Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 11, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    V ' ' '
ALLIANCE; Evangelist F. J.
Be Us, who l conducting evangel -
istie meeting in the W. C. T. TJ. I
hall, Commercial and Ferry streets,
under the auspices of the Christian
and Missionary Alliance. Mr. and
Mrs. II. E. Caswell, 429 N. Winter
streets, pastors. Telephone 921J. Sun
day services in the W. C. T. U.
hall as follows: Sunday school at
2. Preaching at 3 and, 7:30 p. m.
Evangelistic service every day
next week at 2.30 and 7:30 p. m.
There has been a good attendance,
and fine spirit from beginning of
these meetings Mr. C. II. Hart, one
of Portland's sweet gospel gingers,
will be with us Saturday and Sun
day to sing. The sick are prayed
for at those meetings and friends
of the Alliance and others are urged
to bring the sick that they may
be healed. Evangelist Betts is con
nected with the Warren' Collins par-,
ty who have within the past two
years, prayed with over forty
thousand people for sickness and
afflictions, and thousands have been
healed. A cordial welcome is ex
tended to the public to attend these
ST.. PAUL'S, (Episcopal; "The
I Jul. ill L A- ,1 1L
uiiim uiunu aiuuiiu uio wur,
Kev. II. Duncan Chambers, ree-
tor. Bishop Sumner will be the
preacher at the 11 clock service.
Holy fcuclianst at 7 :.i0 Corporate
celebration for the young people's
society and tbe woman's auxiliary.
Church school at 9:45. Students
please report mi recruits. Morning
prayer at 11 with Bishop Sumner
as preacher and who will also ad
minister the rite of Confirmation to
a small class of adults. Young peo
ple's society at 6:30 with Mi
Bruee Putnam as leader. Subject
SI. Cecelia. All are most cordially
.invited to attend St. Paul's church
and will be most cordially welcome
The big forward campaign of the
Court Street Christian church is
creating much Interest in the com
munity. Evangelist John T. Stivers
preaches to a steadily increasing
audience each night. Dr. H. C. Ki-
ley is creating enthusiasm and In
terest by his splendid leadership of
the chorus and the special music he
secures for each meetitig. 'Tonight Is
"Neighbor's Night.'' Thoso attend
ing are expected to invite, their
neighbors to come. . It. Is .expected
that the evangolist will spoak to a
full house. His subject will be en
titled "The First Runaway Cou
ple." Those that have heard Evan
golis Stivers consider him a very
able sneaker, He pleases his aud
ience by the Injection of a humor
ous saying or Illustration evei now
and then in his messages. The
church Is well pleased with his work
and confidently expect their cam
paign to greatly strengthen tbe local
work and help tbe community.
and Mill streets. David C. Hnssel,
pastor. Sunday morning worship at
11 o'clock, Sunday school at 12 o'
clock, Gust Anderson, superinten
dent. Sunday evening at 8 o'clock,
Professor Hert.og, of Kimbnll
School of Theology, will give us a
stereopticon lecture entitled "The
Oregon Trail," and Mrs. Hortzog
will sing. You will find this pro
gram highly 'interesting and profit
able. Mid-week service Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock. We cordially
invite you to nil these services.
Corner North Winter and Joffer
oii streets. North Commercial street
car stops at the church. Thomns
Acheson, pastor. Earl Officer in
charge of the Junior church. We
welcome the community to our ser
vices on the coming lord's day.
Make your plans to bo with us.
Sunday school convenes at 9:4.) a.
ui. Splendid fellowship fur all di
rected by earnest Bible students.
Public worship at 1 1 a. ra. The Rev.
Officer will preach to the Juuior
church downstairs. Large crowds are
attending. The pustor will preach
to the adults In the auditorium.
