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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1922)
PAGE SEVEN PAGE SIX THE CAPITAL -JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON " i '. - . . nr nir 1 nnPHnv ! ru y, NOVEMBER 2, 1922 ' - . THE CAPITAL JOUKHAU oaj '. -" , "':t """ 'f:r 1 v; 'mir : : " ""T""I; , " ' ' ; , ' i . I o ? ft M JLiaLv J II' li .1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBBii TTfefo irPTniran ice FREE DELIVERIES With Any Purchase of $2.00 or Over 32 Inch Pattern gingham I Ladies' Dress Regular 29o quality in assortments of pretty plaids, checks ana stripes. Anniversary sale price, per yard 14c House Aprons 25c Heavy Wilton Unbleached SHEETING An extra heavy tirade, free from starch or filling; vera can make your Bheets now by buying this quality, Anniversary sale price per yard The basement store offers thou-! sands of high grade aprons, all nicely trimmed and made of very fine quality percale and gingham Regular Price $1.25 ' Never could a sale like this be surmised, but as we are going to give wonder values all over the store, values like this will not be out of the ordinary during OUR ANNIVERSARY BALE. FIVE YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL BUSING For five years in our midst has the development of this mighty institution been in pj ... - m d . XI- .L 1 L. I business with a tounaation tnai nut ueen base Nov We Celebrate Our l blNGS' FORTH THESE GREETINGS itn a mere infant in the merchandising field to a well matured,, healthy specimen of jj will and confidence of its thousands of patrons Great and Sensational 7 5000 65c Grade 24x45 in. HEAVY TURKISH TOWELS Go in this sale in which we distribute 600 daily at 27c (Limit 2 to customer) A Lot of Men's Fine Dress Shoes Brown and black. Assorted sizes. Values to $4 in our An niversary Sale at. pair 98c Premium Coupons Free! With Purchases of 50c or More Each Basement Boys' $12,00 2 Pants . .56 Wool Suits $ Never' before has a more op- portune time come than this to . supply the needs of the young sters. Boys' 2 knicker wool wool suits in all sizes from 8 to 17, (to at prices less than present cost di manufacture. .56 There Are Bountiful Supplies of Every Article Listed On This Page! thousands of articles equally as good that are omitted-We could in no instance attempt to itenuze everything T he People', HCma Jfg SHS the making of this the foremost event in our career. It means this that every department from end to nd and fr om top to botom, irom me Dasewem io me mm, uc u Wery article Without exception throughout the enire store reduced! . and thousands upon oro nil nittir towards . ed into a suroreme effort in staging the nremier event-of our histo 75c Grade of WOOL MIX DRESS GOODS SG inches wide, five different col ored paterns from whioh to select and our Anniversary Price below today's actual cost. 29c Yard 36 Inch Fancy Percale Regular 50o per yard. Latest pattern, with new cretonne designs. Anniversary Sale price per yard c 17c 60 Inch Merc. Table Linen A very firm quality,, with fanoy woven figures. Regular price 75o per yard. An niversary sale price 39c SILVEBTONE CLOTH COATINGS Adapted for the making of ladies coats capes, men's mack inaws, etc. Assortment of colors. Begular $4.50 per yard, special " $1.98 40 Inch Silk Canton Crepe An extra heavy good quality. Regularly sold at $4.00 per vard. Our wholesalers have suuplied us with all light and dark colors. Anniversary Sale Price at ' $2.49 10c LIGHTHOUSE CLEANSER 36 Inch Heavy Baronet Satin Regular $3 00 per yard. Rica luxurious quality. In brilliant shades of every hue. Anniversary sale price marked to per yard DC $1.49 . Can Opening Sale Date Only 500 Men's, Ladies' and Child's UMBRELLAS Guaranteed 8 stem umbrellas with fancy carved and crooked handles, $1.75 to $2 values in this lot. Anniversary sale price 98 c $6.50 SILK UMBRELLAS With Ivory, amber and bakaliete fanoy handles. 