SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1922 . . - I I U U 111 I IM , i MrH t PAGE EIGHT ' -: ' E CAPITAL JjHJKWAUMUj .STS ; ... .., .- - irimiimnn - -irrrnrn rr ' l wr rnr ir winr i nurtr ,n -- 3 Ojnl !ln JLL 10) Your IN ADVANCE ast Chance to et he Capital Journal in Marion anc Polk Counties by mail 11 P ITS) xThis Offer is for Mail Subscribers Onlyi Salem, Oregon Oct.. . 1922 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Enclosed find three dollars for one year's subscrip tion at BARGAIN DAY rates to The Capital Journal. Check here whether Town New Subscriber Renewal Box Route.. . Attach your check or P. 0- Money Order and mail today. You will make a saving worth while. This Order and Remittance must reach us by October 13, 1922. Other wise Full Subscription Price will be in force. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Oct.. 1922 Jncld find thn dollars for one rear' !,,. t M aAAm uAx rates to The Canital jT Name . Check here whether New Subscriber Renewal Town Box Route IN Ml fa. ., .-, ., !"- - -a - v ' "V.',