WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1922. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE NINE n M Ford May hut p own 9 But Neve r Up r $ii9 ournaj SUBSCRIPTION RATES Bv carrier 10 cents a week, 45 cents a month, $5 a year iu ad vance. By mall, In Marlon and Polk counties, one month 60 cents, 8 months $1.25, S months $2.25, 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere 60 centa a month, $5 a year. . Entered as second class matter at Salem, Oregon. mail Member ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclus ively entitled to the use for pub lication of all : news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise- credited in this paper and also lo cal news published herein. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Advertising representatives: VV. D. Ward, Tribune bldg.. New York City. W. S. Stockwel!.-. Peoples Oas bldg., Chicago. Ills. CLASSIFIED RATES Rate per word each insertion 2 cents, three insertions, 6 cents, one week cents, one montn xv cents, one year, per month, 12 cents; minimum per ad, 25 cents. First insertion only in New To- Ahv. City ads cash in advance, and not taken over phone, unless advertiser has monthly account. No allowance for phone errors ' NEW TODAY FOR experienced nurse, 1352J after 6 p. m. phone h241 FOR RENT Furnished Hose in. 355 Division St. room, J238 WANTED Inside work for win ter. Hox 40 care Journal. h238 SU0EP1NU room for rent, gentle min nreferrcd. 385 Bcllevue. J238 SCHOOL girl wants home and light work for board. 1245 Mad ison. 236 Jxat RENT Auto repair and paint shop. 1610 N. Com'l and Norway. 236 WANTED Good milker and barn man. Apply room 211 Gray bldg or phone 1166 J. g237 FO it SALE 1 dining table, six (hairs, china cabinet and heat- ins stove. Phone 1140.1. WAN't'EO Girl for general house work. Call in person at 205 N. 21st street, phone 1231R. g23'i EMPLOYED young lady wishes place to work for board and room. Box 9 Capital Journal. 1237 FOR SALE Overland delivery car running condition, $35 if sold at once. Oleson Auto Exchange. qz7 6 KOOM house, new barn, city wa ter. 3 lots 12SX1&0, ?uo, 2UU i .ish. II. J. Hunt, Ladd & Bush bkl?: ; " a WANTED To buy 5 tons of good oat and vetch hay, also 600 lbs. of good dry prunes. Write lock box 247, Salem, Or. 236 1923 OVERLAND touring, only driven 3300 miles, 5 tires, 3 are cord, $250 will handle, long terms on balance. Phone 1043R 236 FOR 'SALE Apples, Gravenstein, Jonathan, Wagners, Roman Beauty, Baldwins, also grapes, quinces and dried prunes, Rt. 8, hox 47. C241 FOK SALE Furniture for 5 room house in good condition, will take light car as part payment; a bargain for quick sale, $4Sn Box 26 care Journal. c238 SIX ROOM house, well built, fine condition; 135x110 corner; full basement; - bath; fine fruit; $3600; pay like rent. See Harris, 624 X, Capitol, 1942J. 236 PRICES are right, horse shoeing a specialty, by a- practical shoer: trailers for sale or made to or der. C. L. Wright, fair grounds . "n'w, yaiem, jr. m242 FOR SALE Grapes, Sweetwater o cents per lb. One mile east of asylum, by Jos. Hug, Rt. 6, box 138. Salem. c240 j r-'ov.n and white young "ys, answers to name of Lad- aie. i'hone 1451J, 1515 Court sirec-i, reward. 236 WANTED Good 5 or 6 room house on paved street, give loca tion, best price, minimum amount down and best terms on balance. Box 30 Journal. 236 LST Pocketbook with $45, Mon day P. m. in busness district by "mow lady with children. Re- ward it .T. A"r.r;T . or-to iSiil J.Sert" k23& I if'u By young couple board 'ng place, also home preferably with couple or lady wishina "mpany, can furnish own rooms if necessary. Box 17 care Jour- nal i23R "'00 CASH will handle a 5 room modern except basement. Wfre woodshed. This is a verv attractive little house, neary "pw and wall in excellent con dition. Price $2600. A. W- Estes to- Patton bldg. a237 HAVE $250 electric air compres sor, has only been run 10 months -"opicie with hose and 150 ft. P'De for quiok sale $140, wil ene some terms. Walter Green, Phone 361 fr mm ice c237 WANT for ivi ' nearuy property Hn,v. , northern Calif V,,?-r Jrid. Assessed valuation !. Will take 2ftftn nnrl nv fe.Wa,' F . ii our ""manges. A. W. tes Realty Co., Patton bldg. - b237 nL,SAL,E-By . room Plastered cottage at 780 north tol li?6! 