Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 30, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1922
tnl ,i
ed t'
kor (
in if
kr a,
I.CW 1
o.fam nrarntl
An ---r er. Published every evening exceptSu
Telephone 81; newa 82
OEORGlPUTNAM, Editor and Publisher
mi ii a i nn niiBiiii
n.TUOUl l H I
.& Jtii ixcju 1 -r nrm il l u v
i f ir . ur iniiiii i ii in i ! i
P ' : If rscffofci
nir.ntf.Not 'a Demagogue
In speaking of Governor 0b tX&
land Spectator remarKs : - fortunate
campaign for the WveraorBhip. Mr. Olcott no
as Mr. Pierce, from the calamity SfiT-ve u3. Mr.
but the good commonsense of our c t
Olcott has been a wise, Jfi according to the law,
has mana ged the. affair of record ig open; the
and in the interest of a l the people
to be apologized tor. u ' evidence 0f his short-
have been exposed long ago and the vidence of
comings wom nave . - - u8 fof
Mr. Pierce has mm " " blic ,ife a great
There is no question but that Governor uicou n
excellent public nmwterMai or
personal desires XrtVG most of these ap-
rFSheila Elliston Refused Love!
Susanna's Lovemaking
Although it did not seem possible
XASSS the people, is testimony ! ffie thBt my brothor could be .o
pointees were hel(L ct tho Uuth x
to the high regard m wno S illinz politician!
Mr. Olcott is noi B-r imVi.r... Therefore the
pilling Politicmn u wa9 th6 t;me
.JhT the tool of politicians. Therefore in r , " that T was ur9 Su8an,io
plitidans are not much totedtaM; canmaacy M m lettor
Ld built up an efficient po itical machine that wou a
the goods for him at elections , 3 the l wantcd to Know iut who. Su-
who wouw oest seive w -V v,o Vim the arudging
nraiaes Bhowerea upan v,i vavA hoartv . . , t i
1. noiiW it'H I KM a Wiltiv w uiui " - inrnVfl VOU 111
guppoiu .... t. Kav." Phil contm - " t thooaht
i i n uci tnv ii . j! uaw ann nr n i'i i
r..OD. nnt. SO. The Chicago
board of trade today made Its first
tha rnnatltutlonallty
move iu -"-
of the grain futures act when It
filed In federal district uu.k
mmnfition restraining
LltiUU ivt . J ,
the government from enforcing
the provisions oi mo
XU6 w n -
tho former, uttvc
rrunu, nt declared uucoastitu-
1 ilibUl
tional by the supreme court, was
passed to become eiiecuvB
hor 1 .
The bill of complaint, filed Dy
Henry 8. Bobbins, counsel for the
rharzes that the law seeks
to regulate as interstate commerce
trade that is whony siaie,
..,.fr.. with atate riguis i" 6"'
em exchanges, and that it seeks to
, Knn tH mnmliera ul Luoii
aeurivc uw
tt hv tirtmittinff representa
rr r.nnftrative bodies and
UVOO v. vr
permitting them to reDaie mu.
sions in violation oi ru.w
by other members.
r made on the ground
that the law makes violation of its
.. . h new school
,ha dedlcawo" -- - - ,,.
S'SS MK.c mother, Mr.
Robert r;-. at
p,oyed as rura m-
nrnch7s purchased a
"rJh H. C. Lewis and
r.,: rharles Colvin mo
moving into the
son house onj filinday
n.Ti-0 R I riumiuei .
. M'n,- v to vlst her brother,
TOT X iuniHv" -
Archie Maruu rv--- - Qf
Mr. anu - . fh.
Stayton spent the week-end at the
home of the iaue. d v
and Mrs. rfinch
Mr and Mrs. J. r.
and George Stro?ut of Salem spent
o.,ov At the a. r.
all over and she locked it up in her P & crlme and con8tltutes
heart. When Bhe received that letter v ao(rtary ot agriculture, the
from him after her marriage well, commerce and tl
I know, Phil, that when a woman general a commission with
loves a man once, she cannot tear denrive offenders of their
him out of her heart at will
" 'T am aorrv for your wife, Phil
t ran avmoathize with her as you
cannot, for, I know, what It. is to
love a man that can never ve mine.
''She stopped, burst into tears and
almfvat threw herself into my arms.
