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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1922)
PAGE TEN MRS. PHILLIPS LAUGHS AT PITS I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON N MURDER TRIAL Los Angeles, Cal., Nov, 2. In the trial of Mrs. Clara Phillips for the murder of Mrs. Alberta Mea dows the defense called Mrs. Wil- helmlna Atkinson as the first wit ness. Mrs. Atkinson, garbed In a large picture hat and a dress that dragged the ground took the stand and testified that she was In a chorus at San Antonio, Texas, in 1918 with Mrs. Phillips and that they worked and roomed together for eight months. Mrs. Atkinson said on one oc casion as she and Mrs. Phillips were reporting for work, Mrs. Phillips fell in what appeared to be a faint, was carried to a dress ing room by the other chorus girls and was revived there after about 25 minutes. Mrs. Atkinson testified that on one occasion, coming home late on an evening when Mrs. Phillips had not worked, she found the lat ter in bed, apparently in coma or convulsion. She said Mrs. Phillips handa were gripped around the bed rail so that she was unable to unclasp them and that she called a doctor, who restored Mrs. Phil lips to consciousness. The wit ness said Mrs. Phillips later dis claimed any knowledge of what had happened. At that time, Mrs. Atkinson said, their room was a wreck. She said the bedding had been de stroyed, the Jchairs broloen, , the water pitcher thrown out of the window and other signs of a de structive activity were apparent. After their engagement in San Antonio closed they went to Or ange, Texas, she said, where Mrs. Phillips had more of the attacks euch as the witness described. During her cross-examination, as Mrs. Atkinson was telling about the long time it took physicians to bring Mrs. Philips to normal In Ban Antonio, Mrs. Philips sudden ly burst into laughter and stuffed a handkerchief into her mouth to suppress the Bound. The witness looked at Mrs. Phillips, listened to another ques tion and then when she tried to answer it she likewise burst into helpless laughter and rocked In the wtiness chair in an effort to control herself. Afterward cross examination was resumed, Astoria mm CANNING SHUT DOWN Astoria, Or., Nov. 2. Prac tically all salmon canneries on the lower Columbia river will suspend canning operations today. One company has announced that it will continue to receive salmon after November 1 for an indefi nite time, to be governed by the supply and the condition of the market. The fall season this year has been better than usual, due to the large number of silver sides and the good quality of the fish. Another factor contributing to the success of the fall season has been the mild weather which has pre vailed off the river mouth. About four canneries operated during the season. MUTT AND JEFF A Big Night at the Lion Tamers' Club? Righto! THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Copyright 1620 by InfL Feature Service Ino. TraJe Mark Beg. la the uTs""" SAFETY GUARANTEED BY SOVIET REGIME Toklo. Nov. 2. (By Associat ed Press) A communique issued by the provisional government Vladivostok end made public here today by the Japanese foreign of fice guarantees the safety of for eigners as well as Russians in the area recently evacuated by Japan Une communique also urges th whole Kiissian people to cooperate in the restoration of normal condi tions and the return of national power. The foreign office statement ac companying the commission assert that Busian newspapers are advo eating en agreement with Jlupan ana that feeling favoring suh treaty is growing since Japanese evacuation. Bootleggers everywhere will be interested to learn that the Haps- burg wineB are up for eale. JThe Hohenzollern whine, it may be added, is already on the market, A drink In time will save nine, if it's wood alcohol. Open Forum Contributions to This Column must be plainly written on one side of paper only, limited to 800 words in length and signed with the name of the writer. Articles not meeting these spe cifications will bo rejected. SALEM HAS LITTLE FIRE PROTECTION, MAN STATES Salem has the distinction of having less fire protection than any city of its size and class in all the United States and Canada, A. C. Barber, state fire marshall, de clared last night at a meeting held at the Richmond school to discuss the two measures before the city voters at the November 7 election. One of the measures provides for the purchase of a $13,600 com blnation fire truck and it was in favor of this bill that Mr. Barber spoke. The tire danger in Salem was treated with by "Buck" Hut- tnn. fiit.v flrfl nhlf. Cit.v Attnrnfiv Ray Smith and Mayor Halvosen also spoke. Another meeting is to be held at the Highland school tonight. LAKE QUINAULT TIMBER SOLD BY