8treet' la!"Ee lot 50x168: wi lr bath- elwf-ic lights, city T' oavd street, alley and baJ. Vfry ,are fu cement 1 "u our Fire vention week. It . Jr abilities the business n: t!. . lnt'r'sts of this communl- vke thnap"rt our risks and ad" n,av V aasur- of hazards that DmL!. elimin.ited from his u Dank bldg, Capit Yrune's 8 C fir buiirti ' 2 acre strawberries. foorr.ios. .. 1 trade for 4 n i. " "r ciose in lot. 5,rcet V nuse, 2 lots, on paved in f n 1 4aa cav, A r Sal, . or "mber land adiem. trade for dtv Int. first a "eht car to trade as j ment on rnnall honm s-ate street. NEW TODAY SHEEP, lambs. 257 N. Church. e238 STEAM heated rooms at The Mil ler. 3262 FOR room and board call at 395 north 14th St. J23? FOR SALE Fresh young cow. 2005 Ferry St. Jersey e237 WANTED 4 or 5 room furnished house. Phone 1139W. 230 FOR RENT Furnished ments. 445 8. Winter. apart J23S FOR RENT New 6 room bunga low. Apply Capital hotel. 236 FOR RENT Furnished apart ment at 152 south Church. j23S WANTED Man to park out 150 cords of wood. 1437 Market St. g238 KOOM and board; private family, also garage for rent. 1105 north Liberty. 230 FOR RENT 3 room furnished apartment, heated. Phone 2069J J238 FOR hALK Winchester pump gun 12 guage. 1350 N. 16th St. c239 LOST Gold pencil engraved "Florence. Please leave at Y. M. k238 FOR RENT 3 furnished or un furnished rooms, 396 south 21st street. J238 WANTED Sheep pasture. Ad E. D. Phillipi, J241 dress or phone Stayton, Or. ONE 3 room apt. running water, lights, gas; 2 singles, furnished. Phone 630. 236 TO whom it may concern. Have traded my place, is not for sale. David Dunne. 231 WANTED Three business girls want apartment close in. Box 8 4 Capital Journal.' i23K WANTED 3 or 4 room furnished or unfurnished house by young couple. 697 N. Liberty, apt. 6. 236 FOR SALE Lewellyn setter pup, male, 4 months old just right to train. Gale Fox, Rt. 9, box 110. c238 FOR RENT 6 acres in cultiva tion, new house, one mile from the city. See Ed Loose, 370 State street. 236 FOR SALE Some choice lots in Kingwood park, very cheap: buyer can make his own terms. Address Rt. 2, box 44. a238 FOR RENT Two pleasant well ventilated sleeping rooms; gen tlemen preferred, close in Phone 1253R. "236 WANT To buy 6 or 7 room house wnn m aown and $30 per mourn, can pay more down lat er. J care Journal. 236 FOR RENT Two or three furn ished rooms for light house keeping, with bath, adults. 1079 Chemeketa street. 1238 r OR SALE 8 room modern house and one acre of land in Salem. Price $4500. Krueger Oregon bldg, phone 217. 236 G. SATTERLEE, auctioneer, sells on commission or will buy, any where or any time. Phone 1177 or 1211J, 404 Ferry St. Salem, Or. FOR SALE Dodge touring, wiil take smaller car as part nav. ment also good Jersey cow for saie, test e per cent. Call 1246 o. l.ioerty St. a237 wno took nurse from V W. C. A. Tuesday night return same to Capital Journal at once and avoid trouble; no questions win oe asKeo. 236 UK KENT 3 room furnished apartment with electric stove bed and table linens, electricity, hot and cold water and fuel fnr.i ished. Use of phone. 1207 south commercial. 123s vvaim j. J3iu Woman for general nouse worK, must be able to do a. u nouse wore except washing. wages ana permanent piace ror right person. Phone LtS2i . g238 FOfi SALE 2 year lease on 40 acre farm: will sell tnnii h chickens, etc. 2 miles south of muepenaence on river road Felix Wattenbarger, Independ- ence, rtt. 2, Or. 236 i-b" tuit rarm with beautiful home to trade for grocery store 10 acre tract near Hopewell to trade for a home in Salem. 7 room house and garage for iin, tig per montn. Apartment for rent. Gertrude J. M. Page 492 north Cottage, 3 blocks uui in or f J. V ATVTiVn Hf ic.-n " Pe n fr if n I an- mining. Edgar Brock, successor ' Au.nrey H. Clark Cottage, phone 256. 93 N. 1254 WANTED Used furniture, rang es, heaters, cook stoves, tools, etc. We pay cash, get our prices before you sell. Liberty Exchange 241 N. Com'l St. phone 841. i WANTED Second hand furniture and stoves. We also carry a full line oi new furniture, stoves, tools, etc Once then always. People's Furniture store, 271 N. Commercial St. phong 734. i WANTED Stock to pasture, 400 acres good pasture, running wa ter,' Rt. 2, box 188, P. H. Trigg. 