Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 28, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1922
vaiiiii mil I ir-i ' .fAUH; 1'lVli
1II11IRI I II II I 1 1 1 1 II I
lUlffll DULLIlU hoxie photographs the voice I
Kew York, Nov. 28. The activ
ity ot the Ku Klux Klan ia Louis
iana apparently has come to a
head in that state through the
murder ot Watt Daniel, worm war
veteran and university graduate,
nd T. F. Richards, a mechanic, ol
Mer Rouge, Moorehouse parish.
The men have been missing
since August 29 last, when they
were kidnaped along with three
others who were released. The
kidnaping was done by about 35
armed and masked men who sus
pected Daniel and Richards ol
having (red upon an official ot
the Klan. They promised them
that they "would never see their
friends or relatives again," and. so
far this has been true.
In Hands of Barns,
Investigations were started and
reward offered. A grand jury
considered the case without result
and the governor used every pow-
f -
1" ! " , '
fdji?$ ):
'1 lC-N ;
i- 0--j-""6 ."o uuumii vuice ana reproducing it. not as a
picture, but as the sound of the voice itself, a new device, known tT,a
...... . , I aiJO-inoT.Ot.hftTlA hna haan r.rA.(.J I "H 1 . .1
er jn nis aisposai 10 apprencna - " "vv" rv.... vunn une, 01 tne uenor-
the kidnapers.
Friends of Daniel wrote to
Washington and William J. Burns,
director of the bureau of investi
gation of the department of jus
tice, promised to give it "imme
diate and thorough attention." So
far the entire Investigation has, in
the words ot Sheriff Carpenter of
Bastrop, ended "against a stone
wall." '
Town Fears Klan.
The reasons, according
friends of the kidnaped and prob
ably murdered men is that Mer
Rouge, a little town of 800 in
al JfcJectnc Co.. Schenectady. N. V! T KpI!
the talking-motion picture a reality. ;
Dill BIG
Seats are sellhie ranldlv for th
t engagement of Kolb and Dill, who
come to the Grand theater tonight.
This year these popular come
dians are nrpspn tha latent
naoitanis,. rears u power 01 me comedy of Aaron Hofman en
xuwr, r,uu ujmms titled "Now and Then," being the
story of rapid-fire events which
happen Immediately following tne
date the Volstead law became op
As a pair of saloon keepers one
of whom the 18th amendment
forces into' lawless though pros
prefer to remain silent and In
vestigation of either local or out
aide officials meets with no co
It is true the Klan members in
Mer Rouge resigned after the out
rage, but if they have any know!
edgei)f the affair they keep it to perouB bootlegging, while the oth
themselves although it is virtual
ly certain the kidnapers were
Klansmen from another town and
probably another state.
er goes bankrupt under4 the ban
ner of prohibition, Kolb and Dill
have found two most congenial
Hoffman has liberaly sprinkled
"Now and Then" with brilliant
lines and ludicrous situations. In
the opinion of several dramatic
reviewers, "Now and Then" is
Ada, Okla., Nov. 28. (By As
sociated Press.) Special District
Judge Thomas Edwards, Monday,
allowed the defense in the case
against Governor J. B. A. Robert-
eon to wtihdraw without prejudice
a motion to quash the indictment
against him, thus leaving the way
open for future similar action
should it be found necessary. The
defense then offered a general de
murrer to the indictment which
eet forth five grounds, numerous
substitute grounds on which they
claimed the case should be dis
missed. -
Roeer Contl of . Prance led
Edouard Horemans of Belgium by
a score ot 600 to 495 in the first
blocks of an 18.2 balkline bil
liard match which is virtually for
the championshp of Europe.
For Croufy Coughs and Colds
Mother for years have relied noon
this dependable prescription of fam
ily physician to break up alarming,
troupe cough. You oon dapmd on Dr.
Ball's durinf lonv nlrht-attaaka nrnn,,ffk.
Id. It looaeno bard-packml phlegm, re
lieves congested ares and stops oough-
ing. wmiuren "Kenieooa old pure syrup
of pine-tar honey. At snjr drug store,.
Only Gas! efujim
Hoffman's great.; ;t achievement,
and he is noted for successes.
Kolb' and Dill's special orches
tra is with the company, .which
nuinDers among its members: May
Cloy, Julia Blanc, John Fee, Wil
bur Cushman, Charles Yule, Frank
Wallace, Allyn Lewis, Jack Whit
temore and others.
Two exhibition classes in swim
ming for girls, one tor glrla up to
13 years ot age an the other tor
those between 13 and IS years, is
to be a feature of the Thanksgiv
ing day T. M. C. A. open house to
which all are Invited. The events
are: Two length swim, one length
on back, one length on back re
turn front stroke, swim under
water, dive under water, swim
exhibition by small girls, stay un
der water, apple push, life saving
At the same time the swimming
event is going on a basketball
game betwen two clubs formed
from the service membership
class will be in progress. Follow
ing the game and swim, the last
ot the program, refreshments will journal
be served In the lobby.
program follows:
7 HO p. m. Reception In the
lobby, music In charge ot Edwin
8:00 p. m. Gym exercises,
wand drill, free hand drill, games,
9:00 p. m. T. W. C. A. swim
basketball game.
