Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 07, 1922, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    - f iff--.
A Conservative Is One f Who Already Has His
By carrier 10 eenta a week, 45
cents a month. $5 a year In ad-
va"c.e- .n in Marion and Polk
aunties, on month 60 cents,
months 1.2 5. months $2.26. 1
n," . . nn Rlaewhars 60 cent a
month, $5 a year.
ii.,troi ss second class mall
matter at Salem. Oregon.'
ftaow"."- .
The Associated Press Is exclus
ively entiuea to m "
licatlon of all news dispatches
credited to It or not otherwise
credited In this paper and Also lo
cal news puousneu ntirwi.
Audit Bureau ot Circulations
. .,.,-. i ai n ir renraaentativeal
V. D. Ward, Tribune bldg.. New
York City. ,
w. S. Stockwell. Peoples Gas
bids- Chicago. Ills.
" Eate per word each Insertion
J cents, three Insertions, 6 cents,
one week 8 cents, one month JO
cents, one year, per month, 12
cents; minimum per ad, 26 cents.
First insertion only In New To-
. a i m njinh in adTSDCa
?nd not taken over phone, unless
advertiser om
No allowance tor phone errors
ROOM for rent In modern home
.,11 KROK. 3241
WANTED Lady waitress. 223 N.
rrTl c T it- Pantm KtOVe cheap
isnLnIh cml- i4i
WANTED Good farm hand. W.
YUK SALE Sowe with pigs. Joi
,1.,- Turner. Or. e241
OLD fir. splendid furnace or heat--r
wood. Phone 1744W. 239
FIRIOMEN, brakemen, $150-1200:
,...,c Railway care Journal.
v., i v? ir! vt ? ft a ores close in.
u r. n.hi.i B40 Slate St.
uniua -- 2!(()
Bl'litBLLA corsets sold by Alice
A Miles, 451 norm iioi bhc.
!,,,,, ianrJ. 239
WANTED To sell 3 burner gaf
siove $5; almost new, j " :
CUHLER outfit and stock tor sale
cheap. Call evenings.
jjfr rexT Modern furnished
apartment at the Marion apart-
WANTED 3 or 4 room furnished
or unfurnished house by young
couple. 697 N. Liberty, A"1-
IVKNISHED room two blocks
from state house, breakfast f
desired. Phone 3S5W. 253 N-
1Slh. J241
l'OK RENT 4 room house, noi
and cold water, full basement,
hath, range connected. 690 S.
jsth. . ill
l'OK SALE 3 ton loose vetch and
oat hay $11 per ton; 1 broad
cust seeder $10. Ellis S. Lauder
taek. Rt. 6, box 43. 239
WANTED $1500, $2000, $2500
and $3500 first mortgage 'secur
ity, farm and city property. W.
H. Cirabenhorst & Co., 275 State
street. ' 239
VOI R future foretold: Send dime
blrthdate for truthful, reliaW
convincing trial reading. Haze:
Hause, box 215, Los Angeles,
Cal. .. 239
EAliN $5 to $10 day gathering ev
ergreens, roots and herbs in th
fields and roadside; book ant!
prices free. li-otanical 315A
West Haven, Conn. 239
gi-iEl' two adults, or woman with
invalid who will give work for
part rent 2 large furnished house
keeping rooms, first floor, car
line, $12. Phone 1915J. 239
ATTRACTIVE business girl, 20,
worth $40,000, wants kind help
ing husband. Write quick for
standing picture and descrip
tion. Box 223, Los Angeles. Cal.
10 ACRES, paved road, improved,
trade for city; 400 acres improv
ed, south of The Dalles, $35 per
acre, for Salem or good city.
T.rown, over Buslck'e, State and
Commercial. b
WANTED For house work In
Portland, capable and experi
enced, woman. Good wages.
Small family. Christian sur
rounds. A. C. P. Box ELM
Capital Journal. g240
FOR SALE 5 room modern bun
galow, cement baeement, gar
se, chicken park, 2 lots, eight
large cherry trees. $200, terms:
take good used piano and some
rash. Address box 10X can
Journal. a24f
FOR SAI.K V. section land. Lin
coin county, 2 houses, . barn,
good fences, good spring water,
goats and sheep go with place.
$1500, terms. 84 acres improved
4 mile of Marion, good build-
Reuben Small, Marten.' Or. b241
MARRY IF LONELY; for results
try me; best and most success
ful "Home Maker; hundreds
rich wish marriage soon; strict
ly confidential; most reliable;
years experience;- description
free. "The Successful Club.'
Mrs. Nash, box 556, Oakland.
