PAGE TWO ASTORIA, BURNS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON LOSS 500,000 Astoria, Sept. 12. The grea Tongue Point plant of the Ham tnond Lumber company. Including the main saw mill, two huge dry kilns and more than a halt dozen smaller ones, planing mill and power plant, machine shop, boll er rooms and other buildings, were destroyed by a fire which started from a hot box In the edger of the saw mill at 6 o'clock Monday afternoon. The fire spread rapidly to the dry kilns and power plant com pletlng the destruction of the plant and industry which gave employment daily to between 600 and 600 men and furnished As. foria with light. The pay roll was from $75,000 to $100,000 month ly. The loss Is estimated at more than $00,000. The fire was discovered Just as the S o'clock whistle blew and the shifts were being made In the day and night crews, all of whom turned to and valiantly assisted the firemen and several thousand citizens who fought the blaze. .. The power plant at the mill was burned, throwing all the elec trical power which provides elec tricity both for street and resi dence lamps and for commercial purposes in Astoria off. Power was restored and lights turned on at 8:30 o'clock when the Pa cific Power & Light company cut in with lta new million dollar plant at Smith's' Point. Dr. Grant Assails Divorce Laws HEAVY VOTE IN f Rev. Dr. Percy Stickney Grant rector of the Protestant Episeopa church of the Ascension in New York, has startled his theological brethren by demanding that th church canon on divorces should be revised to permit far freer di vorces. He declares the prescn nnon aids only the rich and in sists that divorced persons should have the right to remarry. Dr, Grant's remarks are particularly in teresting because the church has re used him permission to be married to Mrs. PhiAip Lydig, who has di vorced W. E. D. Stokes and Phillip yiig. NOP YARD DRUNKS JAILED AND FINED CAN EXHIBIT AT STATE FAIR The individual farm exhibit at the state fair promises to be an interesting feature. Articles en tered in this class will not be al lowed to compete for premiums In other classes. All exhibits will be made up from the products of in dividual farms, displays to be grown by the exhibitor. The ajnount of money offered In this division is to be divided pro rata, according to the number of points Bcored out of a possible 100, the same to be determined by a scale established on garden products orchard products, field products, dairy products, grain (threshed) number of varieties, arrangement and decoration and miscellaneous products. The Individual farm exhibit 1b to be divided into two- classes, eastern and western Oregon. The latter will comprise Clatsop, Tilla mook, Lincoln, Coos, Curry, Co lumbia, Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington, Yamhill, Polk, Linn, Benton; Douglas, Jackson and Josephine counties. The remain ing district shall comprise Uma tilla, Sherman, Baker, Union, Wallowa, Klamath, Luke, Harney, Grant, Wasco, Malheur, Hood River, Crook, Wheeler, Jefferson, Gilliam and Deschutes counties. A cereal show In this building will compete for sweepstakes be sides the regular prizes. In the horticultural exhibit which will be housed in the agri cultural building, cash premiums will be awarded for best speci mens of apples, pears, peachea. . prunes, plums, quinces, grapes and Oregon-grown nuts. Special rib bons will be given for new varie ties and seedlings. Adding color and attractiveness to the first floor of this building will be the floral display, which as last year will be under the su- pervlson of F. A. Van Kirk, Port land. Both the professional and amateur will be given a place in this show. Cash prizes as well as the Pomeroy, Irwin, Griffith and Gardner & Keene cups will be awarded in the different classifi cations. The amateur dahlia show prom ises to be an Interesting detail of the floral show, to be conducted under the supervision of the head of the floral department. Dallas, Or., Sept. 12. A tele phonic call from the Eph Young hop yard four miles north of Inde pendence on Sunday evening call ed Sheriff John W. Orr to that lo