;4 : JSfcWhyMMri'JltsJfr '"'r-. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1922 KLUXERS INVADE BAPTIST CHURCH AFTER MEMBERS New York, Nov. 28. Ku Klui Klan organizing, renewed recent ly, has been carried into Caivary Baptist church at No. 123 West 57 th street, o which the Rev. John Roach Straton is minister. This has been established, and as a result ot leaflets handed out In ' the church, two reporters sat through a Klan recruiting meet ing 'presided over by a Klansman in full regalia, it was neia in an undertaking shop. Klan activities In the church have been ascribed by those who have come in contact with them to the inspiration of the Rev. Oscar Haywood, general evange list of the church. He has been for the last month on 9 fresh-air farm he established in Mount Gilead, N. C. The World sent an inquiry, to him there, and In re sponse received from him the fol lowing telegram: "Didn't Know." Says Straton. "It is true I am interested and actively engaged in the work of propagating the Ku Klux Klan in New York city. In it I am just as lealous as I was in the work of endowing the Calvary Baptist church four years ago. The Ku Klux ivlan will be the loyal ally of every Protestant church, every patriotic society, every home in New York city. In those sections where the Protestant churches have died it will spring up and live. It is the most dauntless or ganization known to men." Before the service Sunday morn ing Dr. Straton was asked if he knew recruiting had been going on inside his churqh. "I know of no such thing," he said. "If any such propaganda has been going on ft has been without my knowledge or consent I am unalterably opposed to the Ku Klux Klan." Pastor Denounces Klan. Dr. Straton was then told of the telegram to the World from the Rev. Dr. Haywood, his chief evan- genst. He read it carefully and then remarked: He cannot come In here and do anything of that sort, xnere Is nothing in that movement which has had my sympathy or can enlist my support. There is no place in America for the man in the mask. He cannot be any thing except a menace. Abuses and excesses would be certain to follow his success. He would only split up our people into bigoted, Irresponsible cliques, disrupt na tional spirit and threaten AmerK can freedom and independence. Dart W H, do Garrett Gn, shoveling gravel xnais Geo, do M 6.00 Mlenek Louis J, do 11.50 Brack Henry, spreading. 12.00 Stavena Frank, grading 2.50 Durant X, W, patrolman . 29.66 Boad District No. 8Vi Drager D G, cash, advance tor freight on gravel 114.96 Drager D G, do . . 141.75 Sowa, Paul, sharpening grad er blade 6.00 liuchkowaky Albert, shovel ing gravel .. 20.25 Crosby A B, do 4.50 Uavis Chas, spreading gra vel and ditchine Eechout Prank, hauling gra vel 1 . Keizer C J, do 15.00 25.00 25.00 22.50 ' 9.75 16.2 143.25 COMMISSIONERS COURT The following is the official publication of the record claims before the Marion county commissioners court for the Nov. term 1922 with the amount allowed, bills con tinued, etc., according to the records in the office of the county clerk. Le William O, do .. McClure T J, do . Miller Henry, do Miller James, do Murphy Hugh, shoveling gra vel . ....: Pendleton H V, do-.... Eowe I M, ditching Wampole Clarence, spreading gravel and hauling Weishart Andrew, shovelinsr Scollard Wm. -patrolman Road District No 9 Oregon Gravel Co, road pipe..' Grimm Wm, grading Nelson A K, do . Van Cleave Joseuh A. na trolman .... : 