FOR SALE Or trade, 20 acre
tract of fine prairie soil located
on paved road, four room plas
tered cottage and barn and
other outbuildings; will consid
er good house in Salem in ex
change. Price $550. W. H. Gra
benhorst & Co., 275 State St
DO you know tiiwt more than a
half billion dollars ef property
was destroyed by fire in 1921,
15.000 people burned and 25,000
more maimed? Help prevent
such sacrifices. Carelessness
causes many casualties. Siand
ley & Foley, Ins. Agts., Bush
bank bldg. 239
Farm at public sale Wed.
Oct. 11, 1922. at 10 a. m. 3 M
miles couth of PJiilomath. 10
miles SW of Corvallis. in con
nection with my personal prop
erty sale will also offer far sale
to the highest toiader my 143
ere valley term: land all lev!.
1 acres in cultivation, balance
timber and Tstre; god six
tra house, barn and outbuild
': good tter, wells and
'"reeks, 1 mtfe te charch and
rhool. R V D and telephone,
has first mortgage of $6000
de 1S27, second mortgage of
tlftOO due 193: will accept bids
vr $. Thw ts m fine farm
d will r t a tiarcain. Come
oMt t wr. Free ranch t
noon. P. E. Smith. Rt. 2, Cor
ilia, owner. 23
FOR RENT 5 room furnished
apt. adults only. 754 N.' High.
' 239
TO RENT A furnished house
cheap. 189 8 N. Church. Grand
ma Ellis. j240
WANTED To rent S furnished
light house keeping rooms. 725
east Judson street 3241
WE write burglary insurance on
dwellings. Standley & Foley.
Bush bank bldg. 239
FOR SALE Like new, St. LouIh
cash register, candy scale and
email heater. 775 N. Cottage.
1922 DODGE, just like new, spare
tire, spotliijht, bumper, etc.,
$800 for quick sale. Phone Mr.
Turner 220. 239
FOR SALE Young fresh, Jersey
cow, heifer calf. Inquire 1 mile
east of asylum, box 105A, phone
101F31. e240
WANTED Two unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping, no
children. Phone 1565J after five
o'clock. " J241
2 OR S housekeeping rooms, furn
ished or unfurnished, use of
bath, ground floor, out door en
trance. 2157 Maple ave. 239
1922 BUICK 4, car driven just 4
months, cannot be fold from
new one; will make price right
to someone. Phone 718J. 239
57 MILES per gallon made with
new patented gasoline vaporuser.
Write for particulars. Stransky
Vaporizer Co.. Pukwarra, S. D.
EXPERIENCED saleslady desires
position in store, or will consid
er anything else providing its
steady work. Phone 1806R. Apt.
29. - 239
FOR SALE Good 6 room house
with basement, close In, $ blocks
from high school, $3300, terms.
See Krueger, Oregon bldg. phone
217. a240
ATTRACTIVE business girl, 20,
worth $40,600, wants kind help
ing husband. Write quick for
standing picture and descrip
tion. Box 223, Los Angelas, Cal.
NOTICE I have a closa in six
room house, fine location, house
needs some repairs, for $1650,
and $250 down will buy it.
Brown, over Busick's, State and
Commercial. a
WANTED Partner with little
capital to Improve plant. Have
plant and timber, can get six
months contract for S F ties.
All year round operation. H. A.
Robb, Dallas, Or. 239
FOR SALE Modern, new 6 loom
bungalow, white wood -work,
built ins, fireplace, full cement
basement, furnace, garage, cor
ner lot and cement walks, 1315
Shipping street. 239
LlOOD fresh Jersey cow; 80 White
Leghorn pullets. Close in 5 acres,
7 room houBe, water system, 3
acres in logans, family orchard:
- will trade for city property.
Park street, box 17. 239
15 ACRES 4 miles Salem. Half
mile fine macadam to pavement,
Silverton way; 1 acre cultivated,
balance 2d growth fir; springs,
running wwater, best soil. Too
cheap at $2500; terms. Harris,
624 N. Capitol, 194-2J. 239
FOR SALE -$50 down and $10
per month, interest 6 percent
buys a fine Vi acre building
site on north 21st street, close to
Englewood school. Price $600.
W, H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275
State street. a241
FOR SALE $100 down and $10
per month buys -10 acres of as
fine a tree and berry soil as lays
south of Salem; if you are look
ing for 10 acres, see us about
these tracts. W. H. Grabenhorst
& Co., 275 State street. b241
FOR SALE One 6 room cottage
at 1023 N. 17th $1600; one 5
room cottage at 1025 N. 17th,
$1500; terms on either; will ex
change for Portland improved
realty and assume. Owner, Geo.