8 stem frames, covers with a heavy beveled edge taffeta. Anniversary Sale Price $3.98 50c Balls Genuine Fleisher's WORSTED YARNS Per Ball 40c 1 2000 Yards Fancy Flannels (fi Medium weight. 17o quality. Suitable for gowns, underwear, bed- IliO ' ding, etc. Limit 8 yards to a customer. Anniversary sale price F1 111 per yard f W 4 oz. Skeins Worsted Yarn 49c In every color of the rainbow 64x78 Colored Plaid Sub-Wool Blankets $5.00 values go at S2.08 Men's 2 Pair Pants Wool Suits No doubt you have bought suits at $19.85 before, but never has such a complete stock of 2 pair pants wool suits been assembled to sell at a price such as we have placed on these garments. The seleotion is ig but hey won't last long at this figure Be amongst the first to make your selection. $28.50 Value at Silks Values to $2.00 Anniversary Sale Price $1.15 40 inch heavy crepe de chine, 36 inch Messalines, 35 inch Taffetas, combining over 33 dif ferent colon at the above price which is nearly half their regular worth 30c per pound Economy Coffee 5 pounds 90c Opening Sale Date Only 1 lie Regular TALL MILK Per Can 9c Opening Sale Date Only M Immmmmmmmmmaamm Heavy Fleeced 1 EDEN CLOTH for shirts, gowns.eto H eRgular 45c yard special i r A 1 o'5'l wmmammmmamk 1 : j Regular lOo Size loaf Fresh Bread ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE He MEN'S 75c Knit Fibre Silk Dress Ties 2!9c Men's and Young Men's WOOL SUITS AND OVERCOATS 'One big lot. Values to $15.00, all good seasonable col ors and patterns. Anniversary sale price $4.98 Men's 10c red, blue and white Handkerchiefs Anniversary sale price, each 3c Per Pair COTTON BLANKETS A big assortment of cotton blankets, in cluding plaid and plain colors, with fancy borders. Values to $3.50. Our Anniver sary Sale Price at $1.98 We reserve the right to LIMIT QUANTITIES Sold to any one Customer BOYS' CORDUROY SUITS In blue and brown, all sizes from 2 to 8, $5 values. Anniversary sale price MEN'S $1.50 FLEECED - UNION SUITS Heavy Winter fleece lined unions. All sizes, closed crotch garments. Anniver sary price H Men s 75c Leather WORK GLOVES Anniversary Sale Price 89c Men's $3.00 Lot of SILK TIES, values to 50c at 9c Wool Pants ' men s and young ' MEN'S' 15o MEN'S 19c Jersev Knit men s styles. Oood m nirr colors to select from Heavy Canvas uLOVES XT" "' Work Sox Gloves "Srg?' $1.98 7c 7c ; 9c pair 39c Men's $4.50 Wool Felt DRESS HATS All sizes, special at $1.98 Men's $1 Grade WORK SHIRTS In all sizes, Special H3c - Coffee. Flour. fWpola Del Monta Hard wheat (Tf-t rm Flour, 40 lb. sack 2)1.00 a iu. one xeuow Corn Meal Crown Flour, 49-lb" sack 10 lbs. Fancy Blua Rwa Rice.....i 10 Jba. Fancy White Beans Fresh Pearls Barisy,"ie"r lb Vw Lima Beans, per lb S lbs. Diamond W. uoitee. 6 lbs. Fresh Cocoa In . bulk 2 lbs. Fresh Chocolate "in" bulk 1 lb. Gunpowder ' Tea .25 $1.95 .65 . .65 , .09 .10 1.00 .37 .37 .27 SYRUPS : Karo Blue Label, per 10 lb can Karo, Red cVysTaT'whiTe? J - ... j Avondale Molasses, 2 lb can Penlck's Golden! 