29.00 Road District No 10 Oregon Gravel Co, pipe... acnmaltz & Son N, nails....... Droupulich Carl, gravel Eickhoff Wm, laying tile . Humburg Jake, plow team....: Saalf eld Henry, use of truck Zollner John ,laying tile Annen Wm B, patrolman 24.00 " Road District No, 12 teller Kay, driving team.... 15.00 Shepherd Carl putting culvert 12.00 Hogg W T, patrolman 28.00 Road District No 13 Behrends B H, dragging road 2.50 Womack Fred patrolman 3.00 Road District No. 14 Ames 8, oil bolts etc 4.67 City of Silverton, use of rol ler 207.50 Cornutt J, running roller.... 114.13 Sunday O B, putting in cul- cverts 15.00 13.50 3.00 30.25 1,1. no 70.00 15.75 10.00 17.50 10.50 4.50 36.60 3.00 1.50 5.00 3.00 Buell A, do White B, do ... Sunday Arthur, hauling rock Peterson Andrew, shoveline gravel Arthur Fred, sfircadine rock 59.75 45.00 27.00 5.00 27.75 3.00 72.50 ROADS AND HIGHWAYS I ' November Term I Road District No, 1 ,1'avne E E, grading sbnyder A C, patrolman I Road District No, 3 .Kerr Thomas, plowing ditches filler J H, patrolman Road District No, 4 jj'aber Ed, building bridge jPUlett Basil, hauling timbers jPillett Ed, piling sticks etc.... tillett Stanley, ' building bridge . . llett Ted, do 1 Road District No, 5 lyserie Joseph, hauling 1 gravel Davidson Eugene, do frav.dson John, do... .Ubontz Louis, ditching..-.. ferten Steve Jr, hauling ! gravel asaiussen Lorence, do pmith Carl, do Pfflith Maurice, do '. Sperup Peter ,do . Pavidson W F, patrolman.-" I Road District No, 6 fowa paul, sharpening grad 1 blade . ,L. .. ..... f mars T A, gravel hauling ! A L, hauling gravel.. lah, John, do T-rter Wm B, grading.. 4U7.50 27.00 2.50 28.75 6.00 5.00 30.00 6.00 6.00 5.34 19.25 54.00 9.00 8.10 34?25 45.25 54.37 2:50 44.00 6.00 12.40 1.67 27.50 17.50 Vearrier Will, hauling water oamreath w M, repairing cul and wood 67.50 Hulkrson P, renairine cul verts 5.00 Oedor A, patrolmao..... 86.00 Road District No '15V4 Ames S, axe 2.75 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. gravel : 68.40 Charlesworth E T, helnine trucks 5.00 Hunt Noah, shoveling gravel 10.50 Lohnbakken Oliver, do 7.50 McKinley Fred, do ... 7.50 Tokstad Ansel, repairing cul verts 3.00 Lorence Andrew, patrolman 10.00 Road District No 16 Sebism Robert, wood for rol ler ... 23.50 Ebner J W, shovels crease. 9.60 Weissenfels Bros, sharpening grader blade m 5.40 Stevens Ellis, hauling gravel 37.50 Stevens Ted, do : 37.50 Blannard Anton, do 37.50 Rauch. Frank, do 30.00 Cannon J R, holding scraper 22.50 Seism Isae, do 30.00 Rauch Mike, shvoeling gra vel zi.oo Gleasman Delbert, do - 15.00 Gleasman Theodore hauling gravel .. . eai w w, haulinsr Eravel and spreading eravel Lang L L, spreading graveU.. Brown Alfred, ahoveling..l Streets Tolbert, do Todd H C, eutting brush. Neal E G, patrolman Road District No, 25 Albus Philip, hauling lumber Butler Frank, labor on bridge Sloper Guy, lumber Road District No 26 West Side Gravel Co, gravel Road District No 27V. Taylor C H, patrolman..' , Road District No, 281, West Side Gravel Co. gravel Rose Alford, shoveling gravel Cummings J B, dracirinff Shclton W A, hauling gravel Shelton Rolland, shoveling.. Salchenberg Lewis, dragging lUfiU .... THE ' CAPITAL leung Emerson, do 7.50 20.00 Schnider J, do . 10.50 12.00 McAllister O L. Mtrohimn 22.00 7.50 Road District No. 48 .50 Gulbertaiwon, Abe, digging 3.00 ditches etc , : 1.12 24.00 Looney D R, hauling culvert and lumber etc 1.25 8.00 Wells Lee, grading . 