SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1922. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGOg PAGE SIX fTKRK is MANAGER OF GIANTS' MANAGER j fpANTOMIME tty J H . Stfiebel 1 ItUa. Oracom la Ntnptr, PMWi ayary Taalng awpt Baada T.l.pbon. II; aawa 81 1 GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and PnblUhar What Educators Say Opinions of nationally known educators upon the proposed Oregon compulsory school law are interesting for nearly all disapprove of the principle and its inevitable result. President Arthur Hadley of Yale university says : In general I dislike to eipresa an opinion on legislation which ia pending other state.; but an examination of th. Jpr. on page 21 of th. pamphlet which you hare ent m. lead, me to think it an unwise and unnecessary infrlngment of Individual ni brt y. It certainly look, like an attempt to gire the majority of t", people a dangerous power to restrict the diffusion of truth which it wishes to suppress. ' . Dr Edward T. Devine, assistant editor of The Survey, former executive secretary of the New York Charity Organ ization Society, former profesor at Columbia University, and author and nationally known lecturer, says : 'It Is extraordinary that the promoters of a law. the alleged pur pose of which is to prevent groups, divisions and cliques, should admit that the Inspiration for it comes from the resolution, of a secret order. The American Nonsectarian public school system w 11 continue to compete successfully with parochial and private schools. It needs no eompulsory monopoly. The state should up"189 " enools, examine and certify teachers, and insure that children are taught fundamentals. It should not set up a monopoly or Interfere with complete freedom of education. The interests of the public schools require free competition, free experiment, and free criticism. Dr. Frank Aydelote, president of Swarthmore College and nationally known educator, says : "It la our joint opinion that this proposal to force all the children of the state out of the schools conducted by religious denominations and private agencies into the public elementary schools cannot be uccessfully defended on any ground. Its advocates have a very good purpose In mind the general adoption of a public school in which all future citizens shall be educated together but American exper ience baa shown, In my opinion, that they are going about It in the wrong way. To force adherence to the public school merely adds life to the worst forms of sectarianism. There to no surer way to secure persistent denominatlonallsm than such a form of persecution. DrRoy Lyman Wilbur, president of Stanford University, says : . ' , .' "While I believe In the compulsory education oX all mentally Bound boys and girls up to the age of fifteen or sixteen, it seems to me both unwise and unfair to require that this education be given only in state supported schools. There Bhould be a free option for parents to educate their children either at home or In private schools properly supervised and Inspected by the state." Dr. Robert E. Vinson, president of the University of Texas and a southern educator of note, says : "The object of the American public school system ia to secure quality of educational opportunity for every child and to provide an Intelligent cltixen. It was never Intended to be a substitute for parental responsibility nor a limitation upon parental privilege. Whatever real danger exists In certain sorts of private and sectarian acboola can be dealt with by proper supervision. An undlscrimlnating protest against sectarianism applies sooner or later to all religion and the complete sectarixatlon of education Is a graver danger to American Ideals and Institutions than any we now face. The task of educating all children of America is great enough to make right thinking men welcome the cooperation of every proper private and public effort to this end." Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University, declares: "This bill Is conclusive evidence that Prussian Ideas have dis placed American Ideals in the mind, of some, at least, of tbe voters of Oregon. Education is primarily and fundamentally a parental and family privilege and duty. Tbe parents of a child are responsible before Uod and man for Its upbringing and its preparation for an honorable and useful life. It la an essential part of their civil liberty to train their children In such wise and In such form of religious faith as they may prefer and choose. In our American theory, the state steps in, not to monopolise education or to attempt to cast all children In a common mold, or forcibly to deprive them of all religious training and Instruction, but merely to prevent damage to itself. It offer, a free opportunity to every child to receive elementary educa tion, and usually much more than that, In tax-supported schools Bat it Is In no sense the business of the state, In our American political philosophy, to attempt to monopolise education or to pre vent the freeest choice by parent, of the teachers and schools for their children. "This measure la exceedingly dangerous, In that It strikes directly at the authority and dignity of the family, at religious training of every sort (Bince tax-supported schools may under no circumstances offer such training), and at that complete education Which is the only training worth having. "If