M. Smith, 291 Glenn ave., Port
land, phone Taber 4679. a241
WE have a splendid business loca
tion for lease for term of years,
on south Commercial street; a
corner, 6 room modern bunga
low with hardwood floors, plate
glass windows, east front $6700;
beautiful corner on State street
$7500; 6 room house $1750; 6
Toom house $2200; 6 room house
$1450; lots of all descriptions
for sale by Gertrude J. M. Page
492 north Cottage, S blocks
north of P O, one block east of
high scnool.
TO BE SOLD at auction Tuesday,
Oct. 10. 19M, 1:36 p. za. 10
room modern residence located
at 19$ north 21st, Salem, Or..
lot facing 50 feet on pavement
and 528 feet deep, garage, bear
ing fruit, a splendid Home; fine
opportunity for the keeping of
poultry. Terms are 25 per cent
cash of which $500 is payable
on Lhe date -6f sale and the bal
ance of the 25 p r cent payable
when deed is delivered. The bal
ance of the purchase price is
payable $600 pr year for two
years and the then remaining
balance at 7 per cent to suit
purchaser. This property must
be seen to be appreciated and
may just be what you want. Be
there, be on time. Sale will -be-frin
promntly. Don't forget the
date. Tuesday October 10th, 1:30
p. m. at 198 north 21st street
Socolofsky, agent, phone 97
Satterlee. auctioneer. 239
MUTT AND JEFF Well What is the
rr7e Be"M woiswn&A fTHei mvjtt! He C waivcr, fW rscprV-tBLeD e&sf fsteAMtjic-c Tew Tn
W6k ANO Tr ONLY o5 WoOtfcNT COME- ANBAN OMSlCT I ulf -rAk GX f D
I dimc, am r Feed Mue . A ee J cents. mist.R MrTIlZ '
3-1 THAT 60Y UlAS J -SGRUlce UHTHovjT f 'jrfftJu5-- V-rAuTTj- JJh G? t ?
t Jk . life. J yiLi m C3 mi
L I - ! . : ' I : J 1
FOR room and board, call 395 N.
14th street. 239
rooms, 35 9 Center.
FOR SALE Range in good con
dition. 180 Miller street. c241
FOR RENT 3 room furnished or
unfurnished apt. 255 Division.
- J241
FOR RENT Modern 6 room un
furnished house. 1335 N. Capi
tol street. 239
FOR SALE Good oak dining
room furniture, phone 112SW,
call 498 S. High St. 239
WANTED To rent 4 or 6 room
furnished house with bath. Box
X4 care Journal. 1241
WANTED Loans, $3800 on city
property, $2500 on acreage. W.
H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State
street. " 1240"
WIRELESS set and supplies at a
bargain; am leaving town. Call
tonight or Sunday 440 N. 23rd
street. 239
FAIRMOUNT hill, corner lot 60x
150 on pavement. Price $650
cash. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.,
275 State street. a240
FOR SALE Some fine Jersey-
uuernsey yearlings, also Rome
young cows; short of feed. E. B.
Rutan, Rickreall, Or. 239
FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring in
good mechanical condition, tires
practically new, $150. A real buy
ior someone. 674 N. Church. 239
LOOK Fine modern six room
bungalow, excellent location,
must be sold, Price $7000 cash.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275
State street. a240
NEW BUNGALOW 4 rooms with
basement and furnace, located
on Fairmount. Price $3300,
$1650 down. W. H. Grabenhorst
& Co., 375 State street. a 240
FOR RENT 3 room furnished
apartment with electric stove,
bed and table linens, electricity,
hot and cold water and fuel
furnished. Use of phone. 1207 S.
Commercial. 1241
NEW BUNGALOW, 6 rooms plas
tered, double constructed, on
imvea street, z oiocics to car
line. Price only $3500, cash to
nanaie $1000, balance to suit
See L. A. Haytord, 305 State St
W1LLARD battery for sale less
than price, extra large ca
pacity, 13 plates to each cell,
tnreaded rubber insulation, C
volt, alsp a rural telephone in
first class condition; set of 4
large volums Farm Knowledge"
these are up to date. These go at
about H price. See these at 304
N. 21st street. Charles Wilmot.
FOR SALE We have no so called
snap but if you want a real mod
ern home worth more than the
money asked, 6 rooms, full base
ment, 2 lots with all kinds of
fruit and garden, address Owner
care Capital Journal. a239
FOR SALE 9 room plastered
house with built in conveniences
$4000. 198 W. Lincoln street,
phone 621M. a239
jTiuu&cjs wanted on easy pay
ments; 1 nave clients waiting. S
H. Pearson, 210 U. S. bank bldg
SMALL house, lot 50x150, fine
soil $400.
