Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 06, 1922, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1922.
Edited by
Phona 82
Women To
Start Work
The Hollywood wdmen's social
club met Wednesday afternoon to
actively resume their work for
the winter and they started with
two very definite projects In view.
One was a petition started yester
day to try and get the mail route
up Hollywood lane, and the other
was a request for the county of
ficials to keep the south end of
Hollywood lane in better condi
tion. Committees were appointed
to see about both of these im
prorements. They were for the
mail service, Mrs. A. E. Hedlne
and Mrs. Oscar Forgart. For the
upkeep of the lane, Mrs. Walter
Davis, Mrs. John Gunsley and
Mrs. J. C. Ackman.
After the business was dispos
ed of the club members who me
at the home of Mrs. Walter Davis
had a pleasant social time togeth
er. Mrs. Davis served a delicious
lunch later in the afternoon. In
the absence of the president, Mrs,
John Gunsley, the meeting was
In charge of Mrs. W. F. Starr
Other members who were there
were: Mrs. W. W. Fisher, Mrs. J.
C. Ackman, Mrs. Chester Ever
ettson, Mrs. Victor Ladieu, Mrs.
Alei Roland, Mrs. G. Wolsbrandt,
Mrs. A. E. Hedine, Mrs. Oscar
Forgart, Mrs. C. E. Gibson. Mrs
L. Lane was a special guest for
the meeting.
The Hal Hibbard auxiliary of
the Spanish War veterans met
last Monday evening for their
first meeting of the fall after
summer recess. Only regular bus
iness was taken up and it was de
cided to have the next meeting,
Monday October 16, an open meet
ing. A social, evening has been
planned and all Spanish war vet-
eransnd their wives are Invit
ed to come and enjoy a good time.
Plans for the. coming year will be
further discussed at this meeting
and it is hoped that there will be
a large attendance.
The officerswho will head the
auxiliary for the coming year are
Mrs. Lester Davis, president; Mrs.
Burtelson,' Jr., vice president;
Mrs. Charles O. Wilson, secretary;
Mrs. A. T. Woolpert, treasurer
Mrs. Grace Peterson, chaplain;
Mrs. R. O. Kumrow, conductress
Mrs. Jack Humphreys, guard.
. The Salem Art league will
hold its first regular meeting of
the fall Tuesday evening In the
auditorium of the Salem public
' library the usual meeting place of
the organization. This first meet
ing will be devoted to routine
business and to the election of of
ficers since this was postponed In
the spring because of the few
members in attendance at the last
meeting before the summer recess.
The heads of the different depart
ments will be appointed and the
organization perfected for the win
ter's work. Mrs. J. W. Harbison
is the president iiow.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. , Ralph
Matthews, who have been visiting
in Salem for about ten days to
their home in Woodriver, Illinois.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown will spend
the winter in the east before re
turning to Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small had
,as their guests this week end Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Getty and Miss
Dorothy Jane Hall of Portland.
The party motored from Portland.
- V
The Monday night dancing club
which meets the second Monday
of every month for a formal danc
ing party will have its first party
this next Monday in Elite hall.
The Women's republican study
club will meet next Monday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. C.'
P. Bishop for their first fall meet
ing. Mayor Halvorsen will talk to
the women on city government.
Harold Kenneth Wilson, the
oldest son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles
O. Wilson, left Monday for Eu
gene where he entered the Uni
versity of Oregon. .
The War Mothers will hold a
cooked food sale tomorrow at
Stiff's furniture store, beginning
at 10:30 a. m. All sorts of good
home cooked dishes will be oni
sale, and the funds will go to-j
ward a good cause.
Oct. 6, 6 and 7 Pijlk
uoumy air, Dallas.
t Nov. 7. General election.
Oct. 17. Parent-teachers
meeting, Lincoln school.
