PAGE SIX THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1922. OREGON COACH CONFIDENT OF E University of Oregon, Eugene. October t. (Special) Oregon's 1922 football stock, already above par, took another spurt upward this week when "Cogs" Campbell 209 pound tackle and former O. A. C. rook star reported for prac tice. Campbell started showing his x?ares immediately and the way he cavorted about the grid iron brought Joy to the heart of Line Coach Spellman to whom the tackle position had been more or less a bothersome one. Spell man faces the task of reorganis ing the entire left side of his line due to the graduation of "Spike" Leslie, tackle, and Mart Howard, end. and the Illness of "Tiny" Shields, left guard. The right side of the line will be intact as of last year. After opening .the season with 27 to 0 victory over Pacific unl - veraity last Saturday Coaches Huntington and Spellman are put ting the squad through a series of bard workouts this week In prep aration for the next game of the season Saturday when the Wil lamette university eleven will be played here. Huntington does not intend to let the Bearcats return home victorious and he hopes to win without having to use any of the new plays he has concocted. He would rather win by a low score than extend the team to the Dtmoat for a greater victory. Coach Huntington admits he has material on band to causa him to grow enthusiastic but every thing Is not ideal by any means. The absence of "Tiny" Shields and "Prink" Callfson, two year lettermen guard and center, is proving a setback in the progress of the eleven. Neither man will be in condition to play before the Idaho game, October 28, and In the meantime new men must be groomed for the position while the two veterans on the sidelines miss all the early season condi tioning work. Unless Willamette shows unex pected strength Huntington will give htB entire varsity squad an opportunity to play in Saturday's game. If this Is the case the fol lowing men will probably get into play: Hud Brown, Spears, Bliss, ends; Campbell, Vonder Ahe, Mc Keown, tackles; Parson and Floyd Shields, guards; Keid and (Irani, Latham, Chapman and Byler, center; King, Johnson, Brown, backfield. Huntington baa a flock of can didates reporting nightly with three teams In action during the past week. Ten football lettermen are back in college. The Southern Pacifle will offer fare and one half rates for round trip tickets to Willamette fans who desire to accompany the team to Kugene. These tickets will be good for a return trip on either Saturday or Sunday. At the Liberty Starting Today " -sT J Mabel Normand and Raymond Button Head Over Heels'' JOYCE SUED FOR STEALING LOVE Chicago, Oct. 6. David Gage Joyce, wealthy lumberman, has 13 days In which to make legal reply to the charge that be alienatec the leve of bis wife, Mrs. Beatrice iCsch Joyce, from his former friend and her former husband, Edward E. Each, wealthy clubman and automobile dealer. has sued the lumber man for 2500,000. Joyce married Mrs. Each three days after the suit was filed at the IBscayne Bay estate at Miami, Fla., which his brother, J. Stanley Joyce, purchased for Peg gy Hopkins Joyce, his former wife, before Peggy made her latest exit from matrimony. Service in the alienation suit was obtained on Joyce yesterday. MANY IDLE MEN TO COME I THIS FALL, POLICE OPINE . . Indications are that there will! be many "floaters" on the road HIGHWAY PAVING THRU JEFFERSON IS BEGUN Jefferson, Oct. 6. Work began on Second street in Jefferson Wednesday with Contractor Bart lett and his crew of forty men. Mr. Bartlett has put the street in thorough shape for the laying of the cement and says he can com plete the work in ten days if the weather conditions permit. The contract calls for nine tenths of a mile, beginning with the pave ment on the north limits of the city and running through Second street and connecting with the bridge across the Santiam river. This Is a very needed improve ment to Jefferson as the street has been almost impassable. OLCOTT REPLIES !! TO OVERTURF Ifi ' SAYS TREATY TO BLAME FOR VALUE OF MARKS Berlin, Oct. 8. (By Associated Press) In revision of the "un bearable" economic stipulations of the Versailles treaty, lies the possibility of Americans recover ing the losses sustained through the possession of German marks. This declaration was made to this fall and win er accord ng o Quttmann. managing director of Already ithe Drefldner bank, relative to re cent newspaper reports of losses suffered in the United States