Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 10, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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New York, Oct. 10. The neeu
for "safety first" in every human
activity where physical injury
may be preventable waa outlined
by Elbert H. Gary, chairman ot
the United States Steel corpora
tion, in an address on public eafe
ty to the Merchants' association
of New York today.
The number of serious prevent
able accidents every day in this
country Is appalling, he said. Be
cause of additions in population
and congestion in movement the
number is increasing he asserted,
notwithstanding much has been
done to prevent accidents. He ad
vocated painting on lamp posts
and pavements at street corners,
"beware of accidents," or other
warnings to all who are exposed tu
danger, and urged that every
means of prevention of accidents
be adopted.
Large industrial stations had
proved, he said, "that the number
ot Industrial accidents could be re
duced by pracautionary measures.
Contribtuions of time and money
to the prevention of Injury should
be made, as well as the mainten
ance of ambulances, hospitals, etc.,
for the care of injured. -
He praised thu work of the In
stitute of America In the campaign
to arouse the public to the neces-
lty at protection against accidents
and said It is rendering a splendid
servlee for humanity.
Crusaders and teachers are
needed, be said, to advocate un-
ceusingly the necessity for pres
ence ot mind and a desire to avoid
and prevent accident and Injury U
themselves and others.
Chicago, Oct. 10. A number of
Chicago's leading grain brokers
were ordered to appear today be
fore the federal trade commission
which opened Its inquiry into fu
ture trading in wheat.
Findings ot the commission,
which began its hearings lu
Washington lust week, will be
ni ado in a report to the United
Status senate.
Anionr hoard of trade members
subpoenaed were Arthur Cutten,
Joseph P. Griffin, u uates
John Hill Jr., and Samuel Mince
All members of the commlssk
uiMiif Nelnnn 14 (jaskill. chili
man, had arrived in the city. They
are victor MuraocK, vice-cuai
man' former Senator John F. N
gent of Idaho, Houston Thompson
and Vernon Vanrieet,
"The commission has come
Chicago to get what it considers
Important information on domes
tic trade," said Mr. Murdock. Chi
cago Is the future grain market
the world,
"W want to know the effect
certain rules of the Chicago board
of trade and of transactions
wheat futures."
Veteran Bartender
Of Sea Has Served
9,746,855 Cocktails
New York, Oct. 10. La
Touraine, oldest passenger ship
plying between France and the
United States, starts on her
last trip tomorrow. Her owner,
the French line, has decided to
dispose of the 30 year old ves
sel upon arrival in Havre. La
Touraine Is famous for having
crossed the Atlantic more times
than any one passenger vessel
and for having the most ex
pert cocktail mixer among the
passenger ships.
Captain Le Pretre expect" to
continue in the marine service
but Louis Gautier, the bar
tender, intimates that he will
quit the sea. He estimates that
he baa served as many cock
tails as he has traveled miles.
They're OfflJiggs
Maggie and Dinty
Depart For China
Manila, Oct. 10. (By Associ
ated Press.) The first national
convention ot the collectivista
party which, led by Manuel Quez
on, sent a plurality of Its mem
bers to both houses of the legisla
ture at the last election, today
adopted a platform favoring im
mediate, complete Independence
for the Islands and curtailment of
the governor general 's powers" un
til Independence becomes a fact.
The platform calls for the estab
lishment of the Philippine repub
lie and declares for preferential
treatment for Americans and
their Interests "as mutually, bene
ficial to both peoples when the
islands become independent."
Appointment ot an American by
the president qf the United tSaJes
as secretary of public Instruction
Is opposed. This office now is
held, ex-offlcio by the vice-
governor and It Is contended
filiplno should be named for the
Regarding the powers of the
governor general, the platform
"The executive functions of the
governor general should be con
fined to those which pertain to
him as guardian ot the rights
and prerogatives of the sovereign
power. " i
; of
A 'brain-worker" nowadays la
nin who is Irvine to figure out
how he can get his winter's coal
without mortgaging hia home.
When 4 man aits down to wait
for his ship to eunie in, it usually
turn out to be a receivership.
Corns Quick
No matter how touch or how
stubborn it may have Ictn, tht
corn or callus that ii touched with
"S jst" M ' 1 1
fw dropf of 'Oets-ltn in doom-
4 to a quK'k, eawy, sure and v&in-
ts end. Nt-ver again can H pain
jrou. Soon you are holding: in your
finger its entire remains a sin
gle pioce of dad, shriveled akin
ht you Uirtt w away forever.
Hard corna, eoft rerrta, any corn.
