pATURgAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1922 utxan't you and your husband THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE NINE live happily together without fighting?" "No, not 'appily" i CapitaMdournal gUBSt-"1-1 rier 10 cents a week, 43 " I" month, $5 a year in ad eenti ,ne' -it in Marion and Polk W,T one month 60 cent.. 8 ,B"til25 month. $2.25. 1 tioo' Elsewhere 60 cents a rT7a second class mail gSalem, Oregon. " Member ASSOCIATED PRESS -.elated Pr I. exclus- rf,.f a. new.datches 1W10", . Tt or not otherwise '" J ln this paper and also lo- EjL",hea hareln- Member Aualt Bureau of Clrculatlona. ' W.TrlbZe bidNow Tw S Stockwell. Peoples Gas bids;.. CM55;ii- qAgSIFIEU KAlxia -ZZ er word each insertion . threo Insertions 6 cents. J tek 8 cents, one month 20 n6, one year, per month. 12 '; minimum per ad 26 cents. ' First insertion only In New To i,v City ads cash in advance, .nd'not taken over phone, unless , vertlser has monthly account. Ko allowance for phone errors. NEW TODAY FOR SALE Singer sewing ma; r"?.. rhin. 638W. c271 f5f-SALi5 27 (rood cows. 111.., 40, Cows care Journal. nsv MR SALE Bull dog puppies, $1 , piece. 1025 Madison Bt. 269 tiunw - TZZZorn hnusekeeDlnx or ulcening room, ou o. j JOB SALE Pigs, 2 months old. Geo. Ramsden. Macleay, Or. ee270 jlPPLES 40c per box, North Front street, Rt. 8, box 88. c271 FOR RENT Furnished apart ments at 1173 N. 4th St. phone 2080M. rJiLt JIAMlluTH Pekin ducks 26o lb. Mrs. M. L. Richards, 2305 Broadway. ; f 270 TYPEWRITER No. 6 Underwood with desk, $38. Paul M. Sims, 442 State. 269 WANT man with a little means to go on ranch. 2249 N. uner . Iv St.. Salem. 269 i'OH SALE New refrigerator, cheap. Phone 1178J, 1595 north Church street. 269 '0R RENT Sleeping rooms with or without breakfast. 246 Un ion, 1397W. J271 FOR RENT Six room modern house near high school, $11 per month. Box 5 Turner, Or. 269 fdR SALE Detector tube wire less phone outfit complete $30. Z. M. Chase, 1309 Waller St. 269 1 FORD sedan, first class condi dltion. Will take touring car ln trade. Call Ackerman, 362. 269 ENM" 6 room modern house, close In on Chemeketa St. terms. $3700. Compton, 469. State St. 269' hi 00 BUYS 10 acres all plow land close in on Silverton road. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. fo270 i'OK SALE Blue enameled Uni versal six hole range, Just like new, bargain. Call 1036 or 1060 Union street. 26 3 iOR SALE One forty eight inch waxed oak dining room table. Just like new, bargain. Call 1036 or 1060 Union St. 26!) FOR SALE 30 cord fir wood, lecond growth, $4.50 on gravel road, or $7 delivered. Frank Nowak, Brooks, Or. ee271 0R SALE Four shares Kings Food Products, value $300, in stallment plan if desired. H. J. Campbell, Sherwood Or. Rt. 1. 269 l0OK 5 room bungalow in good condition. , Price $2650, $500 down balance $25 per month. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. a270 SALESMEN Very profitable ac cessory, exclusively or sideline Every retail store a prospect. Write A. C. Ring Co:. 280 Madi- Jon avenue, New York City. 269 FOR SALE $50 down and $10 Per month buys a fine H acre lot covered with shade trees, o cated on north 21st street, close to Englewood school. Price $600 interest 6 per cent. W. H. Gra oenhorst & Co., 276 State street , ' b271 S0o BUYS good 80 acre farm flth stock and machinery, 60 seres Plow land, located 5 miles cut on main road paved part way; Federal loan $4000 balance "ou. ,v. i. oraDennorst &. Co 5 State street. t270 ''ANTED Women to do fancy ork at home, spare hours. Ma terial furnished. Good pay. stamped envelope brings partic ulars. Underwood Art Goods company, Portsmouth, Ohio. ; 269 0H SALE .