gATTlRPAY, OCTOBER 28, 1922 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE NINE s a Man I TT If n Hig An Aviator I Who Moves h Circles napitaiourna -,rier 10 cents a week. 43 7 a month. $5 a year in ad cents, va"06, n in Marion and Polk W.1" one month 50 cents. 8 W'il 26 6 month $2.25. 1 ti 0C i Elsewhere 60 cents a K lb ft virc n. " - - .. T nri class mail y!ek Oregon.- , -Wr PRESS ' exclus ?e.nt led to the use for pub- ,vely enttuea dispatches '""if to It or not otherwise "tmli in this paper and also lo gggWl here'"- Audlt Bureau of Circulations. Ward, Tribune bldg., New York CW. .. Peoples Gas "Tper word each Insertion . .t three Insertions 5 cents, 1 wek 8 cents, onl month 20 one year, per month, 12 Z ' minimum per ad 25 cents. "First Tsertlon only In New To flav City ads cash in advance, ,4 not taken over phone, unless Idvertlser has monthly account. nL,.n.a for Phone errors. NEW TODAY fog SALE Milk goat. Call at e259 367 N. com i. FURNISHED apartments, Commercial. ji fOjTsALE-Sinfer sewing c269 maun'p v tor"rENT Garage. Phone 3 OF .i CC K.T -Mat sc 1259 mannine . vu". i JUUU caiueutd ....... Phone ooj. o flEEMEN, brake.-nen, $150-$200; . ii... Tinnurot, -. .TmirnAl. no smite. ' 257 H h. STIFF Furniture Co. open Saturday evening until 9 o'clock 257 ITALIAN prune, Royal Anne cher riea and apple trees, ldlewine. 9T'i3 Rrnndwav. C282 FOR KENT Two very desirable Bleeping rooms, furnace heat, 8 blocks supreme court building, nhrme 1390R. 267 LOST Small Scottish Rite charm near corner State and Commer cial street. Call 1674W, reward. C, D. Adams. k268 WANTED $1500 for 3 years, will pay S per cent, city property, carries $2500 insurance. W A. Liston. scent. 257 67 MILES per gallon made with new patented gasoline vaporizer. Write for particulars. Stransky Vaporizer Co., Pukwana, S. D. 257 6. C. R. I. RED breeding cocks, great egg strain; Mammoth Bronze turkeys for sale. Phone 83F12, Rt. 4, box 113B, farm for r-nt. 257 WANTED Position by an exper ienced hotel or institution en gineer, all around plumbing re pair man, good references. V. Hepburn, care Journal. pr25S .TO ' whom it may concern, after tfiis date I will not be responsi ble for any debt or obligations contracted by Mrs. R. L. Mc Dowell. R. Xj. McDowell. m259 MEN WANTED for detective work, experience unnecessary. Write for details explaining guaran teed positions. J. Ganor, former gov't detective, St. Louis, Mo. 257 I i'OR SALE "Book of Knewi- ag' for Xmas. Latest edition, 20 vols. $32.50, packed for send ing. Costs $60. H. N. Bain, 712 Wash St., Portland. Br. 6230. 257 STOMACH trouble is serious. Start our Drugless Treatment in your own home Immediately. Real re wits. Free literature. Yoghurt, Inc., Dept. C, So. Bellingham, Wash. 257 10 ACRE fruit tract 3 miles east near Garden road; 6 acres lo ganberries, 3 acres strawberries, J aces ready to plant. $400. an acre, terms. Harris, 624 north .Cpitol, 1942J. 267 FOR rent 368 acre farm about 100 acres in cultivation, balance Pasture; either cash or share rent. Located about 2 H ' miles west of Pallas. Or. Address J. H. Lauterman, Hotel Argo, Ijalem, . 257 GET A HOME I have a large list of lots at prices from $150 up to 11500; also acre lots, fine il, on north 21st street, on mall payments. Brown, over Busick's, State and. ' Commer cial. o BARGAIN House close in, easily converted into a rooming house, only 4 blocks north of state capital on Summer street. Price H200, $1500 cash, balance 3 J'ears at 4 percent. A chance of a life time. See us at once, Krue Ker, Oregon bldg., phone 217. 5- 257J Marry if LONELY For results try me; best and most success ful "Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish "marriage soon; strict ly confidential; most reliable; J'ears experience; descriptions tree. "The Successful Club," . Nash, box 656, Oakland, Cal ifornia. ALESm"e5? We want" several ""re salesmen of extraordinary ability to sell 'advertising novel ties and calendars, starting Jan. 1st, 1923. 