GOVERNMENT Aberdeen, Wash,, Nov. 2. The Lake Qutnault timber unit of the Qulnault Indian reservation com prising a stand of 8S8,000,000 feet, was sold here today by the department of Indian affairs to the Ozette Railway company, of which Alex Polaon of Hoqulra is president. The successful bid was for $3 a thousand feet for hem lock and $5 tor fir, spruce, cedar and white pine. A total cost of the tract to the bidder will be about $1,700,00. This is said to be one of the biggest timber dealB ever transacted in Washington To the Editor: - I am toda; sending in my yearly subscrip tion to the Capital Journal, al tho times are hard, I must have something to read that is alive and has the courage of the Ed itors convictions but what are we to do, for politically the neg atives and affirmatives are fly ing thick and fast through the air. We are all trying to decide how to vote. We are somewhat like the Irishman. Just across long enough to vote earii arty declared the other party to be thieves and robbers so he went to one who did not vote was not interested in politics, asked him which party told the truth about the thieves and robber traits, he promptly replied, Both years ago I took up the cudgel against Compulsory Education in fact against Compulsory anything Compulsion and rrussianism seem to be one and the same to my mind and I've not changed in that respect yet. There is some thing Sinister about Compul sion and Secrecy. If I was Satan would only ask those two powers to turn earth into a verit able Hell. People say we have to have compulsion, we do not and it is only necessary for the criminal, the parents who will not deny themselves that their children may have an education should themselves be confined somewhere So that their chil dren may be free and educated let the compulsion fall where needed. I am so thoroughly American that I can not feel free born unless I can send my child to the school that I think is best for the child. I once removed my 2 youngest children from the frt A Pill """""x ., 1 II f , 6TTA ta VMl I SPN, Tttl I W3 g 1 THIS n THS Bid CrkasW R SIR Sll?W6y, THIS l pp futf, THIS li THS ATfENfANCfir CP ALL W ii i rnofMTM to irws- l tl ok. .rte jtohw,e , jmnj; 5P6CIAL 1 THS BIS Cheese. e 1 RS CHfiCSfi SPEAKING I Irttr riTORiNtwr Crieejes I l eFFicsM op ths I i specie. Merw6 at jlMeaTiw at ms j f specmi msnn& Ati A jpgcAu J IT looks Mice a rr:-. i UoMTftMefc 7 I tiev ; I UoN TAMefeS club :Us lion tamc-W J sriNC at ths uwo I 1 &l& fvlGHti f't2 AumhT ! L "t6H!p0U' VrtMees' club tomshtjJ VOOWAJ Ic7 " . ' " ' ' " tM " ' twnmiiiM ' i? Publio School to the Adventlst School and was never sorry for the change, for where I lived at the time it was a common occur rence for broken bones leg or arm of the younger children, the older ones being bullies and en tirely lacking In the manly and considerate attitude which edu cation should instill, the advent school become so popular in that place that the Public School lost many pupils to them I'm not blaming the teachers for they were all that any one could ask but a mother prefers to send her pounger children where the bullies can not stay ror these school will not have them in their rude ways unless they can mend them, The obelisk has four sides to it making it square but too many people have only one side to them and they seem bent on trying to demolish the other three sides, ana at present there is war In the air, and if not careful it will land on the eariu, mere is no charity, no faith, no Christianity except In name i rear a recrudescence of Palmerism unless the people re turn to Sanity and humanity, one lunatic can spread a fire that will destroy the earth through hate and prejudice. say lunatic because sane people ao not flo evil, they see the good in you ana inspire good not on a plantation and in nil mv twenty years living there 1 never once knew of the many crimes attributed to the negroes ao not say there was none simply state that I knew of none and my father kept negro help also my' mother employed negro remaie help and I can never for get their goodness and protection toward my parents and their children Maybe they have changed as folk tell me, Some conditions foster changes. I can not hate the Jews for Christ was a Jew and Salvation will yet come to this old earth through those of the Jewish nation, and the Catholics, well I must sav mey stand out as one of the fin est people I ever meet altho I ob ject to their religious tenets for my self thats their business not mine for I belong to no sect c creed except the Golden Rule and now comes the Btrangestthing yet i ao not object to the K. K. K. As it used to be in the South wnere l Know of one man who was given a whipping and sent his way to never more abuse his Invalid wife, at that time they connnea themselves to