Prussia bad won the great war, this bill 1. precisely the sort of measure which it would have introduced in every country that came under Its control. "This measure should be entitled A Bill to make Impossible the American System of Education in Oregon. It Is fundamentally un American In lta principle and purpose, and should be overwhelmingly created." Many more opinions from famous men could be given, did apace permit, but we have given enough to show the view of the educational world toward this freak measure fathered by fanatics as a means to political power. - Bryan On the Bible William Jennings Bryan is a much better authority on the bible than he is on either evolution or politics. As a mat ter of fact he is recognized as the leading lay preacher in America and his lucid interpretations of the "book of books" drives home its teachings in the most direct and practical manner. "" At his home in Florida, during the winter months, Mr. Bryan conducts the largest bible class in the world, with an average attendance of 5000 persons. His talks have prov ed a real stimulus to bible study which has led him to pub lish them weekly so that all interested might benefit thereby. With this idea in view, the Capital Journal has arrang ed With Mr. Bryan to print each Saturday, beginning Sat urday, October 14, a Bryan bible lecture .which will be an Inspiration to Salem bible students. Watch for them, be tfinning next Saturday. u r. 'Y ... Xourv JVi r ' - " i t -v .-' y "- v . ? h . 4 lnMM j..'" HHll. II Jan. J. McOruw nwinagei) thu .New lord Uiau.a, -anouo, ueac pennant winners, with an iron hand, and here is Mrs. McGraw, who manages the- Giants' manager. They are pictured in their beautiful home at Pelham Manor, New York. AUSTRIANS ARE London. The people of Austria are hoarding their money; u would take 10,000,000 pounds to place Austria on her feet again fi nancially, yet Austrians have in Swiss banks an amount estimated at 18,000,000 pounds. These statements are contained In a report made by the British department of overseas trade- on the economic condition of Austria. In summing up the Austrian situ ation this report says: "The psychological difficulty is the prevalent pessimism which in hibits initiative on the parts of the Austrians themselves, and makes them look solely abroad for salvation. The amount of foreign credits generally estimated to be necessary to place Austria on Its feet again by stabilizing the cur rency and founding a new bank of issue is about 10,000,000 pounds "It is an open secret that, despite the law to the contrary, very much larger sums in foreign currencies than this are hoarded by Aus trians, both Inside and outside the country; the amount lying in Swiss banks alone, has been esti mated at 18,000,000 pounds. "But these resources He idle be cause the owners have no confi dence in the government or the future of the country. Probably both the political and psychologi cal difficulties can be overcome most easily by financial assistance given by foreigners under suitabla control and conditions. The Aus trians, however, must show that they are ready to cooperate by taking at least the first steps to put their house , in order them selves. There 1. some prospect of this being done at an early date." OPPOSE EXPORTATION OF AUSTRALIAN BIRDS Sydney, N. S. W. Official ac tion to prohibit the exportation of Australia wild .birds Is likely on the request of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals which declared that 50 per cent of a recent shipment of birds to England died en route while the remander suffered acutely. Tbe commonwealth has not con trol at present over the export of any but birds of paradise and it cannot stipulate under what con ditions exported birds should be treated. The states, however, pro tect many varieties of birds and it has been suggested that the states niight take action under their law. against any persons possessing birds which are pro tected, which would include an ex porter. , See where some sections are talking of higher standards for ihool teachers. And higher pay to make such standards possible? E OF DIVORCEES Fri" .. ; TT HAT HAPPENED When KHheila Elliston Refused Love By 1DAH McGLONK GIBSON r'lume. This city counts a population of 50,000; 15,000 of them received decres of divorce In the year. 1920 and 1921. Divorce seems to be the most flourishing of tbe local industries, and it is mak ing the city famous. The reason is that the severance of the marital bond U easy here, and people desiring freedom flock to Flume from neighboring states where divorces are not granted Anyone can get a divorce in Flume who ha lived in the city long enough to acquire the rights of citizenship. Complications, however. Occa sionally arise. The case la still re membered of an Italian woman who acquired the citizenship of Flume and divorced her husband who remained an Italian subject Shortly after her divorce she re married and returned to Italy, where she was promptly Imprison ed for bigamy, the Italian law considering her divorce null and void, her husband being an Ital ian, and. as such, not entitled to divorce. COMPEL PEOPLE Vladivostok, Siberia. General Dledrichs, dictator of the Primo- rla, baa Issued a decree declaring that all residents of the Far East must be members of tbe church hoping by this mean, to counter act the growing influence of bol shevism and