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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1922)
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1922 cSiSSIOlERS COUBT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE FIVE Dtvni Ralph, do :.......... - Edwards Geo W, do ., ... , .Evan TC' A. linlnaiiinir far The following lS the Official Gesner Clifford, truck driv- ,,v.iication of the record of . gtfore the Marion,; Jhn W -k -county commissioners court Gilmer Bay w, do ..... the Oct term 1922 With Hawkins Ben IL, do .. .,f ollnwfxl hillq con- Hinhw Clarenee, negineer the amount allowed, dius con-( cn )(team roJor tinued, etc., according to the Hofenbradl Joe, driving in the nTTirfi ot run recorua n - county clerk. ' (Continued from Yesterday.) truck Keeeh Edwin. vel : 32.50 4.00 1.40 4.80 22.00 40.00 25.00 27.00 27.00 90.00 3.00 4.50 6.00 17.00 hauling gra- jfogenauer Conrad,' iauling ,;' and spreading gravel.. Bmnen Chree, spreading, pavel 1 ' jbaiea Henry, do jlelBon N C, grader Wade . wd bolts Opelka Paul, hauling gravel' re P W, do Bieg John, do ... Rieger Joe, do ........... lefft Jeeee, do- ; UcKee Chas A,' patrolman ftst Bide Gravel' Co, gravel 227.70 Boad District No. 63 uillur Linn, repairing for graveling .... . Doerfler Alexander, spread ing gravel .". Miller Frank, do Doerfler Martin, patrolman.. Boad District No, 58 West Side Gravel Co, gravel 166.50 Toss Lewis, shoveling gravel 4.50 Loe Carl K, pulling grader.... 42.00 Bsndberg Chas P, do 9.00 Bue Ole, spreading gravel.... 12.00 Brendcn Iver, do - 12.00 Kaufman E B, shoveling gra vel - ' 19-50 Bjoverngcn W N, do 6.00 Bolme George, do .'. 16.50 Widness John, do . 12.00 Halverson Omar, hauling gravel .... . , 20.00 Johnson Oscar, 'do 32.50 Loe Emil O, do 20.00 Jorgcnson H B, do 5.00 Bhelley '" Arthur, shoveling gravel 18.00 Terry Glenn, hauling gravel 27.50 gravel 4.50 fuller Everett, do 3.00 Brandt H A, hauling gravel.. 12.50 tussell Bex, do . 5.00 flobart A F, patrolman 50.00 Boad District No, 57 Bovenport Lloyd, hauling rock and ditching 10.00 Boad District No, 62 Beckner C A, hauling gravel 25.00 Collard W P, do .80 Killer Harriett Claggett, gra vel - 1.20 Boad District No, 63 The Aurora Observer, pub lishing notice for bids 1.00 Oregon Statesman, do . .65 The Woodburn Independent, do - 1.00 Boad District No, 65 Aspinwall Bay, redecking Waconda bridge . . 16.46 Collard W E, gravel. 2.80 Ditmar T A, do :40 Kalem Hardwa f : Co, bridge wori, etc .............. Patterson Pearl, hauling gra vel .'. M C M, do Collins A L, do Boad District No, 66 Patterson Richard, patrol man .... 113.85 108.00 8.00 108.00 109.68 112.50 122.50 94.50 8.00 64.00 38.33 ilbert, . spreading gravel I Savage gravel I Savage Glen, watching gate SaVaire W E. hauhne travel Ba.ou Schlagg .Dave, do 6.00 1 Schlagg John, shoveling and 84.88 105.25 8.00 113.34 14.60 14.30 30.55 12.50 135.33 .75 1.60 2.29 i Boad Roller Account Kisch A P, wood ..:.... - Truck Account Melllwain Lester, drivine truck .... .... Meyer Tom, do . Taylor Earl, do Caterpillar Account Ban O I. sharpen scarif ire teoth etc Drager D G, cash advance for expressage on . parts The Holt Manufacturing Co, caterpillar repairs - Sowa Paul, sharpen teeth.:.. Standard Oil Co, grease and distillate .. Traviss N B, welding brace iron - Welssenfels Bros, grader re pairs and bolts Willamette Equipment cash advance for freight on blade Bartruff Hobt. grading 135.60 dough Frank, operating grader 5.00 Durant L W, running grader 4.00 Ourant L W, grading 21.38 Faulkner G P, repairs on caterpillar. 60.75 Lea William O, driving cat erpillar .. 13.25 Lindeken . Ed, do. ; 18.00 Scharf Fred, grading ............ 