Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 09, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    "--irW oil.' (fivtyg -HdiK
ConiiBued from Pag One.)
thitxina: asd obaerring " starring and title role Is
sirenrttt there you will find re
ligion gtriie, factional discord
and personal ettmity in place of
the toira-e, el Tie harmony and
crong friendship that ruled be
fore tee com:ng ol the diaturbers.
That, is a paragraph, u toe an-
awer any
wnoB. who tax en the havoc
and dstruplJon wrought id balf a
d.zen Oregon eoiemamtse by the
Ka Klux Klan will make to tbat
oft beard ouery. "Why all this
lau about the Ku KluiT"
To lb further query of thoee
who have not glimpsed the damn
ins blijrbt of aiseord prevalent is
toe kUa-ridden eitie and coun
ties. "Why, if the klaa ia suck a
menace, baa it been allowed to
grow to I tie proportion of a pU
letteeV' I will awer tbat there
are seven reasons why tbe klan to
day ia a disturbing factor in Ore-
ros tbat eaacot be Tlewed but
with alarm by tbow who'havs tbe
welfare ol tbe itate at beart.
I Tbe jyebiogieai wtwa
of ignorance and prejudice to any
movement capitaliziss myticu;m
sad aecreey cd preaching persecu
tiuu of tbe on popular element of
Z The eagerneii of abarpera
grafters and wire-puller to Join
fa and promote any movement tbat
can be utilized to furlber tbeir
own selfish ends.
i Ignorance of a majority of
the people of tbe real nature of
tbe organization, 11 true objects
and principles, or to be more ei-
tct, iu lack of principle.
4 Indifference on tbe part of
those people who are naturally op
posed to violent disturber In
tbeir ; own affair, but who con
aider tbe kfVs and 1U menace a
thing apart from their realm..
5 Tbe ability of those manipu
lating tbe tboveroent to concern
their motive and machinations
nnder a cloak cf so-called fratern-,
al er;recy.
6 The cowardly submission of
a large and influential portion of
the slate pre to the threatening
dictation of these social and polit
ical wreckers, either directl)
voiced or Inferred by purse-con
trolled editors.
7 Tbe lailure of ear-to-trie
ground politician in public office
U act when prompt action would
have stamped out tbe evil, and the
violation of their public trusU by
many of tbee same officials lu
joining the klan and becoming
parties to a conspiracy to supplaul
cuuslitutd autbortiy with "invis
ible government."
fubilc tnditierence baa, oi
Course, been the prime factor iu
enabling the Ku Kluxer to re
cruit a membership of approxi
nialely lS.tloo io Oregon In less
than two years. A strongly bd
verse public opinion would bare
effectively closed the state to the
manipulations of tbe kleagles,
cyclop and goblins. But public
indifference baa been due to pub-
tic ignorance and public Ignorance
to negligence and cowardice of tbe
public press, especially the metro
poll l lean newspapers, whlctj have
refused to expose toe fraudulent
nature of the organization, al
though bating full knowledge ot
iu dangerous leacbiugt and prac
tices. Both tb birth and tbe growth
of the klaa and iu consequent dis
cord and strife in Oregon ia to be
laid principally to these newspa
per that deliberately betrayed
tbeir communities into the hands
of designing trouble maker and
gratters. 1 bey not only refused
to warn their constituents against
tbe wolf knocking at the door but
failed to proUl when they saw
city after city, and county after
county in no to and demoralised
by these chaos vendors. To them
tbe klansmes may give thanks for
a general indiferrence that says.
' Why all tins fuss about the Ku
Thrills From Science
In "The Radio King
Radio science beyond tbe eon- flowing with personality. Sidney
trol of man, an unharnessed power, Bracy plays tbe part of the balf
that tlay bim who attempt to crated aclentifie maniac. He Is
buckle it, a continnal harassment one of the best known and ablest
and danger even to its ibvsu.. character player on the scene,
that is the eienee about which is; Other who have important parts
wound tbe tory of ' The Radio in the supporting cast are Ernest
King." fniversal la! est chapter' Bulterworth Jr., popular l-year-play,
starring Koy Stewart, bich ' old screen juvenile; Al Smith,
ODn at the Blirn meaier ucii, ronuis unue, tari mmsiuci.
