0.- " - THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SEPTEMBER 22, 1922 fRlDAY, PAGE FIFTEEN , Green Goods if You. Want M Bad lit, t In oney .lives 8 , 10 cent- a week. 45 w month. H ear ln ad" '!?.. 11 in Marion and Polk 111 EA rontn. 8 V.r'Li month 68 cent Mtin""",r 6 montns "ntu 00 , Elsewhere 50 cents SSuI .'Z2S: i . as' and Cl& !"ler!? ia'em. Oregon. patter" . . . ' Member IM",n. tt or not otherwise """"J in this PPr nd als0 lo" yi'!ig,hPel herein. ' . Mera Audit Bureau of Circulations """ ri'ltv. New Tort People Gai m, Chicago. Ill -TxgsiFlED RATES "grrrr word each Insertion minimum per a. 25 cenU. nritCertlon only In New To , . C ty a da cash in advance. ,, ' wn over phone, unless ,S;.t?.er h. m.ntSly account 'I'townce for phone error. NEW TODAY vaK SALE Htrlutly modern six room bungalow, done ln; a real LaCe. Price $7500, $1600 cash, WO- term. Bee Kruegr. Ore gon hiHg-nhone 217. " ,w . .ina. A real stave car It a real bargain price, term . mweateeie- jwim --- :rrJTTrrrtToK TOURING A nrlvate party mult sell this Dodge rigm - nearly new cord Urea, spotlight, iinoMe. and the fin ish is Just like new; terma. Call rn.n .artlt UltUMQ&lI.iC .A Huo mobile is seldom offered for tali. This on ai n e "" ipntlleht, bumper, motometer, rut out, ana raotury ui, ..tiw nwnejl. Will sell, reason .m omH apnent terms. Call mi,.!. Ur. Jack Schioler. " ' 22fi new BUNGALOW 5 rooms ,r.,i mndlUon. Dlastered. near MrKlnler school. Brfoa $2350 h w 1 1 firahenhorst & Co !IS Slate St. a22T BARGAIN 5 room bungalow on paved street, basement, garage. Price $1380 cash. W. H. Graben- horst & Co., l ra state ni. a .Tru-, nnva TCASY TERMS H acre tracts near Knglewood mhool. Price 00, 50 down and f 10 per month. 10-100 of an aore on car line woth of city limits all cultivated. Pries $900, $80 down, 10 per month. 10 acres all cultivated, fine fruit land. Price J1250, 100 down, J 10 per month. 80 acre farm, buildings. 60 acres tinder plow, 8 acres strawberries, V miles out on main road. Price f)(00, part cash Real estate and fire insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 276 State St. U. 3. Dana piag. LOOK $4000 buys 5 room mod ern bungalow on paved street, fi-nlHoe. furnace, laundry trays, wood lift, modern plumbing and llgtus, good garage and bearing fruit, terms. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co, 275 State St1- a227 FOR RENT Small house Kins wood park, $15 per month. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street 226 FOR EXCHANGE A nice little 4 room house south Saiem. Price very reasonable war.-t auto as first payment flood 6 room house plastered, east; want auto and some cah, balance easy terms. A good 8 room house for close in acreage with buildings. Good 7 room house, modern ex cept basement, for a small farm 40 to SO acres. A good farm, 195 acres, well im proved, good buildings, all kinds of fruit, 120 acres plowed balance timber and pasture land good , to farm when cleared, want Salem or Portland property to half value, balance easy terms. Houses to sell wKh $150 to $500 tsh, balance monthly payments. D. S. HILDEBR AND Bayne bldg, 341 State St. room 8, phone 794. 22S ' " ' - IiTj V.U1 111 . w t . . .. tent house, and some furniture. Price $500. 6 acres, small house, all cultivated, close to car line, good soil and two acres in straw berries, cheap at $1500. D. S. Hildebrand, room 8 Bayne bldg. 341 state St. phone 794. n228' GOOD" cow for sale cheap. 1J17M." e227 ONE BIG BARGAIN 6 room "early new house, porches, wood shed and chicken house. $1300 H cash. No other buy in Salem like it A. W. Estes Realty Co.. Patton bldg. ohone 768. a227 Farm FOR RENT Ca?h or crop 154 acres, 60 acres hay. 10 acres Pasture, 7 acres orchard, bal ance ready to crop; black loam oil. large creek, good buildings. "i highway. A W. Estes, Patton ldg. Phone 768. J1T ONLY $200 cash. Move into a 6 room bungalow and pay $20 pel month. Total price $2200. Barn and garage. You can't afford tr "ent. A. W. Estes Realty Co. Patton bldg. a227 p0R SALE Ladies dress pattern form cheap: and 2 mud chainf .. t. fEaw fi R SALE Ky owner, cut price Ison if in i davs. my nice room modern cottage, close n. Price $2000.