$100 down and $10 Per month buys that fine five cs. of rich dark prairie soil ""Ich you have been looking or- Let us show you this land, located east of Salem on main gravel road. Price $1500. Inter est percent. W. H. Graben Tgt & Co., 275 State St. b271 1ARRy IF LONELY For resuitu yy me; best and most success m k 'Home Maker;" hundreds "cn wish marriage soon; strict ly confidential; most reliable; fears experience; descriptions llr. w !Tne Successful Club," iforma bX 556' akIand- Cal" "P?nl.aALB 310 f kSi 2 10 miIts south of Salem located 2 miles" from paved u?w?y- 8 acres cultivated abn,;. .alance mstly fir timber. flfteen thousand cords of Prwi'.. fir """ber, buildings. Unw. .per acr- w- H Gra horst i Co., 275 State St b271 HulokTO04 ar Priced to sell to D,oir fl,make 11 our huainesa PubUc cTa we "er tne "Put. W, Lif"1 reduce our i.. OTTn t ,dac or Mock U Con?, J- WILSON ,-oal. Phono 220. Q271 NEW TODAY WOOD for sale. Call 631J. 269 BOAHO and room, close in. 495 N. Commercial. J271 FOR RENT-Housekeeping rooms ground floor, 157 S. Winter. 269 SALE J erst y cow, fresh two months. 1105 Fairmount ave. 270 FOR RENT 5 room house, 1773 State. Inquire 157 S. Winter St. 269 RENT or lease, 9 room house, close in. Inquire 740 N. Liber- ty. , J371 FOR RENT 2 well furnished sleeping; rooms for ladies. Phone 611. ' 269 WANTED Wood to cut by the cord or contract. M S care Jour nal. ' . " 269 FOR SALE Registered tip bull puppies. Phone Al Brown, 11 4F 14. , 269 16 INCH old fir wood for sale, dry and extra good. Phone 1992R. - 269 FOR SALE A Ford sedan; saddle horse wanted. . Phone 56F2. 2 WANTED Piano to store, good care, or will pay small rent. 1297R. - 269 FOR SALE Or trade 6 acres north of Salem on highway. Phone 28. 269 SPIRELLA corsets sold by Alice A. Miles, 451 north 21st street, phone 1902J. 269' FOR RENT Neat clean furnish ed 8 room downstair apartment for adults. 743 Union St. -J271 FOR SALE 4 good milk cows, 2 fresh, 2 fresh soon; priced to sell, at 994 S. 22nd. 269 A BARGAIN A 1922 Chevrolet run 800 miles. The Fleming Realty Co., 841 State St. j FOR RENT New modern house, close ln, $40; also 20 acre farm F. L. Wood, 341 State St. 269 OUT OF WORK Then utilize the time by starting to Capital Bus Iness college next Monday. New classes. 269 FOR RENT For one year to adults only, my cottage at 1070 Center St., furnished. Phone P. H. Raymond. J276 WANTED Place in good hom where girl attending high school can earn room and board. Ad dress 943 Center St. 1271 FOR SALE Or trade for auto piano, hay or potatoes,furniture and milk goat and kid 4 months old. Call 2450 Brooks ave. 269 FOR SALE 8 room house at 592 N. Summer St. Price $4200 $1500 cash balance 3 years at 4 per cent. W. G. Krueger, phone 217. a370 A. BARGAIN Latest model Sam son tractor with plow and disc harrow, never been used. See The Fleming Realty Co., 841 State St. q 10-A FRUIT tract 3 mi E near tjaraen road; 6-a loganberries; 8-a strawberries; 2-a ready to plant. $400 acre; terms. Harris, 624 N. Capitol, 1942J. 269 LISTEN We have a fine buy for you in a 6 room plastered house, large lot, well located in east Salem, for $2100. with 8500 down. Thomason, 83H4 State street. a270 FOR SALE Late Ford sedan as good as new, wire wheels, speed ometcr; will trade on late mod el Ford touring. Checrolet or Baby Overland or will sell for cash. 674 north Church. 269 FOR SALE 5tf acre of 4 year om Italian prunes, located 4 miles south. Will consider good residence lot or late Bulck car as part payment. Price $1650. w. H. Grabenhorst 4 Co., 275 State street. b27! WANTED By Invalid, two quiet nuuna, miaaie agea prererred, or woman with invalid, who will give -work for most of rent. Two large furnished H K rooms. First-floor, $13. Phone 1915J. 269 FOR SALE $100 down and $10 per month buys 10 acres of fine tree and berry goil, all cul tivated. If you are thinking of planting an orchard or berries, see us. Price $1250, interest 6 per cent. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. Ib271 FOR SALE Cars that are priced rle-ht 1 1921 Ford sedan 1921 Ford coupe 1920 Ford roadster 1916 Dodra tnurlnir If you are looking for a good Duy see tnese. TOMPKINS & HIME 219 N. Com, phone 28. 269 FOR SALE $50 down and $10 per month Duys Vt acre of land located on gravel and Daved road, corner lot, good soil; risrht at canine, electric lights, citv - water. This is a bargain. Price $650 interest S per cent. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street b271 FOR SALE FARMS FOR EXCHANGE 17 acres good improvements, can apply bonus loan ana will take an auto in payment. Phone 1009 or 13F23. b269 FOR SALE! By owner, $90 an acre for 85 acres. in cultiva tion, bouse, barn, orchard. 3 springs; hi mile to school, 18 miles south of Portland, terms. Box Cll Capital Journal. b291 52 ACRES, all cultivated, mile from good town in Polk county, on rock road, fairly well fenc ed; also residence of 6 roms modern, large lot, east front family fruit, garage, price fo both properties $7750; owne will take Salem residence 4c $4000 and make easy terms on balance. Socolofsky, 341 State. b270 BRINGING UP THE CHIEF Or POLICE ICXSOL-ULO I'M THE CMTA.1N' 001N HE WAISTS , TO tE TOU FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 8 room house. 1601 Tile road, price reasonable. a269 NEW 5 room bungalow for sale by owner, win taae good car as part payment. .1165 Shipping street. a269 5 ROOM bungalow in Portland fur sale or exchange for Salem property. T. M. ' Hick's, Salem Abstract Co. a281 6 ROOM modern 6 blocks NE of state house, $3350, about 1-3 cash. M. J. Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. a i ROOM house, modern conveni- enoea, corner lot, IJve blocks from center of city, paved street, would make a good income prop osition. $3300, cash $1000, bal ance $20 and interest 6 per cent. Winnie Pettyjohn, 331ft State street. - a FOR SALE Modern seven room house, to be moved off lot. In quire Starr Fruit Products Co-., Church and Mill Sts. a269" WE have a good buy in a houje with lights, bath, plastered, built ln kitchen, close to car, school; garage, fruit house, good loca tion, for $2300 and $500 down. The Welcome Real Estate of fice, over Busick's, State and Commercial, H. E. Brown. a FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR BALE Good range cheap. 1810 N.- Com'l. - c270 LARGE chrysanthemums. K. H. I'lCKens, czao PAT.t. fi 9 rT9i It vm, uart in Vnv beef to can by the quarter. c269 FOR SALE The new Smalley feed cutter, good as new, $12. 1780 Center street. c283 ITALIAN prune, Royal Anne cher ries and apple trees. Idlewine. 2123 Broadway. c282 FOR SALE Apples hand picked, - 50c, 76c and $1 per box. 1 mile on Wallace road. Bring boxes, Rt. 1, box 15, phone 116F2, Pratt Bros. o269 PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday Nov . 11th 1 p. m. 160 south High, op posite Oregon Electric bldg. All kinds of household furniture, farm implements, live stock and miscellaneous articles; come early Col. J. B. Gable, auction eer, phone 1446. FOR SALE No. 1 onions deliver ed anywhere in Salem, $1.50 sack; carrots delivered $10 per ton. At ranch, onions $1 per sack, carrots $8 per' ton, you furnish sacks. 2 miles east of Brooks. W. L. Gaskill... c292 FOR RENT BOARD and room, phone 1387M J270 FOR RENT 2 small garages, 354 Kearney. J2B9 FURNISHED apartments, 265 S. Commercial. J282 NEW garage for rent, 354 south Winter street. J269 FOR RENT House keeping room. Phone 536W. J270 GOOD board and room at 212 S Cottage. Phone 1620M. J263 FOR RENT 2 furnished house keeping rooms, at 337 S. 18th J269 FOR RENT Newly finished sleeping room, cloee in. 326 Un Ion. 3273 FOR RENT Furnished large kitchen and bed room, phone 1526J. 3270 WIDOW will rent furnished house ln exchange for board, middle aged couple preferred. Phone 1455M. J270 FOR RENT 3 room furnished apt. first floor, part rent in ex chance for some work, close in phone 98F6. 