Co sit tut a trifle and guaran
teed. Try it. FT. Ijurrrm- St Co.,
Mfr., Chicago. Sold id Naif in by
Central i'hRrmacy, J. C. Perry. J.
F. Tyler and Dan J. Pry. (adv)
Geo. C. Will closing out piano
and nhoaotrranh stock. Phono
graphs half price, pianos $89 up,
$5 down 5 month. See ad page 3.
, By Eugene K. Campbell
Thev're off JIkks and Maggie
and Dinty Moore on their uproar
ious trip around the world.
All of Maggie's aristocratic
friends of the world of society
and all of Jigg's friends who did
not happen to be in jail were
down to the steamship Pier o
see them away, and as the ship's
whistle boomed a full throated
farewell the hundreds of friends
and admirers of Jlggs and Mag
gie, both of high and low degree,
made common cause on the long
pier in cheer after cheer of hear
ty good bye and good luck.
For a citizen who nourishes a
deep affection and attachment for
his home city and particular cir
cle of cronies, the wrench of go
ing on a long voyage Is a serious
matter; and there was a bad ten
minutes Just before the vessel
went away when it looked as
though the trip might have to be
abandoned for want of the man
who had the tickets and the
bank roll.
For Jlggs, having arrived at
the steamship pier with his wife
and daughter a good two hours
before the vessel was to sail, dis
appeared suddenly after leading
his family to their cahins and a
search of the ship frantic as the
moment of departure grew near
failed to discover any trace of
him. Then someone had the in
spiration to telephone Dinty
Moore's and learned to Maggie's
horror that Jiggs was there at
the head of the main table squar
ed before an Incomparable dish of
his favorite corned beef and cab
bage. It appeared that a tremendous
wave of homesickness had over
whelmed him when he found him
self aboard the big ship, and that
he had jumped into a cab and
gone swiftly to duty's for one
last attuck on his beloved staple
ot food. Seated at his regular
place with the irresistible corned
beef and cabbage before him, the
thought of his trip had fled from
his mind. He was plying his
knife and fork with vigor and
spinning a yarn of a strike in the
building trades twenty five years
ago when the imperious voice of
Maggie at the telephone roused
him to grim reality. Flinging
down his knife and ford he dash
ed downstairs and into another
taxicab and with Dinty Moora
arrived at the boat Just as they
were taking in the first of the
gang planks.
Well, he's on his way now.
Dinty's corned beef and cabbage
may call him with all the lure of
the sirens but the ship Is out to
sea and it's a long swim home.-
ROBBER GETS $2303 '1
Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 10. A
masked robber entered the Altona
branch of the Bank of Montreal at
noon Monday, locked the manager
and a young clerk in the vault,
unlocked the teller's cage, scooped
up $2300 and escaped in an auto
mobile containing three other
Altona is about 10 miles from
the Manitoba-North Dakota boun
dary line.
Vladivostok, Oct. 10 (By Asso
ciated Press) Desperate fighting
between the "red" and "white"
armies is in progress on the Spassk
front. The battle is the severest
recorded since the Japanese evacu
ation began. The soviet forces are
reported dushing ttroopa with air
planes and tanks toward Vladivos
tok. The defenders are offering
fuiious opposition.
The Best Cough Syrup
is Home-made.
Ilrn'i an WW wr to nn ts, and
jri lure the bent rough reined j
rou ever tried.
You've probably heard of this well
known plan of making cough syrap
at home. But have you ever used
it? Thousands of families, the world
over, feel that they could hardly keep
houxe without it. It's simple -and
cheap, but the way it takes hold of a
eolith will soon earn it a permanent
place in-your home.
into a pint bottle, pour 2Vi ounces
of Pinex; then add plain granulated
sugar syrup to till up the pint. Or,
if desired, use clarified molasses,
lieney, or corn syrup, instead of Biigar
syrup. Either way, it tastes good,
never spoils, and gives you a full pint
of better eoujh.v remedy than you
could buy ready-made for three times
its cost.
It is really wonderful how quickly
this home-made remedy conquers a
cough usually in 24 hours or less.
It seems to penetrate through every
air passage, loosens a dry, hoarse or
tight cough, lifts the phlegm, hpals
the membranes, and gives almost im
mediate relief. Splendid for throat
tickle, hoarseness, croup, bronchitis
and bronchial asthma.
Pinex is a highly concentrated com
pound of genuine Norway pine ex
tract, and has been used for genera
tions for throat and chest ailments.
To avoid disappointment ask your
druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex"
with directions, and don't accept any
thing else. Guaranteed to give abso
lute satisfaction or money rctunded.