communism. Another decree abolishes capital punish ment. The. first decree is not like ly to be generally observed as a larger portion of the population here have grown up in complete Ignorance of the teachings of Christianity. The first sentence of tbe second decree reads: "On August 18th I happened to witness the 'liquidation' of a group of communists who were captured by the agents of the secret service and killed without trial. This method of 'liquidation' I consider as one that has been taken from the bolshevik!." It is pointed out that Mr.. Lloyd George will be paid at tbe rate of ten shillings a word. A political opponent ia said to have offered to tell him one or two worda that would be well worth the money. The Episcopalian bUhopa have voted to drop from the marriage ser vice the word "obey," which will affect the precentage of mental res ervations more than it will the sum total of obedience. NEAR EAST CONFERENCE FOR VENICE Along State Street The mouth of the gossip is an open menace. It looks as though the "Shifters" have shifted for good and all. Well, it's fortunate anyway that crops don't go out on strikes. Just to see whether it is still there, thev are now going to fiy to the North Pole. The "What's the Use Club" is the biggest organization in the United States. Prohibition is causing as much unrest in the United States as booze is in fcurope. A bootlegger's proverb, "Brew for others as you would iave them brew for you." Fashion Art League, in Chicago, says women must be tall and slender to be in style this year. This is a hard world fr the short and stout. if III 1 h r ! 1,1' t - 1 "-- r. 1 Walter Jones' Btory For a few moments Sheila was silent. The letter seemed to bring many painful memories. When she continued her voice was vibrant with humiliation and heart-ache. "Of course," the letter continued, "I immediately tried to see my stepmother and my sister,, but they would have nothing to do with me. I -was denied my father's house, the house which now should have been mine. I was told by a most auoercilious butler the one that I had known all my life" had evident ly been dismissed that if I had anything to say to Madame or Miss Jones I should go to tneir attorneys. "I went. Only to learn that both my stepmother or my sister insisted that I had disgraced them by com ing back; that they wanted noth ing more to do with me. 1 was ac cused of .heing a dope fiend, and it was delicately suggested by the lawyer that unless I took a check for $3000 end departed abroad he would have a guardian appointed and send me to a psychopathic hospital. "I tore the check in two, told him to return it to my stepmother, by whom it was signed, and then I sank lower and lower. "On night when I was skulking about the docks I saw my sister get into a launch with a well dressed man. I hurried forward, trying to get to her. There was murder my heart. Sheila. She was happy. I heard her laugh tinkling on the cool air and I was shivering while she was wrapped in sables. "Fortunately I did not get to her until she had stepped into the launch, but the light was full our faces, and I knew she recognized me, for she started up in such a way that she almost fell into the arms of the man beside her. '. "I slunk away, and in doing so I ran into dear old Tony Soper. i have never been able to make out why he was meandering around in that place. He called me by name, but 1 was ashamed, and did not answer him, and as he walked on I heard eoft thud and, looking down, I found a roll of bills. "Turning, I called, 'Is this money yours V and I held it up. 'He answered, 'No.' 'I knew he was lying, and I thanked God in my heart for the decency and loyalty of good old Tony. "When I went back to my squalid room I sat down to think. I made up my mind that I would see Su sanne. She would have to see me. I was going up to the house the other evening and as I passed the Amsterdam theatre I saw her going . I followed. "Fortunately in summer time it is not necessary for a man to be in evening clothes to gain admittance to the roof garden, and with one of the bills I had left from, Tony Soper's roll I bought a ticket. "As I stood beside the wall a' man beside me entered into conversation with me and pointed out Susanne and a man whom he called Philip Spencer, and whom I recognized as the 'man who had been with har that night at the dock. " 'Strange,' said my gossipy friend, 'how these high rollers man age things. There's Miss Jones sit ting with a man who is the hus band of that pretty girl over at the other table with three other people. The woman is Spencer's sis ter and no one at that table seems to be on speaking terms with either Spencer or Susanne Jones." "I looked across and there you were, sheila, with good old Tonv "Soper. What does it all mean. "I'm all mixed up. Why vou are married and why I should find my sister with your husband is some thing I cannot comprehend. "heih. Tf I should find that Suan Jones is again trying to make you unhappy in serving her own ends, I will put her out of the war, even if she be my own sister. Thai's, a terrible thought, Sheila but it i justified. "I thought you looked unhappv, dear. Has Fate been playing us another trick? I do not know."l do not Know what it is all about, but 1 do know that I am going to make it my wrk ki get out of that sis- VetYwi r ""ted. Doctors get little out of people who sing while they work. Some kisses taste good, some don't, while others are just dauby. The things you are afraid -of are the things you don't understand. Faith and forgetfulnes3 are highly essential to the enjoyment of hash. Wise is he who knows when he has enough, and works hard the rest of life not to get more. ter of mine an explanation. Shi shall see me, or I will make such a scandal that the house of Jones will never raise its head again." 