Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 28, 1922, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    TTTF.Rr.Av 'Njnv'CTMTJTiT. .
. Trm a r .. tnilnlt T OAT rtDPfinM '
-i n pi n n n ri m
f 1 M I! El 11 if I J aGl
Attempts to Repeal
Costly Bounty Law
Stir Up Opposition
Dallas, Or., Nov. 28. The an
nual Polk County School Officers
convention will meet at the court
bouse in the circuit court room on
Saturday, December 9, in an all
day session. One member of each
school board in Polk 'county will
be present. Mrs. Ora Cosper of
Dallas, Is president of the conven
tion and Josiah WlllB,. county su
perintendent of schools, secretary.
The resolution committee is
composed of the following mem
bers: Holt Stockton, U B. Plum
mer, A. B. Morland, E. May Elli-
uoa and A. C. Moore. The Ques
tion box for the session will be in
charge of Mrs. G. , E. Lawrence,
F. C. Ewlng and Mrs. T. A. Dunn
Both morning and afternoon ses
ions will be held.
(Continued from Page One.)
apartment and into the arms of a
house man at work in the hall
way, crying "I believe I have been
poisoned." He iied in a short
time, i . -
Remnants of a luncheon, pai niy
eaten, were found in the apart
ment. One coffee cup was about
half full. Another contained only
dregs, in which poison later wan
found. The chemist who examined
it, said the poison evidently had
been put into the cup when It
was about half full of coffee, as
the drug, was too strong for any
one to have drunk more of the
mixture. -Woman
Not Seen.
Hotel attaches told the police
that neither woman nor baggage
followed the man to the establish
ment; that he received no tele
phone calls; that the waiter who
nerved the luncheon saw no signs
of a woman's presence, and that
there was no evidence that the
man had received a call from any
body. "
Doge was believed to have ar
rived here by steamer shortly be
fore he reached the hotel. The
lirm for which he expected to
work here said he had not report
ed to it.
In spite of the fact that Ore
gon's bounty bill is growing great
er each year, any attempt to repeal
the law providing for the payment
of bounties on predatory animals
is destined to meet with vigorous
opposition according to sentiment
expressed by county officials tn
tetters to Secretary of State Koz-
er.' ' ' -
Sentiment in Malheur aiii Har
ney counties in which sections the
bounty payments have mounted- to
an impressive figure In the 13
ears in which the law has beeh
operative, is strongly favorable to
a repeal of the law. County off!
olttls In those counties declare thai
n spite of the bounty the animais
at whose extinction the law is
aiinied, have, hot diminished in
numbers and point out thai the
oounty payment only serves to
tempt unscrupulous trappers ana
ouyers to bring iu pelts from ad
joining states.
t)n the other hand officials oi
other counties are just as empha
tie in their determination that the
law shall not be repealed, hold
ing it up as a great benefit to the
farmer and stockman, In the pro-
tection of livestock from the
ravages of coyotes, wild cats and
other animals.
, Since the bounty law first be
came effective in this state, Maj:
22, 1909, a total of $868,048.6-
has been paid out by the state
and counties on a "fifty-fifty'
basis, the state's share of this pay
ment amounting to $434,024.31,
aach county paying an equal
amount with the state upon all
.jelts. delivered to the county
In the firBt two years of the op
jration of this law, May 22, 1909,
to April 30, 1911, the state's share
of ;bounty payments amounted to
$38,640.75. This amount has in
creased year by year until in the
Ulennium ending September 30,
1922, the state's share of bounty
Recovers from Rheumatism
"Had rheumatism five months,
that would go from my left knee
to my back. Tried many reme
dies without relief. Finally used
Foley Kidney Pills and in fifteen
days Was entirely cured," writes
W. J. Oliver, Vidalla, Georgia.
Backache, rheumatic pains, dull
headache, dizElness and blurred
vision are symptoms of kidney
disorder. Foley Kidney Pills quick
ly relieve kidney and bladder
trouble. (adv)
Oregon Pulp & Paper Co.
1 Manufacturers of m
Glassine, Greaseproof, Bonds and High Grade
Wrappings, Bleached and Unbleached 'Sulphite.
payments is $97,348.31.
Want Paid Hunters. ,
A perusal of letter received by
Secretary of State Kozer indicates
that the greatest opposition to the
oounty bill comes from those coun
ties bearing the heaviest burden
of county payments. These would
abolish the bounty law entirely,
turning to paid expert hunters
and trappers as a more efficient
means for eradicating the preda
tory animal pests. Other counties
favor an amendment to the pres
ent law making the payment of
bounties optional with the coun
ty court of each county. A measure-to
this effect was Introduced
into tlra legislature' of 1921 by
Representative Gallagher of Mal
heur county. It passed the lower
house but was defeated In the
F'rom the counties along the
Nevada border come' complaints
that many coyotes and other ani
mals which have been killed across
the state line are brought into
Oregon for the purpose of collect
ing bounty. This charge seems
to be borne out, in a measure at by a comparison of the boun
ties paid by the various counties
of the state in which it is seen
that Uh Iborder counties Mal
iieur, Harney and Lake are the
hardest hit by the bounty collec
tors. Costly to Many.