cality, accompanied by one of his deputies, O. P. Chase, the message stating that two men giving the name of Webb were drunk and disorderly and were firing shots through a building occupied by a number of the pickers. The two men were brought to Dallas the same evening and confined over night in the county jail. Monday afternoon they were arraigned before Ed F. Coad, Justice of the peace, who assessed a fine of $10 against one of them and dismissed the case against the other. They were charged with using foul 'and obscene language in a public place. Pending the payment of the fine the one against whom it was assessed was returned to the county jail. Phoenix, Ariz., Sept. 12. An unusually heavy registration of voters Is an indication of the in terest' being taken in today's pri mary and special election in Ari zona, in which candidates for United States senator, congress man, governor and other state of fices will be named, and judgment ill be passed on 11 proposed amendments to the state consti tution. The campaign between Charles B. Ward of Poenlx and George W. B. Ward of Phoenix and Geo. W. zona and minister to Slam under President Wilson's administration, for the democratic nomination for governor, has been particularly hard fought. The successful one in this con test will oppose Governor Thomas B. Campbell at the November elee tion. Governor Campbell has no opposition for , the republican nomination for governor. Believe Amundsen Is Making Flight Oygr North Pole NEXT WEEK IS CANNING WEEK FRANCE AND BRUCE WIN IN MARYLAND Baltimore, Md., Sept. 12. Uni ted States Senator Joseph I. France,' republican, and William C. Bruce, democrat, probably will be the opposing candidates at the Maryland senatorial election in November. Senator France won decisively over John W. Garrett, secretary of the Washington arms conference, n yesterday's primary, while Bruce appeared from incomplete returns to be assured of the -victory In the thuce-cornered deuio- ratlc fight. CONFESSES TO MURDER OF TWO DAUGHTERS Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 12. A confession that he had murdered Is two missing daughters and brown their bodies into the Mis souri river was made today by Tony Dinello of Kansas City, Kansas, to Henry T. Zimmer, chief f police of Kansas City, Kan. Portland, Or., Sept. 12. To as sist in the relief of the fruit grow ers of the state who are hard hit by the present rail strike, the Oregon state chamber of commerce has suggested that the week of September 18-23 he designated as 'Canning Week" to be observed throughout the state during which housewives will be urged to can a wo years' supply of fruit for fam ily use. Communications suggesting Canning Week" have been sent to more than one hundred com mercial clubs and chambers of commerce in Oregon. Governor Olcott has been requested to place his official stamp of approval up on the project. It is pointed out by state cham-1 er officials that the rail strike as curtailed car service to points east, especially in regard to re frigerator service, with the result that bumper fruit crops in Oregon are in danger of being lost: through lack of market. An in creased volume of, home canning will do much to relieve the situa tion, it is believed. , Copenhagen, Sept. 1 81 By As sociated Press.) It bj generally oeiieved here that (japtaia Koala Amundsen, Norwegian " explorer, has undertaken bis daring flight across the north pole from north ern Alaska. This belief is strength ened by the fact that the Nor wegian government has asked the well known Danish expjorer. Cap tain Gottfried Hansen, to under take a relief expedition. Captain Hansen, who is today working out a scheme for the ex ploration of western Greenland next spring, Is unable to accede to the request, but in an interview emphasizes the necesstly" pf send ing an urgent relief expedition to pick up Amundsen, whose airplane crossing in his opinion la extra ordinarily dangerous, it being vir tually lnipossiDie to land any where on the rough polar ice without serious accident. He believes Amundsen is apt to land in the vicintly. of one of the food depots which Hansen estab lished In Grants