TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1922 TT1V. PAPTTAT. THTTPMAT OAIMI AnnnAw -.-' ,, wM OXi-UHyi, WXVCjUVIN ews Mr. end Mrs. w. H. Fuson of AuoiBville are spending the day in the city on Dusnesa. . Flakes for potted plants. 271 ctatu street, phone 658. 285 Funeral servces for Edward Everett Shields, 67. a farmer llv iiic near Gervais, who passed own V here Saturday afternoon ware held this afternoon at o'clock from the home with Rig don and Son, funeral directors, In charge of arrangements. Capital Ice & Cold Storage Co, Space available for apple stor- age or 'other products. 560 Trade ,- street. t . H. C. Todd, a resident of Silver ' Falls, arrived In Salem last night 7 and is spending the day here on i business. - Tor loans, see O. W. Lafiar, 417 Oregon bldg. M. H. Nichols, Portland. . Pa rific Telephone company . repre t sentative is in the city on busl li ess. Last night he registered "as the guest of the Bligh hotel. Love, the jeweler, Salem. I Funeral services for Mike Peirker. 68, a retired farmer who died at the family home, 640 I south Liberty street. Sunday morning, were' held from the Kigdon and Son mortuary this at- I ternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Becker J was born in Wisconsin and leaves I besides a widow four sons and I two daughters. f Mace motner manimii with a third and cage. Flake, 273 State I has one she will love. 283 John Moullet of McMinnville ?uas arrested here early this morning on a disorderly conduct f charge. Today he was held pend ling an investigation. ' " ' i : - ' " ', My adopted boy has left me, I will not be responsible for him in the future. Albert Ruge.- 2S3 j Moving north on the road near I the state school for feeble minded -yesterday, a car driven by 0. W. I White, 609 north Front street, foollide'd with another machine There was some damage. Automobiles piloted by J. F. Cassidy of Portland and Charles M. McBermit of Albany, figured In a collision on the Pacific high way between Salem and Alban yesterday. The damage was light and no one was hurt. Hotel Bligh Arrivals t. a. Hunt, Sllverton; Mrs. M oiurgen, r ortland; L. N. Hefe line, Portland; D. J. Sid well, Hen ry Hall, nowhere; J. E. Haines, roruana; u. u. Miller, Corvallis; B. F. Southerland and wife. Cor- vallis; J. W. Lundy, Portland; F W. Milne, Portland; Lee L. Tim. by, Portland; Vf. H. Wood worth. Should All Slang Be Miminated?So Says Doney At Meet Here A special meeting of the enter tainment committee members of the Lions club was held latit night at the Chamber of Com merce rooms for the purpose of arranging a preliminary program tot the dinner to be held Friday evening, Dec. 8, at the Marion hotel. The regular meeting which Portland t- J. C. Plinth 18 nel1 - "oon is postponed until land; H. C. Todd, Silver Falls- a evening- Tba Hons are to have as u. lung, urants Pass: S. .1 Kin """ meir wives and Grants Pass! T.o friends. -. j "i hiH- 1W ... Ja huu wire. Knrf- mt.. ... land; H. F. Hanes. cltv vr v I .iu" .8uprame. court toa In'- ilb reauiuess 10 expedite Watson, Chicago; Amity. ., ..m.uK1 actlon the , , of Miller vs the Portland school Within a few days the Marion district, involving the validity of county court will advertise $150,- a uu. bond voted by the uu county oonas with which to "" ai me recent election. The carry on the road building pro- court "dvanced the case on the gram during 1923. This leav docket and ordered that a date be $106,000 of the original $850,000 aet for a hearing as soon as the roaa Dona issue, which will be orlels ,n ttte case ar "ed, used In 1924 to complete the five year program. , The school mates and friends of Ralph Delaney will be sorry to near or nis illness at his home 1655 south Liberty street. ror tne benefit of those who want the information or have the Z L ?: Mr. and Mr. E. W. Brewer of 4l4 utiicui, i l ma. V n Knrf onH n-A J- u - .ii . . nald thoro I. i .u. "' luB clly loay on ' . " uauicg ui cv- 1 Lrill oij- uue wno paia an income J vuo lojiauiB year This rpi.- ,, ,,., i j 11.." -'Pbetically .-.fU tat.VtA: vui lu-io is no crouDie rr MnKitn . .i i nma i,. .Vr 1U- tend the teachers' institute. buuia t,a,jfc. mm year. After living in this .eountrvl. v . v.liilJ It'tS LlfiSiaK mnvAil hto P u Hb"!?,i5 ha? Ulei hlS decla" son building to the Y. M. C: a" 'f oi'ecomln.s an American building. Until his office room is -.ru. no was oo rn Poland nrrt,H h m . .,,. nis auegiance to in the office of C. A. Ken, ma iiantihHfl ni j I ' .wKUWwu w ruiBiuu. . Aral flpnrorrv l "UUCI1 iiiDeny, nine year old w n ati. v. . - Matheny of Sublimity, Hunt Bros, cannery, is to be the f lT ,, ,counl'r Clerll 8 of- speaker tomorrow noon at the tice the skin of a bobcat which iih,n f d.. mu. ho T, 1.UI.J j ... . . . iwia.j CUU. rT-T received the subject upon which he will speak --o v oiate UUUniV. MIS haa nrtf hann onnn.., A s cuasea me Doocat up a tree. biju men me ooy put on the fin- lsnmg touches. Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, president ot Willamette university, clashed with several eminent authorities yesterday afternoon when he de clared, before teachers attending the Marion county teachers' insti tute here, that "slang ehourd be eliminated," and that "it isn't at all necessary." uuiermg witn l)r. Dohey are many scholars who Insist that slang is the life ot a language. "Any thought may be put more clearly in good English," Dr Doney said. Heading ot certain popular magazines by teachers was dis couraged by both Dr. Doney and Dr. Sheldon, dean of the school of education at the University of Oregon. Constant perusal of cerr tain popular weeklies tends to ward making us a mediocre peo ple, ur. Sheldon said. The view of the average person since the war is entirely different from what it was prior to 114, Dr. Sheldon said. Readers, he de clared, are far more tolerant of destructive criticism now than they were a few years ago. Speaking of vocabularies. Dr uoney said that a teacher should have from 1500 to '4000 words. The professional man should have from 1500 to 3000, while the ditch digger may get along on 300. PERIS FUNERAL 10 BE HELD HERE LUNCHEON CLUB AT DALLAS WILL PAGE SEVEN it ' 'h BOOST FOR POLK Automobiles driven by H. line, o35 north Winter street and John Burris of Rosedale. col lided on south Commercial street yesterday. There was slight dam age but no one was Injured. Some damage came out of rash in which a car driven bv i3 Sit. Viesko, 1560 south High street, figured yesterday. The Jrlentity of the other car's driver fvas not learned. No one was liurt. Fellr LaBranch of route" 6 Sriving his automobile on the Sil jVerton road yesterday collider !th a car driven by an unidentif ied man. There was some dam- fge to each machine. v. , J j . . , vyaa jujiieu yesterday fra an automobile piloted bv veorge n. Thompson of route 1. fomaea with another car. th ame of whose driver m nni yarned. There was damage to facn automobile. .. While snlltHnc fis home yesterday morning O. C. flcDowell, part owner of th Afp- Powell meat market, struck his ana with the axe, making quite Sash. It was neceRRarv fnr rr r- B. Mntt in t.Vi, fj. - w j vmuw fa 14 QV .'itches. ' : ., John Rilev. llvtno- hnt .. file south of town, underwent an operation yesterday for the re fiovai of tonsils. - I p- H. Raymond, for the past 14 fears bailiff for the supreme fun here, today ; tendered his nation effective December 1. f heaIth Is given as the reason resigning. Allan Jones, form I, . , emPIoye in the supreme g-' t norary, and now .employed V the industrial accident depart- ent has been named to succeej A family reunion of the Asnin wall family, all living in the vi cinity of Brooks, about nine lies north of Salem, to be held in Portland at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. utias. Williamson, is planned for Thanksgiving dav. In day in Salem. as mucli. as Mrs. Esther Ormsby. well past 80 years of age, mother of Mrs. E. E. Aspinwall and Mrs. Williamson, is unable to leave the city it is planned to go to Port land so as to be with her. By the time all the children and grandchildren and great irrand- B. Ladd, a Corvallis business man, Is in Salem today on a bus iness mission. He registered last night as the guest of the Termin al hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reinhart of Portland are among the out of town guests who are spending the R. O. Snelling, local manager of the Associated Oil company, re turned last night from a three days business trip to Astoria. The trip to Astoria was made via Til lamook and Seaside. Mr. Snelling returned via Portland. In Astoria children, four generations, are to- ysterday morning he was the gether there will be 34. guest of Roger PIneo, manager of the Port of Astoria, and wax The night Juniors claan nt halshown the shlDs and narcnaa which are being loaded for ex port trade, Dallas, Or., Nov. 28. Eiehteen local Dusiness men and citizens garnered at the Gall hotel Monday noon and participated in their first weekly luncheon. i It was decided to continue the gathering from week to week In tne nope that there will zraw nut ot the movement a Polk county