Men Blind, to
Woman's Suffering
How many men, think, you,
have any idea of the pain en
dured by women in their 'own
household, and often without a
murmur? They have no patience
when the ovrworked wife and
mother begins to get pale, have,
headaches, backaches, faint spells,
or is melancholy and cannot sleep.
There is help for every woman in
this condition, as evidenced by
the many voluntary letters of
recommendation which we are
continually publishing in this pa
Pr for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. It will pay any
woman who suffers from such ail
ments to giTe it a trial. (adv).
A review of Knut Hamsum's
"Hunger" by Mrs. F. W. Selee,
and of Ibsen's "Doll House," by
Mrs. William Hughes, comprised
the program for the regular meet
ing of the P. E. O. at the home of
Miss Laura Grant yesterday after
noon. The program is a continua
tion of the study of contemporary
writers which will be followed
throughout the year. The next
meeting will be in two weeks
with Mrs. William Hughes as host
ess. The hostess Miss Grant was
assisted in serving by Mrs. H. E.
Bolinger, Mrs. W. W. Moore, Mrs.
Oscar Price. SneMnl mioiita
vited for the afternoon were, Mrs.
K.user, Miss Alyce Hollister, Mrs.
Harry Stiles, Mrs. Ellen Miller,
the house guest of Mrs. B. i.
The Thursday bridge club met
yesterday with Mrs. Lou Aldrich
with special guests for the after
noon. Mrs. John Sites and Mrs.
Paul Hauser. The rooms wer at
tractive in fall flowers, and after
an afternoon of bridee Mrs. rivdo
Johnson was awarded hiirh scnm
The hostess was assisted by Mrs,
E. Huckestein. Mrs. HiiiVntoin
will be hostess for the club in two
weeks, the next meeting.
Dr. and Mrs. Phil L. Nnwmvor
were honored last nieht at mi
evening bridge party for which
Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bellinger were
hosts. Dr. Ne'wmyer is the assist
ant physician at the state tnhr-
culosis hospital and Mrs. New-
myer has just returned from Ma
nila, P. I. She was formerly Miss
Helen Johns and well known in
Mrs. G. E. Schunemann snent
yesterday in Albany the guest of
Mrs. H. Lenke.
Covers were laid for eierht at a
dinner last night at Lausanne hall
for which Miss Frances Rich
ards was hostess.
Mrs. C. M. EDDley will
soon for an extended trip in the
east. She will go first to Massa
chusetts where she will visit rel
kabd;:;g entered m
press golf tourney
- Washington, Oct. 6. President
Harding has filed an entry fee to
compete against Washington
newspaper correspondents in the
annual fall tournament on October
26 at the Columbia Country club
of the Washington Newspaper
Golf club. Vice-President Coolidge
is expected to present the prizes.
President Harding was one of the
prize winners at the spring tour-
nament and has expressed confi
dence of being able to repeat this
Washington, Oct.
other 24 hours of
Jackman, Maine, Oct. 6. -There
wa no halting today of the forest
fire which started in cut over land
north of here three days ago and
raced through the piles of slash,!
forcing woodsmen and their fam
ilies to flee.
The flames have made deep in
roads through, the Aroostook coun
ty forests eastward along the
north shore of the Moose river.
Extra fire fighters are being rush
ed there.
Apparently the Irish, can lick
everybody but the Irish.
John P. Hunt was bedridden
about four days as the result of a
torn ligament at the base of his
back, the injury having been in
curred in an accident on "the Pa
cific highway this side of Horse
shoe park. He was driving south
and passing a string of cars last
Thursday when one of the cars,
owned and driven by L. J. Yoder
of east Hubbard, suddenly turned
out to pass the others and hit Mr.
Hunt's car head on. The impetus
threw Mr. Hunt's car to the side
and Mrs. Yoder's in front of and
past a truck and into the ditch.
The only one injured ; was Mr.
Hunt, and while both cars were
damaged no glass "was broken in
either. A lady was riding with
Mr. Yoder from Woodburn to Hub
bard. Mr. Hunt has not entirely
recovered from the effects of the
acciSent. Woodburn Independ-3nt.