"Kav. I was thunderstruck! i
gave you my word that up to that
secretary of commerce and the at
torney general a comm.asiuu
power, to deprive offenders of their
rights to thereatter pursue
ful avocation; wnereas suuu
1 innl lawn am under the constitu
Hon enforceable only In courts,
"with a Jury trial.
lAumsville News
RFT.Rir.H nuiCK
uui x--- ..,..,rn
. r-T The Imperial
... lo trvtnir to put a period to
. -...i.rUlaa nr launa l"uu
me -- t h-.
whoee motto for movemou.
been "get in, get ncn,
The pioneers and financial men of
. n want, in other words,
to stop the speculative farmer who
. i. shoestrings along,
makes a Quick profit and then gets
Thnv want to stop biiovu
in.nttnn and canteioupe vijv
and to turn the attention ot farm
ers to more conservative ana sy.
lines, such as dairying.
Hn not hold that either
ff r pantaloune is a specula
tlve crop; but unfortunately, may
.. nH kindred lines give
aoj, .
a chance for a quicK lurnuvc,
have attracted people who have no
i intoroat In the tuture ui iu
valley, but who want to get ricu
and then leave
X Olcott has not worn the collar of any Portland or othci .,tWngs grew worse and WRs in love with ma...
newspapers, and has not taken their orders and PJSJK worse, sheila grew farther and far- Sometlling in my u
Sh games Therefore he has little real newspaper support w3er8eway froBm rae. l came to the told Phil ihat x ha
BUDDOrt comes irom newsimiK" , . that there was only one that statement, for
His principal newspaper bu v-. -
f0rotoTtyisaa? rSvanin apaign like that
nowMbeiSg wged tn that he .is not . Hedo not
appeal to class ana raca '""not nromise the
?ent for-the w . Character ofthose who have
rSSm He fi Sly Plain American living up to
fanaticism. He is simply a puui . ,
A to pr can ideals, ana giving me ,
foud, ff not of sounding brass and clanking cymbal.
Kansas After the Klan
fiovcrnor Henry J Allen of Kansas has issued a proclama
llofthSSe1 Ku Klux Klan
that can come to any civilized people" says the executive.
eX a proclion against the
onrl nnlv a few IieWS-
mithoritv aitainst mviaiuie 8uvu m. -i j - -- ,
papers throughout the state. The - Balance nave ue. -u- e9ted that t had
Eluxed. We wonder if the newspapers of Kansas are as to her than 8be de
cowardly as the newspapers of Oregon? Will they support mt she knew our marria!
IXg toku-klux the republican party in Oregonthe
Otptoh ItUramen have ku-kluxed the democratic party. The
U?Sit for governor and 1 the Jemogatjcjn
dates for congress, yeswalbd
v" t..i.- j Kinnfnr anA rnlumnv'to elect tne
propaganda oi nute uu " --i,0i, ftrfi in
klan ticket is everywhere in evidence. Klan jackals are in
full cry on ewu m . , , Klux
vVe-know wnac x icaiucuu v....- -
Klan lie already has the department of justice check ng
UD on them What other presidents have thought of the
BaVe movement, which hV sporadically brokei out in the
past is shown in the following quotations: -
Anv movement directed against any body V our tew
.,US: bPeciUe of their religious c,.-
American principles ana Aiueiumu - "r , ls ba8fl(i
-h i thin ao (leanicable as a secret society iat is based
p0 reiigious prejudice and .but will attempt in any y toeiear
a man uecause oi nis reimuim .
oach-it thrives In the dark. So do thoM .who comblMfor such an
.. . . .. a i v, .irtvtr William TT. Talti
end ana wor "JTrY When the
Know-SohlrKT a? created
Sua. c.p?b rU foreigners, and CathoHc. When toto
this, I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make
no pretonse of loving noeriy uio T. ,
and without tne oase anoy tu --r
24foiig State Stre4l
Twin or tn sivn ia trouble will keen any man bisy
J - . -
A woman with small feet usually walks on hepride.
Ordinarily, when Greek meets Greet, they start a res
taurant. j
Why not stretch safety week out to fifty-two; in the year
Some of the new long skirts look like a buncH of umbrella
Things could be worse,
dogs before they bit you.
Suppose bedbugs barked like
Some people use their hands and feet to operate auto
anOOlies, cut neva ""
The "Buy-him-a-tie" Week is scheduled
previous to December 25. . '
seven days
m nr.. .k,,L.r,tto tripi u'na W3is mmiitru ......v-
probably promised to love, cherish and protect.
