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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1922)
PAGE SIX THE CAPITAL. JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON POPULAR SONGS MONDAY, NOVEMBER TO BE GIVEN AT Y PIL PRICES ON FOOD RISING ARMOR CONCERT wasmngton, not. zo. An dlcated Increase of 2 per cent In the retail cost ot food to the aver- flfiA fnmflv in Ida T7nfji1 Ct4l A. B. Cain, of the Cain Concert L..H,,.. th ,, ,v ZT ,1 . 15 ww Pted today by the bu- lem yesterday arranging for a reau of ubor 8tatl8tlc, of the de M" Wl l"a wpupu " "l partment of labor, baaed on the other days to be siren In the of . ,.. ,n IMa w ..I "eum " wem- Bjr cltefl gan FrancIsC0 ,ed wtth ber 7th. The program will include fnrrMBa . . "" 7 Boston, Los Angeles and Phlla delphla showed 4 per cent, and Dolly Gray." "On the Banka of the Buffa0;nleeIan, , v ,V,v vuttBa, one wan urea in viu ner K - uecrease uui me increase in a numher. inrlndlnfr nhlae-n Tn- ing in My Heart for You Louise." d!anaponf( Bnd MUwwlke WM ! I, 7u I , laciuae sucu legg tfaan ha of one per cent Kentucky," '"Mid the Green Fields of Virginia," "I've a Long riet Leach, dramatic soprana, late ot the Orpheum and Heath cir- Of the food article, 14 showed an increase, which was indicated cults, and prominent as a concert to be lely seasonal, such as 21 singer; Dr. Stuart McGuIre, bar! per cent for fresh eggs and 10 per tone, leading soloist at the First lent for "er while 19 showed a Christian Science church, Port land; Madame Rose Friedle- Gianelli, contralto, concert ana church soloist; Leonard J. Brady, lyric tenor, well known singer at banquets and fraternal affairs. The Telephone Male Quartet, Port- decrease and the price of ten re mained unchanged. PLENTY OF CARS FOR PRUNES NOW FURNISHED MUTT AND .JEFF Mutt Get's Inside Dope on the Lion Tamers' Password. Copyright 1920 by IntX Feature Service Ine. TraJe Mark Beg land's leading; quartet, will bel "Plenty of cars are now being heard in the old time popular furnished the nine plants of tha ongs of the southland, including Oregon Growers association so "Down Where the the Cotton that no trouble is-, being expert Blossoms Grown," Under Soutaern enced in transporting the-prune 6kie8," etc. Another interesting crop as was the case earlier in feature will be the Metropolitan the season," according to M. J. Trio, composed of Miss Helen Newhouse, manager of the dried HarDer. violinist. Miss Jean Hap- fruit department per, pianist, and Miss Julian Wor- It is expected that by the end den, cello, which will play such of the week that all of the grow old time favorites as "Sweet of e 'Will have delivered their Daisies," 'Love's Old Sweet Song," f Prunes to the plants and as soon eto. Miss Helen Harper, directer after as is possible the second of the Metropolitan Trio, is as- advance of two and one half istant coach at the Elchenlaub cent9 Per pound on the crop will violin studio in Portland and is be maJe by the association. The In demand at concerts, weddings reports of the directors of the or nd banquets. The program will sanation at their meeting th-j conclude by the audience singing '"lLcr Prl OI 'asi week snowed a number of the national folk the early season estimates ongs of America, including "Cai- '""tead f being short were long, ry Me Back to Old .Virginia," Indications are now that the pres "Swanee Biver," and "Old Ken- enf, year's Oregon Growers' crop tucky Home." The community wlU be soM within between three singing will be led by John C. qu"te and a mlUlon PounJs f Henderson ot the Portland Com- what the mount will be. "We xnunity Service association of " Terf ,weu P""M with the Portland. Mr. Cain, who is bring ing this aggregation of artists to Salem to present this interesting concert, was In Salem with the Whitney Boys Chorus when they appeared at the state fair grounds a year ago. prospects," la the way Mr. New- house expressed himself. (' BtN a uon e FOfc 1 Hy JCFf I CoYoy fcwouA J fx ought to- r sewrrcis riMSt' ooujAh p r a M0NTH At YT I WHAT OOWAH"f J M IT FOR OUR PASSWOSbl J HeRe- ThiIwSo 1 YoU tu '''''' ' l Sport Briefs RRANOM KNFW I " " : There Was NotfimgSo Good - Liege Eugene Criqui, bantam Veight champion of Europe, knocked out Ben Calicott in the second round. Houston, Texas. James Davis, 21, negro, was sentenced to 111 years in the penitentiary on 85 charges of burglary. Polk County Court Probate Court Order made approving inven tory and appraisement of estate of Julius Stalding, deceased. Henry G. Campbell appointed administrator of estate of Ann Elizabeth Campbell, deceased Bond of $1000 approved Eugene Hayter, H. L. Fenton and Walter Williams appointed appraisers. H. G. Campbell appointed ad ministrator of estate of James M. Campbell, deceased. Bond of $4, 000 approved. Eugene Hayter. H. L. Fenton and Walter Williams appointed appraisers. Marriage licenses Guy D. Mott, age 28. Falls City and Eleanor L. Dueltgen, age 21, Falls City. But the old-fashioned mustard plaster burned and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the plaster and without the blister. Musterole does it. It is a dean. white ointment, made with oil of mus tard. It is scientifically prepared, so that it works wonders. Gently massage Musterole in with the finger-tips. See ho w quickly it brings re liefhow speedily the pain disappears. Try Musterole for sore throat, bron chitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck. asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges tion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains ana aches ol the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil blains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it may prevent pneumonia). 