Subject: "Evangelism.." At 12.10
a. m. Mr. Scliarf will lead a twenty
niiuute testimony mectiug. Young
and old are invited. Young people
will meet in the evening at six o'
clock. They will hold a devotional
meeting at 6:30 p. m. Voting and
old alike are invited to this meet
ing. Vuun; people's evangelistic
campaign will be launched on a
week from Sunday night. Come and
hear ubout the plana. Public ser
vice of song and scripture study
at 7:30 p. m. Subject: "The Moun
tains of the Bible No. 2. The
Mount of Forgiveness.'' Church
night Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Public
N. 17 und Center sfrpt- fi. S.
Boeder, minister. Sabbath struct, 10
a. ra. (lasses both m l'.u"iish and
Utrrunn lanusmges. Epworth Len-!a" I'opiikir and we are glad
(fwe dcvotionnl meeting mill be con-!1" welcome new faces In all depart
dueterl by Mark Waldspal at 7 ,i.:miiU. Tli.-re are classes for all
m. Preaching service n..tiiij and Kl's and 'the public is cordially
ThurtilH venihtf nraver
meeting. S.-ituriiiiy nftcrneoR Bible
hour for the juniors.
XAZARKXE l!th and Marion
streets. Chemeketa ear. One block
south of Center on 19th. We begin
today with s special neries of imH
Ings. All other services will bo lak
fn up for these. There will be spe
inl mimic and the gospel will lie
' si'heij, Miss Louise Pinnol will
i' charge of the singing. Come
and join in the chorus. Sunday
sell- il.will be at 9:4.. VV. B. Har
dy, .upreinteiident. Voting people's
meeting at 6:30 and preaching at
jll and 8. Meeting every night at
1 7:30. We extend a cordial welcome
to these meetings and if you want
to hear the "Old Time Gospel, come
Corner N, 17 and Court streets.
Wanted: Want you to be one of 250
in the Bible school today. Can we
count on yout Come promptly at
9:45 a, n. We are now beginning
the second week of our big forward
I campaign under the leadership of
Evangelist John T. Stivers and Dr.
H. C. Epiey. The interest is growing
nightly. Ileal' them today. Subject:
a. m. "The Unfolding of a Life.'
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Big
evangelistic service 7 :30. Big chorus
Special music. Male quartet. Chart
sermon: "God's Dynamo." Come
early if you want a seat. There
will be services each night during
the week at 7:30, except Saturday
Subjects: Monday "Amusing Ex
cuses.'' Tuesday, "What is Faith I''
Wednesday, "Repent or Perish.
Thursday, "The Good Confession.
Friday, "Falling in Love." The
evangelist is a fine speaker with a
pleasing personality and does not
believe in sensational evangelism
r . ..
xiq is a man ot tne cook, and un-
j dorstands it so thoroughly that any
one can understand hi exposition
of the scriptures. You have to hear
him to appreciate the man. Come
to these meetings. Thee hurch wel
comes you. R. L. Putnam, pastor.
12th and .Mission. C. S. Johnson,
pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m
O. B. Bowman, superintendent
Preaching services at 11. Subject:
"Two Great Essentials." Junior C
E, at 5 p. m. Mrs. Burns, superin
tendent. Senior C. E. at 6:31) p. m.
Hilda Berkey, president, Preaching
at 7:30. Subject: "The Convenient
Season." Special music. Prayer
meeting Wednesduy evening at 7:30
Everybody invited.
Church 440 Chemaketa street, Sun
day morning services at 11 a. m
Subject of lesson sermon "Mortals
and Immortals.'' Sunday school at
0:40 a. m. Wednesday eWening
testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock.
Rending room 208 Masonic Temple
open every day except Sunday and
holidays frsra 11:15 to 5:30 p. m
All are cordially invited to our
service and to our reading room.
every Sunday in Derby Hall, corner
Court and High streets, upstairs,
for Bible study. Hours from 10 to
12. All interested in Bible study
REFORMED Corner of Capitol
and Marion streets.. Sunday Huhool
10 a. m. Preaching service (Eng
lish) 11 a. m. No evening- service.
M, Deuur, pastor.
BRETHREN Corner of 17th street
and Nebraska Ave. Sunday school
10 a. ni. C, P. Wells, superinten
dent. Classes for all. Morning wor
ship, 11 a. m. Evening worship,
Christian Endeavor 0:30. Topic:
"The Menuing of Church Member
ship." Lender, Marvin Wells. Eve
ning worship 7:30. Ladies Aid Wed
nesday. Prayer meeting Thursday
7:30 p. m. A very cordial welcome
is extended to all. George Chapman
CAL North Cottage street, near
Center. Services tomorrow, Novem
ber 12, as follows. Sunday school at,
10 O'clock, Mis Pauline Iteming
ton, superintendent. At 11 o'clock
Rev. E. C. Hammond, of the Kim
bull School of Theology will preach.