6. With
generally itr
weather forecast for the entire
section Of the country from the
plains states eastward, the United
States weather bureau saw no im
mediate prospect today for a break,
la the protracted drought which
has gripped a great portion of the!
country. Attending high tempera
tures for the season, which yester
day established records at a num
ber of points in the east and mid
dle west, also were expected to
continue at least until tomorrow
night. - '
Despite the extent , and inten
sity of the drought, the damage,
to crops has been exceedingly
small, agriculturists declare. The
most serious effect has been the
retarding of winter wheat sowing.
The menace of forest fires al
ready causing huge damage and
threatening additional loss of life
in Canada, In addition to areas ag
gregating about 100 square miles,
now burning in north Minnesota is
by far the most feared coie-
quence of the drought. .
Brooks News
Manila, P. I., Oct. 6. (By As
sociated Press.) The coast guard
cutter Mindoro fired a shot across
the bow of the American steamer
Rupara, bound' from Amoy, out
side Corregidor, after the Rupara
had refused to slow down in re
sponse to a signal. The coast
guard officers boarding her, seized
$3000 worth of opium and arrest
ed three Chinese.
Olympia, Wash., Oct. fi. The
proposed general increases in ex
change telephone rates have been
withdrawn and cancelled in all
cities of the state except Seattle.
Tacoma and Spokane, the depart
ment of public works announced
today upon receipt of notice from
James T. Shaw, San Francisco,
representing the Pacific Telephone
& Telegraph company and the
Home Telephone & Telegraph com
pany of Spokan. In addition the
companies filed a revised toll rate
schedule conforming with their
pre-war toll rates as ordered by
the department at the time the in
creased rates, which approximated
31 per cent were suspended. .
Peerless Pie
:': Fillers ::
Convenient Complete
Custard, Cream, Cocoa-nut-Cream
Lemon and Orange
Flavors. '
Ask Your Grocer
t -1
Outer , and Undergarments and Haberdashery of all
kinds for
Women, Misses and Children's
Goats, Suits, Dresses
Kimonas, Silk and Cotton Petticoats, Sweaters Knitted
Underwear, Silk and Muslin Lingerie, Silk and, Cotton
Hosiery, Umbrellas, Waists, Corsets, Corset Accessories,
Leather Hand Bags, Toilet Articles, Neckwear Fabric
Gloves, Veiling, Belts, Middy Blouses, Khaki Outing
Garments, and garments of all kinds for feminine wear.
New shipment received wool hose
New shipment received wool scarfs
New shipment received scarf and cap sets
New shipment received silk hosiery
New shipment received children's coats
New shipment received wool skirts - -
1. . gtpkii GIu.
Where Shopping Is a Pleasure
c. Virgil Loomis of Tillamook is
Sisiting his mother, Mrs. Mary
Sturgis, in Brooks.
is. F. Randall haa moved to
f Rev. Sethoof, the new Methodist
f astor, will live in Salem thia win
ter and attend college.
' John Ray and wife will occupy
i he Methodist parsonage the com
ng winter.
Robert Hayes and wife have
gone to Tillamook for the winter.
Mr. Hayes will work in the timber
in that section.
There is a new daughter in the
Rollin Copeland home.
"Sylvester Manning has moved
hi family back to Brooks for the
Miss Luella Kaighia, who spent
three weeks with her aunt, has re
turned to her home in Salem.
School opened Monday with two
lady teachers in charge.,
Mrs. Fred Bachelor ia in the
sanitarium in Salem recovering
from an operation which was per
formed last Friday morning.
Monroe Sturgis and family are
home from the prune orchard.;
They worked in the dryer on the
Johnson farm near Aumsville. .
Nina Murdick is in Portland at
tending school.