1.25 Scharf Fred, do 66.25 Zollner Joe, operating grad er and scarfire 2.50 Aumsvffle Paving Plant Speer & -Co A P, handles and file .. . Gehlen T C, sand delivered to plant .. Holford C W, cash advance for repair plant machin ery ete . Spicer R E, engineer paving plant 118.11 Pound Ora, scraping gravel at paving plant 118.13 Cramer R M, shoveling walk to pavement .... 4,00 Gardner A D, hauling sand to paving plant . . 22.50 Henne Art, work on side walls : . Grace Hugh, hoist man.... 107.80 .Oldenbera- Harold, &night R D, running engine 96.50 1 gravel Lambert E G, making out I Oldenburg claims .... ,. . 6.00 Siegmund Frank,- work cn donkey .. 109.97 Stayton Clifford, crusher- man .. ... . . Taylor Lisa, , making i out truck claims .. Market Boad No. 2 Doty Mell, hauling gravel Smith k Fontaine, handles bolts - Belknap Gilbert, hauling gravel Dent Ralph, do .. .. Doty Mell, do Doty W M, do 6.55 Hampton Bryne, team on fresno , Hampton Joe, holding slips.. Hampton -W H, hauling gra vel ;........ Hampton Louis, fresno work Harris Clarence, team on fresno . Harris Earnest, do .. 102.50 Hartley Charles, hauling gravel .... 30.00 Hill S. B. do 65.00 Hill S. B. do .. 65.00 shoveling - Labonte- f Louis, repairing ,.-, 28.50 Newberg bridge . 3.00 Pillett Stanley, repairing new 32.75. berg bridge 3.00 I Boad Roller Account Ebner J, W, oil and grease....' '.95 'Z. Hartman Charlie, wood del - Louie,, hauling om road -40.00 jt l jierM. nd Son, suction ; 50.00 65.00 11.04 36.66 105.00 90.00 85.00 24.00 90.00 85.00 103.00 hauling gravel Wagner Fred, hauling gravel' Wilder C, shoveling gravel Wilder Francis, watching ; gate .... . Darling O B, foreman I Kama , 31?? Weiewnfols Bros, road 30.00 l-,.,:,. ,. 2.50 C7.00 Market Boad No, Coast Culvert tc Flume pipe culvert .. 28 ' Co, Miscellaneous Bridge Barr G I,' plate irons ete Ebner J W, nails Bilverton Lumber Co, lumber 333.55 13.00 rol- ,55 5.85 8.50 Jorgenson Christ do . 110.00 Lent Ralph, do . 100.00 Miers Chut, do .'. 20.00 do 85.00 dumping 15.00 95.00 103.33 110.00 59.00 3.00 100.00 36.06 9.50 9.50 30.00 6.67 29.75 3.93 231.63 3.50 Mitchell Brothers, Osburn Elmer, slips -- Ramey F A, hauling gravel Ray Henry, do .... Regali Domcnick, do Simpson J C, fresno work and grading .... Simpson Nnbe, holding slips Talbert J S, hauling gravel.. Tharp corgc, do Tomasack John, do 99.00 Tinglested Martin, do 10.00 Sticker Andrew do 105.00 Whiteman John, gravel 55.50 Wilson Clide, hauling era- Miller Henry, plowing vel :. .. 8b. 00 hauling dirt. Harris John, foreman .......... 120.00 Mulkey R C, work on grade Market Boad No, 3 Pettyjohn D, do West Side Gravel Co. travel 405.00 Schiffer Joe, do Albright Herman, shoveling 86.00 45.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 ..-'10.10 3.32 6.25 Gonsalas John, hauling grav el Jensen H P, repairing grader McClellan T Y, lumber........ 22.55 Bpeer A P, nails .75 Walker Leonard, patrolman.. 12.00 Barrows Lester, huuling water 12.50 Karst C P, shoveling dirt 7.50 Jorgensen Ira, sharpening grader blade .. 3.50 King A W, hauling water 15.00 Miekels Tone, shoveling dirt 11.00 Aeitling John, ruinning rol ler .. Downing Elmer JT, patrolman Road District No, 83 Uu E C, culvert Tile 13.65 Boad District No 88 vole A L, hauling gravel... woley and . Sons, repairing bridge .... Doty William, gravel..... Cooley H W, patrolman Road District No. 89 Kobow C A, grading Turner J C, do Wood Pearl, do Twito Iver, grading with team Taylo: 14.65 12.00 136.00 6.00 6.85 4.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Alfred, patrolman 8.00 Road District No, 5 8nider John, hauling lumber 6.21 Pacific Highway North PP E S, grade forman. 26.00 Truck Account Silvers D, work on highway 20.00 Alien E J, oil and gas 7.60 A'cherd Implement Co gas oil 339.90 Associated Oil Co, gasoline- 68.41 B'ger D G, cash advance for gas .... ....... 