TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE BARGAIN SUBSCRIPTION OFFER OF $3 A YEAR BY MAIL There is no substitute lor CIRCULATION Dally average for September 6119. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation. Member Associated Press Full leased wire service -' " THE WEATHER OREGON: Tonight and Tuesday fair east, probably rain west portion Gen-, tie Variable winds. . Local: Rainfall, none; max. 76; min. 61; part cloudy. River 1.6 ft. FORTY-FOURTH YEAR NO. 240. .. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1922. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAIN3 AND NEw3 " i i . : PAQTflD AWn Indifference and ' Cowardice of Public Press in Refusing to Expose ' Menace of Ku Klux Movement Contribute to Ignorance Blamed for Disruption of Civic Accord, Social and Political Strife and Religious Bigotry Resulting from Klan Growth In Oregon GIANTS TAKE FOUR IN ROW iiemn were they aware of its muster portent. ?he Ku Klux Klan is the great I menace to the peace, prosper- freedom and happiness o the fple of Oregon that the state as f political, economic, or social l has ever been called upon to f (bat. It threatens not only the j tiamental ideals of a democra- s' J form of government and the ift of religious tolerance which i characterized the co-operative Jfct9 of Oregonians to develop i.Jf commonwealth, but it is fting kin against kin, neighDor S?nst neighbor and friend v OMAN HURT IN against friend to the utter de struction of social harmony, civic accord and political and commer cial unity. Wherever in Oregon the klan has recruited any (Continued on page two) s EEK JURY M (Editor's Note Following is the first of a series of tides dealing with the history and growth of the Ku Klux Ran in Oregon, written by a member of The Capital urnal staff from personal observation and investigation an extended tour of the state. 1 he articles will be a daily ature of The Capital Journal.) (By Harry N. Crain.) If on November 7, the Ku Klux n succeeds in hoodwinking th pie of Oregon into passing fay bly on the governmental con program it has devised andis engineering toward a vote, it f be in spite of Oregon's desire clean, wholesome governmen tier than because of it. It will h victory for intolerance, perse (Ion and graft and defeat for in government, constituted au rity and equality in justice a ory to be credited to ignorance a defeat chargable to indif- nee. Only in an environment where iple generally are ignorant of Urue objects and principles, or indifferent to its menace until y are personally imposed upon j the klan prosper. And such is ' condition in Oregon today i-thirds of the people in the fe -are wholly ignorant of the t against their continued ,e, prospertiy and happiness tained in the klan's growth : are, therefore, indifferent to a jyement tiiey would vigorously WARREN CAS E Spectators Crowd Into Dallas Courtroom To Hear Details of Trail For Murder. IS. S T 0,. n i a . wutcuauu ul umguu ' a,v4 with her husband was 'jMurej Saturday, Septem t wnen th marhlno In - mey were riding collided 1: on with another machine as J(ere attempting to pass a Sa sruruand auto stage which J stopped to discharge a pas er near Gervais, overcame the S Wat were aeainsf h anil ffble to return to her home uormng. Th nwimnnl. ni her machine were but slicht- iuiea. el the couple, both past the cmury mark, were received oospital it was doubted if ould live. Mr. and Mrs, son were pinned beneath the Jse ot their own car. Mr. son suffered it wn thn,,-ht jM. Internal injuries besides a p'n of the brain. Mrs. fon was terribly cut about Jee. It was also thought that , ered internal injuries but m .? ere wronS- H was nt that infection might pos set in but here too predic were wrong. Sorensou improved 'rapidly I the n . - . a- i luiiy. ivirs. J " car"es with her several i1 , reauUs f being cut by eassjrom the windshield. !Fair Breaks" Records Vh- ".