-Rents for $30. 141 Estate t. ., . Slmmptt. '226 OR RENT Room 25 by 60 for business or living rooms, paved treet close in. J41 State, Chas. Erametf 22 PRUNE pickers wanted, young Phone ercnflLrd, good - prunes. 1278R. 226 J't'R sat it n .. ... r-1. T aix room kouse, new and complete in ev ery detail, large or small lot, terms. Will take smaller house a Part payment, phone !18J. r call at 1198 N. Cotutge St. - - J!i " storage en prunes, etc see (JDital City Transfer Co. phone 221 State St. Brick wre house. 1228 ' OOM furnished hoase for rent, '-arge bMnm s n. lth. wlIL lease THK S. O. ft mnair BhOD Ls DOW '"ady to do general repairing. 8. 25th street. We repair "ything from a sewing machine saw mill. R. Lamb, milt NEW TODAY ROOMS- -257 N. Church. J228 LAW text books for sale Paul M. elms, 442 State. 226 LOST Bunch of keysi finder please leave at Journal office k228 GIRL student to work for room and board Phone 1245M g22T WANTHD To rent farm by ex perienced man, (01 N. ,17th street. 226 t'OR SAXB Bird dog. Rt. t. box 12T e231 FOR SALE Two bottom, four horse, 12 inch P & O gang plow. Brunks corner, Rt, 2, phone th'i evenings. e227 LOST Fox terrier from Bellevue hotel. Answers name of "Bob." Liberal reward. k22T FOR RENT Furnished room, gentlemen preferred. 975 Cen ter street. J228 FOR SALE Sewing machine, separator cheap. Phone 23F31. c2J8 10 SINGER oewing machines, slightly marred in shipping or demonstrators, foot power and electric at greatly reduced pric es. Singer Sewing Mch Co., 549 Court street, phone 441. c231 FOR SALE House with 7 rooms. a$28 phone 431R. TWO ACRE TRACTS Near city limits; unimproved. Beautiful location; ideal suburban hdmes. $200 an aore, terms. See Har ris, 624 N. Capitol, 1P42J. 22 WANTED 1000 lbs. vetch seed, phone 1TT6J. I!2T FOR RENT-Furnlshed room. 242 center. j22E CONCORD grapes cheap, extra good canning and uee Write G. A. Miller, 260 Marlon street, phone 1135W, c238 5 ROOM plastered house, modern, dutch kltcheu, basement, garage, lot 50x125. $2600, $500 down $25 ' per month; will take a good lot in traae up to sagv locaiea in south Salem. 9 room plastered house located east, large corner lot, plenty of fruit; can tie handled on bonus ' loan. $2500, 8 room new house not completed large corner lot, street paved, lights, bath, toilet, woodshed, north. Price $1100 cash. 1 block to car. 5 room plastered house, north modern. $2500, $1000 down; will trade for small acreage south. 20 acres, 2 acres fruit, house, barn, lots of good timber, on good road. $2400. $1000 down balance good terma. Ben F. 'West 870 Vj State St. 226 I HAVE leased the Alexandria, 1030 Chemeketa street, the best and -most favorably known res identlal rooming house ln the city. Two rooms are now avail able, alsoi garage. Mrs. W. C. Young, phone 2969J. J228 EASY terms, five rooms, new and modern, $500 down, balance easy Price $3600. Something dlffor- - ent, 6 rooms, two story Dutch Colonial, built for a real home in select neighborhood, small cash payment will handle. Hewlett, 755 N. Summer, phone 1883 226 FOR SALE A snap, furniture of three room apt. Apt. ror rent very reasonable. Apt. 5, 265 N Commercial. c237 WANTED To trade lot for Ford. 1585 Saginaw. 226 WANTED Middle aged man for farm work. Box 165, Rt. 7, Sa - lem. - g228 FOR RENT 4 room furnished apartment at 175 S. 14th. J227 WANTED To buy second hand bicycle. Fhona 109F21 after 7 p. m. 1228 SCHOOL girl to work for boaid and room, phone 1599W. g228 FOR RENT FURNISHED sleping room for gentleman, 205 Oregon bldg.. phone 1527. J OFFICE room for rent, 205 Ore gon bide, phone 1627. j" FOR RENT 6 room house. ,1441 North Com'l St. y&zi RENT or sale, bouse furnished, garage, $20; farm 68 acre dairy. Box 100 Journal. 3243 BOARD and room at 303 S. Win ter street ' j226 FOR RENT 2 newly furnished housekeeping rooms. 404 N. Church, phone 1365W.. J22 GARAGE for rent, phone 1413J. 1295 Marion, 3227 FOR RENT Two 3 room apart ments, electric stoves, new fur niture. 