1236 WANTEJJ 2 bicycles, must be in good condition and reasonable. Phone 5F13. i237 WANTED To borrow $1000 on - P'nn.l ri f xr nrnnartv TVi nni a anr 3311b State street.' 1236 Journal Want Ads Bring Results MUTT AND JEFF Jeff Must Loaf at the I ' f mvtt, KrVe TZo'- wHY Vug ai ,loc;'rs . hat IABout THs msx.t ""I ('soldicrs' fsuee'. a nopse "v- o " mow TAMeBs; cLua: -, r fer VS Hivo nam- HrA 1 .t3J m KjevCR Be A ft - rMr ; WANTED HELP MEN WANTED Teamsters and laborers grading work, Verno- nJi, Or., McNutt camp route via Forest Grove or Timber, wages , s nours. Earl JU McNutt. K237 EXPERIENCED maid for general . housework, reference required. stetLlli8 Lachmund' 825 Cou THE Whitney company Is conduct ing logging and sawmill opera tions in Tillamook county, and is hiring men for camp and sawmill work at going wages.No strikes. Good, clean camps and good, wholesome grub. 9 hours work for y nours pay. For saw mill work, address H. E. Mor gan, Garibaldi, Oregon; for log ging camp work, address W. J. Norris, Idaviile, Oregon. g EXPERIENCED cook and house keeper wanted at once. Good salary and excellent conditions but must have some body who is pleasing and well experiencd. Apply at once bring your refer ences with you, at the People's Cash store. Ask for Mrs. Solof. WANTED Lady cook 223 N. Com mercial St. g236 I WANTED Boy over 18 years old to help in kitchen. Apply at The I Gray Belle. g236 WANTED 10 prune pickers, big picking. Lachmund prune- orch ard, 1 mile west of Keizer school house. g WAMiniu Housekeeper on farm, no oDjections to one or 2 school children. Rt. 2, box 188. g236 MEN wanted for prune picking, good pay, good picking, close in. Katclift, phone 744M. g237 1917 FORD for sale,, good shape. good tires, $150. S. R. Pearson, 210 U. S. bank bldg, q WANTED A woman to help with housework and take care of baby. Call 2063J. g237 WANT Girl for light office work. low wages while learning. Give name, age, address and phone. Kox li journal. g FOR SALE HOUSES nuuaas wanted on easy ' nay- menis; i nave clients waiting. 8 R. Pearson, 210 U. S. bank bldg. SMALL house, lot 50x150, fine SOU 9400. 4 room house, $750, $100 down 4 room house $850, $200 down 3 room house 4850, $200 down 4 room house $1100. $150 down 4 room house $1200, $200 down, 2 lots. Brown, over Busick's. State and Commercial. a I $600 WILL HANDLE 6 room plastered, bath, porches, small basement, plenty of fruit, large garage. The rooms are large and attractive. House on large at tractive corner lot. Paved street and car line. This is a splendid Duy at $2600. A. W,. Estes Real- ty Co., Patton bldg. a236 $300 DOWN, 5 room cottage, com I pletely furnished, lights, bath, I toilet, basement. 6 bocks Ore gon bldg. Bargain price $1650. S. R. Pearson, 210 U. S. bank bldg. ( KOOM modern house, except oasement, east front, J 2500; will take car as first pay. M. J. Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. a FOR SALE Modern 4 room bun galow, east front. Just finishing, very reasonable if sold this week Inquire 1845 Fir St. a239 BARGAIN $4500 buys this bun galow, modern except - furnace. has garage, fruit, berries and shrubbery, lot 60x125; this is a well built house, to see it is to buy it, terms hi down. See L. A. Haytord, 305 State St. HOUSES FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, new. is plas tered, has bath, toilet and built in features, wired for electric lights, lot 60 by 120 feet. Price $1900, small payment, balance $20 per month. Good 6 room house neary new, H block from Capitol street, $2400, $400 cash, balance by montn. 4 room house south $1500; will take small payment or car first payment. 40 acres of cut over land can all be cultivated when cleared, on good graveled road 8 miles miles from Silverton, $1200, for house and lot in Salem, will pay cash dirterence. 2 3-4 acres, good modern house. is close In, plenty of fruit; want a residence in Salem. D. S. HILDEBRAND 341 State St. room 8 Bayne bldg. pnone 794. 