10-lb' can IStar, Horseshoe, Climax CHEWING TOBACCO 65c Opening Sale Date Only i i!3! ' f TBI mm Jk wr f M- ft. . a M H c mm mm i - r w ,-tr it ,. w u k v x ii . - h i if ..zr .r mams;.. rJMi """'l'"'niOT" B ' SAJil SI. . I! " 1 '8,3 I f .,. ijuiiji 11 Eegular $1.60 Saok 1 I : BIHWLHlfllMM" I I plDE OF THE WEST" 1 I i I H VAT.T.EY- WHEAT II 11 i-i ai in IB i r uuun mm mm Un i mta i in iw mm im 1 i 1 zm i I w .fc W ; . .. i u mm . . m m I It. rr Bonus we nsw iwn H Sacs HE i ' 1 m in Mimm juannmin.i. I One Pound 25o Mixed Candy 15 c Thousands of Yards of 25c Grade 36s in. Scout PERCALE In over fifteen different pat terns. .Five yard limit to cus tomers. Anniversary price at 1 1c yd. 9-4 and 104 Heavy Unbleached Sheeting Specially sjouped. Popular brands involved in this sellinir former prices to 65o per yard. Anniversary price , 39c yd. Phone and C. O. D. Orders DELIVERED FREE If Purchases are 3z.w or uver Open Saturday Evening Until 9 O'clock Free Lunches will be an added feature that will mark tlw open ing days of our ANNIVERSARY SALE Men's Heavy Coat Sweaters with plain and laree converta ble ooUars. regular $1.75. Grey color only. . . 89c Men's 100 Wool Union Suit A well known sruaranteed $5.75 fcrade. All cizes to 46. Closed .crotch, full lengths. Anniver sary price at $3.98 No Mail Orders Accepted SALE, AS THE ENTIRE ORDER FORCE HAS BEEN DRAFTED TO THE SELLING FLOORS. 66x80 Virgin Wool Plaid Blankets Regular $12.00 values. Pretty plaids with bound edges. Special at $7.98 500 Heavy Fleeced 66x80 BLANKETS Extra heavy weight, plain colors with fancy borders. Regular. $4 anniversary sale price, per pair at $1.79 For Over Efg Ladies' and Girls Two Tone Dress Pumps Patent Colt and Soft Kid n ; The latest in style: the best in quality, $8.50 value Anniversary Sale Price Been Planni Anm'versa augurated $4.75 Girls' Leather High-Top HIKING BOOTS $3.98 ., Fancy Felt HOUSE SLIPPERS 98c We have just installed our new winter stocks of fine kid COMFORT SHOES 98c to $4.50 LADIES' $7.50 KNE KID DRESS SHOES LADIES' aid GIRLS' Oxfords and Shoes A Shover of Savings in Our Anniversary Sale of k so many indisputable facts in evidence it. For months we have been striving to ike this event a distinct and masterful trk iphover every past success. PROGRESS 'the word emblazoned in the thoughts of .- . ' s ;rv worker in tne reopie s vasn owre m- ienced retail buyers. It will be slfe $ J jizatlon. We must advance and continue energetic occasion, such as none but a w f nmne, s f advance. We know we can accomplish tl . 1J AMlLf k iorceruf, growing concern cumu , ? -0 in ' s , iihlng without your help. We cater to Bargain surprises in every departing Hundreds of specials at half mi less. offerings will stand out with hmd' brilliancy. The sale will dumbtori j petition and astound even the mosla would be like wasting money to mists:. magnificent opportunity. You mP! the worthiness of the specials if they offered anywhere ..except the Pi s Cash Store. They seem almost unbelk , But even the story of this store's we growth would sound fairy-like if &m iur desires. A business in its youthful, tody, growing days cannot afford to do lerwise. We follow such lines as will make swiftest and greatest growth within the tads of safety." Wonderful values here I all times and the most astounding of pigs on special occasions. Pound Opening Sal Date Only m 5o Bar White Laundry Soap 3 Bars 9c gg0ngle Canton Crepe Bemarkable is this sale and astounding in ef fect of such a wonder ful value. The assort ment comprises! Orna ments, trimmiTiK3 and designs of various des criptions. It's a sale you save equally the, amount you pay. Our Anniversary Sale prioe ALL WOOL TRICOTDIE AND P0IEET TWILL Latest- styles. Kegular selling price of $22.50. An niversary sale prioe $9.50. Fine All Wool Bolivia Coats Stvles vou will be glad to own. Made with full n JMrigs. Up to the minute in style and quality. aftJSS iSith souirrel and beaver fur oollars. iheir former worth $27.50 to 70.uu Sale Begins day, Nov. 3rd 6o Grade of Fine Toilet Tissue Large Roll Plush Coats $19.50 to $49.50 This Sale Is HigB. Distinquished Frow Events of iheP It is our