MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1922. rheN apitaly ournaJ SUBSCRIPTION RATES py carrier 10 cents a week, nit a month, $5 a year in 45 ad- tneo. By mall, In Marlon and Polk aunties, one month 50 cents, S ontha $1.26. 8 months $2.25, 1 iar $4.00. Elsewhere 50 cents a onth, $5 a year. Entered as second class atler at Salem, Oregon. mall Member .ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclus oly entitled to the use for pub atl.m of all news dispatches edited to It or not otherwise -edited in this paper and also lo- news publiehed herein. u Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Advertising representatives: iV. D. Ward, Tribune bldg.. New irk City. ' W. S. Stockwell. Peoples Gas ig', Chicago. Ills. CLASSIFIED RATES Tate per word each Insertion ents three Insertions, 5 cents, . week 8 cents, one month $0 "ts one year, per month, 12 tg- minimum per ad, 25 cents, list insertion only in New To rMt nda cash In advance. i not taken over phone, unless ,-r epr nas mommy I1Ll-v'""" , allowance for phone errors NEW TODAY noBUYS a good five, room louse in north, Salem, near car tjne. Kruegrer, Oregon bldg. 217. 216 iTTltENT 5 room cottage, fiv. jtf. J. Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. 'IRMANBNT representative, new in.iavM Bible. Must e unris- 4in irontleman or lady. See Mr. Hall tonight 9 to 11 or Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday 1 t.) 4:30 D. m. Room 71. Bligh ho- tol. f?218 "NO. 1 22 heating stove for sale. Call at 267 N. High, - c217 f'OR SALE Large size petite nrunes, reasonable. Phone 1270M. C218 "i qr SALE Fox terrier puppy, ihone 63F11. 216 I'HoSE big black grapes now 216 riie at Flala s vmeyarqs. ; ij TRADE Small touring car, a t class condition, as first pay ment on modern 6 room bunga low. Write B C Journal. 216 OP pickers wanted for Bell hop yard at Livesley station Ten days' finest picking Will take i iu to ranch and back daily In cars leaving corner of State and Commercial Btreets at 6:45 a m. phone' )019. .'ACTED Girl for general house work. Write Box 5 Capital Jour nal. g218 OR SALE Setter sup, old. Phone 24F3. & months 216 'ANTED To buy one horse wa gon. W. Houghton, Marion, Or. i 1218 JST Pair glasses on Garden loud Saturday night. Kinder please return to L. G Perrine, Bnnk of Commerce. 216 vPRlUENCED maid for general iiousework. reference required. Mrs. Louis Lachmund, 926 Court street. 8 jDERN 6 room house, 740 south Commercial. beautiful modern 7 room plas tered house, 765 N. zotn street, terms. Price $3700. room east front, fireplace, ;aved street, 375 N. 18th. Prioe S87O0 Nice' cozy house, 6 rooms, good iocatlon $1600 snap, 4 room house, $200 cash 1'rice $800. 11 State, fall for Chas Emmett, aom 8. 216' i.NTED A position where I light be able to attend school; an drive truck; also grocery ex perience, jrood reference. Call ".rite E. J. McCrone, 991 south ;iberty. h217 VEN Jersey cows for sale, fresh oon. Alfred Goln, Jefferson. e218 K SALE Registered Holstein mil calf. J. H. Engem&n, 611 erton. " 216 AVENSTEIN apples.- Call 17F 1. Price 60c an d $1. Bring box 's. c218 SJV for sale cheap. Call ings, Rt 3 phone 79FS. eve e218 ARLING hens and April pul a for sale, O. A. C. and Tan ked strains. John W. Yates, Rt. i near feeble minded. 215 R RENT Large house and 3 tt Ks on paved street, all kinds Wit, garage, school S blocks. "hone 846J. J218 t SALE Vetch and oat .seed :U cents per lb. Two brood itws with pigs. Phone 2F4. c218 NTED Two cook house flun eys for logging camp. Enquire f Orant Holt, Spaulding Log in? Co. 216 NTED Marten and fisher live, also other animals. Trap es write us stating price. We 11 silver foxes. Animal Ex hange. Qulncy. Penna. 1219 iHMEX, brakemen, beginners ISO, later $200; no strike. Ratl- care Capital Journal. 216 SALE 11M acres, 1 h miles --it from car line on the Gar- en road, box 204. 