158".26 "armer Hardware Co Ray L, iron .bolts 6.30 Lambert L S, cash advanc or gas 134.28 Oregon State Highway Com mission, truck repair parts 401.06 . "cKenbush G G repair tire tube ete .. wmisdea Lloyd 'Prockut d Arrow Electric Station. Mix Art, wprk on shoulders on pavement Plummer B I, work on side ; walls - Mt, Angel Paving. Plant Drager, D G, cash advance - . for freight on gravel; 126.73 Dropulich Carl, hauling sand 27.20 Nag John, hauling rock Traviss N B, welding broken spokes etc. .". Weissenfels Bros, repairs for grader Salem Paving Plant Drager D G, cash advance for freight on asphalt 873.50 The Manhattan Rubber Mfg Co, ply condor 57.22 Standard Oil Co, asphalt 2792.05 Bartruff Dnn, fir wood , 45.31 Hoven G A, do ... j .. 81.25 Kron Erwin do .... . 165.63 Baggett Fenemore, shoveling hot stuff 50.38 Barnard Donald, carrying water - 1.25 Bauman A, shoveler at plant 76.08 Beecroft I, nieht watchman 87.50 npjf3al$ ri5a Blancherd Roy, shoveling hot stuff .... ..i 84.38 Birdwell W S, rolling hot stuff 143.34 Brant Leroy, shoveling hot stuff .: "98.38 Brunkel Jacob, work at Salem paving plant Davis W M, raking hot stuff .v.... Dresner .Paul, nightwatch. man Dudley L E, work at paving plant Gilmore Paul, flush coating pavement 66.87 Griggs C R, work at paving plant .... - Grossman Frank, shoveling hot stuff .... . Hoven G A, foreman Hoven Otto, oiler at plant.. Kron Erwin, mixer ... Lickel L H, fireman Mattaon Chas, weigher at plant Farmer Hardware Co Ray L, boxing bushings wheelbar row . ..... Komp John, shoveling dirt.. Oster Joe, do .. s - Schmaltz ft Bone ' N, fence posts and wire - - Bartruff Ed, bridge work Feddern N, do ..... Giro Paul, do - Herndon A 'J, do Lipp E S, do . Murphy Geo, do Ames 8, nails Gilmour M M, repair work 70.69: Nelson Andrew, work with . team on bridge ......... . Rabens Albert, repair werk 70.22 on bridge ... 3.00 ,Ross- V C, concrete work on 1.50 bridge ; Sandberg Chas, repair work 86.68 on bridge . 49.00 Service Garage, gasoline 49.00 Shumacker Harold, concrete 45.00 work ton bridge - 65.00 Thomas Geo, repair work on 25.00 bridge -.. 29.00 Traviss N B, pipe couplings foreman. 99.75 Fischer Phillip, repair work 6.25 60.00 3.75 60.00 2.00 60.00 7.16 40.00 Wolfer Fred, ditching no work ... ......... Ball E R, patrolman.- Boad District No. fres- - . 87.25 100.00 - 64 and Market Boad No. 7 Leitb. James, hauling gravel 114.00 Hoven Oscar, Market Boad No 30 Fangman Henry, hauling ' water .. 7.50 Neitling John, rollerman 6.75 Market Boad No, 31 Coast Culvert ft Flume Co, pipe culvert 165.03 Lulay Bros, lumber . 14.14 Blum' Chester, hauling wat- Blum Jim, work on grade Boje G C, do Boje William, hauling water Seuchateau . Will, rollerman- Kirsch Timothy, "hauling wat- er . 66.00 1 Loose W H, work on grade- 6.50 Lyon Richard, grading 120.00 on bridge Miscellaneous Account Ashby Claude C, foreman tool house 60.00 a net ! 127.08 Vanderbeck Al, do Keene E E, do Habert P M, do ...... Marshall S R, do . Hill F M, do .... ..- Hall B C, do . Ditmar T A, do'- ' Laohapelle Amity, do Foumal I'bariev renaming and spreading ;gravel. Ferachweilcr L G, hauling ) gravel- .-. .- - Wilquet Arthur, do BaUweber Duke, do Rubens Al, spreading gravel with .4 horse Bubens t Joseph, patrolman West Side Gravel Co, gravel and .screenings .... - Pacific Highway North Giro Paul, work-on grade.. Boad District No, 16 Elton AuguBt, gravel' Harding R M, do .i PhUkrick George, do - Bennett Arda driving trac tor . . 126.88 Becker & Son N, coil springs nuts etc ! . 1.10 Bollier Clif, help spraying 87.28 Bowman W H, hauling rock..1178.40 Burns Dan and W E, miseel- aneous repairs for trucks- 388.14 18 00 Cladek and Tate, welding 30.00 castings etc . . 44.30 10 00 Cook J L, foreman - 170.00 Uurver w J, rpadmadtett s salary and expenses 299.30 Culver W J, cash advance . for expressage etc . 