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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1922)
PAGE ELEVEN ;r ,1-i.J tHttrSPAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1922 EMBER 2, 1922 THE CAPITAL JUUKfum J . : T) Ti. V a man s ueiinmon 01 a living wage ueyu ;h"vi , - A i; ! . -: : t UIHI.USTITK -n" m ; rV J ' NEW TODAY FOR SALE , FORBAIB-ww , mn . 1 IY V-N J4eilf?!lOliriiaJ USED Ford touring or roadster FOR SALE Ford roadster, Ford WOOD sawing. Fisher Bros, phone modern bungalow close I I I I 11 1 fVJ ( Qj PaOltatI&!UU wanted for cash. 219 State St. tourlng oar, Ford Chassis, Max- 17 56. ' .. T iBN Church St Price $4760. J 1 Jill IK t"nr , rites. ' well touring and one' Ught six. BEST grade mill wooa it. aad 't 'rnr lot at Wilson wd C-X LS Li BUB"fe To -nts a wee,. 45 W month. 5 a year in ad- van m Marlon and Plk WS one month 60 cent, , counties. " - 6 months $2.25, 1 mon" Jo Elsewhere 60, cents a ,eIth $5 '" vpar- -- !!2-1r-rr",,nnd class moll ASSOCIATED PRESS ASS"-,to Press is eXClUS- in A9SUI.-1"' - - , h ivelf ent", all news dispatches licatlon of a nt otherwl8a credited " , aper and also lo- - , Memuor FOR SALE Ford touring in good condition, good tires, $11S; must sell. 188 S. High St. q263 SNAP $3300 buys good six room house with run cement oase ment, cement walks, lot 60x168 with alley pavea, street pavea, large barn can be used for ga rge. terms $1700 cash, balance mortgage for 3 years at 6 per cent interest. Located close In on N. Cottage street. W. H. Gra benhorst & Co., 275 State St. ' a263 FOR SALE Ford roadster, Ford touring car. Ford Chassis, Max well touring and one' Ught six. Miner's garage, 803 N, Liberty. q261 Audit Bureau of Circulations. W. Y wK SitystocltweU. Peoples Gas f'mraKWi bldg., Ossified rates j nnh Insertion . or WUI U Balf. insertions 6 cents. , cents, ..- one month 20 12 cents; one ww month, cents, ".'-' rt 26 cent. New To First """"'""a h . advance, m; V taken over phone, unless 6nd not taken ove v account .dvertlser No allowa has monthly nee for phone errors FOR SALE HOUSES EASY TERM SNAP Five rooms, new modern, 1941 north Btn on paving; very small payment down, total price $3600. Hewlett, nhnne 1883J. a263 WE have been very conservative in our selection of used cars. If you would be conservative In your purchase see tnese cars first Overland 90 '19 $250 Buick 4 '17 $27 5 Ford '21 $285 Oakland 6 '19 $375 Buick 6 '17 $475 Buick 7 pass.. $475 Dodge '19 $550 Buick 6 '19 roadster $650 Buick 6 "20 $800 Dodge '22 $800 Buick 4 "22 $850 Apperson 8 "20 $1100 OTTO J. WILSON 388 N. Com'l. phone 220. q261 BEST grade mill wood 4 ft. and , . 4.,h r,rrmnt delivery and reasonable prices -Jt-J? Wells. 805 S. Church 6 ROOM modern 6 blocks NE of state house, 33tu, aDout x-o caah. M. J. Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. a 8 ROOM house five blocks from center of city, modern conveni ence, corner lot, $3300, easy terms. Winnie Pettyjohn, 331 V, State street. 1922 OVERLAND FOUR Bought Sept. has. 5 new cora tires, spotlight, etc. only run 2400 miles, never been off pave .ment. Cost $727, will sacrifica, some terms. Phone 361 or 1653R q261 1919 CAR for sale, . guaranteed A-l grounds garage. all new parta, shape. Fair q263 FOR EXCHANGE Franklin car In A-l shape, price $1260; want 1U ton truck. Geo. r . veea, Monmouth, Or. q26 NEW TODAY GET A HOMJ I have a large list of lots at prlees from $150 up to $1500; also Mi acre lots, fine soil, on north 21st street, on II nmrn.anta TtrOWn. OVCT inmii W"" " ' "'I Z,t 4 ...- Wnrrl thl- win. j r - a ter for $3.76. Come in and see ' .. nun. oiitn hoatorl w R Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothers the Same Man) Hieh Bt. at U'erry, saaem, ur, PARTS FOR ALL CARS 1 : ",at,rt aDt 152 h built In the spring of 1922; has .Furnished apt. in r " . h.snment ana J263 K05-UBnve. Oak heater. c262 ''nunc - old. vohsaTjE 404 Good stump puiier. 