3 3-4 acres Cans, good buildings? easy pay Hi's, no agent. b!18 MODERN HOME Close In; surroundings; largo lot; t front; 7 rooms not includ " "alls, toilet- and bath. $7350, See' Harris, (24 N. Capi 1" 4 2 J. - glV 9 SALE Piano, cheap if taken tjmcecali 617J. c218 I silver pencil with diamond set Tuesday night. Phone J3J- k218 RENT 4 room furnished ingalow. suitable for I people, se In, nice, $25 month. S. R. parson, 21Q t'. 6. bsnk bldg. J w-OMEN attention, wanted, 4 od men of the (I will, kind :n cars, to sell J. B. Colt Light S and Cooking plants to he ru ' trade. Call Tuesday morning eween 1 and 12 at Hotel Ar i5fk for C. C. Prof. 216 l 'AI Bmt buy in fcaiem. 4 "n plasiered bouse, modern Pt bath. pare4 street, car "7 oo'y blocks from state J-ise. Pries $ito, with $300 ? oelaaee 111. rent " nv rood modem home. $ '" J11 kinds of fruit and br- 1 block to school. 2 blocks i . "' $4000. will I?!! ,m" elw h "' ',' Thomsson. 831H ' ryt S?17 nlJ, izul s. Com-"-ial street. . 216, ewThreeR's of Education Are Reading NEW TODAY 1919 BUICK six for quick sale; will make price of $550. Phone 718J. 21 FOR RENT To ladles only.-l fur nished rooms close In. Phone 666. 3317' WANTED Prune pickers at once. I. Noot, phono 13F14. g218 ON STATE loan, 6 room modern home, pretty corner with fruit. House plastered, hot water, bath, fireplace, large rooms. Price $3500 and responsible party with loan can handle. Becke & Hend ricks, 2 05 U. 8. bank bldg. 216 ANOTHER Waldo park lot sold. These lots are close in to state house, university, schools and down town. They all have pave - ment paid, shade, sewer and gas Inside lots.' Perfect title. Priced $500 to $1050. Becke A Hend ricks, 205 U. S. bank bldg. 216 MONEY TALK 3 A 6 room mod ern home 3 blocks to university and state house in tine residence -district was cut this morning to $23.25 over all. Pavement, large lot, hot water, bath, large living room, fireplace. Immediate pos session. Bee this. Becke A Hend ricks, 205 U. 8. bank bldg. 218 JUST think of it, Salem has a bath house where the public can get a tub, steam, Turkish, show er and plunge bath, all for fifty cents. Yes the Oregon Bath house at Salem Is up to date. 216 KITCHEN cabinet cupboard, good as new, reasonable. 1154 Oak street . ' 216 LOST in Salem Saturday grey choker, white and gray under neath. Finder please leave at Journal office. k217 il OAKLAND light six. will take Chevrolet or Ford in trade or sell cheap. . Phone Mr. Tur ner at 220. 216 BEST BUYS 15 acres, practically all cultivat ed, all fenced, fair- house, barn, coops, some fruit, horse, cow, 60 chickens, Implements, running wa ter, on pavement at city limits. Price $2500, $1500 cash, balance 2 years at 6 per cent. 6 room modern bungalow, on pavement, close in. Price $2300 all cash, terms on part can be arrang ed. 20 acres 1 miles from Salem limits, near Garden road, on elec tric light line, all cleared, fine sub division tract, on macadam road. $5250, $500 cash, balance vacant lots or anything of value. 240 acres well Improved, near Salem, will take houses in Port land as part pay. SOCOLOFSKY 341 State street EXPERIENCED truck driver wants Job. Box H care Capitol Journal. 216 WELL educated man with business experience desires position. Box K care Capital Journal. 216 PRUNE boxes wanted.- Wha have you? 76F21,; 216 TEAM wanted for feed, light work. WZI. 1217 PERFECTION peaches are ready. jvi. v. reiteys, Wallace road. , c218 HOUSE and garage for rent Phone 1624.1. 21 WANTED Experienced Ifirlg at The Coop Conf. 216 POTASH fertilizer. W. W. Smith. 4U( court street, phone 702R . C21T FERTILIZER for lawns, house plants and shrubbery. W. W. Smith, 407 Court street, phone i-vzK- c217 wahtku inuier. Call at noon at Cherry City feed barn. 816 FOR SALE Splendid living room chairs, slightly used, cheap for .casn. 631 8. Commercial street, phone 1071. c218 FOR SALE Truck, or will trade for house and lot. Phone 2069R. ' q218 FOR SALE 1920 Ford touring car in Up top mechanical con ditlon. Shock absorbers and starter. A dandy buy. 674 N. Church. 