5.87 65.00 70.50 Stevens Allis, do .., ... Stevens Ted, hauling gravel Carter Rossel, shoveling gra vel - Johnson Walderman, do - -Plennard A, hauling gravel.. Rouch Frank, do Pickens Vernal, shoveling gravel Cannon J R, hauling gravel Bennett Ike, spreading gra vel Torvend S B, hauling gravel 102.00 93.33 115.00 42.00 66.00 66.00 68.00 80.00 43.00 149.00 14.00 64.80 7.00 ' 24.00 276.00 12.00 13.90 48.00 9.00 9.00 20.00 20.00 12.00 12.00 17.50 17.50 10.50 10.50 Irwin W L, relief for Lelo and Melvin Cook- Fowler John, relief for and daughter .... .......... Klum Nellie B, relief Lueier Mrs Louise, do ..... Lunn Mrs O C, do Miller James, do .... MUIer Mrs Vina N, do .. Mask E A, do Moxley Eliia E, do ; Nagle Fred and EKse, do Newton O D, do Nott Carr C, do Brokke T H, relief for Ole Pederson .... . . Penton T II, relief for Harry Penton ?. . . ..... Beinhart ' Rosalia, - relief . , Sagavold Henry -L, d a .. Schaffits Mn EmmB, do Schwinglep -MTy,i do -. Simmons Anna May,- do . Smith A H, do . 6.00 40.00 40.00 and gravel .. Bauer John, hauling gravel Bennett Charles, spreading gravel ... 10.00 Cutsforth I E, hauling gravel 10.00 Journal Charles, do 22.50 Grossman Lawrence, spread ing gravel ; 39.00 Hecker Frederick, tractor on grader 31.50 Hock Frank, shoveline gra vel 15.00 Jelderks Neus, hauling gra vel .... . 57.50 Einksland Joseph, do :. 5.00 Malloy William, Bhoveling gravel 3.00 Messer John, spreading and covering gravel .... 39.00 Schock Jacob, do i 9.00 Vanderback Gabriel, an vine team 28.50 Cutsforth John H, foreman- 73.50 Market Boad No. 12 Cook Malcolm, checking gra vel ..- 12.00 Booster Howard, scraping.... 24.00 Davis Chas, filling fresnos.. 24.00 Leophold W F, shfovelingt gravel 2.25 McClue I J, grubbing. 21.00 Miller Bros, stumping pow der .. i COO 12.00 62.50 60.00 12.00 5.00 78.00 Daws Willis, operating 27.50 2.02 1.75 24.75 71.50 Watterman L D, shoveling Wilkerson Fern, work on fill Zuber Alvah, foreman Market Boad No, 33 Silverton Lumber Co, lum ber Ames S, pipe nails etc. - Barr G I, plank Brcnden Iver, shoveling dirt Brown Leslie, hauling water Halverson Haivor H, Telin- ing watertank - . 6.00 Haynes Melvin, hauling grad er . 2.50 Bue - Leonard, shoveling dirt . 21.00 Bue Ole, do . .21.75 Shepherd Newton, do . 4.50 Zollner Joe, running road rol lcr .... - 72.50 Brokke Carl O, checking and ' supervising : . - 76.00 ; Market Boad No, 34 Barr G I, road plow holes West Side Gavel Co, gravel Ames S, mattock handle . 2.25 Bock Bros, powder caps . 31.20 road roller Doughton & Marcus, hard ware supplies . - 18.20 Drager D G, cash advance for freight on gravel 671.40 Farmer Hardware Co Ray L, , nails brush etc 19.19 Class ft Prudhomme Co, pa trolman blanks g0 Goulet Glen A, getting tiles AlCSUU.... .. ... Goulet W H, count commis sioner's salary and expen ds Johnson F O, deputy road- ' master's salary and cx I penses . Jorgensen Ira, tires track shoes ete . - Lambert L 8, deputy road- moster s salary and ex penses McDonald M, making dig' ging bar . . , 5.00 Mielka John F, bolts pack ing clamps ete . . 15.66 Missler J H, crusher re pairs .. . 9 00 Mutschler H J, iron bolts 171.00 Pacific ,Tnlnninn and Tele graph Co,' telephone ser Linquist Geo, do Johnson W E, do ..... 40.00 Torsend Samuel, do .....,. 40.00 Hattoberg Martin, hauling gravel 10.00 Schmedecke C F, do . 27.50 Bennett Arda, do Stevens Ellis, do .. Stevens Teed, do Carter Rosel, drinving team.. Waldemar Johnson, shovel ing gravel 16.50 87.92 4.50 116.50 240.10 91;98 278.40 4.75 20.15 9.85 Brunner John, do 25.00 Pacific Telephone and telc- Hari Sam, , picking and ' i Co. telenhona ser- snoveiing .... - s.ou vice .... Easer. Ervin, do .. . 21.00 The Presto Kaser Fred D, do 14.50 jit8 Kaufman Ben, do . 19.50 Kaufman Geo, do 13.50 5.95 Lite Co, presto 18.00 27.50 27.50 16.50 Portland " Railway Light ft Power Co. watt lamps.... 