A very cordial welcome to all. No
evening services at this church.
UNITARIAN Cottage and Che
meketa streets. Rev. Martin Fere
shetian, minister. Church school at
10 a, m. Grader instruction. Class
for adults in the study of the Psy
chology of Religion. The minister
will lecture on the subject followed
by discussion by the members . of ,
the class. Devotional service, e' !
a. m. Subject of the sermon: "Lost
A Person and a Thing." Mr. Fer-
eshetnin will consider two parables
from the teachings of Jesus, The
muster's teaching method will be
considered and the principles both
of principle and method will be
given reverent attention. Airs, M.
r'ereshetain will sing the offertory
solo. Mrs. W. A, IViiton at the
orjjan. j
FIRST P R E8 R Y T E B IAN W a rd-j
VV.lh, Long. l'r. ; "
Sabbath school, Mr. H. h. Barrett,
supenmeua.-m. una a uve supena-1
len.ieui. a corp or n .eai-ners. nnu
8 inemhersliip ot enthusiastic folk,
the Siiiuliiv school Is growing more
uivite.1 to membership WHS us. 11
a. m. Sermon "The Larger Vision"
ly the pmi or. T)ie (choir will
sing "There Were Ninety and
Nine," by Pelrie. 6:30 p. m. Junior
Intermediate, Advance Intermediate
,'iiid Senior t hristian Endeavor su-
cieties. tiood programs are being
planned for all societies, but special
note should be made of the fact
that the Senior society will hold
a recognition service for a lnrge
class of new members recently re
ceived into the union. 7:30 p. m.
Popular Gospel service, loved bv
evervtxi.iv who has purr in it.,'knl, hT adult departments,
William Jennings Br yan's Weekly Bible Talk
'By William Jennings Bryan
In our weekly study of events in
Christ's life, we now come to a les
son of surpassing beauty, although
it deals with sin and the sinner,
It exhibits one of the wonderful
attributes of the Saviour; namely,
His ability to separate the sinner
from his sin and to love the for
mcr while hating tbe latter.
Christ, in the second year of Hii
ministry, sat at meat in a Phari
see's house when ''a woman in the
city" Luke describes her simply as
a "sinner" came to Jesus with an
alabaster cruse of ointment. Let me
quote the description of the scene
which we find in Luke's Gospel
"And stood at his feet behind
him weeping, and began to wash his
feet with tears, and did wipe them
with the hairs of her head, and
kissed his feet, and anointed them
with the ointment.
."Now when the Pharisee which
bad bidden him saw it, he spake
within himself, saying, This man,
if he were a prophet, would have
known who and what manner of
woman this is thst toucheth him:
for she is a sinner."
The Pharisee felt offended that
such a woman a sinner should
come into his house, and it raised
suspicion as to Christ's power that
He seemed not to perceive the kind
of woman that she was.
Just like a Pharisee; it was one
of his School that Christ used to
draw a contrast between the imita
tion prayer and the real prayer. It
was a Pharisee who prided himself
upon his own superiority and thank
ed God that he was not as other
How could a woman like this
have the courage to ocme in a house
like hist' And how could one who
claimed to be a prophet allow such
a woman to wash his feet with her
tears and wipe them with the hairs
of her head and even kiss his feet
and anoint them with ointment?
An Unequalled Bebuke
Of all the rebukes in history and
literature few, if any, equal tne one
administered to this Pharisee by
"Simon, I have somewhat to' say
unto thee,'' said the guest of His
host. . . ' '
"Master, say on," replied the
Then Christ put a question to
himr if one debtor owed five hun
dred pence and another fifty and
both were forgiven, which would
Jpve the lendor most?
Simon, the Pharisee, did not seem
to be greatly impressed by the prob
lem; he did not answer Tory heart
ily; there was even an air of flip
pancy in his reply. "I suppose,"
he did not care to announce any
positive decision in so trival a case
but he "supposed" that the one
to whom the creditor forgave most
would love most..
Then Christ turning to tbe woman
but speaking to Simon, said what
might seem even rude where polite
ness is estimated more highly than
"Seest thou this woman! I entered
into thine house, thou gavest me no
water for my feet; but she hath
washed them with tears, and wip
ed them with the hairs of her head.
