Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 31, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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blA ' m,. u.u. niihnn home I ' H
- Thai oinh woman 01 ureion ' - . i m- -
lr .
Edited by
Phon II
Has Party
Elite Hall
Has Party-
The combined effect of Borne
very lovely costumes and the very
ffeotlve decorations In the Elite
tH last night helped to mane
the annual Orchestra party an
especially enjoyable affair. The
hall had the customary Hallow
en decorations of yellow and
Hack crepe paper, ' with black
eats and witches scattered about.
There are forty members of
the Symphony orchestra which Is
tinder the direction of John R.
Bites, and with their friends and
honorary members of the organt
at!on there was a large number
for the dancing party. Several of
the costumes last night were ex
ceedingly attractive. Miss yiola
Ash dressed as a Spanish toreador
was very dashing, while Bruce
Putnam, was lovely as a Turkish
prince. Miss Gertrude Selig was
dressed to represent little San Toy
Japanese maid, and her sister,
Helen Sellg was brilliant as a
Spanish girl. Many of the other
onntnmflu were very lovely and
added a very gay touch of color
Punch was served during the
evening and at 11 o'clock a buffet
lunch was served from the Fieci
Plner tea room. The committee
who had charge of the party last
night were, Avery Hicks, W. H.
Mills and Charles Kerth.
black cats
tellers, witches and
need not the atmos
phere of a formal room at Hallow
e'en time when tney come out ior
their annual visit and
but are much more congenial lu
nice bis attic full of nark cor
ners, and cobwebs, and so thouR.'it
the girls of the Trl u ciuo wnen
they planned their party in tn
attic at the home of Marjorie
Blake last night. Jack 'o lanterns,
dim lights, cornstalks, helped
make the attic livable for the
Hallowe'en spirits. Fortunes were
read, and everyone shared in hav
ing a real party.
The girls of the Trl u club wno
were present were: Marlon Vln
ver, Kuth Walker, Agnes Bayne,
Betty Hummel, Helen Berg, Ger
trude Cox, Inez Taylor, veima
Rominger, Leona Post, Gladys
Sargent, Mlzpah Palmerton, Edna
Warren, Jessie Hill, Esther Mat
terlund, Marjorie Blake, Grace
Allen, Sybil Smith, Irene Boje,
Evelyn Osborne.
Tonight MIbs Sadie Pratt, Hel
en Maclnturff and Dr. and Mrs-
John R. Sites will motor to Wood
burn to attend the Eastorn Star
earnival there. Miss Pratt will
ing during the evening accom
panied by Miss Maclnturff.
The Apollo club will this fall
have their concert November 10
In the armoryThis will undoubt
edly be an event of especial lm
portance because of the splendid
work of the club this year with Its
sixty members. Reed Miller,
well known tenor, has been se
cured for the evening.
The Silver Dell circle entertain
Id the W. 0. W. Friday evening
Jn the club halls with a Hallow
e'en party. Ghosts, witches, pump
kin faces, and shaded lights help
ed carry out the Hallowe'en Idea
After enjoying several games ami
amusements Incident to Hallow
e'en the evening was spent in
dancing. The committee who had
charge of the affair consisted of
Mrs. T. W. Davies, Mrs. Claud
Townsend, Mrs. Spong, Mrs. Mul
key and Miss Eva Carey.
Mr, and Mrs. La Verne Shep
ard were hosts Friday evening for
Hallowe'en party. Progressive
five hundred was played during
the evening wltbThlgh score going
to Mrs. Ralph Burroughs. Lunch
wo served at a late hour by Mrs.
Shepard assisted by Mrs. Bur
roughs, and Mrs. Joe O'Shay. The
guests for the evening were, Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Nichols," Mr. and
Mrs. Roy McCallum, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. Dor
sey Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Elvln
Rookatool, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
O'Shay, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bur
roughs and Mr. and Mrs. Shepard.
Different groups from the Y,
W. C. A. have entertained within
the past few days with the reicu-
lar Hallowe'en parties. The Trl
L club which Is a group of busi
ness girls had their party last
Bight, and the girl reserves with
groups In the different Junior
high schools and senior high have
been enjoying their parties.
Friday at the Y. W. C. A. about
thirty girls of the senior high re
serve met for an evening of fun
with their advisors, MIbs Heist,
Mlsa KleUIng, Mrs. Eva Scott
Myers and Mrs. Edwlu Socolot
Slhalo club from Washington
Junior high school had their party
the following night at the Y. W,
with their advisor Miss Ruth
Hewitt. The Salem Heights group
had their party at the club house
with Miss Hollls Vlck. Tanakln
club of Washington Junior high
aohoo) celebrated Monday evening
with Miss Miriam Lovell their ad
visor. The seventh grade girls of
Washington school will be enter
tained In the association rooms
Miss Jcnnelle Vandevort will
ectertaln the group from the
Grant Junior high school at her
home tonight with a pot luck sup
per and Hallowe'en party.