A summary of bounty payments
by counties In the 13-year period,
prepared by Secretary of State
Kozer, follows: ' '
Baker, $15,833.39; Benton,
$481.46; Clackamas, . $2209.83,
Clatsop, $3637.94; Columbia.
$1018.75; Coos, $4743.19; Crook,
$26,563.68; Curry, $6490.12; Des
chutes, $7670.75; Douglas, $10,-
942.67; Gilliam. $11,714.83;
Grant, $17,334.15; Harney,$94,
647; Hood River, $774; Jackson,
$9504.18; Jefferson, $6702.03;
Josephine $2673.67; Klamath,
$12,256.05; Lake, $43,873.15;
Lane, $5894.89; Lincoln, $1985.25
Linn $1463; Malheur, $58,698.34;
Marion; $603.66; Morrow, $15,-
690.18; Multonmah, $202;
$303.56; Sherman. $4176;
mook. $4101.57 Umatilla,
277.01; Union, $6457.39;
Iowa. $12,629.21; Wasco,
945.66; Washington, $536.50;
Wheeler, $10,459.52; ' Yamhill,
$729; total, $434,024.31:
The attitude In nearly every
section of the state upon the boun
ty Question is shown in the fol
lowing ' excerpts from letters re
ceived by Kozer; :
1. O. Wilson,", county Judge,
Benton '," county. "I favor the
bounty for the reason that It keeps
the hunters at It.",
Fred McIIenry: county clrk,
Benton county. ''Sentiment is in
favor of the bounty. Those not
especially Interested in the boun
ty make no objection to a bounty
being paid."
D. H. Pierce, commissioner,
Linn county. "Should be repeal
, R. M. Russell, clerk, Linn coun
ty. "Law does not materially de
crease the number of predatory
animals.'.' ... ...
i W. R. Bilyeu, county Judge, and
tV a. Thorns, commissioner, Linn
county 'We favor, the repeal of
the bounty law." -
Hunt Is Opposed.
.T. F. Hunt, commissioner, Mar-
lion county. Thinks every county
should pay its own bounty.
Floyd D. Moore, clerk, Polk
county. Favors ' reduction - in
bounty. .
- cii
'Beauty Contented
You arc alwaya confident
that your beauty baa beta.
developed to flietusheet
of lu poulbUitiea after
using Couraud't Oriental
Cream. . v 1
115c tor Trial SIM
. I.H.plimtt
H mild, vegetable ! to
I Iff relieve Constipation and Bllt-
1 eusneae ana Keep tnej uigoauv-
nil y3Mtek. Vied for 0r
nnnn n
1 1 ! jn
Mnnmr .mAiL .LJW UJ cy Lash
fit J
Chip" TttiTOWBSocfr
Lv1' rf ' r 11 then cendy coated. ,
SviT JS'A t Bar children and adnlta. f
- Daniel J., Fry
" An Hotel worthy of its reputation as the largest and
most complete in Oregon out of Portland.
Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinnerparties.
Plain and novelty handkerchiefs for women.
Dainty colored, bordered, sheer fine quality
handkerchiefs in pink, blue, lavander, rose,
green, etc., fast colors-
Also plain white cambric dainty embroidered
designs in one corner.
' Buy them by the piece or fancy boxes.
Commercial and Court Streets
Buster Brown Shoe Store
Prior to remodeling the Store we are offering great
reductions on all lines of Footwear for Men, Women and
' Children
Women's black kid Oxford, Good
year welt soles, rubber military heels
Sale price $4.45
Bl aveyy u uaaiiaiaiiiiiaai.ajj aniani" ? w ajr
i saving ra"&y m l stores
20 Skaggs Stores
In Oregon
Is the'aQcomplishment that SKAGGS UNITED STORES
have achieved since their entrance into this State, cover
ing a period of less than 18 months.
This success is only made posible thru the confidence of
these thousands of Oregonians, who are sharing the
Savings resulting from our enormous purchases.
