Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 06, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    """" - ""... T-miwMH- mii """" "J"""" """ ""-".a
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Salcn. Orscoa
An Independent Newspapsr, Published every erentag except Sands
Telephone SI; news f 2
GEORGE PUTNAM Editor and Pobliaber
Perpetuating Unfit
One of the most interesting as well as one of the most
depressing places to visit about Salem is the Feeble Minded
Institute. A visit to it is well worth while, and one that
everyone should take to increase his knowledge of mankind.
Here is an institution, one of the most modern of its
kind, involving an investment of some hundreds of thousands
of dollars, necessitating close to $200,000 a year for main
tainance, admirably and efficiently conducted, devoted to the
perpetuation of the human unfit, to defying the law of the
survival of the fittest, and setting aside nature's safeguard
for society the ruthless extermination of the mental, physi
cal and moral incapables.
Inmates of the institution range from the harmless
feeble-minded adult to the infant imbeciL Records show
that probably 95 percent of all the inmates are the progeny
of subnormal parents mental and physical defectives, of
jail bird3 and lunatics. And our most efficient civilization,
not only sanctions their breeding but kindly looks after the
In one of the fine modern structures maintained by an
indulgent and sentimental people for the perpetuation of the
unfit, is a large ward full of cots occupied by infant idiots
ranging from a few weeks old to several years, of pathetic
looking doll-like totsrsome with silken locks and waxen skins
and lustrous eyes that will be forever sightless, whose deli
cately moulded mouths will be eternally voiceless, whose
shell-like ears will never hear a human sound, and whose
warped and twisted limbs will never bear the weight of the
frail little bodies whose candle of life began to flicker out
with birth and in a few years will be completely extinguish
ed. Yet the attention of skilled attendants is constantly re
quired to keep alive for a few fleeting minutes the futile
There is no possibility of -these poor little victims of the
sins of society ever attaining maturity, of ever securing the
use of their brains, their senses or their bodies, yet they are
perpetuated in misery by the maudlin sentimentality that
tinkers with the result and lacks the intelligence to grapple
with the cause.
Scientists tell us that embryology illustrates the evolu
tion of humanity and that every phase in the countless eons
of time in the slow and painful ascent from animalcule
to man is revealed in the progress of the human embryo.
Consequently when we see a case of arrested or dwarfed
development, we can be quite certain that the natural growth
of the embryo has been halted at a stage which man had
reached at a corresponding period in evolution's history.
There is among other cases at the Institute a curious,
queer, creepy little creature resembling a monkey more than
a child, an affectionate animal that loves to climb and exer
cise in Simian fashion, that though practically brainless,
with a head smaller than a boy's fist, and harder than a rock,
has a certain intelligence and can be taught privitive tricks.
At some staee in the embryo's development, nroarress stormed
and the hands of the clock were turned back a million years
lor what should have been a man.
And this is but one of many similar cases, varying in
degree and form which can be found in this and all similar
institutions, and whose existence society defies the law of
nature to perpetuate, altho they can never be anything but a
useless care and burden upon normal humanity.
Science has recently discovered that the glands play an
all important part in the functioning of the various organs
of the body just how vital a part is not yet fully compre
hended, but we know that when certain glands are not prop
erly developed and do not function that the parts of the body
for whcih they act as regulators become over or underde
veloped with the result that the stature may be increased
abnormally or decreased, that the giant or the dwarf may
result from the lack of harmony. Not only is the physique
affected, but the mentality as well and apparently beyond
Among the human freaks resultant from this glandular
discord at the Salem institution is a 16 year old child with
a head so large that it can never sit up but is doomed for
life to lie and be tended in all its wants like a baby. It has
a certain rudimentary glimmering of intelligence for it has
been taught to run the phonograph, but its life must be for
ever useless and a burden upon humanity. And yet it is
probably doomed to live for a long time so excellent is the
care with which it is nourished. It is part of our scheme
of civilization to see to it that all such unfit survive, no mat
ter what happens to the fit.