-The 9 it. ,u'"toa fair which -n.iuai exhibit t night broke all Dallas, Ore., Oct. 9. Indica tions this morning when the trial of Phillip Warren, Grande Ronde Indian indicted for the murder of Federal Prohibition Agents Glenn H. Price and Grover C. Todd, was called, were that all of today, and possibly the greater part of to morrow would be taken in secur ing a jury. Immediately upon the opening of court today Judge S.. S. Belt ordered the calling of a special venire for the trial, due to the refusal of 39 out of 40 women oh the regular jury panel to serve in the Warren ease. Warren maintained his stoical demeanor when brought into court today by Sheriff John W. Orr, and appeared indifferent to the proceedings When court - recessed at noon nine prospective jurors had been excused because of admitted scruples against capital punish ment, and four had -been tempo rarily passed for cause. Those ac cepted were: Lee Roberts, Dallas route 1: Henry McElmurray, Independ jence; J. W. Childers, Salem route 1; J. R. Chapman, Salem route 1 G. F. Brown, Dallas route 1. Not in years has a trial here at tracted so much interest. Long before the opening of court at 10:30 o'clock the court room was packed with spectators. Figi it r t. Spirit of John jaw's Tossers Puts r To Rout Sunday ti Won, 5-3. 1 J: fork, Oct. 9. (By Assoc! aiea rress.) Just before the opening of the world's series last Wednesday John McGraw, some times called "Little Napoleon. said the club with the most con sistent fighters wins the most ball games. His statement has been vindi cated, confirmed and sealed. Hie Giants rated, even by the most conservative of experts, to have nothing more than faint, fighting unauue oi winning one game, bat- neu mrougn me nnisnea super play" of the Yanks, won four games, tied one, lost none and are still world's champions. "Fijrht" Wins Series Already it seems an old story. It's been writen every time men meet in combat. The score ot yes terday's game, that decided the series, for the Nationals was 5 to 3, but that's only an incident. Ex actly how it was done is a matter of detail. ' The Giants won that game and all the others they cap Marks Four for Cent Lowest Quotation Yet New York, Oct. 9. German marks sold here today lor imsa than four cents a hundred, the lowest price on record. Open ing quotations ranged from 3 to 4 cents. ; The pre-war price was 23.8 cents each. REHEAR NGIS n ESPE Appeals Also Refused In Coronado Coal, Emer gency Fleet and Old Federal League Cases (Continued on Page Sfx.) CORN CROP 0 F NATION REDIN JED BY DRY WEATHER CAMPAIGN FOR Y FUND SLUMPS its h,P" last for A L 1 PTl M i " -'i Mill., rerer about . uuuacea today. The canvassiing teams of the Y, M. C. A. at their daily meeting this noon at the "Y" building re ported that so far in the cam paign there has been $6216 raised through subscriptions and new memberships. Subscrip tions amounting to $420 were reported as being raised Saturday after noon and this morning. The team headed by William Fleming headed the list today with 10 subscriptions for a total of $143 being raised. Owing to the fact that a large number on the teams are members of the Kiwanis and Rotarian clubs it was voted to hold the meetings on Tuesday and . Wednesday at 6:00 p. m. instead of at noon. Three days of the week have elapsed in which it was hoped to raise the $1200. With a little over half the amount now in the teams voted to do their beet to round up the campaign by Thurs day night. To do so means that nhrtnf 9 AAA .J l- m..mt It a raised. . Washington, Oct. 9. The na iion's corn crop decreased by 21,- bOO.OOO bushels during Septem ber, presumably due to drought; which prevailed in many of the corn growing states, according to the department of agriculture's forecast of production based on conditions at the end of the month." The department forecasts a crop ot 2,853,399,000 bushels, in com parison with the total of 2,875, uoo.ooo bushels forecast at he end of August. The spring wheat crop was esti mated by the department at 268, 314,000 bushels, which compared with the forecast issued a month ago of a crop amounting to 277, 000,000. Oats, preliminary, 1,229,774, 000; barley, preliminary, 196, 431,000; buckwheat, forecast, 14,- 051,000; - white potatoes, forecast, 433.015,000; sweet potatoes, fore cast, 105,490,000; flax seed1, fore cast, 11,725,000; rice, forecast, 29,109,000;- tobacco (pounds), forecast, 11,355,456,000; peaches, forecast, 56,125,000; apples, fore cast, 203,667,000; sugar beets (tons) forecast, 5,070,000; grain sorghums, forecast, 95,850,000 peanuts, 674,478,000; beans, pre linpinary, 13,013,000. .The condition of various crops on October 1 was announced as follows: Corn 78.46 per cent of a normal; buckwheat. 83.85; white potatoes, 77.3; sweet potatoes. 