243.94 Miller James, plowing 48.00 Klopfenstein Reuben, do 3.00 Reasoner D B and Ray, crush 29.25 E, chain xide ete Ha"y W, shaft sprock ' "rtth and Watkin's, carbu retor etc . aiamette Garage, gas.-! kby Wm B, truck driver "gr Walter, do J A, do nh A C, do Btch Albin, hauling ,and ad era vol P11 Prank v,nce ii an. pi" James, engineer on team roller C Che, truck driver Chas. do .OiV 72.56 101.67 98.00 36.00 122.31 94.38 133.96 107.97 107.97 97.17 . 1Q7.97 17'6.20 12.00 8.00 59.50 80.00 truck H, do driver- erUooa L A, do . 5.15 3.S0 2.50 7.65 ,25.50 83.38 110.25 1X0.23 112.50 113.34 6.50 114.18 63.75 115.75 18.00 84.50 76.50 Melllwain Wm, foreman pav ing plant Minncr John, watchman Richardson H J, nightwatch man . -. Richardson H J, timekeeper Bowland Elic, shoveling hot stuff .. ade Henrv, raking hot stuff 106.17 Tallman Ray, shoveling rock 9.00 Wager J, raking hot stuff 101.67 Whitney E J, do . .... " 24.75 Scollard Paving Plant Drager D G, cash advance for freight on screenings Buschkowsky, Albert, shovel ing screenings .- Pendleton H V, nightwat i Striber W, foreman Van Cleave L M, foreman and use of car .... Weisharr Andrew, shoveling screenings Btayton Crusher Brown G L, gravel Brown Lucy E, do Brown-PetieK Lumber Co, lumber 90.38 4.88 38.50 9.57 32.50 4.88 Farmer Hardware Co Ray L, teel j. Holfieh Trwk Line, crasher parts ete Murphy A Lj slab wood Btayton Tel Co, telephone- services . . Brown G L, Hading rock and checking 5 86.00 86.00 2.98 . 5.00 3.50 135.00 2.60 89.00 Pendleton H Y, holding plow Rigdon C W, hauling gravel Bowe I M, shoveling gravel Settlemeier J B, holding plow . Wampole Clarence, scraping team work etc 32.25 Wolfe. Bernarr1 scraping 30.00 wolie r'hillip, do 33.00 Scollard Wm, patrolman 43.00 Market Road No, 15 Nelson A K, graveling ..... 5.00 Van Cleave Joseph A, spread ing gravel Market Boad No 16 Bielemeler George, hauling barrel hooks Griesenauer Edward, hauling dirt West Side Gravel Co, cement Market Boad No, 18 Schmaltz ft Sons N, lumber and brushes . Market Boad No, 22 Drager D G, cash advance for freight on steel bars- McCracken Ripley Materials Co, reinforcement steel bars etc . 130.20 Hortz Manly, work on bridge 12.00 Zinn Ernest, do Ackerman S G, loading scrap ers -. 7.50 Battelion M, team on wheel er 50.00 Bedient G W, loading scrap ers - 12.00 Brinkley W T, team on wheel er . .. 50.00 Brubaker O L, do 30.00 Clark J D, spreading gravel 52.00 Creech W L, loading scrap pers 16.50 Kuncitcr Frank, do 3.00 Kunciter Wm, work on grede 30.00 Lawritson Alford, holding plow . 30.00 Roth G, team on wheeler 25.00 Utter M H, team on wheeler 25.00 Boad District No. 24 Ector George, shoveling Lot L Pierce & Son, single tree - Harnett Kenneth, shoveling gravel . Barnett W, do Beckner Charlie, Brown H C, Claggett Archie, gTavel -. 17.25 McKinley 15.00 2.25 Fred, shoveling 6.00 510 10.00 11.31 20.80 7.21 8.00 ed rock .. . . 1532.80 gravel 6.00 Rigdon Bros, hauling gravel..l640.24 Bue Leroy, holding scrap- ujggg y? A grading 70.00 ers 9.00 gaorB Lyie elashing 27.00 Veatch A L, picks . sharpened .73 gcott iiarry W. charge bat- Zahler John, picking rocks.. 1.50 tories ammeter and labor Kaufman J S, demurrage on Service Garace. tras SDrincs (gravel .... 12.00 and bolts Kaufman J S, fresno work Smith B R. salarv countv and spreading gravel 60.00 motorcycle officer Miscellaneous Market Roads Smith & Watkins, gas oil. Ames S, spikes 12.92 Bpaniok Jacob, gas engine Ebner J W, nails and belt " I andp pump jack 25.46 lacing 17.87 Spaulding Logging Co lumber 436.11 12.10 18.71 124.70 5.94 19.90 10.00 self ...... 13.00 23.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 15,00 20,00 20.