144 different advertis ing novelties; 168 different cal endars; large territory, liberal compensation, attractive bonus on monthly sales Quota. Bank ers Adv. k SuddIv Co.. Iowa City, Iowa. 257 Vf SALE House and lot in ingwood park addition to West oalem, known as the Wolfe r.uuerty. This house Is , oullt in the Bprmg of 1922 new, has and urenlfl., r- ..... . ' - wuobc is ;uiiiiwuLei with house. The property has oeen turned over to us to sell 'or the benefit of creditors and " d buy at the cash price 3750. Capital National Bank, ;rilrtepartrnent. a 262 cfTioiiE ; : 1 'oom house $750 JlOO dowii iowiT" bunsalow 950 ,20 room house $1100 $210 down roont house $1200 100 down dow better Krade 1600 400 1 riom house $1500 $400 down Sown ClMW ln 1650 309 m-"!? clos8 Paved street, Sm ,lne 1509 JH house fine lot. Bay City: e.h i on Saem house, some nd own- over Biuiclt s. State " Commercial. FOR RENT 2 rooms, 475 south Commercial. 267 FOR SALE Wood heater, good condition. Phone 498. 257 FOR RENT Furnished apartment close ln. 874 N. Church St. 257 APPLES for sale ,40o per box. N. flront Bt. ut. 8, box 38. c262 CHOICE" chrysanthemums dozen 25c. 801 Locust, phone 1024W. c259 FOR RENT Room with board, 465 N. Summer, phone 1404W. J259 FOR RENT Modern 8 room house, garage. 390 E. Washlng ton. 257 FURNISHED room, breakfast if desired. 253 N. 13th, phone 886W. 1259 WANTED Services of school girl ln exchange for room and board. Phone 86J. 267 WICKER baby buggy, $20, and $10 Rambler cart, both 1st class, phone 612J. c269 TWO furniHhed house keeping rooms, $20, lights and water In cluded. 1312 State. 267 FOR SALE $550 Willys Knleht touring car. The motor that Im proves with use. Call owner hru 1583W. 257 FOR SALE 100 White Leghorn hens, thoroughbred, 75c each. Phone 13F15, Rt 4, Robert Mc Gllchrlst. f253 FOR RENT One nicely furnish ed room with kitchenette, cor ner Mill and High. Ivan G. Mar tln, res, phone 769. x 257 FAIRMOUNT hill, fine corner lot 60x160 $650 cash, located on paved street. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 276 State St. a268 FOUND Gold wrist watch armory last night, owner can have same by proving and paying for mis aq. uau 1716 S. High St. 257 WE have $6000 to loan on farm or city property, prefer city loans of $1000 to $2000. Ander son & Rupert, 406-7 Oregon bldg. m259 4 ROOM plastered bungalow, ga rage. Chick Vard. wnlka nnrnor- lot, $1000, $200 cash $20 a inoiiLn. m. j. nunc, xaaa & Bush bldg. a 7 ROOM bungalow, modern ex cept basement, east front, $2600 will take auto and a little cash as lirst payment. M. J. Hunt Ladd & Bush bldg. a WANTED a six or seven room house. must be cIora in And in good condition. Value from louii ouuu. Anderson & Ru pert, uregon Dldg. 1269 FOR SALE Timber. Ifin Pacific highway, 7 miles from auiem, id acres on suverton road. Anderson & Rupert, Ore gon oiag D259 FOR SALE $10,600 buys two story Drick building, good loca tion. If Interested we would be glad to show you thiB property. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. a269 ST. Andreasberg rollers "the ca- iiu.iy wmi me college education, guaranteed imported. Former price $15 and $20, special price $10. Order now. E. B. Flake, birds, flowers, pete, 27 3 State. f FOR SALE $9000 buys fine ware house site on Front street, in dustrial snur In frnnt rtt nnn ty. Lot 82 ft by 165 feet. If you me looKing ror warehouse site let us show you. W. H, Graben horst & Co., 275 State St. n259 FOR SALE Look. $100 down and $10 per month, buys that fine 6 acre tract of dark prairie soil wnicn you are looking for. lo cated Just east of Salem on main gravel road. Price $1500 inter est 6 percent. W. H. Grabenhorst a uo Z75 State street. b259 LOOK New four room bungalow with basement and built in fea tures, good location, 11 blocks nortn. trice $3200, $1350 down balance payable $45 per month including ,6 per cent interest. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. a268 100 ACRES, 7 miles from Salem on Pacific highway, 50 acres un der cultivation, balance timber and pasture, no buildings. Price $65 per acre. This property is owned by a non-resident and will be sold on very easy terms Anderson & Rupert, Oregon bldg b259 FOR SALE $60 down and $10 per month buys a fine aero lot located on north 21st street close to Englewood school. If you are looking for a small acre age let us show you these tracts. Price $600, Interest 6 percent. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 27 5 State street. n259 FOR SALE $80 down and $10 per month buys 90-100 of an acre located Just south of city limits or saiem, close to high way and car line, gravel street, not far from McKinley school, best of soil. Price $900, interest 6 per .cent. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 276 State street. n259 FOR SALE $100 down and $10 per month buys 10 acres of first class tree and berry soil, located south of Salem about 8 miles, all cultivated and ready to put into fruit, let us show you these tracts. Price $1250, interest 6 per cent. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. b259 CLOSE in 9 room house, renting for $35 per month, can be bought for $1600, $800 cash, balance $10 per month and In terest. - v Good buy in 6 room close in, all on one floor, lights, bath, plas tered, basement, large lot, A-l location, street and alley paved S3.100. terms. Brown, over Bu sick's State and Commercial, a BRINGING UP I'D IVE FIVE hundred DOLLARS TO e BAsCX IN VoOt PLACE. -DINT Y EACTIN COR1NED BE.EF WITH JOHNNIE CLEA.RY THE. CANC,. NEW TODAY 3 ROOM furnished apartment. usa court. 1269 ' OR SALE 'Ford touring; car cneap. 1ST a. winter. 267 H. L. STIFF Furniture Co. open Saturday evening until 9 o clock 257 'OR RENT 2- furnished light house keeping rooms, 337 south 18th. 257 FOR RENT 5 room house with garage. Inquire at 157 S. Winter street. 257 FOR SALE Heater, small 4 hole cuuk Hiovu, uoara, pipes, odd in. 20th. 257 SP1RELLA corsets sold by Alice A. Miles, 451 north 21st street. Phone 1902J. 257' FOR RENT 3 room furnished apartment, all conveniences. 1207 S. Commercial. J259 HELP WANTED Middle aged wo man desiring home, for general house work, phone 23F2 257 FOR RENT 6 room down stairs apartment, fireplace, garage, $30 telephone free; beautiful lawn, Winnie Pettyjohn, 831 H State street. j 8 ROOM house five blocks from center of city, modern conveni ence, corner lot, $3300, easy terms. Winnie Pettyjohn, 331 ft State street. " a FOR SALE KOlSES 5 ROOM bungalow in Portland lor sale or exchange tor Salem property. T. M. Hicks, Salem Abstract Co. a281 FOR SALE By owner 6 room house and 2 lots, winter wood ln basement, $1300, easy terms. Call Sunday 2070 west end Ru ral ave. a257 BRAND NEW five, rooms, base ment, dining nook, built ins, fireplace, on paved street, all for $500 down. Price $3600. Hewlett, 1883J, inquire 765 N. Summer. a257 6 ROOM modern house, hardwood floors, fireplace, . furnace, full cement basement, garage, $6000. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 north Cottage. a FOR SALE 7 room house, wood house, all modern conveniences, 905 S. Liberty St. M. E. Shain a257 APARTMENT house to trade fo small farm. W. E. White, 694 N Commercial St. ' a268 FOR QUICK sale, 6 room one story house, electric lights, bath, toi let, large lot, and located in north Salem, can now be had for only $11150, cash to handle $500 balance $20 per month. See L. A. Hayford, 305 State St. SOLDIERS ATTENTION We have two things ln the way of new bungalows open to soldier loan purchase that we would be " pleased to confer with you on. They are such as we can decom mend. Come in and see us. The Fleming Realty Co., 341 State street. a FOR SALE FARMS ALBERTA farm of 160 acres, suit able for diversified farming for sale or trade. Address'owner box 64A care Journal. b261 FOR SALE Or trade, Palmito del Verde land $5 per acre. H. E Brown real estate office. b258 FOR SALE 44 acres timber land. Inquire 1247 S. Commer cial St. phone 869J. b259 FOR EXCHANGE Nice 17 acres, 7 acres of logans, one acre straw berries, two houses, goed ban, on good road, want house ln Sa lem, If you want a good place, that is cheap look this up. Call 907, H. L. Marsters. b FOR SALE 62 acres, all in culti vation, 19 acres prunes, 100 English walnut trees 16 years old, good buildings, fine team, 8 cows, 40 hogs, 150 chickens, all farm equipment, feed and seed. Price $9000, $4000 cash, balance five years at 6 percent, D. E. Hart, 371 State St. b FOR SALE By owner, $80 an acre for 86 acres, ft in cultiva tion, house, barn, orchard, 8 springs, hi mile to school, 18 miles south of Portland, terms. Box Cll Capital Journal. b291 FOR "SALE Automobiles WE have been very conservative ln our selection of used cars. If you would be conservative in your purchase see these cars first 4 Overland 90 '19 $250 Buick 4 '17 $275 Ford '21 $285 Oakland 6 '19 $375 Buick 6 '17 $475 Buick 7 pass. $475 Dodge '19 $5j50 Buick 6 '19 roadster $650 Buick 6 '20 $800 Dodse '22 $800 Buick 4 '22 $850 Apporson 8 '20 $1100 OTTO J. WILSON 388 N. Com'l, phone 220. q257 FOR SALE Roadster in first class shape, or trade for good Ford coupe, phone 888M. q257 FOR SALE Rebuilt Ford road ster with delivery box. Call 940 Mill street or phone 487J. q25S FOR SALE Ford touring car, new top and curtains, good tires, self starter and in good shape, phone 1317J. q258 MOTORCYCLE for sale cheap, 1388 north Cottage. q258 BE warm in your Ford this win ter for $3.76. Come in and see our new auto heaters. W. E. Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothers the Same Man) High St. at Ferry, Salem, Or. PARTS FOR ALL CARS q OLESON USED CAR EX CHANGE. Cars bought and sold. Guaranteed repairing. Washing, polishing. FATHER BUT WE'LL tOON BE. IN HONOLULU- HONOLULU MEAW NOTHIN' IN 'fc MY LlFEiCj FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Piano cheap. 1405 N. Church. ' FOR SALE Wardrobe, refriger ator, baby buggy, phone 117J, like new. 10t jn. -nurc. irnn kat.r AnniM hand nicked. Due, loc ana ti par ov. 7 " Wallace road, bring boxes. Rt. 1 box 15. phone 116F2, Pratt Bros. c257 FOR SALE Range stove, dining table, 2 beds and springs, ijor ner Berrie and Le,wis St. c257 FOR SALE '"C' saxaphone, 1266 State street. C367 APPLES 35c, 60c, 76c and $1 per box delivered, supply limited, phone 1937J. c257 POTATOES for sale, if you like potatoes that cook up mealy, phone 70F12. C258 FOR SALE Good winter apples at Imlah Fruit farm, phone 62F 11. - c268 FOR SALE Limited amount graft lng wood from our bearing or chard of large Montmorency pio cherry. This is the true strain wanted by the canneries. Inquiry welcome as to rellabe nursery Btock, culture, etc. F. V. Brown, Dalas, Or. c258 PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday Nov 4th 1 p. m., 160 south High., op posite Oregon Electric bldg. All kinds of household furniture, farm implements, live stock and miscellaneous articles; coma early Col. J. B. Gable, auction eer, phone 1446. c FOR RENT SMALL house to rent. 461 N. High J257 NEW garage and rooms for rent. 355 S. Winter St. J2B FOR RENT 3 room. apt. partly furnished. Call 395 N. 14th St. J257 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hno.ri if riaaiveiii 1 na tn 1716J. ' 3258 FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, also garage. 790 N. 17th. J25 7 FOR RENT 20 acres of summer fallow, one mile from Salem Mrs. Brunkal at Salem Fruit union. J?58 FOR RENT 4 room house and 8 room house. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 north Cottage. J FOR RENT 368 acres, buildings, 100 in cultivation, balance in pasture and timber, Powell, over Busick's, State and Com mercial St. J257 GARAGES for rent, inquire of Mrs. Bronson, corner 12th and Center streets. J257 FOR RENT New piano. Box Pi ano Capital Journal. J257 FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, 710 N. Winter, phone 492. J257 FOR RENT 2 pleasant house keeping rooms, phone 5 36W. . J257 GRAIN rent, farm 7 miles north of Salem on Wallace road. Want ed only reliable party with suf ficient machinery for large farm Inquire first house north of Lincoln store, Anna Hackett. J258 STEAM heated rooms at The Mil ler. J262 WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Two furnished house keeping rooms by man and wife, south Salem preferred. Box L2 Capital Journal. 1257 WANTED 200 to 800 egg Queen incubator, must be ln A-l condi tlon and priced right. Box Incu bator care Capital Journal. 1258 WANTED Few more milk cus tomers, 10c per quart. Address Rt. 9, . box 15, C. L. Riley. 1267 WANTED Second hand boy's bi cycle, 396 S. 21st street, phone 2034R. y 1257 EXPERIENCED accountant can handle another set of books part or full time. Accountant, 283 S. Church. 1257 WANTED Woman to demon strate food products, call eve nings after 7 p. m 481 S. Cot tage St. 1267 WANTED Sewing, fancy work, beading. 1095, corner of D and 22nd St. north. 1259 WANTED Household furniture. Phone 1446. . ! WANTED Used furniture, rang es, heaters, cook stoves, tools, etc. We pay cash, get our prices before you sell. Liberty Exchange 241 N. Com'l St. phone 841. 