Mrs. E. T. Busselle left this
morning for Portland where she
will remain for a couple of days.
"'Mrs' F. W. Poorman attended
meeting of the Home Science
club In Eugene this week, when
it was entertained In the woman's
building with Mrs. P. L. Camp
bell to show the members and
their guests the various collec
tions that have recently been giv
en the university and to tell of
the treasures in Memorial hall
In viewing the Murray Warner
collection It was a real opportuni
ty to have Mrs. Warner present to
tell In her own pleasing manner
the history of the various pieces.
Although Mrs. Mlllican's Indian
collection, which was recently
presented to the university, was
not in place, the club members
saw a few of the baskets and In
dian robes that had been un
packed. Tea was served late In the
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burton
of "Bandon, Oregon, are receiving
congratulations from their many
friends on the arrival of a daugh
ter, to be named Louise Alberta.
Mrs. Burton was formerly Miss
Myrtle Ennls of this city.
The elub women of Oregon al
ways have been actively Identified
with the sale Of Christmas eeais,
the gay little holiday stickers for
Christmas gifts and letters sold
during the month of December to
finance the work of the Oregon
Tuberculosis association, and this
promises to be a banner year for
participation in this splendid
Although the sale Is still more
than a. month away, 48 of the
leading clubs and women's organ
izations of Portland have signed
to assist In the sale of seals con
ducted from a dozen booths in the
down town district beginning De
cember 1 and ending Christmas
qiub participation is not limit
ed to Portland, many clubs of the
state being Interested in this
work. The Independence Womon's
club will handle the seal sale In
that city, -with Mrs. Edwin Nls-
sen acting as chairman. In Con
don the Wednesday Afternoon
Reading club will be in charge
of the sale with Mrs. T. A.
Weinke as chairman. Mrs. J. R,
Blackaby will be chairman from
the Women's club of Ontario for
the sale of seals In that city. The
seal sale in The Dalles will be in
charge of the Y. W. C. A. club of
the high school with Vesta Holt
as chairman.
Mrs. Sadie Orr-Dunbar, execu
tive secretary of the Oregon Tu
berculosls association, is person
ally managing the sale this year,
and is spending much time out in
the state setting up the sales or
ganization. She will be In Lien
county this week for this pur
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. East left the
latter part of the week for Long
Beach, California, where they
will viBlt with their .daughter,
Mrs. Hugh Kyle. The Easts ex
pect to be gone for about six
weeks. They are making the trip
by motor.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kafoury
Jave sent announcements to Salem
friends of the birth October 22 of
a baby girl to be named Ruth.
Mr. Kafoury is the Junior mem
ber of Kafoury brothers, and is
general .manager of the Portland
Colonel and Mrs. E. Hofer have
returned from about . a months
trip In the east where they visit
ed in McGregor, Iowa, Chicago
and St. Paul, Minnesota, where
Colonel Hofer attended the na
tional American Humane conven
tion. Colonel Hofer is president of
the Oregon State Humane society
and he delivered an address on
better conditions for livestock on
tne ranges. An entire day was
given to the discussion of this
question and some beneficial leg
islation was the result
The Hofers called this a honey-
moon trip since they visited the
little old town of McGregor, in
the north eastern part of Iowa on
the MlsslsBlppl river, where they
were raised and married. The
Hofers were entertained quite ex
tensively while visiting their rela
tlves and old friends.
Mrs. W. C. Knighton of Port
land spent last week end with
her mother, Mrs. B. E. Waters.
Miss Lenta Baumgartner and
Miss Prudence Patterson were
week end guests of girls In the
Kappa Alpha Theta house at 0.
