Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 07, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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if .
At the Liberty Starting Sunday
i . - - -
Sydney, N. S. W. A great deal
of apprehension eiisti In Austra
lia regarding the lifting ot the
embargo upon German goods
wlilcli took place August 1.
Three day before this date -the
steamer Maitnyo, which bad load
ed at Hamburg and was the first
Teasel to eome here from Germany
since 1114, landed a portion of
her cargo at Melbourne.
A storm of public protest and
threats of all sorts of action by
the customs authorities censed
hen it waa discovered that the
official origin of most of the cargo
waa Czeeho-SlOTakia, which made
them Immune from prohibition
Some German goods In the cargo
were landed here on the day the
embargo was lifted. They com
prised pianos and toys, marked a
prices considerably lower than
those current here. Eleven other
vessels were listed to load at
Hamburg for Australian ports
during August.
The federal conference of re
turned soldiers her adopted
resolution urging the federal gov
ernment to pass legislation which
would prevent the dumping of
Gorman goods and protect Aus
tralian and British manufactur
ers. Another resolution provided
for a nation-wide campaign to
pledge Australians to purchase
Australian-produced goods exclu
Portland, Oct. 7.- A contract
.was awarded Friday by the state
highway commission to Joplin &
Kldon for the grading of the Alaea
road, in Benton county. The sec
tion to be graded Is six miles In
length, and the estimated cost is
to be $204, 6G9. The cost is to be
borne by the state and Benton
county on a fifty-fifty basis.
Other awards were: Madrag
Wasco county line section. The
Dallas-California section, grading
9 3i miles and surfacing 16.C.6
miles, Moore A Anderson, $81,843.
Hayden t'reek-Keno section,
Ashland-Klamath Falls highway,
grading 12.12 miles, John Hamp
shire. $114,097.
Bridge across Whits river near
Tygli in Wasco county, Union
Bridge company, $18,507.
Ths following' bids were re-j
ferred to the engineer for certain
Parkersburg section llandon
Coquille highway, grading 4.73
miles, D, B. Flymale, $73,662.
Keene creek-llaydeo creek sec
tion Aahland-Klamath Falls high
way; unit 1 (Jackson county)
surfacing 12.84 miles. 8. S. Schell
$79,210; unit 2 (Klamath coun
ty), surfacing 9. S3 miles, W. C.
Stone, $65,110.
( 1 .
l J v-
What's New on the Market
Scene from "Colleen of the Pines," starring Jane Novak
Matelasse and Crepe
Both in Blue and Gray
Fashion ervic
Sydney, N. S. W. All German
and Austrian priests will bo com
pelled to leave the mandated ter
ritory of German New Guinea by
1928. according to a decision
reached by the Australian author
Hies, which has been appealed by
llav. Yv. Gler, Huperior general of
the Society of the Divine World,
who ha Just returned from the
territory in the course of a world
in New Guinea there "are 21
priests and 19 brothers, mostly
Germans, and Rev. Gier's appeal
aaid that they had served faithful
if for 26 years and that they do
aireu to cooperate with the Aus
tralian government.
parent ',-.
Houghton, Michigan. The re
cent ll per cent increase in wages
granted employes of the Copper
Kaage St Quincy Mining compan
ies In the Michigan copper dis
trict, and the announcement that
tbe Calumet Sllecla and Mobawk
and Wolverine companies would
suortiy readjust wags, is inter
preted as an effort o the part of
ttie mining companies to hold to
gether such forces as they now
have and add to them if possible
seems at once ap
1.1 ue and gray, and
year the combination of the
two colors, seems mora effective
and pleasing than ever.
Matelasse, the blister-effect ma
terial, is used extensively for
dresses, but it seems most appro
priate when made up in a smart
Jacquette. In this case ths Jac
quette ia of blue matelassa em
broidered with gray, the facings
and sash are of gray crap an
the knife-plaited skirt of blue
Tha business girl could make
such a dress quickly, for the ma
terial eliminates much sewinff.
good pattern and care in develop
ing the revers and collar lines are
the essentials.