79; flax seed, 82.6; rice, 85.3; to bacco, 78.9; sugar beets, 85.1; grain sorghums, 64. Washington, Oct. 9. The su preme court today denied a rehear ing ot the case brought by the United States in which it directed the Southern Pacific today to di vorce itself of ownership and con trol over the Central Pacific railroad. Coronado Appeal Denied A rehearing of the Coronado coal case was denied by the court. The Coronado Coal company asked to have reviewed that part of the decision which held that the Uni ted Mine Workers union and cer tain individuals had not been guilty of restraint of interstate commerce. The court also denied the peti tion of the government for a re hearing of the cases in which the court, at its last term defined the suability and status as a federal agency of the emergercy fleet cor poration of the United States ship ping hoard. Baseball Case Killed. itenearing was denied of the case brought by the . Baltimore club of the defunct Federal league against organized baseball in which the court held professional baseball as played under the pres ent national agreement does not possess the attributes of inter state commerce. BOTH MS And greeks defy allies " . '". X ...v.- Figure In Mistake Murder Ottoman Forces Moving Toward Constantinople And Greeks Refuse To Evacuate Thrace. London, Oct. 9. (By Associat ed Press.) The Near East situa tion continued to present disturb ing potentialities today with the revolutionary Greek army at Adriaiople declaring It would not retire and with the victorious TurK army concentrating at Brusa and Ismid, anxious to reach Con stantinople and protect the Turks in Thrace. The uneasiness was- increased by the fact that the allies are not generally considered to have suf- th lent armed forces to control either the Turks or the Greeks. Eritish Lose Patience. WhUe the British are using the utmost patience to conclude peace, it is believed the Greeks and France iave been warned that if a settlement is not reached, the British will abandon the whole peace effort. The brief is that General Harington has orders not to risk an act of war, and it ap pears from the tone of the British press that no war with the Turks would receive popular backing. - rflu UK HnU i Sr" (x) I GIRL KILLED : J-S N, ! M ERROR if 1 $ M : ; Suitor of Girl Who Found 1 1 - . - f 1 Bodies Accused of 3'' v.l hALU ftY mum UJ r J. 7W 1 AND KILLS SELF tArtlL rLtA OLD RESIDENT Turks Resume Advance. Constantinople, Oct. 9. (By Associated Pres" The Turkish natiomwlst troops yesterday re sumed tiieir advance in the Darda nelles tjrea in the-i direction of ChanaV the British strongho: according to a Mudania dispatch to the local newspapers. It Was reported that Turkish ir regulars had appeared yesterday a (Continued on Page Five.) BEARCATS LOSE TO OREGON 3ID OF COUNTY DEAD I WILL BE TESTED Washington, Oct. 9. Massa chusetts' request for permission to test the constitutionality of the federal maternity law was granted today by the supreme court and the process ordered returned on January 2, 1923. Apparently well and in eood health in the mornt.ns wu he arose, C. F. Mumper," 52, living near Ulagatt, about five miles north of Salem on route 9, becam seriously ill with an acute attack ot pneumonia, was .brought to local hospital at once and in SDit ui an iuac Dovsicians rnnlrl jn died within two hours from the time of his arrival here. ine nrsi intimation of Mr, Mumper s illness was discovered about 11 o'clock in the morning wnen he went to a neiguror' home, about half a mile from hia place, accepted the invitation to come in and .have a chair and when asked how he felt did not answer. The neighbor then no ticed that Mr. Mumper was almost delirous and upon the advice of his wife sumomned at once Dr. mcKman rrom Uervais. By the time the doctor arrived the condi tion of the man had become so ad that it was not known whether he would live until he could be taken to the hospital. Mr. Mumper has been a resident of Marion county practically all of his ine. it is understood that he was born in the county. Besides a brother, William A., who lived on the farm near Clagatt. he ia sur vived by three step-brothers. Rob ert Painter of Walla Walla, Phil lip and J. C, Salem, ami two step sisters, Mrs. J. Nolan of Salem nd Miss Julia Painter, route 8. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from, the Webb & Clough chapel with concluding Mrvices at the Odd Fellows cemetery. Weight and experience proved too much for the Willamette football team Saturday afternoon at Eugen when the Lemon-Yc!!ow eleven rimmed the locals to the tune of 37 to 0. The Bearcats, although forced to defend their own goal practically all of the time, held their opponents to one lone touch- down in the first half. In the sec ond half the state university team used a number of plays which seem ed more than the locals could un derstand and put over four touch downs end a kick from placement, ane of the touchdowns and the place kick being made in the third quar ter. Goal was kicked after all but one of the marches. The only time that the Bar.lits were within striking distance was in the sucond quarter when by a series of end runs and off-tackle plays the ball was advanced to Ore gon's 20 'yard line. Isham tried for a place kick but the ball went low, After that the locals were not with in scoring distance. Tho . Oregon line was not in the class with the back field, only occasionally did they show flushes of charging pow er. Both coaihes were forced to Bend n new men continually, often be cause of minor injuries. Two of the Oregon -men had to be carried off the field. Both teams showed the lack of condition. With a little more smoothing off of the rough spots on the Bearcat eleven a team which will give a real fight to some of the real Willamette rival teams will be had. The addition of Tinv Shields and Prink" Okllison, whd entered school late, to the line will make the Ore- gvn reanj one 01 toe strongest in the northwest. The Willamette line averaged 166 pounds and the backfield 155 pounds as against the Oregon line averag ing J ia pounds anil the baekfield 6o. Rochester, N. Y Oct. 9. The body of a father aftd his three children today lay side by side in an undertaking establishmen here, victims of a tragedy last night. The children, Etheylin 5 Grace 2, and Russell 6 months, were drowned in a bath tub at their home by the father, William E. Wheeler, who then tired a bul let into his brain. Despondency because of in ability to obtain employment was responsible for the crime, police said. Mrs. Wheeler discovered the bodies after she returned from church. A note found read in part: 'Dear Milly: It had to come at last. I can see no other way out. Pay up every bill. That's what I did it for. Irri taking the kiddies Wth me' so you and no one else can say that I left them a burden on you. If I were to hang on Prevention All Important Shively Says in Talk Here; 90 per Cent Of Blazes Unnecessary. longer it would only be the sam old story," CARSON AND CARSON IS NEW SALEM LAW FIRM Carson and Brown, a law firm existing in Salem for 15 years has been dissolved, it was learned today, and the firm of Carson & Carson has risen in its place. Allen G. Carson, of Salem, will be associated, with his brother, John H. Carson, as the second member of the firm. Thomas Brown will in the future main tain an office at 415 Oregon building. Mr. Brown was asso elated with John A. Carson for nine years and with John H Car son for six years. HE SOLO CAR HERE FOR $5 C. C. Hall, today held in jail by the Salem police pending an in vestigation of his case, last night sold a large touring car to a local man for J5, according to the po lice. Hall, charged with operat ing a motor vehicle without a driv er's license, was fined $20 by Po lice Judge Earl Race. He was un able to raise the money. Hall, the police said bag several aliases. OPEN FORUM IS WEDNESDAY Wednesday night the Salem uommerciai cluo montbjy onec forum meeting will be held. The proposal to amend the club's charter In order to- change thej organization's name to "chamber of commerce" will be considered and a large attendance la in prospect. A membership campaign, to be put underway in the near future, also will be considered. An en tertainment program is to be given following the business ses sion. Manager Bob Duncan said. The terrible toll of fire the fi nancial loss, Ihe personal injuries the charring of human bodies, the agony the cause and preventio ot the awful conditions in th United States these were told to day by J. H. ShivelyT fire expert ot the national fire prevention bu reau, San Francisco, at the noon luncheon at the