commemoration of ? , score of successful business yea ? we lay lay our thanks to the peoP8 S rnmmiiTiitv who were instruwM phenominal growth. We're Going to Celebrate! inHi i j i nnlirl Viaf ? ww prices i ana low puces uwj convince and stimulate your buying ap atite to such a great extent that your eye3 "H.aparkle with amazement at the savings "ailabe. I We now invite you to come prepared to feet the result of our concentrated effort in frwnoting a succesful Anniversary and you witness again only in greater form the f ethods that gave birth to our progress and ficcess. 3c Package CANNED GOODS are more popular this season than ever before. This tale offers you values never bf or known. Full lngths and three-quarter lengths. Some fur trimmed and $35.00 values $io.ou. iBnnvW $22.50 Values $35.00 Values $9.50 $12.75 $19.85 $3.98 $2.98 IN THE ASEM 3 lb. Cotton Batts Regular $1.25. Special at 84c Ladies French " Heel DRESS SHOES Values to $7.50 piled high on tables in a .clear away Anniversary Price Pair 49c mil. .IIIIIKHIHII II IHirilM EN l Boys' and Gils' School Hose 25o grade. Spe cial per pair Infants' Rubber Pants 39o Values. 8pe cial at 19c Iron Shoe Lasts in all sizes. Spe cial at i 5c 5c All Wool Slip Over Sweaters for ladies and girls. , Special at 98c Clothes Pins Per dozen, 'Spe cial at 3c Boys' 45c . Suspenders Special per pair 13c Big table filled with Meat Plat ters, i Dinner Plates, Cups and Saucers Values to 65o. go at 15c Del Monte Pork and Beans. S cans 5 cans Oregon String , , Beans : 5 cans Alaska Salmon, tall 5 cans Canned Peas, No. (J0C tt - 5 cans Canned Corn, No. 2.. 50c 60c 55c 1 large can Oal California Sardines - SMOKED MEATS - 60c 13c 5 pall Pure Lard Bacon , SQuares.... Bacon, extra good . Cottage Rolls, per lb.. 75c 19c 28c 28c 17c 3c Ladies' Fancy Dress Hats A purely remarkable selling, but everything is going to sell at remarkably low prices during this great sale, therefore, these $6,50 to $7.50 beautifully trim med hats go at our ANNIVER SARY SALE PRICE ..1.1 BflSP ! "Wk. . 4Fk n i - rhmtMar ncr m' m w.m w .m m m m :i K m w, m 4 mns m tin. mm a v iWrJU j ij jlOlfel I 10c i 8 -faaanBr I ,;ii"-Jii n ti4""- " ; I . AnMiinr Sale Date Only -, i - ..I,, ''mywiami Egsgpggr" ' .,..... ,'. '. 'i ' ' - ' ' ''" ' """" '' "i..' "i ' ' "' l $5 All Wool Jersey Jackets Anniversary Sale Price $2.95 Children's Coats Any size from 2 to 18 in styles for utility and dres wear. Priced $2.88 and up. $2.98 10C Per Cent Pure Aluminum Ware 95c ! t .,n Tan,, lllttn tors, uouoie nou;". - Pans, etc., all go in this sale Special at Another Big Lot 3 Quart ALUMINUM WARE at 49c Rain Capes Girls' $3.75 RAIN CAPES with hoods. Ideal Jot school wear. They come in an assortment of colors and in ranges of sizes from to 18. $1.29 Pieces of Aluminum Given Free With every Aluminum Purchase $2.98 $2.50 Felt SPORT HATS Late fall styles and early winter models are in cluded in this lot 98c $7.50 LADIES' PLEATED SKIRTS In new stripes and plaids. Special $3.98 Ladies High Grade $6.50 Values in Silk Overblouses Special at $2.98 HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Ladies' winter fleece lined 35c Hose i (Vp Special at , Ladies' wool mixed heather Sport QQp Hose, Special at Jv Ladies' Heavy Grade Cotton Hose ' 1 Q Ribbed top, special at - $2.50 Pure Silk Guaranteed QuaU d1 4Q Cj-JJ ity Hose, Special at . - 49c Heavy Winter Weight Children's ( Stockings, Anniversary saleprice, pairi o en IK,;, Snifa A hpavv cotton rib- bed garment suited for winter C-J A .IEa Snor.ial at... P .J Ladies' Cotton Ribbed Unionsuits, In all size3, Special at 98c .ivmmJ Wv 'i!miwwaM ijiMtiiiii:wwiws. n-r -jiiiiii,niiiininirT"iii"ii ' " T'MM"J'f" wi"'1111'1'11"'