'Well, Sheila, it looks as though you had almost come to the end of your trouble," I said as the letter fell from her relaxed hands to the floor and her face dropped for ward on her abreast. "Cheer up, child! Don t you see that all we have to do now is to call on Walter Jones and tell him you did not write the letter and that he had not heard from you since he left you until you received this one. "Then we will make a call on Miss Susanne Jones and ask her to solve the riddle for us. We will take with us her brother if we have to carry him on a stretcher. We will also take my brother if we have to handcuff him." , "That is perfectly lovely, Kay, as far as it goes, but the letter is not even signed, and I do not know where Walter is or where to find him." "I do, we will just call up Mr, Tony Soper and put him un the job. He knew Walter in college and he can make inquiries all over for him I am sure Tony will find him for you." Monday A Rendezvous Better observance of the Sabbath could be secured by teaching fish how unholy it ia to bite on that day. Hez Heck Says: "Methuselah probably lived to be 900 because he had .so much' time to let his troubles work themseJves off. Copyright 1J22. Premier Syndicate, Inc. GHERRIANS TO MARCH IN VANCOUVER PARADE Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 7. A huge fraternal parade is planned for the last night of the prune harvest festival, with thousands of members of fraternal orders in line. Including large delegations from Portland lodges. The Pru- narians at the noon luncheon Wednesday were informed that the Newberg Berrians and Salem Cherrians have accepted invita- tians to attend the festival and ar rangements were made for luncheon for the two organiza tions on October 13, booster day. A banquet will be given next Thursday evening for Prunarians and their wives, officers from Van couver barracks, officers from warships In the harbor and the queen and her attendants. PIMP LES TCHEO BADLY Also On Chest. Face Dis figured Cuticnra Heals. " My face and chest were terribly affected with pimples and black- beads. The pimples were hard, large, and red, and festered and scaled over. They itched and burned so badly that I could not keep from scratching, and I lost my rest at nieht. My face was terribly disfigured. " I began using' Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after the first week I could eee an improvement, and after using three boxes of Ointment, tof ethtf with the Soap, I wu healed." (Signed) Miss Mary A. Micek, R. P. D. 1, Box 195, Sherwood, Ore. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. SiHl,lliUa4t,lhiL" SoW hw 3opa&. OioUMatSMdoOe. Tiicirt.-. gesT-Qttigw Soap wilu.Mt Mf. MEADOWLAWN DAIRY; Phone 90F12 Inspect oar dairy. The state, Inspector says ''It', one of the beet in the state. lavesttgate the source of your milk. Hartman's Glasses Easier asd Better. Wear them and tea. Rioau 13S3. Salem. Own OSTEOPATHY la the artaiaal aa4 astir eeteatlfle vetoed of aAtsattaf tb. sptne. It la raven wad aeldem palafni, but fata reauita. It i the eniy acbewl at meehaalcd treavraaat (tvtng a phyaMaat fofl tour yea eoaree of study. Tae following are regutarly graduated, Heeaaed Osteopathia Phytic tans la Batetn: SB. S. B. WB3H ' ML JOSff U Iti.CH D& L C. grVRHKAT.T, LADD & BUSH BANKERS ESTABLISHED 1863 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. LENA BELLE TARTAR Contralto Soloist Teacher of Singing Preceutor First Church of Christ Scientist. Director of Music Salem High School. High School Credit, in Voice. Fundamental Principles of Vocal Technique; Breath Control, High Frontal Tone Placement, Diction, Artistic Phrasing and Interpretation. Studio 164 N. Liberty St. Phone 334 Besidence 507 Center St. Phone 1483-W Oregon Pulp & Paper Co. SALEM, OREGON Manufacturers of Glassine, Greaseproof, Bonds and High Grade Wrappings, Bleached and Unbleached Sulphite. The Near Kast aaother war ia the Orrat Britain, France, inm arr gatheras is fl-rM.- 8.1'rtM of t - ArutiMi.-e runfrreure, in which it i, htird to avert Balkans, ban been arranged, an.l dolegatinas from Italy, t.revee and mime of the Aia Mur prov-Veri.-e. The meeting oil! be held ia the ra .. a! I'al,-e. Geo. C. Will Closing Out Piano and Phonograph Stock New Phonographs H Price $1 down. $1 week up. Pianos J S9 up; terms' $5 down, 5 month up. MARION HOTEL SALEM, ORE. OFFICIAL AAA An Hotel worthy of its reputation as the largest and most complete in Oregon out of Portland. parST1 attentin given t0 Luncheon and Dinner SEAVEY-BELL Insurance Agency 412 Oregon Building William Bell S! eldon Sackett iRUNERT AUTO TOPS 256 State St. Stop Grumbling About Your Feet! Introduce them to a foot Specialist. DR. S. F. SCOTT, S. C. (Graduate National University of Science, - Chicago) doSrstrfl"011 of modern methods will corrT tln JL re-16 Ve any form of foot misery arche. swelling, painful, oderiferous feet, etc. 4- Pl- -d the Phone 640 for appointment Suite 301-2, Masonic Temple