THE "flAPTTA T ! J. t i tl ; er. t m ' a ' ' ed . 1 pr " hit mi t Ti ( T ; .a in PAGE EIGHT Society and Federation Meeting-To Be Tuesday The county federation meeting next Tuesday has been arousing a great deal of Interest among Sa lem club women for sometime and yesterday the program for the meeting which will be Tues day, October 24, in the First Christian church parlors begin ning at 10 o'clock In the morn ing was definitely announced. This meeting brings women rep resentatives from woman's clubs throughout Marlon county and la a time when club problems may be cooperatively handled and dis cussed. The Salem Woman's club, and the Etokta club, formerly the North Balem Woman's club, will be Joint hostesses for the meeting. Mrs. W. E. Kirk of Salem is pres ident of the county federation and will preside at the meetings next Tuesday. The women who are in terested in this are very anxious that there be a large number of ' Salem women at the meetings to assist as hostesses and take part in the meetings. It Is an opportu nity that should be taken ad van t age of and all club women are urgently requested to participate The program as announced will open with the singing of Am erica followed by Invocation by Rev. Evans of the Christian church. Professor Roberts will play the organ just before the ad dresses of wolcoine by Mrs. Mason IllHhop of Etokta club and Mrs. La Molne Clark, president of the , Salera Woman's club. The re- spouse will be given by Mrs. II. M. Sims of Silverton, after which Mrs. Ward Willis Long will sing. Miss Cornelia Marvin will give a short talk on tjie county libra ries which will be very helpful to the women Interested in the best books and material, Trofessor E. W. Hobson will give a vocal se lection. Among the committee re ports which will take up some time, will be the report of the' legislative committee by Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris. Lunch will be Berved at noon in the Christian church with Mrs. C. S. Hamilton in charge of this part of the days program. Mrs. J. J. Roberts will head the afternoon program with a vocal solo, fol lowed by a talk on interior deco ration. Mrs. Edwin Sooolofsky will sing, and Dr. Carl Gregg Doncywlll talk on Education for Citizenship. After this, which will conclude the program a business meeting will be hold. It is expect ed that there will be a large num ber of women from out of town and the women here are planning on having a large delegation of Salem women present. The Woman's republican study class will meet Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. P. Bishop. George Brown will explain the amendments to the constitution which will be voted on at the election in No vember. The meeting will be very instructive for the women and it is hoped that a large number attend the .Monday afternoon meeting. - Mr. and Mrs. C. Blower, who have been visiting with Mrs. Blower's mother, Mrs. Carl My ers, left Friday for New York city going by way of the Canadian rockies. ToSI AM Etui Oa Ircnized fronizt! Yeatt Combines the Necas ary Body-Iron and Body-Vita-min Which Malt Skin Eruption VanUh Absolutely Tou can prove th remarkable r. milts of Iron lied yeuat In a few daya ,tlme. To Ret results that you can actually aee in your mirror, and ao kually feel in your whole make-up, frou mum ubo that yeast which give -((, aeareet aUara an jpit k a clear, pure ea.Uk the necexnary blood-bulldlnir vita minta with the proper kind of nKm-Kivin iron, (:. the aame form aa tt rxlata in the human body. J here is only one Ironlaed yeaat pro- uuia iu inf worm, ana it la called imply, Iroiilxed leant. It ia not a mere mixture of yeant and iron, but i yeant lrontsed, which Is a tub. fiance an oy itseir. I'lmples, black hfxiia and eruptions mean that you are minus the right kind of Iron-and- g nautiiies. i ou need Doth. Iron lied leant will free you from pimple embarrassment forever, your black- win Tnmn, your purines rich fed blood will how In the ruby of your heeka and adorable akln-clear- maa. lmniaea leant will put wtre neaa In your nerves, new red blood reils in your blood. It builds strength in every enran, in meu, women and children. It Is also a atomach trenrthener. Ak for Ironlaed Yeast, potblna; el. ne. Keware of imitations. Ironlied Yeast Is Hold at all drug stores at a package. Kach pack aire contxlns $0 tahieta. each tablet iled. They never lose their power M'f'd only by IronUed Yeast Co, At lanta, i. a. ah ausaue will be ewealet J Xrom nw oul f Mr. and Mrs. F. Q. Myers were delightful hosts for two dinner parties this week, one on Monday evening and one Wednesday eve ning. The decorations for both parties were made up of a variety of autumn flowers, which can be secured now in such gorgeous col ors. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. Blower, Mrs. E. M. Hulden, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Rinderman, Mrs. Carl Myers and 0. J. Myers were guests for a pleasant dinner. Mrs. Blower was formerly Effle My ers and has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Carl Myers. Mrs. Hulden, formerly Beulah Myers, of Portland has also been the guest of her mother. Friday night at a table gay with autumn flowers covers were placed for, Dr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, Reverend and Mrs. Blaine E. Kirkpatrick, Rev. and Mrs. Ward Willis Long, Mrs. A. Elliott, Mh and Mrs. C. B. Webb and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Myers and family. The Rapheterlan club was yes terday invited to spend the after noon at the home of Mrs. Freder ick H. Thompson where the hours were Bpent in a social way, and tea cup conversation. The rooms of the Thompson home were love ly with baskets of autumn leaves and zinnias, and the tea table was dainty in its appointments and colorful candles. The hostess was assisted during the afternoon by Mrs. F. L. Utter. H Special guests who enjoyed the afternoon were, Mrs. Jim West, Mrs. Prince Byrd, Mrs. L. Comp. ton, Mrs. W. Clark, Mrs. W. Mar shall, Mrs. Phil Newmyer, Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mrs. P. Brownell, Mrs. N. C. Kafoury and Mrs. J. R. Pemberton. The members of the club who are either ex-Willamette students or graduates are, Mrs. Carle Ab rams, Mrs. C. E. Bates, Mrs. C. C. Bellinger, Mrs. II. V. Compton, Mrs. E. A. Colony, Mrs. J. O. Ev ans, Mrs. J. O. Heltzel, Mrs. Roy Shields, Mrs. Ray Smith, Mrs. Guy 0. Smith, Mrs. Frederick II. Thompson, Mrs. Lee Unruh, Mrs. FV L. Utter, Mrs. Elmo White. Mrs. Otto Wilson, Mrs. W. C. Winslow, Mrs. Cecil Hawlcy, and Mrs. A. A. Siewert. v The next meeting of the club Will probably be a line party the iirst part of November. Mrs. Raymond Walsh and daughter, Priscllla, will be in Sa lem with Mrs. Dan Fry for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh have been at their cottage on the Mackenzie highway dur ing the past summer and will re main there as long as Mr. Walsh who ia engineer on the highway project lias to stay. Oliver Leonard of Portland an old friend and classmate of Mrs. E B. Millard, was in town the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Millard last week. , e e Mrs. B. M. Hulden who has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Carl Myers, returned to ter home in Portland yesterday morn ing. e Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Perry and Mrs. D. Arms left Tuesday for Newport where they are planning to remain for about a month. In Calcutta, India, there are 23 English Masonio lodges. Underwear for. Women and Children When you buy R. A. Un derwear of your dealer, you are getting the best knit underwear procurable at any price. And yet the price is moderate. It will last for two or three seasons if property laun dered, whereas, ordinary underwear will last about half as Ions- Comfort and fit are as sured, and gaping is pre vented by the careful fash ioning of R. A. Under wear, and by the exclusive feature the long, wide, curved gusset. No children's underwear like R. A. It wears longer, nd is warm and comfort able. Special button holes that stay buttoned, special fullness in the seat, giving freedom of action without binding. Special waist suits. Buy of your dealer. In tuit on Um beet R. A, J. C ROULETTE & S0KS SiAGERSTOWN. MD. I ,;ni)m- Club Illihee Golf Team Wins Tournament In a return tournament yester day Vith the women from the Portland golf club, the Illihee country club golf 4eam won the match with a score of 11 to 4 in their favor, , playing eighteen holes.