THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE NINE f - w ... IITl - T rwt t wmm . .... . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1922 Parties and Intends to Vote for Andy Gump for Congress ' ... ; : . ., . . . ; : We Have With Us iocay: lhe buy Who s Against Both 4- Capitafelournal l SUBSCRIPTION RATE9 I Bv carrier 10 cents a week, 45 'lent, a month, $5 a year tn ad- faRVe'mall, in Marion and' Polk I ?Lm one month 50 cents, 8 0U,h9 $125. months 2 25- 1 2" 14.00. Elsewhere 60 cents a 3e .u s n vear. nniu. - i"Fntered as second class mall Utterat Salem, Oregon. Member ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclus--. iv entitled to the use for pub : Intion of all news dispatches red ted to it or not otherwise Indited in this paper and also lo- 1 ' Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. Advertising representatives: W D. Ward, Tribune bldg., New Pw" sltJstockwell. Peoples Gas hug., ChicagoJlls. CLASSIFIED RATES " . . ...... nrnrdflrh insertion I , ntg three insertions 6 cents, iJne week 8 cents, one month 20 lnts, one year, per month, 12 Cents minimum per ad 25 cents. I First insertion only in New To L,v City ads cash in .advance, l.nd not taken over phone, unless advertiser has monthly account. I No allowance for phone errors. f . NEW TODAY f iTTi7ToT"Bale. Call 631J. 265 ! rr-; ..i -r., nhnnn 13R7M. BUAitu auu - foR SALE Chickens, 1251 How ard lL JPAKTMENT for rent, 219 Court street. ; for" SALE Crood range cheap. mm N. Com'l. : c270 vFTr RENT House Keeping room. Phone 536W. J27Q foRDcoupe, 1921, for sale, $425. C E. Andresen, Rt. 9, box 151. q267 WANTED Nice two room un furnished apartment. Phone 1178.1 265 JOR SALE New refrigerator. 1595 N. Church St. phone 1178J. 265 WANTED A good varmint dog. Write Jonn Aoeene, Buiueruu, nr. 1270 RRSALK Burbank potatoes 80c per sack delivered. (au not mrth 16th. c267 WANTED Hotel or restaurant work by lady.- BoxTJC Y Z Capi ta! Journal. 265 iOB. SALE Or trade for horse or man's bike, Sharpless separa tor nhone 23F31. c267 V1LL buy late model cars for cash. 156 S. Commercial St. Phone 3 61 or 1563R. 1 VANTED Women for patching sacks and sorting rags. Stein boclc Junk Co., 402 N. Commer cial. B266 CHOICE apples, Balwlns, Rome Beauty and VanderpOol Red, 5 box lot delivered, $4: Phone 115F22. 265 iLBiTT Man's coat at 129 soutn 1 Commercial. Owner may have lame by proving property and !- m A O R K hi SALE 1920 Ford touring J!?5 including accessories, car is In excellent condition. Phone owner thru 1583W. 265 FOR SALE Modern seven room house, to be moved off lot. "In quire Starr Fruit Products Co., Church and Mill Sts. , a269" fOH SALE Good seasoned white fir wood $6 per cord; also pair ot 4 year old horses. R. S. Gret tie, Rt. 3, phone 84F22. ee267 10ST Pair of nose glasses some time Saturday near the new Bonesteele garage. Reward if returned to 2146 north Church. 265 IFOR SALE 5 roam house on pav ed street and car line, lot 67x137 Price $2200, terms. W. G. Krue Ser, Oregon bldg. phone 217. 265 FOR SALE Good cow, will be Irtsh in three weeks; also 18 months old heifer, will be fresh in the spring, cheap. Phone 1678R. 265 HAND picked apples, 3 boxes for 12; 5 for $3. Kraut catybage 1125 per 100 lbs. delivered. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front street, phone 494. 265 p0RDS, FORDS Have roadsters, wirings, coupes and sedans for We; will give terms. 156 south Commercial street, phone 861 or USSR itDUt HaVe for rent close in. 2 un furnished room apartment for !10 including light and water. "ill E. n-o Roth house. 266 'ORD touring, 4 new tires, has ".' carburetor. In A-l shape i!l take $90 down, balance easy toust sell. Phone 361 or 1653R. 1 a Com'l. n266 lAP 5 room bungalow in good .union located in south Sa wn. Prire $2650, $500 down Wlance $25 per month. W. H. rabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. a266 ,AEReed baby buggy, "Mil heater. Barred Rock hens. sy and canterbnrvhell nlants: Pant now for early spring "iooma Call at 2617 Brooks ave. s-rr c267 erv lFor casn confection ,L '?a hght grocery business, a',, ascription, location, rent ArM,mmh,y sa,es- Must" be good liess L R Capital Journal. !i.o ; imaii ' Jav?; oig porcn; cement cellar- it fmnn- t?rm'. ?iraee' garden. $260o! , .wis, 624 N. Capitol, 265 njH sat ev ' : : luuir -" -'r iraae, an abso kiL 6w 1922 moiel Butter aire r rn and nut machine, 'rates i,m faory, never un 1W 0.184. Woodburn. Or. ("K-IO r ... . "u una iinr with lr T not water heat- h"ie n IonateJ near statd ,55. $'(iftAUrt. 