1207 S. Commercial-j22 7 FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE By owner nice im proved 40 acre farm, close to Sa lem. Phone 58F5, Rt. 5, Box 61A FOR SALE By owner, $90 an acre for 85 acres, in cultiva tion, house, barn, orchard, 3 springs, H mile to school, 18 miles south of Portland, terms. Box Cll Capital Journal. b291 FOR SALE 15 acres on paved road. 5 room house, good barn, cood variety of fruit for family use, Uving water on place, 1 horse, 1 cow, new wagon 60 chickens; good harness. Price $265. D.E. Hart 371 Stae SNAPS 10 acres 3ust out of ' citv limits with improvements for $2500, $1250 cash. 80 acres nf choice wood timber 3ust off highway close in, $4500 $2000 cast See Petersen. 229 Oregon 'sale. Gertrude J. M. Page, i N. Cottage. BRINGING UP t I 111 V . .irxj , . c . i-vs-.-v- a&.-i If 1 f I I I I II 7 IVV Bin. I I - 1 ' ' II I - J 1 I ill -v rt I l v tix4 las i i e 3227 i rr" i t t , ii u i MISCELLANEOUS PHONE 1177 or 1211J If you want mi your iurnittire, stock or machinery, will buy or sell on commission. Bee Satterlee. the auctioneer, at 404 Ferry St., 8a lem, Or. m HIGHEST price paid for second nana cietning and shoes. Also cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Ex change, 342 N. Commercial, phone H6SW. m WANTED Furniture, tools, ma- cninery, stock, etc. will buy for cash, or sell on commission. Phone 511, Woedry, the auction eer, m THE Royal Cafeteria is now pay ing lc mere for eggs than any body else. ni22T d. SATTERLeiB, auctioneer, fur niture, stock and farm sales. Phone 1211J. UTTi 404 Ferry St., Salem, Or, LOANS Let me see you about e loan if you want to build we can help you. Plenty of money, nu delays. Call 534, let us leu you. WANTED Old mattresses to make ever. Phone 1, capital city Bedding Ce. m DRESSMAKING Fancy and plain sewing, children clothes a specialty. 1305 Broadway, phone 1274J. mini i WORK horses for keeping. See Jno. Brephy, Ladd Bush bank or phone 61F12. ni387 WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED To buy household furniture. Phene 1446 1" WANTED Furniture, tools, etc Phone 611. WANTED Used furniture, rang es, heaters, cook stoves, tools, etc We pay cash, get our prices before you sell. Liberty Exchange 541 N. Com'l St. phone 841. i" WE are booking orders lor iau landscape werk, cut nowero. bedding plants and floral de signs. J. M. Maruny, phone lit. WANTED Seewod hand furniture and stoves. We also carry a full Una of new furniture, stoves, tools? etc. Once then always. People's Furniture store, JT1 I. Commercial Bt phone 734. I WANTED Beef veal, hogs and mutton, live or dressed; also butter, eggs and chickens; will pay best market prices. See us before selling. Peoples Meat Market. l)i N. Liberty St 1226 WANT ED To buy horse power hop press. Call or pnone 1 Ross. Indenendeno, Or. 1287 WANTHD To rent or lease from 8 to 6 years, modern 4 to 14 room house, close ln, either f,,pniHit or unfurnished; no i,nrn Boi 1 CaDital Journal v'"'" " 1226 iu,uTir.ii Pasture for horse. In ouire 320 State street I326 ivinritn To buv small house from owner, will pay cash. Box it w Oanttal Journal. 1327 REAL ESTATE SPECIAL Must be sold. 110 acres only 7 miles from Salem, over 5000 cords of wood; its sure a irin for tS7 iter acre, or will fi- o-nnd home in Salem. in u ln cultivation, good nlaatered house, H mile from oaved road. Price $2500 will trade for city property or take light car. 6 roam house; part modern, good buy for $1100. Make your own terms. We can sell your house. Call 176, .Thomason, SSltt State street " ; 2 A BUILDING for a garage in splendid location, grocery store for sale. Gertrude J. M. Page, 3 blocks north of post office on Cottage street. 5 6 room cottage, large corner lot. abundance fruit, good location, partly furnished. $1700. 6 room modern house, furnace, garage, $4600; will take vacant lots as part payment, on paved StrTroom modern home, fireplace, dutch kitchen, built in features very fine, part basement, fine con struction, excellent view, Fair mount park addition, two good lots, $4800. 