I ' PAGE TWO COMMISSIONERS COURT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, MONDAY, -NOVEMBER 6. W22 The following is the official publication of the record of claims before the Marion county commissioners court "'-- for the Oct. term 1922 with the amount allowed, bills con tinued, etc., according to the records in the office of the county clerk. EOACS AND HIGHWAYS . October Term . Road District No, '.i 1 , Ehlen 0 A, nailg handles 7.98 Atwood B W, repairing fros- non, etc . 9.30 Win BrO's, hauling gravel.... 114.75 Colo N E, plank used ou road 7.00 Fisher L E, hauling gravel.. 70.87 Hunt P J, gravel 190.12 Lnaven k Howard, hauling gravel , . 18.00 frmyder E J, repairing bridge 4.50 Wonder Henxy, tpreaduig gravel .. 12.00 Zimmermen A J, grading, . 5.00 Snyder A C, patrolman 87.00 Road District No, 2 1'oWoii Henry, ditching 10.50 Trout O D, do . 10.50 Wolfor Fred, do 7.50 Bo ad District No, 3 Drngor D G, cash advance for freight on gravel...... 315.90 Asliton Ralph, hauling frra- toI .. .. 29.98 liclieu B E, do 49.37 ( one O A,. do 34.37 Holding Omer, do .......... 2H.50 Hagoa Clarence, do. 44.15 Hunt, Henry, do ... 22.50 Hunt Thomas, do 49.111 Mays Carver and Oroff, shovels .'. . 3.00 Miller John, hauling gravel.. 2.50 Morris W L, shoveling gra vel ,. 22.50 . Nelson J J, do : 30.00 Smith Ira, do ...... 46.56 Stratton John, do . 7.50 Whitney A C, do 49.37 Miller J . H, patrolman 67.54 Road District No, 5 Oregon Gravel Co, pipe and ' cement . 67.00 Bernard C B, hauling tile 15.00 Buyserie Joseph, hauliug gra : rel 40.00 Davidson Chester, hauling lunilior .... , 11.50 Gooehing James, tile work.... 7.50 JUanngra Freeman, do .. . 7.50 Managre Bay, hauling gravel 39.50 Davidson W L, palrolinan.... 20.00 Road District No. 6 Ditmars T A hauling gravel 30.00 Parson A N, do 37.50 1'aliey J W, patrolman...... 4.00 Road District No, 7 Heck or Frederick, grading 12.00 Hoover Charles, hauling gra - ol 60.00 Kuschuiek John Sr, do 20.60 Vanderbeck Gabriel, hauling gravel 7.50 Cutsforth John H, patrol man . 11.00 ' " Road District No. 8 Drnger D CI, cash advance for freight ou gravol 185.40 fclauk & llollwcg, shovels.... 3.00 Aicher Frank, hauling gra- ' vol 32.50 Bauiuau Slavs, do .,.' 30.00 Braek John, do - 81.25 Millar Bora, grading..., 25.00 Miller Ben, do 2.00 Kader John Hauling gravel.. 28.75 Eailor Henry, do 27.50 Htravons John, do 30.00 Hall Henry, spreading gra vel 19.50 Thais John, shoveling gravel ' from car . 19.00 Ktribor W, hauling gravel.... 17.50 Brock Henry, spreading gra- WUlig Geo Jr., working on . grade .... . S6.74 Zuch Emil, do ....... 30.0C- Zollner Jos, running steam roller . 10.00 Annea Wm B, patrolman...... 76.00 Road District No, 12 Brougher A h, nails grease.... 7.40 Hettiver Frank, culverts and pump part ' 1.60 Hog W T, board for truck " drivers 9.00 Myers G- W, gas m ... 3.08 ravigs N B, welding pump.. 1.65 Telfer Kay, driving team 28.50 Shepherd Carl, wheeling rock .... ...:........r........:. 40.50 Shepherd Floyd, getting out rock engineer on roller.... 53.50 Plas Gerhard, getting out rock 18.00 Plas Vernon, do . 18.00 Biersack Jake, feeding crush er 34.50 Semolke -Anton, loading truck 36.00 Waible Matt, getting out rock . 18.00 Dunagan fcihirloy, engineer 1 on crusher 32.00 Shepherd Louis, getting out rock , 3.00 LWllman Hnry, wheeling rock 86.00 Semolke John, spreaking rock 24.00 Butsch Albin, hauling rock with truck .... . 