8treet- Price '"ms iv cash balance easy -I"5 St. oralenhorst & Co 'i''' Well ,!,t j . . emu 1 !i v Ur ba:"ber shop lo in .. fn best h.i... , t, earn ,clty- 0 cah, ri,.Jr term nn v.i - - '-m. ur. czi" a L" h!ch.r th' Plastered, built I froit k to car- school 1 ?: 1509 - ;-. .. '", I Estt. of- NEW TODAY .TOR SALE Fresh cow and calf. 994 S. 22nd. e266 FOUND Black and white setter. . Mrs. Henry Hansin, Independ ence, Rt. 1. 265 CHEVROLET tourinf good as new reasonable, terms; have no ga rage since moved. 1154 Oak St. ' ' ' S q267 FOR SALE 5 room .house with basement, on State (treet. Price $29 50, terms. Krueer, Oregon mag. pnone a26t FOR SALE Small pact; rich garden soil on inte'urban near . Seattle. Price only. $50. Owner care Capital Journal 265 FAIRMOUNT hill, comer lot 50 150. on pavement, i Price $660 cash. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. " a266 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 8 room house. 1601 Tile road, price reasonable. a269 NEW 5 room bungalow for sale by owner, will take good car as part payment. 1165 Shipping street. a269 5 ROOM bungalow in Portland for sale or exchange for Salem . property. T. M. Hicks, Salem Abstract Co. a281 6 ROOM modern 6 blocks NE of state house, $3350, about 1-3 cash. M. J. Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. a 6 ROOM house, good location, lot 50x150, barn, paved street, fine location, installment plan. See Radcliff and Waring, 341 State street. a266 LARGE corner iot, house and barn, east front, $1900. This would make"2 , splendid building places. House ana 2 lots, east front, $1900, $200 down, $20 per month. House and lot, $1450, $400 down. House and lot, pav ed street, $1750, $350 down, $2 per month. Gertrude J. M Page, 492 N. Cottage St. a FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE 15 acres, by owner H. C. Finster. Rt. 8, box 85, Sa lem. b266 FOR SALE Or trade, 10 acre place near Marion, good terms; will take light car. Box 45, Ma rion, or. b265 FOR SALE 614 aores of 4 year old Italian prune orchard in first class condition, 4 miles south. Price $1650, $650 down. W. a. Grabenhorst & Co., 27 State street. b265 FOR SALE By owner, $90 an acre for 85 acres. In cultiva. tlon, house, barn, orchard, 3 springs, W mile 'to school, 18 miles south of Portland, terms. Box Cll Capital Journal. b291 FOR SALE $100 down and $10 per month buys 5 acres of fine dark prairie soil located east of Salem on main road. Come in ' and see us about this. Price $1500, Interest 6 percent. W. H, Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. b265 ONE acre, 6 room house, garage, chicken coop, family" fruit, all the very best of soil, close to school, 1 miles from city lim its, on Pacific highway north. Price $3200, $2000 cash balance 3 years at 6 per cent. Socolof- sky 341 state street. b26 6 FOR SALE $100 down and $10 per month buys 10 acres of fine tree and berry soil, all cultivat ed land. Here 'is your chance to secure that 10 acres on the terms which you can pay for it, Price $1250, interest 6 per cent. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. b266 FOR SALE 20 acre tract four miles south, small house, barn, well, 2 acres logans, 2 acres strawberries. 5 acres of prunes. rock road and close to highway. Will consider house and lot as part payment. Price $6000. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. b265 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK JERSEY cow for sale. Call 5F3, J. C. Savage. e265 FOR SALE Cow. Phone 690, ad dress 1190 N. 19th St. e26B FOR SALE Pigs; five months old. phone 26F35 evenings. e2So WOOD SAWING, phone 1131, city or country. Ed Sproed. ee312 FOR SALE Young Jersey cow, Just fresh. Phone 1247R or call at 1726 S. High. e266 FOR SALE Chester White pigs 6 weeks old. Ritchie, Rt. 7, phone 105F15. e265 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, northeast corner of four corn ers past asylum.