4 room house, $750, $100 down
4 room bouse $850, $200 down
3 room house $850, $200' down
4 room house $1100. $150 down
4 room house $1200, $200 down,
i lots. Brown, over Busick's
State and Commercial. a
$300 DOWN, 5 room cottage, com
pletely furnished, lights, bath,
toilet, basement, 6 bocks Ore
gon bldg. Bargain price $1650
. S. R. Pearson, 210 U. S. bank
7 ROOM modern house, except
Dasement, east front, $2500; will
take car as first pay. M. J
Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. a
FOR SALE Modern 4 room bun
galow, east front, just finishing,
very reasonable if sold this week
Inquire 1845 Fir St, a839
5 ROOM house, new barn, city wa
ter, 3 lots 125x150, $900, $200
cash. M. J. Hunt, Ladd & Bush
$1700 BUYS a five room house
with basement, north Salem
renting for $30 month. See Krue
ger, Oregon bdg. phone 217.
FOR SALE By owner, equity in
6 room cottage, electric lights,
hot and cold water, bath, built
m features, full basement, fruit,
near school and car line.N lot
76x150,- 850 N. 14th, jhone
utojvv. az43
5 ROOM modern house, wood
shed, lot 50x150, 1 V, blocks to
school and car line, paved Btreet,
$2000, $600 cash. M. J. Hunt,
ljaaa & jiusn oiag.
FOR ash, oak and fir wood, phon
1851M. ' ee24J
WOOD sawing. Fisher Bros., city
and country. Phone 2046. eeS89
BEST grade mill wood 4 ft. and
16 inch, prompt delivery and
reasonable prices .Fred E.
Wells, 305 S. Church street,
phone 1542. ee
WOOD SAWING, phone 1131, city
or country. Ed Sproed. ee260
Read Tiie Journal Want Ads
MUSI' BE SOLD 10 acres cose
in, buildings, fruit, running wa
ter. Make an offer. Address M
care Capital Journal. b$40
FOR SALE t acres 2 miles
south State street, 50 bearing
trees, good garden land, living
spring. $2750, H cash, balance
terms. Q. P. Elliott, 171 Court
10 ACRES for sale, phone 4F32.
FINE located y acre tracts on
north 21st, fine soil, close to
school, for only $600, $50 down
balance $10 per month at 6 per
cent. 'Brown, over Busick's, State
and Commercial. b
FOR SALE By owner. $90 an
acre for 85 acres, H in cultiva
tion, house, barn, orchard, 3
springs, ft mile to school, 18
miles south of Portland, terms.
Box Cll Capital Journal. b291
1,'nR SAT.F. .Rflrpnln ft acres.
1 miles from Salem, jjTuitiana
road, all Improved, eight room
house, good condition, most of
furniture Included; good barn,
logans, strawberries, family or
chard, horse, harness,- buggy,
wagon, cow. plows, harrow, cul
tivators, well, pump, water pip
ed to house ; leaving state, for
quick sale will dispose of above
t' iSKOIl Phone 100FS1. bl39
FOR SALE 160 acre farm, plenty
of cood fruit, about 60 acres
clear, two rood barns, fairly
eood house, spring water, lots
of out range, close to school;
owner must sell, will give good
terms or take some city proper
ty. Address L care Journal.
FOR SALE Three vacant lota,
also 25 acre fruit ranch, 655 S.
. 19th street, phone 1603R. b239
RANCH for rent. 192 acres, 60
acres pasture, balance good farm
land, fair buildings, good road
and near Salem. $450 cash, or
if party will buy machinery at
$450 will rent crop shares. A. W.
Estes Realty Co., Patton bldg. j
FURNISHED sleping room for
gentleman, 205 Oregon bldg.,
phone 1527. J
OFFICE room for rent, 205 Ore
eon bldg. phone 1527. 3
RENT or sale, house furnished,
garage, $20; farm 63 acre dairy.
Box 28, Rt. 3. 3243
FOR RENT Steam heated rooms,
breakfast and six o'clock din
ner if desired. Phone 2069J. J239
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping
rooms, reasonabe. 160 Court St.
WANTED Sheep pasture. Ad
dress or phone E. D. Phlllipi,
Stayton, Or. J241
STEAM heated rooms at The Mil
ler. 3262
SLEEPING rooms $2.50 per week
160 Court St. j239
FOR RENT Modern furmshed
apt. phone 1051R. 3239
FOR RENT 1 front bed room
furnished, to gentleman. 555 S.
19th St. 3239
HOUSE for rent, phone 2056J.