237' Situations Wanted WANTED Position by young man wun two years experience in R. R. work (clerical,) wholesale work preferred. Address Hudson Nichalson, Goldson. Or. h238 WANTED Work of any kind. Box 12 care Journal. h236 wain ItiU Stenoeraohic work during evenings, can give good references and have had several years experinc. Box 66 Capital journal. h23( FOR SALF. WOOD WOOD sawing. Fisher Bros., city ana country, rnone 2048. ee239 BEST grade mill wood 4 ft. and 16 inch, prompt delivery and reasonable prices .Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church street. phone 1542. ee WOOD. SAWING, phone 1131, city or country. Ed Sproed. eeSfiO FOR SALE FARMS 10 ACRES for sale, phone 47F32. b242 FINE located H acre tracts on north 21st, fine soil, close to school, for only $600, $50 down balance $10 per month at 6 per cent. Brown, over Busick's, State and Commercial. b FOR SALE By . owner, $90 an acre for 85 acres, ft In cultiva tion, house, barn, orchard, 3 springs, y mile to school, 18 miles south of Portland, terms. Box Cll Capital Journal. b291 TO EXCHANGE Equipped dairy ranch on coast. Call at once 469 State St. Compton Real estate. b 25 ACRES best bottom land, all cleared, small house, good barn, all woven wire fenced, at ship ping station 5 miles from good town. Price $3600, $500 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. Socolofsky, 341 State. b FOR SALE Bargain, 6 y acres, 1 Vi miles from Salem, Fruitland road, all improved, eight room house, good condition, most of furniture included; good barn, logans, strawberries, family or chard, horse, harness, buggy, wagon, cow, plows, harrow, cul tivators, well, pump, water pip ed to house; leaving state, - for quick sale will dispose of' above at $3500. Phone 100F31. bl39 GET A HOME Have 5 acres east that is worth the money, the price has been cut by owner; improved; better see it. Brown, over Busick's, State and Com mercial, b TRADES 20 acres near Vancouv er, Wash., ideal country home, well developed and good build ings, $7500; trade for Salem or nearby property. 80 acres near Lebanon, well imroved with first class nearly new buildings; in cluding stock, feed and equip ment $8000, will take house in city to $5000. Want house and lot in Salem lor 10 acres near Lincoln P O, Polk county; good buildings, most all in hearing prunes, some berries, $4000. 10 acres 1 miles of Salem, most al in fruit and berries, fair buildings, $5600, trade for larg er ranch and assume. Watch this column for our exchanges. A. W. Estes- Realty Co., Patton bldg. b236 FOR SALE Automobiles FOR SALE - - Oakland six, State St. late q238 model. 219 FORD touring car in good shape. nas 1922 motor and extras, $150. Philpott, Chevroet garage. q236 OLESON USED CAR EX CHANGE. Cars bought and sold. Guaranteed repairing. Washing, polishing. No matter what make of trac tor, truck or car you have, we can supply you with parts. W. E. Burns Dan ' Burns (Not Rrnthfirs. tho RnmA nanr High street at Ferry. q MUST SELL at once, liirht touring car, ruliy equipped, excellent condition. 1531 Mission St. q237 1922 AUTOMOBILE with extras". good as new, will take Ford in trade. 1154 Oak street. q236 1920 SPORT model Harley David son motorcycle, recently over hauled; with extras, $86. Phone 71. q236 FOR SALE 1921 Allen as good as new, can be seen at 694 north Commercial, apt. 4; will consid- er old car in trade. q236 WE must move our used cars, see these bargains before buying; Overland 90 '19, $250 Bulck 4 '17 $275 Ford '20 $300 Buick big 6 7 pass. $475 Buick 6 '17 $425 Dodge '19 $550 Buick 6 '19 roadster $650 Apperson 8 $1100 OTTO J. WILSON 388 N. Commercial St. phone 220 q236 MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST price paid for second hand clothing and shoes. Alan cleaning, pressing and renalrlnar. Call and deliver. Capital Ex change, 342 N. Commercial, pnone 1368W. m WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for cash, or sell on commission. Phone 611, Woodry, the auction eer. m LOANS Let me see you about a loan li you want to build we can help you. Plenty of money, nu delays. Call 534, let us tell you. WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone 19. Capital city Bedding Co.