1 WANTED Second hand rurnlture and stoves. We also carry a full line of new furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Once then always. People's Furniture store, 271 N. Commercial St. phone 734. P LADIES combings made into beau tiful switches, puffs. $1 to $3. according to amount. Expert work guaranteed, see before you pay. Viola Ferris, Lebanon, Or. 1267 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Pure bred Jersey cow 1251 Howard. e258 FOR SALE Good milk cow, 1860 S. 13th street. e267 FOR SALE Work horse, heifer calf, seven months old; winter apples 60c box; English wal nuts 20c, orchard run; also de livery wagon. E. W; Wickert, Rt. 8, box 44, tel. 4F3. e258 GOOD gentle pony with .saddle and bridle, must sell or trade at once, any offer considered. E. B. Flake, 690 S. 17th. e257 AIREDALE puppies for phone 547 after 6. . sale, 257 Some of those European coun tries could make up with each oth er if they weren't trying to make off with each other. HAVE. VOU tEEH THE'bE PICTURE OF honoluuu: 7Z FUR SALE WOOD WOOD SAWING, phone 1111, city rot country. Kd Bproea. eeitou BEST grade mill wood 4 ft. and I 16 Inch, prompt delivery and reasonable prices .Fred E. Wells, 805 S. Church street, phone 1642. " ee Situations Wanted WANTED By ycung man, .posi tion anywhere, mechanically in- alined. Box WANTED J Uned. Box 44C Capital journal. -Job driving truck or working ln garage, can furnish ieference. Box Job Capital Jour nal. h268 WANTED HELP WANTED An experienced wait ress at the Argo, steady Job. . g257 WANTED Day work, 971 north Com y. gzl MAN with family wants position on farm or to rent farm. 2040 Waller. g267 THE Whitney company Is conduot- Jng togging and sawmill opera tions ln Tillamook county, and is hiring men for camp and sawmill work at going wages. No strikes. Good, clean camps and good, wholesome grub. 9 hours work for 9 hours pay. For saw mill work, address H. E. Mor gan, Garibaldi, Oregon; for log ging camp work, address W. J. Norrls, Idavllle. Oregon. g MISCELLANEOUS WILL trade late model 16 gauge Winchester hammerless shotgun in good condition, for some mod el 12 gauge. Phone 290, 403 Bank of Commerce bldg. m258 FURS altered, frilled, relined, en- laid lining, etc. Expert work guaranteed. Mrs. Lee A. Swoape 1445 Trade St. phone 984. m258 CHIMNEY sweep, furnace clean ing,' reasonable prices, jr. coun cilman, phone 177. m258 DR. S. R. SMITH, chiropractor, of fice 322 Oregon bldg. phone 4. 267 SAVE the old stove, expert stove repairing, all work guaranteed. 271 N. Com'l St. phone 734. m275 jj"OR experienced nurse, 1362J. ma ( j $1500 to loan on farm. D. E. Hart, 871 State St. m COL. J. B. GABLE, auctioneer, for farm and city sales; call phone 1446. m FURNITURE repairing . and all . kinds of woodwork made to or der: Wood turning, shop 19th and State, phone 882. c HIGHEST price paid for second c hand clothing anlv shoes. Also r cleaning, pressing and repairing. !; Call and deliver. Capital Ex change, 342 N. Commercial, tihone 1368W. m d. SATTERLEE, auctioneer, sells ..On commission or win ouy, nuj ; Where or any time. Phone 1177 or 1211J, 404 Ferry Bt. Salem, Or. ' m WANTED Furniture, tools, m - chlnery, stock, etc. Will buy for i cash, or sell on commission. phone 611, Woodry, the auction eer. ml WANTED Old mattresses 10 make over. Phone 19. Capital city Bedding Co. WINDOW washing, prompt serv v ion. Phnna 1552J. Windowman. m20 WINDOW washing, all kinds of odd 1obs. Dhone 1488, mass REAL ESTATE SPECIAL New 5 room modern except basement, paved street, 1 block to car, a good buy for $2500. fi rooms. Dlastered. large lot with fruit. Price $2000. with $200 cash. , We have some good nouses io trade' for small farms. THOMASON 331 iA State street. n 1 9 rnnm now nna.rtm6r.ts. with 4 baths, the finest in. the city, in come $230 per month; will sell on easy terms. 8 rooms modern, on pavement, large lot, large walnut trees, fruit garage, coop, large shade trees, shrubbery, owner leaving' town, $4260, $750 cash,' balance like reat. $ room modern, garage, close inp fine residence section, owner leaving the city, $3700, $1700 cash balance at 8 per cent. 4 rooms, bath, basement, pave ment, garage, absolutely new bun galow, only $2400, $1100 cash the balance at 6 per cent to suit. 6 rooms semi-modern, $1275, $300 cash balance $15 and inter est monthly. $2000 to loan on good country or city property. SOCOLOFSKY 341 State GOOD BUYS S room modern bungalow close ln on N. Church St. Price $4760. Fine corner lot at Wilson and Saginaw streets, with garage 14x20 suitable for living quarters. Price $1160, one third down. A real home 6 room modern biingalow close ln on N. Cottage stret. Price $7000, terms. 10 room house with hot water heating system on Court St. mod ern conveniences. Price. $6500, $2000 down balance easy terms. 