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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1922)
''.r.;.r'! PAGE TWO l'HE CAPITAL JOUBNAL, SALEM, OREGON DALLAS PLANS CELEBRATION OF ARMISTICE DAY ' Dallas, Oregon, October 31." The program for the Armistice Day celebration to be given un der the auspices of the Carl B. Featon Post No. .20 of Dallas, has now been fully formulated and as It Is the Intention of the post to carry It out In full It prom ises to be the biggest event of similar nature ever held In Polk county. Last year the celebration was held under the auspices of the Independence post with the Dal las post as their guests. Thin year the Independence post la to 1-e the guest of the local post. In addition to these guests, the local post also Invites all ex-aer-vlce men and their families In tht county, also all residents In the county, to participate In the day't festivities. The program as ar range will take place In the en tire afternoon and late In the evening and will end with a ble free dance In ' the" armory with the best dance music provided and starting at 9 o'clock. Armistice Day falls on Satur day, November 11, which. wW make it convenient for all who -'eslre to do so to attend. Promptly at 1:30 o'clock in the ufternoon will be held the big parade, which will be partici pated lit by the military, fra ternal and other organizations and the school children. The parade will form In position not later than 1:15 In order to make a prompt start. The parade Is open to any military and fra ternal organization in the county. Liberal prizes will be offered for the three best floats In the parade. The parade will form as fol lows and follow the line of march given: 1 Colors In position In front of the Dallas armory at 1:15 o'clock. 2 Band. This promises to be the big feature of the day and excellent muslo is assured to the guests. 3 Company L. Infantry of the Oregon National Guard. This aggregation will be In full uni form and the visitors will be able to see some nifty marching evolutions. 4 American Legion Posts of Polk County, Including the Inde pendence Post and Carl B. Fen- ton Post No. 20 of Dallas. 5 Ladles' Auxiliary of the American Legion. These . auxil iaries In the county are quite large and the ladles have assured a representative turnout of their members. . 6 Spanish War Veterans and their ladles. All In marching order and carrying Old Glory. 7 Boy Scouts of . America. There are a goodly number of these youngsters in Polk county and they will make the older or ganizations look well to their inarching laurels. - 8 Grand Army of the Repub lic and the ladles of the various Womans' : Relief Corps of tho county. These two organizations ire rapidly deteriorating In numbers, but will present a good ind active formation In the pa 'ade. 9 Woodmen of the World on Jourt street, west of Church itreet, face west. 10 Prune Center Camp No. 1917, Modern Woodmen of Amer ca of Dallas, and all members of he Modern Woodmen of Amer ca In the county. In this forma lon will be the crack-a-jack de cree team of the order under ommand of Roy Kelley, as captain.. 11 The members of the Knights of Pythias and all other rraternal organizations are ex pected to join In and take post '.Ion in the line of march as they lesire. All floats In the line of narch will form In the rear of '.he marching organizations on "!ourt street and west of Church itreet. The school children will 'orm on Main street and north of ")ak street and take up the march In the rear of the other parching orgHnlzations as the oarade crosses Main street. All floats and cars will halt when the first float reaches Main itreet and wait until the schools are in line of march and then proceed In the rear of the school formation. The route the parade Is to fol low Is as follows: Start on Church street In front of the irmory, then north on Church itreet to Oak street and east on Oak street to Jefferson street. On Jefferson street the entire parade will proceed south to Washing ton street and west on Washing ton street to Main street. -Then north on Main street to Oak street and west on Oak street to Church street. On Church street the route will extend to Church street and as, the colors reach the armory the parade will Ian out and disband. , At 2 o'clock the athletic pro gram for the children wiwll be held at the armory. This pro gram for the children will be Hamilton, captain of Company L. of Dallas. Music for this feature. will be furnished by the ban! and prizes will be awarded to the winning contestants. The par ticipants In this event will be many and the children of the schools are manifesting consid erable Interest. At 3 o'clock a football -game will be played on the college campus. The contesting teams have not as yet been definitely decided upon, but It will be a contest well worth going to see. The game will be played under the direction of a committee headed by Jack Hayes. At 6:30 o'clock a banquet will be served In the Christian church at the corner of Clay and Jeffer son streets, to all ex-service men and their families in Polk county. This will be followed at 8 o'clock by a special program In the church of vocal and Instru mental music and speaking. The last thing on the program starts at 9 o'clock, which will be the dance In the armory. LIBERALS VICTORSTn" ELECTIONS IN CUBA Havana, Nov. 2. The liberal party seemed to be on top In the Cuban politics today as a result of its victories In the partial elec tions held throughout the Island yesterday. Incomplete and unofficial re turns indicated that they had elected liberal candidates as gov ernors of six Cuban provinces and had won the race for mayor of Havana, the second most Import ant