thru depreciation of German currency He maintained that not Germany, but the treaty was to blame. TURKS WANT BLOODLESS PEACE, KEMAL'S CLAIM Angora, Oct. 6. (By Associated Press.) In an address before the national assembly, Mustapha Kern a 1 Pasha said it was the de air of the nationalists to secure the national aims without blood shed. This peaceful policy was Interpreted by Turkey's enemies.! he asserted, as an Indication of weakness, if the natloiiallist army bad to attack. The offensive was well prepared and would be car ried out and crowned with s cess. Sergeant Elmer White, the night patrolmen, who meet the trains, have found many youths "beating" their way through the country. I Most of the drifters, according! to the police, are able-bodied men! with but little excuse for being idle. With last night fairly cold, even men applied for Bleeping quarters in the city Jail. They gave their names as Dick Friske, Frank Davis, George Brown, O, Lawrence, Harold Gest, Jack Con nelly and C. Mascb. I 8me foreigners are visiting New Vork to learn what effort prohibi tion has on this nation. From there' they go to Ireland, we suppose, to ! learn effects of peace. I CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS . Headache INDIGESTION Stomach Trouble SOLD EVERYWHERE- Alleged irregularities in nection with the appraisement of property offered as security for soldiers' loans in Deschutes coun ty, will be presented to the grand jury which will convene there late in October, it was announced to day. The state will be represent ed at the hearing by the special agent who investigated the ap praisement and by officers of the veterans' state aid commission. Action of the world war veler ans' state aid commission in re moving H. J. Overturf as a mem ber of the board of appraisers for Deschutes county was not actu ated by a 1 animosity on the part of Governor Olcott, but was the unanimous decision of the mem bers of the commission after con ducting an investigation of the appraisements approved by Mr. Overturf and O. B. Hardy, who was removed at the same time, was the statement made by the executive here today. Replies to Overturf. "H. J. Overturf has intimated through the press that any action which may have been taken in re gard to his activities as an ap praiser for the bonus commission in Deschutes county was to an ex tent actuated through animosity I may have toward him in connec tion with some irrigation bill which he introduced in the legis lature," said the governor's state ment. "It is not my custom to pay attention to derogatory state ments, but in this Instance a re flection is directed against the bonus commission. In justice to the commission I feel the situation should be made clear. "I am but one member of the commission, the others being Ar thur C. Spencer, a leading attor ney of Portland; Lyman G. Kice, a prominent banker of Pendleton; Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state, and George A. White, adjutant general of Oregon. The action of the commission in the matter of the Deschutes county appraisers was a unanimous action on the part of these gentlemen and my self and no thought of Mr. Over turf's personality or personal con nections entered into it in any way. "In regard to the irrigation bill which he mentioned, I wish to say I had no particular knowledge of the bill until it came to my dean for approval or veto. I submitted the bill to the proper state author ities having knowledge of such matters. I was advised, after the bill was given careful examina tion by such authorities, that the bill was unnecessary; that it would raise doubts as to points of law already adjudicated through the highest court of the state, and, in short, possibly would cause an unsettled condition -in irrigation affairs with no consequent good to offset it. "Acting upon this advice I veto ed the bill and I think very proii erly. The fact that Mr. Overturf introduced the bill bad no affect whatever upon my action. Had it been considered proper and ad vantageous legislation I would have as promptly approved it, re gardless of its introducer. "I believe these facta should be known in justice to the members of the bonus commission who act ed in Mr. Overturf's case for the same reason I acted on his bill for what was deemed the best in terest of the state." TEAMS REFUSE TIE GAME GIVE TO CHARITY New York, Oct. 6. (By Associ ated Press) Giants and Yankees, having attempted to appease thou sands of fans who were not a whit satisfied when the second world's series