'Fprrv street. . c,)' FOR SALE House and lot in li-inirurond Dark addition to West Salem, known as the Wolfe nrnnertV. TMS nouse is new, phone 1642. V ANTED HELP CAN place a man of good appear pearance and some business ex perience in a responsible posl tlon which offers a very good fu : ." an income atoove the ordinary. The man must be over 25. ambitious and conscientious Z'a ,hi, tn furnish good refer- i r,n,v.terl with one ences. " , 4ha. of the largest concerns in their line in the country and shall be In Salem for one w. .v,m ho made at once Interviews by appointment only. Phone 10u alter WANTED Position at gcne,' house work, rnom e TEAM work wanted. Phone 1795 8. Liberty. WANTED Day work, Com'l. g265 971 north g261 Fine corner lot at Wilson and glnaw streets, witn garago suitable tor uving qUaii-. $Fll60. one third down ACETYXENE WEMMNG 1. . 'on k Cottage IRON, steel, bras, aluminum.- itreet. i'rice iuu, wi. k wtth hot water Hes .-t.i .tm n Court St. mod- AUTO PAINTING ern conveniences. Price $6600, reLIANCh AUTO PAINTING J 2000 down Daiani-o """"j v. ,it I zli state at. cunmi x- 1 A rnnm modem home DUi.t I I'rxu nv-kli tS3i f7roas8tateasst. MnassysTBSsrs MKKCI1ANT TAILOK D. H. MOSHER Tailor ioi m" ana women, in w M. A. ESTES. fine tailoring. State street. ' 384 What's New on the Market BT FORREST GINN MOTORCYCLES LLOYD K. RAMSDEN, incuan motorcyoles and Dayton ojuycie. let us if you want a nice home show you this. ' Real estate ana nr juouia.ii. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State street High. AUCTIONEER LEGAL NOTICES F. N. WOODRY the uv . Phone 611 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer. rtATTEIIY SUPPLIES HARRY W. SCOTT "The Cycle Man, 147 S. Com. Phone 68. "NURSERY BTOCK bbvT.n-LITE BATTERY SER VICE. Expert auto eiectrin". 18 us, x- uoun at. Phone 203. 828 N High B a 1 1 rles IF you are a rigging man, duckbi or taller and want 8 hours work a day all winter at good wages, with the best grub, in new camps, and no strikes, then correspond with The Whitney rr, at Idaville. Or. 8 OLESON USED CAR EX CHANGE. Cars bought and sold. Guaranteed repairing. Washing, polishing. r tt. nuil dirt at OK. . Vhnne 731. C263 UIIU ' CHOicTTBaTdwin appls 76c de C llvering extra. Phone R-yr-cTpons for Thanks- giving now. Phone mR SALE Kngllsii setter bird 10a?gSwen trained. Phbne 860JJ 6 rooms with basement ana ironinno. Garage is connected with house. The property has been turned over to us to sell for the henefit of creditors and is a good buy at the cash price wnTl bknt Choice room with of $3760. Capital National Bank, bath priviieges. 943 Center St. THREE or four canvassers can make good money in spare o oni-e ra Droposltlon to ' i .1 floll Ot any one wining to Valley Motor Co. ask for sales 'FINAIi NOTICE OF ADMIN IS TRAT1UX t nil mhnm it mav concern KrnHfa a harebv tciven that the soiinn Hi. . Berryman, uiiuoioiewtu - - AminiatrotH-ic of the estate of Henry Berryman, deceased, has this day filed her final account as such administratrix, and that the honorable county court, of Marlon .n..n(v natrnn host fixed and ap- rMntBd Monday. November 27, 1 : . .. . - ,A -1 i v ot tn noiir or iv u m. of 3aid day, at the county court room in the county court house, in gald county and state, as the time aA niHtie for the hearing of any nhlentfons to such final account and for the settlement thereof riatort October 26. 1922. J Henry J. Millie, Carey F. Mar tin, attorneys for estate. admimSx?- yariSi Henry Berryman. aeceasea. "'"'""2 " " , Patton bldg. FRUITLAND nursery wm sales yard n0V barn. 644 f err, r---- --- - 1. See me Deiore ; 1140M recharged ana rep-" . pu"1- Ktterles, I R. D. BARTON. ""orir 171 starter and generator work, iij S. Commercwi. - L ..... ovart trouble AUTO aiMinii. h , shooting. zs "'B- ' 203." frult maU SALEM hiirsery company, . ...... 1 trAAS. fruit and roses. Phone 1763. 428 Oregon pmg- OPTICIANS j.. rir L. R. Bur dette, optometrist. d -w. CO., S i 0 fttltiO U'" QPiiiU 301 Oregon (Eleotrio) t.D w MEKCRToitpathio rn S. F. SCOTT, . y.. " " ...nraon. Kirks- - . , TT-I irarOl I V Ul I TI fl VHlUltlll " - t . of the National "";,;- M. - duate. 