6.00 6.00 Hahn E W, patrolman 2.00 7.20 Boad District No 49 Schmaltz & Sons N. lumber.. 4.80 64.13 wjiiig Fred, sharpening road plow etc . , 1.50 16.00 Hansen Chres. repairing bridge . 3.00 12.50 McKee Rodney, do 5.00 d.uu McK.ee Chag A, patrolman.... 4.00 8.00 20.00 9.00 17.50 '6.00 45.00 Road District No 51 Farrier Charles, hauling gra vel Albert, filling opening ditch Salchenberg slips .... Carter O W. with slip .... Sharp Claud? draeeinir rn,l Henmngsen P A, spreadine gravel Cox W H, hauling gravel auoier .Lewis. Bhovnlinw ,- , to vel , Bhodes M, do . Road District No Brown Petzel Lumber lumber gra- 30 Co, Donahue Dan, gravel Holt F C, do Miller F H, bridce work Mier Wm J. do 7.50 Moisan Al. do Siewert Wm. shovelini? i.ou vel , McAllister J J; patrolman.... 5.00 Road District No 52 10.00 Duniean H W. hauling tnnU., Dunigan Edw Sr, patrolman 6.00 Road District No S3 10.00 Jones Ray A, ditching .'. liaroy James O, do 6.00 Doerfler Frank A, do 6.00 Gilham George C. rerinirinff gravel road Doerfler Martin, patrolman.... Road District No 56" Ames S, shovel " Brenden Olaf, leveling rock.. Brokke Carl O, supervising ... 10.00 7.50 25.00 6.00 21.00 5.00 14.00 6.00 9.00 . 4.50 Burkhart A, do .f-u ...;. Downing Elmer N, patrolman 1 Road District No, 83 Stayton Canning Co, ' fir wood . ' Smith Henry drawing and re pairing . Pieser Eddie, do Jonos F T, sawing wood....I Bocdigheimer I J, sawin ' wood Feeeh George, patrolman... Road District No 88 Cooley & Sons, grading '. Cooley H W, do ..- Crocker August, hauling gra vel j. 1 Krebs John, do Grens L E, do 1Z. Davidson Delmer, shoveling gravol Robnett Guy, do Cooley Marvel, drivinir tnm Cooley & Sons, gravel , Colo Al, buildinir fence Cooley II W, patrolman . 31.00 txemz i,loyd, hauling gra. vel ..- ' Eihensart Fred, . gravel ..... Lorance 10.00 :. 9.60 4.80 1.60 2.Q0 20.00 76.25 15.50 30.00 27.50 5.00 15.00 15.00 1.50 14.75 6.00 Kidney and Bladder Troubles Conquered or Money Back PAGE THREE T . 7.50 6.00 6.00 23.05 10.00 14.60 9.00 1.50 4.50 6.00 10.00 1.15 West Side Gravel Co .eravel 130.50 110.00 lonnson Oscar, hauling gra vei 1 .- Thomson Clyde, no 13.00 Haynes Melvin, hauling rock vveuuie frea, Hauling gravel 15.00 obart Mrs Rachel, ..do neiu u ranK, ao 30.00 wells Leo, patrolman Road District No 31 T 1 . . . n , .. nuweu u Hauling gravel. 65 00 Stephens George, shoveling.. 6.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 10.00 Terry Glenn, do Riches T H. do . Thomas Ralph, do ' 15.00 Shelley Arthur, spreading gra vei Russel S. H. patrolman ah no Boad District No 32 Liiuer rnuip, hauling gravel 25.00 Ditter M J, spreadine gravel 15.00 van Handel Antone, shovel ing gravel , 15.00 Lulay Bros, hauling gravel.... 22.50 Uulay Wm, . Bhoveling gravel 9.38 Barkmeyer Jos, shoveling 11.63 Toolle G H, do 21.88 Pieser Frank, dumping gravel 1.50 Spenner Conrad, shoveling E Z, spreading " Foss Lewsi, do Bolme George, shoveling gra vel Kaufman gravel Olsen Oscar, do . Terry Bort F, shoveling gra vel Hobart Alvin, shoveling Loe C K, hauling rock Lioe 5.00 27.50 27.50 10.50 ". 6.00 16.50 -3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 24.00 Emil, do 10.OO 1.32 3.00 1.50 5.00 108.24 25.00 14.25 8.25 . " naming gravel 104.50 r" J W, patrolman.;. 