216 FOR RENT Modern clean sleep lng rooms; also apartment; ga rage. 860 N. Capitol, phone bWJ. J218 FOR RENT 3 room - furnished apartments, on car line, light and airy, new furniture, electric stove, working people preferred. Phone 1441. J218 FOR SALE Automobiles OLESON USED CAR EX CHANGE. Cars bought and sold. Guaranteed repairing. Washing, polishing. 1922 GARDNER touring car. A-l condition, 1 bumpers, spotlight, stop signal, 5 cord tires. Price $700, Dr. Hiner, 322 State, room 8, phone 957. q No matter what make of trac tor, truck or car you have, we can supply you with parts. W. E. Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothers, the Sarcig Man) High street at Ferry. q WANTED To trade 5 passenger car for roadster. See Satterlee, the auctioneer, 404 Ferry St. q218 LOST AND FOUND LOST 2 halters with ropes at tached. Please leave at Capital Journal. k218 LOST Airedale puppy 6 weeks old. Notify 378 or return to 94 Ferry St. k217 TAKEN UP Jersey cow Wednes day. Owner may have her by paying for keep and advertis ing. Fred Stark, 204 Garden road. k21 PRESTO tank dropued from run ning board while car was being towed between Wallace orchard and Schindler hill, party who picked it up please leave Quacks Tire Shop. k?16 LOST Between Saiem and Booth hop yard, envelope of pictures. Andregg. phone 1414 for re ward. kll LOST Tortoise shell rimmed glasses in black case. Finder please leave at Journal office. k21T FOR SALE WOOD WOOD sawing. phone 1904J. ee!31 WOOD sawing, phone 1303W. sells WOOD sawing. FUher Bros., city flit and eountry. Phone z4. WOOD SAWING, phone 1111, city or eountry- Ed Sproed. ee2!4 BEST grade mill wood 4 ft. and If inch, prompt delivery and reasonable prices .Fred B. Wells. 80S S. Church street. phone 1541 PLACE your order with the tiaietn fuel yards. 751 Trade St. , for yonr winter's wood and coal. Phons 829. re 85$. Chas. ooj and Sons. FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE House and lot. For Information phone 608R. a217 HOUSE for sale. 652 N. Front. a218 FOR SALE By owner, bungalow Phone 896W. o284 MODERN 6 room house, lot 60x 165, $1000 down, terms. Address 465 N. 20th. 230 FOR SALE Close in 8 room house, owner will be In town -Tuesday. Price $3000, terms. A B care Journal. .a FOR SALE 8 room house, corner lot, 69x128 feet, both streets paved and paid. Price $3750, terms. D. E. Hart, 871 State St. $260 CASH and $20 a month. Price $1800, a nice little cot tage close in, paved street, cl lar, neat; only a few days to sell It. See rne quick please. Wm. Fleming. 841 State. a LIST your property with S. R. Pearson for quick sale; oow is the time to. sell It, many satis fied customers. S. R. Pearson, 810 U. S. bank bldg. a GET A HOME 4 room plastered lights and water, south, $900, $200 will handle. 6 room, north, . $1000, $200 will handle. 6 room bungalow, $2200. $500 -down. Brown, over Busick's, State and Commercial. a FOR TRADE A six room house, good location, two lots, near achool, two blocks from car line, wants a small tract near city. Tell your wants to Radcllff and Waring, 841 State street. a217 $2950 BUYS this 6 room plastered house, bath, toilet, electric lights, full basement, paved street, eement walks. See L. A. Hayford, $05 Slate St. a GET A HOME 7 room house, lights, bath, city water, good condition, half basement,- close to school, 8 blocks to car, east, for only $1900 and $460 will handle. Brown over Busick State and Commercial. . koum bungalow and a goo one, modern except basement, newly painted, everything first class including fireplace, near car line and school, large lot, paved street extra. Price $260 terms $1200 down. S. R. Pea son, 210 U. S. bank bldg. i PRICE $1650, furnished, good room cottage on one floor, el bocks from Oregon Electric de pot; has lights, water, bath an toilet, basement. A bargain, im mediate possession. Terms $50 down. S. R. Pearson, 210 U. 8, bank bldg. 7 ROOM new bungalow, garage, o gooa corner, paved street $400 