FOR RENT 3 good well furnish
ed sleeping rooms and break
fast if desired, located close to
state house and university; ga
rage for rent, 1445 Trade. D. S,
Hildebrand, 341 - State street,
phone 794. j240
FOB RENT Furnished apart
ment, 486 N. Liberty, phone
612M. 3240
FOR RENT Two pleasant sleep
ing rooms for gentlemen, phone
1253R. j239
FOR RENT On shares for term
of years, 280 acres dairy and
grain farm, party to buy half in
terest in all equipment. 1M
miles of town; must have good
reference. 640 N. Winter, phone
1475W - J243
WANTED Miscellaneous
GOOD range wanted,
price, phone 63F12.
WANTED Roomers and board
ers; also have nice large room
with kitchen privileges, close to
state house and university.
Phone 1534R, 1334 Ferry St.
PAINTING, paper-hanging, kalso
mining. Edgar Brock, successor
to Aubrey H. Clark, 293 N.
Cottage, phone 256. 1254
WANTED Used furniture, rang
es, heaters, cook stoves, tools,
etc. We pay-cash, get our prices
before you sell. Liberty Exchange
241 N. Com'l St. pnone 841. !
WANTED Second hand rurnlture
and stoves. We also carry a full
line of new furniture, stoves,
tools, etc. Once xhen always.
People's Furniture store, 271 N.
Commercial St. pbone 734. 1
WANTED Heavy young team,
weight 1500 to 1600 lbs. age 3
to 6 years. Phone 6F3. i242
WANTED To rent a 4 or 6 room
house with or without furniture,
wiling to pay good price for
good place. Box 3 Capital Jour
nal. 1238
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
PHONE 47F32 for grapes. c242
FOR SALE Unfinished
fur. Call 653 N. High.
FURNITURE, party leaving town
255 Division. c2S9
APPLES at your own price at
Prescott's orchard, 2 miles ii
Polk county on Oak Grove road.
Bring boxes. c239
" . . . Ur- '
FOR SALE Drophead Singer sew
Vllng machine cheap. Call 638W.
TT ' ' c244
SOME real bargains in used pho
i I nographs. Moore's Music house,
' 415 Court St. c
CpNCORD grapes cheap, extra
Suva canning hhu juice, writer.
A. Miller, 260 Marlon street,
phone 1135W." c239
Oct, 7th, 1 p. m. at 160 south
i High street, opposite Oregon
I Electric building, a fine large
assortment of household furni
ture will be sold at this sale,
farm implements, livestock and
many other articles too numer
ous to mention; don't miss this
sale. Col. J. B. Gable, auction
eer. FURNITURE repairing and all
kinds of woodwork made to or
der. Wood turning, shop 19th
' and State, phone 882. c
FOR SALE Winchester pump
gun 12 guage. 1350 N. 16th St.
FOR SALE Grapes, Sweetwater
6 cents per lb. One mile east of
asylum, by Jos. Hug, Rt. 6, box
138, Salem. c240
FOR SALE Apples, Gravenstein,
Jonathan, Wagners, Roman
Beauty, Baldwins, also grapes,
quinces and dried prunes, Rt. 8,
box 47. c241
FINE Concord grapes 6c lb. Moore
3095 Portland road, phono
1580W. - c240
FOR SALE Singer sewing
chine $18, 638W.
c240 FOR SALE Schultz player piano,
walnut case. This is a real buy
for someone. Will give terms.
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. c240
FOR SALE Gravenstein ap p les,
delivered for 60c and $1. Phone
4F4. c240
FOR SALE Warner piano as
good as new; will give terms. H.
L. Stiff Furniture Co. c240
FOR SALE Large wicker baby
buggy, baby walker and high
chair. 850 N. 14th, phone 1468W
FOR SALE Automobiles
FOR TRADE 2M. ton truck for
city proerty; 20 acres Improved
farm for city property or auto
mobile. Box 5 care Journal. q2 40
WILL trade Overland car for car
penter work. Miles, phone 193
TO do away with that uneasy feel
ing in buying used cars try Bone
Steele Motor Co., be your own
- i demonstrator, drive the car
; home and try it out.
; Dodge roadster, 1922
J Ford touring
Ford sedan
.1921 Chevrolet Baby Grand in
best of condition, the best buy
In town. q240
OUR used car stock contains the
largest display and b&L buys ws
have ever offered.
, Overland 90 '19 $250
Buick 4 '17 $275
'.Ford '20 $300
' .Ford '21 $350
Buick 6 '17 $425
Buick big 6 7 passenger $475
Dodge '19 $550
., Buick 6 '19 roadster $650
Dodge '22 $800.
nBuick 4 '22 $850
.Apperson 8 $1100
388 N. Commercial St. phone 220
- - q239
I HAVE an '18 Studebaker touring
in rine shape with 4 cord tires.