- e266 ST. Andreasberg rollers "the ca nary with the college education, price $10, special guaranteed imported. Former price $15 and $20. Order now. E. B. Flake, birds, flowers, pets, 273 State. f FOR SALE WOOD WOOD sawing, Fisher Bros, phone 1756. ee284 BEST grade mill wood 4 ft. end 16 inch, prompt delivery and reasonable prices .Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church street, Dhone 1542. ee WANTED HELP I DESIRE the services of a lady to care lor a year om gin- jvu dress box H W care Journal. g265 THE Whitney company, with a large logging operation ai iua ville, Tillamook county, Oregon, that will, weather permitting, run all winter, invites applica tions from buckers, fallers and other timber workers. Standar! wages, good grub; fine, comfort able camps; 8 hours; no strikes Address, giving all particulars. The Whitney company. Employ ment Department, 904 Lewis building, Portland, Or. g BRINGING UP er colly: HONOLULU b A CiREAT DtOMT A TIME. J06T OUO F H " WA Jib- raw - 7V:n J ku " V mm FOR SALE Miscellaneous LARGE chrysanthemums. K. H. Pickens. 1463J. c286 CALL 82F24 if you want to buy peer to can py tne quarter, ego FOR SALE Nice little heating stove, cheap. 1595 N. Fifth. c265 FOR SALE Choice Burbank po tatoes $1 a sack delivered, phone 686R. c265 WILLAMETTE scholarship for sale. F. D. Thielsen, care Kodg ers Paper Co. c265 FOR SALE Carrots $8 per ton, 2 Vi miles east of Brooks. Bring sacks. R. A. Harris, Rt. 9, Salem. c265 CABBAGE for kraut, good quali ty fresh from field, delivered, phone 48F11. - c265 ITALIAN prune, Royal Anne cher ries and apple trees. Idlewine. 2123 Broadway. c282 GET the U. S. standard No. 1 White Rose round potatoes for your winter supply. They cook mealy but not mushy. $1 per hundred, $4.50 per 600 or $8 per 100U, delivered Fhone 1288W. c266 PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday Nov 11th 1 p. m. 160 south High, op posite Oregon Electrio bldg. All kinds of household furniture, farm implements, live stock and miscellaneous articles; come early Col. J. B. Gable, auction- eer, phone 1446. FOR RENT FURNISHED apartments. .265 S, Commercial. J282 FURNISHED apt. and garage at 1132 center. jztn HOUSE keeping rooms, close in. phone 1021J. J267 FOR RENT Large 6 room clean house. 610 N. Cottage. J265 FURNISHED room for rent, in modern home. Phone 680R. J267 FOR RENT 5 room furnished house. 272 S. 16th St. Adults. 265 HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, reasonable; also garage 160 Court. J265 FOR RENT 3 room furnished downstair apartment, adults on ly. 743 Union St. J265 FOR RENT One modern house keeping room with kitchenette also sleeping room. 825 south 14th.' - J26i FOR RENT 4 room downstairs apartment, cose in, for adults, Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 north Cottage St. '1 FOR RENT Four and 2 room un furnished apartments, S. P apartments, for information call Laurel hotel, phone 928. j267 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, water, hot and cold, use of bath and telephone; also lights. Phone 1960W, 2111 Ma ple ave. J266 FOR RENT Or bh1. 1 acre house, garage, 2 miles north highway; 13 acres, berries, good buildings, 5 miles north. 145 Meyers. " b266 FOR RENT Neat 5 room mod ern dwelling house, close in. $3S a month. Phone 666, call at 173 S. Liberty, Oleson's Auto Ex change. - s 1 FOR SALE Automobiles BUICK four 1922 sedan, like new, used 7 months. Owner 2006 J.' q266 FOR SALE Late model Mitchell, looks and runs like new. Price $750, terms. Phone 1156M. q265 FOR SALE 1921 Dodge commer cial car, A-l shape, oversize cord tires. Price $700, terms, to suit. Bonesteele Motor Co. q266 FOR EXCHANGE Franklin car In A-l shape, price $1250; want H4 ton truck. Geo. F. Peed, Monmouth, Oi q265 BABY Overland, latest model, run less than 100 miles, cost new $666, will sacrifice for $450. You make the terms, I need the money. Call Titus at 1995. q266 BE warm in your Ford this win ter for $3.76, Come in and see our new auto heaters. W. E. Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothers the Same Man) High St. at Ferry, Salem, Or.' PARTS FOR ALL CARS q OLESON USED CAR EX CHANGE. Cars bought and sold. Guaranteed repairing. Washing, polishing. OUR used cars are priced to sell quick. We make it our business to pick the cars we offer the public. Overland 90 '19 $250 Buick 4 '17 $275 Ford '21 $285 Oakland 6 '19 $375 Buick 6 '17 $475 Bulck,7 pass, $475 Dodge '19 $550 Buick 6 '19 roadster $650 Buick 6 '20 $800 Dodge '22 $800 Buick 4 '22 $850 Apperson 8 '20 $1100 On some of the above care we will consider trades to reduce our equity. We must reduce our stock. OTTO J. WILSON 388 N. Com'l. phone 220. q26 LOST AND FOUND LOST Small brown velvet purse Saturday, containing about $7, on Court street, by school girl. Finder please leave at Capital Journal office. k266 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED stenographer de sires office work of any kind, temporary or permanent. 1698 W 11 . 1 W A NTED Eliscellarteous WANTED Furniture. tools, etc. Phone 611. II WANTED 4 or 6 room modern house, will pay $200 cash and $40 per month. Thomason, 331 4 State street, phone 175. 1265 FATHER VE. HAVE LAW NKHT- LIKE. THE DAX T- . ouo DAx-b- v irnx-1 b . mtfRAsflsisTffi - mm I v,-v -Sill eWf --r m u fr"S r. . mm s l l ( jr m r m '-- f -3 T k v . I 1 ill in II I I 1 WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED- Household furniture. Phone 1446. ! WANTEI3 To do carpenter work for touring car or will bulla new house and take car on work. Geo. Landis, Waconda, Or. 1266 LOAN WANTED $3000 on acre age close in and good improve ments, will pay 7 . per cent. The Fleming Realty' Co., 341 State street. 1 WANTED Used furniture, rang es, neitiera, guuk siuves, iuuio, DIU, TV V tfCLJ V,Wl 111 .before you sell. Liberty Exchange 241 N. Com'l Bt. phone 841. 1 WANTED Would like to get in touch with private parties who wish to sell microscope, telo scope, stringed and band instru ments. Write to Verlin L. Coch ran, R F D 1, Silverton, Or. 1265 WANTED Second hand furniture and stoves. We also carry a full line of new furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Once then - always. People's Furniture store, 271 N. Commercial St. pbone 734. i LADIES combings made Into beau tiful switches, puffs, $1 to J. according to amount. Expert work guaranteed, see before you pay. Viola Ferris, Lebanon, Or. 1267 MISCELLANEOUS FULLER brushes, local represent ative, Grimes, 1937J. ml3 GRADUATE nurse open for en gagements, 887W. m2bp SAVE the old stove, expert stove repairing, all work guaranteed. 271 N. Com'l St. phone 734. m275 FOR experienced nurse, 1362J. mzia COL. J. B. GABLE, auctioneer, for larm ana cuy sales; can iu 1446. . m SOOS Scavenger service, garbage and refuse of all kinds removea by the month at reasonable rates phone 629, residence 2058. Suc cessor to Neal's scavenger, m FURNITURE repairing and all kinds of woodwork made to or der. Wood turning, shop 19th and State, phone 882. c U IV- I J T7-CI- noM frr sAnll nana doming ani biiubh. au cieaning, pressing ana repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Ex change, 342 N. Commercial, pnone lattsw G. SATTERLEE, auctioneer, sells on commission or will buy, any where or anv time. Phone 117 or 1211J. 404 Ferry St. Salem, Or.- ! WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for rash, or sail on commission. Phone 511, Woodry, the auction eer. ii A) A mtrh Old mattresses to make over. Phone 19. Capital citv Redding Co. m nnviinw vajihine. all kinds o odd 1obs. Dhone 1488. m288 REAL ESTATE -reruAT v,o,,a vo.i fnr Rale or ex change? Radclin ana -warms are wanting It. List wun us iu. rpHiilts. jinuv rno aAT.i Kft rirvwn and $10 oe. which you have been looking to buy, these tracts are located on north 21st street close to ji.iib nrAnH Ehnni hpautiful shade trees. Come in and let us show you. Price $600, W. H. Graben horst & Co., 276 State St. b265 nnnn mTYS 80 acre farm, 60 acres plow land i i .,r.tA onri timber. 