8.00 Smith Fred, use of engine for crusher .. 48.00 Salzman Frank, wheeling rock 18,00 Hoffenbredti Joe, driving team .. 24.00 Gidley Jim, driving team... . 18.00 Hogg W T, patrolman 99.00 Road District No, 13 West Side Gravel Co, gra vel .... 33.30 Bohrends B H, hauling gra vel 11.25 growth wood 7.00 West Side Gravel Co, gravel 1.80 Zosel Harold, grading 3.95 Westenhouse W W, patrol man .. 4.00 Road District No, 31 Doerfler Orvill. ahnvnlinir gravel 3.00 McClellao T T. lumhr . . - H7.25 Russell, H E, hauling gravel 45.00 Kussell U Li, cutting brush...! 1.50 Russell S H, patrolman 57.00 Road District No, 33 Lilly Hardware Co, nails - .50 Siegmund Henry. A, wood.... 7.50 Sieemuud Henrv. kaolin cr water 18.75 Etzcl Frank, hauling water 15.00 Xeitling John, running roller 15.75 Lainbrecht Jake shoveling 7.50 Basil Frank, do '. ; 10.50 Inibler J W, digging rock.-. 6.00 Burdiek S J do 3.00 Burdick Ed. do . ' 3.00 Diion I, cutting brush..... 3.00 raze j m, patrolman. 14.00 Road District No. 33 Taylor Geo V, shoveling gravel Carter C C, do .1 ." Taylor Elmer, houling gravel Taylor Lowol, do Taylor Ed, shoveling gra vel Beeler Frank, do Beringer Wm, patrolman . Road District No. 34 Hause E, shoveling gravel Lomker Frunk, hauling gra vel 22.00 31.50 25.00 30.00 15.00 6.00 36.00 46.50 Welty C, patrolman 'r 67.00 Road District No, 43u i T - Broughor A L, nails ." a i .1.25 Shephard Landwing, lumbe).jiC.18 Ilia t man Pet, scraping it. 30.00 Syron E G, do ir .30.00 Van Arman G, holding plowc 16.50 Van Arman George, grub- n bing .... 16.50 Dunagan , Loran,, plowing 25.00 Lawrence Asel, ' holding f ) -'J scraper A 1 . . 16.50 Phillips Theo, dumping .. 2.75 Van Arman Jack, hauling' rock 5.00 Kilbron Waron, plowing .... 5.00 Smith F H, patrolman 27.00 Road District No, 44 West Side Gravel Co, gravel " and screenings 194.13 Heckinger I A, patrolman.... 8.00 Road District No, 45 Schmer George, hauling gra vel 5"0 Dake M, hauling gravel - 10.00 Thomas John, do 10.00 Peoples Bert, do . 10.00 Bokis Martin, do 10.00 Willson W H, shoveling gra vel 6.00 Bushey William, do 6.00 Russell Kenneth, do 6.00 Cummins Charles, do 6.00 Wright W F, patrolman 8.00 Road District No, 46 Spaulding Logging Co, lum ber . . Duhl Anto, do 2.50 Fuller Everett, shovelincr gravel Eussell Bex I, hauling gravel Shelley A L, shoveling gra vel .. Silverton Lumber Co. lum ber 3.00 7.50 3.00 8.04 5.00 Terry Bert, hauling crave!., Womack Fred, patrolman 23.00 Road District No, 14 Coast Culvert and Flume Co, Pipe ; 115.44 Coborly E D, spreading rock 36.00 Elliott Hubert, do 18.00 Buell Arthur, do .. 3S.00 Manary M, do 26.25 Bauisby M D, pumpine water 8.75 City of Silverton, use of rol- J" 175.00 Knauf Elmer, hauling rock. 40.00 Knauf J, wood 23.00 Cornutt J, running roller 06.25 Maulding J. hauling water.. 52.50 Harris J II, wood 35.00 Oedor A, patrolman 68.00 Road District No, 15 Klopfeustein Reuben D, hold ing slip scraper . 6.00 Silverton Lumber Co, lum ber .. .. 4,99 Kaufman J S, patrolman 80.00 Road District No, 16 Saliim Sand and Gravel Co, travel 315.00 Kobow C A, grading 10.00 Turner J C, grading 8.75 wood Pearl, do 7,50 Salem Sand and Gravel Co, gravel 45,00 Road District No 17 Kobow C A, grading 7.50 nrnor J C. do 3,75 barrel Goo, frosno work 10.00 Hoover C A, grading .. 33.50 Mensor Sam, slashing brush 9.00 Naftzger E C, loading fresno 4.50 Gouley Romeo, patrolman 327.00 Road District No 19 Hall Aliorse, hauluig gravel.. 