land, and north ernmost Greenland, but neverthe less fears he wllj be unable to reach Thule the northernmost colony in Greenland should he meet with least accident, .. It is reported, that an expedi tion beaded by an explorer friend of Captain Hansen will leave here on October 1 . on the-steamship Hanseedge. his plan' to fly over the pole, be lieving the season was too far ad vanced to permit of success. He was said to have landed his plane and equipment at Wainwrlght, 100 miles southwest of Point Bar row, intending to make that place the base of his flight. Ice conditions In the Arctic off the northern Alaskan coast were declared to be the worst in many years. Captain Amundsen's ship, the Maud, was last reported to be frozen in the ice near Wrangell Island. ITS TPA5TEP 11 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1' IDENTIFY BODY FOUND FLOATING AT INDEPENDENCE Advices from Nome,. Alaska on August 29, to the Associated Press were that Captain Amundsen had definitely abandoned for this year Independence, Or., Sept. 12. The body of Howard F. Barry, ap parently about 2 5 years of age, was found floating In the Willam ette river, near Independence, Sunday afternoon. Identification was established by Coroner R. L. Chapman from paper in the man's pocket, but his home address is not known. No one Is missing in this vicinity, as far as known, but the body may be that of some bop- yard worker. . There is no indication that the man had met with foul play. From letter in the man's pocket it is believed his mother is Mrs. E. E. Welch, 703 Jackson avenue, Salt Lake. Utah. It's toasted. This one extra process gives a delightful quality that can not be duplicated 500 Schapp Bros. Piano $295 Terms only 5 down, $2 a week. This is a beautiful genuine ma hogany case, perfectly plain. Just like new. Has big, deep,' rich tone. - If you want something ex ceptionally fine see this piano. Geo. C. Will Music House " 432 'State St. The Man Who Deals 1 big figures is n6t always sure to become ' he might make one mistake and lose evervth"81 Bt th? mn w'ho systematically saves Sf each pay day is absolutely certain to BtreJJti ! his financial position from week to wmL " year to year. WK and s He is sure to arrive at .the goal of hh v i if he "sticks," hls aml;tK. " Why not start today. I $1.00 Opens a Savings Account $1,00 "The Bank That Service Built." t Introducing the New Mantilla Cap The man wjio said "Dreams go hy contraries" was married to one. Flint Daily Journal. 1 . .,. . Hot 0nes-4Just Off the Press A Wrappy Garment that is Stylish and Practical SPECIA That Should Stimulate your buying of OCE-RIES jf 'For IVVfc.LllMb.dUAY is . n IIP 1 1 mi' Mm 11 :i : (sis vVhcuever Uoyd George hag a gen- rous moment, he forgives Qermauy little more of the debt sho owes France. TV0 HAWLEY BILLS PASSED BY SENATE Washington, Sept. It. The senate has passed the llawley bill granting the city of Medford the right to purchase certain Oregon and California grant lands wanted lor protection of its water supply by paying of $2.60 per acre plus appraised value of timber. The Haw-ley bill to pay Lizzie Askell 12500 for the loss of her husband. Charles Askell, Clatsop county fisherman, who was drowned when a government vessel sunk his boat in collision, was also passed. v lpiP IELL HUGHES U.S. MOST POWERFUL Rio de Janeiro, Sept. 12. (By Associated Press J "If the United States determines there shall be no war, there will be no more war, as you are the most powerful nation In the world," Secretary of State Hughes was told by a committee of Brazilian senators and depu ties who called last night to salute him prior to his departure for home today. Senator Alfredo Ellis, spokes man, added that Secretary Hughes was trie man behind the gun. who was best able to conserve the peace of the world. Secretary Hughes, in expressing his thanks, said Brazil and the United States were joined hand in hand in the great cause of peace. To Sicp Pimples Yeas! Vifaniinss Oust Da Irenized Iron : i v . . .. ry Body-Iron and Body-Vita-mines Which Make' Skin Eruption. Vanish Absolutely ., ou f an Prove th remarkable re sults of Iron lied yeast In a tew