THE. CAPITA m k,s I? it X 1 1 f ! PAGE TEN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1922. 1M RIDERS SEEK TO DELAY BEDFORD TRIAL Medford, Or., Oct. 20. Con tlsuance of the trials of the six Ueged night-riding defendants kit prominent and well known eftiieng of thla city and Jackson Yille, from the term of the circuit court beginning next Monday, un tlll the February, 1923, term, was ought in a motion filed with the county clerk today. Arguments os the motion are expected to be called for Saturday, with Assistant Attorney General Liljeqvist and District Attorney Moore contest ing the action. Ground for the granting of the motion were cited and enumerated a follows: Lack of time to assemble evi dence, interview witnesses and gather new evidence and retire ment from the case of J. A. Jef fery, attorney of Portland, after the demurrers to the Indictments had been tiled. Hostility of the local and press of the entire west coast of the United States, alleged to have been filled with "infamatory arti cles," against the Ku Klux Klan, Of which "these defendants are al leged to be members." Charges that the indictments "are in the nature of political in dictments and that the calling of the cases shortly before or imme diately after the coming state elec tion would be prejudicial to the defendants," and that the Jackson county situation Is being used "for and against certain candidates in the campaign." "The continuous villiflcstlon of the Ku Klux Klan bv certain well itnnwn citizens" is aliened to have prejudiced the people against the defendants. The calling of the trials at the coming terms, it is alleged, would cause the Medford and Jackson ville papers to fill their columns "with attacks against the defend ants." ' Fifty Years Ago a woman in Lynn, Mass, was steeping herbs on her kitchen stove according to a recipe of her own, to furnish medicine for the women of th a. neighborhood. Today, a stone's throw from the little house where she lived, there is a four story laboratory, making the same medicine for the women of the world. During the last year almost 660 tons of care fully selected herbs were used in the manufacture of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. A woman's medicine for wo man's ailments. Have you tried itT (dv EDMONDS "Foot-Fitter" i f ES GLAD OF CHANG E London, Oct. 20. (By Associat ed PreBS.) The majority dt Lon don's morning newspapers being anti-coalition, the fall of the Lloyd-George ministry Is mostly welcomed by them today as rid ding the country of a government whose policies have been eo long condemned, and opening the way for what they hope will prove a saner administration. The Times believes the effect would be beneflcient everywhere. It declares the country wants "to return to the normal ways of life and to feel that its welfare is in the lunula of men of sound sense, less anxious to shine as Individuals than to merit confidence as faith ful wardens of the public good." T1iq. Morning Post regards yes terday's events as a considerable Victory, won In the interests of the country, not less than in the interest of the conservative party. plan Ablaze ivith Eczema Constant Itching Almost Unbearable! ' Wn know thero Is one thin that Iop externa, and that l mora red-Mood-cellsl S. 8. B. bullJi them br tfce million) You ran Increase jonr red-bWuC cella to tin point where It la practically Impossible fur cauia to "Foot - fitters" are made with 8 Iron Oak inner soles of outside quality. Calf- skin inside counter pocket No socks wearing out at the heel. Full toe vamp No cut-off vamp. No rip ping of tips. "Foot - fitter" Shoes are quality shoes at the exceptionally reason able price of $7.00 the Pair! In black calf skin or mahogany color. John J. Rottle 167 N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon NEW SKIRTS , You'll be interested in these new fall Skirts. Skirts for sports wear and street wear that are notable