- m ORDER your winter supply of ap ples direct from orchard, special prices on ten bushel lots. Phone evenings 100F23. m238 NOTICE I will not be responsi ble hereafter for bills contracted other than by myself. Merle Putnam. m236 FULLER brushes are guaranteed. beware -or imintations. Their salesmen now working in Salem. Grimes, local representative, 541 Mill street, phone 1937J. m239 MARTIN, ' painter,' phone 704 m240 evenings. WINDOW washing, prompt serv ice. Phone 15 52 J, Windowman. m260 DRESSMAKING, ladies tailoring first class. Mrs. Lee A. Swnnx 1445 Trade St. phone 984. m240 Bead The Journal Want Ads Lion Tamers' Club. FOR RENT iOARD and rooms, private home, price reasonable. 566 N. Com mercinl. phone 1363M. J236 FOR RENT 3 room partly furn ished apt; no children, 2660 Oak. 1237 FOR RENT Furniture for sale; comfortable six room house ad ' Jacent to business district. A really good bargain at $500 cash. Phone 546R. 1237 FOR RENT Garage, 478 north Cottage St. . 1237 FOR RENT House, 485 S. Church - j236 RANCH for rent, 192 acres, 60 acres pasture, balance good farm , land, fair buildings, good road and near Salem. $450 cash, or if party will buy machinery at $450 will rent crop shares. A. W. g;stes Keaity Co., Patton bldg. J ttU-ttmsHED sloping room for gentleman, 205 Oregon bldg., phone 1527. 1 OFFICE room for rent, 205 Ore gon oiog. pnone 1627. ) RENT- or sale, house furnished. garage, $20; farm 63 acre dairy. Box 28, Rt. 3. 1241 ROOM and. board, 375 N. 14th. 3238 FOR RENT Steam heated rooms. breakfast and six o'clock din ner If desired. Phone 2069J. j239 TO RENT room and garage by day, week or month. Apartment V to rent, 492 N. Cottage. Apartment house all furnished . $4000. Apartment house all furnished $1400. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 nunn tjotcage. i FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms, can 5 40 in. Cottage St. J23S HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, reasonaoe. 160 Court St FOR SALE LIVESTOCK PUPPIES for sale, Fox terrier and Airedale. Agents for Spratts' oog. cat ana bird foods and rem .: edies. E. B. Flake, 273 State, Sa- lem. REGISTERED Phone 7F3 2. Shorthorn bulls. e237 OR SALE Large young team "horses, 4 and 6 in spring, one broke. W. B. Farrier, Turner, Or. e239 WACONDA, two weeks pig sale, all sizes. n;iia Finney, Rt. 2, Ger vais. Or. e236 FOR SALE Goats, $1.50 117F21. per head. Phone e236 FOR SALE Barred Rocks and White Leghorns, pullets. Phone 1140J. f 2 3 c, NOTICE 2 all round farm horses good workers and harness, pay feed bill and take them. Cow and buggy very cheap. Feed store, 254 S. Liberty. ei'40 FOR SALE Miscellaneous PHONE 47F32 for grapes. c242 TOMATOES for sale. Phone 76F11. c237 SEE THIS good business location for restaurant. See L. A. Hay ford, 305 State St. c FOR SALE Drophead Singer sew ing machine cheap. Call 638W. c244 SOME real bargains in used pho- j nograpns, jvioore s Music nouse, M15 Court St. c CONCORD grapes cheap, extra good canning and juice. Write G. A Miller, 260 Marion street, phone 1135W. c239 PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday. . uct, -ftn, i p. m, at i6o south High street, . opposite Orego Electric building, a fine large assortment or household furni ture will be sold at this sale farm implements, livestock and many other articles too numer ous to mention; don't miss thi sale. Col. J. B. Gable, auction - eer. FURNITURE repairing and all kinds of woodwork made to or der. Wood turning, shop 19th and State, phone 882. c FOR SALE Cheap, misses winte coat and beaver hat. Call at 1965 Trade St. c236 FOR SALE Oats and vetch mix ed 3 Mi cents per pound, at Fin- zer station, O. E. six miles out on slough road. Box 231, Rt. 3, phone 78Fl2,.wm. M. Meier. c236 RANGE stove. 9x12 rug, 85 quarts canned fruit. 9 60 Hoyt street. C236 FOR SALE Confectionery store, good business and location, low price, lots of room. Brown, over Busick's, State and Commer cial. TEAM, wagon and harness for sale or will trade for light car. R. C. Gamble, 326 W. Wilson. c237 FOR SALE Four horse 2-bottom 12 inch P & O gang plow. Phone 8F3. C237 PEACHES, pears and apples for sale. W. H. Egan, Gervais, Or phone 3F11. c23 BICYCLE for sale cheap. 1126 S. 12th St. c23S FOR SALE Lloyd baby buggy, 9x12 congoleum rug, vanity dresser. 