- The first tournament of this kind which has been sched uled was played in Portland in September on the Portland club course when the Illihee team was defeated with a score of 10 to 6. The women of the Illihee team were hostesses for a luncheon at the country club at noon honoring the members of the Portland team and their three additional guests. The visiting team was made up of Mrs. A. C. Callan, Mrs. A. H. Mey ers, Mrs. L. GarriguBt, Mrs. Jack Yates, Mrs. C. N. Sampson and Mrs. R. G. Smith. Additional guests from Portland were, Mrs. Ed Hinchey, Mrs. William Cull ers and Mrs. J. Grlgsby. Mrs. C. N. Sampson won the guest han dicap .prize with a net score of 88. The personnel of the Illihee team was the same for both tour naments, Mrs. Ercel Kay, Mrs. E. L. Gillingham, Mrs. E. L. Baker, Mrs. J. H. Farrar, Mrs. Oliver C. Locke and Mrs. H. H. dinger. e a Mrs. K. Eashor of Portland, and formerly a Salem resident, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ma tilda Van Cleave this week. Anthracite miners die on an' average two-thirds of a ton less of coal each day than those employed in bituminous mines. j Of the 41,000,000 wage-earners in the United States, the rated output of energy is a little more than 4,000,000 horsepower. Skin Tortured Babies Sleep Mothers Rest' After Cuticura ttmp,QMmmt,Tumm,2Fte.rtrywbmr9. Fm-iwmple KddiwM:OaiMiiiLberBWrl0i,Ipt.X,Hftl(lii,UvM. ROSTEIN &GREENBAUM Ladies' Wool Sweaters. New Styles. Neat Patterns. Low Prices. Minerva Yarns Beautiful shades, best yarn3 made. See the new colors. Silk mixed, lustre wool, thistledown, Shetland floss and zephyr. We have the large hanks of knitting yarn at 50c the hank. Wool Lined Slipper Soles For Ladies or Men LI . mr- Allen A ' ii i aaaHasvi Infants' silk and wool hose, pair... 75c Ladies' Silk Hosiery at $3, ?2.50, ?1.65, $1.50, $1.25, and $1 pair. Outsize Silk Hose in black, white or brown. Allen A Black Cat Hosiery. Best for wear. Ladies' and girls' Silk Lisle Hose, a pair. .50c Boys' Hose, best wearing stocking made, pair 50c Ladies' and Children's cotton hose, a pair :.25c BLANKETS All First Qualities No Seconds! Nashua Woolnap, note the size, , 72x84; pretty plaids $5 pair. Cotton Blankets, 72x80; $2.50 pair. Cotton Blankets at $2.25, $1.95, $1.69 and $1.59 pair. Beware of seconds; little "flaws soon show up and become big flaws. SHOES We Sell Guaranteed Shoes Cost little more than cheap, unreliable shoes. Our shoes are made of good leather. 210 AND 246 NORTH THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON News, Guild Dance Successful Fall Event Society folk gathered at the armory last night to make the St. Paul's Episcopal junior guild dance one of the most successful and attractive events of the fall season. The armory lighted with strings of gayly colored lights, and decorated with autumn leaves and cedar boughs gave the affair almost a holiday air and surely a very festive appearance. Many parties of society folk were in evidence at the dance, somewhat indicative of the small dinner parties that had been planned for before the dance. The music was exceptionally good, one feature of it being the quartet composed of Mrs." Carlton Smith, Mrs. L. B. Gilbertson, Mrs. W. H. Prurik and Mrs. Arthur Rahn, which sang during two or three of the dances and was very enthus iastically encored.' Speed Up 5c Everywhere ' Don't lag. Eat little raislni and ipeed up, Delicious when you're hungry. New life when you're tired. 1560 calories of energizing nu triment per pound 75 fruit sugar, In practically predlgested form therefore almost Imme diately effective. Furnlih food-Iron alio. Get little red box now and try, 5c everywhere. Little 9 Sun-Maids "Between-Meal" Raisins Hosiery High Grade Hosiery COMMERCIAL ST w-WISw WORLD'S LAEGE55 .CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION Service ia the keynote of the success of the J. faithfully in just the way you want to be served. find our greatest pleasure. When we say, "Thank hare been served courteously and with profit. Safeguarding & Name .What's In a name?"- I Why la one name no 0lS good as another? A name Is a merchant's 'trade-mark by which you jjudge the sincerity of his .advertised statements, the (worth of his promises, tha jeitent of returns you en- 'joy from your expend! jtures In his store. ; A name, then, to be ' i'pood trade-mark, must bej safeguarded. ' And safeguarding a: 'name is doing things that iafford the greatest bene Ifits to the largest number; bf others. By serving others aS I we would like them to serve us, has made possi ble this store and 370, similar ones. Our 202 Hose For Boys Heavy ribbed, reinforced tied & toe, shaped ankle. 