Word was received Monday
the death November 23 at Long
Beach of J. L. Wood, a former
resident of Salem and owner of
ranch on Howell Prairie. Mr
wood's wife died October 1 of this
year, also at Long Beach. They
are survived by one son. Pearl
Wood of Howell Pairie, who
now at Long Beach to attend the
funeral of his father, and two
daughters, Mrs. Hal Sheldon of
Long Beach and Mrs. Bessie Wheat
of Los Angeles. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Wood were buried at Long
New York, Nov. 28. Prest
dent Harding granted a commis
sion as major in the military in
telligence division of the offi
cers' reserve corps to -Irvin S,
Cobb, writer and author, as a re
ward for his work during the
world war, it was' announced yes
For Corns
Costs Little
If bo called com "cures" have
only made your feet more sore and
in the coldest
tender, don't despair. For instance
complete, permanent relief ia guar-
nteea Dy tne new methoa. A few
rops of "Gets-It ' removes any old
or new, hard or soft corn from any
root, it peeis on in your ringers.
Costs Dut a trine everywhere.
Recommended by all" druggists. E.
Lawwrence & Co., Mfra., Chicago.
Sold in Salem by Central Pharma-
J. J. rerry, J. F. Tyler and D.
J- Fry. (adv)
Zerotene good cold.
rest oils now freely
and lubricate per
sectlyjn sero weather
protect the bear
lags Increaae the
power and flIMlity
of your engine.
ilium llTT eAW "
' . . ... mm
I Thanksgiving Special j
Brimswick ' Phono- J
: W " graph and 6 Double Faced 1 1
ji te Records .J
lllli J ' s6o Per Month j
S. A P.r is3;r II if II
A tf ai .O .fll MI k sP'ymWm' a T Sl $ ft
100 power at once. Your
motor kickt ofF the moment
you step on the starter.
That's "Red Crown" the
quickest-starting motor fuel
on the market.
"Red Crown" vaporizes rap.
Idly and uniformly in the
carburetor, no matter how
cold it gets.
Play safe. Use quick-action
"Red Crown" and nothing
else, and you'll go a long
ways toward eliminating win-ter-drlving
Fill at the Red Crown sign
at service stations, garages
and dealers everywhere
Qyr3V?-r-- ::::: -Jr-i , s
Ml i-v, ... sy
' . -'im 'Mi 11 I :
is 11 O
5pv I 'All-wool clothes, splendid styles, reg-
. il r&ti -'3 ular values to $45.00. Thanksgiving Special
tWWY Dresses - . ;!
g A very good assortment of w oolen and ' j j
- I , silk Dresses at this Thanksgiving Special j 1
l Price ' ' ij
.: Suits j
I Regular values to $45.00, the finest of
il materials, including our complete line of
J Genuine Tweed o-Wool Suits. Thanksgiv- f
I The Day Before
tatn Around Heart and Palplta
tion Often Duo to Gas Pressure
Heart trouble is seldon accom
panied by pain. Those sharp, knife
like pains felt in the region of the
heart, after eating, usually result
from gas in the stomach pressing
against the heart and interfering
with Its action. Neglect of this con
dition may lead to more serious
trouble, hence you should lose no
time in getting rid of the cause of
Baalmanns Gas Tablets are
wonderful for the relief and pre
vention of gas. They act upon the
stomach nerves and glands, pro
moting digestion and helping to
correct the weakness responsible
for the trouble.
You can obtain the genuine
Baalmann's Gas Tablets, In the
yellow package, from Dan'l J. Fry
nd other leading druggists. Price,
one dollar." J. Baalmann, Chemist,
Han Franciaco. (adv)
With the "Easter of the Fall" looming- on the horizon, this
interesting scene of activity. The holiday spirit pervades our entire store. Every
sort of Merchandise for personal adornment as well as for the home is represented
In a wide range of styles and qualities; All at prices for which the men and women
of this city will be duly thankful.
Christmas Sailings
to Europe
from St. John, N. B.
S. Tunisian to Liverpool
Q ,, - -December 5
o- Mebta to Southampton
is o erlonre -....December 9
o. Montcalm to Liverpool
e JDeecmber 12
- o- Metagama to Glasgow
December 15
1w n
V"1 rew. Oil Burning S,
press South Britain sails
irem New York in January and
"bruary on delightful cruises
West Indies, Panama and
"th America
gatest Steamers to the Orient
ion.r magnificent Canadian
'Milic Empress Steamships
Asia with America. Fort
"fttly sailings from Vancou
Victoria, B. C. to Jan
w ChiM and the Philippines,
formation,. Reservations
Ticket Office
-- street, Portland
Broadway 10
W- H- Deacon, Gen'l Agent
With more price reductions on more articles you will want and need for making this
big day" one of the happiest of all times.
in bulk
p U Jim J iffpTri
1 ' J IliIii.kjJII i!jHitPIIf -j
Celery 14 lbs. Sugar
2 Large
fine quality
purchases of
or over..
Sure You'll Need
Per Pound,
extra good grade.
We call spec
ial attention
to the sale
of men's
values to
Price Reductions in all departments in every instance will you buy your needed
articles for less at this great store of the Holiday Spirit.
NEWS: Various Sale events now in progress.
Men's $15.00 Suit Sale!
Include! values to $27.50 "
Ladies' Hand Tailored Eats at $3.98.
selling that Includes valueg to $8. 60. '
The Shoe Department Offers
Values of the most Interesting type, price
reductions on stylluh shoes that you'll want
for the holiday.
The'Ecoliomv Basement
Has oceans ot notions and countless other
sales attractions including aluminum ware,
dlHhes, toys, etc. ,
Blankets to Keep You Warm
Therefore, Its a good Idea to take advantage
of the grsat sale of blankets now In progress.
Sale of Ladies' Beady to Wear
Will prove interesting to the women who
wish to wear the best and at the same time
save at least 1-3 to
The Grocery Sale Too Is of Great Interest
Since It will go so far In helping plan
your Thanksgiving dinner and at the same
time help you save on the articles you buy.
All articles advertised In Sunday's and Monday's papers on sale while quantity