A. C. where they attended the O.
A. C.-Stanford football game.
Mrs. S. A. Koier who for the
past month has boen in Portland
with her mother, Mrs. B. A. Bel
cher, who has been quite ill, has
returned home. Mrs. Koser reports
that her mother is very much better.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers were
hosts last week for a seven
o'clock dinner when covers were
laid for ten. A centerpiece of gor
geous autumn flowers was used
for decoration. Places were set
for Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bellinger,
Dr. and Mrs. Prince Byrd, Dr.
and Mrs. Phil Newmyer, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Johnson and Mr. and
Mrs. Myers.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Adams were
last night hosts for the members
of the Sweet Briar club and their
husbands and families for a six
o'crocK cover dish dinner. The
dinner was set at a huge table
and fifty one places were set. The
hostess was assisted In preparing
for the party by Mrs. Charles
Chaffee, Mrs. Moses Adams and
Mrs. Frank Horton. The decora
tions were in 'Hallowe'en colors
and favors Bad during the eve
ning many stunts were given and
other games and " amusements
suitable to a large Hallowe'en
party. Each woman brought
covered dish as her share of the
dinner, and everyone present re
marked that it was one of the
best dlnnem they had ever had
Approximately three hundred
women from all over the state ac
cepted the hospitality of Eugene
people last week during the Par
ent-Teacher state convention. Al
though rainy weather prevailed,
the visitors expressed themselves
as being pleased with Eugene and
also the university, of which they
caught glimpses at various times.
On the whole the convention,
which ended Saturday morning
The Mason Bishop borne
was attractive ana wwru
in Hallowe'en decorations
when Henrietta Bishop and Kath
ertne Elgin entertained for one.
of the many pre-Hallowe'en par
ties. The evening was spent In
playing games suitable for the oc
casion with the following young
people present: Mildred Millard,
Dorothy Boshart,' Dorothy God
frey, Margaret Morehead, Claud
ine West, Ruth Halvorsen, Helen
8chrieber," Lena Medler, Doris
Hicks, Helen Pemberton and Nina
Logan, Delbert Bchaubaue.
James Dyiern, John Earley, Ken
neth Webb, James Campbell,
Glenn Drager, Marvin Headrlck,
Delbert Viesko, Duane Kirk, Wel
don Kirk, Robert Hall, Henry
Hendrlckson, Jack Harbison.
The Security Benefit associa
tion are planning on a big time
tonight at- the McCornack hall.
They are giving a masked ball
and everyone is Invited to come
and compete for the prizes. A
number of very valuable things
will be given away. There will be
dancing, fortune telling, a fish
pond, games and all sorts of
amusements. 'They urge everyone
to come and have a good time
even If not masked.
Mrs. Victor Mackenzie was
hostess last nght honorng Mrs. C.
Kenneth Bell. The evening was
spent in dancing and playing
cards, with about twenty five
girls and young marred women
participating. " The rooms were
decorated with Hallowe'en colors
and favors.
Miss Jennie Hoppes and Miss
Hazel George were .hostesses Sat
urday "night at the Hoppes home
for a Hallowe'en party, with all
of the adornments of that day
featured Including cats and witch
Bhaded lights and candles.
Games were played during the
evening and prizes were awarded
to Jean Shlpp, Herbert Barlow
and Vernon Perry, The . young
people invited to the party were
the Misses Leona Ferguson, Wan
da Jean Heberly, Fay Wassdm,
Florence Bush, Jean Shlpp, Paul
ine Monarch, June Hoppes, Jennie
Hoppes and Hazel George, and
Messrs. Don Kelly, Raymond
Bonesteele, Herbert Barlow, Floyd
Seamster, Kenneth Seeloy, Ver
non Perry, Floyd Satterlee and
Jack Hoppes.
$500 Estey Piano $75
Closing out five Estey Fianos in
like new condition, 1275, $5 down,
$1.50 a week.
432 State Street
Beauty Contented
Tun tt lwr cMUVWnl
tht your beut n orn
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Srmi 15c. fop Trial C
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Look for Values
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Buy R. A. and get the
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Don't put tip with
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R. A. with its roomy
eats, full fit and long
wear. Also Waist Suits.
Ho need to hav bunchy
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Jong. wide, ennred guaset
will keep the eeat cloeed
and give yoa comfort,
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wQl last two or three
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Ask the el for the many
points Of K. A.
Burned and Itched.
Cutkura Healed.
"My trouble began with pimples
breaking out all over my face. They
were hard and red though not very
large. The pimples festered causing
much burning and itching, and my
ace looked very badly. I used other
remedies but they did me little or no
good. I read an advertisement for
Cutlcuim Soap and - Ointment and
decided to try them, and after using
them about six weeks I was healed."
(Signed) Miss Lena Bonchero, 3608
Franklin Blvd., Sacramento, Calif.,
Feb. 10, 1922.
For every purpose of the toilet and
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Soapy dentifrices cannot do this be-"
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And a safe cleansing
Besides its mild fruit acids together with
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We are sure this trial will convince
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Be sure to call for your free tube this !
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Tooth Paste
the paste that's right
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