404-406 U. B. OSTEOPA'rHY of tne iNattona. cn,. BCIe."c?' v'"V"-.i r.i Masonic Temple, Phone 640 for appoints ments. tionaf bank "bldg. Phones, office 819. resiaence FOR RENT trust department. rent near Tr. . ...-.IT. i Jl.i-nBA tO ioT aTd High, phone 1814W 6 p. m. FoOtlNTGround floo r house . keeping rooms, 157 S. wln2lJ street GET A HOME . 4 room house $750 $100 down. 4 room bungalow $950 $200 down 6 room house $1100 $210 down ' k nr.m house 31200 300 down 4 room better grade $1500 $400 6room house $1500 $400 down 5 room close in $1650 $300 down , . . 4 room close in, pavea street, car line $1600 Small house, fine lot, Bay City, trade in on Salem house, some cash. Brown, over Busick's. State an.t Commercial. a PHONE 1877R for a nice clean room In a modern home near state house, gentleman only, j FOR RENT 2 desirable sleeping rooms close in, good location, roonnnnJhle. eentlemen. phone 1253R. 3262 tor SALE Cheap, bull aog pup rpL pnce $5. Call at 1025 Mad- FOR SALE -.v.""""' t' 'oma , or will trade DraeEer. phone e26 nary hen, Broadway. HORSE for sale for cow. Fred 1608M.' Rt. 7 FOR SALE Clean oats and vetch seed. Fred Draeger, Salem Rt. 7, phone 1608M, c263 i.rir.T iMwrTiR schO'larsnip ior i F. D. Thielsen, care Rodg- ers Paper Co. FOR RENT A new 6 room Dun- galow with basement and gar age, $30. See the Fleming Real ty Co., 841 State hi. J. manager. TSlSElXANEOUS mmsirnnHINfl. Tel. 1378. m262 GRADUATE nurse open for easements, 887 w, en m266 SHEltXI'F'S of Sale of Real Property on Execution ment. Room phone 87 CHIROPRACTOR DBS. WHITE-AND MARSHALL, a -n til nnVNlUltlilD geons. 606 tJ. S. bank building, geoii. "v.- whit. . resi- nhone 469; Dr. Marshall raaldance phone 834, PIANOS Yaqulna oysters are expected to appear on the local market either . tomorrow or Saturday. They will sell at about 65 cents a pint. Th Yaqulna oyster Is different from , the Olympic oyster In that it la a little whiter and is a trifle larger. The Olympics are selling at 90 cents a pint. The difference In' price is said to be due to the fact that the quantity on the Yaqulna bay Is limited and all that are ... dug are the work of residents who are content with a smaller price, ' ' Ee plant, which la locally ' grown, is about off the market. What are left are selling at 1 ' cents a pound as against 10 at, the beginning ot the season. Egg plant will be imported from can- fornla goon so that the market win be kept open tor some time. J,,', A limited supply of Evergreen . sweet corn was on the local mar-.,, ket this morning. It was Belling , , at 30 cents a dozen ears. Con- , trary to the belief that the corn might be tough at this time ot the aeaaon, it is juicy and tender. A good supply of quince are stu on the market. They are selling,, at $1.25 per bushel. ' , ' By virtue of an execution issued DR3. SCOTT ' AND SCO ilxj. w "pianos, phono- out of the circuit court of the state chiropractors, 416 U. S. oan5 u phi sewing machines, sheet music ana pmuw o- -. WE have moved to zai mate half block west or u. n. bank. See us for filbert, prune ,.a,a onfi Hnena SDrayera. ca cy Bros. m263 SAVE the old stove, expert stove repairing, all work guaranteed. 271 N. Com'l St. phone 734. m 2 J o FOR experienced nurse, 1352273 of Oregon for the county ox ma n th 4th dav of October, 1922. in favor of H. E. Olmstead ni-intiff nrt aujalnst Will E. Pur w rtftTpnnanr lor liio iRnnn TI. a. cold coin, with in nt tho rnt of six per cent per annum, from tne zutn uaj u. aniTiher. 1920. and the further sum of $30.65, oosts, and accruing costs, I have levied upon ana wm .all. at nublio auction, on Saturday CLOSE in 9 room house, renting for 960 per muiuu, bought for $1600, $800 cash, balance $10 per month and in- ,r.ocit A ' Good buy in 6 room close in, all on one floor, lights, bath, plas hasement. large lot, A-l location, street and alley paved, $3300, terms. Brown, over Bu sick's State and Commercial. a Portland Ti-no SAI.K Need the money, nnaseneer touring car, in good shape, self starter and license, $100, 692 N. Summer St. 3262 FOR RENT Large front sleeping room, close In. 371 N. High. J262 FOR RENT 2 apt. heated, Court. room furnished first floor. 