PAGE TWO OREGONTAKING 22WARRI0RST0 ' SEAHLE TODAY THE GAMES ON : TONIGHT'S SLATE University of Oregon, Eugene Nov. 28. In the best condition of the year and primed in every way to put up the battle of their liven, 22 men comprising the Unl veraity of Oregon varsity football team accompanied by a staff of coaches, trainers and managers left here this afternoon Dound for Seattle where they will meet the Washington eleven on Thanksglv Ine dav.- Huntlmtton . put the Hquad through a bard week of scrimmage and , signal practice liixt week. KivinK the varsity Its final touches developing a string of dependable substitutes and al lowing Injured members to return to the eligible list. While the elev en will miss the services of Itud Drown at end. severely. Coach Huntington declared shortly be fnr Ipftvlnir. that the .Oregon team Is In the best condition it hag been this season. - Oreeon has gone through an undefeated season of five confer enee games, and in the last two, atrainat the nowerful O. A. C. and WashinEton State elevens, ahow- f (I development of unusual s'rength. With the exception of tun nnda and a tackle position the team whjch lines up against the northerners will be composed 01 men of at least one year experi ence. They are slightly lighter than the Huskies but will be ar rayed In the Oregon formations which have nroved so efficient In the paBt five years, during which time Oregon has defeated the Washingtonians three times. Particular significance is at tached to the game in that the winner will be undisputed cham pion of the northwest conference am) will be in a nositlon to be selected as the team to represent the west against Penn State In the annual intersections! contest at Pasadena New Years day. Tonight will find the following teams pitted against each other In the third installment of the Com mercial Basketball league being played under the auspices of the V. M. C. A. and in the-'Y" gym nasium: Better Yet vs. Central Pharmacy. Hauser Bros. vs. Bone- steele Motor Co., and U. S.'Nation- al Bank vs. Anderson & Brown. The first game of the evening is expected to be the hardest fought and fastest game of the evening. The druggiats are lead- Ine the leaeue with two wins and no defeats with the bread makers n the .500 class, having won one and lost one. The first game was lost, however, by a narrow mar gin of ona noint. On the second night the team played real team work and held the Bonesteele Mo tor company 5 to 4 points, all se cured by free throws. The drug zist team is comnosed of high school nlavera of last year and are very fast, probably- one of the last- est In the leaeue. The Haiiner Bros, team is dODed to win from the mechanics easily The automobile boys have lost both their starts. The fracas be tween the bank team and the An derson & Brown five is a toss up WOMAN ADMITS SENDING POISON N BOX OF CANDY ' i ,'.-. oat. ttitit nprr.fiN mirn r A DTT A f 1 1 I 1-M-IV Zl I , . f I , r, 1H . V n . - , I tin iAn,inij osm.m- ' 7.,.t ,,, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1922 BURGH TRIAL WELL GO TO JURY BEFORE NIGHJ Los Angeles, Cal., No?. 8. The fate of Arthur C. Burch of Evanston, 111., Just tried for the third time for the murder of J. Belton Kennedy, was expected to be placed in the hands of the Jury some time today. JFSS WILL ARD TO BOX IN NORTHWEST, REPORT Portland, Or., Nov. 28. Jess Willard, ex-heavyweight champion of the world, will be Been In the northwest in a series of exhibition matches which Bobby Evans, for mer matchmaker for the Portland boxing commission, Is, arranging fur the big boxer. - . Rvaris returned to Portland from Los Angeles yesterday. Capitalist Dead. Boston, Nov. 28. Funeral serv ices will be held tomorrow for Phillip H. Gray of Detroit, capi talist and philanthropist, who died at a hospital here oh Satur day. He was a son of the late John H. Gray, one of the original stockholders of the Ford Motor company. Chilton, Wis., Nov. 28. Miss Anna Lenz, 30-year-old daughter of a wealtfly farmer, faced arraign ment today on a charge of murder after her alleged confession yes terday that she sent poisoned can dy which resulted in the death of Mrs. Frank Schneider. According to District Attorney Arps, Miss Lenz admitted buying poison and inserting it in a choco late bar, Intending to