VmildiiSe: roofs. An
r.ttempt, we presume, to raise modern art to f- higher level
1 . t i.t w..i Kits rn ntrv i-cSuld be solved
The tinanciai piiu ina i "A --Sinino- motor
1 v opening an automobile speedway and thenVning motor
conclusion that there was only one
thing -to do and that was 10
..i ...ii hPffan to think tbat bub
had married me only for my name
and for your protection and now
that she had them; now that sne
,. , niiid an to almost any
end to keep our honored name from
ttossip, she wanted to gei
"Phillip Spencer, I never dreamed
nnltl ha auch an utter
LlliV J"1
t" T exclaimed in exasper
,in T am not prepareu iu
whether your wife Sheila, loves you
t T m milta sure that in her
place, I would never forgive you and
n.av rest assured that if ever
pnma a time when you sep-
oP,.tn from her. I shall be on her
j.i i
Ai, Knv. flon't sav that! I want
you to love Sheila, but I cannot let
you go, too. I am almost biuo l.v
she will never forgive me. But you
v !'' fc at I did try. Once I
tried to thrash it . out with bhelia. i
-i,,i w tn m for a drive with me
and. I .trilL'd to get nor 10 v"
what was the matter.
" 'Have I done anything to make
you unhappy, dear!' I asked.
'For answor sne oursruim
had. proDaDiy
i served
hut that she knew our marriage had
"I interrupted her there because i
had not the strength to hear from
her own lips the confession that she
loved someono else. I interrupted
" 'I'll find some way, ueivr t,
to fix the matter up. I cannot bear
t A jsn miserable.'
"At that she became the calm
cold self she had,been for months
past, and we nmsneu our uuo
'iftoi. T had dropped btieiia ni
the house, I drove way out into the
n..trvf miloa and nines, juy
V,V,..-. . - J ,
lirn had come tumbling aouui
lilio n hnuaa of cards. I could
not think. I could not see into tm
"1,1 f,r,t T thmiEht I would talk
vrtii '
. . ..... tt:l.
'Oh, whv dnin t y",
" .. j i.
"Just because, Kay, n si-emeu i
me very seliisn to ourucu
overburdened heart with my sor-
. t
rows. You had naa enous".
"Toward night, I came back into
the citv and almost unconsciously
at last found myself before feu-
.i,mr Honoanv. ivav, x uu
not intended ia tell 'her anylhing.
Even then I said to niyseir tnai i
would not speak of anything ex
cept the merest commonplaces."
Hut I have come to tne conclu
sion that a man is ouiy a g
baby, after ell. He must always
loari on some woman as a child
does on it mother.
'Snsanne, of course, saw irame-
dintelv that I was most unhappy,
and by a little sympathy and a fev
simple' questions, she drew the
wholo slory out of me.
I confess that it was a reuii
"At th end of nT story she look
cd at me solemnly and said: 'Phil
sometimes think that wnue au
men are moro or less blind, you are
completely sightless.
" 'I never thought that I would
tell you this, but now it eemg to
ma that as your friend I must, tor
you have never been able to see
that Sheila married you oniy to
rehabilitate herself in the eyes of
h wnrl.l. She knew that If she
married into the powerful Spencer
family, she could snap ner lingers
at Scandal and its impish offspring
" the never expected to m;
brother again. ethought that was
Snmnthinir in mv face must have
told Phil ihat I hardly believed
that statement, for he asserted
heatedly: ."You may believe it or
nt Kav. but It is true. We had
been mighty good inenas anu pais
on the other side and many of the
fellows had joked me about her. In
fact, occasionally I had tnougnc oi
marriage with her some time way in
the future, but there had been no
love passages between us, and 1
thoueht she felt as "I-that fsho was
;u lnotintr for that man who
would make her heart beat fastei
and thrill her whole being at th
aoiiiid of his voice.
"Bo. when she threw herself mta
my arms and raised her tear-filled
avna to mine. I said, rather stupid
ly, 'Sue, Sue, forgive me- x aiu noi
" 'I know it, Phil. I know you did
not knowj 1 know you would not
willinclv hurt me or any other wo
man. But I have known it all the
timo and I have had to sit here and
watch vour unhappiness when
would have given my life to save
you the slightest pain.
I raised mv handkerchief to my
Una ot hide the derisire smile that
o.urled them. Men never will lenow
the ways of women--that is some
. (To. be Continued)
Mrs T. W. Johnson, who has
been making an exienueu mi,
back east, left Iowa, Thursday
morning, for home via the Cana
dian Pacific.
H f!. Lewis returned nome duu-
day morning from a hunting trip
In Douglas county, iw
one deer.
A. P. Speer is conducting a saie
at the Turner store tnis
nnhert. Peterson. Charles nones
and V. C. Peterson left Sunday for
iishlng trip to Tillamook. They
returned home Wednesday aner-noon.