These are, of course, the most hopeless and forlorn
glimpses to be seen at this well managed institution. The
largest percentage of cases are those with subnormal men
talities, with healthy or semi-heallhv bodies, caoable of be-
ing taught the rudiments of industry but incapable of tak
ing care of themselves. Closely supervised they are cap
able of limited useful production but turned adrift would
soon become derelicts incapable of aught save perpetuating
their species for others to provide for.
It is the modern tendency to control and remove all those
natural checks upon the survival of the unfit that have al
ways served to eliminate them and for violating these laws
of nature society is paying the penalty in the constantly in
creasing number of the unfit. We can expect a still more
rapid increase as society becomes more decadent, unless some,
check upon the reproduction of the unfit is provided, and
we will experience a tremendous growth in feeble-minded in
stitutions and asylums, as long as a mawkish and sickly hu
inantiarianism persists in seeking to save to useless lives
those damned by the sins of their parents before birth.
rJ &
ttt l-m-t-'nj. s, Atl.e'.o
A good undertaker is one who has. re
duced patience to a science.
All things come to those who go out and
fetch them in.
Did you ever notice how cheap you can buy
things you don't want?
It is not what you get, but what you expect to
get, that makes life worth while.
Being kind is much more to your credit than
merely being respectable.
Congress gets its bad reputation because of the
bad men in it, the good men not seeming to have
much to say.
Hez Heck Says:
"Troubles ain't helped none
by carryin' 'em on your face."
Copyright 1922, Premier Syndicate, Inc.
era tier's kappiaeas ct his
. a hr nota while Ue latter M ST .CLL"' """""" J
erer. I deterimned to go ne ---- - - 'eII II r.-- ft
i b 11 mm m Jtm - a i
lif, to what aha "night eU jot
for another m" i beyes aa.
'Listen, dear," Sbeil EiS
back to Walter's letter:
" At Pari that wa bo lstr, o
word iron - . . - , n itv me.
monrr soon r. U Ft.:.- 1 1 " . 11 fl.w. will
tit St tie termi ei j
I as dependent open Soe and upon
Tie lawyers "
br mT returning
. ..a .tA hr note. while Ue latter Is
i j.i.rn nrd to 20 Home '
v. 1.-1 v.nneeed. D7
see for nraeux wa n
By tie ntno elf-ae rifiee I man
tjci v gt a little money ahead and
tool passage oa the steerage aad re
turned U find that aj 'stex
ued the last to table to.iiatr.iie
"I mangel
. , . , i... .c . at that cnlr
ep Doey a. - ' Ubroad iaTnediately and remaining
gide Pm Lr m I reeive on. eent to
.t ,v. of U war. Ia a kP 7 J 1, together.
. . . i i i .t .1 "'Of eonrse
rot.Bd-a.Bl way l ' " 1 d at lat sueeeeded ia
Mr. Phiilip Speaeer had beem Tery aiwui yoa aai
Loted, and that she W g that after your tnal you
had followed him bwk to the states,
I tried to find oat
PANTOMIME By J . H. Striebel
Sheila Elliston Refused Love
A Fiondisli Flan
" 'Soon after, dear," continued
Shi-ila, reading Walter's letter, '1
roeclved from you the sweetest let
ter that mun ever read. It gave me
back hope and wish to live. Oh,
Hhcila, why did you not wait for mn
if you eared for me as much as you
said you did iu that letter.
' '1 woudeT if you know that that
was the first time iu all my life
that I had looked upon your hand
writing. It seemed a part of your
self. I determined 1o go back to you
immediately. I determined to stop
all narcotics.
' 'The man who looked me up at
Susnnao's request had given me
some money and Sue's letter enclos
ing yours contained a generous
check telling me that as soon as pos
sible I had better come home.
" 'With hope renewed, with good
food, which I hd for the first tiui?
in many months, with decent cloth
ing, I regained much of my self
respect and I started for Faris on
my way to the homeland and you.' "
I broke in upon the letter reading
"I cannot understand, Sheila, how
any woman could be so fiendish.
She must have written a love letter
to her own brother purporting to
come from you."