"Thou gavest me no kiss: but this
woman since the time I came in
hath not ceased to kiss mv feet.
"My head with oil thou didst not
anoint: but this woman hath anoint
ed my feet with ointment."
How the eyes of Jesus must have
lliere will be special music by the
choir, congregational singing, and
brief address by the pastor. These
Sunday night meetings are growing
in interest' snd attendnnee. A week
ago the house was filled almost to
capacity and it was an inspiration to
sit under the spell of Gospel songs
so heatily sung by the large aud
ience. Conic and catch tha enthus-
ia sin. The men's club will have
their regular monthly dinner at the
church Tuesday evening. A very
special program has been .prepared,
Uenwell lliuson of Portland, Ore.
including an address by Dr. Walter
More complete auiioimceiuent will be
made later. The school of missions
on Thursday evening continues to
(row in inieerst and numbers. Some
classes were doubled in attendance
last week and all seem to enjoy the
study. The sessions open at 7:2f)
sharp and close not later than 8:45.
The last half-hour consists of an
open parliament with ull classes as
sembled together. The program for
this parliament is changed weeklv.
Vous muttM of , ehim;h
and congregation will meet, for a
pienie (lil(ner bJ aofM on
VthU r eyf.niull G.3, . ,h .
This j, a tntl;tvnt, lookiniJ tow4rd
the ion of a Young Mar-
.;., r i rvi i , , .
ried Peoples Bible class in the Sab)
bath school and it is hotted there
will be a good
eligible folk.
attendance of all
ner S. Commercial and Washington
streets. Nathan Swabb, pastor. Sun
day scvliool 10 a. m. Junior church
10:30., Morning worship 11 a. m.
Christian Endeavor 6:30. Regular
quarterly meeting on Friday eve
ning and Saturday. Carl Miller, sup
erintendent of Sunday school. Mrs.
Kva Kuightliuger, president of C. E.
FIRST CHRISTIAN Center and will be of special iuterest to the
High streets. J. J. Evsua, minister, young people as it Is one of the ser
A systematic study of the life of ie in preparation for "he Win-My-Christ
is bein made in our Bible I hum campaign. All yodng people
. .
1 (Luke 7:37-48)
And, behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner, when
he knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee's house, brought
an alabaster box of Ointment.
And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash
his feet with tears ,and did wipe them with the hair of her head,
and kissed his feet, and annointed them with ointment,
Now when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it, he
spake within himself, saying, This man, if he were a prophet,
would have known who and what manner of woman this is that
toucheth him; for she is a sinner.
And Jesus answering said unto him, Simon, I have somewhat
to say unto thee. And he saith, Master, say on.
There was a certain creditor which had two debtors; the one
owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty.
And when they bad nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them
both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most!
8imon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he for
gave most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged.
And he turned to the woman, and said unto Simon, Seest thou
this woman t I entered into thine house, thou gavest me no water
for my feet: but she hath washed my feet with tears, and wiped
them with the hairs of her head.
' Thou gavest me no kiss; bat this woman since the time I came
in hath not ceased to "kiss my feet.
My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath
anointed my feet with ointment.
Wharefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are
forgiven; for she loved much; but to whom little is forgiven, the
same loveth little.
And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven.
pierced the Pharisee's heart as He
held up before him the devotion of
the woman and contrasted her at
tentions with the indifference of
the Pharisee, Before saying- to the
woman, "Thy sins are forgiven,"
He informed Simon that "her sins,
which are many, are forgiven," and
then he applied the rule that He
had forced Simon to admit to be
just, "For she, loved much."
And we must not overlook the
philosophy embodied in the conclud
ing clause , of the verse, "But to
whom little is forgiven, the same
loveth little." Here we have Jesus
who came to be the propitiation for
man 's sins, announcing the posses
sion of all power to rorgive ana
the completeness of that forgive
ness. We have Pharisees today who
think themselves sinless who draw
their cloaks close about them for
fear they may be contaminated by
They reject the idea that man
ever fell or can fall. They profess
to believe that man has been im
proving throughout the ages and
therefore needs no Saviour. Having
no place in their philosophy for a
fall, they recognize no need of sal
vation. They can. see no blackness
in sin. If man makes mistakes, they
say we must not be too severe with
him just, a little reprimand , will
be sufficient.