143 J262 ?;it t tj rjAPtTra. auctioneer, for farm' and city sales; call phone 1446. . El nmHMTTTmm reDairlng and all kinds of woodwork made to or I.. Wnnrl turning, shop ltn and State, phone 882. STEAM heated room near capital, $14 per month, $16 for two. Dhone 2069J J262 for second nxuncsii. . j Xlr hand clotning anx nuu,dn nd repairing. ClVauill, V " ... in -i-.ii noiiver. Capital ex- ,hVnea. 343 N. Commercial, phone I3saw ELECTRIC SUPPLIES th 11th dav of November, 1922, at tTaTJK ELECTRIC SHOP- 10 o clock a. m. at tne uoun house, door in Salem, Marion coun ty and state or Oregon, an !. My,t tirin and interest which the said Will E. Piirdy defendant had of tar. trie, 2nil QaV OI iviay. 1922, date property was upon on a writ of attachment, in FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, gen tlemen preferred. 472 north Lib erty street, phone 1040M. - J261 r T? nnM hunsralow in f ni i-ticKS. Dtttwiii inr rrmiT-.. n run iiuuao G. SATTERLEB, auctioneer sens on commission or where or any time. """t; ' ' 1011 t 404 xrerry ot. Or. orooerty. AbBtract Co. a281 1 barn. Socolofsky. 841 State 3262' c26G LOST-old Elgin wrist watch, "Retha" engraved on back. Re ward Rt. 2, box 79. 23 AVANTED Janitor, also kitchen helper, good place for man and n-ife. Telephone 1464. 261 LOST Black hound dog with col lar on, license No. 2194. O. O. Schultz, Rt. 7,' Salem. . 261 THREE unfurnished house keep ing rooms, lights, water, bath. Call at 396 S. 19th St. J263 SOLDIERS ATTENTION We FOR RENT 2 house Keeping have two tnings in me wi i rooms, an a. xotu. j-" new bungalows open to soldier RENT Grain farm of 192 loan purchase that we would be small house and barn, pleased to confer with you on. Daved road, near Salem. Davis They are such as we can decom- R Rt 3261 mena. vjome n i-iTOMtaHRn room, close in. heat- trinm nir Realty CO., mx o, ' !YL. , i,fODt atr-Af.t. a1 TOTtiw crarfltra and rooms for rent CTnu sat.ST Dandy chicken ranch 355 S. Winter St. 3261 WANTED Nursing maternity cases in modern private home, reasonable rates. Phone 1332J. 1263 IF you desire a loan on good real estate or chattel security, see John H. Scott, 228 Oregon bldg. 1263 , LOST Wednesday pair ladies tor tols Hhell classes. Reward. F. D. Thielsen. care "Rodgers Papeir Co. k263 FOR SALE Driving horse and coltt rubber tired buggy. Mrs. w if stnrr. Rt. 7. box 87, Sa lem. e2 CHEVROLET touring car, almost nAW nan hA honerht cheap now, have no room, terms. 1164 Oak 1297R. 1212 jr.BERTA farm of 160 acres, suit ohia for rl versmea iarming mi T3.TTTju7;anTiir nnartments. zoo o sale or trade. Address owner box commercial. 3282 64 A care Journal i b-rw a ivr r,0trl rooms at The Mil FOR SALE By owner, 190 an l 1(,r. 3262 f,0" 'S'll aS. 3 FOR SAI.E-L1 V ESTOCK springs. Mi mile to school, M LARM horse and wagon for sale WILL TRADE my equity in a 20 acre fruit larm tor a. guu in Salem, Or., Rt. 4, box FOR SALE Or rent, 10 acres, good buildings, some berries, somft nrtinas. (rood land. 700 N, Hiirh hlirh etehool district. 261 FOR SAf.E Bv owner, modern 9 room house, can be made into flats, for Drice of 5 room house. Thone 1598M. for sat.e One brand new Un derwood rebuilt typewriter, mod el No. 4, Price $85, Phone 4672, 760 south High 261 FOR SALTS CheaD. nice 6 room hnntrciOT furnished or unfurn lshed. Phone 1671W or call at 173 N. Liberty. ' iwnTrnv troBnnrs I have an at tractive proposition to offer R I. Red and Barred Rock breed ers. Phone 400. C. N. Needham 261. I $3 DOWN, and $5 a month will bring you a brand new rebuilt Underwood typewriter. Phone 4672. white, ntrent. 750 S. High 26 BEFORE vou buv see this new room bunsralow. on paved street one block to car line, price $2500. terms. W. G. Krueger, Oreton hide. Dhone 217. 261 A WONDERFUL bargain, $1500 ftrand niano. standard mak sell very cheap for cash, or trade ior Ford coupe or seaan; " dealers. 