23.00 1 Road District No rur,ht Herman gravel . oulett Albert, vel . ' 7 shoveling hauling gra- .4 j 'osepn, do . r. r Wm, do rontt r j C1 shoveling do f t!f0rth -fohn H, patrolm.H Ler No. for ' caah "dvante i-i ht oa r"eI iam' nk han!i"g gravel J,? SteTe, do rler Ben, do -JZIT JTM John, do " j Henry, d0 6.00 15.00 6.00 7.50 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 " 5.00 12.00 102.60 12.50 13.75 10.00 Cannon J R, do ... Cannon J B, do Gleasman Delbert. shoveliner gravel .... ; - 15.00 fileasman Theodore, hauling gravel 25.00 Rauch Mike, shoveling' gra- vel 13.50 bcism Isac, hauling gTavel 22.50 Stevens Ellis, shoveling gra vel 10. 50 Watkins B L, patrolman 157.00 Road District No 1 Hayes J O, graveling new road as per agreement .-1156.82 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. gravel 54.00 Collard W P, gravel 34.20 Hoover C A, hauling gravel.. 20.00 Gouley Romeo, patrolman 30.50 Road District No 18 The Watt Shipp Powder Co, powder and fuse - Hammack Donald, hauling gravel Russell Ward C, do Timm Henry, grubbing etc.... Cole Robt, patrolman 111.00 -Road District No, 19 Miller Harriett Claggett, graveling Darling O B, hauling gravel.. Darling W D, dragging etc Darling W D, hauling gra vel .... 19.00 Hall Morse, do 5.00 Savage W E, work on fresno 27.50 gravel 7.50 spenner Frank, do 6.00 Road District No, 35 ixatea Mill Co, lumber 48.53 McCurdy J P, mails 1.90 Spencer G A, bridge work.... 22.50 Bartoz Hildegard, do 24.00 Bradley Nelson, do Miller Conrad, patr,olman...... Road District No 39 Pearce & Son Lot I. axis grease KotSow C A, operating grad er Kobow Louis F, do Johnson F. O. operating grad er etc .. oRad District No 40 Hammond Lumber Co, dyna mite fuse etc ... Davenport Jack, pick and shovel .... Emra Johri, do Duffey Albert, bridge work.. Work Chas, do Taylor G V, hauling gravel Carter Elwin C, do - Short V F, dragging road... 15.00 Wilson Earl, driving team.... 9.00 Short R T, patrolman 15.00 Road District No 44 West Hide Gravel Co. gravel 93.31 Heekinger I A, patrolman.... 12.00 Road District No 45 Lyle J F, shovel 4.05 Miller Lumber Co, bridge lumoer Peebles Albert, hauling gra vel '... Naderman John, do Wilson H H, do Gale R D, do Rlue Ole spreading gravel.... 13.50 Brenden Iver. do 13 5(1 3.00 50.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Parrish Glenn, do Hobart A F, patrolman... .. Road District No. 57 Dawn Al, shovelins? eravel .. Nichol Wllam, do 12.00 SaeI)ari James, do 57.00 p -Hugh, hauling gra- gravei 3.00 Stiger Jake, do 4.00 Leonard Fred, do - 5?00 Hicks W P, patrolman.i... 10.00 Road District No 60 West Side Gravel Co, gravel 156.40 Masscr Frank, shovel. 1.65 Park L L, hauling gravel 53.50 Rieek Paul, ditching shovel ing gravel .. Nelson Martin, do Huffman Fred, shoveling gra vel Spelbrink Art, do , Spclbrink G A, do .. Welch E L, do Olsen heo, do 42.00 48.00 7.50 9.00 6.25 12.50 Kischner Art, hauling gravel Bartels Herman, do Amort J L, do Klecker Ben, do , 13.28 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 9.58 5.00 10.50 13.50 6.60 12.50 9.50 Mitchell Fred, do 2.50 Robertson ,JJ II, spreading gravel .... 86.50 Thomas John, do 12.00 Lafore W 8, do 1.50 Wilson W H, d& 4.50 Blaco A W, hauling lumber.. 18JX Hamilton J M, spreading gravel ' Townscnd M E, do Hillery L E, tractor on grad er .. . . 4.50 12.00 Woods F A, hauling gravel.... Schirman Geo, do - Martin Rokes ,do Hadley Ivan, do Farrier W H, working on bridge Butsky Wm, shoveling gra vel .... ' . 12.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 8.75 3.00 3.00 26.00 Oldenberg Louie, hauling gra vel 5.00 Sqnier Lyle, dumping slips..