Salem Gommer cial club. Ihe most Important man in Salem?" Mr. Shively asked. "No he s not the governor. He's not your leading financier. He's not probably the man you might name first. He's your fire chief. On mm resis more responsiDUity than on any other individual in Salem. For goodness sake, back him in all all his work. He's a good man and, of all officials, is entitled to your support." Most Fires Preventable. Ninety per cent of the fire loss in Salem last year waa prevent able, Mr. Shively said. "Sixty-five per cent of the fires," be explain ed, "are in the home and it is the women and children who suffer most from carelessness, from your neglect to provide. If you haven't cleaned your flue in th last year, if you have au electric drop cord not properly installed in your home, you are at this moment in danger of fire." Last year 789 women were burned to death in the United States. They were using gasoline I to clean gloves, dreesen and other articles, Mr. Shively explained Fifty-thouand fires, caused from electricity, occurred in this county last night," he said. Fit ty thousand persons last year were burned and 23,000 were maimed in the United States during the year. Smokers Are Careless. During the last six years Cali fornia has lost annually, through carelessness of smokers, $888,000, Mr. Shively declared. He ex plain eu that he, himself, is a smoker, and that he does not seek to prohibit smoking, but he added that the careless user of the weed should be dealt with severely. The crowd at the luncheon to- ay was not large, but it appear ed to be converted to a man to the caue of fire prevention. - Rev. Hall and Mrs. Mills Mistaken For Sweet heart and Her Step-father by Clifford Hayes.. New Brunswick, N. j., Oct. 9. Clifford Hayes, 19 year old admirer ot Pearl Bahmer, who found the bodies of the Rev, Ed ward Wheeler Hall and Mrs. Eleanor Reinhardt Mills, choir singer, was arrested today and formally charged with first de gree murder for the sayings. Raymond Schneider, who was with the Bahmer girl when the bodies were found, was held as a material . witness. Prosecutors Beekman and Strlckler of Middle sex and Somerset counties say Schneider signed a 300 word statement accusing Hayes of the crime. Fired Without looking According tq Schneider's state ment, the double slaying was the result of mistaken identity. He" had gone out with Hayes on the" night of the murders, he said, trailing a man who accompanied the Bahmer girl. Seeing a couple beneath a crab apple tree, h said. Hayes opened fire. Formal an nouncement of the arrests, was made.at 11:45 a. m. by Prosecutor Stricklcr. Hayes when confronted with Schneider as the latter re-told his story, exclaimed: . "He is a liar!" According to Schneider, who admits he is in love with the (Continued on page five) GREEKS GREET LE0NARD0P0UL0S AS LIBERATOR One Union Idea Heard Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 9. Pos sible consideration of the "one big union" was indicated today by D. W. Helt grand president of the Brotherhood ot Railway Signal Men of America in con vention here, when he responded to an address of welcome by Mayor George P. Carroll. i Adrianople, Oct. 8v (By Asso ciated Press.) General Anatasios LeonardopoKlos, new Greek com mander in eastern Thrace, was leeted by the populace and sol diery as "the liberator of Andrl anople" upon his arrival here yesterday. The title "liberator" arises from the fact that he waa the first Greek to enter Adrianople after the Bulgarians and Turks were driven from the city in 1918. He now has returned in the midst of the extensive preparations be ing made to resist the Turkish reoccupation. Although General Leonard opoulos today is one of the fore most military leaders in Greece, he travels from Athens in an ordinary railway coach. In spite of his effort to avoid attention, however, he found delegations awaiting him at virtually every station along the route across Thrace. At this moment it Is evident that the army has little intention of evacuating Thrace without a struggle, whatever the orders from Athens may be. Immediately after General Leonardopoulos had passed through the cheering column of troops in the Rue Karagatch to the new headquarters in the Greek palace, be received the Associated Press correspondent, with whom he freely discussed the situation.