1-3 cash your terms. A dandy lima rancn near Portland road, can show good dividends price asked, $6000, $3000 will handle. M. J. Hunt, Ladd- & Bush bldg. 7 ROOM bungalow, one of the best in town, has to be seen to be ap preciaiea, moaern .every way, best or construction, 2 lots, fruit If you want one of the best homes In Salem see this for wonaertui Dargain, near rav line. .Price $o500, terms $150 down, $25 month, low Interest H. rt, Pearson, 210 U. S. ban blag. GET A HOME Just listed a fiv room plastered house, good con ditlon, with lights, water and all rurnuure, ror J2000 on $50 down, balance monthly. Brown over BusicK- s, State and Com merciai. FOR SALE Modern new home. rooms, bath, pantry, clothes closets, full basement, lot 60x 190, fruit trees. Phone 715 or call at 349 S. 25th St. after 6 p. m. s21 9 room house in two apartments close in, roc 1300, 500 down bal ance $10 a month. Interest 6 per cent. 9 room modern house at 698 N. Liberty for $3500. $1000 down bal ance $20 month, interest 6 percent WINNIE PETTYJOHN 331 H State street. WANTED Miscellaneous WANT To rent 8 or 4 room fur nished house. Phone 311. 1216 WANTED To buy household furniture. Phone 1446. 1 WANTED To buy sixty head dry cows. Address Box 192, Turner. 1216 WANTED Light touring car for cash. Price must be reasonable Box C2 Capital Journal. 1218 WANTED Furniture, tools. etc. Phone 611. 1 WANTED To rent a farm of 200 acres or more. Box Nil care Jour nal. 1217 wa.n i h.u used furniture, rang es, heaters, cook stoves, tools. etc. We pay cash, get our prices before you sell. Liberty Exchange 241 N. Com'l St. phone 841. 1 WE are booking orders for fall landscape work, cut flowers, bedding plants and floral de signs. J. M. Maruny, phone 916. 1226 WANTED Second hani furniture and stoves. We also carry a full line of new furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Once then always. People's Furniture store, 271 N. Commercial St. pnone 734. i WANTED 3 room house or an apartment near rair grounos, about October 10th. Box R4 Capital Journal. 1216 Situations Wanted FOR experienced 1352.1. nurse, phone WANTED Night job after S p. m., not particular. Call Arthur 235W, 6:80 p. m. n.'lt FOR RENT GARAGE close in. phone 1021J. J217 FOR RENT House keeping rooms. Phone 636W. jilt FOR RENT 6 Vooru furnished house a 1516 N. Com'l. 1117 FOR RENT Strictly modern apartment, close in. Phone IlilW or call 491 S. High. J21S FOR RENT Furnished six room modern bungalow with garage, close In. Phone 770R between 1 end i:10 p. m. J216 ST'RNISHSD sleping room for gentleman, 105 Oregon bldg., pnone 1517. J OFFICE room for rent, 2V( Ore gon bldg. phone 1527. J" 4 w V sou a rwiu Myts. ' -n hoiu, . i - . r a , . ' 1 (111 FOR RENT Board and room to; 1 girls. Bos 6 eere Journsl. JliS ONE 1 room apt. newly furnished. period furniture, close In; children. T N. CoraT. FOR RENT At 801 N. Liberty. building for garage. J1JJI FOR RENT Furnished room with or without light house keeping facilities. earner Che niekeis and Librty. yili' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE 10 60-gallon barrels Joe Hug, Rt. 6. box 138. c2Jl APPLES 85c street. Rt. I box, box 81 N. Front 280 FOR SALE Confectionery ness, close in. Call 466. busl- c220 FOR string beans, phone 113F12. c219 FOR SALE Lloyd phone 117.8J. baby buggy. 21R PEACHES $1 bushel at farm. Phone 76F2. J P. Bressler. c216 POTASH fertiliser. W. W. Smith, 407 Court street, phone 702R. c216 BALED cheat hay $15 per ton, Ralph DuRette, Gervais, Or. c218 PEACHES for sale, Muirs and Crawford. Phone 3F11, W. H. Egan. C216 FOR SALE 12x16 tent with fly m maicn. I'none 6&9J after 6 p. m. c31 o 6AiiiS One Titan 10-20, one 3-bottom gang 14-inch, almost new, yhone 6F3. c217 FOR SALE Extracted honey 12c id. nans lie no, Itt. 6, box 139 Salem. . c221 LIME and lime stone products. W. W. Smith, 407 Court street, . phone 702R. c216 FOR SALE Jelly glasses all ais es, cheap. Capital Bargain House 215 Center street. c 2 FRESH cows, horses of all kinds, harness, wagons, etc. Baled hay and straw. 