administrative post on the laland. Moreover, the liberals In creased their numbers in the lower house of congress so largely that the administration may lose its majority. In Havana election day passed quietly and there are no reports from the provinces to Indicate any disorders. PREMIUM L 1ST F OR CORNS HOW AT NDEPENDENC E ,(!' Uf! Dallas, Oregon, November 2 The premium list for the Inde pendence Corn show Is now In the hands of the printer and will shortly be ready for distribution to those desiring to make exhib its. Definite dates for the show have been set for Friday and Saturday, November 17 and 18. Cash and merchandise prizes to the value of about $400 have been offered and the entry list will tar exceed that of last year. Entries for the show will close in Thursday evening, November 16, and are open to the growers of Polk county and that part of Marlon county immediately trib utary to the city of Independence. Exhibits must have been grown by the entrants in 1922 from the time of planting. In the Junior department the major part of the work In growing the crop must have been done by the exhibitor. The premium list Includes all classes of corn, potatoes, culinary products and vegetables. ' NORMAL SCHOOL CLOSED BY WATER MAIN BREAK Monmouth,. Ore., Nov. 2. Classes In the Oregon Normal school, State Training school and the Monmouth High school were adjourned yesterday for the re mainder of the week as a result of a breakdown of the municipal water system, which has left the city virtually without water. Most of the normal school students left for their homes this morning and are to return for the resump tion of classes next Monday morn ing. ' . City officials have summoned a water line expert from Portland to take charge of making repairs. The source of the trouble which has cut off the water flow had not been located this morning. The municipal water supply is received from Teal creek, 12 miles west of here. Heretofore- the sys tem has operated almost flawlessly- Thomas Kelson Pap Widely Known Author . Ex-Ambassador, Dead Richmond, Va., Nov. 2. Thomas Nelson Page, 69, form er ambassador to Italy and widely known author, died at the home of relatives In Han over county, Virginia, today. His death was sudden. Tho first intimation Richmond relatives had of his Illness came this morning, when they were called to the plantation where the former ambassador had gone for a week. CHBISTLER'S BOOY AT WATERLOO FOR BURIAL Waterloo, N. Y., Nov. 2. The body of the Rev. Leonard J. Christ ler is at the home of his parents here, having arrived yesterday. The funeral will be held Friday. The widow accompanied the body. The chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew met the body and accompanied It to the home of the minister's parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Henry Christler. Mrs. Christler is still to learn the details of her Bon's death. Tomorrow the body will He In state at St. Paul's church. Besides the church service Friday, there will be a short prayer service at the home for the .benefit of the mother, who will be unable to at tend any of the public services. Constipation Is Relieved Prompt Permanent Relief CASTER'S LITTLE UVER FILLS rarely tail. Purely vegetable act ' . , . surely but gent rADTFiyC ly on the liver. Keiieve Hirer 3 L g I J IZ iieve Indices- I .Jmtmms&Z2 mm aw. 7. ,7PN A J) A Saturday is the last day to try this dentifrice at bur expense your coupon to the druggist and receive your free 10-cent package better do it today. It a waits you at the drug store ' Any one of the druggists listed below is authorized to present you free of charge with full-sized io-ccit tube of Listcrine Tooth Paste, the original fruit acid den tifrice. All you need to do is to fill out the coupon below and take it to the store for redemption but this week only! ' A gift from, the makers of Listerine Of course you know Listerine, for half a century the acknowledged safe anti septic. ou've probably used it for years.' Now the makers of Listerine have per fected for you a really safe dentifrice and they want you to try it at their expense. Two big new advantages In perfecting their dentifrice the rhakers of Listerine kept in mind two points of major importance. First, they incorpo rated mild, wholesome fruit acids derived of apples, grapes, grapefruit and oranges. They avoided soapy ingredients and all alkalines because alkaline ingredients thwart Nature in her effort to fight tooth decay. Fruit acids on the other hand en courage an extra flow of natural saliva which is provided to keep the teeth and gums healthy. , The correct cleansing agent Secondly, they avoided dangerous gritty ingredients. Many abrasives will polish oil the tartar that accumulates from day to day. But they are so harsh that they attack the tooth enamel. In Listcrine Tooth Paste you have a polishing ingredient just hard enough to remove tartar but nt hard enough to in jure the tooth surfaces. It does the work and does it safely. Watch how it whitens your teeth Get your free tube of this superior new dentifrice and give it a thorough trial. See the difference in its work. Your teeth will gleam white and brighter than they ever have before. And you have the constant satisfaction of knowing your tooth paste Is doing Its work safely, thoroughly and scientifically. " " Get your free tube today. ' , Listerine Tooth Paste the paste that?s right Because it contains mild ,T fruit acids to stimulate Na ture's flow of alkaline saliva to combat tooth decay; " because it contain the t correct polishing agent hard f enough to remove tartar but not hard enough to injure tooth enamel. Watch how it whiten 4 and brighten your teeth $ because