8 UttllMJUD -J " " ' acres of strawberries, large house, barn, all necessary macninery anu stock to run place.' Price $9000, unnn napal lnan halnnne in Cash. Located five miles from Salem on main road paved part way. 6 room house with full cement knDnn,Dnt navori ntrnet and alley. located close in on Cottage street. Price $3300, $17UU casn. 5 room bungalow with fireplace, ..n i AaMoa nnri huffet. UU11L - - . fruit room, two lots on paved St. Price $3150, Y8 aown oamnue $25 per month, interest 6 percent payable monthly. Real estate ana lire lnsuranuB. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State street. FOR EXCHANGE - 6 acres of good land in culti vation, on good graveled road fine location to build a home, 1 mile from city limits of Salem. Price $1800; want a house and lot up to $3500, will pay cash difference. 5 acres 1 mile out on pavement, all in cultivation, good 4 room nlastered house., good barn, wood 'shed and store house.; want a good home in Salem up to $4600; win give some one a good trade. Two lota in Portland well locat ed for auto. D. S. HILDEBRAND 341 State St. room 8 Bayne bldg. phone 794. b266 FOR SALE Fine east front lot on south Commercial street. Price $860. Good lot on Fairmount hill. Daved street, sightly Ioca- r tlon. Price $650. Fine lot on north Capitol street, between jl and F streets. Price $750, easy terms. W. H. GraJbenhorst & Co. 276 State street. a265 Good 7 room bungalow, modern conveniences, fireplace, garago, $2500: wUl take auto and some cash first payment,- balance like rent, 'or $600 down will handle. 6 room bungalow, best residence district, modern conveniences, ce ment basement, garage, paved street and alley, $3300. 8 room house, modern conveni ences, basement, five blocks from center of city, $3309. Cash $1000. balance $20 month and interest 6 pea-cent. 7 passenger Hudson, good re pair, $500, will trade on run down house or vacant lots. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 331 hi Stnte street. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY. THAT FICHT WE I OON'T VjT WHAT THEY tA.V- X J " ME EITHER ! COT IN WUZ A HJ THINK VLL IX J S II I 1 I oaby- rTrwJ I ASHORE IP sTySYvrvrvrN 1 l) K V REAL ESTATE a- WW want a number of small prop erties that can be sold on in stallments. We want vacant lots, small tracts. Radcliff and War- log. 841 State street. 1266 LOT that you can buy for less tean any adjoining and on terms ' per month. Price $350, one block .'fi-nm noi liho PAmAnt WAlkfl. nit) BUil. D CU3I1. UU.mill.Cl iv city water, nut trees. If you want a dandy lot cheap see Radoliff and Waring, 341 State. St. a266 FOR SALE Vi acre lots in bear ing fruit and berries, located at Salem Heights on pavement and car line, close to school and store. Price $600, terms. If you are planning- on a suburban home where you can have city conveniences, you should inves tigate this proposition. D. S. Hildebrand, phone 794, 341 State street, room 8 Bayne bldg. b265 SPECIAL A good modern 8 room home, fine location, will trade for 10 or 15 acre fruit farm; must be on good road. Wanted to buy for casn 5 acre cherry orchard, no buildings. We. have a new house on paved street, 1 block to car line, for rent at $20 per month. THOMASON . 331tt State St. phone 175. FOR SALE 3 room house and large lot $850 terms Fine modern bungalow, $4000 terms 6 room bungalow $2000, terms 6 room bungalow, 8 acres, all in fruit, close to city, $5000, terms. If you want to buy, sell or trade see H. L. MARSTERS Phone 907, Gray bldg. Let it be ever so humble there is no place like home. Small house, new, good lot, $400 8 room, $800, $200 down 4 room, $760, $100 down 3 room, $850, $340 down r 6 room, $1100, $210 down 5 room, $1200, $300 down 6 room, $1500, $400 down 4 room, $1500. $400 down 5 room, close in. $1650. $300 aown 4 room, close in. paved street ana car line. $1500. The Welcome Real Estate office over Busick's, State and commer. cial, H. E. Brown. ' Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that on the- 16th day of October, A. D. 1922, by an order of the county court of the state of Oregon for Marlon county Gladys Gardner was appointed administratrix ot the estate of Louisa A. Stone, do ceased. All. persons navlng claims against said estate are, therefore, required to fils said claims, proper ly verified, with said administra trix at 2617 Brooks avenue, Salem Oregon, or with J M. Devers. 