Tha bow at tha waist line ma
be omitted and a smart omamen
or buckia used. Plain or pi
crepe may also be substituted for
the matelasse with good effect.
Very pronounced is tha de part-
are from the regular-outlined bmn
this season, as evident in the ir
regularity of the gray fait brim of
this model. Blue velvet is used for
the soft balloon crown, and a Per
sian painted pin ia thrust through
the folds of the velvet at tha right
Salem Tree Chosen
For "Hall of Fame"
Washington, Oct. 7. Sena
tor McNary has nominated for
the tree "hall of fame' a walnut
tree standing on tbe property
at Salem, Or., of Mrs. R. P.
Boise, his sister-in-law, and
daughter of Mrs. Eugene Brey
man, who planted it 53 years
ago. The nomination Is for a
place In records to be prepared
under auspices of forestry asso
ciations of notable trees of
A New Y'ork paper is informed
that, bavin,; tired of politics, Fad
rrewniu will roiurn to the concert
platform next winter. What a pit
mi iuvt ci our own politicians an?
Merlin says that Germany is fully
occupied in trying to pay her wtir
Icbts. Aad the worst of it is tha
she will be occupied if she doesn't
try to pay them.
Lingering Couch Kelieved
Mad a bad rough for three
years." writes H. K. Campbell
Adrian, Michigan. "Found no re
lief until I tried Foley's Honey
aad Tar." Lingering coughs.
vre colds, croup, throat, chest
and bronchial trouble quickly re
iievea wu Foley's Honey and
Tar. No seed to suffer and take
chances with neglected coughs
ana colds. Free from opiates In
sreoienu priuwo oa the wrapper.
iargat selling cough medicine in
the world. (adv)
Insurance Agency
412 Oregwi Building
William Bell Sheldon Sackett
Geo. C. Will
Chasing Out Piano and
Phonograph Stock
New Phonograph priee
$1 down, l week up.
Pianos $89 up; terms
$5 down, $5 month up.
See Ad oai page 4
820 X. CommeTd-' StrMt
Thous 1050
Universtiy of Oregon, Kugene
Jet. 7. (Special.) Nearly 1000
low full time students, the major
.ty of whom are freshmen have
entered the- University of Oregon
for the fall term, by far the record
' new students in the univer-
(ity 45 years ot existence. The
jnrollinent for the fall term will
how an increase of 11 per cent
jver the 1921-1922 enrollment.
A total of 2125 full time! resi-
lent students have registered, ac-
-ording to the figures of Registrar
arlton E. Spencer announced to-
lay noon at the close of the regis
tration for the flrat week. Nn
uerous late registrants will begin
Appearing Monday, and the estl
mated attendance at Eugene for
the fall term is 2275.
The enrollment figures given In
the foregoing include for the most
part residents of the state. The
university does not draw heavily
from outside states on account of
ta non-resident fee of $105 a year.
About 105 candidates for ad
mission were rejected this fall.
most of them from Oregon high
schools. Of these about 48 per
ent were rejected because they
did not have the minimum of 15
Carnegie units. The remaining 52
per 'cent were rejected because
they had not followed in high
school the type of work best suit
ed to prepare them for entrance to
the university.
Junk Co.
All kinds of junk and
second-hand goods. We
pay full value.
215 Center Street
' Phone 398
Washington. County off-leers
in many states are finding it soun
economy to make appropriations
for local care of dependent, defec
tive or delinquent children, rather
than to allow this work to be car
ried on by individuals or other
private groups, according to a re
port by tbe children's bureau
the United States department
Administration" of care for neg
looted, handicapped or delinquent
chidlren by local boards of cit
zens, employing trained workers
aided by state boards Is, accord
ing to the summary, the pla
which Is gaining approval in
constantly Increasing number
vYiimu recent years laws re
quiring or permitting aome form
of county welfare organization of
broad scope have been passed i
Arkansas, Minnesota, Missouri,
North Carolina and Vireinia
while individual counties, private
agencies, or state boards in Ala
bama, California, Florida, New
Jersey, Pennsylvania and South
Carolina are working out slmlla
plans without special legislative
action. County organization con
cerned mainly with the care of de
pendent children is found in Art
zona, Indiana, New York and Ohio
In the past, the report said, the
Jevelopment of' preventative and
constructive activities for children
in rural sections usually depended
on the willingness of some private
individual or group to assume the
financial obligations. The recent
rapid growth of county welfare
work has come about largely as
result of the development of state
wide plans, but a local organlza
tion is usually put into effect only
after the county has indicated a
desire for it.