boosters' organization in some form that will take In farmers as well as business men. The idea is to furnish a forum where, any citl-1 "B wno nas something to offer for the benefit of the community win nave an opportunity to do so Rev, C. F. Trimble was elected temporary chairman and Charles Hodgkin temporary secrets. ana mese two men were author meu 10 iormuiate a program for me next meeting, which will be promptly at 13 noon next Monday at the Gail hotel. Each person present agreed to be on hand at that time and bring with him on otner person. T j . . i .... vu uociuea mat tne new organization will send a number representatives to the dfidlcn. tion of the grange and community uau at uaK Grove. Saturday even iu, ana to continue to snd to .... j au neighborhood affaifs through out the county men who will im press upon the farmers that Dallas is working with the agricultural element. ii. was ruTther decided at the next meeting to take up the pro posal mat tne business men nf uauas furnish to the country neo- ple a free picture show each Sat urday afternoon. The proposal Funeral servlnoa fnr sio-i Tr I was Blade at the meeting Monday Perkins, 34, a member of the state . " waa met wlth the approval traffic squad with headquarters at 01 everT0 Present. The experi- Oak Grove,, whie died yesterday e"Ce r cltUm and Jown8 ,n afternoon at the Willamette Sani- : peuuon wltn towns having tanum from injuries , received Tuesday, November 21, in an acci dent in which a Willamette Valley Transfer truck ran over him, will be held tomorrow morning at 10! 30- from the Rigdon & Son mortuary. Interment will be In tne City View cemetery. The ac cident occurred when Mr. Perkins attempted to pass the truck! snort distance north of Aurora free afternoon shows was narrated ( t0 Prove that it will pay Dallas to give such shows. EXPECT APPOINTMENT OF POSTMASTERS DAILY Neophytes Act As Waiters In "Initiations : More than 60 men, students of H7tn ... , . .. iiiiiuuioiw university who are pledges of the Websterian or Fhilodorian literary aocletlea, will oe Dy passing through a secret inl nuuon oecome lull members of the organizations to which they are pieagea. . xne Websterian Initiates. IT strong began their ceremonies this morning when they acted as "dumb" waiters at the sorority nouses and Lausanne hall. To night the annual pajama parade will be held with the men, blind folded, being taken to the soror ity houses where they will . be required to aing several songs. Those that tall In the performance of duty as ordered by senior so ciety members will be strongly urged to at least make an attempt. Following the parade the men will be taken to the Websterian halls where a secret Initiation will be held, , , The 25 Initiates ot the Philodor- lan society, oldest college literary organization west of the Missis sippi river, will all be initiated within the walls of their regular meeting room. The Chresto- mathians with 16 new men and the Ilncolnians with six will hold their ceremonies after the Thanks giving vacation. Grand Theatre Monday Dec. 4 r. M. u. A. met last nieht organized Into two classes, chose for their name, "T. T. translated into every day and One par lance io Ten Terrible Touehs. The otner club did not decide on - a name. ; Mrs. L,ula Sheldon of Oreirmi City, a former teacher of art In tne balem public schools, Is visit ...a nu menus in saiem lor a tew days. , Mr. and Mrs. L. J. ChaDln. 141 K south Liberty street, are plannlne on spending Thanksgiving with rrienasl la Myrtle Creek. Mr. Chapin Is field agent for the King s Food Product company. Alma Kendall and Nellie Thomp son, . teachers in the Silverton schools, are registering as guests ot tne Terminal hotel durinir the three days that they will be here io attend tne Marion county teachers institute. ..Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Asoinwall. Gervais route 2, were among those wno attended the horticultural convention and berry grower? meeting at Corvallis the last three days of last week. Merchants are responding lib erally to the call for funds with which to put on the Marion-Polk county corn show, which will be held in the Commercial club rooms three days beginning Dec. 14. A total of $250 will be given by the merchants of the city, to De offered in the wayf prizes. There are now about 12 faml lies that need more or less help during the .winter months from the Associated Charities. In every instance where help. is needed is a case where there is no man at the head of the household, and the mother is doing her best to support herself and children, ac corning to Dr. H. E. Morris, who is now serving his second year in tnis charitable work. C0JOHQ EVESTS . ; .. T OV -UUniy Teacher's , Institute, 1 1 30 Thursday, -""UKSgivlng day, I tt .!c- 2 Meeting A. A. O i " 7 reception room of the I -giving ward state hospit f . 