straiehl- enlng out such little irreeulari- ties as the courts did not fairly treat ana it was corrective in stead of destructive. So 'you see I am standing where all issues meet. The Scriptures say prove all things hold fast to that which is good: one thing I do know I am not going to vote un less I feel I can see the issue more clearly than at present, Its the tirst time since I first voted which was years ago in Colorado that I have felt in doubt who to vote for, truly we are living in evil, i was reared in the South I Bill that I have not yet seen in an age or disintegration which print. win nave reached its zenith in It is almost generally recog anotner rive years after that nized that if religious organlza aate we wilt nave one party, one Hons were abolished that the people which will finally de- morale of our communities an tiare ror ngnt henceforth and mnntrv would decrease. One of forever. I eraateat fantnra in lrppninfr IjAUKA J. BONE. n n the mnralo Is rella-iniiq in Oct. 26, 1922. Aumsville. Ore alrnlinn Ttila to In Hnne'pi. in. day from many sides, and many Silverton, Ore., Oct. 30, 1922. unthinking people or those who io me n,aitor: ir my lnforma- Mee Out very dimly the conse tions are correct I understand Iquences lUttl jvir. uom J.ay In his Silver- TUeht nr wrnne- fhta roHD-lmia iuu upeecn maue tne remark that InitmrHnn (a nnl tn ho oon,H Jaquet's farm was asset io mw. n our Dublic schools. The 1 WOUld aSK Mr. Kay tO CO to nhnrrhoa trv tn fill nn h the Court House he will find hv 18Ui my ra"n was asse.n hold forth for one hour each j.,a4o, in 14,800, increase week n ho mini i in i. Ul ttUOUl UU per Cent in 1903 Ii nlnno fnv relllna ll,.W, 5 oo? 2?AhLBame fam 24'76 in Iniae three generations hence lucrease or aoout with no, or very little, of in- ouu per cent. itnin.Hnn fn tho wava f io-i,t. "u "i mose 18 years the mnnnxi i.m.i, 1 jmi price of my farm produces hav3 Light with everyone.) Would we iw.ja.ocu omul IU per Cent ho hotter nr .nr.. ff t nn p ; . cent wltl1 s bm takes from the par- . w iuuiBUBe in my ents the right to send their chil taxes. I , T - iuicu m outu ynvaie scnoois as wuen me UOV- I tfianh rlp-Mennonooa " ' anuiuates came out with arithmetic, etc, if men ijiauuim in r. isean was jire. my 800 per cent tax increase n ,v,ii, ... i...,.. th lat.t is t 7"""" DU luuui Puc "w I rortfl hv tlinfin fnwnrlno- thla 1.111 Mnw tlilc 11 HT- rr, I " v .ui, uii -' " Viiiw 111. along with they so de- 10111 KaV. in nno J,l.v. i i nm,rnm nitt .1 """ pa" as great I; .;. ! .7 Bre as those on the other Bide. The ..s Mai, iir. fierce ami writer had tZZtZ' anTwin never"V. to be most thankful for it. tlemer, rtM nt , 7. luo 10 leacn HghteOUS- way with th : rn7r.. " 'b when the child is of an nr -ii i J,. . - impressionanie age and not We all know the platform olLi,., ti, -i..,., v.. , . 1 Mr Pior.n nn v. . , " cuuu uas reacueo tne luo laA question, age of sixteen. t. thu tv h" " Tnere 18 t0 be x- V t , 1 u 1 111 I nfir Con-M niutl I t terest on $20,000 invt,A tn :,::..,J"".cu'1"'u.B.H"ea- rarentB Tom Kay aoartmen, TTJelt.aV .the wel(are house should at w .r .,'T,lu,"ren Delore casting . ' ti weir votes in ravor of such SZt7Z: ae:i8! H at surprises me islhat T v Duiiiq aiuuuui. or money invested in land. Are you wondering that moat or the republican farmers are go ing to vote for Mr. Pierce. Very respectfully yours HENRY JAQTJET. May I have a little space to state for your readers a phase of tne so-called Compulsory School STOP ITCHING SKJN Zemo the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Gives Prompt Relief There is one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves itching torture and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 35c or $ 1 bottle of Zemo and apply it as directed.. Soon you will find that irritations, Pimples, Blackheads, Eczema, Blotches, Ring worm and similar skin troubles will dis appear. Zemo, the penetrating, satisfying liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions, makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy. FOR THE RCUEPOP CoughsfCoIds. Croup WHOOPING COUGH, HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS -SOLO EVERYWHERE-. many pastors of God's flock look with favor on this bill when all their experience ought to show that they cannot offset the teachings of worldly things by a one hour Instruction on Sun days. Consider where and by whom this bill had it birth and then cast your lot in with those who would destroy one of the agen cies which aids to keep up the morals of this great country of ours If you can. I cannot. "Inasmuch as ye did it unto the least of these little ones ye did it unto Me" still holds. Most sincerely, H. D. CHAMBERS, Rector of St. Paul's Church Clean Up Poison Soaked Kidneys Advises Dr. Carey Thousands Die Every