TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1922 BROWNS HOPES PENNANT IN !0F " LEAGUE 'DIMMED I ' 1 st. Louis, Mo., Sept. 19. .(By Associated Press.) Hope is not lost, but the Browns' road toward the' 1922 championship of the American league has been made rougher. . Thta nnoeared to be the thought of thousands of St. Louis fans to lay, following what they termed the heartbreaking defeat the Browns suffered yesterday at the bands of thS leading New York Yanks, 3 to 2, in the linai game jf a three-game series which had Seen heralded as an Indication in She pennant race of the New York and St. Louis teams this season. I Play Washington. I The Browns today open a three- same series with the Washington Senators. The local are a game and a half behind New York, with only nine more games on their mason's schedule. New York has sen more games to play. i After the game the Yanks left immediately for ' Detroit, where they inaugurate a three-game ser ies with the third place Tlggrg to lay. The remainder of the sched ule, according to the "dope," eems to favor the locals, t The Browns have a three-game aeries scheduled with each Wash ington and Philadelphia, consider ed the weaker teams of the league, and three games with Chicago, While New York faces Detroit and Cleveland, regarded as two of the strongest teams, In six games, Boston in three games and Phila delphia in one. Seven Out of Nine. Local experts pick the Browns to win at least seven of the last pine games, and if they accom plish this, New York must win Seven of its ten games In order to jcop the flag. By being victorious Jin- six of the games, New York would have no better than a dead Jock with the Browns and If they divide equally their remaining games, the Browns would nose Ihem out, provided, of course, they Won the seven of their nine games. I Failing to hit safely against Bush yesterday, George Sisler, Brown first baseman, broke his string at 41 straight contests. Co- lncldentally, he started his con secutive hitting streak against the ranks and was stopped by a Yan kee pitcher. During the batting spree, Sisler bagged 76 hits out of 171 times at bat tor a batting average of .444. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE THREE MAKING STATE LIBRARY 100 PERCENT EFFICIENT Of the 770 post offices in the state 603 are now being served by the mail order department of the state library. Three hundred towns and cities in Oregon have a place In the files of the travel ing library. This was set out in a report prepared here today by miss Cornelia Marvin, state libra rian. " . Of 158 towns and cities in Ore. gon which last year did not use tne state library actively 53 were served through the eountv unit system which receives much of its material from the state library. Only 92 of the postoffices in Ore gon are not represented In the tnes of the state library. Miss Marvin said today that It is her ambition to make the Ore gon state library 100 per cent ef ficient. . Cloverdale News Mr. and Mrs. H. Miles and chil dren of Turner visited Mrs. F. A. Wood, Sunday afternoon! Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hadley and small son of Portland Bpent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hadley. Mrs. W. Butsk had her son and family from Molalla spending Sunday with her. Everybody is busy with the prune harvest endeavoring to use all the. good weather available. Mrs. Joseph Morris was -called to Portland, Saturday, to the bed side of her daughter, who has a very severe case of tonsilitis. A lazy no-account feeling with yawning and sleeplessness In the day time Is caused by a torpid liver and disordered bowels. Herbine is a splendid remedy for such ailments. It cleanses the system and restores vim and ac tivity. Price 60c. Sold by Dan"l J. Fry. (adv) MUTT AND JEFF a Case of Irresponsibility. Copyright 1920 by lnt'1. Feature Service Ine. Trade Mark Keg. In the 17. S. ....T ''' yy'' 7 L Nv - - -. - f . . . " ' "-" : -ALL OFf) f STeP lfJro TH MfP0G"S A NrVroEAu) lNTGRSTlWG ) I SOMfi UASATHtCi ) , v , . . ' ' ' - IwnHeuft.eoLF! Nt PoommuVtJ wATHefe PfeoPHeT.' S Vj TPweT ( pppttcT, that ' ' ' AM r HLP.tV frfLRAlN! J Tt, YOU ,T HtSKl lUk. THAT tTtotm) ' -Q f f eL?" V 'V Ar AT ' riTii oiinnflinnrn i rUIUI rlniullnr amendment to deprive congress of I; i Im id cu pnmn ipt ,v.t''.."''" - mslji Kx Belfast, Sept. 19. (By Associ ated Press.) Ten republican and six nationalists were killed in a conflict at Erris, in County May om when the republicans, retreat ing from Ballina, were attacked by government troops. The military were at a disad vantage, as they had no machine guns and they suffered severely In the earlier stages of the fighting. Their accurate marksmanship took a heavy toll from the republicans. Three nationalists and one re publican were killed and others wounded when a small party of troops was ambushed In County Tipperary Sunday morning. ' A massed attack by the repub licans on Rathkeale, County Lim erick, resulted in the capture of the court house, which was set on fire by its garrison. One of the nationalists lost his life- in the fire. ' Washington. A constitutional amendment to deprive congress of the power of making tariff sched ules has been proposed in the house by Representative Ansorge, republican, New York. Under the plan, congress could decide only whether the country should have a tariff based on the principle of protection or of revenue only, with detailed application of the favored policy left in the hands of a permanent tariff court appoint ed for life. A good many people are being kept out of the taxpaylng class by high taxes. You find the answer. 1 s PI m Women's Wear For the Coming Season it seems that everybody has contributed his fullest share to make the new garments more beautiful and more wonderful than ever. . The manufacturers of the woolens and the silks seem to have vied with each other in producing materials that are marvelous in their texture and design: The embroiderers and the producers of passamenteries have brought from Europe ideas that enhance the beauty of women's clothes. And even the furriers have scoured the far off ends of the earth to bring in pelts that will harmonize with the weavings and the colorings of the new cloths. j The designers and the master workmen seem to have been inspired by the glowing efforts of the producers of the materials, and their sparkling style creations bid fair to rapture every woman's heart. AVe are proud of our new garments, and it will be our pleasure to show them to you. Jrs V 1 : -v X m ?! Mi',! 5 f .if, t Quality Merchandise ' Popular Prices Where Shopping Is a Pleasure NEW BRUNSWICK PERIOD Price from Plays All Makes of $150.00 up Records Come in and hear your favorite selection on the New Brunswick. The most difficult tones are reproduced with startling fidility. We will accept your old Phonograph or Piano as part payment with very easy terms on balance if desired. I ;Hear Brunswick Kecoru (Carolina Blues fox trot 2192 (On the Gin Gin Ginny ( Shore Fox trot Hear Brunswick Record (Virginia Blues Fox trot 2195 (You're Only a Baby , ( Fox trot f , m eptember 25th to 30th r mzr icjj : i ' ORE GON a TATE FAIR Salem -'A 1 3 Reduced rates on all railroads. Excellent camping grove near gates of the grounds. You will see and hear many amusing and educational things but possibly the foreinose will be: A wealth of agricultural displays. Greatest livestock show in the northwest. Splendid machinery and tractor exhibit. Excellent races and high class amusements. .Special attractions both day and night. For further particulars, write A. II. LEA, Salem. fi!ffi!!iil!!'ll!li!!;ii!!i't'i