Chicago. Advertising day after
day, week after week, month after
month as the best method by
which public utilities may over
come public prejudice, was strong
ly urged by W. H. Sawyer, presi
dent of the East St. Louis & Sub
urban Railway company, speaking
here before the American Electric
Railway association convention.
ew really going, progressive
concerns in any other business
spend less than one per cent ot
their gross on advertising, manv
spend 5 per cent," he declared.
The average street railway com
pany can, to good advantage, as a
business propositin conducive to
the welfare not only of the com
pany but of the community served,
spend one per cent of its gross
earnings on paid advertising."
An exceptionally fine quality
of Hubbard squash is now on the
marks ) selling at three cents per
pound. The pulp is very dry and
making it very favorable for a
Cucumbers are beginning to be
very scarce. This morning one
of the stores had but a half
bushel on hand. The price, ac
cording to the size, is between
three and five cents a pound.
Tokay grapes, grown near Ash
land, were on sale at several of
the stores this morning at 15
cents a pound. Most of the To
kays which have been on the
market have been coming from
The size of the heads of the
cauliflower now on the market
is a little larger than It was
earlier In the season. The prwie
averages about two cents per
Starks Delicious apples, a fall
apple, are now on the market.
They are selling at $2.00 per
box, orchard pacl and $3.00
box, fancy pack.
Pie melons, resembling in ap
pearance and size a watermelon
but the heart of which is solid
and looks like citrus, appeared on
the market this morning. Pie
melon seems to be a misnomer
for it is said that the heart is
used for the making of preserves.
iiena. Or., Oct. 7. A vote of
confidence in H. J. Overturf and
O. B. Hardy, recently summarily
removed as appraisers for the
bonus commission, until such time
as a competent legal body shall
decide upon their guilt or inno
cence ot the charges made by the
commission, was passed by Percy
A. Stevens post, American Legion.
rhe post refused to recommend
anyone as successors of Overturf
and Hardy.
At the same time the post took
steps, through the appointment ot
committee headed by Lynn B
Coovert, to investigate fully the
acts of the bonus commission as
regards Deschutes county loan ap
MemDers condemned the delay
which has resulted in only 24
loans being granted out of more
than 120 applications, and the
practice of reducing the amount of
loans by cutting down the an
praisai, as has been done, it was
declared, in virtually every case.
"See Naples and die" runs the
proverb. The same thing is true of
oootieg joint.
Care of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea
Co. haa medicine which
will cure any known dis
ease. Not open Sundays
1S3 South, High Street
Salem. Oregon. Phone 283
Geo. C. Will
Closing Out Piano and
Phonograph Stock
New Phonographs 4 Price.
$1 down, $1 week up.
Pianos $S9 up; terms
$5 down, $5 month up.
See Ad on page 4
Beef, Hogs, Calves, Sheep,
live or dressed; also chick
ens, Egs and Butter; best
cash price paid.
Meat Market
155 N. Liberty Street.
Phone 994
256 State St.
1 I
U 1 '1 T I
Si? ";) '
Ford Service
1 orate St.
The best feeling in the world is to be satisfied with what you have.
RonlUrr re1P.aiired J"ust rht and that means satisfaction Per
sonal service and a real interest in your car troubles keen vou hannv
Personal Service oor 0.
225 State St.
Detroit. The Detroit district
has become the aeronautical
headquarters of the country with
the assembling at Selfriilge Field,
Mt. Clemens, near here, of one of
the greatest arrays of American
airplanes ever seen, In preparation
tor the Pulitzer race, world's speed
classic, to be held October 14.