- .50 Shannahan Thos, graveling- 1.50 Darling O B, patrolman 22.00 Road District No, 20 Newbill Con, bridge lumber 10.00 Kaplingcr 'Wm F, patrolman 10.00 Oregon Gravel Co, pipe 21.25 West Side Gravel Co, gravel 721.09 Fandrich Dan, checking gra vel '. , . 54.00 Fandrich Walter, laying tile 1.50 Kobow Chas, excavating for gravel ; Waeken Rudolph, do Road District No. 23 Peterson J P, hauling gravel Sfrom J C, do Wright W F, patrolman Road District No 47 Mesarvey Harry, aVoveling gravel N... 6.00 Oregon Grain Co, nails shov els .... 3.75 'Park W R, tile work 4.00, i McAllister V J. drawing grader . 31.25; McAllister Dexter, grading.... 25.00 ' Batliner J, do 27.50 Feiber Frank, drawing gra- I jvel - 20.00 I Dozler Geo, do 22.50 Wells B D, drawing gravel and grading Bartels Henry, do 5.00 Klocker L, do 5.00 Kirnsey J E, patrolman 42,00 Road District No 65 Collard W P, graveling 5.73 Kussell Ward C, hauling gra vel Patterson Pearl, do Patterson Ray, do .1 Patterson Richard, patrolman Road District No 66 Lathrop George, grading and snoveling Fery Joe, hauling gravel rery JFrank, do . Lathrop Frank, do Nipple Melvin, do Miller John, do Cleveland Charles, do 10.00 Mills E P, shoveling gravel.. 21.00 condit 8 J, do Van Nuys Earl, do Dclangh Herman", do . Cleveland Fred, hauling gra vel Walker Leonard, patrolman.. Road District No bo Blum Jim, shoveling gravel Loose W II, patrolman 10.00 Road District No 69 Emmett E G, repair for bridge , i.g0 Road District No 70 Amort Charlie, grading. 7.50 Wolf Raphael driving team.. 21.00 Asel. do .... 5.00 , Fuimie Selbert. hauW m. 23.00 : vel Brown Sherly, do ...Z....' Dunigan W L; do ..!..Z Vanarnm Jake, do Phillips Theodore, shoveling i gravel' .... Wetzel Henry, gravel Heinz Charles, patrolman.-... : Pacific Hlffhwav North Engstrom Carl O, 1st payment .- account, Pudding ; river :iWge - - ........-........4419.15 Engstrom Carl 0, 2nd pay- , ; j'ment ''account'.. Pudding V? . driver bridge 3888.05 Fpelke John, repairing cross- -v - 3.00 McCleary E L, grading........'.. . 15.00 Allen Bros, gas oil .,;. 113.57 Areherd Implement Co, oil gas etc ' 628.24 Drager D G, gas, oil. etc cash advance account 191.83 Jorgensdn Ira, repuiriug spring etc 10.R5 Marion Auaomobile Co. weights valves etc .00 Mf. Angel Garage, oil 1.00 Oregon Stat ellighway Com- ' mission ,truck parts etc 346.14 Red Arrow Ignition Co, gear .55 Roidt L C, driving truck 36.00 Salem Automobile Co. gear and gauge i go Service Garage, cleaning car buretor 75 Smith & Watkins. truck re- Pair 1.15 Weissenfels Bros, do 2.50 Wiggins Co Inc, plugs weld ing bolts etc 37.0.1 Willamette Garage, gas and oil -- 120.63 Wood's Auto Top Co, rTiairs to truck J. 3 95 A6hby Wm B, driving truck 100.00 Burns J A, do 88.00 tfraneh A C, do 90.00 Hiaegar Walter, do .'. 88.00 Caspell Frank, do 102.00 Clare Chase, do 104.00 Dawson Ralph, do 104.00 Edwards Geo W, do 104.00 Geenor 'Clifford, d o 104.00 Gilmer John W, do ....t 64.00 Holfenbradl Joe, do ......... . 90 50 I Meyer Tom, do 48.00 Srahl John, do 44.nu Taylor Earl do .. 10200 WUerm Hay, work on trucks 104.2.5 Hawkins Ben H, do 126.88 24.00 27.00 12.00 6.B8 15.00 8.34 134 30.00 3.34 20.00 8.34 23.33 38.75 36.33 10.00 30.00 30.00 : 25.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 32.00 3.00 118.50 1.85 64.69 5.50 Makes a Family Supply Rrallr brtfw Man ridr-mi cough 4-ni, Ami mmm about S2. MB7 ana quicKi? prepared. Robenolt G L, do Caterpillar Account Bartniff Robt, operating cat " erpillar etc ... Becker & Son N, oil t. Faulkner G P, grading etc.... The Holt Mfg Co. radiator Ian Missler J H, sharpening , sesrfiro teeth etc Mt. Angel Oarage, tank Oregon Grain Co, oil . Scharf Fred, grading 97.50 Weissenfels Bros, cat P"rs 1.45 Whitman C F, cat repairs.. 