:. win sen it ior 4'3 and take
Ford in trade. Call 101F2 after
6 p. m. q240
A BARGAIN at $289, 1921 road
ster, good tires, shox, battery on
outside; your own terms. Call
859 S. 12th St. q240
1920 FORD touring, new starter,
generator, battery, tires, top,
curtains and cushions. A snap
at mzo. (jail 1U3U snipping.
MUST sell 1920 Ford touring in
fine shape with wire wheels
and speedometer. Call and see it
$325. WiU take $100 down. 334
in. Winter. o240
CALL at 650 N. 16th and see my
1920 Ford coupe with a new
paint job; spotlight, new spare
tire ana tuDe, large steering
wheel and foot throttle, $450,
any terms within reason. q240
CHANGE. Cars bought and sold.
Guaranteed repairing. Washing,
polishing. -
No matter what make of trac
tor, truck or car you have, we
can supply you with parts,
W. E. Burns Dan Burns
(Not Brothers, the Same Man)
High street at Ferry. q
PUPPIES for sale. Fox terrier and
Airedale. Agents for Spratts
dog. cat and bird roods and rem
edies. E. B. Flake, 273 State, &a
lem. e'
FOR SALE Large young team
horses, 4 and 6 in spring, one
broke. W. B. Farrier, Turner, Or.
NOTICE 2 all round farm horses
good workers and harness, pay
feed bill and take them. Cow and
buggy very cheap. Feed store,
254 S. Liberty. e240
FOR SALE -Five registered Jer
sey heifrs, bred; one will fresh
en October; $500. C. Ii. McCully,
Aumsville. e23
FOR SALE A good cow, 3 yearf
old, heifer calf by her side, calf
months old. Cal evenings 65F
15, H. E. Smith. e240
FOR SALE Young small team.
W. M, Schuett, Rt. 2, box 170.
FOR SALE Nice pigs, shoats and
all kinds of stock hogs. John H.
Scott, phone 254 or 622. e240
FOR SALE Leghorn pullets, 60c.
Rt 6, box 18, phona 109F11.
LOST Tuesday S. H. S. '22 pin.
Finder please call 2001J or 672
N. Com'l. Reward. Initials L. B.
LOST Canvas cover 12x16 feet
between - Salem and Bell hop
yard south of Salem on slough
road. Geo. Ringwald, phone
876J-for reward. k239
Situations Wanted
FOR - experienced nurse.
1352J after 6 p. m.
WANTED Stenographic position
by experienced stenographer;
have good references. Rt. 3, box
125, Newberg, Or. ' h240
THE Whitney company Is conduct
ing logging and sawmill opera
tions Id Tillamook county, and
is hiring men for camp and
sawmill work at going wages. No
strikes. Good, clean camps and
good, wholesome grub. 9 hours
work for 9 hours pay. For saw
mill work, address H. E. Mor
gan, Garibaldi, Oregon; for log
ging camp work, address W. J.
Norris, loaviiie, uregon. s
EXPERIENCED cook and house
keeper wantea ai once. uu
salary and excellent conditions
but must have some body who is
pleasing and well experiencd.
Apply at once bring your refer
ences with you, at the People's
Cash store. Ask for Mrs. Solof.
1917 FORD for sale, good shape.
good tires, $150. S. K. Pearson.
210 TJ. a bank bldg. q
WANT Girl for light office work.
low wages while learning. Give
name, age, address and phone.
Box 14 Journal. - g
GOOD cook wanted to cook and
help with housework, part time
or all day. Phone 2006J, 245 N.
Winter. g239
WANTED Woman for general
house work Pied Piper Tea room
846 N. Capitol. gS"
WOOD sawing, city and country.
McDonald and Anliker, phone
11F11 or 1525J. m263
HIGHEST price paid for second
hand clothing and shoes. Also
cleaning,- pressing and repairing.
Call and deliver. Capital Ex
change, 343 N. Commercial,
ohone 1368W. m
PRICES' are right, horse shoeing a
specialty, by a practical shoer;
trailers for sale or made to or
der. C. L. Wright, fair grounds
shot). Salem, Or. m242
G. SATTERLEE, auctioneer, sells
on commission or will buy, any
where'or any time. Phone 1177
or 1211J, 404 Ferry St. Salem,
Or. i
WANTED Furniture, tools, ma
chinery. stock, etc. Will buy for
cash, or sell on commission.
Phone 511, Woodry, the auction
eer. m1
TJ1ANS Let me see you about a
loan if you want to build we can
help you. Plenty of money, nu
delays. Call 524, let us tell you.
ixr a kjt- tr 1 DM mattresses to
make over. Phone 19. Capital
city Beaaing i-o.
FULLER brushes are guaranteed.
' beware of imintations. Their
salesmen now working in Salem.