254 S. Liberty. c218 FERTILIZER for lawns, house plants and shrubbery. W. W. Smith, 407 Court street, phone matt. C2H FOR SALE Several odd pieces of furniture, good organ, chairs, music rack, couch, bed room pieces, carpet, etc. Call at 205 Union street. c218 NOTICE Big auction sale Satur day. Sept. 16th 1 p. m. at 160 8. High street. All kinds of fur niture, machinery, live stock and miscellaneous articles will be sold at these sales. We sell on ; commission basis. Get your list Inge in early each week so that we can advertise them. Sale will start promptly at one o'clock ev ery' Saturday. Phone 1446, Col. J. B. Gable, auctioneer. c MISCELLANEOUS LOANS Let me see you about a loan If you want to build we can help you. Plenty of money, no delays, Call 634, let us tell you. WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for cash, or sell on commission. Phone 611, Woodry, the auction eer, m WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone 19, Capital city Bedding Co. m PHONE 1177 or 1211J If you want to sell your furniture, stock or machinery, will buy or sell on commission. See Satterlee, the auctioneer, at 404 Ferry St., Sa lem, Or. ' m HIGHEST price paid for second hand clothing and shoes. Also cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Ex change, 841 N. , Commercial, phone 1368W. m" G. SATTERLEE, auctioneer, fur niture, stock and farm sales. Phone 1211J. 1177; 404 Ferry St., Salem, Or. PEACHES Canning peaches at J. W. LaFollette'a orchard, 1 miles north of Salem on river road, Marion county. Price $1, 75a and 60c per bushel, accord ing to grade and quality. Phone 71F21. 216 DON'T forget the big sale at A. T. Savages 13 miles east of Salem. m217 WANTED HELP WANTED Girl to cook and some house work. Phone 668 g218 WANTED Woman for housework by the hour. 563 Court street. g216 WANTED Relief cook at tuber culosis hospital, phone 433. g216 WANTED 1 wo experienced men to nail trays. Call at plant West Salem, B. Cunningham. g21$ WANTED 4 prune pickers 6 miles south of Salem, excellent camping quarters or will haul to and from car line dally. W. C. Tlllson phone 12F3. g216 WANTED Middle aged handy man ror hotel work. Address X Journal . , . - g WANTED Hop pickers, phons 70F11 or write Jchn Dunlavy, Brooks, Or. g21 WANTED Hop pickers, 100 acres of good hops, pay ic per lb. Box 98, Rt. 8, Salem, 6tt miles north of town. Lee Hlng hop yard. g224 WANTED Several well educated women needed for teaching and managing positions with the National School of Shorthand in Washington and Oregon cities. The system used is Karam Shorthands-guaranteed In 30 days ths shorthand system of this commercial age. National School of Shorthand, 211 Ore gon bld. phone 788. g218 THE Whitney company Is conduct ing logging and sawmill opera tions In Tillamook county, and Is hiring men for camp and sawmill work at going wages. No strikes. Good, clean camps and good, wholesome grub. 9 hours work for 1 hours pay. For saw mill work, address H. E. Mor gan. Garibaldi, Oregon; for log ging camp work, address W. J. Norrls, IdavlJle Oregon. g FOR SALE FARMS OR SALE At a very low price in fa 1 e m , 8tt acres in shape to plant any kind of crops, rich lev- : el land, excellent for strawber ries or any kind of fruit, clear title, no incumbrances. Owner, 376 S. Church St. b218 FOR SALE By owner nice im proved 40 sere farm, close to Sa lem. Phone 63F5, Rt. i, box 1AJ BZ31 FOR SALE By owner. $90 an acre for 65 acres, tt in cultiva tion, house, barn, orchard. $ springs, tt nilie to school, 1$ miles south of Portland, terms. Fox Cll Capital Journal. b2l FOR SALE Suburban home 3-4 mile out on Garden road, new room bungalow with electric lights and fireplace, just com pleted. 