16.03 Auinsvllle Paving Plant Jones Jack, night watch paving plant 3,00 Mt Angel Paving Plant Dropulich Carl, hauling sand 231.20 3.90 1.50 4.35 I (To Be Continued.) Feil r Chas, do Amort. Geo, drawing gravel- Amort B O, do Wells M E. shoveling gra vel Ferrij Harry, do Hooper E A, spreading gravel Oberst Geo, shoveling gra vel .... . . 23.00 15.00 5.00 13.12 12.00 3.00 13.50 15.00 13.75 I Phelps H A, shoveling gravel 22.50 .'Lang Fred, hauling gravel 21.25 Neal Wallace, do . 11.25 Harris O P, da . 10.00 10.00 27.50 22.50 12.00 33.00 10.00 27.50 REMEDY FOR THE RELIEF OP Coughs. Colds. Croup WHOOPING COUGH. HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS -SOLO EVERYWHERE I If you combined the curative prop erties of every known "ready-made" cough remedy, you probably could not get as much real curative power as there is in this simple home-made cough syrup, which it easily prepared in a few minutes. Get from any druggist 2', ounce of Pinex, pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with syrup, umng either plain granulated sugar syrup, clarified molasses, honey, or corn full pint of really better cough syrup ; yea' a hair and scalp specialist. tuou jou cuuiu ouy reany-made lor C 1 r f I c three times the money. Tastes pleas-1 OeCTCU Of O-LO OUCCCSS nThdP?lVr 1i0i-. - .-I 5.- J wonderful liquid Clear, U1U J LM WAI aLHin , DflfirU-NH 3 Restores Original Color to Gray Hair ) Co-Lo restores the natural 1 W 1 1 . . vuior, jire ana luster to ttrav ana laded hair jrl a manner nature approves a scientific process perfected by Prof. John H.' Austin of Chicago, over 40 get right at the caue of a eouch and frive almost immediate relief. It oosen the phlegm, stop the nasty throat tickle and heal the ore, irri tated membrane so gently and easily that it ia really astonishing. A day' use will uua!Iy overcome the ordinary eough and for bronchitis. mun tin t-BA,.... - A V. - : 1 ' I i. there is nothimr better. Ptnex is a moat vulmhlA trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, and has been lined Inr i generations to break erer rough. I TO Void diflnrmiftrMn. ..V .. - hdruggin for "2 ounce of Pin with full direction, and don't accept anytning ele. Gurnted to sir absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pine. Co, It. Wayne, led. 1 creasc-tess. Without IpjuI os sulphur. Without sediment. Will not wash or rub oft Will not nfnr hair or scalp. Pleasing and simple 10 apply, cannot Le detected Ilk ordinary hair tints and dyes. Will ni causa the hair to split or break off Co-Lo Hair Restorer for avenr nat ural shad of hair A6, for black and lark shades of brown! A7, for Jet black hair, AS, for medium brown Bh.de; a, for light brown drab and auburn shades. Trial Bottle of Co-Lo r CU yoomlf. Tell .ct .11. f k,, . MOF. JOHN H. ausTm 187 "'"jw JiKH., LtAj.i, ct For 40 years, said Dr. Carey, have be erf- prescribing: mv Pro. scripuon wo, 777 (known for years as Marsliroot) for kidnev ana oiaaaer sicaness and now inai i nave retired from active practice 1 have made arrange ments with leading: druggists to dispense inis wonderful prescrlp uon at a moderate price, on the money DacK ir fllssat sfied n an. Beware of kidney dlseuso thou. sands die of it every