Friday and Saturday.
A notable east for a aeries tory
is presented in "The Radio King."
tier Stewart, a typical he-man stations on the Pacific Coast
type, suited perfectly to the part; built
he plays. Opposite Stewart. LouUej King
Slim Whitaker, Helen Brunneau,
D. J. Hitsoras, Marion Faducha,
Ray Taylor and Joseph North.
One of the most powerful radio
especially for "Tbe Radio
' the first chapter play to be
ri rz
West Salem
Lorraine has tbe leading feminine' filmed based on the infant science
role. She Is vivacious and over-j of aerial communication.
London, Oct. 9. A Central
News dispatch from Gibraltar
say the admiral and officers of
tbe United Slate dread naught
Utah, who are touring Spanish
cities, have been recalled to the
warship, which ha been ordered
to proceed Immediately to the
Near aat.
A Gibraltar dispatch on October
3 reported the arrival there of
tbe Utah, with Vice-Admiral A
T. Long, commander la chief of
the European station. It was
stated be would await tbe arrival
of the cruiser Pittsburgh, which
sailed from Philadelphia October
Z and which would then become
tbe flagship of the American
naval forces in European waters,
proceeding to the Near East,
while the Utah would return to
American water.
tioid Mill, ur., Oct. 9 The re
opening of the Kanes Creek lime
stone quarry, which has been closed
since the i-arly days of the war, ia
of eonsideraMc imiKirtanea to Cold
Hill as a limestone center.
C. W, Courtney formerly sujier-inicndt-Rt
of the state plant here at
Gol'l Hill, has begun the shipment
of 10'H) tons of I'rnt-stone from the
Kanes (reek quarry to the Oregon
J'ulp and 1'aper company at a!em.
Kxtensive inclines and tramways
for lisading the limestone at Gold
inn nave oeen creeled, vitber iarye
shipments will follow. The quarry
is three miles from Gold Hill ami
auto trucks will Le used for trans
Danville, III., Oct. . By As
sociated Press ) Weary after a
life time of public service, but just
a bit sorry after all of hi decision
to retire from public life, "Uncle
Joe" Cannon, who came borne
from Washington in December to
serve out bis 23rd term in the
house of representatives. His 46
year of service there will expire
March 4.
"I've bad enough," be told an
Associated Press correspondent,
"It fifty year since I first went
to Washington and with the ex
ception of those two unsought va
cations (referring to his two de
feats). I have been there ever
since. I decided to retire volun
tarily but," be added, wistfully,
"I'm just a little orry now."
I lie daily newspapers of the
country are considered the best ad
vertming mediums by retailers - of
(he country, according to an inves
tigation to determine the retailers
altitude toward advertising by the
manufacturers conducted by the
New Vork university bureau of
business research. Five hundred
questionnaire were sent out to the
soles managers of the largest manu
facturers in the country.
in answer to tae question as to
the best methods of advertising
they chose the following in their
order nieutioned: Daily newspapers.
weekly mairaaines, Sunday newspa
pers, monthly magazines, car cards
and outdoor advertisements.
It Is a far cry from the Indif
tersuce of those who have been
fed up on Ka Klux propaganda
or kept blissfully in Ignorance ot
its activities, to the bitter protests
and denunciation!! of those upon
whom in devastating influences
have been fully vitited. There are.
as 1 hat e sad before, half a duxeu
communities io Oregon that have
' seen tbe klan enter unheralded
and unopposed becae of public
igouiaace of lu sinister purpoxe.
tbat have seta It crow unham
pered by organized opposition due
U itidiftereuce. and bave been
awakened to the menace onl
when the foul breath ot bigotry,
prejudice and hatred has begun to
contaminate and destroy harmony
and co-operation in civic enter
prises, corrupt tbe administration
of public offices and affairs, break
down business and social alliance
and turn lifelong friends into bit
ter enemies. They bava seen long
established be hi a cm housw wreck
el by practices revolting to men
of honorable ideals, lime honored
reputations torn do a by niali
clous and slaaderous gossip and
confidence and trust displayed by
suspicion and trusts.