Aerial experts for weeks have
been perfecting the motors and at
loosi a dozen of America's latest
designs of aircraft will compete in
the races making a three-day ,
speed program, entries lncw,
types from the army, navy
commercial neias.
"Wild hall attacks flivvers "
other story- says. We object to tie
undignified nicknames for our ed
cient traffic cops.
The "Most "Beautiful Car xzi America
The True Value of The Champion
A CAR that consistently outdistances any rival on the highway,
-t. irrespective of price or make, is surely a car of superb mechan
ical quality. This championship form is worth even more than the
zest of victory in a brush between thoroughbreds, for better still,
it is a guarantee of those enduring qualities that mean long life,
untroubled mileage and economy of operation.
And there you have the secret of the extraordinary preference being
shown for the Paige 6-66 in every corner of the land. The mighty
70-horsepower engine with its amazing speed and irresistible power,
has won for the Paige the happy title of Master of the Highway,
for here is a car that is always ready to meet all comers and will
tackle the stillest of grades with the utmost confidence.
Other vital features of design unite with this superb power plant.
The 131-inch wheel base, the 118 feet of vibrant spring leaf, the
perfect balance, the deep upholstering assure the utmost of com
fort and ease of riding.
In the New Series 6-66 there are numerous improvements that
make this fine car still finer. Examine any 6-66 model, ride in it,
compare it with any other car in performance and equipment. '
Then look at the price-tag and we are content to leave the decision
to you.
Tha complete Paige-Jeuxtt Unei of six-cylinder passenger cars offer a selection of
thirteen models priced from $995 to $3350. The complete line of Paige trucks meets
every haulage need. They are sold and serviced by Paige dealers everywhere.
Trade Street at High, Salem, Ore.
f. o. b. Salem
i ... i ,., , ii i I iiin j i tin mi in ii
Let Us Show You the Difference!
vipranon is destructive. It shortens
the life of a car. It takes the pleasure
out of riding because it causes rattles,
squeaks and other irritating noises.
Vibration is particularly anno vine in
closed cars.
There is no perceptible period of vibra
tion in the Studebaker Light-Six at any
speed. This is due in part to Studebaker's
method of machining the crankshaft and
connecting rods on all surfaces. No other
car, at anywhere near the price, follows
this practice.
Lack of vibration and the quiet,
smooth-running motor find quick ar!
proval from everyone who rides in the
Light-Six Sedan.
And every driver is similarly enthusi-
Kia-Am l m. M . .
vimr m4 mu.ku i rues -proa
astic over the way it throttles down to a
walking gait in high gear-and the quick
response that follows the touch of the
Aside from its mechanical excellence,
the Light-Six Sedan is notable for its
sterling coach work. The substantial
in le chassis is bu"t complete
ZJi -ker pIants- Materials and
workmanship are of highest grade.
reg;"uiptic sPr"nBs and deep,
restful , nine-inch cushions afford genuine
comfort Upholstery is ofa rich, mohair
velvet plush-good-looking and durable.
th JV" is Iowct at which
the Light-Six Sedan has ever been sold.
. JL?ame Studebaker on your car is
the best protection you can have!
" Wle opea. DoS- SSTmS -m ,r,h'-"l from door.
5-Pss., 112' w
40 H. P.
TourIne ..$ii9o
Roadster (3 Pass.)1190
(2-Pass.) ti;
Sedan 17J5
velvet phiato aphobteiT
5-Pass., H9 w
50 H. P.
J"ouIinS 11525
Roadster (2-Pass. )1495
Roadster (4-Pass.) 1525
Coupe (4-Pass.) 2195
Cord Tires
o. b. Salem "
7-Pass., 126' W.
60 H. P.
ourie $19S5
Speedster (4-
Pass.) 2075
Coupe (4-Pasa.i 2K50
C J '
c"ruan 2850
Automobile Co.
Open Day and Night
n V V w
1 S is
Salem, Ore. Phone 362
udebaker year