send It to Mrs. Henry Schneider, sister-in law of the dead woman. According:" to the district attor ney. Miss Lenz said the reason -for sending the poison was that Mrs. Henry Schneider had spread re nnrta which she regarded as hav insr damaged her reputation. She said that this had preyed on her mind. Mrs. Schneider died last Tues day. She was the, mother of eight children. A druggist told the district attorney that Miss Lenz had bought poison and a grocer said he sold her a chocolate bar. .A mall carrier . recalled having re ceived a box from her home to mail on the date of the poisoning. TROJANS TO BE MINUS QUARTERBACK DOLLEY Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 28. The injured knee of Chet Dolley, Quar terback of the Universtiy of Cali fornia football team, has begun to naln him aeain since practice has been resumed and it is doubtful if he will start against the Washing ton State eleven at Pasadena Thankserivins day. according to Coach Henderson. Harold Galloway will probably start at quarterback. Galloway was one of the stars In the game against Idaho and his defensive work is said to be superior to Dol lej's. KLAN PLEA FOR DELAY GRANTED m i Medford, Or., Nov. 28. 'con tinuation to the February tejjnypf the circuit court. In the Jackson county night riding cases has been granted by Judge F. M. Calkins. Acting under Instructions from the attorney general's office," the granting of the motion was unop posed. This Is the Eecond continu ation of -the cases, originally set for hearing at the October term of court. The motion wa3 based upon allocations of Dreiudice and that the indictments were "political In dictments." The illness of the wife of one of the defendants who is a mater ial witness, was also a ground tor postponement. Tiernanand Wife Agree To Reunion c-nth Rend. Ind.. Nov. 28. Dismissal of divorce actions now pending were submitted here by i.k'p Tiernan. former law pro- IUUU ' . fessor of the University or Dame, following his return to ma .., A u cust& Tiernan, at their home here on Sunday. With diamtaaed It was said the lUfl DUllO - - couple, with three children, m tho Infant son whose pa V . . . T ternlty had been chargea to nan Poulin, South Bend haberdasher, by Mrs. Tiernan, would go to New York state and begin me " In ITS TOASTED one extra process which gives a delicious flavor A Feeling of Security t.,oiiv fii secure when you know that the medicine . you arp about io iano , Sure and contains no harmful or . , ,i Jt. , rlrllP-S Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's bteIdAer "ed2;-.,-i of ourlty strength and excellence is main tained in every wine ow ' It 'is scientifically compounded . nn,nKU Hut-Vifr irom 16"' ,, )u T. i ,-. a stimulant ana is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for ev It Is natures great helper in re lieving and overcoming muhuj a uinAAar ti-niihlps. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of, Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root. ii nood a medicine. you should have the best. On sale at all drug stores in Domes ui murium and laree. unrat... if vnii wish first ' to try this gremt preparation sendi . n, Kilmer & Co.. Leu wino -v Blnghamton, N. Y.. for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. .auv; LADD & BUSH BANKERS ESTABLISHED 1863 " GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p.m. Chicago Jack Dcmpacy an nounced he had accepted the of fer of Al H. Woods, tiieatriiiii producer for three bouts, one with a wrestler. The terms for the matches were understood to ap proximate one million dollars. rnnrhrthifinaV: It starts arculahon.frus scatters congestion. The in flamrmtion disappears , and along with it the pain. Kelte pftfcial rheumatic lwmoo. Vrm mi " kckcbM, Dorli. coldi io cbett. Kv It hndf. S!oan Utdment-kHls pain! LOW FARES ROUND TRIP ; FOB Thanksgiving and Daily By the Oregon Electric Ry. A B Portland ...$2.25 $2.50 Albany 1.25 1.30 Corvallis 1.75 2.00 Eueene 3.50 3.80 Harmbunr 2.75 2.80 Junction City 3.00 Donald 125 Wilsonville .... 1-55 Woodburn ., .95 Forest Grove .. 