1765 N. 5th. c23 FOR SALE Oats, seed; also power Phone 101F31. vetch, wheat feed cutter. c237 LOST AND FOUND LOST Bob tail Coliie wearing col lar, with license number. Please notify Herman Fresia, 475 State. Phone 963. k23 JLrOST Black and white fox ter rier dog, also small brown dog. Phone 1786VV4. k237 at Copyright REAL ESTATE 6.86 acres in bearing prunes, some cherries and apples, 6 room bungalow, small barn, 1 miles from end of south Commercial street car line. $3900 and terms any one can handle. This is a good investment. 6 room modern home and two lots on Fairmount hill for $4800. You must see this to appreciate it. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 331 State street. n' LIST your property with S. R. Pearson for quick sale. S. R. Pearson, 210 U. S bank bldg. n FOR SALE- 5 room house, close In on paved i street, partly modern. Price $2000 terms. 5 room bungalow close to car line. Price $2000, $200 cash, bal ance terms. 40 acres with good buildings 1 mile from highway, this is first class; will take house or small acre age as part. Price $8000. If you want to sell, buy or trade see H. L. MARSTERS Phone 907. PORTLAND TRADES We want I ennd farm nf flhnnt firt AflrPN In oxr-hanun . rami Pnrt Is. nri residence Also a Salem residence for a Portland residence and the opposite in exchange. ee 1 tie Fleming Realty Co., 341 State street. n GOOD BUYS 320 acres, 80 acres farm land. buildings, fifteen thousand cords of standing fir timber, 10 miles south, 2 miles from Pacific high way; will consider part trade. Price $65 per acre. 110 acre farm, nearly all culti vated, good buildings, rock road, 8 miles from Salem, best of red hill soil; will consider city proper ty as part payment. Price $125 an acre. $3500 buys 10 acres, 3 acres or loganberries, 2 acres straw berries, some cherries, well, barn, 4 miles south on good road and close to pavement, $500 down and $6 00 per year. 10 acres of fine land located 1 mile from city limits on paved road, best of soil, running water, old buildings, fine location. Price $4000, cash. 50 acre farm, buildings: will take house and lot up to $3500 as part payment. Price $125 per acre. nuu down and no ner month buys 10 acres of first cla3s tree and berry soil all cultivated, rock road, 8 miles south. Price $1250, interest b percent. If you are looking to buy. trade or sen, see w. H. GRAKENHORST & CO. 275 State street. BEST BUYS Grocery business in good loca tion, doing good business. 15 acres, all cleared. 1 logins nouse, tenced; 2 miles from -town. Price $1500, terms on $750. 20 acres, all cultivated. 8 miles out. Price $2500; nothing down if you put on improvements. Apartment house 1 block from post office, 30 rooms, good income; win lane acreage at part Dav. Complete chicken ranch, stock. poultry, equipment, cheap. SOCOLOFSKY 341 State Legal Notice NOTICE Notice is hereby eriven that I nave Impounded the following de scribed dogs in compliance with ordinance No. 1404. towit: One "ui " wuiie rings around his neck. One black and white Shepherd weight about 60 pounds each. The above describ ed dogs will be killed if not re deemed by owners, on or before October 8th, 1922. W. S. LOW, Street Commissioner 239 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the county court for Marion county, state of Oregon, in the matter or the estate of Thomas E. Mitchell, deceased. Notice is hereby iriven that the undersigned has been anDointe.l administratrix of the estate of J nomas ia. Mitchell, deceased, bv an order of the county court for Marion county, Oregon, made and enterea on the 26th day of July, ah persons Having claims agaiirct said estate are required to present them within six months irom the date of this notice, with me ui-fper voucners. to th nn. aersigned at 675 Center street, Sa lem Ci ratrn n Dated this 27th day of Septem ber, 1922. IVA B. MITCHELL, Administratrx. Recent primaries reveal that the country is still more or less dry," while the cities are "wet," or, in other words, that the battle is still between the hick and the hie." "Most of the good listeners are men." Ex. And if you quiz them closely enough you will find they are married men. Corvallls Ga zette-Times. The Portland election sequence seems to be " first the counting, then the recounting and finally the accounting. Bend Bulletin. Recent soundings on Coos bay bar show a depth of 36 feet at mean iow water, which, means over 40 feet high water. 