2R8 N. 17th St. 26 POSITION wanted as house keep er. voun ladv with two ch'.l dren, good home considered more than wages. Trifler please ao not answer. Call 1847M. ii FOR SALE FARMS ri mtiBt. adults only, breakfast 1753W. Jill at Falls City; consider baiem tj ttjnt 4 room well furnish property in trade. Box 7 Jur- ea apartment, ground, floor, nal. walking distance, 667 S. Capitol. garage. Apply 3263 iu. amith nt Portland, terms. Bm Cll Capital Journal. b291 North end Cherry ave. e262 WOOD SAWING, phone 1131, city nr cnnntrv. Ed SDroea. eest . Trnml-. Xl., tt 1 1 ,1 T ft. tOOLS. m' WAIN X --rrrill V,,y for chlnery. stocK, '"-?,- noah nr sen on k,wtAA"- Phone 611. Woodry. the auction eer rrr . . , mntlTfUUies WANIEU -Wnital make. over. rou. ' n , it tlr1ninir Co. 2i WINDOW washing, all kinds i of odd jobs,' phone 1488 "REAXEATE bide. rfl S r oiKlTH. chiropractor, room 822 Oregon "'""""" and acute cases treated by care- rul aajtistmenta. DRUGGISTS Hazel Green 'pairing Phonographs and sew ing machines, 432 State. Salera. JUST DRUGS PLUMBING THEO. M. BARK - "'""; heating, sneet nwuu . t:ommerciai. :z j.,.,lat 11R 1 ... r,,jrM,i rurtalrillfir and COll T f . PH.KKX. xtexau ttiusB"" t l ri.u mull. , . w, . . . J' y- . ., o. I i. .annihia oharites. A. L. 8. Commercial St. -337 Godfrey, shop foot of Union Bt. Phone 13S7J. PRINTING SSST aWcomplete stock of fix- A SaTISFIED customer retain, to tures. Instrument repairing, ex perimental wont. Eiieuu iu okf" inna reoalred. Phone 488. ances repaired. Phone TjrTiH! wniim ana suppuen Welch Electric w. rmi ota cat. Ht. en, manaatar, n. Rowland Printing compiw,. phone 1612 Masonio Temple. REPAIRING bouse wiring by hour or con tract. Katimates iuiui,.". Phone 980. 414 Court Bt. FLORIST or to the following described prem- arch1E FLEENER, eleotrician. ises, towlt: , Nn ZH. lleDOt aauitiuu lu Salem, Oregon, according to the .v ror-nrrtarl nla.t tnereor now uu fnia Hth the county reuorutji- ui TWorinn ennntv. Oreeon. Terms of sale, casn, unless uiu In hv nlnlntiff. DatBd at saiem. uregun, u" iiith rlav nf October. 1922. O. D. BOWER, Sheriff of Marlon County, Oregon. By Geo. J. Bohrer, deputy. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60 vAcr-a Avnarlance: xiepuv -- tlonai ana n "","., 26 to 68 inches high. Paints, oil and -varnishes, etc. logan hoD hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, Court street, phone 124. 250 nilT fWinrflm art A floral Dieces. De- vj , .iAnia, livery. C. i. ureitnaupi, 123 N. Liberty, phone 380. FARM LOANS SCAVENGER FOR SALE Miscellaneous . uc! snrl 7Rn box. delivered. FOR SALE Or will trade for good cow, a three year old mare. J L. Pickens, Salem, Rt. 8, box ll e261 Tr-VCTT ANGE 12 acres fine land 5 room thouse barn, family orchard, m "e to school, on good road, $4500, want house in Salem; team, cows, chick el47hcraesf7r?nacul&n,bal. anc4e7pastu8rW with .fair .-room house, barn garage and otner buildings, all fenced with .woven wire, good water ytem lth.?a Bo toilet, hot and cold water $37.50 ne" acre; want city property P66 room house and good lot, for sale, price $850, good I terms. If you want to i CL"v. H. L. MARSTERS Phone 907. oray ums. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal reader (Revised dally.) . ..rrTMU iMn BOBBRTS 205 n.,m huildine. 6. 7. 10 and on ....-lniuiiL 5A and 6 percent .t Priviieee to Day $100 or multiple on any interest date. 20 YEAR FARM LOANS on rural credit plan. rrepa"i" leges with discount allowed. I will finance you for a less rate of interest than any firrn on the coast. F. W MARSTERS, 411 Oregon bldg SALEM SCAVENUEU tiarimso and refuse of an Kinus by tl-e month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day, phone 167. Night phone 1695W. R. O. Cum mlngs. Mgr. TRANSFER phone 1937J. HIGH bred Scotch collie pups for sale. Cherry City feed parn. ei FOR SALE carrots it 2H miles east ot sacks. R. A. Harris, Rt. 9, Salem - ' "A,' A "Mi FOR SALE U. . Biaauaiu w. 1 KAiinil wnilfl JtVUCrC uumnw., sorted. $1 per hundred. $4 60 per 600, or $8 per 1000. delivered. t,i 198R. C262 K. XI. c285 ST. Andreasberg rollers tne ca nary with the college eaucauon. price $10, special guaranteed imported. Former price $15 and $20. Order now. E. B. Flake, birds, flowers, pets, 273 State. ; . 