Year Be cause They Allow Poisonous Deposits to Accumulate in Kidneys' Don't flush your kidneys with harsh makeshifts, says Dr. Carey they are too frail and delicately constructed to treat them rough. For 40 years I have been using my Prescription No. 777 for kid ney and bladder sickness and now that I have retired from act ive practice I have made ar rangements with leading drug gists to dispense this wonderful prescription at a moderate price. Beware of kidney disease- thousands die of it every year who ought to . be enjoying the Diessings of life and health. If you have specks floating be fore the eyes, puffs under eyes, ciammy reet or moist calms. backache or sideache you ought to get a bottle of Dr. Carey's Pre scription No. 777 right awav. it has conquered thousands of cases of kidney and bladder dis eases and is the medicine you can always depend upon. iiviruKTAWT Dr. Daniel n iarey nas been a practicing phy sician ior many years and his great fresenption No. 777, known iur years as "Marshroot," has curea tnousands of sufferers from kidney and bladder troubles. It is not a patent medicine y only sold through drug stores in order to accommodate his pa- inui; RHEUMATISM Leaves You Forever D(Xi Sented ITrio Acid Dt'posHs Are JMkhoImJ and Oie ltlicu nuiUo Folaon Starts to lrave tlie b.v)Miin Wlthlii Twvuty-fonr llmun. Every druggist In thl county In autUorlitiHl to ' to every rheu matic; miffm-tir that if a full pint bottle of Allcnrhu, the sure eon uucrer of rheumatism, does not how the way to top the agony, rinliice swollen Johns, and do away wllh even the ullshtest twlnso of itieumatio pain, he will gladly re I Hu n your money without com J meiiL !. Allenrhu has been tried and lcdted for years, and really mar velous results have been accom- ,ubMistie(l In the most severe canes Der the suffering and agony a Intense and pltooun and where the patient was helple&s. Mr. Jarnee H. Allen of Roches ter, N. y the discoverer of Al lenrhu, who. for many years suf fered the torment of acute rheu iiiHtlarn, desires all eufferers to know that he does not want a cent of anyone's money unless Allenrhu decisively conquers th(wor9t of sll (lmrasBS. and he has instructed rtruiriflins to guarantee It above l.i cicr.v instance. All drulti can i J'ly you. (adv) IMA' CIGARETTES now for TWENTY At this price where is the man who can't he discriminating? Lit Fatima tmitrr tell feu t Itekwrr & Mmi Tobacco Co. AXP4-9 pet clollu ClffiAPER land-clearing has come thru your being able to buy now for a dollar one-half more powder taan you did before we could sell you PACIFIC STUMPING -the new du Pont powder which has teen cutting down land-clearing costs in tea section during the past few months. Lery 50 Puni case of PACIFIC STUMPING has about 135 lU' x S' stacks, other standard stumping pow ders having about 85 sticks in a 50-pound case. You get 50 more sticks, every one doing the same work as any stick of other stumping powders. - And there's no thawing and no headache attending the shooting of PACIF'fr STUMPING! iutc Come in and let us give you an estimate f Of PACIFIC STUMPING forcSr i The Watt Shipp Powder Co. Salem, Oregon E. I. DU FONT DE 1SEMOUKS S CO, Inc.. PORTLAND, ORE. f LADD & BUSH BANKERS- ESTABLISHED 1863 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. P1 , Ml A ROBERTA Assuredly Madame Must Wear .Corsets This is the ultima turn of the great French Couturier's that women to insure the style inherent of their wonderful creations must wear correctly designed corsets. A supple, figure moulding and beauti fying corset is essen tial to good appear ance. Such a corset is the Laced-In-Front Rob erta the style tri umph of the corset world. r' The designers of Eoberta Corsets have kept pace with the great costume designers of the world. They make your figure what it should be to wear the new styles successfully. Special $5.00 Pink Brocade There is a Eoberta Laced-In-Front Corset for every type of figure, with models of special value, priced at $5.00. This is an unusual corset value. Perfect Woman Corset We put style and grace into Roberta Corsets, we develop their figure-moulding qualities by designing them on living models of perfect figure. This model wears the corset long enough to discover possible results and assure perfection. A fitting is your introduction to supreme corset satis laction m appearance, comfort and actual corset value. lne self-adjusting shield under lacing and the front fastening with flexible top are Roberta features. ROBERTA Laced-in-Front Corsets Ackers Millinery Sale of Pattern Hats, - Saturday, November 4th $10.95 All colors, finest quality of material, becoming styles, no two alike. Hats that were $15 to $20. Millintry 2nd Floor Worth & Gray Dept- Store w orth6?Gray Department Store Phone 132- 177 N. Libcrty S(reel