Such is the philosophy of those
who today feel themselves superior
to all who confess their sins and
see in Christ their Saviour.
Man's Natural Tendency
There is no subject upon which
the Bible is more explicit than the
subject of sin. Philip Mauro, in a
recent book, declares that the Bible
is the most hated book ever pub
lished and he explains this hatred
on the ground that the Bible is
man. It holds up before him a life
the only book that does not flatter
like picture of himself and declares
him to be wicked and in need of a
Saviour. This is a subject which
every human being should study and
upon wheih every one should have
Copyright, 1922, by
The other grades are adapted to the
age aiid condition of the pupil. All
will find a proper place for the
right instruction. Come at 9:45. The
pastor will speak at the 11 o'clock
hour on "What it Means to be a
i'hurch Member." At 7:30 the ser
mon topic will be "The Priesthood
of Christ." Extra musical numbers
will add to the helpfulness and in
terest of the services. The junior
congregation meets at the same hour
as the morning church worship. Mrs.
Doreums is superintendent. TJie
Christian. Endeavor society meets at
0:30, All your people invi'ed. Put
the church in your Sunday pro
gram. "
CATHOLIC Rev. J. R. Buck
pastor. Low mass at 8 o'clock and
high mass with sermon by
Father Bede, D. D. O. S. B., at
10 o'clock. Benediction after first
mass, congregational singing. Every
one welcome.
PAL Corner Church and Slate
streets. Baline E. Kirkpatrick, min
ister. Class meeting, 9:15 a. m. with
George P. Litchfield, leader. Sunday
school 9:45 with H. F. Shanks ai t-
me siiperuiienueui. locto wt-rc
. . . ..... . ,
, i . 3 i mi r it
present last Sunday. Why hot make
- ,m ..-1 flL . . , I n..n n
IS OI'U lUllilT, 1 IH'SB IVSPVUB VH lllf
worth while. Come out- and study
with us. Morning worship, 11 o'clock
Special music by the choir under
the direction of Prof. W.'E. Hob-
i son. Sermon by the pastor on the
! subject "The Soul's Restoration."
Class i" Evangelism at 5 o'clock
at the-parsonage. Friendship honr
at 5:30. Epworth League services,
6:30 to whirb. all young people are
invited. Evening service sj 7:30
o'clock. Sermon: "The Trgeacy of
The King's Business." This service
wi.'l be expemally welmed. Sft
an opinion because it is a subject
which concerns every one.
Is man's natural tendency down
ward or upward Who, if he ex
amines himself and understands
others, can doubt that it is down
ward! That invisible, intangible,
eternal thing that we call life is
in a constant struggle with the in
fluences that would destroy the
From birth it is a fight against
disease and Iurlrtng danger. Some
times the spark of life is extin
guished as the babe enters life;
'sometimes it is put out in infancy
or youth; sometimes the battle con
tinues until maturity is reached;
sometimes all of life's foes are kept
at bay until old age lowers the
body's vitality and makes it the
prey of some disease which would
have been impotent when the pulse
was full and the resisting iwer
at its maximum.
Need of a Spiritual Fores
But there is never a day when
life can make a treaty of peace
with hidden enemies or suspend its
vigilance. Finally, either - without
notice or at the end of a seige of
sickness, the surrender is announc
ed and man drops back into the dust
from which he sprang.
Drummond has nsed this gravita
tion toward the grave to illustrate
the necessity for a lifting power.
Just as the body needs life to keep
it from yielding to an unrelenting
force that pulls it downward to
ward the earth, so man needs a
spiritual force from above to keep
him from the grossest transgres
sions. Look at the victims of sin. -One
man is an athlete in frame,
a scholar in training, and a saint
in hopes and ideals; he falls a viij
tim to the appetite for drink.
Watch him as he drops out of
church, and then out of business,
and the nout of society and then
into the grave. The mother who
rejoiced at his birth and dreamed
of great achievements in his youlh
sighs botween her tears and feels
relieved when the tragedy is en led.
The Republic Syndicate
o'clock elub on Tuesday evening.
Supper wil lbe served by the ladies
aid society, and the speaker for the
evening will be Congressman W. C.