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 1O.00 12.00 1O.00 15.00 , 25.00 22.30 10.00 32.50 2H.00 8.00 12.00 15..00 10.00 20.00 23.55 78.00 79.00 17.00 54.75 The Frederick Post Co, level rod with target. . Lucier Jim Checking rock shoveling dirts etc 32.13 Domogalla F.A, foreman. 124.00 Ilerron J H, work on bridges 68.00 Hull A O, do .. .. Tschida John, grade work.... Wycoff F 8, wor on bridges i"oung Matt, do - . Colvin Bobcrt, work on fill cutting brush etc Glover G E, hauling nock wood etc Hewett John, ' working on shoulders on pavement .... Kearns Max, work on grade Kelly Arthur, putting sand on pavement Lyon M G, putting shoulders on pavement 63.25 Myers A G, hauling rock .. 50.25 Odentahl Joe, do 15.00 Pound Ora, shoveling side walks on pavement 61.75 Simpson Frank, work on fill E7.73 Wagoner Dick, foremon Ejigclliprt Anton, shoveling Frison Mike, do surance Commission, contri bution account accident in surance - 4.05 St. Paul Sand and Gravel Co, gravel 1080.00 95.50 Swart H S, deputy roadmas- 68.00 48.75 72.00 5.00 73.13 Griesenauer Anton, do Ludany Nick d 0 .. team work shoveling gra- hauling Lux Joe, working on bridge- Meyers Tom, driving truck Bentz Anton, shoveling dirt work on bridges Stahl John, shoveling dirt work on bridges ... . Wolleck George, do 1.25 Griesenauer John, foreman.... Junction Polk County Buena Vista Garage, oil and gas Porter A R, labor on Buena Vista ferry" 1. 10.50 19.50 28.50 35.00 60.00 63.00 47.00 69.00 60.00 82.50 69.00 68.00 63.00 125.30 14.65 Claggett Tom, do Darling W D, do Ecter George, shoveling vet 4.50 10.00 30.00 Hall Morse, hauling gravel Keefer Harry, do Mates Herb, do ".. MeCIay W, shoveling gravel Miller Harriett Claggett, gra vel Junction Clackamas Silverton Lumber Co, lumber and shingles . Junction Yamhill 10.00 Spaulding Logging Co Chas K, lnmber - Yamhill Electric Co, bridge light Faber Ed, repairing new- 13.50 30.00 40.00 40.00 9.00 berg bridge Henry Ben, clearing under Newberg bridge 67.45 Kinyoa John J, do 85.00 44.60 79.43 4.13 12.00 39.00 22.30 8.80 33.12 5.00 13.50 ter s salary and expenses. Tweedio & Case L R and L M, hauling crushed rock 3579.96 Willamette Equipment Co, graders: etc for caterpil lars 483.05 Jensen H P, bolts and nuts.. 29.07 Keithley A F, cash advance for hose clamps 8.25 Lilly Hardware Co, . rope McClcllan T Y, lumber McLaughlin J S, cash ad vance account trip to Port land account dykes - Weiscnbcrger J F, cash ad vance account for trips to Portland account Santiam work ...- Market Boad 8 and Boad District 2 Ehlen G A, powder 8.60 Kaufman J' D, dirt for fill 15.00 Scholl H F, plow points 1.45 Scholl J 'ft Sons, clevises nails et 3.48 Bevens C F, grading 66".00 Bevens Ray, ditching . 1.50 Bevens Boy, .digging ditches 72.00 Barrett Frank, fresno Work- 20.00 Brown W F, grading 84.00 Engle Otis, hauling (ravel 339.75 Fisher L E, do - - 451.46 Hunt P 3, graveling and general repair work 626.62 Johnson... Albert, checking gravel ... 39.37 Kester Milt, fresno work 27.50 Kreofsky Rudy, holding fret no and ditching 14.25 Pelton Henry, ditching 6.00 Malone Mel, do 27.00 Ott Isaac, ditching 62.50 Moomah Claud, fresno work 10.00 Painter R C, holding fresno.. 20.62 Spaglo Lowe!, plowing 25.00 Trout C D, ditching and plowing 34.22 Troudt William, digging ditch slip work 69.00 Williams A L, hauling crush ed rock - 606.25 Plenard A, hauling gravel 27.50 Ranch Frank, do 27.50 Cannon J R, driving team 16.50 Pickens Vernal, shoveling gravel 16.50 Bennett Isaac, spreading gra vel ; 15-00 BolieChr iss, hauling gravel- 25.00 Wemnger John, spreading gravel 2o.50 Dickens Craruse, shoveling 12.00 Dickens Vivian, do 12.00 Torvend Henry, spreading gravel L 3.00 Watkins B L, patrolmen 82.00 ruck Account Service Garage, repairing transmission .. ... 