for quality and moderate prices. . Materials are prunellas and plaids. Fashionable color combinations in blue and brown, tan and brown, black and white. You'll like the way they are made. $3.98 and $6.75 GALE & CO. ( Commercial and Court Streets w i We can supply you with McQUAY-NORRIS PINS PISTONS and RINGS Gaskets Valves Con. Rod Bearings Hose Fittings Spark Plugs Axles Timkens, Hyatts, and W. E. BURNS Not Brothers Brake Linings Clutch Facings Fly Wheels Gears land Pinions Fan Belts Bushings Packing of all Kinds New Departure Ball Bearings : DAN BURNS The Same Man High Street at Ferry, Salem, Ore. Ji, bALHiM, UKUiUUiM ii,ir..n..far I Phone C. O. D. Orders Early Free Delivery on $2.00 Orders Pure Cane Sugar 15 lbs $1.00 Rex Medium Sugar Cured Haras Vi Ham, per lb... 28c Whole Ham 27c 6'i lbs. Sweef Potatoes ... 25c Graded Potatoes 100 lb sack ...95 c Vim Flour $1.85 If for any reason you do not like Vim we will refund purchase price and you keep the Vim. M. J. B. Tree Tea lb. Black or Green 25c 1 lb. Black or green 49c Golden Gate Tea Vi lb. Black or Green 25c 1 gal. Pennick's Golden Syrup 63c Amber Karo 1 gal 59c 2 cans Pepper 15c 2 cans Cinnamon..l5c 2 cans Nutmeg 19c 2 cans Mustard 17c Cabbage for Kraut 50 lbs. 75c Blue Tip Broom 95c Green Tip Broom 85c Red Tip Broom 75c Heavy Side Bacon Lb ... 25c 1 lb. Pride's Mince Meat 15c B35c Snowflake Sodas 30c 65c box Snowf lakes 60c 50c box Liberty Sodas 45c 2 lb. in bulk. .27c 5 lbs. Stock Salt 47c 50 lbs. Dairy Salt..73c Dari Gold Milk 10 cans .... ......90c Alpine 9 cans . 90c California Soft Shell Walnuts Lb. ........25c New Stock Soft Shell Almonds 30c Large Pkg. Sea Foam 25c Crystal White Soap 6 for 1 25c Fresh Peanut Butter Lb 15c Gem Nut Margarine 2 lbs. . ...45c Creamery Butter 49c Hundreds of Specials Not Listed Here SEE OUR WINDOWS! Eventually You Will Buy at xlrt. VT know that as blood-colli lucreaaa In number, blood Impurltlee vauleh! M a alao know that night fol lows day. II. th ara facta 1 But hare Jou, ccsrma aufferera, erer actually taken adTautage of thla wonderful tact? Thoueanda Just Ilk Ton ban Barer thought abouk HI Rkla eruptions, kwu with all lta fiery, akln-dlgglng torture and lta soul tearlnr. nnreach al Itching-, pimples, blackheada and bulls, tksj all pack up and r. when tha t!.1s of blood-celle beglue to roll In I Blood-calls ara tha ftghtlnc-glanta f natural g. 8. H. builds tbeta bj tha Biltlloa! It baa bwi doing it alnca jmal 0. a a la one of tha greatest blood .tall bulldara, blood . cleansers and bedr-bulldere known to ua mor tals! Whsn you put theao facta to gether, then to continue to baro acaa nta and skin aruptloua looka mora Ilka sin than disease. Mrs. Arthur M. Built h, Pearl St., Newark, Ohio, writes: -Mt fettle piH kad aery hoi tat ft DOtmm, Uk son tsMaf S. S. 8. aod Its smw. I tA.ns yerM very mmek, f UH my franUs wA.t a sad eMoVme M is. caiMol astir too biks it, or knot, it is O. K." liara I rour' opportanltr. t. B. t, aontalna only Tagetablo medicinal In credlenta. Becaaae 8. 8. U !. a bsUd trd-blvod-taiia, U roata, bullila titm flesh, fllla out hollow ft-it a, beaatlflea Ua cosiplaxioa. ballda ru ca when yoa ar ran -doa-a. (t. B. R U told at all drug atxrea. In two alssa. lta la r tea alao betti la tla mar owttnotlcaL We call a man suc cessful when he gets what he goes after. We are giving you what you are after in clothes; distinc tive style, fit, and long wear. With the first real touch of cold weather this store is ready to announce an Over coat Exposition that presents selections and values of outstanding importance. This is not a display that has been grouped up over night. It represents weeks of effort in searching the markets for dependable qualities and extreme values. Every style and type of overcoat is featured in this display. They are all Wonderful Values. $16-50 to $50.00 lalem Woolen Open until 9 p. m. on Saturday nights. M M ills Store C. P. BISHOP, Prop