Tbeir ery hs; -
' Why U incUfferenca to tbe
treachery, intrirue and graft ol
Use Ka Klux Klaa?"
( Tomorrow What the klaa has
done tj seme Oregon communl-1
Duquoin, III., Oet. 9 Lloyd Stan
ton, young bridegroom of Murphys
boro, leaves this week for the I Bel
ter penitentiary to begin his term
of one year to life for Ibe killing
of Kllcry Gray, aged 1, on the
sight of Stanton's wedding, a few
months ago. Gray, ws it fa others,
composed a charivari party. Staaton
became ineensed at the affair and
fired, killing Gray instantly. Stan
ton was found guilty of manslaughter.
Tokio, Oct, 8. (By Associated
Press.) Francis Butler Lootnis
of Burlingamc, Cal., diplomatist,
president of the Japan society of
America has been assured Jap
anese support of bis proposal that
all questions Involved in tbe pres
ent embarrassing relation be
tween Japan and America be
submitted to a joint commission,
whose findings would be em-;
bodied In a treaty.
Mr. Loomis, who has been here
discussing the matter with prom
inent Japanese for some weeks,
has been informed tbat the Jap
anese government would look with
favor on (Jie suggestion If it
came from America.
After serving the American
government in various diplomatic
capacities, Mr. Loomis was secre
tary of state ad Interim in 1905.
Night News
Mudanla. The allies presented
a united front on tbeir return to
Mudanla last night and the feel
ing ot all three delegations was
that Isrnet Pasha would be forced
to yield to tbe allied demands.
Washington. A nation - wide
appeal for funds for the relief of
the thousands of refugees In the
Near East was authorized by Pres-
dent Harding.
Mlneola. N. Y. Miss Lillian
Gatlin, an organizer of the Na
tional Association ot Gold Star
Mothers, arrived at Curtlss field
In a United States postal service
mail plane, completing her trans
continental flight which began at
a. m., October 5, when she left
San Francisco.
The West Salem and Kingwood
friends of Mr. and Mr. ETtat ft.
Woods gave a surprise and 'fare
well party in their honor l tbe
home of C. K. Russell it 476 King
wood avenue on T u esl vir er. i n g . .
The room were very besufuliy ,
decorated wtib autumn jfidwer
and foliage. There wertovir 5
present and tbe evening was de
voted to various contests, the'
lucky ones were awarded prizes
Mr. and Mrs. Woods were present-)
ed with a beautiful flower vase as -a
token of the esteem of their
many friends here, after which
dainty luncheon was served, asdj
at an Mrlr hnnr t Vte niKIl Hcrrt.l
I ed to their homes feeling the even
ing was well spent.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. NicoU ci
Dayton, Or., were visitors at the
Edward Brock home, Friday.
J. I. Thomas, of Edgewater
street, has sold bis property to a
party by the name of Clyde Fry,
of near Hoskins, Or.
Jim Best cf Summit made a fly
ing at the borne of his moth
er, Mrs. E. Beat, Monday.
The ladies aid of the M. E.
church met at the home of Mrfc.
J. R. Bedford, Wednesday after
noon. The attendance was small
owing to the busy season, but
those who were there accomplish
ed quite a bit of work. The next
meeting will be in two weeks.
George Chapman is improving
his property by Sewer connections.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Woods were
town callers during the past
Miss Van Matre of near Albany
has engaged boarding with Mrs.
Hunt for the winter. She is one
of tbe school teachers here.
The public school of West Salem
is overflowing with, pupils this
term and they have three fine in
structors. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woods of
Stockton, California, were dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Bales, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter of Dal
las has rented the Stoddard prop
erty on Sixth street and tken pos
session. ... '
Mr. and Mrs. Venard Moore mo
tored to Portland, Sunday, to Tisit
the latter's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Vance Richardson
of Dallas were guests at the Rich
ardson home on Second street sev
eral days recently.
Wuite a few from our vicinity
visited the Dallas fair and report
ed a fine fair.
I Mrs. Gertrude Cherrington, of
Fourth street, died at a local hos
pital on last Wednesday, after a
short illness. The funeral Services
were held from the Webb & Cloush
undertaking parlors on Thursday.
She survives a husband and two
Sim McCammey of Hopewell
visited his cousin, S. V. Fuller.