1920 by Int'L Feature Service Inc. I ACETYLENE WELDING- IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cop per. Bring the pieces, yjto-uai Heating t'o., 337 Court. AUTO PAINTING RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING 310 S. Winter St. phone 951. AUTO TOPS TOPS MADE TO ORDER 171 High. AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY the live stock. furniture, real estate auctioneer. Phone 611 for sale dates, Res. 1610 N. Summer. COL. W. F. WRIGHT, the Tur ner auctioneer. The war prices are over, 2 per cent for first $1000 and 1 per cent thereafter. See him for your sales. W. F. Wright. BATTERY SUPPLIES I PREST-O-LITE BATTERY RH1R. I 'i'h' Expert auto electricians. rnune una, 4i Court St. I " wMMaT , Phone 203 TlflfSl l'm n Hitrh V f UJUUU Ratte rles recharged and repaired. Degge Burrell. R. D. BARTON, Exide batteries. starter and generator work. 171 S. Commercial. AUTO Electricians, expert trouble shooting. 23S N. High St. phone 203. CHIROPODIST DR. S. F. SCOTT, 8. C, graduate of the National . University of Science, Chicago. Scientific chi ropody, suite 301-2 Masonic Temple, phone 640 for appoint ments. " DR. HINER foot specialist, all foot aliments relieved. Modern equip ment. itoom s, patton bidg. phone 957. CHIROPRACTOR DR. LENA A. BOONE, chiroprac tor, 475 S. Commercial, phone 1415. Office hours 10 to 12, one to d. 254 DR. SCOTT, Chiropractor. 416 U. bank bldg. DRUGGISTS WM. NEIMEYER, 'JUST DRUGS' 175 N. Commercial, phone 167. J. C. PERR Y. Rexall druggist. 115 S. Commercial St, ELECTRIC SUPPLIES HALIK ELECTRIC SHOP 837 Court. We do house wiring and carry a complete stock of fix tures. Instrument repairing, ex perimental work. Electric appli ances repaired. Phone 488. HOUSE wiring and suDulles. Welch Electric Co. Phil Brown f II. manager, 379 State St. ARCHIE. FLEENER, electrician. nouse wiring by hour or con tract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980, 414 Court St. ITiOIUST CUT flowers and floral pieces. De nvery. u. Brelthaupt, florist, i&a ss. uperty, phone 380. FARM LOANS HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 20 uregon building, 6, 7, 10 and 20 year loans. 5 and 6 nnrnnl interest. Privilege to pay $100 or multiple on any Interest date. I 2ft vioa h valim iao i credit Plan. PreDavment nnvi. leges with discount allowed, will finance you for a less rate oi interest than any firm on the coast., jr. W MARSTERS, 411 Oregon blag .BUILDING LOANS MADE May be repaid like rent Life, Fire, Health. Accident! In demnity, jjiamuty ana Auto In- surance written. A. C. BOHRN3TEDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or, GARAGJS GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING bave your oil use Savoil ols. ton rings. H. H. Schocker, 268 Chemeketa street. RADIATORS Fenders and bodii made or repaired. J. C. Bair, 444 r erry t.. GUARANTEED REPAIRING of all kinds on autos and tractors. uars si-oreo Dy day, week or month. E. Kroeplin and Sons. 1610 N. Commercial and Nor way. HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching stamping, Buttons, hand embroi dery. Room 10, over Miller's store, phone 117. SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain stitcning, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 379. 329 Oregon bldg. INSURANCE W. A. LISTON, GENERAL IN SURANCE Fire, automobile and liability. Bonds and loans. 484 Court. ANDERSON AND RUPERT, IN SURANCE Liabilily, automo bile, fire, surety, bonds. loans and Investments. 406-7 Oregon bldg. MACHINE SHOP WECHTER AND SMITH Machill ists, engineers, welders, HEALD cylinder grinding service. Phone 662, 345 Ferry St. H. AND Al. CO. Specialty grind ers ana welders. Automotive ser vice. 490 Ferry St. Ml'SIO f11' PavinS- 12 weeks, guaran- , over Miiler-8. . Trade 'Mark Reg. in the TJ. S. MERCHANT TAILOR D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men and women. 474 Court St. M. A. ESTES, fine tailoring. State street. 384 MONEY TO 1XJAN PLENTY i)t money to loan on im--proved residence or business property, or for building pur poses. H. E. Bolinger, agent Equitable Savings & Loan asso- ' ciation, 327-328 Oregon bldg." phone 1009. I also write all kinds of insurance. MOTORCYCLES LLOYD E. RAMSDEN. Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles 387 Court street. . HARRY W. SCOTT "The Cycla Man," 147 S. Com. Phone NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND nursery will have sales yard at Cherry City feed ' barn, 644 Ferry St. about Nov... 1. See me before buying. Phone ' 1140M. SALEM Nursery company, fruit Rnd omamentA.! trees, small fruit and roses. Phone 1763. 428 Oregon bldg. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur- dette, optometrist. Bow Optical Co., 325 g,tate street. : MORRIS OPTICAL C Oi suit 801 Oregon ( Elect rlcj OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, .osteopathia !i physician and surgeon. Kirks ville graduate. 404-405 U. S. Na tional bank bldg. Phones, office 919, residence 614. DR3. WHITE AND MARSHALL, osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 606 U. S. bank building. Phone 859. Dr. White , resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence phone 834. PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, . pianos, phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re-L pairing phonographs and sew ing machines, 432 State, Salem. "EVERYTHING IN MUSIC" Moore's Musio houses, 419 Court : street and Masonic bldg. P LUM BIN U THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works, 164 S. Commercial. 1 PLUMBING, repairing and coil work, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. Phone 1397J. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns to Rowland Printing company, phone 1512 Masonic Temple. REPAIRING STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60 years experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sizes 26 to 68 inches high. Paints, oil .and varnishes, etc. logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street, phone 124. SCAVENGER NEAL SCAVENGER Phone 18 67R. WAGON. SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167, Night phone 1237M. R. O. Cum mings, Mgr. TRANSFEtt OREGON Transfer & Storage Co. uars wasnea ana polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertilizer; 4 foot slab wood for sale. Phono 77. WATER COM PANT SALEM WATER COMPANY Of- Ilce, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 67. WOOD WORKING WOOD WORKING All kinds of wood work made to order. Nov elty Shop 239 Court, telephone 1742. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital . Journal readers. (Revised daily.) Grain: No. 1 white wheat 97c; No. 2 mixed wheat 95c; No. 3 red wheat 94c; (sacked.) Hay: Cheat hay llb.uo: oat bay J 17 18; clover hay (baled) 1617. Wholesale Price Meat: Hogs $10.75; dressed hogs 14c; top steers 664c; cows 44e; bulls 3c; lamDs a dc ftc; dressed veal 13c. Poultry: Light hens 130: heavy hens 18c; old roosters 810c; broilers 18 20c iiutterfat: Butterfat 48c; cream- ry butter 49ij50c; country butter 0ltf32c; eggs 3bc; milk wt. , Vegetables: Wax onions $2.2 crate; beets $2.00 cwt; Oregon cabbage 2c lb; gren peppers 10c b; ; potatoes $1.00 cwt; Oregon ettuce $2.25 per crate; parsley 40a oz; tomutoes 50c bushel; cucum bers 40c per doz. Fruits: Oranges $9.75; lemons 9.00; bananas 10c; Calif, grape fruit $7.60; cantaloupe $1.151.51 .lAnJurd; watermelons lVfcc lb. Oregon peaches 74c a II ptt box Retail races Poultry and eggs: Eggs 39 & 45c; reamery butter 65c. Portland, Or., Oct. S. Cattle weak; receipts 20; choice steers 7.25)7.75; medium to good steers 6.50417.50; common to fair $3.75 j 5.50; choice cows and heifers 5.006.U0; medium to good $3.60 4.50; fair to medium $3,000 3.60; common $2. 0003. 00; can 'ners $1,504)12.60; bulls $3,000 4.00; choice feeders $5,004? 5.50; fair to good $4,00 45.00; choice dairy calves $8.509.50; prima light $8.000 8.50; common light $7.006 8.00; heavy calves $5,00 4 7.00; common $45. Hogs lower; receipts 123; prime light $10. 75& 11.25; smooth heavy 200 to 300 pounds $10,000 10.50; 300 pounds ar1 up $9,000 0.00: rough heavy $7.00 0 9.00: feeder pigs $11.00 1 1.50; fat pigs $11011.25; stags $57.50. heep weak: receipts 1333; choice val lambs $9.50 iy 10.50; mod ium $8.5008.60: common $7,606? 8.50; culls $6.5&7.50: light year nings $801.50; heavy $7,50 48.00; 'light wethers $6.60 & 7.60; heavy i. 50426. 50; ewes $25. Butter steady; extra cubes 4 2c; 'inder grades 39 0 40c; carton 47o; irtnts 4o. Butterfat No. 1 churning cream 111 t o k Portland; 45c at sta tions; under grades 45 Q 47c. 1 W