6 86 acfes 1W miles from south Commercial street car line, all in bearing prunes, cherries and ap ples five room house, small barn. $3900, easy terms, or will take me dium priced property in Salem. Owner has left here and wants to -all WINNIE PETTYJOHN SS1.H State St. BEST BUYS 6 rooms, modern, 5 blocks out, $3500, terma. , 20 acres, ltt miles from Salem limits in Garden road section, ma cadam road, electric light line. $5000, 11000 casn Dami-o .ere. 47 cleared, 26 ares 5 0 acres. Italian prunes 6 ana " '- r timber. Price reduced for QUICK sale to $7500; this is a good buy. Have several smau w. awhanirA tor WilC"" denCe8- SOCOLOFSKY 341 State. Situations Wanted FOR experienced phone 1352J EXPERIENCED steno g r a P.h r and bookkeeper wants P''" 1515-ur c Ph ilips- h226 HorSEC LEANING work to do. h227 nhone 1509W GIRL High school or 'ver student wanted to for room and board. Box 1 caie Journal. - - TOST AND FOUINU FATHER - ..... card! nent corner, at 1 I I fo, LX)ST.aie Ky -. ....- tr(jUe j M Fage, w.Tt. . attacneo. ', - , . 1 ve at .journal off"'- . , J,j. ti- WANTED HELP THE Whitney company is conduct ing logging and sawmill opera tions in Tillamook ceunty. and is hiring men for camp and sawmill werk at going wages. No strikes. Goed, clean camps and good, wholesome grub. 9 -hours work fer 9 hours pay. For saw mill work, address H. H. Mor gan, Garibaldi, Oregon; for Jog ging camp work, address W. J.' Norrts, Idavllle, Oregon. g EXPERIENCED maid fer general housework, reference required. Mrs. Louis Laehmund, 925 Court street. g WANTED Two live wire automo- blle salesmen, 49 N. Cemmer- cial street g836 WANTED 6 men by Oct 1 to werk in mill. Phone Turner 6. B229 WANTED Man and team to yard out woed. Phone 78F8. 6221 Y5TJNU lady stenographer and fcsokkeeper wants position. phone 1T5TM. g226 WANTED Girl for general house Work. Mrs, R, J, Vallten, 1635 State street. g287 WANTED Lady waitress, 228 N. Commercial. e827 PRUNE pickers wanted, haul to and from orchard, good picking, pay lOci campers preferred. Call 58F14 any time. g226 WANTED Prune pickers; also a man for dally work. Apply k& foury Bros, or after six p. m call 468R. g226a WOMAN to care for baby fair week. 9002R after 6 p. m. g!3 TOR SALE Automobiles olesoS "UskB exit SxT CHANGE. Cars bought and sold. Guaranteed repairing. Washing, No matter what make of trac tor. truck or car you have, we can supply you with parts. W. B. Burns Dan Burns (Nat Brothers, the Same Man) High street at Ferry. q SALE or trade, Studebaker 6, good condition. 8 cora ures. gooa paint, suitable for large family or stage: will make seme one a bargain or trade for lighter car or city property. B M. i'earson, 210 U. B. bank bldg; q GARAGE for sale, good loeullon Price $800. D. m. Hart, ail mate street. 1 FOR SALE Oakland six, 1920 model, looks and runs like new $400 219 State St. - q226 GOOD Hurley Davidson bloyole rood Ures. 820. 933 N. 1-th Bt. q296 VELIB touring for sale., new paint and in fine shape; can take r orci or Chevrolet as part payment. Huffman Motor Co.;- State and Front. q'28 1017 FORD touting $1H6; Hudson touring in fine running order, $260. Huffman Motor Co., State and Front St. q228 USED CARS Priced right for quick sale. Be fore buying see these cars. 1919 Dodge $560 1919 Overland 90 $260 Ford sedan $500 1919 Oakland $425 Buiok big 6, 7 paasenBor 60(l 1919 Buiok touring $600 W19' Buiok roadster $650 1922 Bulck 4 $875. OTTO J. WILSON 888 N. Com'l, phone 220. q227 ro TRADE 6 DBHseuger tounnl car for lot or first payment on small place. J. W. Arnett, gen. del.. Salem. Q227 FOR SALE HOlSES 5 ROOM house, full basement 14 block of Summer street, 1 block street car. $1800. M.. J. Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg a FOR SALE By owner, bungalow Phone 896W. . 