35c and 65c, jars and tubes; hospital size, $3.00. Better than a muttar J plaster Journal Want The proposal that Germany go in to bankruptcy is like expecting an iaeane man to go crazy. Why Stay Fat? You Can Reduce We Have Your Copy Of An Interesting Book On Internal Baths. It Is Free The answer of most fat people it that it is too hard, too trouble some and too dangerous to force weight down. Marmola Prescrip tion Tablets overcome all these difficulties. They are absolutely harmless, entail no dieting or exer cise, and have the added advant age of cheapness. A case is sold at one dollar by all druggists the" world over, or send the price di rect to the Marmola Co., 4612 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Now that you know this, you have no excuse for being tat, but can reduce steadily and easily without going through long sieges of tiresome exercise and starva tion diet or fear ot bad effects. (adv) Dr. Chas. A. Tyrrell always claimed his life was saved by Internal Bathing. And that after it made him well, it kept him 100 well and efficient Jot many years. Thu is not hard to believe when Physicians aeree that most human ills are caused by accumulated waste in the lower intestine and no medicine has ever been found to keep it free from these poisons. , eU'1-bk tcIi, Wty"Ld h-W ha' bcen.Jhe mean of freeinf ov ni"ion of enlightened Americans many neht here in town, from "that tired feeling" as well as the more tenous illnesses which follow if the pernicious poisons are not cleansed out Pure warm water scientifically administered, will take these poisons out and keep them out Ask today for this book"Wfiy Man of Today is Only - 50 Efficient" Remember it is free to you. Daniel J. Fry, Salem, Ore. ffl1 1 .00 Buys Any Brunswick DOWN or Victrola in Stock The Brunswick and Victrola Christmas Club The Easiest Way to a Musical Xmas Hi inrvmm p BRING ENTRIES TO MAIN OFFICE BEFORE THE -23rd n Doll Show Nov. 25th to 29th Prizes Will Be Divided Among tte Winners rizes r i .Would you like to give the family a really wonderful gift this Christ mas a genuine Brunswick or Vic trola? We have a plan that makes it easy for you to do so. It is called the Christmas Club. You can be a member. V 1 Only $1.00 to Join You can join any time by paying only $1.00. Membership gives you the choise of any Brunswick or Vic trola in the house for delivery the day before Christmas. Call, Write or Phone Ask us for cbmplete particulars of this unique plan. Learn how simple it is to give the sort of instrument you want; period, console, or cabinet model. Come see themv or write or phone. But do not delay the time is, short. First Grand Prize! 17.50 cash to the child entering the best group of Dressed Dolls, consisting of not less than 8 dolls. Second Grand Prize 1 5 cash tot he child entering the second best group of dresBed doUs, consisting of not less than S dolls. Third Grand Prize $2.50 cash to child entering' third best group of best dolls, consisting ot not less than three dolls. . Class A, First Prize S3 merchandise toy order for child entering the best dressed doU 24-lnch or over. Class A, Second Prize $2 merchandise toy order for child entering second best dressed doll 24-inch or over. Class B, First Prize t merchandise toy order for child entering best dressed doll to 15 inch. Class B, Second Prize $2 merchandise toy order for child entering second best dressed doll S to 15 indh. Class C, First Prize $3 merchandise toy order for ehild entering best dressed doll I to 7 inch. Class C, Second Prize (2 merchandise toy order for child entering second best dressed doU 5 to 7 Inch. w J(t TMVl0Us t0 artlclPt in r ffrst Doll Show to be given f .a I f . J Nineteen cash and merchandise prizes -will be tTn rfl.l Pon? doIls- In ""tion, every child entering a doll Will receive a present, whether a prise winner or not. BH?IiJ?'T77A11 d0lIs must be erft,,re1 between now and Nov. 23. C9' UU assKicatloa. Competent Judges will make A, Special Prize $10 cash to organization, society or individual for oldest doll; must b 25 years old or over and over 10 inches tall. Class D, First Prize $J merchandise toy order to chUd entering best dressed char acter baby doll with short dress, 8 to 14 inch or over. Class E, First Prize $3 merchandise toy order to child entering the best doll im personating a character. , Class P, First Prize 13 merchandise toy order to ehild entering the most original and comical doll. Class G, Prize 83 merchandise toy order to child entering doll with best trousseau. Class D, Second Prize 22 merchandise toy order for child entering second best char acter baby doll with short drees, 8 to 14 inches or over. Class E, Second Prize 82 merchandise toy order to child entering the second best doll impersonating a character. Class F, Second Prize 22 merchandise toy order to ehild entering the second best original and comical doll. Class H, Prize 23 merchandise toy order te ehild entering best dressed boy doll. " Prize Kewpie Doll $3 merchandise toy .order entering iq nesi a dressed Kewple doll any size. If ALL ENTRIES S1UST BE MADE NOT LATER THAN NOV. 23 Xo entry fee or other obligation. Free to all MILLER Bring all entries to Main Of fice, state class in which yon are interested. Register name and address. SALEM'S LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE 20, 1022