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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1922)
PAGE EIGHT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20r 1922 AS EVERY ONE KNOWS, OUR BUSINESS IS SELLING SHOES, AND WHEN CT73 r 1 L3 3 . , i JVL mmm tmm Trur-im We Are Agents for Hanan Shoes and Oxfords, Florsheim Shoes and Oxfords, Archpreserver Shoes and Oxfords, Witch Elk, Bergman's and Ball Brand Boots, which, of necessity, must be reserved during this sale. T T E TO BUY SHOE! Thousands of Dollars Worth of High-Grade -SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Taken from Our Immense Stock Will Be Placed On Take Nothing for Granted Come prepared to buy your Winter's supply of Shoes. Come before the lines are depleted as there will be no more at these prices. Come, get the best while they cost you less. Women's High Shoes One lot of Ladies' black, brown, and colored Kid Shoes, with Kid or Cloth Tops. Big assortment, practically all sizes. Regular values to $10.00. $ 1 .95 Women's Dress Shoes High Top Shoes in Black and Brown Calf. High or Military Heels. Good serviceable shoes for win ter wear. . . Regular values to $8 00. Ladies' House Slippers Ladles' Felt Slippers, comfy soles, all colors. (J- Qj $2 values tbX.OO Ladies' House Slippers Black and tan kid and chamois leather slippers, comfy soles. $3.00 JM Qf- values tDl.JU Children's and Youth's Slippers Felt Slippers with comfy soles. ?Z.OO values 95c Children's Buntrock Shoes A splendid shoe for dre?s or school wear, sizes 6 to 2. $5.00 ftQ Q values . )0,Jo Women's Slippers and Pumps Big line Women's Slippers and Pumps in fine kid and patent colt with low, medium or high heels- Suitable for street or party wear. Regular values to $10.00. $5.95 Dress Shoes Misess' black and brown dress Shoes, low heels, medium toes. Suitable for dress or school wear. Regular $5.00 and $5.50 values. $2.95 Men's House Slippers ' Heavy Felt Slippers, comfy soles, all sizes. T- nr $2.60 values tM.OD Old Ladies' Comfort Shoes Soft and comfortable, in all widths and sizes. JJQ nr $5 and $6 values t&O.iD Bergman's Shoe Oil Guaranteed waterproof, heavy, for loggers, and light OK,, for dress OOC i Dr. -School's and Wizard Foot Appliance Scientifically fitted by grad uate practopedics. Women !s High Grade Shoes Many Styles in black, brown and colors; suitable for dress or street wear. Practically all sizes in .widths from AAA to C. Regular values to $12.00. A Seasonable Sale of Dependable Shoes The rainy season is now here when warm, dry footwear is desired by everyone. This sale offers what you want when you want it. $,.95 Women's New Oxfords Women's black and brown Oxfords in new round toe, low heels. An ideal oxford for winter wear. All sizes and widths. Special Boys' Dress Shoes M l WJr CL Men's Dayton Shoes -"cvru Men s work onoes j- $7 values 3)4. JD ioo Pairs Men's six-inch top blucher lace, Special . ?' 88.95 solid cap work shoe3 of solid leather through- - 0 Boy Scout Shoes -uiar price ?,o. Men's Knee Boot ZVl st? BQot R Regular ,4 Men,e knee length ,6vaiues S3.95 5T $2.95 JfTr,, Men's Work Shoes , to 12. COn- w"vVO Big line S5c and EOc cleaners 46 values b6,VD Men's Dayton Shoes, brown cap toe, hook lit f,01,'8 2r lace. All specially priced for this sale- For al ,eathers 0C $12.00 12-inch GiT QK ' - Boys' High Tops kw 5SSh &rVX2 Rubber Heels Bl.cnd Brown. 2 Jftl ZZ'VS Put on regular B0c rubber $7 values M.95 Top Shoes .5 heels on Wednesday Men's Dress Shoes One lot Men's plain toe kid shoes, bal lace, flexible sole. Made for solid comfort. Regular value $5.00. . $S95 Men's Dress Shoes Lot Men's black -and brown calf shoes, bal lace, English last. A serviceable and dressy shoe. Regular values to $12.00- $3.95 Men's Dress Oxfords Men's brown and black calf dress oxfords, English last, bal lace. All sizes. A good shoe for winter wear. Regular $10.00 to $15.00 values. $ Men's High Grade Shoes One lot Men's brown calf dress Shoes. English last. Built for hard service. Practical ly all sizes in the lot Regular values to $15 00. $ .95 I , ; . i : Dr. L. J. Williams, Chiropodist and Foot Specialist Is in charge of our Foot Comfort Department. All Foot Troubles sci entifically treated and corrected without pain or loss of time. If you have Corns, Callouses, Ingrown Nuils, Bunions, Weak and Fallen Arches, consult him at once. Ten years prac tice In Oregon. o Our Repair Department Is now equipped with the latest improved ma chinery and in charge of one of the best me chanics on the coast. Try our new soles they will positively outwear two of the ordinary kind. All work done with neatness and dispatch. 326 STATE STREET SALEM, OREGON