72.10 Vivk Brothers, work on trac tor - , 12.88 Road District No 88 Davidson Dclmer A. for 84-100 of an acre of land deeded for road purposes.... 48.00 Miscellaneous accounts Benedictine Fathers, account of rock for crusher..... 670.92 Miscellaneous Accounts General Fund Plattg Elizabeth A, juror. 46.40 Patton E Cook, do 36.60 Codington J L, do 39.40 Ban gh man H T, do 45.40 Schwab Fred, do 45.40 Brotherton Gertrude V, do. 33.60 Chambers J W, do 33.60 Gearin John A, do .... 29.60 Burghardt W H, do " 9.40 Lucas Geo W, do ..- 12.20 Berning Rudolph J, do . 10.20 Riddell W H, do 14.80 Gehlen Chas, do . 6.60 Tautfest Henry, do ... 8.20 Grabenhorst G H, do . . 9.40 Best John-P, do . 35.40 Glover ' Arthur, do . 39.40 Cummings W A, do - 36.40 Lauderback Thomas, do . 40.80 Standish G V, do . 36.40 Hadley Lawson, do 9.00 Work C H, do - 10.60 Litchfield Geo P, bailiff 63.00 Culver Stella C, do 24.00 Work C H, juror ... . 3.00 Humphrey Lulu, relief...... - 20.00 Barnes Letta M, do 10.00 Branam Emma R, do 21.00 Caswell Mary, do 10.00 Coppock Lulu, do 10.00 Freed Emma Lena, do 12.00 Holley Flora L, do 9.35 Kliewer Minnie Myrtle, do.. 17.50 MoGrath Etta, do 10.00 Savage Mrs Effie May, do.... 25.00 Sawyer Rose Mary, do - ,30.00 Seegar Mary, do . . - 12.50 Shields Bernice May, do 10.00 Slavens, Blanche Elizabeth, do . 17.50 5.20 24.40 4.50 5.00 6.20 27.60 Rentz Anto , do Wolleck George, do Market Road No. 8 and R D Boje Orley, ditching etc.... Daws Willis, do Joknson Albert, do Ott Isaae, do .. Painter R C, do '. Malone Mel, do 49.. Grimpe Frank, grading 15.00 Hateher Wolfrcd, do ........ .'' i Kester Milt, do ... 20.00! BalUE R, patrolman 90.00 Road District No, 64 and-Market Road No, 7 Ferschweiler L G, lumber.-. 152.59 Rubens Al, grading ete 18.00 Dubois Louis, scraping etc. 18.00 Vanderbeck Al, putting in bridge ete 18.0 Susee Ewald, bounty on go phers . Minton Emma, juror Wong Charlie, relief Gaither Nellie, do '.. Rhoten E A, juror - Ramsden Claud, do Suebauer Leo, bounty on go phers . Boyer U G, cash advance for bounty on gopher and moless Culver Stella C, bailiff .. Byrd Dr W H, examinations Smith Dr. W Carlton, do Evans Dr J C, do Cashatt Dr C E, do Griffith Dr L F, do Byrd Dr W H do Poor Account Baker W A, relief . Barnett Elizabeth, do Barrier Mr and Mrs, do Blixseth Xellie, do .... Boys and Girls Aid Society.... Brinegar Elizabeth, do Carlson C Carl, do. . Buffun W B, do Casteline Wm, do . Chalifaux Mrs. do .. Coldwell Mrs Mable, do Irwin W L, relief for Lela and Melford Cook 10.00 Dodge- lTlysfa Ellen,- relief...-- 10.00 Englehart Mrs Anna, do 10.00 Fetsch Emily, do 0.00 Foster Mrs. do :...... 12.00 .55 100.00 27.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 20.00 10.00 80.09 10.00 25.00 20.00 , 10.00 10.00 10.00 ' 10.00 10.00 Groshong Mrg J N, do Haggard Delia, do ..... Hardwick Charles ,do Hart Grace A, do "Haynes Mrs. Caroline, ao Viller Mrs Minnie, relief for Geo A Hodeman J5.UU Old Peodes Home, relief for Mrs Julia u Hurtel xomv Klum Nellie M, relief. lia.uu Mrs Louise, do 15.00 Lunn Mrs O C, do 10.00 Miller James, do .- 10.00 Miller Mrs Vina M, do 10.00 Mack E A, do .... 