10 room modern home built about 7 years ago, located block from State St. Price $8000, if you want a nice home let us show you this. Real estate and fire Insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. J76 State street v Ir seems strange that a man ho dug himself Into a subterran ean palace while the battle of the Argonne was going on hag tht courage to marry a widow with give children. . I'D THAT THE KINO OrCLOTHE'b THE.Y WEAR. IN - HONOLULU? S , ic;2 ay Int c. rtATUe Senvict. Inc. k 11 1,1 tWT ' l WTK ACETYLENE WELDING IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cop per. Bring the pieces. Oxo-Ga Heating Co., 887 Court. AUTO PAINTING RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING 219 State 8t. corner Front. AUTO TOPS TOPS MADE TO ORDER 171 8. High. AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY the live stock, furniture, real estate auctioneer. Phone 611 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer. BATTERY SUPPLIES PREST-O-LITE BATTERY SER VICE. Expert auto electricians. Phone 1803, 418 Court St. Phone 203. szs IN H.1RD. B a 1 1 e rles recharged and repa repairs. TN1 0- ! Burrell. Exlde batterieB, tarter and generator wur. i f i 8. Commercial, AUTO Electricians, expert irouoi shooting. 233 N. Jrllgn ot. puj 208. CHIROPODIST DR. S. F. SCOTT, S. C, graduate of the National umverwvi Science, Chicago. Scientific chi ropody, suite 801-2 Masonic Temple, phone 640 for appoint ments. DR. HINER foot specialist, all foot ailments reilevea. xnoaern equip ment. Room , Patton bldg. phone 967. H CHIROPRACTOR DR. SCOTT, Chiropractor, 41 U. 8. bank bldg. DRUGGISTS WM. NEIMEYER. 'JUST DRUGS 175 N. Commercial, pnone ioi. - J. C. PERRY, Rexall druggist. 115 8. commercial St. EL13CTRIC SUPPLIES HALIK ELECTRIC SHOP 837 Court. We do house wiring ana carry a complete stock of fix tures. Instrument repairing, ex perimental work. Electrio appli ances repaired. Phone 488. HOUSE wiring and supplies. Welch Electrio Co. Phil Jjrown ell, manager, 879 State St. ARCHIE FLEENER. electrician. bouse wiring by hour or con tract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980, 414 Court St. FLORIST CUT flowers and floral pieces. De livery. C. F. Brelthaupt. florist, 123 N. Liberty, phone 380. FARM LOANS HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 205 Oregon building, 5, 7, 10 and 20 year loans, iH and 6 percent Interest. Privilege to pay $100 or multiple on any interest oate. " 20 YEAR FARM. LOANS on rural credit plan. Prepayment privi leges with discount allowed. I will finance you for a less rate of interest than any firm on the coast. F. W MARSTERS, 411 Oregon bldg FARM LOANS made in amounts of $5000 or more, 6 percent In terest. Government plan of re payment. General Insurance. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. GARAGES RADIATORS Fenders and bodies made or repaired. J, C. Jiair, 444 Ferry St. GUARANTEED REPAIRING of all kinds on autos and tractors. Cars stored by day, week or month. E. Kroeplin and Sons, 1610 N. Commercial and Nor way. HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching stamping, buttons, hand embroi dery. Room 10, over Miller's store, phone 117 SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain stitching, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 379, 329 Oregon bldg. INSURANCE W. A. LI&TON. GENERAL IN SURANCE Fire, automobile and liability. Bonds and loans. 48f court, ANDERSON AND RUPERT, IN SURANCE Liability, automo bile, fire, surety, "bonds, loans and investments. 406-7 Oregon bldg. WOOD WORK-IN G WOOD WORKING All kinds of wood work made to order. Nov elty Shop 239 Court, telephone 1742. MACHINE SHOP WECHTER AND SMITH Machln lsts, engineers, welders, iih.aiuj cylinder grinding service. Phone 66 2. 345 Ferry St. H. AND M. CO. Specialty grind ers and welders. Automotive ser vice, 490 Ferry St. MERCHANT TAILOR D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men and women. 474 Court St. M. A. ESTES, flue tailoring. 884 State street. ' MOTORCYCLES LLOYD E. RAMSDEN, Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles 887 Court street. HARRY W. SCOTT "The Cycle Man," 147 S. Com. Phone 68. TRANSFER OREGON Transfer & Storage Co. Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertilizer; 4 foot slab wood for sale. Phone 77. TEP. look; ACT THAT IbEAOTY IN THE. CtNTEf- J WELL- WE l CArT C,IT TO 1 ! HONOLULU ANY - 7 A Q O m TO OON TO - j j 1 1111 o-g J MUSIC PIANO playing. 