Mrs. Mary Billings left Thurs
day for Portland for a ten days
sojourn with her niece, Mrs. W.
A. McCollum.
Mr. Savage and family of Yam
hill have rented the place known
the DeMastens property on
Edgewater street and havt moved
The West Salem crew, who had
been off work at the Oregon Fruit
Union on account of the building
partly giving way, hare resumed
their work again.
Mrs. Ernest Moore of Turner
was a recent Tisitor at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Moore.
Mrs. Clay baa moved from the
J. T. Hunt residence and taken
rooms over In Salem.
Residents, keep up heart, the
water board of our town Is doing
all it can to furnish the citizens
with a water supply that carries
less percentage of iron.
About a balf dozen of the ladies
of our town gathered at the home
.. -a.
... - .cr- O ;-
I . .. - ; ' .
r w tz. -mm
w3- , v
This i
t jmed.
the first authentic photograph of the entry of tee
British warsbpt mar be seen in the background.
TarKiii cavalry into
s-ntyrua, which later
They are
l A)!
Subscribe for the Jom
of Mrs. Mary E. Davis on last
Thursday to give ter a surprise
birthday party. Mrs. Davis was
very much pleased and surprised
when the ladies be;;an to gather
in, each one showering her with
a birthday package. The ladies
were served by their hostess with
tea, crackers and cake. And left
at an early hour wiohing her
many happy mile stones.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hatton of
Dallas were visitors at tbe home of
Mrs. S. A. Leach on Wednesday.
The Serlmer boys have installed
a radio in their home.
Robert Dunn visited his mother.
recently, has returned to Rocka
way. Harry Woods and family of Cal
ifornia was the houss guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Bowers, lately.
Mr. and MrB. Thomas and fam
ily, who motored to ?ortland on
business, has returned.
J. C. Hutchen of Dallas made a
flying visit at the J. M. Hamby
dwelling Saturday and visited the
fair in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolfe of
Corvallis were dinner guests at
the home of Mrs. Edna Smith,
j Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas
Mrs. Dunn of Portland the first of have returned to their home after
the week. Her friend3 will be several months' outing camping,
glad to hear she is enjoying good Janet MacKimmie, who has
health at this time. jbeen staying at the home of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Sebern and Fred Pierce, has been called home
family visited at the home of the 'on account of her grandmother be
latter's parents. Sunday. jing ill.
Mrs. Charles Wurm, who has' Mr. Harvey has moved his fam
been quite" ill, is much Improved i ily from the Georee Davies prop
erty to the Vick Bros, place on
Fourth street.
Rev. Hawthorne conducted his
first morning service in the M. E.
in health at this time, we are glad
to report. !
Mrs. Osborn. who Visited at the
home of her mother. Mrs. Davis,
church, Sunday. He will he witDi
us every other Sunday. Commun-:
ion services were observed also,
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Pearmine of
aalem were Sunday callers at the
E. Best residence. j
Will Bagnall of the boys' train
ing school was the guest of Alex-
ander Hawthorne, Sunday. j
Mr. and Mrs. Tindle of Salem!
have rented part of the house now ,
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Kamin-j
sha and have moved to it. He is
a drayman by trade. !
Mr. Fitts has returned home!
from Alabama, after visiting his'
old home.
Willemima Cox of Salem, ac-
companied by her friend, was a
Sunday evening visitor with her,
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. '
Bales. ' !
Those who have been on the
sick list in our mid3t are: Fred
Smith. Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Bales
and Mrs. Huston.
Mr. and Mrs. Meggers of Salem
visited thsir daughter, Mrs. Ka
minsha last week.
Reduced Round
Trip Fares
Now in effect
Oregon Electric
Every day Return Liit
it 15 Days j
Portland ...$2I
Woodburn' 1
Albany '......... 1J
Corvallis 21
Eugene 3.:
Fares to other point
supplied on application.
Agent, O.Uy
i bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbssbebbbbbVeS.
g ' J$S$$i!