game was called by umpires in the tenth inning with the score tied 3 and 3 and giving the entire day's receipts to disabled soldiers and charity, today returned to the business of settling the champion ship. The umpires said it was too dark to play when they called the halt but there were few fans who agreed with them about the con ditions of daylight. It may have been dark; may be Umpire Hilde brand was fooled by Coogan's bluff's which plays queer tricks with its shadows some times. Any way there -was quite a difference of opinion in the matter. Some three or four thousand of the fans could not forget their dissatisfaction. They had watch ed the Yankees fight a long, up hill battle after Irish Meusel's homer into the left field bleachers had counted three runs for the Gianta in the very first inning, and they wanted to see the finish. They railed at the umpires un til the umpires found cover, then because there wu no one else upon which to vent their feelings, they turned to Commissioner Landis. Commissioner Landis had nothing to do with calling the game, but he made a nice target for their bombardment of criticism. Hav ing talked themselves out, they went home. Hamman Auto Stage Effective May Z2nd Three Stages Daily Leaves Salem Stage Terminal: No. 1, 7:30 a. m. No. 3, 10:30 a. m. No. 5, 4:30 p. m. Leave Mill City: No. 6, 7 a. m. No. 2, 12:30 p. m. No. 4, 4 p. m. No. 3 connects with east bound train at Mill City, No. .2 waits for west bound train at Mill City. JOS. HAMMAX. Prop. Siklem-SUverion Division Leaves iSalem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m, 11:00 a. m, S;00 P. m. Leaves Silver-ton News Stand, 1:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 6:00 p. m. baienu-liidepeiHicnce-Monuioutll IMvitaom Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m., 9:09 a. m., 11:00 a. m., 3:00 p. m., 6:00 p. m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth ho tel, 8:15 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 6:15 p. m. Leave IndeDendence. Beaver ho tel. 3:30 a. m., 10:00 a. m 1:15 d. m.. 4:00 n. m.. 6:30 D. m. We make connections at Salem to all part of the valley. Extra trips by appointment. J. W. PAJtKAJl General Manager. ANGluL Hartman's Glasses Infer ui Batter. Wear them and tee. Phcma 1253. Btim. Jff?B L.M.HUM Care of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. has medicine which will cure any known dis ease. Not open Sundays 153 South High Street Salem, Oregon. Phone 283 Capital Junk Co. WANTS All kinds of junk and second-hand goods. We pay full value. 215 Center Street ' Phone 393 SULVKItTON MOCJSl hOKlXAMJ C. A M. Stages Schedule South Bound Kead down Dly. Diy. liy. No 6 No 3 No 1 PM PM AM :00 1:30 3:00 Portland 1:03 3:33 10:03 Mt Angol 8:30 4:00 10:30 Silvertoo Ar Ar . Ar North Bound Read Up Dly. Dly. Dly. No 2 No 4 No ( AM PM PM 10:30 4:00 8:30 Portland 1:25 1:55 6:23 Mt. Angel 8:00 1:30 6:00 Silvertoa Lv Lv Lv Sunday only 8:00 pro fm Portland Stages leave Stage Terminal Port land and Steelhammer's Drug store Silverton Salem-Dallas Stage Leerv Salem Bta Tannfnal T:N mm. 11:00 am. 8:10 to, Lwn Dallas, OkM Hotel 8:80 a. m. 12:80 m. 6:30 m. mi 6 CENT Dally and Sunday Kvvry day except morning trip do not run Sunday Round Trip to Mate There are suckers who get caught in financial schemes, and there is the poor fish who thinks 'two can live as cheaply as one. Crane American. S.S.S. Fills Out Hollow Cheeks, Thin Limbs! Men nfl women, whthr yon wttt trrmr fttuiltj yourself up to your normal, fust-right n-tttxht (1jnda on th num r of blood -cHs In your blood. That a ll ther Is to It. It s a sotenttfle farfc, If your bltxnl -eH fac tory isn't work ing rirht you will bs run-down, thin. four blood wt!l bs In disorder, and psrbap ytmr f&r will hm broken out wlrfe pimpi, taakbtis and erup tions. 6. K. S. keel's your blood-cell faHorT working- full time. It helps build new blood-cells. Thst'a why & H. 8. hut ids up thin, ron-dowB o pUt, it puis firm flesh on your bona, it rounds out your fe, arms neck, tffnbs, the whole) body. It puts the. Tlnk" In your oheka. It takes the ti(H,wnes from the eyes, and It fis KKthcr -Time by smoothing- out wrla- , ( in men and women by "piumpinv" , Ihrrv up. &. S. 8. is a rearkJ,jfe rlood-purtfter. While you ar fretim flump, your skin eruptions, pimples. ! itlM'-H. heads, at 'its, rheumatism, rash 1 i-ir, blotches are betnjr removet J mii4-inal fnirreoMents of . H, S. I fxsrarueed purely vegetable, j B. H. y- is sold at all drug- storra, la two , tiisL Tbe larcrr ata 4a & ssorw j ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM HOSIERY Not how cheap, but good Hosiery Ladies' black Wool Hosiery at $1.00, 75c, and 50c a pair Ladies Heather Wool Hosiery at $1.85 and $1.00 a pair Children's Wool Hosiery at 75c and 65c a pair Ladies' Silk and Wool Hosiery at $1.85 a pair Allen A. Black Cat Silk Hosiery at $1.25 and $1 a pair Ladies' Outsizes, Silk Hosiery, extra good at $1.65 and $1.50 a pair Allen A. Black Cat Silk Lisle Hose at 50c a pair Allen A. Black Cat Cotton Hose at 25c a pair Our Hosiery gives satisfaction. LADIES' GLOVES, BEST VALUES Julius Kayser Ladies' fabric Gloves, real chamoisette Cloves, last year's price $1.25, this season 75c a pair See our extra special at $1.00 a pair MINERVA YARNS ARE BEST - Beautiful shades. Silk Mixes, Luster Wool, Shetland Floss, Knitting Worsted, Saxony, Spanish and Em broidery yarns. II. & G. Corsets. Popular numbers. New low prices. 72 inch Mercerized Table Cloth, cood ntialitv. vard flftr j See our imported all linen table cloths, napkins to match. rine i-noieacnea .Muslin, 3b inch, worth more by thr bale, yard 27 inch Outing Flannels, good grade, light or dark, 1 - 17c Nice Woolen Coats, styles. Low Trices. GIRLS' COATS all this season's very newest MILLINERY DEPARTMENT IN REAR ROOM Big display of up to the minute Millinery. Ready-to-wear Hats or trimmings. As usual we have the assort ment, combined with quality, style, and lowest prices in this city. Expert trimmers ready to supply your wants. 240-246 N. Commercial St. The Best Clothing Investment Ever Made. Made to Measure Suits $25 to $50 There's a feeling of contentment when you J get into one of our made to measure suits. They're designed and made for YOU. You select your j material and the style that pleases your own taste, we do the rest. RESULT a suit you're pruuu 10 wear. M,ep in today and let us show you our line of 100 Vo pure wool materials. Scotch Woolen Mills The Reasons We are selling more meats than eer is due to the quality and the price. If you bought your meats in wholesale quantities (that is by the quarter or half) you could not save anything over the prices at which we sell. For Saturday we offer: Good I Tender Beef to Boil I Beef Roast 5c Jb. I 10c lb. Pure Lard, No. 5 pail 80c Freshly Ground Freshly Ground Hamburger Sausage 3 lbs. 25c 1 0clb. nnssBBiHBBWMBnnBnna Fancy Choice Sirloin Steak Round Steak 15clb. 15c lb. LADD & BUSH BANKERS ESTABLISHED 1863 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. 1 Grain Fed Legs of Pig Pork Center cuts, any size. Pound New arrivals in our Fish department Norwegian Cure Herring, Irish Mackerel, xtm;y oiiiuneu rnoaters, spiced Herrin rinnan naaoie. or Fresh Salmon Whole or half 1 1c lb. Direct from the coast "Umeco" Freshest and best lb. 25c midget market ORIGINATORS OF LOW PRICES ' 351 State Street NOT IN THE COMBINE HIGH CLASS Furniture Auction Saturday, October 7th 1:30 p. m. 273 N. High Street, Next to City Hall Consisting of: One William and Mary fumed oak dining room suit, con sisting of 60-inch top buffet, 48-inch top extension table, 3 straight diners and carver, with best grade Spanish leather seat. This is an exceptionally fine suit and just like new. 1 William and Mary mahogany library table, the kind you will admire; 1 overstuffed tapestry rocker, with spring seat; 1 reed rocker and settee with tapestry seat and back; 1 oak taberette, 2 Axminister rugs, 9x12 and 2 small rugs to match. These are the best grades, with good design, and like new. 5 pairs silk draperieS, 1 Princess oak dresser, oak rocker, 1 large ivory dresser, ivory rocker, white enamel chiffonier, 3 Sim mons 2 continuous post beds, with steel springs and silk floss and felt mattresses, 2 baby beds, one with silk floss mattress; white enamel breakfast table with 4 chairs; 1 large cast iron heater, baby carriage, 2 child's high chairs, nursery chair, looking glass, 52-piece set Johnston Bros., England, dishes (the Bombay pattern); glass ware and kitchen ware, wash tubs, boiler, axe, shovel, and many other articles. TAKE NOTICE: Every article in this sale is high class and just like new, being used a very short time. L. E.WALTER F. N. WOODRY, Owner, phone 545B Auctioneer, Phone 511 Bake ite Bread Builds Up The Child's Body Good wholesome Bread is a real 2 f.r heath and : 9- stains the valu- UU1C JJJseaients that possess. few foods l?e yvUr youT famil7 and ererv meTf 1 0VhiS gleat food at every meal, every day. Get it fresh from our bakery daily. Sake-Rite Sanitary oakery 426 State Street 457 State St Phone 263