12 weeks, guaran teed. Beginners, advanced. Room 8 over Miller's. MONEY TO LOAN PLENTY of money to loan on im proved residence or business property, or for building pur poses. H. E. Bolinger, agent Equitable Savings & Loan asso ciation, 827-328 Oregon bldg. phone 1009. I also write all kinds of insurance. NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND nursery will have ales yard at Cherry City feed barn, 544 Ferry St. about Nov. 1. See me before buying. Phone 1140M. SALEM Kkireery company, fruit and ornamental trees, small fruit and roses. Phone 1763. 428 Oregon bldg. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur dette, optometrist. Bow Optical Co., 325 State street. t MORRIS OPTICAL O O. suite 101 Oregon (Electrio) OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathic physician and surgeon. Klrks ville graduate. 404-405 U. S. Na tional bank bldg. Phones, office 919, residence 61 4 DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 606 U. S. bank building. Phone 869. Dr. White , resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall. residence phone 834. PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet musio and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines, 432 State, Salem. FLUMBINU THEO. M. BAKU Plumbing, beating, sheet metal works, 164 8. Commercial. PLUMBING, repairing and coil work, reasonable charges. A. L uoarrey, snop loot oi union di. Phone 1397J. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns to Rowland Printing company. phone 1612 Masonic Temple. REPAIRING STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60 years experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sizes, 26 to 58 Inches high. Paints, oil ixnd varnishes, eto. logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stova Works, 250 Court street, phone 124. ' SCAVENGER NEAL SCAVENGER WAGON. Phone 1867R. SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by tire month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167. Night phone 1695W. R. O. Cum- mlnga, Mgr. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of flee, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly ln advance. Phone 67. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Revised daily.) Grain: No. 1 white wheat $1, No. 2 mixed wheat 98c; No. 3 red wheat 97c; (sacked.) Hay: Cheat hay $17.00; oat hay $30.00; clover hay (baled! $1920. Wholesale Prices Moat:-, Hogs $1010.25; dressed hogs 14c; top steers 66o; cows 2Vt4ttc; bulls 3c; lambs 89c; dressed veal 13c. Poultry: Light hen ISC; heavy hens 18o; old roosters 810o; broilers 18 0 20s. Hutterfat: Hutterfat 48c; cream ery butter 49 (& 60c; country butter 30aaac; eggs o.c; mini .m cwt. Vegetables: Wax onions crate: beets 12.00 cwt; Oregon cabbage IVio lb; green peppers 10c lb; potatoes il.OO cwt; uregon lettuce $2.26 per crate; parsley 401 doz, tomatoes 60o bushel; cucum bers 40c per doss. Fruits: oranges .io; lemons $9.00: bananas lOo: Calif, grape fruit $7.60; cantaloupe $1.16 tt 1.6( standard; watermelons 114o lb. Retail Priced Poultry and eggs: Eggs 46 50c; creamery butter 5c. Portland. Or., Oct. Z5. cattle steady; receipts 61; choice steers $8.60 ib 7.25; medium to good steers $6.75 660; fair to medium $6.25 676; common to fair $3.75 U5.25; choice cows and heifers $4.605.00; medium to good $3.60 4.60; fair to medium $3.00 3.60; common $2.00 3.00; can ners $1.60 2.00; bulls $3.00tt 4.00; choice feeders $5.00 6.60. fair to good $4.00 5.00; choic dairy calves $8.60 9.60; prme light $8.609.60; medium light $7.508.50;. heavy calves $5,000 $6.50; common $45. Hogs steady; receipts none; prime light $10.25 10.85; smooth heavy 200 to 300 pounds $9.60ft 10.00; 300 pounds and up $9.00. 9.50; feeder pigs $9.009.60; fat pigs $9.60810; stags $57.B0. Sheep steady; receipts none; choice val lambs $1011.00; med ium $9.00fel0; common $8.00 & 9.00; culls $6.608.00; light year ings JSW8.50; heavy $7.60(98.00; What's New on the Market ; BY FORREST GINN "Little Neck" clams are to bs found on the markets at this time. They are soiling at 8 cents a pound. These clams still have the sheila , and are alive. The butter clams,, sent from Olympia, as are the Little Nocks, are selling at 80 cents a pint. "Mammoth Bed" cabbage appear- j ed oil the local markets this morn- , ing for the first time this season. If the word red was changed to ; "Purple" . the cabbage would be better named. This variety of cab bage is -very palatable and addf greatly beoause of ill color to any salad. It