4tt acres, 1 In fruit snd Itt In cultivation. Phone 1710J1 b21 FOR SALE 4 seres beaver dam all cultivated. $ room house, good barn. 600 bushels grain, barn full of clover hay, fine young team, 1 good cows, chick ens, ail farm equipment. Pricr $7900. $156 will -handle. JJ. E. Hart. 171 gtate Bt. b EXCHANGE Kquipt coast dair farm for property tn salens or vicinity. Owner 4(1 State Ut. b:i FOR SALE FARMS FOR. SALE Cheap, 60 acre farm near Dallas, implements, stock and crop included, terms. Write 606 Mill St. Dallas, Or. b216 FOR, SALE 15 acre farm or will trade for house in Salem or oth . er-nown near here; will sell cheap on account of slckne Hendricks tt Becke, U. 8. Nafl bank bldg. b217 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 2 cows one fresh, one rresn soon. 994 8. 22nd. e217 FOH SALE Or trade, team and harness. 1365 Berry street, 8. Salem. e218 PUPPIES for sale. Fox terrier and Airedale. Agents for Spratts dog. cat and bird foods and rem edies. E. B. Flake, 278 State, Sa iem. FOR SALE One sorrel mare, 7 years old, weight 1400 lbs:, sound and true, an- extra good , one. One bay horse weight ,. about. 1500 lbs. no reasonable offer refused. Wm. Zlelinskl, Rt. 7, phone 91F2. e216 FOR SALE Four registered Jer sey heifer calves. $200. C. B. McCulIy, Aumsville. Or. e216 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8 room house, modern, 14 lota on car line, all kinds of fruit, $1000 will handle this. Investigate. I room house on car line close In, corner lot; this Is a bargain, $3650. Nice bungalow 5 blocks from State, now renting for $59 per nKofith, $4600, good terms. Fine home on Winter street $6000, terms. I have buyers for small houses. around $2000 and $2600. If you want to sell list with H. L. MARSTER3 Phode 907 8 room plastered house $1350. 6 room plastered house, paved street, $1700, $350 cash down, $20 per month. 6 room house $2000. 6 room plastered house $2200. 7 room plastered house $2400. 6 room bungalow. hardwood floors, $87 50. 8 rooms, all on one floor, prom inent corner, $7860. Trade 6 room house for small acreage. We are willing to show property until you are satisfied. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 4 92 N. Cottage street. FOR EXCHANGE Good 7 room house on paved street, modern except basement, 2 lots; tnis place is a real home well located, want about 60 acre farm close to Salem. 20 acres all cultivated, has buildings, stock and farm imple ments, green corn In field, hay In Darn, immediate possession, for a home In Salem. For sale, a good bungalow for $1300, some terms. D. S. HILDEBRAND Phone 794, 341 State St. room 8, Bayne bldg. 217 GOOD BUYS 10 ! room modern hnmA com plete in every way two lots on paved street near car line. Price 8000 terms. 4 room cottage oh S. 15th street. Price $1250 V cash to handle. B room bungalow on S. Llbertv street. A snap at $3000 $2000 cash o room nungalow with fireplace, on paved street, one block from State. Price $2500, $1600 cash to handle. 6 room modern bungalow at 117T N. 16th street. Price $4350 casn. Real estate and fire Insurance W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 27$ State St. II S. bank bldg. SPECIAL 4 room house, barn and chicken house; a bargain for $800 with f.uo down and $10 per month. 1 room house for $500, with $160 down, balance $10 per month 8 rooms, nice lot on paved street gooa Duy ror 350, terms. in ice lot on paved street, east frot, $450. with $50 down and $10 inuMAOUll 831 tt State street. WANTED Listing of your prop erty. We have several' good ; trades. We have several pros- ! pacts ror city property on small payments. Tell your wants to ; itaaenrr and Waring, $41 State ireet. n217 Legal Notice KXIX LTRIX NOTHJK Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed executrix of the estate of Otto F. Bluock, deceased, by order of th county court of the state of Ore gon, for Marlon county, oa the 19th day of August. 1922. and thai she has duly qualified' as such ex ecutrix; and that all persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby requested to present their respective olaims, duly verified, with proper vouchers, to the un dersigned Nora Dougherty, 807 6th st:-eet, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this ' notice. Dated this 19th day of Auirust. 