days' "me. To get results that you can . . . . u 1 mirror, and ac many reel in your whole make-un that, yeast which gives you must use ' kijrbt after to weeks off comes nit two weekt-JNashville Tenucs-sean. Restores Original Color to Gray Hair C0-I.0 restores the natural color, life and luster to gray and faded hair in a manner nature approves a scientific process perfected by Prof. John Austin or Chicago, over 40 I rial Bottle of Co-Lo . A cross, sickly baby suffering from digestive troubles and loose nesa of the bowels needs McCee's eases the stomach snd restores .)fciKi.m4ckif. WrtiTiSLtoJL healthy conditions. Price, S5e and I or. John h. iustm Sue. Sold by DanV J. Fry. fsdr) j ,s- f sig.,, o. H. years a hair and scalp specialist. Secrets oCo-Im Success Co-Lo la a -wonderful liquid. Clear, odorless, greaseles. Without lead or sulphur. 'Without sediment. Will not waaa or rub off. will not Injure hair or scalp, riaaatnc and simple 10 appir. cannot be detected like ordinary hair tints and dyes. WlU not cause the hair to split or break off. Co-Io Hair Restorer for everv nat ural shade of hslr AS, for black and dark shades of brawn; A7. fo 1m t black balr. AS, for medium brown shades: A, for llk-ht brawn drab end auburn shades. This is the Place to Buy Your M.J.B. Coffee! We receive our lines direct from the factory. Per pound 42c 3 pounds $1.19 5 pounds ...... $1.93 Gorgeous Montella Capes made of luxurious Kerame, Parcoplay and Ondulay. Beau tiful linings, heavy silk fringe trimmings. A charming wrap and one of the season's newest creations. You will find our store has anticipated your autumn needs in all the smart acces sories of dress. We cordially invite you to attend the ex hibits of the new Fall Merchandise. Wednesday Only A Special Sale of Armour's Veribest STAR HAMS SPECIAL per Pound Te (, eeree tnm ere eeee lae4 em a clear, pare akin, the necessary blood-balldlnr vita mines With th. Irn.. tkV U '' ' human body. There is only one lrootsed yeast pro- S.?ln. ,h. w?1'i- " called simply, Irontxed Yeast. It la not a is yeaat lronlsed. whk-h la a aob stance all by Itself, pimplea. black ri,l", 'nl aruptlons mean that yon are minus the rlKht kind of lron-and- VI?:. .,. iou M Dot'- Irontaed 'st will free you from plnute- emearraesment forever, your blae- ifTki'"'.1 T?.n,"h- Jrour Portfled rich red blood will show In the ruby of your cheeks and adorable skln-clear-nesa Ironlsed Tenet will put wlre nese In your nerves, new red blood rells In your blood. It builds strength Trr orsan. la men, women and children. it la also a stomach strenarthener. Ask for Ironlsed Yeaat. yotntna- else. Beware of Imitations. Iron nod Yeaat la sold at all dru er st ores at a packaae. Each peck aae contnlna tablets, each tablel : sealed. They never lose their power. MTd only or Ironlsed Yeast Ps. At lanta. e. All klaaes will be sweeter rrehyt now ont .... The most economical high grade Meat on the market... This special low pricS is lower than any price that has prevailed on Armour's Veribest Star ..Ham for 10 years. ..Insist ..on ..the ..HAM WHAT AM Ask for Your Premium Coupons They are an added 2 Saving Fresh Cocoa received from Philadelphia, will sell at, lb.. 8c Armour's very best Milk, per can' ..... 10c Schepp's Shredded Cocoanut in pound packages at . 45c Karo Syrup, light, gal. 63c Karo Syrup, blue, gal . 59c Olo Palm Soap, a big bar for 5c : "Finp for bath nse. . Peas, Corn, per can 12c Fresh Tomatoes, per bushel 90c JARS We carry a full line of Iverr Self- sealing for caps and lids Economy Pints L Economy quarts; 4 . Economy y2 gallons , Mason Quarts, dozen Mason lids at, per dozen Mason Rubbers at, per dozen $1.00 . 1.30 , 1.60 . 85c . 25c . . . 5c Free Deliveries Five times daily with purchase of $2.00 and over in any Department . -y J . Vn' S . Ss . 1 m 11 h rV'l it 1 rr-?m It a 1 - S I UK . I it-1 I tl . I E j! 1 ' Coff Good. CLV j J SALEM'S LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE j ill BTTir A TrTTTT ! and SPEND the j DIFFERENCE j If Phone Tlt "Jl T J - flfl I v aiiey Motor jO. j 1 50 Women Wanted j)! STEADY EMPLOYMENT I ; j ;! j STARR FRUIT PRODUCTS COMPANY j CHURCH and MILL STREETS