retails at four cents a ; pound. , , Savoy cabbage, a variety with crinkloy leaves like thoso in head lettuce, appeared on the market this morning. It too, is soiling at four cents a pound and is very fine in salads. The buying price for eggs by the shippers this morning was 44 cents a dozen, or one cent higher than earlier in the week. Practically all of the stores are paying from one to three oents a dozen more than the shippers figure. The retail price ranges from 47 to C cents a dozen. Night News4 . Summary Borne Archbishops Hayes of Now York and Uundolein of Chicago are likely to be the t;vo new Amer-, jean cardinals, according to Vatican reports, and Monsignor Bonzano is to be created cardinal and replaced as apostolic delegate to the United States by Monsignor Famasoni. Mexico City Mexican govern ment officially disclaims any In tention of closing thoir consulates in United States, as in New York, unless overt aete are committed. Athens Prince Andrew of Greece ; brother of Former King Constan tino, placed in solitary confine ment of arrival here. London Winston Spencer Chur chill stands by Lloyd George and former Premier Asquith criticizes both Lloyd George and Bonar Law. Lady A at or, renominated, telle con servatives she must refuse to join in attacks on Lloyd George. Washington Investigation into ; war time contracts reveals that criminal or civil suits will be nec essary in "innumerable instances," Attorney General Paugherty an nounces. Washington former Postmaster General Burleson supports Joscphtu Daniels as to what was said in Wil son cabinet meetings when policy of merchant vessels was discussed. To a man up a tree It appears 1 that the more peace conferences there are the more wars there are, a- Good many Americans would 'i cherish the ex-kalaer'a woodpile, t anyway. ? j light wethers $6.50(97.50;" heavy. $5.6041)0. DO; ewes $2(9' 6. Butter steady, ex cub 40 041 Wo under grades 38 40c; carton 47c; prints 4c. Butterfat No. 1 churning cream . 48c fob Portland; 46o at sta tions; under grades 4647o. Eggs: Firm. Buying cur rent receipts 46c; white henneries 62c; selling case count 47c; can dled 5162c; seleots 63 64c Poultry: Light hens lac; ; heavy 22c: broilers 20 22c; old roosters 10c; geese 15c; ducks 2023c; turkeys 4041o. Wheat: Hard white $1.18; soft white $1.17; western white $1.19? hard winter $1.17; northern spring $118; western red $1.16 Mill run $27.ou; oats fw.auisp 35.00: corn No. 8 yellow $31.00; . hay, timothy, valley $20.00; al falfa $18(918.60; grain $17018; oats and vetch $16017; straw 18. Legal Notice NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS S Sealed DroDOsals will be receiv- . ed by the Oregon State Board of Control until 11 a. m. November ; 2, 1922, and then opened for re- .. constructing a two story and base- ment brick building, recently ao- , stroyed by fire, at the Oregon ;. State Industrial School for Girls, ; liir-aturi nbnut 3 U. miles 8. E. of the city of Salem. Contract will be i awarded as a whole or in tnree sic para te parts, viz: (a) For general construction (b) For plumbing (c) For heating. Plans will be ready on October : 23, 1922, and may be procured at -the office of Knighton & Howell. : architects, 404 U. S. bank build- ..; lng, Portland, and at the office of the Board of Control, ln Balom. Contractors will be.j-equired to . deposit $15.00 for each set of plans and specificaUona to guarantee their return ln good condition on ; or before date of opening bids. A certified check for $1000 must accompany bid for general construction, or $600 each for plumbing or heating, to be made ' payable to R. H. Goodln, secretary, guaranteeing that the successful -bidder will enter Into contract and furnish bond ln a sum equal to 50 per cent of the contract price, said . bond to be furnished by a surety company authorized to do busi ness ln the state of Oregon. If bidder falls to enter Into contract and execute bond within ten days from date of award, then certified check will be forfeited and be come the property of the state of Oregon. Proposals shall be made on forms furnished by the architect only, addressed to the undersign ed, and marked '.'Girls Industrial School Building." The board reservsa the right to reject any or all bids or to accept the one deemed beat for the state. , Dated at Salem, Oregon, Octo- ber 10. 1922. R. B. OOODIN, Secretary. Oregon State Board of Control. ,1