year who ought to be enjoyins: the blessine-a '"o ana neaitn. watch the symptoms. If you fcavo nn.nb I floating- before the eyes, puffy eyes, clammy feet or moist palms, backache or sideache, you ought if" uuiim 01 ur. carey'a fam ous Prescription No. 777' right away. It has wonderfully Benefited tens of thousands of cases of kid ney and bladder troubles and Is the medicine you can always de pend upon. Results are guaran teed. NOTE Dr. Daniel O. Carey wag a practicing physician for many lfar "na. hls ?reaf Prescription No. 777 aided thousands of suf ferers from kidney and bladder troubles. Hereafter you can al ways get this effective prescrlp. Uon In both liquid and tablet form at all rellabln nh.i.! uuumry over. . (advH the For Gifts fhat last HAETMAN BEOS. Diamonds Watches Jewelry and Silverware Phone 1255 Salem. Ore. Someone VLooId rnig For You At trains will transport you In Frequent, Dependable, and. Thanksgiving Time Vflnr hnmafnllra and friends look forward with Joy to your visit. Don't disappoint them, but go and celebrate the Spirit of Thanksgiving. Southern Pacific comfort with safety. The service is Convenient. Go this way and tke advantage of "Turkey Day" Round Trip Fares Apply between all stations where one way far Is $30.00 or less. Sale dates Nov. 28-29-30th. Flnallimit Dee. 4. ....Portland J2.25, Eugene $3.50, Medford $15,.... San Francisco $37.75. ' For further particulars, ask agents JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent r The CapitalJournal adio Contest For children 13 years old and under who answer best, the following questions notjater than Decem ber 9 for prize's listed below: 1. Q Why did radio suddenly come to the front? A , 2. Q In what do radio wave3 travel ? A , ' .3 Q Under what conditions do radio waves travel best? a ; 4'. Q How fast do radio waves travel? ' " 1 A 5. Q What must a radio receiving set do? : a. ' 6. Q What are the main parts of a receiving station ? A. 7. Q- 9. Q- What does the antennae accomplish? t A i Q What is the best form of antennae? A. What does wave length of 360 meters mean? A ; ...................... 10. Q What is the simplest detector? A. Q What is Galena and what does it do in radio? A . ...... .; Q Why is a ground connection used, and how should it be made? A . Q How are radio sounds magnified to any strength ? A ; ' .. Q What are the advantages of a crystal set ? A ; Q What are the requisites for success of a crystal receiver? A m Q What is static? A 11 12, 13, 14 15. 16, 17. 18. Q What kind of wire is the best conductor of electricity? Q WhaHsthe wave length used most commonly in broadcasting A . First Prize $25.00 Hom-o-fone Radiophone receiv ing set given by The Capital Journal. o 1SecoJ,d Prize-Radio Crystal set, given by The Salem Electric Co. Third Prize One year's subscription to The Radio News, given by The Ace. Rules of Contest . 60 points will be given for the most correct answers; 10 points for spelling; 10 points for writing; 20 'points for neatness and general appearance. Answers must be written by contestant ; contestant must be in Eligh theatre at the time of awarding of prizes Saturday, December 16, 11:30 a. m. Answers must be turned capital journal not later than December 9. over 13. years of age- No contestant shall be Name Address Age Contest forms can be secured at the Bligh Theatre any Saturday morning. . . This contest is in conjunction with "The Radio King"', now showing at the Bligh Theatre. 1