1 WANTED -Miscellaneous LARGE chrysanthemums. Pickens, I4t.u. CABBAGE for kraut, good quali- frftnh from iieiu, ucu.o.-. phone 48F11. FOR EXCHANGE brooder for year c285 WANTED Furnished or unfurn ished house, must have basement garage, fireplace; phone 609 Mrs. Edna Pierce, West Salem, Or. I22 7?, tnvcHANGE . mih h.iiidines. 8 acres of fine 8 year old prunes , on good road. 9 miles rrom $3750; will take part city Property or an improved land near Salem 4 room house, a bargain for $850, with" $200. cash and $10 per 4.1 We 'have one of the best buys in ! - k rnnm new house, on ;aved street, for $2500, part terms. THOMAlJOil 331 V, State street Electric old hens, or early hatched pullets. H. M. Roxrad. 1994 Fir St. c263 ITALIAN prune, Royal Anne cher- PONY wanted. H. H. lem. Harris, Sa-1262 WANTED Small child to care lor nhone 1873M. 1262 rles and apple trees. . Idlewine WANTED Sewing at 269 S. Btreet, phone 1865M. 2123 Broadway. c282 19th 1261 WANTED To trade a good heat er and 12 gauge pump gun for a kitchen cabinet. Phone 63F41 evenings. 1261 WANTED Furniture, Phone 511. APPLES for sale ,40c per box. N. Front St. Kt- a, PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday Nov 4th 1 p. m., xou boulii poslte Oregon Electric hldg. All kinds of household furniture. f: , live atock and nticellaneou articles; come WANTED Used furniture. .i Pol. J. B. Gable, auction- ea, heaters, eer, phone n"- tools. etc. WANTED Household Phone 1446. furniture. 1 rang- cook stoves, tools. wa nay cash, sret our prices before you sell. Liberty Exchange 241 N. Com'l St. pnone 841. 1 FOR SALE Automobiles wttt nav soot cash for late model WANTED Second hand furniture WILL pay spot . i com .tnyes. We also carry a full ' automobiles. Drive to 156 S Con. r,a a1 nr 1653R. ?' FWITSlTlnirVeliesix autom bile at a big sacrifice. Fully equipped; wind deflectors, visor bumpers front and back, spot licht. motometer and cross bar Phone 1391M. Will sell on easy terms or trade for city Property. line of new furniture, stoves, tools, etc Once then always. People's Furniture tore. 271 N. Commercial St. phone 734. I r . nipfl nnn,hnira marlp into beau tiful switches, puffs. $1 to $3. n-riine- to amount. Expert work guaranteed, see before you pay. Viola erris, xeua. acre, new bungalow, 8-4 mjie out, $1600. . ; . 1 U acres an in utji...s - good buildings, $2800, $500 cash balance $15 per month at 8 per- ..r. chicken ranch, good im provements, all poultry and equip ment lnciuaea, iv, on 17 in bearing fruit, omaii improvements; will exchange for apartment house, $6500. ix 8 room modern resi dence, garage, on pavement, at car line, walnuts, rruit, iv i ance easy terms. r. SOCOLOFSKY 341 State ' ! tvt. 1 whitA wheat $1. No. 2 mixed "wheat 98c; No. 3 red wheat 97c; (sacked.) wn,?a:.. Av,t hav 317.00: oat hay $30. 00i clover . hay (baled) $1920. nTKnloMlfl frfcefl Meat- Hogs $1010.25; dresse 1 hogs lie; top steeirfl 66o; cows 2 tic; bulls 8c; lambs 89o; TjtnTuW hens ise, heavy hens 18c; old roosters owxou. h,lor 18 20c Hntterfat 48c: cream- cu.1''...;; 4offl.6ne: country butter eryuut "----:,. .0.5 qilfiMZC: CfiaO t 17nt a t, I OS VV rlA UUWUB - crate? beets $2.00 cwt; Oregon . . . , iv,. o-r-oAn nftnnarfl IOC cabbage x-u o--"-. '.-"A - lb; potatoes' ii. " - lettuce $2.25 per orate; parsley 40C do"" tomatoes 6O0 bushel; cucum- v. lAn nnr dOZ. Fruits: Oranges $9.76; lemon! $9 00? bananas 10c; Calif grape- ' Poultry and eggs: Eggs 60 & 60c Ki.ttar JSC. creaiueij- - - - rQtti. Portland, Or., Nov. 2. Cattle rcints 247: choiceteers - r -nn atners 7 00 '-""j. raBiV,u".' " rn.nium U-SSIW JI.. to faYr $4.00 i' iZ r.nic cows and heifers $4.60 5.00; medium to good $3.50 4 fill- fair to meuium . ir.i 2.oo(Si3.00: can ""J t,.00:' bulls $3.00 FARM LOANS made In amounts of $6000 or more, o pwui;" terest. Government plan of re payment. Uenerai imurnuu F 1 n ROHRNSTEDT 407 Mnionlo Temple, Balem, Or. GUARANTEED REPAIRING o all klndfl on autOS ailu ii(n.w- Cars stored by day, week or month. B. Kroeplin and Sons, 1610 N. Commercial aim wayj VOTE RIGHT . 