Steinway the world's
Weber A. B. Chase
Steak Krakaner
Kurtzman Emerson
Brambach Premier
Steinert Grands
Aldrich Davenport
& Tracy
f 75 '-jr.
r'l'-WIW'- ':
The Superb
Duo-'Art Reproducing
Aeolian Player Piano
Kurtzman Aeolian
Steinway Weber
Steck Wheelock and
Stroud Duo-Art
A. B. Chase Player
Vose Player
Run Fake
cioverdaie News Over Causes
Piano Sales
We Never Sell Cheap or Inferior Pianos
We Do Sell High Grade Pianos
We Sell Them at Moderate Prices
We Sell Sherman, Clay 8c Co's Pianos
Sii licenses to wed were Issued
from the county clerk' office dur
ing the 24 hours ending at l:3u
p. m. Saturday.
They were (ranted to the fol
lowing persons:
Merril Doughty, 2. and Doro
thy Udell. 23. both of Salem; M.
K. Burney, to. and Rose Price,
it, both of Mill City; Ben C.
Woelke and Mary Frances Phil
ip, both of Salem; Nick J. Feh-
len. 19. and Emma Buedighelrner,
l, both of Stayton; Floyd Bullla.
it. of Corvallis and Vida Richard
son, 20. of Jerferson, and Ambrose
a Doiler, 20. and Mary Albera.
22. both of Aumsrille. j
Mrs. C. H. Kunke's grand
daughter and baby who have been
visiting her all summer, re
turned to tbeir home in Montant
Miss Irene Thomas and Anna
Zirkel entered the Turner high
school Monday.
table. Act
gently oa fiver and txnress.
Small na ScmaB
Koeeburg, Or., Oet. 9 K C. Mar
tin, a resident of Uleadale, wu
killed instantly Kuaday meraing
wkra ke waa mistakes for a deer
while out huatiag, according la a
report by ( o rimer Kitter.
Full detail were aot aoiaiaabU
and it was leaned only that Mar-
tin's eompaa oa aaistook kim tat a
deer and fired into his back at a
short dialani-r. Martin Iravea a
widow and two cb Urcl.
Little Lira
rtlla wiO rod
all niu. 1 .
Mrs. Caroline Dragers brother j, fe9 hoara.
nun urar ruriiasu woo Das oeen t rttreJy vege-
n ere neiping ner for the past few
weeks, returned home Friday.
Everett Wood enrolled as a
student at the Salem Capita!
Business college Monday.
Sam Drager who went to east
ern Oregon in harvest time, re
turned home today.
Mrs. Day entertained Tor the
W. C. T. V. Thursday.
Mrs. Joseph Morri left Thurs
day for a few days TlsIt with her
husband at the sawmill beyond
Independence. They returnd
home Sunday.
If foolish to suffer from
Kk heartache, biliousness, diraocsa.
mmgrrocin, ana utt
ered ailnents
AWure's 7orWc AfcJkme
ends atomach
trouble and
builds you up
j 30 MiUkm Botfe SoU
Peerless Pie
Convenient Complete
Custard, Cream, Cocoa-nut-Cream
Lemon and Orange
Ask Your Grocer
Sherman Claj- & Co. have bee
X ' ' m
aw, - t .".-ei t?
if.- 1
U 1
en '"fifty years" ImilJno- , . v i
now en or. TIip Tmti . . . luc nuauon - wmen u
Rpllin . 1 1! 11 Sh grade Pianos,
o ai itfv reasonable prices
j. ue reputation of giving 100
The reDutation
Prices which are fair to the "purchase!
ftisf action to anyone who purchases
rm . ...
Aue reputation of never having faua
a Piano
Ask Aay Good Drugkt
Cars of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea
Co. kaa medicine whica
will cwr any knows dia-
Not opea Sandara
1(S South High !Uret
Salem. Urvgoa. 1'bona Itt
invite vo t '".sP'al sales, en in the market
cov ir, u . . rtiiemuer tms! 1 here are mnn tino-c- to l
as ,uc ,, ot a llano, other than price.
liuioik! Our terms are
e .some
as easy as any reasonable hp,, i. v &
in iionyl T x wutu waui.
m used pianos. Look them over.
Moored Music House
"Everything Musical"
415 Court street qw
5- Char
ret mei
ftober :
S will
f 1 Histo:
'a Bib
'ted t
f Jem