"Yes, Kay, but there is worse to
"I would think that impossible. I
can imagine a' woman wanting to
hurt and ruin another woman or
perhaps another man, but n woman
to deliberately sacrifice nut only
Along State Street
A matrimonial knot is often tied into a slip-knot.
doesn't everybody get
If misery loves company, why
married ?
Ircnizod Yeasi Will
Ircnizo Year Henres
To Produc Croat NataraJ Nerr
Strength, Yeatt Should Be Iron
hi and Not Merely Mixwi
With Iron. There ia
Only On Ironired
Yeut in the
Now, Mr. Man, tighten your flat
arid clamp your jaws. Tighter. Now
SUM tighter. As tight as Vou can.
Notice how weak la the tightest you
ciin go? Vltamine and iron In your
tmdy made it possible for you to do
these two things. If you had atlll
The latest invention is an electric worm-catcher
are getting wise to this early bird business.
la fie Ttnn-Iowm. Txaanetedt See
Tkat lie TaXee Ireniee tree! I
more vttamlnea. Ironised, you could
tighten your list and your jaws al
most as tight as a vise. Irontaed
Yeast will enable you to do It, be
cause tresiised yeast combines con
centrated vitamlnrs with natural or
ganic Iron, in such strength that It
gives aniaalna power to nerves and
organs In half the usual time. It Is
the most powerful reconstructive In
the world todav for tired, exhauate.1
men and women. It Is not a mere
mixture of yeast and Iron, but is
yeaet Ironiied. which is a substance
all by Itself. Give your nerves the
natural food-strenrth they lack.
They do not need stimulation, they
need natural force. Here it Is. Iron
ised Teast! This will give you great
blood rower, great nerve power, an
avalanche of energv, brain clearness,
stronger muscle, firmer nsh. a eiear
eye and memory. and you'll smile
the smile of health and power. Iron
tied Yenst la ld at all drug stores,
at IIW t package. Kaon package
contains 0 tablets each tablet is
Scaled. Thet IHr nu ih.l,ru,w.
i-, compared, ith the little that still foes into baby's shoes. ZZ'jZtuKFn ai wi ui!S:
The increased cost of living is not worrying a lot of people
60 much as the increased cost of luxuries.
With all his wealth, one would think that John D. Rocke
feller ought to have enough money to buy his family off.
The spendthrift, who used to take his girl to all the free
lectures and patriotic parades, can now Dilot her around tn
me raaio concerts in tne neignoorhood.
Industries in Germany are said to be permited to print
their own marks. The business slogan in that country just
now is said to be "Own your own mint."
An interesting table of statistics might be made up show
ing1 tne amount ot money we are now spending on soda water
f'Ph ft
Easy to Buy
When you buy chil
dren's underwear, you
will choose R. A. as
soon as you see it and
feel its warm,, durable
R. A. is cut to fit the
bodies of Children, with
out the usual binding
or bunching. ' s
The teat is extra full, the
seams as strong as the
fabric itself. The button
holes are specially devised
to keep the garment se
curely buttoned. '
Unions, Shirts pants
and waist suits ill better
than the best you have
seen and will wear a year
longer than ordinary un
derwear with careful wash-
The same superior quality
is shown in all styles and
sixes up to extra out sues,
in R. A. make for women.
"And yet the price of R.
A. is moderate.
Ask the salesgirl lor R- A,
it will more than pay you
In satiafactKxl,
presumably to be married.
" 'Of eonrsa I understood from
this that Sue bad learned of ber
mistake abont you vken aha return
ed aad had tried to rectify it, but
I could not understand why I re
ceived no answer to my letters aad
cablegram.' "
"What had changed everything, I
can't understand," taid &heila to
''I can, Sheila," I interrupted.
"Don't yoa understand that 6u
sanne Jones thought whea she first
arrived home that if she could
bring Walter on th scene she might
possibly awaken the old romance in
your heart and that you would mar
ry her brother leaving the field
clear to marriage with Phil for her
self. There is only one thinj that I
cannot understand, Sheila. This is
just what made my brother insist
upon that hasty marriage withou.
It was not at all like him. Kvery
Spencer who has ever been married
has walked up the aisle of St.
Thomas or the older chapel which
stood in its place with all ms world
looking on from the pews.