5.00 Savage W E, do 5.00 Darling W D, patrolman 2.50 Road District No, 20 Vi 87.50 52.50 54.00 17.00 m r r rt Y7 1 i IV I I f I Li' 11 I I I K W . I I I V - jMcAlister S E, shoveling itoaa John, hauling gravel Roda Selas. do Sischo Frank, shoveling 43.50 Sischo Bay, driving team 55.50 Balsiger and Shelton, pow der fuse and cans 1ft OS Straw Fred, hauling gravel- 95.00 Stevens W R, shoveling 36.00 Sischo Ed, patrolman 110.00 Road District No 37 Coleman William, plowing and scraping 3,00 noyser Milton r, dragging road with erader Sloper Bros & Cockle, axe handle and grub hoe han dle .... .V.... Iloyscr Geo M, patrolman.... Road District No, 40 .Hammond Lumber Co, spikes lumber etc 131.88 Eichards Edwin, laying ' plank ". 3.00 Martin Clarence, do 8.00 Duffey Albert, do 3.00 Kanoff H G, do 3.00 Seitzinger Albert, working on gravel road 12.00 Carter C C, driving team 12.00 Taylor G V, hauling gravel.. 5.00 Short B T, patrolman 44.00 Road District No, 41 "'u u, gravel.... oi.uoj Welty fialcigh, driving team ' 3.00 Baetz Chaa, do 1.50 1 West Side Gravel Co, gravol Road District No. 48 Looney . D H, hauling lum- Welch James, slip scraper Welch Walter, digging ditch Hahn EW, patrolman Road District No. 49 Drouelich Carl, gravel.. Dryden D M, hauling and spreading gravel Ernston J D, repairing bridge .... 2.33 36.80 1.00 . 4.00 8.00 8.00 : I .' 83.60 ; 28.00 ; ., 5.00 (To Be Continued.) 5.00 1.20 83.00 tfi Sd, d V cigarettes O A, They are GOOD! vel 6.75 8aage Eliot, watching iBna John, shoveling gra- I bridge . 1,50 Road District No, 23 Noitling John, moving 'and running roller .... . , 33.75 Ganow J A, haulinir water 12.50 20.25 1.50 4.50 .7S 5.0U 1.45 42.50 12.00 15.00 1.40 2.50 0.00 .75 Lane John, shoveling gra vel .. 1.60 Williams Enoch; do 1.00 Duraut L W, ttrolmn 28.00 Market Road No, 14 Dragur 1) G, cash advance 1 account freight ou graveL, Road District No, 8 Bocker Jus U, buring bridge 1 lumber Einmett E G, plow beam Jlaaa A, cleaning ditulu Kiunis F J. grading with , team ... . MeCurmack, M J, grease . Mails Miller Jas, grading and plowing Pendleton H V, holding scrap er fiettletneter J B, holding plow Howa Paul grinding aheari Stuttlo Henry, plowing ami horso uud team Wsmiole Clurena, scrap- P'"tf . Whitman C F, water bucket Siollard Win, patrolman . 32.00 Road District No, 9 Propulich Curl, crushed rock 193.20 Fisher J S, lumber 35.45 Hansoa Chres, bridge work. 13.00 Human N C, sharpen rutor . and welding 1.10 Boufiold Ernost, bridge k 10.50 noufeld Henry, building ' bridges Wolfe Win, grading Van Cleave Joseph A, patrol , man Road District No, 10 Drager D G, rash advance for freight oa gravel.,-. 140.47 A sues U U, grading ............ Bowniaa W 11, hauling rock Butsrh Cletus, grading . Butsch Fr, loading wheelers f.'fcbhoff Wm, grading . Enge'hart Mik, da . Grimm A I via, do ... Grimm Wm, do Kassiog F W, do . Kloft r, d Kloft Wm, d - 10.50 2.50 T4.00 32.50 40.80 10.00 16.50 34.30 42.87 B8.50 65.J7 10.00 73.S7 8.00 Lang Fred, hauling water 87J50 Aael W W, do Pholpe H A, shoveling dirt- J-reill Al, do 85.00 12.00 7.50 8.00 1.50 Moore (J A, do - Oieslak hs, digging water.. JNeal Wallace, work on cul verts . ..... Harris O P, hnnllnar rock.-. Noal E G, patrolman 57.00 Road District No 24 Ijiw E O, tile 3.00 10.00 14.95 Smith Lva, hauling tile and moving tools 7 00 Faustinas Henry, team work 22.50 WagaerP hilip, putting in culvert .... 