3269 FOR RENT Neat 6 room mod ern dwelling house, close ln. $38 a month. Phone 666, call at 173 S. Liberty, Oleson s Auto Ex change. J' FOR SALE Automobiles FOR SALE Dodge touring, easy terms. Call 133M. q269 FORD touring in A-l shape, has 4 new tires, $80 down, balance " monthly. Phone 861 or 1653R. q269 GOOD 2 ton Winther truck for -sale or trade on small place or house and lot. 2217 Fairgrounde road. q272 FOR SALE 1920 Ford touring, A-l shape, oversize cord tires, 'demountables, new top, or will trade for Chevrolet. Phone 1798 A. Davis, 2690 Fairground road. q269 LATE Ford coupe, has 6 good tires, rain visor, wind shield ewipe, mirror, stop signal; will set! cheap, easy terms; must sell today. Phone 361 or 1653R. ' ' q269 1920 FORD touring, has oversize cord tires, new top, big steer- : ing wheel. This is an exception al buy for $240, $125 down, monthly. . Phone 361 or 1853R. q269 BE warm in your Ford this win ter for $3.75. Ome in and see our new auto heaters. W. E. Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothers the Same Man) High St. at Ferry, Salem, Or. PARTS FOR ALL CARS q OLESON USED CAR EX CHANGE. Cars bought and sold. Guaranteed repairing. Washing. polishing. WANTED HELP THE Whitney company, with a large logging operation at Ida vllle, Tillamook county. Oregon, that will, weather permitting, run all winter, invites applica tions from buckers, fallers am' other timber workers. Standart wages, good grub; fine, comfort able camps; 8 hours; no strikes. Address, giving all particulars. The Whitney company. Employ ment Department, 904 Lewis building, Portland, Or. g FATHER I'T-iJ Or 1X7 n Dion r do I I feiz-vr-i-liKi'1 I FOR SALE LI V ESTOCK COWS for sale. Tel. 669W. e269 FOR SALE Setter, pups, good r stock, reasonable; Phone 80F12. . , e276 FOR SALE Airedale pure bred male, 8 months old. Phone 1896W or call at 110 Lincoln. e269 ST. Andreasberg rollers "the ca nary with the college education." price $10, special guaranteed Imported. Former price $15 and $20. Order now. E. B. Flake, birds, flowers, pets, 273 State. - t FOR SALE WOOD WOOD sawing, Fisher Bros, phone 1756. ee384 FOR ash and fir wood call C. D. Query, phona 77F21. ee273 WOOD SAWING, phone 1131, city or country.' Ed Sproed. ee312 BEST grade mill wood 4 ft. and IS inch, prompt delivery and reasonable prices - .Fred E. Wells, 806 S. Church street, phone 1642. ee LOST AND FOUND TAKEN UP Red and white spot ted heifer calf. Phone 80F12. k270 WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Household furniture. Phone 1446. ! WANTED Furniture, tools, etc. fhone ill. i COLORED woman wants work. Phone 798J. h271 WANTED Cows, fresh or to be within month. Phone 101F31. 1263 WANTED A good varmint dog. write John Abeene. Sutherlin, Or. 1270 WANTED Orders for crochet, tat ting, yarn hats, prices reason able. 795 S. 19th St. 1269 WANTED Used furniture, rang es, heaters, cook stoves, tools, etc. We pay cash, get our prices before you sell. Liberty Exchange 241 N. Com'l St. pnone 841. 1 WANTED I have a buyer for a prune orchard, must be north; 3 houses to rent; $2000 to loan on farm property. Brown, over Busick's, State and Commercial 1269 WANTED Second hand rurnlture and stoves. We also carry a full line of new furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Once then always People's Furniture store, 271 N. Commercial St. phone 784. ! Situations Wanted WANTED Position in garage, day or night, good references, Phone 1814W. h269 POSITION as house keeper or care for Invalid, by middle aged widow. Box B7 Capital Journal. h269 MISCELLANEOUS FULLER brushes, local represent ative, Grimes, 1987J. m313 SAVE the old stove, expert stove repairing, all work guaranteed. 271 N. Com'l St. phone 734. m2?5 FOR experienced nurse, 1352J. m273 WINDOW washing, all kinds of odd Jobs, phone 1488, m288 300S Scavenger service, garbage and. refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates phone 629, residence 2068. Suc cessor to Neal s Scavenger. m CHANGE TIME McMinn-Mle stage No. 9 leaves 7 a. m. via Dayton and 11 a. m. and 8:30 p. m via Rickreall and Amity. m271 FURNITURE repairing and all kinds of woodwork made to or der. Wood turning, shop 19 th and State, phone 882. c G. SATTERLEE, auctioneer, sells on commission or will buy, any where or any time. Phone 1117 or 1211J, 404 Ferry St. Salem, Or. m WANTED Old mattresses to . make over. Phone 19. Capital ritv RffHlnff Pn. m COL. J. B. GABLE, auctioneer, for larm anu cuy saie. van jiiiuu; 1446. ' m WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for cash, or sell on commission. Phone 611. Woodry. the auction eer. m HIGHEST price paid for second band clothing and shoes. Also cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Ex change, 342 N. Commercial, phone 1388W. m' REAL ESTATE rjccT TiTTVU AMn F.VPHANfiplS 12 acre fruit ranch, 1H miles trom Salem on pavea roaa wun good buildings. Price $6600; will take property in Long Beach, Cal., for H, balance terms. $12,000 1st mortgage on 167 acre ranch, to exchange for sever al residence and some cash. SOCOLOFSKY 141 State TO EXCHANGE 6ood 5 room house, price $2500 want 8 or 9 room house, not too far out. We have a good country store and filling station 7 miles out. This store is new and all new stock and will be sold at a bar gain. 2 houses for rent. THOMASON 131 H State St. phone 176. TOR SALE 8 room house and large lot $850 terms Fine modern bungalow, $4000 terms 6 room bungalow $2000, terms 6 room bungalow, 3 acres, all in fruit, close to city, $5000, terms. If you want to buy, sell or trade see H. L. MAR3TERS Phone 907, Gray bldg. - . Journal Want Ads Pay ' . .i. . ...; i i : i 1 l ill I . i -l O.HTV MOORE 16 IS I HSiLirl I o'' fc IJh,UilJ rWnW h4?oS: IMl f heEd9! KEAL ESTATE good buys x. . Good T room house close ln on N. Liberty St. Price $3150, $1000 down. 6room bungalow with fireplace bulit in buffet and book cases, wtUt two lots, on paved street, Pride $3160, $675 down. it room house with 104XZ40 rt. . .pavement with fruit trees. Price $6000, terms. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 278 State St. U. 8. bank bldg, FOR EXCHANGE Your choica of three good va- oant lots for an auto. $1800 first mrtg. for 15 or 20 acres of clear land not mora than 7 Ules out, will pay some differ ence. 6 acres good improvements, close In on pavement for home in Salem. D. S. HILDE BRAND Room 8 Bayne bldir. Dhone 794. 1 n271 Let it be ever so humble there la noj-place like home. Small house, new, good lot, $400 $ room, $800, $200 down 4 room, $60, $100 down - 3 room, $850, $340 down 5 room, $1100, $210 down S room, $1200, $300 down 8 room, $1500, $400 down 4 room, $1500, $400 down 5 room, close in. $1650. $300 down 4 room, close in, paved street and car line, $1500. The welcome Real Estate office over Busick's, Staie and commer cial, H. E. Brown. LEGAL NOTICES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Of the State of Oregon fop the County of Morion A. J. Anderson, plaintiff, vs Ruth E. Anderson, defendant. Summons. To Kuth E. Anderson, defend ant above named. In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint fil ed against you ln the above enti tled court and cause on or before the 18th day of December, 1922, and if you fail so to appear and inswer said complaint filed against you on or before said date, for want thereof, the plaintiff above named will apply to said court for the relief prayed for in his com plaint, towit: For the dissolution of the marriage contract now ex isting between plaintiff and de fendant. You are further notified, that this summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Daily Capital Journal, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in Salem, Marion coun ty, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Honorable George G. Bine ham. Judge of the ahove entitled court, made and entered on the 3d day of November, 1922. You are further notified, thai the date of the first publication hereof is November 4, 1922, and tne last puoncation will be made on the 16th day of December, 1922 McNary, McNary & Keyes, E. M. Page, attorneys for plaintiff. IN THE COUNTY COURT Of the State of Oregon for the comity or Marion In the matter of the estate of J. M. Long, deceased. Notice of final account. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of J. M. Long, deceased, has tiled his final report and accoun with the county clerk of Marion county. Oregon. "Jhat the above entitled court has appointed the 4th day of De cember, A. D. 1922, at the hour of . -,80 o'clock a. m. of said day, in the county court room at the court house in the city of Salem, county of Marlon and state of Oregon as the time and place for the hear ing of objections to said final ac count and the settlement thereof. All persona Interested are here by required to file objections, if any they have, to said final ac count on or before said date of hearing. Dated and first published No vember 4th, 1922. Dated and last published De cember 2nd, 1922. PAUL M. LONG, Administrator of the estate of J. M. Long, deceased. Christopherson & Matthews, at torneys, 614 Broadway building, Portland, Oregon. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal reader. (Revised dally.) Grain: No. .1 white wheat $1.05, No. 2 mixed wheat $1.03; No, ,2 red wheat $1.02; (sacked.) Hay: Cheat hay $17.00; oat hay $30.00; clover hay (baled) 1920. Wholesale Price .'Meat: Hogs $9.00; dressed hogs 14c; top steers 66c; cows 2hiBic; bulls 33Vic; lambs 9ig 9"4c; dressed veal 13c. Poultry: Light hen 13c; heavy hens 18c old roosters 810o; broilers i820a Butterfat: Butterfat 48c; cream ery butter 49&t0c; country butter 30 32c; eggs 48c; milk $2.25 ewt. Vegetables: Wax onions $2.21 crate; beets $2.00 cwt; Oregon cabbage IVic lb; green peppers 10c lb; potatoes $1.00 cwt; Oregon lettuce $2.26 per crate; parsley 40t dox. Fruits: Oranges $$.76; lemons 5.f)0; bananas 10c; Calif, grape fruit $7.6 0 t . Betall Pnone fPbultry and eggs: Eggs 5560n: creamery butter 1 5o. i Portland, Or., Nov. 10. Cattle -teady; receipts 31; choice steers $7.09 7.60; medium to good steers J6.2f. in 7.00; fair to medium AOETYLKNH WELDING IRON, steel, brans, aluminum, cop per. Bring the pieces, oxo-uai Heating Co.. 8 37 Court. 1 AUTO PAINTING RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING 219 State St. corner Front1 AUCTION: IOt F. N. WOODRY the live stock, mrnuure, real estate auauuinw' Phone 611 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer BATI'UKY BlTPMilKS PREST-O-HTH BATTERY SER VICE. Expert auto electricians. Phone 1803. 418 Court St. recharged ana rep"- , nurren R. D. BARTON, Exide batteries, starter and generaiur - S. Commercial AUTO Electricians, expert trouble shooting. 238 N. Hign si. puj 203 dllKOPOMST DR. S. F. SCOTT, S. C, graduate national University of science, Chicago. Sclentifio chiropody Masonic temple, pnone om. DR. HINER foot specialist, all foot ailments reuevea. jwuaem rnwi ment. Room 8. Patton bldg. phone 967. CHIROPRACTOR DRS. SCOTT AND SCOFIELD, chiropractors, 416 U. S. nana bldg, DR. S. R. SMITH, chiropractor, room S22 Oregon Diag, t;nronic and acute cases treated by care ful adjustments. DRUGGISTS WM. NEIMEYER, 'JUST DRUGS 175 N. Commercial, phone 167. J. C. PERRY. Rexull druggist. 115 S. Commercial St ELECTRIO SUPPLIES HALIK ELECTRIC SHOP 837 Court We do house wiring and carry a complete stock of fix tures. Instrument repairing, ex perimental work. Electric appll ances repaired. Phone 488. HOUSE wiring and supplies. Welch Electric Co. Phil Brown ell, manager, 879 State St. ARCHIE FLEBNER, electrician, house wiring by hour or con tract. Estlmati furnished. Phone 980, 414 Court St. FLORIST CUT flowers and floral pieces. De livery. C. F. Brelthaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty, phone 380. FARM LOANS HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 205 Oregon building, 6, 7, 10 and 20 year loans, 6Vi and 6 percent Interest. Privilege to pay $100 or multiple on any interest gate. 20 YEAR FARM LOANS on rural credit nlan. Prerjayment privl leges with discount allowed. I will finance you for a less rate of interest than any firm on the coast. V. W MARSTERS, 411 Oregon bldg FARM LOANS made in amounts of $5000 or more, 6 percent ln- . terest. uovernmem plan oi re payment. General insurance. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. ' GARAOES RADIATORS Fenders and bodies made or repaired. J. C. Balr, 849 Ferry at. GUARANTEED REPAIRING ol all kinds on autos and tractors. Cars stored by day, week or month. E. Kroeplin and Sons, 1610 N. Commercial and Nor way. HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching standing, buttons, hand embroi dery. Room 10, over Miller's store. Phone 11. SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain stitching, pleating, ouiiuns, stamping and neddlework. Phone 379. 329 Oregon bldg. MUSIO y.ayue, nn G ....... . teed. Beginners, advanced. Room 9 m,Ac VHlloT'a. DF , m I.. ..... fr I', .., H. .-t. T! SS. 50S6.26: common to fair $4.00 6.60; choice cows and heifers $4,605)5.00; medium to good $3.60 i&)4.50: fair to medium $3.00 41 3.60; common $2.0003.00; can ners $1.6002.00; bulls $3.00 4.00; choice leeaers (o.ueo.ou fair to good $4.00 6.00; choice dairy calves $8.008.50; prime light $S.008.60; medium light $7608.00; heavy calves $5.00 5.50; common $46. Hogs steady; receipts no; nrime lieht $9.25 0 9.75; smooth heavy 200 to 800 pounds $6.00 7.60; 300 pounds and up $8,000 9.00; feeder pigs $8.76 9.25; fat pigs $9.6010; stags $46. sheen steady: .receipts 58: dlum J9.26l-0.25; common $8.25 9.25; culls $6.50 8.25; Ught year lngs $88.50; heavy $7.608.00; light wethers $6.60 7.60; heavy $6.50 6.60; ewes I235. Butter steady; ex cubes 41 42c under grades 8840c; carton 47a; prints 46c. Butterfat No. 1 churning cream 46 49c fob Portland; 45c at sta tions; under grades 4547c. Eggs: Firm. Buying cur rent receipts 48c; white henneries 5054o; selling case count 47c; candled 51 3-520; selects 65c. Poultry: Light hens lac, heavy 22c; broilers 20 22c: old roosters 10c; geese 15c; ducks 20 23c; turkeys 40 41c Wheat: Hard wmte 11.37; sort white $1.22; western white $1.22; hard winter $1.17; northern spring $1.20; western red $1.14. Mill run $32.00; oats 135.25-fj) 35.50: corn No. 3 yellow 31.60ra 33.75; hay, timothy, valley 821; al falfa $18.5018.00; grain $1819; clover i INSURANCE W. A. LISION, GENERAL IN SURANCE Fire, automobile and liability. Bends and loans. 484 Court. ANDERSON AND RUPERT, IN SURANCE Liability, automo bile, fire, surety, bonds, loans and investments. 406-7 Oregon bldg. WOOD WORKING WOOD WORKING All kinds ot wood work made to order. Nov elty Shop 239 Court, telephone 1743. MAC1UNK SHOP WKCHTER AND SMITH ivlachtn ists, engineers, welders, HEALD cylinder grinding service. Phone 662, 845 Ferry St, H. AND M. CO. Specially grind ers and welders. Automotive ser vice. 490 Ferry St. MERCHANT TAILOR D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men and women. 474 Court St. M. A. ESiES, fine tailoring. 384 State street. MOTORCYCLES LLOYD E. KaMSDEN. Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles 887 Court street. Ktiff, HARRY W. SCOTT mp- "The Cycle Man," Imm, o' " 147 3. Com. Phone 68. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Bts. .tuna payanie mommy in advance. Phona 67. PLVNOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono graphs, sewing machines, sneei musio and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines, 432 State, Salem. N UKSERY STOCK FRUITLAND nursery will have sales yard at Cherry City leea barn, 644 Ferry St. about Nov. 1. See me before buying. Phona 1140M. 1 SALEM Nursery company, fruit fruit and roses. Phone 1763. 428 Oregon bldg. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L R. Bur- dette, optometrist. Bow optical Co., 825 State street. Cmk MORJtia optical u u "NfassulU 801 Oregon (Electric; ItldsV ' OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathic physician and surgeon. iKirK8' ville graduate. 404-405 XI. S. Na tional bank bldg. Phones, office 919, residence bl4. DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 606 U. S. bank building. Phone 859. Dr. White , resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence phone 834. PLUM BIN O THEO. M. BARK Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works, 164 S. Commercial. PLJJMB1NG, repairing and coll work, reasonable charges. A, L. Godfrey, shop foot ot Union Bt. Phone 1S97J. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns to Rowland Printing company phone 1512 Masonic Temple. ' REPAIRING STOVES rebuilt and repaired. i years experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, size 26 to 68 inches high. Paints, oil and varnlshos, eto. logan berry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street, phone 124. SCAVENGES: SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Ceospools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167. Night phone 1595W, R. O. Cum mlngs, Mgr. TRANSFER OREGON Transfer & Storage Co. Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertilizer; wood sawing. Phone 77. Capital Journal Want Ads Pay A WANT WANT ADS AD ARE WILL THE SELL LITTLE THE SALES THING MEN YOU THAT DO WORK NOT NIGHT ' NEED AND DAY YOU NEED PHONE THE NO CASH 81 Do not allow anyone to drive your car unless you have perfecl confidence in his ability at the wheel. DUSTIN FABM1 WINS ' FAME IN FAR NORTH Vancouver, B. "C, Nov. 11. Dustin Farnum, who has played the red blooded, two gun man ln plays and pictures. Is in Vancou ver after achieving fame in an other direction while on a hunt ing trip In the caribou country with a number of friends from Log Angeles. ' Mr. Farnum rode a cow caribou in the north to win a wager. Guides ln the district said that this was the first time ln their memory that sucho a feat had been i5erformed. Hamman Auto Stage Effeotlve May 22nd ; Three Stages Dally Leaves Salem Stage Terminal: No. 1, 7:30 a. m. No. 3, 10:30 a. m. No. 6, 4:30 p. m. . Leave Mill City: No. 6, 7 a. m. No. 2, 12:30 p. m. No. 4, 4 p m. No. ,3 connects with east bound train at Mill City, No. 2 waits for west bound train at Mill City. J OS. HAMMAN, Prop, Sulom-Sllverton Division Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m 5:00 p. m. . Leaves Silverton News Stand, 8:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m 6:00 p. m. Salem-Iiidcpcndmoe- Monmouth Division Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m., 9:00 a. m 11:0ft m.. 8:00 p. m., 5:00 p m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth ho tel, 8:16 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 6:16 p. m. Leaves Independence) - Beaver ho tel, 8:30 a. m., 10:00 a, m., 1:16 p. m., 4:00 p. m., 6:80 p. m. We make connections at Salem to all parts of the valley. Extra trips by appointment. J. W. PARKER General Manager SILVERTON MOUNT ANGKL- PORTLAND C. & M. Stages Schedule South bound read down Dly. Dly. Dly. No 5 No 3 No 1 PM PM AM 8:00 8:06 8:80 1:30 8:00 Portland 8:36 10:05 Mt. Angel 4:00 10:80 Silverton Ar Ar Ar North bound read up Oly Uly. Dly. No 2 No 4 No 6 AM PM PM ' 10:80 8:25 8:00 4:00 8:80 Portand 1:65 6:25 Mt. Angel 1:30 6:00 Silverton Lv Lv Lv Sunday only 8 pm from Portland . stages leave Stage Terminal Port and and Steelhammer a Drug store Silverton Salem-Dallas Stage Leave Salem Stage Terminal 7:08 a. m.. 11:00 a. m.. 6:1V p. m. Leave Dallas, Gail Hotel 8:30 a, m 12:30 p.m., 6:30 p. m. FARE 60 CENTS -Dally and Sunday Every day except- morning trip does not run Sunday Round Trip 90 cents OVER DOUBLE THE NUMBER In the ten months ending October 31, 1922. The Capital Journal printed 35,969 paid In advance Want Ads not includ ing real estate and classified. In the same ten months the Statesman printed 17,269 Want Ads, not Including real estate and classified There's a Reason And Its because The Capital Journal ads pay. In every city one paper is the Want Ad medium and in Salem Its The Capital Journal 35,969 WANT ADS Totaling 172,630 lines ap peared In The Capital Journal during the ten months ending Oct. 31, 1922, not Including real estate and classified direc tory ads. 2116 Ads gain over the same period a year ago. The Capital Journal carries double tho number of Want Ads of any paper in the field because Capital Journal Want Ads Pay October 1922 The Capital Jour nal Carried 3688 WANT ADS Totaling IS. 440 lines not in eluding real estate and classi fied directory ads. The Capital Journal prints Twice as Many Want Ads as iny other p. per because Capital Journal Want Ads Pay i, if t. , i