234 MODERN 5 room house, lot 60x 165, $1000 down, terms. Address its n eoth. a880 PORTLAND TRADE3--What have have you to trade for income property in Portland, or have you a Salem house to trade for a Portland house? See Fleming, 341 State St. " a GET A HOME 7 room house, lights, bath, city water, good condition, half basement, close to school, 8 blocks to car, east, for only $1900 and $450 will handle. Brown over Buslck j State and Commercial. a GET A HOME Just listed a flv room plastered house, good con dition, with lights, water and all furniture, for $2000 on- $506 down, balance monthly. Brown, over Busick". State and Com mercial. TWO nice modern plains close in, one 8 room modern $5000, the other $5600, paved streets. Come and see them. We have photos of most of our city homes. Brown over Busick's, State and CnmmffrPlal. a ntOOaThouse $850, $200 down; 3 room house $850. $200 down; 6 room bungalow $2200. $300 down; 6 acres close in trade for rltv 4 room house $750, iuu down. Brown or Powell. over Busick"s, State and Commer- cial. BARGA1N $4500 buys tills Dun galow. modern except furnace has garage, fruit, berries and shrubbery, lot 60x125; this Is well built house, to see it is to hv It terms "A down. c Hayford, 385 State St. a 6 ROOM bungalow, basement gas garage, large lot, fruit, cement walks, paved street good loca tion south; will take car on first payment. $650 down will han dle S. R. Pearson, 210 V. S bank bldg. i-ROOMS all on one floor, proml- ml a. 1,1 , b . " - "I I WELL- I'LL. BC OP AM' LJ OCT TOMORROW- I'LL VVAtN I'M Or4 THE ' eQA.T AL.rA' V8. CHINA FOR SALJS HOUSKS HAVE bought a farm and will 2' move en It, for that reason wilt 5 sell my home cheap. Inquire at ( 1880 S. Commercial street for price. a227 ROOM beautiful house on State street furnished! garage, well located, $5000. Gertrude J. M. Pago. -a BUILD yeu a little city near the fair grounds, and buy ef us 9 acre tract worth your while. Sa lem is growing and growing fast Foe us at 492 N. Cottage, three blocks north of post office, a ROOM modern bungalow, brand new. Gertrude J. M. Page, 498 N. Cottage. FOHSAL LIVESTOCK" bUPPlBS for sale. Fox terrier and Airedale. Agents for Bpratts dog. eat and bird foods and rem edies. E. B. Flake, 278 State, 6a- lem. e OR SALE Leghorn pullets. Boi 13, Rt. 8, Salem, phone 109F11 f226 YOUNG Jersey eew for sale, $4 Call 11FS4. e288 FOR SAL 81 3 Chester White gilts ' m. , box 4T. . FOR SALE Goed e227 family eow; calf. e227 also $ weeks old heifer I Phone 99F4. FOR SALE Gray tea 7 years, weight 8006 lbs. Gray and bay 10 years, weight 2760 pounds; also 6 week pigs and furniture, phone 1Z5ZM. e827 FOR SALE W06D WOOD sawing. Wheeler, phone ee391 1904J. WOOD sawing. Fisher Bros., city ana country. Phone 8046. ee389 WOOD SAWING, phone 1131, city ; ur country. r,u proea. eeas BEST grade mill wood 4 ft. and 16 lnoh, prompt delivery and reasonable prloes .Fred B. Wells, 305 8. Church street, phone 1542. ee PLACE your order with the Salem ' fuel yards, 761 Trade 3t for j! your winter's wood and coal. Phone 589, res. 1068, Chas. Boon and Sons. WOOD for sale, extra large nice ) dry second growth. Phone 1727 ee230 t FOR SALE 80 cords cood sound second growth fir woot; will sell on the ground, f o b cars at Aumsville, or delivered Salem W. P. Brantley, Aumsville, Or, ee22 Polk County Court Circuit Court, H. L. Whittled vs. Western Ore gon Land company. Action for foreclosure. Peter Johnson vs. Peter F. Tr ves, et ux. Action for money. Subscribe for the Journa Hamman Auto Stage Effective May 8 2nd Three stages Dally Leaves Salem Stage Terminal: No. 1, 7:80 a. m. No. 8, 10:30 m. No, 6, 4:30 p. m. teave Mill City: i No. 8, 7 a. ra. No. 8. 13:30 o. i No. 4, 4 p. m. No. 8 connects i with east bound train at Mill i City, No. 2 waits for west bound ! train at Mill City. i JOS. HAMMAN, Prop, Sa4eui-Silverun DIvUdou Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m., 11:00 a, in. 8:06 p. m. Leaves Sllverton News Stand. 6:00 . a. m., 1:00 p. ni., 6:00 o. m. . Balent-Iadopeiitdenoa-MoiiiMouUl vinsooei Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter . mlnaL .7:00 a. m.. t:00 a. 11:00 a. in- 8:00 p. m.. 6:00 p. m. Leaves Monmoutn. Monmoutn n tel. 8:15 a. m 1:00 p. m., 6:1 D. m. Leaves Independence, Beaver ho. , tel. 8:80 a. m., 10:00 a. m., 1:1 ' n. m.. 4:00 p. m., 8:30 p. m. We make connections at Salem to all parte of the valley. I Extra trips by appointment ' J. W. PAJUihJl General Manarei KLLVKHTON HOUKl ANGLXr PORTLAND ! C. M. Stages Schedule South Bound Read down i Dly. Dly. Dly. f No S No 8 No 1 I PM PM AM 4 8:00 1:30 8:00 Portland . :06 8:35 10:06 Mt Angel f 1:30 4:00 10:30 Sllverton