12.OO Zuber John, do ...... 12.00 Denny E C, do 6.00 Biisil Ben, do - 3,00 Van Handel J B, patrolman- 8.00 Road District No 25 fit yof Aumsville, bridge re- Pairs - 25.55 Shnfer Hurvey, holding scrap ers ... .- 8.00 Sliafer John, ditching 6.00 Witzel K H, repairing bridge 5.00 Road District No 28 Salem Fuel Tardasecond WANTED MAN WITH MONEY TO INVEST How often you see advertisements of good posi tions open to men with money to Invest. The man with a little capital can often step Into a paying position In a growing form, without spending years working up from the bottom. "How can I get money to invest?'' asks the young man. By starting to save now. By joining the Savings Insurance Plan and de positing a definite sum each month with a definite goal In mind. Ask about It today. The Travelers Insurance Company through Its local agent, August Huckestein is cooperating with. us in offering this plan to you. t.' The Capital National Bank "A Friendly Bank" The Travelers Insurance Company through its local agent, Aug. Huckestein, is cooperating with offering this plan to you. artrrmtrmnw $300 ESTEY PIANO $275 Closing out -fine Estey Pianos in like new condition, 1275. down $1.60 a week. GEO. C. WILL 432 State St Buwner Ray, erushiag rock- 54.40 fcainitt loa, working ea grad " and graveliiig . 22.60 Seifort Steve, grading 8.00 $125 New Phonograph $62 Closing out on nationally ad vertised line Phonographs at half price. $1 down, (la week. GEO. C. WELL 432 Stabs St" $400 PIANO $89 We have fine practice pianos for only $89, on terms of 5 down, $1 a week. Big Sale Now Oa GEO. C. WILL 432 State St Free Demonstration Ango Fleece Yarns Come see'the new models and re ceive free lessons. Hours 9:30 a- m., 5 p. m. Miss Jennie Crome ,; Representative of the New England . . Yarn Co. Salem Store 466 State Street Portland Silk Shop 383 Alder Street. For B aby's Comfort Sweaters, Leggings, Caps, Coats, Capes, Underwear, Stockings, Bootees, Blan ets, Shoes, Mittens, Dresses Dainty Warm Comfortable Wearables Your Purchases are Safeguarded, because we guarantee the quality of the Merchan dise you buy here Infants Wool Bootees Crocheted from all wool worsted yarns, in an elastic stitch, some have the draw strings artd trimmed with silk crochet. Priced 45c, 59c, 75c, $1.25 Pretty Crocheted Sacques Crocheted of soft, fluf fy wool yarn, some in shell stitch, others in Afghan stitch. Every one of superior work manship; dainty pink, blue or white- $1.50, $1.69, $2.25, $2.75 Stylish Headwear Lnfants Shoes Heavyweight Wool Drawer Leggings They are knit In elastic stitch from select quality soft, all wool yarn. Full fash ioned. Draw Btrlng at waist. Priced $1.49 Sweater Sets These seta comprise leggings, . Jacket and cap to match. Crochet of soft wool yarn. Colors are red, tan, brown, navy and white $4.98 to $7.50 Carriage Robes of all kinds Special Good Values Babies' crocheted Afghans in dainty shades of blue or pink, with white com bination of soft, fluffy wool yarn. Pretty stitches. Priced $1.49, $1.98 and $6.50 ' Wool Blankets ....$1.25, $1.75, $1.98, $2.50 Silk Robes $2.50, $4.75, $7.50, $7.95 Indian Robes $2.75, $3.75, $3.95 Crocheted wool, also silk in charming styles, good quality and of the right weight for cold weather. 75c, $1.25, $1.35 . $1.50, $1.98, $2.25, $3.25 Infants Stork Pants Diaper covers made or waterproof stork sheeting. Elastic shir ring at waist and leg openings. We also have the silk rubberized. 