15.00 Moxley Eliza E, do 20.00 Nagle Frde and Elsee, do , 20.00 Newton O D, do . 10.00 Xott Carvo. do 25.00 Brokke T H. relief for Olea Pederson 15.00 Penton Louise, relief for Harrv Penton 10.00 Reinhart Rosalia, relief 12.00 Sagsvold Henry L, do 10.00 Schaffitz Mrs Emma, do 15.00 Schwinglcr Mary, do . 25.00 Simmons Anna May, do 22.50 Smith A H, do Stark Olga, do 10.00 32.50 25.00 8.00 12.00 Strath Mrs Minnie, do. Stripling Hulda, do ... Treiber Anton, do Walkoski Barbara, do .. 15.00 Wanless Gilmer, do - 10.00 Williams Alice Bertha, do..- 20.00 Wong Charlie, do 9.00 Salaries Sheriff's Office Burkhart S O, deputy sheriff 124.69 Barder W T, do 124.69 Bohrer Geo J, do 100.00 Wrightman F T, tax deputy 115.00 Clerk's Office Arms A M, deputy county clerk 115.00 Ivie M R. do 100.00 Wallace Ruth E, do 100.00 Hartman Gertrude, do 90.00 Hunt Helen, registration clerk 87.85 Boyer C E, do 62.56 White G P, writing poll books 57.38 Recorder's Office Mclntyre Ora F, deputy re corder 100.00 Engelbart Alma, do 80.00 Beccroft Myrtle, do 80.00 Brooks S, clerk .... ...... 65.00 Maclntyre Gladys, do 10.50 Treasurer's Office Richardson W Y, deputy. 100.00 Assessor's Office Lee A A, deputy 115.00 Shelton R, do 110.00 Gage Rea, clerk .- 90.00 Driscol Letha, do 80.00 District Attorney's Office Page Lyle J, deputy district attorney 100.00 McCammon E C, stenogra pher 50.00 Court House Morgan Cal, janitor - 65.00 Hobson L, do 65.00 Hill W W, do 50.32 Childs J W, do 14.68 School Supt.'s Office Baillie W H, supervisor 120.00 Reid Cora E, deputy . 100.00 Poor Account Byrd W H, county physician 65.00 Jackson Hattie M, special poor officer 75.00 Stock Inspector's Office Morehouse W G, county vet- ernarian 33.60 Health Officer's Cashatt C E, county health officer .... .'. 50.00 Sealer Of Weights and Measures Jones J F, sealer of weights and measures 52.56 County Court , and Ccmmt'lsianers Goulet W H, county commis sioner Salary and expen- i ses 57.60 Hunt J T, do .. 131.80 Poor Account Gain Gladys, relief... 15.00 Gopher and Mole Bounty Lambrecht Delmar, bounty on gophers ete - 1.90 Loose Vietor E, do .. 6.35 Expenses Registration and Election Boyer TJ G, cash advance ac count stamps - 25.00 Commercial . Printing Co. election notice cards 16.65 Elliott N D, tally sheets and statements printed ...... 37.50 Farrar J H, P M. envelories.. 23.02 Kraps J J The, envelopes and labels 10.50 Oregon Statesman, ballots..- 494.15 Patton Bros, ink Bens pen holders etc 23.40 Rodgers Paper Co, paper and thread envelopes . 23.30 Sims Paul M, typewriter rib Expenses Sheriffs Office bons .... 2.00 Barber W T. deputy sherfif 's traveling expenses etc 18.70 Bower O V.' cash advance for envelopes ....... . 42.28 Bower O D, cash advance for traveling expenses .- 31.10 Commercial Book Store, pen cils ink eto 8.40 Fred Kress, tax clerk 60.00 Ross E Moores & Co, lecal blanks 7.80 The Pac Tel & Tel Co, tele phone services 12.50 Richardson W, tax clerk! 