Grimes, local representative, 541
Mill street, phone 1937J. m231)
MARTIN, "painter," phone 704
eveningSj m240
WINDOW washing, prompt serv
ice. Phone 1652J, Windowman.
mil 60
DRESSMAKING, ladies tailoring,
first class. Mrs. Lee A. Swope,
1445 Trade St. phone 984. m24Q
WINDOW washing, all kinds oi
odd jobs, phone 1488. mZ8
6 room cottage, nice lot, Ior
$1100, with $210 cash, balance
6 -room house, modern except
heat, paved street, well located,
$3750, with $750 cash, balance
8 room plastered house, near
school, on paved street, for $2650,
with $350 cash.
6 room cottage, near school ana
car line, for $2000, easy terms.
7 room bungalow, on paved
street, two lots, modern except
heat, $3500 with $500 cash.
W. A. LISTON, Agent
484 Court street 240
Good 4 room house on paved
street near car line with fireplace.
Price $2350, some terms.
7 room house at 729 north Lib
erty street. Price $3150, $1000
9 room house in good condition
on paved street and car line. Price
$3500, Vi cash down.
6 room plastered house with
basement on paved street and car
line. Price $750, $500 down.
6 room house with basement
near Yew Park school. Price $2400
tome terms; immediate possession.
Real estate and fire insurance,
275 State St. U. S. bank bldg.
1920 by Intl. Feature Service Inc.
IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cop
per. Bring the pieces. Lixo-jra
Heating Co., 837 Court.
310 8. Winter St. rifcone 951. '
F. N. WOODRY the live stock.
furniture, real estate auctioneer.
Phone 611 for sale dates. Res.
1610 N. Summer.
COL. W. F. WRIGHT, the Tur
ner auctioneer. The war prices
are over,. 2 per cent for first
$1000 and 1 per cent thereafter.
See him for your sales. W. F.
Wright. -
VICE. Expert auto electricians.
Phone 1803. 418 Court St.
i ries
recharged and repaired. Degge
R. D. BARTON, Exide batteries.
starter and generator worn., it;
S. Commercial
AUTO Electricians, expert trouble
shooting. (IS N. men at pnone
DR. S. F. SCOTT. S. C, graduate
ot the National university i
Science, Chicago, Scientific chi
ropody, suite 301-2 Masonic
Temple, phone 40 for appoint
DR. HINER foot specialist, all foot
Blimems rvtivwu. buuoih . , n . .
ment. Room 3, Patton bldg.
phone 957.
DR. LENA A. BOONE, chiroprac
tor, 475 S. Commercial, phone
1415. Office hours 10 to 12, one
to 6. 254
DR. SCOTT, Chiropractor, 416 U.
8. bank bldg. -
175 N. Commercial, phone 167.
J. C. PERRY, Rexall druggist. 116
S. Commercial St.
Court. We do house wiring and
carry a complete stock of fix
tures. Instrument repairing, ex
perimental work. Electric appli
ances repaired. Phone 488.
HOUSE wiring and supplies.
Welch Electric Co. Phil Brown
ell, manager, 379 State St.
ARCHIE FLEENER, electrician,
house wiring by hour or con
tract. Estimates furnished.
Phone 980, 414 Court St.
CUT flowers and floral pieces. De
livery. C. F. Breithaupt, florist,
123 N. Liberty, phone 380.
PIANO playing, 12 weeks, guaran
teed. Beginners, advanced. Room
3 over Millers.
LIST your orooerty with S. R.
Pearson for quick sale. S. K.
Pearson. 210 U. S. bank bldg. n
a good farm of about 50 acres
In exchange for a good Portland
residence Also a Salem residence
for a Portland residence and the
opposite in exchange. See The
Fleming Realty Co., $41 State
street. n
6.86 acres in bearing prunes,
some cherries and apples, 6 room
bungalow, small barn, 1 hi miles
from end of sonth Commercial
street car line. $3900 and terms
any one can handle. This is a good
6 room modern home and two
lots on Fairmount hill for $4800.
You must see this to appreciate it.
331 State street. n
To exchange, 200 acre stock
farm, 70 acres in cultivation, bal
ance good pasture. 6 room house,
large new barn, family orchard,
watered with creek and springs, 18
miles from Salem. Price $50 per
acre, will take in trade citj
property or small tract, balance
years at 6 per cent.
10 acres all cultivated, good 3
room house, barn and chicken
house. Price $2500; will take
light truck for first payment, bal
ance good terms.
3 room house, a bargain for
$550 wkh $200 down, balance $10
per month.
Nice lot on paved street $50
down and $10 per month.
5 rooms for $850 with $200 and
$10 per month.
13 1 M State street.