Hawley. All men of the church and
community will be welcome. This
will be a great occasion. Church
night service on Thursday evening
from 8 to 8:30 o'clock.
Corner 19th and Perry. Clayton
Judy, minister. Morning service in
cluding Sunday school and church
10 a. in. A splendid religious edu
cational program of class period
and special program. Junior Christ
ian Endeavor 4 p. m. Senior and
Intermediate C. E. at 6:30 p. m.
Evening service of song and wor
ship with sermon, 7 :30. Subject for
Revithe evening "'Q Build my Church."
Mid week service on Thursday eve
ning at 7:30. This is one of the most
interesting and helpful services of
the church. We extend "V hearty wel
eome to every one.
luad Ave. and North Cburch street,
I. -O. and Ida J. Lee, ministers.
Bible school at 10 a. m. Clifton
Ross, superintendent. We have an
excellent school with classes for "all
ages and a real welcome for every
one who will come. Morning wor
ship and preaching at 11. Christian
Lndcavor at 6:30 p.
service .at 7:30 p. m
m. Preaching i
Subject, will
continue our study of the Book of
Romans with lesson this evening in
the 5th chapter. Young people's
prayer meeting and Bible study on
Monday at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Thursday at 7:30 p. in. v
OF FRIENDS WiTi be held at the
South Salem Friends church Friday
and Saturday, So. 17 and IS. Fri
day at 2:30 p. m. meeting on min
istry and ovresight. Rev. Edward
Mott of Portland will discuss the
subject of the 'Tall of Man and his
Take one who has just as good s
start, but who walks the road of
immorality; his rotting flosh Will
at last disgrace a tomb. Ona can
not be born upon a plane so high
but he can fall to the lowest
depths of degradation.
The Supreme False God
And so with the gambler; he can
become so diseased as to be indif
ferent to God 's law of rewards
which limits one's collections to his
earnings and measures his earnings
by the service which he renders.
But the god of drink, the gwd of
passion, and the god. of chance are
only three of the many false gode
which men worship.
There is the god of ease that
those worship wno think only of
having a good time; the god of in
tellect that those worship who put
the brain above the heart and the
reason above faith; the travel god
that those worship who yield to the
wanderlust until the ordinary ex
periences of life become uninterest
ing to them; tbe god of fame that
those worship who are willing to ex
change everything for fleeting ap
plause; the god of fashion that
those worship who put social dis
tinction above solid service to so
ciety; and the god of gold whose
devotees find their hearts shrivel
ing and their sympathies contract
ing because of their worship of
All of these false gods have their
worshippers and all are but masks
for the one supreme false god
The worship of self is the funda
mental sin, black and degrading.
It may not lead one to the viola
tion of statute laws), it may simply
make him as worthless to society as
the brute more worthless because
he consumes, while the brute may
yield its body to man for food.
An Awe.Inspiring Though
Until one la brought under con
viction, he does not understand his
need for forgiveness, but let him
once see the carnal heart as it real
ly is and he can understand how far
man has fallen and how helpless
man is without a power from above
to lift his load of guilt and lead
him on the upward way.
Bible scholars have pointed out
as evidence of the fall of man that
the human being is the only crea
ture that does not live up to its
The horse, the cow, the sheep, the
hog all animals, -domestic and
wild live upon the highest plane
possible for them. There are no de
linquents, no degenerates among
the brutes "only man is vile."
The difference between the value
of the highest and the lowest of
any given species is not great, but
consider the infinitude of space that
separates man at his best from man
at his worst. At his best man is
but a "little lower than thf angels,"
while man at his worst may, in
some respects be lower than the
beasts about him. And awe-in
spiring thought every human be
ing is traveling in one direction or
the other,, upward toward the high
est plane to which man can aspire
or downward toward the lowest
level toward which man can fall!
Christ has power to rescue man
at any point on the downward way
and, by forgiveness, start him on
his ascent toward the skies.
"Lord, to whom shall we go!
Thou hast the words of eternal
life. "
present condition and standing out
side of Redemption." Friday night,
at 7:30 Bev. Chester A. Hadley will
give a message on "Stewardship.''
Saturday morning at 10:30 devo
tional and preaching service. After
lunch, which will be served in tha
basement of the church, the busi
ness session and a report of the re
cent five years meeting by Bev.