Thousands of people needlessly
endure a half sick, nervous, run
down condition when they might
enjoy sturdy, robust health and
all its manifold blessings if they
only knew what to do. People in
this condition find Tanlac soon
ends their trouble and builds up
abundant of strength, energy and
Mrs. Bertha Havde, 4717 N.
Washington St, Spokane, Wash.,
"My whole system was badly
run down. I had no appetite, was
very nervous, suffered from se
vere headaches and had rheuma
tism all oyer my body. The results
got from Tanlac were surprising.
Why, I haven't an ache or pain of
any kind now, and I'm enjoying
the very best of health." ...... ,
Nervousness and a run down.
tired out feeling ars but symp-
toins of a hidden cause, which
usually lies in the stomach. Tan
lac enables you to digest your
food property, eliminate waste
and helps you regain your old
time strength and vigor. Get a
bottle today at any . good drug
gist, (adv)
I timSm "- Dainty
JUb I I Models
Sounds interesting doesn't it? But in buying any
Shoe from this store that's just what you get. Shoes
of 100 quality, with that peppy appearance, that give
your feet personality. We assure you comfort by our
knowledge of fitting and recommending the last for
your particular foot; if you need the narrow ones or
one of Aunt Polly's put sizes we have 'em. When you
think Shoes, ; think "John J. Rottle" the progressive
she man, '"' ' -.
John J. Rottle
167 North
na mat
Something New?
Cut Lace Embroidery Is Newest Needlework
It is a revival of the old stitches and
designs found in the Mont Mellick
embroidery from Ireland and in the
Hardanger embroidery from Nor
way, dating from the 17th century
and introduced into this country by
Prof. H. Vance Shaw
of the New York Art Academy
( :
Our exhibit of finished pieces of cut lace embroidery is especially in
teresting and is much admired by lovers of the beautiful. This work
embraces the following: Bed Spreads, Pillow Cases, Table Runners,
Sheet Shams Dresser Covers Table Cloths Center Pieces Sofa Pillows,
Napkins, Towels, Underwear, Throws for baby carriage, Carriage Pil
lows, Hangings, Lamp Shades, Pin Cushions, etc.
Any woman can quickly learn to do Cut Lace Embroidery and aside
from one's own such pieces would be the most acceptable Christmas gift.
rof. Shaw's Classes in the New Cut Lace
embroidery begin Monday, 10 o'clock, in
Reception Room, 2nd floor. Free Lessons
Miss Helen Bode will give free lessons in Cut Lace Embroidery each day next week from
10 to 4 in our reception room, second floor.
This fascinating new embroidery is done with an ordinary embroidery needle. All necessary
materials for this work can be obtained in our Art Department.
No charge for instruction, all we ask is that you buy your materials here, and pay the
charge for stamping., .
- (See Window Display of Models)
Unusual "Buys" from the Silk and Wool Section
50-inch Chiffon
Saturday and Monday at
$2.49 yd. - -
By all odds this is the most remarkable
value we've offered for many a moon The
season's preferred shades in this popular
weave are now on display and ready for Sat
urday's sale.
One piece dresses, cloaks and suits can be
made of this splendid material, besides many
school day wearables. Colors are: nut brown
navy, taupe grey, burgandy, plum and dark
green- Special $2.49 yard.
Canton Crepe
Continues to Captivate
$295 yd.
The "Sillouette says crepes for autumn.
Our special value Canton is a highly lus
trous quality, comes in all the new- shades
like pleasant, chestnut, cinder, old rose, Jap
blue, tile, wallflower, etc. 40 inch width
special $2.95 yard.
Make a thorough visit of inspection to
this department, you'll not regret the time
expended and many hints to fall's fashions
may be gathered.
Soft fleecy velour coatings, victoria
suitings and cloakings. Marvelous tweeds in
distinctive colorings for sports wear.
It will be our pleasure to show you.
Phone 11
Phone 11
JL dotyi 'pnepfy. t WZt J
Salem's Leading Department Store
: 1