I Ar Ar Ar North Bound Read Up i Dly. Dly. Dly. I No 2 No 4 No 6 S AM PM PM 18:30 4:00 8:30 Portland 1:26 1:55 6:26 Mt Angei 2-06 1:80 6:00 Sllverton Lv Lv Lt Sunday only 8:00 pm fm Portland Stages leave Stage Terminal Port land and Steelhammer's Drug store Sllverton Salem-Dallas Stage Lsaire SeJam Towut 1 t:0 am, lliOt a-in. 1:10 pm. Wvefcaias. Call IIMet 6:t a. m. : as. 686 as, FARB 6 CHNTS Dally m4 tsvdy j.,, j day exeept mornlaf trip dose et ran onday ytosmd Trl 68 t TOUO. M1K UHCOHXIOO -Mt VA.r CLAD TO HT.f. THAT ACETYLENE WKIiBINH IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cop per. Bring the pieces, oxo-oas Heating Co.. 837 Court AUTO PAlATlNtt Reliance auto painting. 810 a Winter St. phene 951. At'lX TOPS TOPS MADE TO ORDER 171 S. High. AUCTION KKR N. WOODRY the live stock, furniture, real estate auctioneer. Phone 811 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer. COL. W. F. WRIGHT, the Tur- ner auctioneer. The war priees are ever, 2 per cent fur first $1009 and 1 per cent thereafter. See him for year sales. W. F. Wright. - ' UATTe.ht SltPI'l,liS PlTSst - O-TjTB fiATT BR? SR- V1CE, Expert auto eleetrieians. Phene 1808. 418 Court St. recharged and repntres. iBS' Burrell. R. D. BARTON, Bxide ban eries. starter and generator worn. iu S. Commercial. . AUTO Electricians, expert trouble shooting, 188 N. High 8t phene B08. " CTITROPRACTR DR. SCOTT, Chiropractor, 411 t). S. bank bids. oniuopornKT rR It INS; It fuot BDeclalist. all f ailments relieved. Modern equip ment. Room 8, Patten Biag. phone 95T. ri.lrrWi Fi.t'xWd sitprhiF HA Lift icLSortiia SHOP 83f Court. We do house wiring ana "o? carry a complete stock or lis tures. Instrument repairing, ex perlmental werk. Eleotrla appll ancca repaired. Phone 486. ' HOUSE wiring and supplies. Welch Eleotrio Co. Phil Brown- ell, manager, 879 Btate Bt, ARCHIE FLEENEH. electriuian. bouse wiring by hour or contract- Estimates furnished. Phone 980. 414 CoTlrt Bt. FlAHtlWT CUT flowers aud floral pieces. De livery. C. F. Brsithaupt, florist 123 N. Liberty, pbone 380. ' FARM LOANS HAWKINS AND ROBBRTS 206 Oregon building, 8, 7, 10 and 20 year loans, 6 and 6 percent interest. Privilege to pay $100 or multiple on any Interest date. 20 YEAR FARM LOANS on rural credit plan. Prepayment privi leges with discount allowed. 1 will finance you for a less rate of Interrat than any firm on the coast. F. W MAR3TERS, 411 Oregon bldg UU1LD1NU LOANS MADS May bs repaid like rent Life, Fire, Health, Accident In demnity, Liability and Auto In surance written. A. O. BOHRNSTEDT - 401 Masonic Temple. Balero. Or. GARAGES GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Save your oil use tea v oil pis ton rings. H. H. Schooker, 268 Chemeketa street RADIATORS Fenders and bodies made or repaired. J. C, Bair, 444 Ferry St. GUARANTEED REPAIRING of all kinds on autoa and tractors. Cars stored by day, week or month. E. Kroeplln and Sons, 11110 N. Commercial and Nor way . 1 FOR SALE Miscellaneous APPLES Waxene, Snow, Pippin. Hicks, Fruitland, box 61. c238 FOR SALE WoOd saw, team and harness. 1236 Market call 2082R c227 SEE THIS good business location for rewtaurant. See L. A. Hay ford, 305 State St. C NOTICE Big auction sale Satur day, Sept. 23rd 1 p. m. at 180 S. High street. All kinds of fur niture, machinery, live stock and miscellaneous articles will be sold at tbeas sales. We sell on commission basis. Got your list ings in early each week so that we can advertise them. Sale will start promptly at one o'clock ev ery Saturday. Phone 1446. Col. J. B. Gable, auctioneer. e FOR SALE Drophead Singer sew ing machine cheap. Call 638W. c244 SOME real bargains in uacd pho nographs. Moore's Music house, 415 Court St. c FOR SALE 5 room house, close ln on paved street, partly modem. Price $2000 terms. 6 room bungalow close to car lino. Price $2000, $200 cash, bal ance terms. 40 acres with good buildings 1 mile from highway, this ls first class; will take house or small acre age as part. Price $8000. If you want to sell, buy or trade see H. L. MARSTERS Phone 807. TENT with fly. Phone 4H1K, :227 FoR SAXrE Gravenaiein apples 60c to $1 delivered any place in ii.la, Phone 4F4. Rt. 8, box 47. C227 FOR SALE 641inch dining table and 6 leather seated dining chairs. 