6 room house, garage, paved St, ' $3000. 6 -room house, basement, furnace, all on No 1 condition, $4000. 4 room house, 2 lots, ga nn. f.1900. 6 room house, base ment, furnace, east front, close in $4200. 7 room house, large ir.t ant front, right down town, $4600 A most beautiful home close in. $7600. Houses for rent, houses for trade. 84 acre farm fr.r trade for a house In Salem. 1000 ace farm of the very best land, payments easy. Gertrude J. M Page, 492 Cottage St. Dis play apples, eat apples, buy ap ples, kjvo i.uvw","-, irinaltn rair 1 to good ToO O 6-00; choic f,al,r. L,. 18.000)8.60: prime itnamtM: medium light 1.7 50 8.00; heavy calves $5.00 6.50; common $45. receiDts 371 -f,- iixht Sl0.2Bfl)10.B0; smooth r. oAft n ann nounda $9.60 10.00! 300 pounds and up $8.00 9.60; feeder pigs . .0 cnffllft- ataes $5(3i7.B0. pJr,,JLn aleadv: receipts 314 choice val lambs $10.25 11.25; m ?B(io.25; common $8.2 9.25; culls $6.60 8.25; flight yeai Sgs $88.60; heavy $7.608.00; Lht ,thers $6.60 7.50; heavy iFnnn wan S25. !Bo..tT.,' tartv: ex cubes 4142 under grades 38 40c; carton 47c irita 46C. 'i mitterfat No. 1 churning cream 4ft 49o fob Portland; 45c at sta tinns: unuer rious, w...-. lrj. Firm. Buying cu ,int receipts 48c; white henneries GARAfciES RADIATORS Fenders and bodies made or repairea. j. . xan, f erry m.. ntjpr.AW TrcTiHfftr &. Storage Co, vu" - , . , TT- nnn wnjthAil ana DOiisneu. j;.- cavatlng, plowing and fertilizer-,, 4 foot slab wooa ior . " WATER COMPANY S.TT.m uriTir.n COMPAN Y -Of- Alvu.U - fice, corner Commercial ana Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly - in advance. Phone 57 HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. E. MILLER, nemsuiciiniB stamping, DUttons, uuu dorv. Room 10, over Millers store, p'.one 117. Hamman Auto Stage Effective May 22nd Three Stages Dally Leaves Salem Stage Terminal: No 1, 7:30 a. m. No. 8, 10:30 a. m.'No. 5, 4:30 p. m. Leave Mill City: m r 7 a., m. No. 2. 12:30 p. m. No 4, 4 p m No. 8 connects with east bound train at Mill City, No. 2 waits for west bound train at Mill City. JOS. HAMMAN, Prop. The Hazel Green public school will give a Halowe'en entertain ment Friday evening, November 8. Some ot the features being a pro- , gram by the pupils, an address by the county superintendent, Mrs. Fulkerson. There will aUo be tor- ' tune telling, the sale ot pumpkin ' pie, cider, lemonade, etc. Hoo gobllns. and witches will help pass the evening pleasantly. Everybody is invited to be present. Mrs. Matilda Van Cleave and Bertha have purchased a home in Salem. The Christian Endeavor held a Hallowe'en social at the home of Mlaa Edna Davis in honor of her 16th birthday., About Zd were present. The birthday ot Mr. Cor dler, the Chrltsian Endeavor presi dent, being in the same week, he too was included in tne nonors aim presented with a tine birthday cake on which ss canoies nu. , A Lincoln Lee program win u given Sunday morning church. A speaker is eAu"u be present and .speak on some ot , ; the measures to be voted on at m coming election. This win ue meeting ot community interest tv, which all are invited. -Mrs. Salisbury and her children, . Bernice, Floyd and Vinton, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Luckey. A number ot the young peopae attended the county Christian En deavor at Pratum Sunday after noon. ... ' Mrs. Luckey is quite in wuxi ; SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain stitching, pieani;, "-r": stamping and needlework. Phone 879, 329 Oregon bldg. INSURANCE W. A. L1STON, GENERAL x- SURANCE uiro, and liability. Bonds and loans. 484 Court. ANDERSON AND RUPERT, IN' CTTTJ A Ml: Ml llaDlllty. ttutuiuw bile, fire, surety, bonds, loans and Investments. 