"However, as soon as Sueanne
found that you and Phil were
really married, she did not want-her
brother to come home. That would
spoil her plan to eventually separ
ate you end PhiL Consequently she
stopped communication with Waiter
thinking that he would never be
able to shake off the clutch of despondency-
and dope and return to
America if rhe did not send him
the money to come."
"I think you are right, Kay, for
listen to the rest of this letter: ig
"'As far ns I was concerned, i j
Sheila, America might have dropped ; g
into the Atlantic ocean. I tried to:?
keep out of the way of people I
knew over home and devoted my
self as guide to those people who
had never seen or heard of me. How-
with Raisins
Cse more raisins with your
foods and get more energy.
Raisins furnish 1560 calories
of tnergixing nutriment per
pound. Rich in food-iron also.
A prime fruit-food that every
body would be better for.
Serve stewed as a morning
dish. Use in puddings, cakes
and pies. Let the children have
them with oatmeal.
Sun-Maid Raisins should cost
yoa so more than the following
Sees! r IS . U- ' ?
$kM aae Seedless (U -,!
had been paroled to some woman
whose same I could sot learn and
dropped oat of everyone's ken.
' KAl, Sheila. Sheila, can you ever j
forgive e or my family for the ter- j
rible thiag that was dona to you. I
hare come to the conclusion that;
whether yon love me or not at the
time, yoa have not been guilty of j
any wrong doing and that you in-;
tended to marry mo and be a good
Tomorrow Walter Jones' Story.
Cured without Surgery
MY guaranteed cure for
Piles is a non-surgical
method, eliminating knife,
operation, anaesthetic, pain
and confinement. I have
never failed to cure a case
of Piles in the history of tnj
practice, proof of which mar bs
had by obtaining the song list of
prominent Northwest people
whom I have treated.
I nam all Seabt as k raeoks hr
atreelas to reread raw fee U I tmi
tm eere reor Plea, Writs er call to.
MENTION rnffciwnt.n eHMiN,
A Washineon commentator j
complains that Wilson listened to,
nobody and Harding to everybody.!
This confirms a suspicion that the
former administration was en-
7 I
It also kills rat and mica. Zt forces
these pexta to ran from building (or water
and fresh air. A 3Sc box contains enough
to kill SO to 109 rata or mic. Get It from
your drug- or general store dealer today.
Stop Grumbling About Your Feet!
Introduce them to a foot Specialist.
DR. S. F. SCOTT, S. C.
(Graduate National University of Science,
Intelligent application of modern methods will
do wonders to relieve any form of foot misery
corns, callusus, ingrown nails, bunions, weak
arches, swelling, painful, oderiferous feet, etc.
You'll appreciate the reception parlor and the
modern private operating room.
Phone 640 for appointment
Suite 301-2, Masonic Temple
The Original Food-Drink for All Ages.
Quick Lunch at Home .Office at Fountains.
RichMilk, Malted GrainExtractinPow
tier&Tabletforms. Nourishing-No cooking.
Avoid Imitations and Substitutes
Like to own and drive the classiest, most distinctive, and
nicest Speedster in the Willamette Valley, or in fact
Portland also. At 1-3 the original cost? Has been driven
5,000 miles, is in perfect shape, wonderful to drive. Very
highest grade, and exclusive car, seats 2 people, and has
invisible jump seats for 2 more passengers. Has every
known accessory; also 5 wire wheels and 6 excellent cord
tires, and attracts attention wherever seen.
If you are interested and would care to own this beau
tiful car, write box Speedster, care Capital Journal, for
private demonstration from private party.
I fillip mi fcimtek 1
1 mfW ml w
"Our Game Is Good Clothes'
We have a goal to make" definite standard of quality to reach in all
Clothes we sell. Its a business with us of course but
it as a game and play it hard. Its a satisfaction to
big values in your favor.
we like to think of
us to be able to score up
Hart, Shaffner & Marx and other reliable makes of Clothi
our t&w showmg You ought to see them.
ing comprise
Salem Woolen Mills Store
Open until 9 p. m. on Saturday night
0. I. BISHOP, Prop.
II ISM - t