690 north Summer street on or before six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, to wit: the 24th day of October, A. D, 182,2. ' I GLADYS GARDNER, . ' Administratrix, - J. M. Devers, attorney. SALEM i MARKETS Compiled from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance . of Capital Journal readers. (Revised daily.) Grain: No. 1 white wheat $1.12; No. 2 mixed wheat $1; No. 2 red wheat 89c; (sacked.) Hay: Cheat hay $17.00; oat hay $30.00; clover hay (baled) $19 20. Wholesale Prices Meat: Hcgs $10 10.2 5; dresse 1 hogs 14c; top steers 66c; cows 2Vt4o; bulls 3c; lambs 89o; dressed veal 13c. Poultry: Light hens 13c; heavy hens 18c; old roosters 810o; broilers 18 020a Butterfat: Butterfat 48c; cream ery butter 4960o; country butter 30 82c; eggs 50c; milk $2.25 cwt. Vegetables: Wax onions $2.21 crate; beets $2.00 cwt; Oregon cabbage lo lb; green peppers 10c lb; potatoes , $1.00 cwt; Oregon lettuce $2.25 per crate; parsley 40c doz. Fruits: Oranges $9.75; lemoni $9,00; bananas lOo; Calif, grape fruit $7.60. 1 Retail Prices poultry and eggs: Eggs 56 60c; creamery butter E5c. Portland, Or., Nov. 6. Cattle steady; receipts 2970; choice steerB $7. 0007.60; medium to good steers $6.25 7. 00; fair to medium $6.50(5 6.25; common to fair $4.00 6.60; choice cows and heifers H.505.00; medium to good $3.60 4.60; fair to medium $3.00 3 50; common $2.003.00; can ners $1.50(2.00; bulls $3.00 100; choice feeders $5.00 &) 5.60. fair to good $4.00 5.00; cholc dairy calves $8.008.50; prime light $8.008.60; medium light $7.608.00; heavy calves, $5.00 5.60; common $45. Slogs steady; receipts '663; prme light $10.00(10.26; smooth heavy 200 to 300 pounds $9.00 9.50; 800 pounds and up $8.00 9.00; feeder pigs $8.759.25; fat pigs $9.60 10; stags $5 7.60. Sheep steady; receipts 436 Hum $9.25 10.25; common $8.25 9.26; culls $6.608.25; light ye ihgs $88.60; heavy $7.6O8.0O; Ught wethers $6.607.50; heavy $5.6006.60; ewes $25. Butter Bteudy; ex cubes 41 42c under grades 3840c; carton 47c; prfnts 46c. ' Butterfat No. 1 churning cream 18 for" 49c fob Portland; 46c at sta tions; under grades 45 0 47c. Eggs: Firm. tfuylng cur- AOKTYIiENE WELDING IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cop per. Drtng me pjecea. vu-v Heating Co., 837 Court. AUTO PAINTING RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING 219 State St. corner Front. " A L OTION EKR F. N. WOODRY the live stock, furniture, real estate auctioneer. Phone 511 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer. liATTKHY SUPPLIES PREST-O-LITE BATTERY SER VICE. Expert auto electricians. 1803, 41 Court St. r rial i i" itm ,.h V1MMIL- B a 1 1 e rle, recharged and repa"- . Burrell R. D. BARTON. Exide batteries. starter and generator ' R. Commercial. . AUTO Electricians, expert trouble shooting. 28S IN. ilign -. 203. CHIROPOUIST DR. S. F. SCOTT, S. C, graduate ... A QnlnnH national umvermiy ,.ui c...--, Chicago. Scientific chiropody. Masonic temple, pnone DR. HINER foot specialist, all foot ailments relieved. Moaern equip ment. Room S, Patton bldg. phone 957 CHIROPRACTOR DRS. SCOTT AND SCOFIELD, chiropractors, 41 U. B. oana bldg. . 1 DR. S. R. SMITH, chiropractor, room 322 Oregon bldg. Chronic and acute cases treated by care ful adjustments. DRUGGISTS WM. NEIMEYER, 'JUST DRUGS' 176 N. commercial, pnone 101. ' J. C. PERRY, Rexall druggist. 