4.05 Standard Oil Co, gas grease 572.48 Oregon Gravel Co, gravel 3211.39 Salem, 8aid ft Gravel- KJo, do - 1201.85 Union Oil Company of Cal ifornia gasoline and grease 644.35 Miscellaneous Accounts West Side Gravel Co, gravel-1249.67 Hunt J T. county commis- 14.35 sioner's salary and expen ses 9.83 I GENERAL FUND Miscellaneous Accounts Boyer U G, county lerk, cash advance for bounty. on. gophers 100.00 Fowlor John, relief 15.00 Humphrey, Lulu, do 20.00 Barnes Letta M, do 10.00 ,Branam Emma K, do 21.00 Caswell Mary, do . 1U.0U Coppock Lulu, do 10.00 Freed Emma Lena, do 12.00 Holley Flora L, do 9.35 Kliewer Minnie Myrtle) do..-' 17.50 McGrath Etta, do 10.00 Savage Mrs Effie May, do.... 25.00 Sawyer Rose Mary, do 30.00 Soegar Mary, do 12.50 Shields Bcrnice May, do 10.00 Slavens Blanch Elizabeth, do 17.50 Seguin Wallace, bounty on gophers . 1.75 Branson Ernest, do 1.80 Robs H W, relief for W F Fultz 25.00 Moomaw John C, juror 26.80 Poisal Alice, do 16.80 Bump Thomas, do 18.00 Hardy W B, do 18.40 Burns Adam, do . 18.40 McDonald J J, do 18.40 Fuson Boy M, do - 22.80 Schott Engle, do '. - 6.20 Boyer V G, cash advance for bounty on gophers 100.00 Heinz Charles, juror 22.00 Ernst Simon Jr, bounty on gophers . . 8.43 Culvert Stella C, bailiff 24.00 Boyer U G, cash advanced for bounty on gophers. 100.00 Witzel Dolph, bounty on gophers f 2.50 Byrd Dr W 11, examinations 23.00 Griffith Dr L F, do 10.00 Stark Olga,,ido . Strath Mr Minnie, do u ..... Stripling Hulda, do Treiber . Anton do t ...... Walkoski. Barbara, do Wanlesv Gilmer, do .v.. Williams .Alice Bertha, do- Salaries Bheiiiff'S Office Burkhart S O, deputy sher iff ... 124.70 Barber W T. do 124.70 Bohrer Geo J, do 100.0 Wrightman F T, tax deputy 1145.00 Butler S J, do - 100.00 Clerk's Office Arms A M, deputy county clerk .... 110.00 Ivio M P.. do 100.00 Wallace Ruth E, do 100100 Hartman Gertrude, do 90.00 Hunt Helen, reg clerg 64.63 Recorder's Office , Mclntyre Ora F, deputy re corder 100.00 Englobart Alma, do 80.00 Beecroft Myrtle, do 80.00 Mclntyre Gladys, clerk ... 35.00 Brooks S, do ... 62.83 Treasurer's Office Richardson W.Y, deputy 100.00 Assessor's Office Lee A A, deputy 115.00 Shelton R, do 110.00 Gage Rea, clerk 90.00 Driscoll Letha, do 80.00 Babcock Amelia, do............ 30.00 Caldwell Willis, deputy 25.00 Distrait Attorney's Office Brown Thos, deputy-.. 75.00 Page Lyie J, do . 25.00 McCammon E C stenographer 50.00 Court House 1 Morgan Cal, janitor .......... 65.00 Hobson L, do 65.00 Hill W W, do . 63.00 School Superintendent's Office 100.00 120.00 65.00 75.00 83.60 50.00 150.00 Reld Cora E, clerk . Baillie W H, supv. Byrd W H, county physician Jackson Hattie M, special poor officer .. Morehouse W G, stock in spector ...... Health Officer Cashatt C E, health officer- Sealer of Weights) and Measures Jones J" F, sealer of weights ' and measures 46.57 County Court and Commissioners Bushey W M, ,cash advance for traveing expenses Goulet . W H, county com . mimioner salary and ex penses .... . Hunt J T, do Biggs Mrs E H, relief. Ogle- John, bounty on go phers Boyer TJ G, cash advance for bounty on gophers 100.00 Circuit Court Account Beebe George H, juror fi.CO Small W J, do 52.00 Registration and Election Conger Printing Co, regis tration cards 31.00 Grabcr Bros, repair ballot box 50 Oliver J, labor on ballot boxes 4.20 Smith and Bros Co L C, typo writer 94.00 Sheriff's Office Barber W T, cash advance for car hire 30.70 Bower O D, cash advance for car hire 47.00 Bower O D, eash advance for P O box rent and en velopes . . - Pae Tel Tel Co, telephone services ........ Portland Ry Light ft Power Co, light - Richardson- W, tax clerk RodgerS ; Paper Co, type writing paper Rowland Printing Co,- letter heads - . The Silverton Appeal, print- "'" ing tax notices - Simeral Elsie, tax clerk State Industrial Accident In surance Commission, con tribution account accident insurance county motor cycle officer .... . - State Industrial Accident Insuance Commission, con tribution account accident insurance deputy shefiff- Zinn'Z J, citatian Western Union Tel Co, lele- graph service Clerk's Office Bertelson Printing Co, . printing record book.