245 Lincoln St. c22 fOMATOES for sale. Phone 76F11. c2 J7 TOO VCR.E. AND HE :WD m " DRUGGISTS WM. NEIM-BTBR, UST DRUGS' ITS N. Commercial, phone 17. " J. C. PERRYj Rexall druggist lU S. Commercial St M WMTiANT TAILOR THE ADSU'S Ladies tailoring. 863 N. 12th, phone 2086R. D. It. MOSHEH Tailor for men and women. 474 Court St M. A. ESTES, tine tailoring. 884 State street M:S!8TllH.:n?l MRS. C E. MILLER, hemstitching stamping, buttons, hand embroi dery. Room 10, ever Miller's store, phone 117 IXI,E'M'Siiie, kemulllealhg, ehain eutening, pleating. ouiiwna. Btampiug and needlework. Phone T t'regon uin g. TSl'HAMCK W, A. LlSTON, GENERAL 1N- BU RANCH Fire, aututnseiie and liability. Rends and leans 484 Court. ' ANbiETlS'ON AND RUPERT, 1N- SURANCE Liability. automo bile, fire, surety, bends, leans and investments. 406-T Oregon bldg. MAt'tllftK SHOP WEUHTWH AND SMITH Macbln Ists, engineers, welders, HBAU) cylinder grliullng service. Phene em, 4i yerry Bt. 1L AND M. CO. Specialty gilnd ers and welders. Automotive ser vice. 40 Ferry St PLENTY at money te loan on im- . proved residence) er business biouerty. or fer building pur poses. If. E. Rellnger, agent Equitable Savings Loan asso ciation. 17-111 Oregon bldg. phone 1009. 1 also write all kinda or insurance. MOTbltCYt LKH LLOYD K liAMSUEtf, Indian meteroyeles and Dayton bloyoles BUT Court street. HA HHTwT SCOTT mmm? -im "The Cyole Man,- t. aouoi 147 B. Cum. Phone ki 68. piano ularina. 12 weeks, guaran t..d Baalnnera. advanced. Room 8 over Millers. "SiruSwtY STOCK FRU1TLAND nursery will have sales yard at Cherry City feed barn. 544 Ferry St. about Nov. 1. Bee me before buying. Phone 1140M Hii.i.-.M Nursarv company, fruit n,1 ornamental trees, small fruit and roses. Phone 1768. 481 Oregon bldg 61'TK'lANS nr.lxuiChi f Iliad bv Dr. L. R. Bur dette. optometrist. Bow Optical 'Co., 825 State street. uokRm OPTICAL O O suite 891 Oregon iww,; OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathia physiolan and surgeon. K-irKS Cm. graduate. 404-405 U. S. Na tloual bank bldg. Phones, office 919, residence 614. DRS. WHITE AND MAlthllALU osteopathlo physicians ana sur geons, 60 U. S. bank building wh.i Sol. Dr. White . real- dance phone 459; Dr. Marehall, . -I PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet inualo and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines, 482 State, Salem. 'EVERYTHING IN MUSIC. Moore's Musio houses, 419 Court "street and Masonic bldg. rLUMIUNQ THEO. M, BARR Plumbing, heating, sheet metal wdrks, 16 S. Commercial. PLUMBING, repalrlug and coll work, reasonable charges. A. L, Godfrey, shop foot of Union Bt. Phone 1397J. - PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns to Rowland Printing company, phone 1612 Maaonio Temple. REPAIRING STOVE3 rebuilt and repaired. 60 years experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, siwsa 26 to 68 Inches high. Paints, oil nd varnishes, etc. logan berry and hop books. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 256 Court street, phone 124. SCAVKNGKH NEAf, SCAVENGER WAGON Phone 1867R I SALEM bCAVENGEK Garbage and refuse of all kinda removed by the month at reasonable rater. Cesspools cleaned und dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167. Night phone 1237M. R. O. Cum min gMg r. TRANSFrJl OREGON Transfer a Storage Co. Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fortllizer; 4 foot -slab wood for sale, i'bom 77. WATKK l I'A-N Y S&I.F.U WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly In advance. Phone 9 1. WOOD WOKK1.NG WOOD WORKING All kinds OI -All wood work made to order. Nov elty Shop Court telephony int. IF HE COMtt) nti TH( MOtiFTA.U HE'S COMT-tA T HEiE'. 