Edgar P. Sims. Not able now to
announce the character of the meet
ing on Saturday evening. Sunday
afternoon the 19th, at 2:30 will
be the quarterly meeting Christian
Endeavor rally address by Kev. Ed
ward Mott.
EPISCOPAL Alexander Hawthorne
pastor. Sundav school. 9:4.T ftt
A. Goodspeed. superintendent. 4 I
big attendance. Interesting discus
sions in the various classes. Bally
Day program. These are some things
that will characterize West Salem
Sunday school tomorrow morning.
If you have been an absentee, make
a fresh ard tomorrow, lf 15-on
have not been going to any Sunday
school there is a hearty invitation
for you to begin tomorrow. The
Epworth League devotional meet
ing at 6:30 p. ni7 will be led by
Miss Dorothy Miller. This will be
a worth while hour. . Visitors are
welcome. Come and brinsr others.
:-u p. m. .trayer
256 State St.
and praise and the tsaeking of "the
Gospei waica is tne power ox wju stance. Kantne, leader. Ti0 n. -unto
Salvation" characterise our . . "
Sunday evening service. Ber... ky A ''W ta 'the sarriee
the pastor. Snbject: "Christ Seek- WUI D "d thl evening. Ssrviet
ing Men." Thsi sithe third of a wUl begin with organ Toluntary fo.
series on this subjeef. Regular pray- lowed br a song. Then follows the
.meeting Thursday evening at motioll pict. ,a ,ppT)prUt, fw
Armistiee Sunday "Philadelphia aB4
LIBERTY STREET E VANG ELI- Valley Forge." Just' one reel. Ins-
CAL Corner Center and Liberty
streets. G. F. Liening, Sr., pastor,
Sunday school at 10 a. m. A J.'tor 0o ..George Washington at vi '
Hager, superintendent. Preaching ley Forg,... Completing the entU
services at 11 a. m. Sermon by the ,erTic9 within tke hor
pastor. The evangelical league of welcome for all. TSi. i. .v.
Christian Endeavor will meet at 7
p. m. This meeting will be led by
the pastor. Preaching services at 8
P. m.
by the pastor. You are in-
PAL South Commercial and Myers
streets. H. F. Pemberton, pastor,
You ere cordially invited to attend
tbe following meetings in this
church on Sunday. Sunday school at
9:45. E. A. Rhoten, superintendent,
A live school wit hearnest, capable
teachers and classes for all sorts
of folks. Epworth League meeting
every night this (timing week ex
cept Saturday night at 7:15. This
is the first of the Win-My-Chura
meetings. All young people are in
vited. The meetings will last one
hour and will be for the definite
purpose of presenting Christ as the
one great Friend and Savtious.
Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject: "The Compulsion of
Love." Evening, meeting at 7:30.
Subject: "Finding That Pearl." This
is an evangelistic service with a
fine spirit and good sieging. If
you enjoy Gospel preaching you will
find these services to your liking.
We will be glad to welcome you at
all of them.
LTJTHER.AN East State and 18
streets, G. Koehler, pastor. Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m. Divine service
in German at 10:30. a. m. Evening
service in English at 7:30 p. m.
Bible study and prayer meeting on
Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Bible school
on Saturday from 9 to 12 a. m.
Catechetical instruction at 1 p. m.
EVANGELICAL, Chemeketa St.
F .W. Launer, pastor. Sermon at 11
a. m. "What We Owe." will be the
subject. Sermon at 7:30 p. m. Sun
day school at 10 o'clock. W. A.
Springer will be the leader. Y. P. L.
at 6:30 Miss Elsie Lippold will have
charge of the meeting. The Y. P. L.
business meeting will be held on
Tuesday evening. A social meeting
will be held in connection of this
meeting. Prayer meeting on Thurs
day evening.
Liberty and Center streets. W. C.
Kantner, minister. 10 a. m. Sunday
school with classes for all ages with
interesting teachers. Join our num
bers you wil find a pleasant school
with a welcome. H. M. Mead, Sup
erintendent. 11 a. m. Communion
service with reception of members.
Brief address by the pastor. 4 p. m.
Intermediate and Junior Endeavor,
Doris Clarke, leader. 6:30 p. m. Sen
ior Endeavor meeting. Come enjoy
an Interesting meeting. Large at
tendance last Sunday. You can help
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