SKAGGS PRICES appeal to these conservative peo-
. nimi efdTC!1"DT V
pie wno desire 10 oa v jc oxioijji4i.
ffi , : ''r""t- iiil Women's Patent and Kid Dressy Is i 'Vf
w !mimii4fJ Pumps, Cuban heels, regularly priced w i
' ?8'50' PriCe " ?45 111
' "IW W (HI
W Girls Pumps and Oxfords in patent ' jPfTVy " TO (tfl
'II rYS o tA V.iiirri -fnt A vac a ri of fool itroai J J f Jit ?Vx I W
ffi Pciced on sale from $3.85 J J ' ffi (J
-IS: I "2 ..... .. . 58 AS
t t S3? !' Children's Shoes, Slippers and m m
t t oo if Hosiery, greatly reduced ffi Ik ,
ffi Xmas Slippers on sale all shades . S--., L; IiliiP fTl w CO
i m i priced from 95c. : jK ; ij K
l" V il Colonial Pumps in brown and black r . w
iv- i price :v$7.85 :ffi-.;W
S Hosiery, fashionable shades in wool, silks, in brown, g Jt
.. . 1 15 " black, navy, and tan priced from 95c. 5 W
By the sack . . . .... $1-99
By the bbl 7.75
A high grade Hardwheat
blend, by the sack, $1.75
The Popular Shortening
4-lb. can ............ 70c
8- lb- can ........... $1.38
Shredded Wheat, pkg. 10c
Rolled Oats, 3-lb. pkg. 25c
9- lb. bag Eastern
Buckwheat . . . . 65c
9- lb. bag Fischer's Pan
cake Flour ........ 65c
10- lb. pail Dark Karo 59c
10-lb. pail Light Karo 65c
5-lb. can SKAGGS
Maple and Cane . .$1.49
10-lb. can Teagarden $1.10
Qt. can 100 Pure
Maple Sap ....... 89c
10 cans Standard Corn 98c
8 cans .Utah Peas . . . . . . 98c
2 cans Fancy Maine
Corn , ....... .... 35c
't Dozen cans ... ... $1.95
5 cans Lilly of Valley and
Country Gentleman
White Corn ...... . 98c
6 cans Tender Sweet
Peas . ......... .... 88c
Wonderful value.
2 cans small tender Lilly
of Valley Peas . ... . 49c
12 cans . . . . ........ $2.65
3 cans No. 2y2 Solid Pack
Tomatoes . . . ; . . , . 50c
3 tall cans Minced
, Clams . . . . . ... . . . 59c
2 cans Fancy Shrimp. .35c
Libbv's Super Large
can Ripe Olives . . . . .25c
22 bars Crystal
White .u...... $1.00
25 bars White Wonder,
Easy Day pr Van
Hoeters ;.r......r. $1.00
10 bars Fels Naptha . .68c
7 bars Ivory . . . . . . . . . 50c
2 large Seafoam. ..... 45c
3 cans Old Dutch . .". . 25c
3 cans Swift's Sun
bright .7.-..... . 15c
2 qts- Fancy Eastern
Cranberries . . . 40c
Citron, per lb.5 ....... 59c
; Orange and Lemon Peel,
lb. ............... 35c
2 lbs. best grade Mince
Meat '. 45c
Large Sweet Oranges,
dozen ... 65c
Cluster After Dinner
Raisins, nkar. ...... 25c
4 pkgs. 15-oz. Seedless
-Raisins ....... . . 69c
5 lbs. Seedless Raisins
(bulk) ..-.y.... ... 73c
2 lbs. Muschel Raisins 35c
. (with seeds)
2 lbs. Fancy Walnuts 58c
2 lbs. Nwe Crop Brazils 38c
2 lbs. Filberts 45c
3 pkgs. Bronze Dates 45c
2 lbs. Roasted P. Nuts 25c
2 lbs. best Creamery
Butter .. . .. . 98(5
3 lbs. Gem Nut ...... 70c
A well known brand
10 Tall Cans ......... 98c
5-lbM- J.B. ....... $193
3-lb. M. J. B. ........ 119
' 2V-lb. Golden West.. 98c
1-lb. Golden West ....40c
3-lb. Skaggs Blend.. $1.10
Skaggs Seat Market
Has grown in accordance with our grocery department.
By the hundreds of customers that we serve daily, we
know that the people in Salem appreciate SWIFT'S
prices. To try our meats will prove the superior taste
and quality that can only be found in first grade steer
:beef."'' ; '.: :;. -v
You will have a large suppliy to choose from at lower
prices- Order today. Start Thanksgiving by serving
Swift's Premium Bacon, Ham or Brookfield Little TiS
Sausages for breakfast.
Whole or Half, per IK 30c
Brookfield Sausasre. tier lb. ! 33c
Bacon Squares, per lb. .... . . ........... .-. 19c
FREE DELIVERY $3.00 orders (sugar excepted)
There is no charge for delivery of meats with grocery
orders. C. O. D. orders gladly snt out. Phone 478, Salem,
iOregon. "q' . r " 2
OREGON LOCATIONS: Portland (13 stores), Salem,
Hillsboro, McMinnville, Corvallis, The Dalles, Bend.