J FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1922. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE THREE BUY YOUR HALLOWE'EN SUPPLIES AND DECORATIONS NOW SEE THE DISPLAYS IN THE BASEMENT! Every department is crying for more room, we are constantly shifting and re-arranging the stocks that our marvelous increase of business demands. ThiBig Store .is piled full of seasonable merchandise. . To move stock more quickly we are inaugurating this make-room event. 1 4,000 yards of heavy Wilton Sheeting A heavy grade, a 25c Quality that Is known for service, that of Wilton Sheeting which will go on sale Saturday, special at per yard - Per Yard 1.4c Men's $1 .75 Flannel Shirts Brown and gray men's heavy flannel winter shirts suitable for work or dress. In all sizes from 14 to 17. This big value . special at ' Special 98C. Men's Winter Sweaters Heavy winter coat sweaters, large convertible, ruff neck collar, large roomy pockets. All sizes, 34 to 46, special during this sale at Special c Over 750 Ladies Gowns A heavy grade ladies nightgowns. Made of fine quality fancy or plain colorel flannel. Some are embroidered and others plain style. This exceptional value on sale at Special 08C Lace Curtain Goods Curtain Draperies at prices never before equaled. This 65c value goes on sale Saturday at Per Yard 29C Men's $1 .50 Union Suits A heavy fleece lined union suit for men and boys. Regular $1.60 value, closed crotch, perfect fitting garments. On sale special at Per Suit 98C Ladies' Winter Unions Ladles' winter union suits, full fleecy white ribbed union suits, full length legs and full sleeves. All sizes for small, medium and large ladies, regular value $1.65, at Special 98C Wool Mix Dress Goods For school children a drees of this fine material will be suit able and lasting values to $1.25 a yard, special at . Per Yard 40C 3 pound Cotton Bats The basement stock offers bargains' a plenty. This is one of thema Cotton Batts that regularly sells at $1.25, special at Special 79C An Awe-inspiring Sale of Silks Values to $2.50 40 Inch Crepe de Chine 36 Inch Taffetas and Messalines AH new colors; this extra large line of all pure silks. These are absolutely of first quality. Many values to $2.50 si Pr yard, special at Per Yard $1 .49 1185 NASHUA BLANKETS In Saturday's Sale at Only Two to One Customer All Wool Plaid Blankets Regular $10.50 Value, Special $5-98 SHOES Men's $7.50 Dress Shoes Made of very fine quality kid leather with cushion soles, rub ber heels and oak tanned outej:. sole. Comes in black and brown. Special at $3.98 Boys' High Top Leath er School Shoes $5.50 values. Special at $3.98 Ladies' Dress Oxfords In black and brown. $5.00. Special at Regular $2.85 Girls' Sport Model , Oxfords Special for collelge and school girls. $5.50 values. Special at $2.75 Ladies' and Girls' Heavy School and Work Shoes Regular $5.00 values. All sizes from 2 to 8. Special at ew Coats Values to $35.00 5v H Q 121 - Just twenty-six coats in this lot. Velours, polo3," tweeds predominating; many with fur collars In cluded In the lot; you will also find the new Fur Collared Manish Coat the very last word In new fall coats. These coats are priced for quick disposal and they're going mighty quick, be here on time. i ' i hi' , "tt IF id $2.98 Men's Solid Leather Heavy Work Shoes $5.00 values. A good, reliable "work shoe. Black and brown. Both pegged and stitched. Solid leather soles and heels a nd sturdy uppers. Special at Mens $25 All Wool Overcoats Smartly tailored in belted and con servative models. Every one is a late fall style that we know will appeal to every man and young man. Special at $12.75 ' One lot of men's wool and all wool Overcoats. Values to $15, Opening ' sale price at $2.98 $6.50 Mens All Wool ackinavs Famous Kangaroo brand, all wool Mackinaws. Belted back and full belted models with and without in verted pleats. ; Large shawl and hand roll collars. Regular $12.50 values. Special at $4.98-$7.50 Boys'' all wool mackinaws, In the same styles and make, special at $3.98-$5.50 . at Children's Heavy Shoes Sizes from 1 to 10. Special at 65c Men's High Top Leather Boots Regular $8.50 values. Special $4.75 THE BASEMENT is ready with a 50c DAY Womenalls . Regularly $1.00. Sweet-Orr womanalls in tan and blue with adjustable ankle. Several pockets. Sizes 32 to 44 50c Groceries 15 1-2 lbs. Cane Sugar ... $1.00 With a purchase of $1.00 or over. Northern Flour, 1 sack $1.90 Blue Ribbon Flour, guaranteed for good bread or money back ; sk $1.49 Waldo Hill Flour, 1 sack $1.30 1 sack Oat Meal -45c 1 sack Corn Meal 29c 1 sack Cane Sugar ... $7.29 5 lbs. 30c Coffee -"- $1.00 5 lbs. Cocoa . '. : 40c 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea .... 