2 o'clock St, am s episcopal guild I ,zaar- Saturday, DeCember ? Parrish hm, can r.u I wketa street. I Uec f "Yanki I hail. 6- Presentation pf San," play. Waller Dec. 7. Concert of popu- I - Portland, Salem armory. I maDec- Monday, Christ- , Jan- 8 Monday, legisla- rare convenes. - ' I Co C. A. Kells, general secretary of the local Y. M. C. A., is ex pected to return today from At lanta. Ga., where he attended the 41st International convention of the Y, In letters which have been received Mr. Kells says that he has secured a number of new ideas and helpful information and is even more enthused over the work of the T. M. C. A. A Burbank potato weighing three and three quarters pounds and measuring 11 inches " in length was brought to the Jour nal office this morning by Sarah Minlter, 205 north 23rd street, i uere were iwo KnODS. each an large as an ordinary potato, which had fastened themselves to the main potato. Lrood Book" week, to be ob served by all libraries and clubs interested in the reading of good books, will be observed by the Sa lem public library and several clubs In the city. The week begins next Monday, and at the public library, there will be on display a number of books that will aid those who present books for Christmas presents. A temporary power bouse has just been completed by Fred A Erlxon for the Oregon Pulp and Paper company on north Mill creek. The building was erected by the company for the purpose of installing a generator to de termine the exact flow of water flowing and estimate the power that may ultimately be transfer red to the paper plant on south Commercial street. A pep letter is being prepared by Edwin Socolofsky, secretary of he Marlon county Y. M. C. A., to hoys who are planning on attend- ng the older boy's conference at There will be the regular ses sion of the Elks' lodge Thursday evening, but on account of Thanks giving day, no program will be presented. The entertainment committee announces that the next entertainment will be on the evening of Dec. ,7. The Salem public library will be closed all day next Thursday, following the regulation custom of closing on Thanksgiving day. The children's story hour, Friday afternoon and Saturday morning will be observed as usual. mias, ur., Nov. 28. An nouncement is dally expected as to tne new nnatmuu.a. nM r.. 1 1 .. m ouuie uiauner uauKQt ms II tnt lamn t mo n.w. .....j side car in the hub ot the freight- as to the man who will serve ,M er so that he was thrown In front Deonla of Mrnmn,,m in i, . . , I u .no oaiiitt " wo iiMiime passing over l capacity. mm. tie is survived by a widow. . It ia knnwn tw it. wn hV,h0r;v- Perk,ns ot How" lianl3' "'tional committeeman, Is ard City, Mich., and a brother, G. in (Washington, D. C , and it is A. Perkins ot Wheeler. Oreeron. - i vuufiioBBmau xiawiey Mr. Perkins entered the state has asked Williams n .i .k wiiicg narea i m ui, year man tor the TlnHa n.n, mi,. and was stationed' Until about alreason for this action by Hawlev uouua.ie Ht ivoseourg, wneniiown. in conversation with nu he was transferred to district No. merous persons interested, how- a wnu neaaquariers at uaK urove. evjsr. Mr. Williams han atr 11 . ..... . i . -" " . a special escon at me iunerai ne will take no nnrt in th will be all the members of the test and that Hawlev rmiat a,,.. state traffic SQuad. Chief T. A. j responsibility for th Bn,.in. Doffo..., t A . . I W sent word to hfja riAmirlaa rn trim o, I to Salem for the funeral. Mrs. IX ' ' ' 'ULl ZTfZZ i. Perkins will received $30 a month under the workmens compensation act. Announcement Extraordinary DAVID BELASC0 Presents "The Gold Diggers Avery Hopwood's Famous Comedy Same distinguished Belasco company after 2 solid years Lyceum Theatre, New York; S months Powers' Theatre, Chi cago.; How to Seoure Tickets by Mail Now: Address letters, checks, post office money orders to Grand Theater. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope to help In sure safe return. Prices, Including: War Tax Entire Lower Floor $2.75 First rows balcony $2.75 Next 2 rows balcony $2 00 Gallery . $i'qq Journal Want Ads Pay WOMEN TO GIVE BENEFIT AFFAIR The Woman's club chorus which consists of thirty-one voices, will give a concert next Monday even ing, December 4, at the First Methodist church for the benefit of the Old People's home. Stew art Edward Tully, baritone solo ist, will assist the club in their program. The proceeds from the concert will all be given to the home and it is probable that the fund will go toward the purchase of a piano. Tickets will be on sale at the music stores, one dollar for admis sion, and fifty cents for student tickets. "SHERLOCK HOLMES" With JOHN BARRYMORE Also ' "The Steepel Chaser" A "Knockout" Two Reel Comedy and a News Reel Tomorrow "The Old Homstead" with Theodore Roberts Continuous Show "TIMOTHY'S QUEST" The Film That is the Talk of the Town. A Real Funny Comedy "Just Dogs" And Current Events. Next Attraction "The Woman He Loved" -- .M44-- Tie your packages securely, write the address plainly ' and mail your Christmas packages early, is the advice given by post- office instructions and circulars. Already the postofflce lobby shows signs of the Christmas sea son, and long lines of people with packages are to be seen, especial ly after 4 o'clock in the afternoon II "Outlines ot Science." by Thompson, Is one of the new books Just received at the Salera public library. This book, accord ing to Flora M. Case, librarian, promises to become as popular as "Outlines of History" by WTells. Outlines of Science" Is written for those who wish to know more about the development of science. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Darland of Eugene are visiting friends in the city today. NEW SHOW TODAY Hickman Bessey Stock Co. PRESENTS On Thanksgiving day there will be no rural or city service b7 the Salem postofffce, according to John H. Farrar, postmaster. For transients only, the general delivery window will be open from until 10 o'clock ia " the morning. Special delivery letters received Thursday morning and H perishables will be delivered as usuaL jj Webb ' cioughli UP J I leading i J .ffA I EXPE1T EMBAL1CER3 I Rigdon & Son's If ITneqnaled Service JilUilWIU!JH'"'P'IIWB IMHIWi "The Circus Girl" A Dandy Four-Act Comedy Drama WILLIAM DUNCAN in ''THE SILENT VOW" Thanksgiving Day Shows Special Matinee and Two Shows at Night Hickman Bessey Co. TERWILLIGER Eesidence Parlors 770 Chemeketa St. Phone 724 " Lady Embalmer ligh Theatre CROUP (SPASMODIC) TONIGHT! What if your baby, has the dreaded spasmodic croup tonight? Are you prepared? Ia there a bottle of Binz Bronchi-Lyptus ready, - ready to clear away the strangling membrane soothe the racked throat - bring safe, natural sleep? - Don't let the night! find you without BRONCHI-LYPTUS "Doctors recommend it! TRY YOUR DRUGGIST FIRST K ALSO MINE Hutcheon Paint Store Phone 594 1 54 S. Corn1! Buy Your Paint at a Paint Store Thanksgiving Day Special! BigDoubleBill Harold Lloyd in "Grandma's Boy" and Katherine McDonald in ' "Her Social Value" Your last chance to see Lloyd in hia greatest comedy and the other film is "The American Beauty's Best" Thursday Only DAfllfl 1 Regular Movie Prices OTH' "Quality Grocers Without a doubt we have the finest showing- ot Thanksgiving Dinner epecialtiea eter shown" in Salem. We have made Strenu ous efforts to get the very best to be Is ad aa most housewives wish to get away from the everyday bill ot fare on thia one day. Cluster Raisins Clusters, by the pound ...... 25o Clusters, packages ., 250 Clusters, extra fancy, package : ..-50o Fancy Red Wood Boxes, Ilaislons and Stuffed Figs, . suitable for gifts .... ,.. $2.00 5 lb. boxes layer Figa jj gQ 3 b. box pulled Figs $1 50 Layer Figs, by the pound . jjq0 uamei pacitage Dates . u0 Fard Dates, by the poond . Stuffed Dates, pound yj0 Packages Stuffed Dates g5o and 75o Fruit Cakes We made this lot two months ago so they are well aged. 1, 2 and 4 pound Cakes, per pound , yj,, Richard & Ilobbins Plum Pudding, 1, 2, 3 and 4 lb. cans. . Fruits Florida Grape Fruit j0 i Arizona Orape Bruit ig0 j uranges, dozen 65o and 75(J Cape Cod Cranberries, lb. 3Q0: 2 pounds 550 Oregon Cranberries, lb 25c: 2 Pounds 450 Cassabas, lb , 50 Apples Spitzenbergs, per box Northern Spys, per box ... Jonothans, per box ........ Starts' Delicious, per box $1.25 S1.25 $1.25 - S2.00 and $2.50 Vegetables Tomatoes, Green Peppers, Celery, Celery Hearts, Outnumbers, Head Lettuce, Artichokes, Squash, Pie Pumpkins, Sweet Potatoes Carrots, Turnips, Parsley. Turkeys and Geesa The best corn-fed turkeys we could buy. They are all young birds from 10 to 20 pounds each. Young gees 8 to .lO pounds. Frys and Chickens to Roast. Roth Grocery Co. Phone your orders early when possible. No charge for delivery i Phones 1885-6-7 Eugene, Dec. 1, 2, and t. lfl-ri n --II, t l f