110.63 Simeral Elsie, do State Industrial Accident Commission, contribution account accident insurance deputy sheriff . State Industrial Accident Insurance Commission, do. Clerk's Office Boyer U G, eash advance for expressage ete Commercial Book Store, era sers and index tabs Farrar J H P M, envelopes- Harris Marianne, registra tion and election clerk 15.00 Harris Marianne, do .......... 4S00 Krappa Co J J, letter heads- 4.00 The Pao Tel & Tel Co, tele- t pone services 7.60 Patton Bros, peneils and . pens 4.75 Bemington Typewriter Co, ' t ribbon coupons eto . . 7.00 97.50 4.06 4.06 8.72 1.60 23.02 Rodgers Paper Co, legal blank 7-85 Recorder's Office Bertelson Printing Co, print ing record books IS-00 Brooks Mildred R, cash' ad- vance for stamps - l- The Pae Tel & Tel Co, tele phone services - ,-25 Patton BroB, comet erasers pencils etc Sims Paul M, signature stamp 3.00 Treasurer's Office Drager D G, cash advance for stamps 5-00 The Pac Tel & Tel Co, tele- phone, services 6-25 Rodgers Paper Co, paper 15.00 The Frederick Post Co, trac- ing cloth ete 25-27 Burroughs Adding Machine Co, adding machine 200.00 Commercial Book Store, pen rubber bands ete 1.10 The Pao Tel & Tel Co, tele phone services 9-00 Rodgers Paper Co, paper. 4.00 Wales Adding Machine Co, adding machine inspection contract and ribbon 23.00 District Attorney's Office The Pac Tel & Tel Co, toll charges , J-85 Prime W F, taxi hire for police matron 1-00 County Court and Commissioners Oregon Statesman, publish ing claim docket 109.20 The Pac Tel & Tel Co, tele phone services . 8-80 Poor Account White & Sons D A, pasture mixture grass seed - 17.00 Bower O D, repairing lock on vault 2.00 Capital City Steam Laundry, laundry 3.90 Farmer Hardware Co, Ray L mop soap trays and shears 6.15 Hansen A M, glass and sash 1.70 Hauser Bros, lamps and keys . 1.61 Portland Railway Light and Power Co, lighting 107.97 Rodgers Paper Co, sanitary toilet - 9.80 Salem Electric Co, cord re pairs .40 Salem Hardware Co, hand truck and tacks 17.60 Salem Water Light and Pow er Co, water service. 84.24 Schaeffer Emil A, oil for door checks etc 90 Stiff Furniture Co II L, desk 10.00 Circuit Court Account Commercial Book Store, re- The ,Pac Tel & Tel Co, toll ceipt books 1.75 charges - 7.15 Patton Bros, punch 3.00 Howton George, witness 2.20 Johnson Paul, do 2.20 Miscellaneous Justice Court Unruh G E, justice. 3.20 Unruh G E, justice . 3.20 Unruh G E, justice ... , 3.20 Unruh G E, justice 3.20 Unruh G E, justice . . 3.20 State vs Annitage Unruh G E, justice 7.20 DeLong W E, constable 8.50 State ts Bonesteele Unruh G E, justice 6.20 DeLong W E, constable 1.90 Unruh G E, justice 6.95 State ts Clark Unruh G E, justice 4.95 DeLong W E, constable 1.70 State vs demons Unruh G H, justice .. 13.10 DeLong W E, constable 47.50 Steinbach P, witness 1.70 Steinbach Ida, do 1.70 Lathrop J, do 1.70 State vs Fleury Unruh G E, justice 9.30 DeLong W E, constable . 2.90 State ts Gillingshurg Unruh G E, justice . 3.20 DeLong W E, constable 7.80 State vs Hallock Unruh G E, justice 3.20 State vs Hickey DeLong W E, constable 50 State vs Hodlweg Unruh G E, justice 8.70 DeLong W E, constable ; 97.20 State vs Larkin Cnruh G E, justice 8.70 DeLong W E, constable . 