115 S. Commercial St. ELliCTRIO SUPPLIES HALIK ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court. We do house wiring ana carry a complete stock of fix tures. Instrument repairing, ex perimental work. Electric appli ances repaired. Phone 488. HOUSE wiring and supplies. Welch Electrio Co. Phil Brown ell, manager, 879 State St. ARCHIE FLEENER, electrician, housw wiring by hour or con tract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980, 414 Court St. MiOlUST CUT flowers and floral pieces. De- n n n i. t livery. j r. J5rwiiiiiuy t, iwudh 123 N. Liberty, phone 380. FARM LOANS HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 205 Oregon Dulldlng, 6, (, m ana 20 year loans, 6H and 6 percent Interest. Privilege to pay $100 or multiple on any interest uam, - 20 YEAR FARM LOANS on rural credit plan. Prepayment privi leges with discount allowed. I will finance you for a less rate of Interest than any firm on the coast. F. W MARSTERS, 411 Oregon bldg J FARM LOANS made in amoun-.s of $5000 or more, 6 percent in terest. Government plan of re Payment. General insurance. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple. Salem, Or. GARAGES KAD1ATOKS Fendors and bodies made or repaired. J. C. Bair, 849 Ferry ist. GUARANTEED REPAIRING of all kinds on autos and tractors. Cars stored by day, week or month. E. Kroeplin and Sons, 1610 N. Commercial and Nor way. HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching stamping, buttons, hand embroi dery. Room 10, over Miller's store, phone 117 SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain stitching, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 879, 829 Oregon bldg. INSURANCE W. A. LISTON, GENERAL IN SURANCE Fire, automobile and liability. Bonds and loans. 484 Court. ANDERSON AND RUPERT, IN SURANCE Liability, automo bile, fire, surety, bonds, loans and Investments. 408-7 Oregon bldg. WOOD WORKING WOOD WORKING Ail kinds of wood work made to order. Nov elty Shop 289 Court, telephone 174$. MACHINE SHOP WECHTER AND SMITH Machln lsts, engineers, welders, HEALD cylinder grinding service. Phone 663. 845 Ferry St. H. AND M. CO. Specialty grind ers and welders. Automotive ser vice. 490 Ferry St MUSIC PIANO playing, 12 "weeks, guaran teed. Beginners, advanced. Room 8 over Miller's. MERCHANT TAILOR UP 11. MOSHER Tailor for men and women. 474 Court St. M. A. EUTES, fine tailoring. 884 State street. rent receipts 48c; while heniiurms 5054c; selling case count 47c; candled 6152c; selects 65c, Poultry: Light hens 13c, hoavy 22c; broilers 20 22c; old roosters 10c; geese 15c; ducks 2023c; turkeys 4041o. Wheat: Hard white $1.86; soft white $1.21; western white $1.21; hard winter $1.17; northern spring $1.18; western red $1.14. Mill run $32.00; 35.50; corn No. S yellow $31.50 33.76; hay, timothy, vm.,i-, fa! fa $18.60(9)19.00; grain $1819; clover $19. MOTORCYCLES LLOYD E. RaMSDEN. Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles 887 Court street. HARRY W. SCOTT C "The Cycle Man," , .) 147 S. Com. Phone (8. PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines, 432 State, Salem. NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND nursery will have sales yard at Cherry City feed barn, 544 Ferry St. about Nov. 1. See me before buying. Phone 1140M. SALEM lprsery company. fruit and ornamental trees, small fruit and roses. Phone 1763. 428 Oregon bldg. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur dctte, optometrist. Bow Optical Co., 325 State street Zhm MORRIS OPTICAL, C O. suit 861 Oregon (Electrio) uhmiZ OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathic physician and surgeon. Klrks vllle graduate. 404-406 U. 8. Na tional bank bldg. Phones, office 919, residence 614. DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 606 U. S. bank building. Phone 869. Dr. White , resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence phone 834. PLUMBING THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works, 164 S. Commercial. PLUMBING, repairing and coil work, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union SU Phone 1397J. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns to Rowland Printing company, phone 1612 Temple. REPAIRING STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60 years experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, slzea 6 to 68 Inches high. Paints, oil .nd varnishes, eta. logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 260 Court street, phone 124 SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by U e month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day priory) 167 Night phone 1695W. R. O. Cum mings, Mgr. ' TRANSFER OREGON Transfer -4k Storage Co Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertilizer; 4 foot slab wood tor sale. Phone 77. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of flee, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly . in advance. Phone 67. October 1922 The Capital Jour nal Carried 3688 WANT ADS Totaling 18,440 lines not in cluding real estate and classi fied directory ads. The Capital Journal prints Twice as Many Want Ads as iny other paper because Capital Journal Want Ads Pay Capital Journal Want Ads Pay A WANT WANT ADS AD ARE WILL THE SELL LITTLE THE SALES- THING MEN YOU . THAT DO WORK NOT NIGHT NEED AND DAY YOU NEED rilONE THE NO CASH 81 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Latest Photograph of New Premier s J f s f Here is the most recent photo graph of Andrew Bonar Law, Great Britain's new Permier, who suc ceeded David Lloyd George. WEDDING kE BIRTH DECREASE IN GERMANY Berlin,, Nov. 7 The number of marriages and births in Germany for the first quarter of 1922 show a large decrease over the same period for 1921. According to statistics just issued the number of ' marriages during these months was 8.4 per thousand persons as against 10.1 for last year. The number of births was 25.6 as compared to 27.7, and the number of deaths was 18.5 aj against 15.6 in 1921.'' The corresponding quarter for the year 1913 showed marriages ware 6.2; births 28.8 and deaths 16.8. STS, PAYED WITH RUBBER London, Eng. Streets paved with gold were a fiction In the days of Dick WIttington, London's tirst lord mayor, but streets paved with rubber are distinct possibili ties ot the near future. A test is being made in St. Mar tins Lane with rubber blocks in stead of wood and asphalt, and al though the former Is far more ex pensive, it is hoped It will last 25 years as against 12 to 14 years for wood block paving. Sixteen diffoieut kinds of taxes Lire imoscd on automobile owners in Brazil. 35,969 WANT ADS Totaling 172,530 lines ap peared In The Capital Journal during the ten months ending Oct. 31, 1922, not Including real estate and classified direc tory ads. 2116 Ads gain over the same period a year ago. The Capital Journal carries double the number of Want Ada of any paper lu the field because Capital Journal Want Ads Pay Hamman Auto Stage Effective May 22nd Three Stages Daily Leaves Salem Stage Terminal: No. 1, 7:30 a. m. No. 8, 10:80 a, m. No. B, 4:30 p. m. Leave Mill City: No. 6, 7 a. rn. No. Z, 1Z:80 p. m. No. 4, 4 p m. No. 3 connects with east bound train at Mill ' City, No. 2 waits for west bound train at Mill City. JOB. HA MM AN, Prop, tiukmi-Hlln-rUiii Division Leaves Ualetn Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m., 6:00 p. m. Leaves Silverton News Stand, 8:00 a. in., 1:00 p. m., 6:00 p. m. fcittU-in-Iiidc'iH-rHli-iioc-Moiiinouth JDlviHlon Leaves Salem Central Binge Ter minal, 7:00 a. 111., 9:00 a. mH 11:0 ni.. 3:00 p. m 6:00 n m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth ho tel, 8:15 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 8:15 P. m. Leaves Independence, Beaver ho tel, 8:30 a. m., 10:00 a. m., 1:15 p. m., 4:00 p. m., 6:30 p. m. We make connections at Salem to all parts of the valley. Extra trips by appointment. 3. W. l'AIUtKlt fieneral Manager ilLVKUTON MOUNT A.ta;L- I'OKTIjANU C. fic M. Htucn Snhdula South bound read down Viy. Uly. lily. No 8 No 3 No 1 PM PM AM 8:00 1:30 8:00 Portland 8:05 3:35 10:05 Mt. Angel 8:30 4:00 10:30 Silverton Ar Ar Ar North bound read up Dly Lly. Dly. No 2 No 4 No 8 AM PM PM 10:30 4:00 8:30 Portand 8:25 1:55 6:25 Mt. Angel 8:00 1:30 6:00 Silverton Lv Lv Lv Sunday only 8 pm from Portland Stages leave Stage Terminal Port land sad Steelhammer's Drug store Silverton Salem-Dallas Stage Leave Salem Stage Terminal 7:08 a. m., 11:00 a. m 6:10 p. m. Leave Dallas. Oall Hotel 8:30 a. m, 13:30 p m., 6:30 p. m. FARE 60 CENTS Dally and Sunday Every day except morning trio i does not run Sunday j r Kounri Trto 8 rents ' 'i r 1 1 il j i r J,: i 5 . s 1 . 1 ) : ""Wc-im ,ci? . Stat. ' E. Brown and I ( - "