Mr and Mrs. Floyd Speer at
tended a dinner at Albany, Friday
night, given by C. J. Baird of Nap
ns Pal.
Fred Garnant of Kiddies speiu
Monday night with his oromer,
t w Tnhnann nf this place.' He
left for Portland Tuesday morn
ing. L
Misa vinla Peterson of Tacoma
Wash., is visiting her uncle, V. C.
Peterson and family.
ii. nnri Mra. J. M. Miller re
Tuoadav from a trip to
lUiuou ,
Tillamook. They brought home a
rnnrf minnlv of crabs.
Mrs. Vern McAllister and Mrs,
E3. P. Hopper oi snaw were auui
-111 wtinnnora ThlirSdaV.
into o"","-" -
Mr. and Mrs. Artnur men buu
mall daughter ot Scotts Mills
ame Saturday evening to attend
Newton Beers
Eminent Dramatic Artist
In his scholarly presentation of
the Biblical Drama
The Shepherd
and King
As they appear in the lives of
Saul, Jonathan, and David.
Grand Theatre
Wed., Nov. 1st
8 p. m.
Admission 50c
Auspices Chemeketa Lodge
No. 1, I. 0. 0. F.
Chicago. Oct. 30. The west has
been east and conquered, the east
has come west and won and tne
curtain has fallen on the classics
of inter-sectional football. It may
stay down for a long time but
never so long that the east or the
west will forget what happened.
Princeton's 21 to la vicuiry
over Chicago has gone Into foot
ball hlstofy with Yale'a 6 to 0 de-
teat by Iowa and the east and tbe
west, the "big three" and tne big
ten," In a way are on even terms.
The close margins, of victory in
hnth guinea make It so the experts
may dwell at length on technique
and style and other lundanientais
h, it will not change the scores
The greatest fundamental of foot
ball ls football "as ls.
-is a delicacy that you should
Wy with tea.
Get a loaf of real, full-fruited
raisin bread, and see how good
it is.
Get th bread at grocers or
neighborhood bake shop they
have it now.
Its a tempting Innovation to
ae'rve to guests or friends.
v Bakers everywhere are mak
ing It for you, using
Seeded Raisins
the best raisins for bread, and
all home cooking uses.
I I i V -
V Vifn U res V !
Taste cAitv
l Tl
i i w i i i i f ( !
I zz.
Uzrt & Mvbks Tobacco
Journal WantAg1
An Invitation to the
Ladies of Salem
Apply Zemo, the Antiseptic
Liquid Easy to use
From any druggist for 35c or $1.00
for large size, get a bottle of Zemo. When
applied as directed it effectively re
moves Eczema, quickly stops itching,
ho!e cvin trnnhW also Sores,
OilU It 1.1 1 J on
r nrj. t,A fhafinlr. It Derie-
CUillS, liuunua o-
triatao rleancoa anfl SOOUieS. 1" K
. ,in jfinWi. and inexpensive.
antiseDtic Uauid. Try It, as we believe
nothing you nave era
tive and satistying.
Beef, Hogs, Calves, Sheep,
live or dressed; also chick
ens, Eggs and Butter; best
cash, price paid.'
Meat Market
155 N. liberty Street
Phone 994
When Traveling
( ffsl J
For those who delight in
doing new things for themselves
the home ;
and for
October 30, 31,
Monday, Tuesday,
Patton's Book Store
Miss Sarah Hodnttt
We invite you to meet
Miss Sarah Hodnett,
representing the Denni-
son Mig. uo., wno win
be with us the first six
days of this week. Here
one mav train informa
tion as to the uses of
crepe paper, sealing wax
and other Dennison
craft materials.
There is no Charge for
Nov. 2, 3, 4,
Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday
Commercial Bx
Convenient Comfortable,
- Sate and Economical
Low Round Trip
Between Salem and
Portland, J2.B0;
Albany, $1.30;
Dallas, 90c;
Corvallia, $2.00;
Eugene, $3.80.
Low Fares to many other
For further particulars ask
agents or write
General Passenger Agent
Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
4 japs
CLASSES IN bead molding from sealing wax. Costumes an"
for parties particularly opportune for the Hallowe'en dance
of all seasons fashioned from crepe papers, collar and vest sets fr
wear made of crepes of many colors so many things which &e
practical and effective. . yo0r
Miss Hodnett comes to you with a host of ideas that will Wj 1'jargcr
Christmas gift problems. It is so seldom that those outside the
cities have an opportunity like this that we urge you to attend a c
Commercial Book Store
Patton Brothers
Booksellers & Stationers
i ' lor Feeding.