25c Misses' Hose Fine Ribbed Pure Lisle Durable hose with heavy:., heel and toe, Pair, 29c Baby Pants Enoxall Rubber Serviceable quality ; a real. value at, only 39c Double Mesh Hair Nets made of real human half 10c Safety Pins Duplex Brass with guarded coll J assorted sizes. Dozen, 8c Rick Rack Braid i Fine Quality In white and colors, 4 yard pieces, each, 8c Darning Cotfo$ Plain or Mercerised Coat's darning cctojaj Priced low at, spoon 4c and 5c "Gladio" Percales of Quality The J. O. Penney Cv' Exclusive brand of fine Percales. Bought direct from the mills for our 371 stores. Full SO Inches wide, standard quality, popular light and dark patterns. Yard, only. 17c Dress Shields Of Pure Rubber Uned, covered with woven nainsook. Flesh, white. , SU 1, S, pr. 29c--SUe 4, pr. 390 371 160 N. Liberty, Salem, Ore. Co me Good, Warm Underwear For Women and Children Unions and Two Cotton Union's, full ankle length, drop seat 98c Cotton Fleeced Unions, ankle length, drop seat 98c Knit Panty Waists, taped shoulders and waist band, button and supporter loops 39c Misses' an d Girls' . Wool Unions; long sleeves and ankle length; drop seat; $1.69 to $1.98 Blankets! Buy Now! Savings Are Remarkable Coal and fuel wood may not be plentiful this Winter, but good warm, cozy, comfort-giving Blankets may be had in plentiful styles, sizes and grades. A recent large special purchase for our hundreds of stores has produced these remarkable values just at the time when they are most needed. Heavy Wool Nap Blankets Gray, White and Tan Size 64x80 $2.98 Size 66x80 3,49 Size 72x84 38 Cotton Blankets In the wanted weight and sizes. Gray, white and tan. $1.49 $2.19 $2.98 Bed Blankets The Two-in-One Fancy Plaids and Solid Colors Bize 66x84....... $3.98 Size 72x84. ......$4.98 ,Bed Comforts Attractive Assortments These are weU-fllled Comforts In wide selection ot colors and handsome designs. Some are sateen covered and the betted grades; in rich assortment of colors. $2.49, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 Esmond Crib Blankets for Children Dainty wann Blankets with strong fine nap, all made over-size and In a wide selection of handsome Tlrd and animal designs. Colors are baby pink and blue. The usual J. Q. Penney Co. superior value at, eacS Our Own "Honor" Muslin Recommended This Is a bleached muslin woven espe- ciauf ior ns under our own speclflca. tlons. It out-counts, onr-serves and cnt-prlces other muslins ot near or equal quality. We confidently rec ommend It to your consideration. 36-inch Yard Mahogany "Lady-Lyke" Corset Just the Thing! Front or back lace, , black boning, trimming. $1.49 -THE LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMfm-h STORE ORGANIZATION IN thHSM- FRIDAY, DEPARTMENT STORES Agaim C, Penney Company stores. We endeavor to serve you We are here to please YOU I In your pleasure we you! Come again," it is with the belief that you Women's Shirts and Drawers; cotton fleeced(j rlbbert; long sleeves and ankle length 98c Women's Silk and Wool Mixture Unions; long ot short sleeves or strap shoulders, ankle length $2.98 Women's Cotton Unions; fleeced lined; with long or short Bleeves; full ankle length; ....98a Women's Heavy Fleeced Lined Unions; long Bleeves, full ankle length $1.39 - Piece Garments Cotton Shirts and Drawers for children 49c Black Knit Pants for chll-' dren for 21c Knit Waist Unions; taped and buttoned for panty waist, supporter loops, and buttons ...3k 59o Infants' Shirts; cotton and wool Kuben Style. 58c to 98e All-Cotton Shirts 29c to 69o 89c for Its Quality Kid Oxfords Women's Dressy Serviceable Style 17c $4.50 and $5.90 tipg Flannel Splendid Value -ven,Vft- . 17c to 23c OCTOBER 20, 1922. BUTOTfl fnl FOR OTJB jgi via. u,WAi3 ASSURES Incorporated J.0WESX PRICES Ladies' Flannel Night Gowns We have an extra large assortment of gowns la both plain white and fancy stripe Outing with either the high turndown or low collars. Some of them are plain while Others are daintlty trim-, med with silk braid. They are " exceptional values and the showing is eo complete that we can satisfy the most particular buyer. Priced 98c to $1.98 Cretonnes Ever Popular A softening touch to a room, a breath of Individ uality, Is always effected by a beautiful cretonne at window, or dresser or couch. These varied of ferings, resplendent In colorings exemplify their !jalue. Yard, 19c 32-In. Gimgbam Unusual Value Admirable patterns, poB Ular colorings. vo.23c 72-90 In. Sheets Particularly Attractive Standard quality, pure finish, no starch filling, $1.49 Pequot Sheets 72 z 90 Inches Tor or double bed fluallty of ttie best. $1.69 - Pillow Cases 42 z 36 Inches Of pequot to satisfy tafl exacting taste. 45c Traveling Bags Cowhide Leather Walrus grain ; covered! frame; leather. Jined, $8.50 to $14.75 . 24-In. Suit Cases Brown Fibre Wood frame, extra wide, prass coraerswo straps $4.98 J. P. Coates Pearl Cotton Complete assortment of colors 8c Women Hose Pure Japan Silk Fun fashioned; mercer l?ed lisle flare top. $1.49