3 FORD PURCHASES GOAL AT HOOVER'S FAIR PRICE SCALE Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. J ,;, By Asssciated Press) An order , , for coal tor the Ford Motor com pany of Detroit was signed bare " today by ft representative ef the Ford company with the American v Expert and Inland Coal corpora-,,,, tlon of this citr. tt was announc ed by Ernest F. Heasley, presl-' dent of the coal cerperatlen. Ab- ' ' ner Lnnaford, general manager of ' mines ef tbs Ford company, con- n firmed the announcement, Baying that he had signed the order In behalf ef the Detroit concern. i-. Mr, Heasley refused te state - the price te be paid for the coal . and the amount In tonnage the - order eallad tor. He did say. how- , ever, that bis company bad th.; coal end it would come from mines ln Kentucky and West . Virginia. Mr. Lunsford, whs Is acting as coal purchasing agent bare, when asked at wbat price end to- what extent be bad bought coal for the . . Ford company said: , "You can lay that it was at the . Hoover fair price and that we now bare ordered enough coal to .... run . the plants for 10 day. We are buying ooal ai fast aa we can got it at the prices we ask. By i the end of 10 days we hope to -have enough to run us indefinite- . iy." : "With the removal of Interstate , commerce commission number 13, most of our regular shippers who ; had supplied us with coal before It went into effect have begun shipments again," Mr. Luuaford continued. "In a short time we will have e safe margin of sup ply." KELMAL SEIZES KEY POSITION (Continued from Page One.) else here. It was declared yester day that uuless the KeuiallBts re- i celred assurances and guarantees from the allies within 48 hours that the question of the dlsposl- ; lion of Thrace would be settled lu , 1'avor of the Turks, a serious situ ation would arise, and lt would be impossible to restrain the for- ' : ward march of their army. U; At the same time, howevm, n was stated that the Angora gov ernment .would agree to regalia- ' ! lions and suspend movement of 1(4 ' ! troops provided the European powers furnished guarantees as to - ; I 1'hrace. , j Pello Unsuccessful, ' i ' General Pelle, the French com- ' i mlssloner here, returned yester t day from his mission to Smyrna, It 1 understood he bad little sue- -. I.--cess ln bis attempt to ptlrsuade ) Mustapha Kemal Pasha of the ln- ' ( expediency of crossiug the straits ; ' aud occupying Thrace. It 1 be-' ' lieved Kemal points out that ob ervance of the neutrar of the straits by the nationalists could be predicated upon adequate guar antees from tbs allies that Thrace would be restored to Turkey. M ' The question of Constantinople'' was not discussed, as the allies ' were understood to have settled . that Issue ln favor of the Turka at be conference In London and .: Parla last spring. The British forces are working; day and night digging trenches at I Chanak, Beikoa and other vital . ' points ln the Asiatic area. Aoitl- lonal British troops have arrived n the Bosphorus. i GREEKS WILL HOLD THRACE (Continued from Page One.) British fleet will aid ua ln pre-; venting the Turks from crossing the straits. "The Smyrna massacre speaka for itself. Greece la defending christian civilization. "Internally Greece is quiet There la absolutely no danger of a revolution. Foreign reports of trouble are the outgrowth of the. Insistence of our troops that they be returned to PIraeua Instead of being demobollzed on the Islands. But these wearied men had no revolution designs; they only wanted to go home. We found that out when we sent our Athena army aa a precaution to PIraeua. "Immediately some of (he re turned soldiers exclaimed sadly: What, are you treating us, vearled patriots, as enemies? "Our king remains because the leopte demanded him and want him. By what right shall any foreign nation Interfere with the expressed will of the Grecian?" Greek Morale Improves Adrlsnople. Sept 22. (By As sociated Press. ) Greece la ap tarently determined to defend Thrace at all costs. It la oader itood that every available division In northern Epirus aad Macedonia will be sent to supplement thl oreee now ln Adrlsnople. French reports indicate that the morale f the Th raelaa. troops is Iroprov ng. Major General Aaar;-!aoaj "olymertakoa. the new commander n chief whose heroic engagement r the enemy eared his army eerpa it Bruaa when all the others were, lost, has Inspired the soldiers 1 rtth new spirit.