it contain the 1 healing antiseptic essential ; oil contained in listerine I at the price thatfs right 25c Print or write your name plainly and hand to any one of the druggists ed in this advertisement, or mall to the Lambert Pharmacai Co., St. Louis, U. S. A. Name, Street- 0U1.S( City. Capital Drug Store, 405 State St. Central Pharmacy, Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. ; Danl J. Fry, 280 Commercial Miller's Department Store ij tion; improve the complexion brighten tne eyes. Small Pill Small Dose Small Price CHINESE ID CANCEL JAPS 21 DEMANDS Peking, Nov. 2. (By Associ ated press.) Abrogation of the treaty embodying Japan's famous "21 demands" Is required of the Chinese government in a bill passed by the lower house of parliament today. The bill direct that the treaty be rejected on the ground that t never was approved by Chinas parliament and therefore Invalid. The measure will be introduced in the senate when that body suc ceeds in electing a speaker, a task at which it has been engaged since the opening of parliament, mu. uiu niH9 that the govern ment send the original treaty .uu U Oi rlomflnrlfl to t)0 dlS- WHU IUO cussed by the present parliament. COOTTINE CHARGED WITH DEFEAT BLAME . a.i- v 9 Former King A LUC IIS, Constantine will be charged with the responsibility for the recent disaster to Greek forces In Asia Minor and will be given an oppor tunity to come to Greece to prove his Innocence, according to the newspaper Vima. It seems certain, however, that Constantine will not return to Greece. Don't Be A "Blimp" There's no excuse for your re--,.. inimin ens basr. You can easily avoid the distress and hu miliation causea Dy es' e In the stomach and bowela, if you will take Baalmann's Gas Tablets before and .after meals. Bloating, belching and rumbling in the abdomen will cease to an noy you. There will be no more pain about the heart, no more burning at pit of stomach, no op pressed, full feeling after ating. no numbness in limbs, no drowsi ness, dizziness or other disagree able symptoms resulting from gas. You will be able to eat what you like, without discomfort, for these tablets not only relieve gas, but Improve digestion as well. Genuine Baalmann's Gas Ta-b-elts, in the yellow package, are sold by Dan'l J. Fry and all other leading druggists. Price, one dol lar. Guaranteed to be harmless. J. Baalmann, Chemist, San Fran cisco. (adv) -ii hnol is held by the city poliee of Sioux City, Iowa, for traf- i:. -,:itr The offenders are fined 13 each and then placed in a class in which, they spend iwo rehearsing a long list oi traffic rules. Ha THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1922 " 'Keep right on using pol , Honey and Tar. It will give , relief,' said the doctor, when it entire family had the 'flu k,,' saw- anything so good," rlt(I Mrs. A. B. Griffith, Andrew, Neglected coughs and colds on,, lead to serious complications, fj, ley's Honey and Tar gives qm relief. Free from opiates (lug,,, dients printed on the wrapper) juargeai. euiug couga medicine it Udi) rtmanrs Glasses Easier and Better. YT7ji tfijvm anil aeO. Hum 1253. fiaienu Orww the w0ll(1 ii jmw C sT" . service counts on your winter journey to .N CALIF0R A Observation Cars with comfortable chairs, wide windows and broad rear platforms; Through Sleeping Cars with latest travel luxuries; Unexcelled Dining Car cusine, and picturesque scenery will add to the pleasure of your journey. Through Standard Sleeping Cars Via the Scenic Shasta Route TO San Francisco and Los Angeles For' LOW ROUND TRIP FARES, sleepnig car reservations, train sched ules, or picture books, inquire of agents or communicate with JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore (Hlpj "The Vogue of the Season 99 Save! Buy Plush and Trimmings Now and Make Your New "Jacquette 9f 1(3 The new Jacquette is a very stylish and very practical garment of recent styling. , This garment was elected the most popular of New York s latest creations. wfu The very hour this Jacquette is being shown on Fifth Avenue, we show the materials for its complete making at a saving of nearly fifty per cent. You'll warit a Jacquette. et us show you the easy way to get one. Illustration at 3ft is but one of many models for which we have materials to complete. Plush, linings and trimmings. . TRIMMINGS OF Astrakhan Fabrics 12-lnch Astrakhan fabrics come In platinum grey, black and pheasant. The same grade used on high grade garments. Price $3 yard. SILK BSAID FASTEN EES Black Silk Braid Fasteners, like illustration; also other styles in flat silk braid effects. $2 39 and $2.75. NOVELTY LIKINGS Two tone and changeabls silk linings, commendable qualities in colors to contrast or match. $1.65 yard. ERICS DELT0B ARE SIMPLE TO USE ssitfe Ipfe. TEE BUTT S3aX PATTERNS $4.98 yd. Salts Peco Plush 50 INCHES WIDE This is a luxurious pile fabric of excellent quality. It's silky smoothness, It's deep, velvety texture will appeal to you at once. Bearing in mind that less than two yards is suf ficient to make a Jacquette, you'll find It most advan tageous to buy Peco Plush now! Black only. Also Salts Eequimette Plush, 50 In. width, special $8.50 yard. OTHER PLUSH Mole Hilustria 50 inch $10.50 yd. Hilustria imitation Mole in an exquisite Quality of plush. For either garment or trimming this material has the appearances of fur. A fabric that will gl you service as well as style. 60 inches wide. Seal Plush $11.75 yd. Imitation of Seal, and a good one. Black blending into brown, showing a beautiful lustre. We offer you Seal Plush at an attractive price. 50 In. wide. 'Its What You Buy, Not What You Pay. That Save You Money Day by Day See Liberty Street Window PHONE 11 -""""""MniwsumatMuiiuiH