406-7 Oregon bidg. ; WOOD V1UU.NJ WOOD WORxiING--All kinds of ... wnrlc made to oruer. n"- altv Shoo 239 Court, telephone 1743 t,.i....i-KilviTin Division Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m., xx:uu . m. K.nft n m Leaves SUverton News Stand, 8:00 a m., 1:00 p. m., o:uu p. m. Sulom-IndeiK-ndtmoe-Moninoutli DlvlHlon Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m., :uu a. m 11-nn m.. S:00 u. m.. 6:00 p m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth ho tel, 8:15 a. m., i:uu p. m., ;io Leaves Independence, Beaver ho tel, 8:30 a. m., 10:00 a. m., x:x n. m.. 4:00 b. m.. 6:30 p. m. We make connections at Salem to all parts of the valley. Extra trips by appointment. J. W. PARKER General Manager MACHINE SHOP WECHTER AND ITH-Machin Jnta oncrlnpflrH. WUlUUra. -lJUxjxy irrlndlng service. Phone 662. 4o rerry pt, H AND M. CO. Specialty gnnu ers and welders. AutomoUve ser vice. vv r til i y c"" MUSIC utiMn ninvinz. 12 weeks, guaran tori. Reirinners. advanced. Room 3 over Miller's. KniMKXiv Kelllnir case count 47c ,i i i RiffK2c! selects 65c. Poultry:. Light hens 13c heaw 22c; broilers 20 22c old roosters 10c; geese 16c; ducKi qnfflll., tiirkavs AdSsbilC. ix'h-.'f Hard white $1.33; soft , 1 1! western white $1.18 hard winter $1.1' "-"rn spring $1.17; western red $1.13. vrni run 1.12. 00: uats $35.25 36.50: corn No. 3 yellow $31.60 33.76; hay, timothy, valley "'l" falfa $18.6019.00; grain $1819 clover $19. neuritis. ---- ? In London a motor vehicle has . . ...nnt nav rraf.lS , as muca rignv uu. o--v v- -, , as lias the tram. t: SILVERTON MOUNT ANTjrEL l'ORTI-Ax C. & M. Stages Schedule South bound read down Dly. Dly. Diy. No 6 No 3 No 1 PM PM AM 6:00 1:30 8:00 Portland 8:05 8:35 10:05 Mt.- Angel 8:30 4:00 10:30 SUverton Ar Ar Ar North bound read up Dly Dly. Dly. No 2 No 4 No 6 AM PM PM 8:30 Purtand 6:25 Mt. Angel 6:00 SUverton Lv ! nm from Portland Stages leave Stage Terminal Port land and Steelhammer's Drug store SUverton 10:30 4:00 8:25 1:55 8:00 1:30 Lv Lv Sunday only- September 1922 The Capital Jour nal Carried 3848 WANT ADS Totaling 19.700 lines not in cluding real estate and classi fied directory ads A GAIN of 325 Want Ads and 1676 linns over Wants carried in Seotember, 1921. The Capital Journal prints Twice as Many want Ada as my other paper because Capital Journal Want Ads Pay The only nation the Turk has a lasting affection tor is extermination. 15 ACRES 4 miles Salem, half mile fine macadam to cavemen' 1 acre cultivated, balance 2nd growth fir; springs, running wa ter, best soil. $2500, terms. Har ris, 624 N. CaDltol. 1942J. 261 ROOM house, hardwood floors, modern in every detail. $6000. room house all In splendid con dition, $4000. 6 room house, ga rage, paved street, $3000. Ger trude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage street a HAVE $3500 house and lot in Eu gene to trade for one in Salem. 10 room house and one acre of land In Monmouth to trade 'for 6 acre chicken ranch near Sa lem. This nlaca la now occupied by normal students, with a good income. Ben F. West. 370 H State street. 261 LOOK 5 room bungalow in good condition with firenlaoe. built in book cases and buffet good fruit room, two lots 60x130 each on Paved street near car line. Price for short time only $3150. 675 down balance $25 per tnonth, interest percent pay- BRINGING UP FATHER " , I VOO TELL. HM 1 li OWrr-tOT HE'S rWirs J I ------ VS .'.I efrir THE- CfSHl 'Vn rviu I l I n - - MR,. vNCjCiJ rVi 1 " yni.i " . - If .vT-YOUTOrrT f ( ) 'Jm put XOOR FHD EOT Trl CAPTAIH rvTO tEE HOORE: AvK-r-FRoti oiNtt 1 rarVrf off bt ttT UPSHOT be . ' Tfe him mT iW " P& . (c) isa we '''' f" j l t-V ' . OVER DOUBLE THE NUMBER In the nine months ending Sept. 30, 19Z-5- xne capital Journal printed 32,281 paid In advance Want Ads not lnclud- ir, rani Batata and classineu. In the same nine months the statesman printed 15,622 Want Ads, not including real estate and class! Ilea There's a Reason And its because The Capital Journal ads pay. In every city one paper is the Want Ad medium and in Salem Us The Capital Journa' Salem-Dallas Stage Leave Salem Stage Terminal 7:04, m . 11:00 a. m.. 6:10 p. m. Leave Dallas, Gail Hotel 8:30 . m,M 13:30 p m.. e:S0 p. m. FARE SO CENTS Daily and Sunday Every day except morning trip does not run Sunday ' Round Trip cenU monthly with payments. State street. a263