2.70 State vs Lorn ax Unruh G E, justice 3.20 DeLong W E, constable 1.75 State vs Loveland Unruh G E, justice 3.20 DeLong W E, constable .50 State vs Lynch Unruh G E, justice 11.25 DeLong W E, constable. 6.00 Lynch Mrs Hattie, witness.. 1.70 State vs McMullen Unruh G E, justice , 8.55 DeLong W E, consiame 44.53 State vs Phelps Unruh G E, justice 3.20 DeLong W Ej constable .50 State vs W. R. Phelps Unruh G E, justice...'. 3.20 DeLong W E, constable 3.C0 State vs Putnam Unruh G E, justice 7.20 DeLong W E, constable 1.20 State vs Quill Unruh G E, ujstice.. M. 3.20 State vs Schlndler Unruh G E, justice 9.30 DeLong W E, constable u 3.40 Steele William L, justice . 8.70 DeLong W E, constable 3.50 State vs StovaU Unruh G E, justice.: . 3.20 State vs Miller Unruh G E, justice 3.85 State vs Ward Unruh G E, justice - 6.20 DeLong W E, constable.- 1.70 Feeble Minded Account Miller's, clothing for Hen rietta Stanford . 7.50 Penny J C Co, elothnig for Henry Steincomb . .. 19.71 Penny Co J C, clothing for Rose Schrock . 19.58 Penny Co J C, clothing for Cynthia Trimmer 28.25- Penny Co J C, clothing for Harvey Moody ' 29.80 Bailie W H, traveling expen ses . L 42.52 Capital City Transfer, dray ge L. 2.50 Commercial Book Store, books ete . 1 1.10 Fulkerson Mary L, traveling expenses WEDNESDAY, NOVEMRpp 29 m traveling ittU, 'IT 1J 1 -uuuiT on eonk-T Begtotratl0W1 ana j- 60.00 Fulkerson Mary L, eash ad vance for stamps 30.00 Kraps Co The J J, eugges ' tive outlines record books printed etc 53.00 Th Pn Tl & Tel Co. tole- phone services .. 10.85 Wallace Jennie, do Reid Cora E, salary county ' , ; rignt n L, do....; Swank Sherm, elerk ot elec. nons .. .... Speer Irma C, do , Ransom Chas, do ' " Plummer Lulu, do "T s truant officer . Fruit Inspector Van Trump S H, fruit in spector's salary and ex- 15.00 penses - 103.75 Poor Account Austin's Grocery, gDceries for Mary Beach 7.99 Brundridge Geo, burning brush at county farm.... 7.50 The Central Pharmacy, pres criptions etc for Hotho family 2.00 Christian Church Relief Committee, groceries for Mrs. Lee A Swoape 37.55 Clark Frank C, superinten dent poor farm sulury and expeu'ses - 253.32 Drager D G, cash advance account R R fare etc' for Mrs L Gerlock 51.18 Hammond Lumber Co, groc eries etc for Nellia Watch 25.00 Higert A, cash advance for return ticket eto to Miune- , sota for Mrs. Gerlock - 31.50 Klinger & Bauman, clothing for Mrs Eliz Imfield 15.00 Lebold & Co, groceries for Mowery family 6.37 Lebold & Co, groceries for Mrs. Steinka . . 4.55 McCormick M " J, groceries for Mrs Chas Jeaudoin . . 15.00 Oregon Gravel Co, gravel for poor farm 8.89 Otterstrom C, wood for Mrs Josephine Jordon . 8.00 The Pac Tel & Tel Co, tele phone services 3.50 Parker Chag W, for moving Mrs. Langhead to Vancou ver, Wash . 15.00 Plant Jas, digging grave for Wm Finch' . 6.00 The Price Shoe Co, shoes etc for Mowery family 6.50 The Price Shoe Co, shoes and slippers for inmates at poor farm .... .". 13.80 Roberts C M, groceries for Mrs. McAfee 4.57 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Clarence P Miller 38.75 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Edward Keyes . 