29c 10 cans Milk, tall $1.00 10 cans Standard Corn $1.00 5 cans Salmon .. 55c 5 cans Sardines .... 23c Tobacco, Star, Horseshoe, Climax, 1 plug ...... 72c "8 5c Cigars . 25c Velvet, 2pkgs. 25c Wash Skirts Less than half price. Odds and ends of wash skirts of cotton suitings, gabardines, etc. Sport Btripes 50c Petticoats Were 79c. Women's outing flannel petticoats in gray, blue and pink stripes. Made with deep flounces. Sizes 25 to 29 50c Bloomers Women's sateen bloomers with elastic at waist' and knee. Rein forced. Sizes 25 to 29 50c 7 Yds. Calico Regularly 10c yard. Standard calico prints in gray, black and navy. Full bolts and mill -lengths. Limit 21 yards. 50c VEGETABLE MARKET 100 lbs- Spuds 50 lbs. Dry Onions Celery, large bunch . Cabbage, 50 lbs. Lettuce, 2 heads Guaranteed Eggs, 1. doz. 5 lbs. Lard 1 gal. Best Cooking Oil 8 to 12 lb. Armour Star Hams, Fine Breakfast Bacon, lb. Summer Sausage, per lb. Bacon Squares, per lb- Salt Pork, per-lb Cheese, Veribest . Brick Cheese 95c 75c 7c 75c 15c 36c 75c .. $1.35 lb. 35c ..... 28c 38c ..... 18c .. 21c .... 29c .... 30c Bloomers Children's heavy sateen bloom ers with elastic at waist and knee. Double stitched Seams. Black and white. Broken sizes 4 to 14 50c Outing Gowns Were 98c. Children's outing flannel gowns in white and colors. Long sleeves style. Broken sizes. Some soiled 50c 3 Yds. Percale Regularly 25c yard. Standard percales in stripes, figures and floral designs. Some mill lengths, some Imperfect, t 50c 2 Bloomers Women's flesh knit bloomers with elastic at waist and knee Regular sizes. Some seconds. 50c Vests, Pants Were 79c. Women's medium weight cotton vests and' pants in regular and extra sizes. Each 50c 2 Prs. Hose Were 39c pair. Women's heavy, fleeced cotton hose with ribbed tops. Regular and extra sizes. Some seconds. 50c Heather Hose Were 79c. Broken loot of women's wool heather mixed hose. Nearly all sizes and colors. Some seconds. 50c 3 Prs. Hose Women's black cotton hose with ribbed and hemmed tops. Regular tnd extra sizes. Some seconds 50c 5 Yds. Outing Regularly 15c yard. 27-inch medium weight fancy striped outing 50c Union Suits Were 75c. Women !t cotton union suits in low neck, sleeveless style with cuff knee. Sizes 34 to 44. 50c 3 Vests Were 35c each. Women's med ium weight cotton vests in low neck wing sleeves style. Sizes 34 to 44. 2 Vests Odd lots of women's low neck sleeveless bodice-top vests, some with heavy crochet yokes. Sizes 34 to SO 50c 3 Prs- Sox Were 25c pair. Men's heavy wool mixed box in black, oxford and natural. Regular sizes 50c 4 Prs. Hose Clearaway of boys heavy cotton ribbed hose and girls' mercerized ribbed hose. Bltck, white, cor dovan. Regular sizes. Some seconds. 50c Men's Ties Were 69o and 89c. Four-in-Hand silk and knitted ties in plain colors and fancy combina tions 50c 5 Yards Scrim Scrim, voile and marquisette curtaining with hemstitched and drawn borders. White, cream and ecru. 36 inches wide. . 50c 10 Handkerchiefs Were 10c each. Men's large size white cambric handkerchiefs 50c Work Gloves All leather gloves, one finger style with adjustable wrist. Sizes 9 to 11V2 50c Sale of Caps Men's and boys' wool mixed caps in solid colors and mixtures. One piece top style. Regular sixes, 50c 50c Dress Goods Were 69c to $1.25 yard. Odd pieces of cotton, plaids, series, suitings, etc. 36 to 48 Inches wide. 50c Aluminumware Regularly 75c. Good weight aluminum sauce pans In 2 quart sizes. With covers 50c Window Shades Were 75o to $1.50. Genuine oil and water color shades, mostly 36 Inches wide. Gheen, white, tan, buff, gray. . 50c 3 Yards Muslin Regularly 20c yard. Fine qual ity 86 inch soft finish bleached muslin. 50c Glassware Half price and less. A clear away of odd pieces glassware from regular stocks 50c Surprise Table Regardless of cost, former Bell ing prices or present worth, we offer a miscellaneous assortment of usable articles for men, women and children at 50c 3 Pillow Cases Were 25c each. Bleached pil low cases in size 36x42 inches. Limit 3. 50c Underthings Clearaway of odds and ends In women a muslin chemise and gowns. Broken sizes 38 to 44. 50c EBBBaSSESMSHSJ FREE DELIVERIES With purchases of $2.00 and over in any department. Ask for your Premium Coupons, they are valuable. A Big Counter tilled full of Feather Trimmings and Fancies, values to 9.8c to go at, each 10c. Basement. -..Men's.. Leather ..Faced.. Canvas Gloves, reguSar price 35c per pair; special in the basement Saturday only, per pair 19c.