- Noiseless Typewriter Distri buting Co, carbon 2.95 The Pae Tel ft Tel Co, toll services- - Fatton Bros, ink Rodgers Paper Co, binding warrant receipt books........ Recorder's Office Brooks Mildred R, cash ed vance for stamps , ..... Glass ft Frudhontme Co, in dexes The Hubbard Enterprise, printing two bonus record books -. The Pae Tel ft Tel Co, tele phone services 6.25 Treasurer's Office The rao Tel ft Tel Co, tele phone services 6.23 Rodgers Paper Co, receipt books and adding machine paper ..- .... Surveyor's Office Frankel Carbon and Ribbon Mfg Co, typewriter rib bons - The Frederick Post Co, eel luloid 1.26 Horrick B B, cash advance for stamps , l.UU Assessor's ufflce The Pae Tel ft Tel Co, tele phone services . - ......... 7.43 Pat ton Bros, blotters. ...a. ... 1.50 Rodgers Paper Co,- paper 16.00 Sims. Paul. M, cleaning and repairing typewriter 6.00 Steelhammer O A, cash ad vance for stamps 2.00 District Attorney's Office Commercial Printing Co, le Garfield Edna, reporting ser gal blanks vices .. .. ..... . . - The Pac Tel ft Tel Co, tele phone services ....... Page Lyie J, cash advance account traveling expen ses .... The Western Union Tele graph Co, telegraph ser' vice . - 24.48 14.23 16.34 18.75 3.60 16.00 5.75 22.50 4.05 4.05 3.00 3.56' 6.50 8.15 4.23 C.25 2.00 143.35 37.00 36.25 13.00' 1.0P 43.40 88.60 10.00 10.00 Smith Dr W Carlton, do 5.00 Loonev Dr W W, do 5.00 Cashatt Dr C E, do . 5.00 Poor Account Baker W A, relief 20.00 Barnett Elizabeth, do 10.00 Barrier Mr, and Mrs, do 30.00 Bilieu Martha, do - 10.00 Blixseth Nellie, do 10.00 Boys and Girls Aid Society, do Za.00 Bringar Elizabeth, do 20.00 Buffun W B, do 10.00 Carlson C Carl, do 10.00 Casteline Wm, do . 10.00 Chalifaux Mrs, do 10.00 Coldwell Mrs Mabel, do - 10.00 Dodge Ulyssa Ellen, do -. Engelhart Mrs Anna, do .... Fetsch Emily, do Koster Mrs, do Gobln Lizette, do Facial Blemishes BIlor, MiMr, nashmad it blotched caBplntom ar a ally imt to coaaUpatlwu When yea an eonatlptc4, no moaih al Natnn'a lobrlttln llnaU is practacee) In tha howal ta kap tlia load warta aof and marla-. Doetara praaeriba Nulal twraaaa it acta lika thla ataral labrkant and thaa ra lacea It. Najol la lubri cant Bat a aadklaa ar lax atira aa caa aot sripa. Tiy It taday. 5.50 5.00 3.65 10.50 (To Be Continued.) Cuticura Heals Rasbes Bathe with plenty of Cuticura Soap and hot water to cleanse and purify. Dry lightly and apply Cuticura Oint ment to soothe and heal. liapliluirHitfXUl Atdra:"Oaaflab raWrUi, Kalau IMia." Sold nmrf. whr. Hop OiatflMntttandWa. Tiicuen It. UMFCuticura Soap akavaa wfehaataaac. L '.-'wi. r lUl)1(0)i ay(eMaaaj a&iaanafcanatf I A UJBRICANT-MOT A LAXATIVE ) J Groshong Mrs J N, do Haggard Delia, do Hard wick Charles, do Hart Grace A, do - Haynes Mrs Caroline, do i.ller Mrs Minnie, relief for Geo Hodgmaa Old Peoples Home, relief for Julia D. Hurtei .. 10.00 10.00 20.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 40.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 Why Suffer? Your Magnetic Healer re lieves pain and will teach youl Kliow to keep well. Adjustments ! Manipulations and Dletics. Alls' for 11.00. Successor of the late Drl Samuel Rogers, M. H. Dr. A. L Frantz, M. H., Over People's Cash Store.! Phone 780 Capital Junk Co. WANTS All kinds of junk and second-hand goods. We pay full value. 21 S Center Street Phone 3S8 STEINB0CK JUNK CO. Is always In the market for all kinds of Junk, Rags, Rub ber, Sacks, Paper Magazines, etc. We also buy and sell used Furniture. Top cash prices paid.. Phone 523. 402 N. CV