38.75 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Katie Schirmer 38.75 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Andrew Campbell 38.75 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Mrs H E Steinka.. 38.75 Salem Deaconess Hospital,. -care for D B Wright 38.75 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Mrs Lizzie How ard . 88.75 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Mrg Nora Lang don .. 38.75 Salem . Deaconess Hospital, care for Henry Wells 38.75 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Mrs Hazel Ma- Salem Deaconess Hospital, caTe for Mrs Hazel Cun dar ..... . 6.25 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Mrs Agnes Burr.. 13.75 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Joyce Archer 7.50 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Lee baby . 15.00 Salem Watel Light and Pow er Co, water service for Mrs Mowery .'.. 1.40 Shrode D L, groceries for Mrs. Northcutt 13.10 Silver Fallg Timber Co, lum ber . - 2.30 Smith Rr Emma K, treat mentg for Mrs Lizzie Brin egar . 11.25 Weller Bros, groceries for Mrs. Burr .. 8.66 Weller Bros, groceries for Mowery family . 8.35 Morse Bobertson and Sour man Drs, treating scalp wound on bootlegger ....Continued Jail Account Bower O D, board for prison ers . 289.60 Capital City Steam Laundry, laundry Farmer Hardware Co Ray L, cuspidors . Roberts O M, heavy broom and soap .... Viesko M H, jail repairs Tax Rebate Duke Goldie L A, rebate Russoll Rex I, do Steusloff Bros, do Rebate on Fees Olsen & Knutson, refund of fees ..- .... Dog Fund Chittenden Mrs F M, dam ages account sheep killed Dy dogs 8.85 ' .75 6.20 78.30 25.20 20.92 83.20 25.00 Murphy J C, do Drager Rue, do Fire Protection trol assessment for 1921 Heater W A, indemnity State Fair Drager D G, cash advance to A W Inman account put ting in eonnty exhibits Advertising Salem Chamber of Commerce merbership dues 34.50 10.00 12.00 718.70 25.00 5.50 Barnes Letta M, relief- Branam Emma B, do . Caswell Mary, do Coppock Lulu, do Freed Emma Lena, do . . 50.00 Dependant Mothers Assistance 10.00 21.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 ; 9.35 17.50 ' 10.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 12.50 10.00 17.50 15.00 Holley Flora L, do Kliewer Minnie Myrtle, do MeGrath Etta, do . Kiggs Mrs E H, do- Savage Effie May, do ... Sawyer Rose Mary, do Seegar Mary, do . Shields Bernice May, do. Slavens Blanche Elizabeth, do . ' , Currie Mrs Cae, do. Gopher and Mole Account Simpson B F, do iiein C F ,do Boone Claude, do . "" Pierce Ursula B, do" """ Zimmerman A J, do ... Leabo M D, do Askin Ida C, do ' ' Will Lizzie M, do " Carpenter Edith 0, do Webert Louis, do "" Grazer Walter, do Fry A M, do Wurster J G, do , Keil Arthur W, do Stahlman Fannie V, do... Hoover Almira A, do Riddell Nellie, do H7" White Nancy J, do .""" Booker Tmma A, do Copeland C O, do " Baynard G W, do J Aspinwall Carl, do Nusom Robert, do ... Rump' SV, do Gouley Romeo, do Harris Clyde, do Sturgis G F, do . Fuller Walter L, do Murray John, do Davis Napoleon, do Hughes R J, do ........ Cone E A M, do Dentel Fred, do McKay, W R, do Pillett Ed, do Coleman A R, do . Coleman Curtis, do Gearin Dewey C , do Hammer E M, do . Beardsley Arthur F, do ..... Henderson Almira V, do Keefer Louis, d 0 Beardsley Cora A, do Henderson R G, do . Cummings A E, do 5.S) 3.00 3.00 i.0t i.oe 3.00 s.oo 3.00 3.00 9.00 3.09 3.00 , Mo 3.00 : 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 t.t 8.00 . 6.00 : 6.00 I'M 6.00 6.00 3.M Ut 3 . 3.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 3. M S.OO 6.00 11.00 6.00 ' 8.00' 6.00 11.00 'i 6.00 .6.00 " 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4. M 6.00 , 6.00 .00 Savage W' E, do Darling W D, do icard Viola, do . Townsend B F, do Carpenter Elsie, do ....... Johns Jesse J, do Higgins Mable, do 6.00 Espy J, do 3.00 Feller A E, do 3.00 Yergen Mary A. do 3.00 Miller Leona A, do ...'. 3.00 Moore Frieda, do $.00 Evang Harry D, do . , 6.00 Feller Charles, do . 14,40 Carver E D, do i- 6.00 Sischo Ed, do . 14.00 Roda Selas, do 6.0) Myers Lou A, do 6.00 Myers A R, do 6.M Sischo Ray, do - - 6.01 Aufderheide Fred, do.. Lickel L H, do ... Laue John, do Bond Harriett A, do . Gleeson Myra A, do Ownsbey JE, do Herren J C, do Lee Lloyd A, do Field Hetta, do arpley Mae, do Durette F R, do Parker S F, do Imlet Mary, do Tuttle Pauline, do ........ Rubens Celia, do Johnson F O, do Dudley L E, do McAfee G E, do Rulifson Ruth, do Van Cleave L M, do Weeks W H, do Pearmine W G, do Pearmine Lester I, do - Bayne Kenneth, do Hickman Win, do Siegmund A R, do Cannard Rose, do .. Moisan Bessie V, do Stevens Pearl, do Siegmund Minnie, do .. Moisan G J, do .... Shields E E, do Jones L A, do Harding Amy, do 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 ' 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.50 6.00 6.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 Manning Ward, do 5-JJ Tanzler Alois, do Weiss John, do Mills John, do Galbraith J C, do Marshall Kate R, do Rubens Joseph, do Vanderveck Alphonse, do Leith Mrs Wm, do . Cutsforth Clyde W, do Fcrschweiler L G, do - Spencer G A, do McCurdy Geo A, do -.. Bevier H O, do Horner Ruby E, do Wareham Bess, do Ottoway G H, do Hughes A W H, do ...... Lauderback John, do Dunigan Edward Jr, do-. Tweed Maud M, do Dunigan Edw Sr, do '- Simmons Clarence L, do Stevens Ralph I, do Tweed John, do - Werner Henry, do . Jefferson W J, do . Cline A T, do Beer Bobt A, do Wiesner Lula C, do- Fitzke Emma M, do.. Fish F E, do Boje Anna, do - Kester Lena, do Coleman Mary E J, do . Frances EW, do Palmer Earl C, do Ott Isaae, do Zeek Geo, do Jones Grant, do Beje H, do Citnert John, do Mnrke Ella Coyle, do-i-Hovenden Edna, do Kinzer Pearl, do Paulsen B, do MsShane L C, do Mack Edna B. do- Schell Clara, do... Kromling M B, do Wolfer E S, do Allen M S, do Smith Ed D, do Marg H D, do - 3.M 3.M 3.80 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 S.OO 3.00 3.00 14.60 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 5.U 6.00 8.40 6.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 S3.00 3.00 3.W 7.40 3.00 3.04 3.00 7.40 3.00 3.00 3.0 3.M 3.0 1 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 s.oo 3.00 3.00 (To Be Continued.)