The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
. t
Specialty Shop
Women's, Misses' and Children's
Ready-to-Wear Garments
Haberdashery, Leather Goods, Toilet Articles
Umbrellas, Gloves, Handkerchiefs
Nurses' Uniforms, Maids' Uniforms
Modart Corsets, Warner's Corsets, Seotts
Carters' Knitted Underwear
Kaysers Knitted Underwear
Phoenix Hosiery
Luxite Hosiery
if :-ixH
See our Line of
Authentic Styles
U.G.Shipley Co.
Quality Merchandise
Popular Prices
:-w f r
Brush College, with an exhibit
extraordinary, took first prize
with its booth at the Polk county
fair and Mt. Pisgah was awarded
second place. Monmouth took
The Brush College display fea
tured grains, fruits, vegetables and
home-canned goods, the latter, it
was said, not surpassed at any of
the larger Oregon expositions. It
consisted of 49 kind of vegetables,
53 kinds of fruit, 17 kinds of meat
and a variety of pickles, jams and
The display was very artistical
ly arranged.
Pete Morrison's Great Waterfall Scene
Affords One of Screensgiggest Thrills
Pete Morrison's sensational
waterfall scene in "Da'ring Dan
ger" has been acclaimed as one of
the mightiest scenes ever photo
graphed for a motion picture pro
duction. Critics and those that
know have stated that it tabes its
place with the great ice scene from
"Way Down East" and the log
jam scene enacted by Priscilla
Dean in "Conflict."
After a thrilling combat with a
band of cattle thieves, Morrison is
pushed into the river and is car
ried with the tide to the edge of
the waterfall. He makes the fall
and rushes over with the heavy
flow of water, making a jump of
the entire depth of the waterfall.
This is followed by a stirring
swim to the shore.
It will hold you spellbound
when you see Morrison in this
great scene in "Daring Danger" at
the Bligh theater today.
Montreal, Oct. 10. Allen Arless
prominent local athlete died here
last night from a broken neck sus
tained in the Montreal Athletic
Association-Argonaut rugby foot
ball game played here Saturday.
The accident was the second fatal
ity in the history of rugby foot
ball in Canada.
one extra process
which gives a
delicious flavor
Lifmirii'iiiMMiinnnlTtT MwnBiitiiin t 'tut iiM
I . . . i iimc CrrvS ll
xrv K. 3H t 1 II M i sash!
fifT It 3L-1I 11 UUI ' Milan"
160 N. Liberty, Salem, Ore.
75 Be Bryoye& Here 1
Go where yon wflL you find our values excel. They excel not alone because our prices aro lower
they excel because our merchandise is of the kind that insures satisfaction over the longest span of time.
Quality is a dominant factor in all J. 0. Penney Company goods. The values listed below illustrate,
the attractiveness of buying here.
From the Atlantic
ta the Pacific
from Texas to Canada
-go almost where you
will, you find an economy
spot, and over the door
leading to It, yon will find
this familiar sign;
What does It stand for?
What does It mean to
It Is a symbol of Ser
vice, Jolt Treatment,
Belter Merchandise at
Lowest Consistent Prices,
It Is en Invitation to
you to enjoy the Import
ant savings of money af
forded because of the fact
that It Is one of S71 Uke
tores and thus buys tor
less and sells for less.
c?fe r
Suits In Smart. Nw Styles!
Intensely Interesting Value at
$21.50 to $450
A Good Buy
"Lady-Lyke" Corset
Of Coutil Body Cloth,
front or b a e k . lace,
black boning through
out and irresistibly
trimmed. You'll agree
it's well worth
(. 3 pJ ? r ?.a .traonar Phases that give such sensational value
It. IrrS.7 PP"t bld yon see them for t0 w to mire I They
a . b1 P-a"ful box-coat or d ouble-straight-lin. models I Your fancy is
CTy iL "LS t-r embride or '8. wide VeUn'sfeeves,
fancy tnm pocket. . Beautifully designed and tailored I
Coats for Cool October
An Extraordinary Purchase Benefiting
riaelng an order for 10.000 of thi hunri.
some coats for the patrons of our 871
busy stores, secured a price concession
i? klTM " ,aTin t0 7a of tro'J re
markable proportions.
Tbea Costs are the latest models, em
bracing to neweat Ideas inch a the low
belt, aide ffecta, wide aleerea, high col
lars, throw rojlara, as well ta the mora
conservative sty lea.
$32.50 - $34.50
Te1,!.,r ,,tlny Veloora and BoUtUs.
t. !ahlax' trimming features are
Sizes for Women, 36 to 44, and for PvW. 1 7 """"T
Remarkable vITa 18 Truly
t S