3.40 Hillsboro 3.00 3.10 Column A, Thanksgiving round trip fares, tickets on sale Tuesday, W.lnesday. Thurs day, return limit Monday. Column B, tickets on sale every day, return limit six teenth day. Similar fars la effect to many other points which will be quoted, and details furn ished on request. OREGOST E1ECTBIC RAILWAY J. W. Hitch i. Axeat. You have always longed for a pleasanter kitchen for the opportunity to get through with your work earlier in the day. Here is the chance to satisfy that longing. This wonderful one-week sale gives you the opportunity to put in your kitchen the greatest labor-saving device of the times and to do it under the most favorable of conditions, and on the easiest of terms. SPECIAL This Week Only . The special conditions prevailing during this sale have never heen equalled in any kitchen cabinet offering with which we are familiar Note these six big reasons for buying your HOOSIEK now. 1 A payment as low as $1.00 puts the com- plete HOOSIEK in your home. 9 You pay the balance in deferred payments of convenient amounts. '. O No extra charges for these easy terms or for the FREE cutlery. - The low 1922 price prevails. rYour cabinet delivered on receipt of your initial payment,- under the factory guar nntpp "Mmier Rack If Not Delitrhted." -A FREE set of Dexter , Domestic Science cutlery worth $7.50 included with each IIOOSIER Beauty. If you have ever wanted freedom from your., most., trying.: household drudgery don't fail to come in for a Hoosier demon stration this week. Come even if you have no intention of buying just to see this great woman-saving convenience. 6 TO PURCHASERS This $7.50 Set OF. DEXTER CUTLERY As an extra inducement to buy your HOOSIER during this big demonstration sale, we will gtre you FREE with your HOOSIER Beauty the com plete Deiter domestic Science Kitchen Set. This set has the - unqualified endorsement of such eminent authorities as Good Housekeeping Insti tute, kiss Alice Bradley, Mrs. Christine Fredericks and many others. These tools fit compartments In a special cutlery drawer that slides forward with HOOSIER '8 ex tending table-top making it easy to get at each tool even when the work table is extended. -W: , yeii jiff 'US f 1 : 111 E 7 I . THE HOME OF GOOD GOODS Wednesday is the last This Store CJosed day of theDollShow All Day (Subway Store) Thanksgiving Pre-Thanksgiving AN D " L r?l' I WThis Week " i&Mur Only ' : r .. .jtoju End of Month Sale V f II A nfl II TIVI ' Trade in your used I Clearance of Womens Apparel Showing Values of Unusual Interest A sale of high grade exquisitely tail ored apparel in this clearance that, should appeal to every woman- Ready to wear garments at. a savings of '25 to 33 1-3 7o.. The newest styles shown,, direct from the manufacturer to you. Make an appointment with us for a tour " of inspection. Coats .......,$22.50, $37.50, $49.75, $69.50 Suits $24.75,$39.50, $59.50 Dresses $18.75, $24.75, $32.75 Special Lot of Gossard Corsets $3.98 We've collected a big lot of Gos3ard3 in Corsets that sold for $6.00, $7.50 and $8.50, all good Corsets but only two or three of a style. . In other words odds that we .want to clearaway quickly hence the price nearly all sizes in the lot- (Expert Corset service) Clearance of Men's Suits and Overcoats at $29.75 Save $15.25 Men! We have a reputation at stake; that of selling the best clothes a Salem at the lowest prices, unions high class Suits and Overcoats. Would $15.25 saved on a suit or over coat appeal to you? Today and tomor row we offer you your choice of W $45.00 suit or Overcoat at $29-75. w n sidering Griffon's high grade dotty and their reputation, we call this an oi f er worthy of your consideration. We sell clothes 'that wear and I hoH their shape. Up-to-the-nunute stjies. Sale of Oxfords and Pumps $5.95 - Welt sole Oxfords and FjjJ Krippendorf s high grade footw. black calf, Rusian calf, and patent, J desirable patterns in excellent shoes. Let us fit you now. i Eden Flannel 6 yards $1 For Pajamas, Night Gowns, School Blouses, etc., Eden Flannel takes its place among the. best. Its soft fine texture and firm weave popularizes it ' as a general utility cloth. Buy it now 6 yards for $1.00, and save 50c. Outing Flannel 9 yards $1 . ci AO is' f Nine yards of Outing for f j bargain that should conunand o mediate attention. ' medium weight, for gowns, PJ , etc. I CCL- SALENS LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE i t- : 4 your home for Vi from our exchange Department ,: Good Furniture ':rmon--'. I