5 room house, close In on paved
street, partly modern. Price $2000
terms. '
6 room bungalow close to car
line. Price $2000, $200 cash, bal
ance terms.
40 acres with good buildings 1
mile from highway, this is first
class; will take house or small acre
ige as part. Price $8000. If you
want to sell, buy or trade see
Phone 907.
Trade Mark Eeg. in the TJ. S.
Oregon building, 6, 7, 10 and
20 year loans, 64 and t percent
interest. Privilege to pay $100 or
multiple on any interest date.
20 YEAR FARM LOANS on rural
credit plan. Prepayment privi
leges with discount allowed. I
will finance you for a less rata
of Interest than any firm on the
coast. ,F. W MARSTERS, 411
Oregon bldg
be repaid like rent
. Life, Fire, Health,. Accident, In
demnlty, Liability and Auto In
surance written.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or.
Save your oil use Savoil pis
ton rings. H. II. Schocker, 268
Chemeketa street.
RADIATORS Fenders and bodies
made or repaired. J. C. Hair, 444
Ferry St
all kinds on autos and tractors.
Cars stored by day, week or
month. E. Kroeplin and Sons,
1610 N. Commercial and Nor
MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching
stamping, buttons, hand embroi
dery. Room 10, over Miller's
store, phone 117.
SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain
stitching, pleating, buttons,
tamping and needlework. Phone
379. 829 Oregon bldg.
SURANCE Fire, automoDua
and liability. Bonds and loans,
484 Court.
SURANCE Liability, automo
bile, fire, surety, bonds, loans
and Investments. 406-7 Oregon
lata, engineers, welders, HEALU
cylinder grinding service. Phone
662. -346 Ferry St.
H. AND M. CO. Specialty grind
ers and welders. Automotive ser
vice. 490 Ferry St
D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men
and women. 474 Court St.
M. A. ESTES, fins tailoring. 384
Btate street.
PLENTY 4f money to loan on im
proved residence or business
property, or for building pui1
poses. H. E. Bolinger, agent
Equitable Savings 4k Loan asso
ciation, 327-328 Oregon bldg.
phone 1009. I also write all kinds
of insurance.
motorcycles and Dayton bicycles
887 Court street.
"The Cycle Man."
147 S. Com. Phona
FRUITLAND nursery will have
Bales yard at Cherry City feed
barn, 644 Ferry St. about Nov.
1. See me before baying. Phone
SALEM Nursery company, fruit
Hnd ornamental trees. smu
fruit and roses. Phone 1763. 428
Oregon bldg.
GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur-
dette, optometrist, bow upurai
Co., 325 State street.
'suit 81 Oregen (Blectrtc)!
DR. W. L. MERCER, .osteopathic
physician and surgeon, juraa
ville graduate. 404-406 U. S. Na-;.
tional bank bldg. Phones, office
919, residence 614. '
osteopathic physicians ana luri
geons, 606 U. S. bank building.
Phone 859. Dr. White , resi
dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall,
residence phone 834.
GEO. C. WLLL, pianos, phono
graphs, sewing machines, sheet
music and piano studies. Re
pairing phonographs and sew
ing machines, 432 State, Salem.
Moore's Music houses, 419 Court'
street and Masonic bldg.
THEO. M. BARR Plumbing,
heating, sheet metal works, 164
S. Commercial.
PLUM DING, repairing and coil
work, reasonable charges. A. L. ,
Godfrey, shop foot of Union SL
Phone 1397J.
A SATISFIED customer returns to
Rowland Printing company.
phone 1512 Masonic Temple.
It EPA litlS G
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50
-years experience; Depot Na
tional and American fence, sixes
26 to 58 Inches high. Paints,
oil And varnishes, etc. logan
berry and hop hooks. Sulem
Fence and Stove Works, 25
Court street, phone 124.
Phone 1867R.
and refuse of all kinds removed
by the month at reasonable rates
Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
mals removed. Day phone 167.
Night phone 1237M. R, O. Cum
mings. Mgr. ,
OREGON Transfer ft Storage Co. -Cars
washed and polished. Ex
cavating, plowing and fertilizer;
4 foot slab wood for sale. Phone f
fice, corner Commercial and
Trade Sis. Bills payable monthly
in advance. Phone 67.
WOOD WORKING Ail kinds of
wood work made to order. Nov
elty Shop 239 Court, telephone
1743. ,
One reasoa why public opinion of
I the Volstead Act U bard to gage is
tiat a "wet ' wants liquor so much -mare
vehemently tbaa a "dry" doe
not. -.:J
Led by tbi city planning eoaunia- .
ton, all forces la Pendleton are
I working towarl a miioB depot for ,
the I'nion and Norther Pacific
railroads in that city.