59c, 75c, $1 Pretty little, soft kid shoes, in white, some with qink or blue stitch, ing. Priced a pair Infants Capes, and Coats $1 and $1.25 Infants Capes, Coats The popular and practical styles mads of wool cash ' mere, serge and crepe de chine. Some are beautifully embroidered good valuei for the money. $3.50, $4.75, $5.00r Up to $15.00 A Good Assortment of Infants Dresses Silk Carriage Robe Sets, Rat tles, Bath Toys, Baby Books. Finest Quality Gloves Designed for Style and Service- You will be very well satisfied with your purchase. Women's French Kid Gloves Made of selected imported lambskin, well made and dur- able, giving the utmost satis faction, two classes, pair $2-50, $2.95, $3.50 The Gauntlet Styles $4.50, $4.95, $5.50 Pair Imported Cape Gloves Very fine quality capeskin Gloves, very well made, and satisfactory and are attrac tive. Wrist clasp, pair $2.75, $2.98 Long wrist with strap, pair $2.45, $4.50 16 Button French Suede Gloves Imported from France. Very good look ing. In mole shade. Priced a pair $6.75 Short Charmoisette Gloves $1.00 and $1.25 -. These are In the 2-clasp style and have pretty em broidered backs. Colors are oak and grey. They're washable. We Have Such a Big Variety That we cannot list them all here in this ad SPECIAL NOTICE We are giving you plain facts, just as things exist- We just received a letter from one of the large glove factories stating that under the new tariff all gloves will advance from 35 per cent to 75 per cent; now you just stop and consider what that means still higher prices which will probably ' force us to discontinue handling gloves altogether as very few will care to pay such exorbitant prices. We may carry domestic gloves made in this country, and the prices of these likewise will be high. WE HAVE REALLY NOT RAISED THE PRICE SO FAR ON ANY WE HAVE IN STOCK NOW; and it is to your interest to lay in a supply as soon as you can while assortment of sizes are complete; gloves that now sell for $2.00 will he $3.50; the $3.00 gloves will be $5.25; the $4.00 gloves will oe ;k.uu and $5.00 gloves will be $8.75 in the spring. . Buy Your Christmas Gif t Gloves This Week if You Possibly Can Imported Suede Mocha Gloves Women's excellent quality suede gloves in grey or tan. Will give the best of service. Gauntlet style, pair $4.95, $5.50 Gauntlet Chamoisette Gloves Style and value are represented in this fine quality glove. They're washable. Colors are brown, beaver and oak. A pair $1, $1.35, $1.50 16 Button Kid Gloves If you desire long gloves we can now fit you. They are splendid quality and will give satisfactory service. White, brown, black $5.50, $5.95 Wool Gloves The new extra long cuff of brushed wool, are very neat appear ing. White and tan.. Priced $1.25 and $1.98 ' Children's and Miss es Wool Knit Gloves at 98c- Grey Mocha Imported Two clasp gloves. A . pair $3.25 :?. Grey mocha silk lined imported 2 clasp : gloves $3.50 For Women, Misses and Children Leather mits 8"d gloves fleeced lm64 Some : with fur trim ming. A pair $1.25, $1-35, $1.50 and $1-65 Your Mail Ordiars Receive prompt and careful attention. We pay postage or express within a radius of a hundred miles Satisfaction Guaranteed Will make exchange or refund your money Salem Store 466 State Street Portland Silk Shop . "S83 Alder Street