1922. NORA DOUGHERTY, Executrix of the etsate of Otto F. Blunck, deceased. There Are Papers That are given away to make a showing on circulation and there are papers that ars sold to subscribers. The Capital Journal t-' i Is pot given away It I sold to people who want It and pay (or That Is Why The Capltial Journal does not have to biro people to take the paper by giving away prem ium and prizes and fake put ties. The Capital Journal hat gained nearly A THOUSAND paid subscribers In the past year Because It Is a good newspaper, fights tor principle and dare to do things. Tneso are things people want In aewspaper and are trilling to par to get. ' So ths Capital Journal has to day tbe largest circulation that any paper In Oregon (outside Portland) ever bad. ACKTYLKNK WfcJ.DlXU IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cop per. Bring the, pieces. Oxo-Oas Heating Co., 837 Court. AUTO PAINTING RELIANCE .AUTO PAINTING 810 S. Winter St. phone 961. AUTO TOPS TOPS MADhi TO ORDER 171 S. High. ' auci'ioni;i..ii F. N. WOODRY the live stock, furniture, real estate auctioneer. Phone 611 fur sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer. COL. W. F. WRIGHT, the Tur ner auctioneer. The war prices are over, 2 per cent for first $1000 and 1 per cent thereafter. See him for your sales W, F. Wright. MA'lTIOnY SUPPLIES PREST-O-UTE BATTERY SER VICE. Expert auto electricians. Phone 1803, 411 Court St. 203. High e ries recharged and repaired. Degge Burrell. R. D. BARTON, Kxld batteries, starter and generator work, 171 S. Commercial. AUTO Electricians, expert trouble shooting. 238 N. High St. pnone 203. OHIROPKAUTOn, DR. SCOTT, Chiropractor, 416 U, B. bank bldg. - oiimopomsT DR. HINER foot specialist, all foot ailments relieved. Modern equip ment. Roem 3, Pation bldg. phone 987, 1'JLKtTRlO SVPPLIK8 HAL1K ELECTRIC SHOP 8 3T Court. We do house wiring and carry a complete stock of fix tures. Instrument repairing, ex perimental work. Electric appli ances repaired. Phone 488. HOUSE wiling and supplies. Welch Electric Co. Phil Brown ell, manager, 379 State St. ARCHIE FLEETER, electrician. house wiring by hour or con tract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980, 414 Court St. FARM LOANS HAWKINS AND ROUHlft'S 206 Oregon building, 6, 7, 10 and SO year loanB, 66 and 6 percent Interest. Privilege to pay $100 or multiple on any interest date. $0 YEAR FARM LOANS on rural credit plan. Prepayment privi leges with discount allowed. I will finance you for a less rate of interest than any firm on the coast. F. W MARSTERS, 411 Oregon bldg : BUILDING LOANS MADE May be repaid like rent Life, Fire, Health, Accident, In demnity, Liability -and Auto In surance written. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Maaonle Temple, Salem, Or. FlrfHUST CUT flowers and floral pieces. De livery. C. F. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty, phone 880. GARAGI'M GENERAL AUTO REPA1R1N( Sava your oil use Savoll pi ton rings. H. H. Schooker, 26 Chemeketa street. RADIATORS Fenders and bodies . made or repaired. J. C. Balr, 44 erry t. GUARANTEED REPAIRING all kinds on autos and tractors. Cars stored by day, week or month. E. Kroeplln and Sons, 1610 N. Commercial and Nor way. WM. NEIME YE'R, 'JUST DRUGS 175 N. Commercial, phone 167. . C. PERRY, Ksxall druggist. 116 a. commercial St. M 1-1 t('H A NT TAILOR THE ADMITS Ladles tailoring, 951 N. 12th, phone 2085R, D. H. MOSHER Tailor for luun and women. 474 Court St. M. A. ESTES, fine tailoring. 884 state street. llKMSTIIK'HlNG MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching stamping, ouitons, nana em broi dery. Room 10, over Miller's store, phone 117. SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain atitchliig, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 179, 929 Oregon bldg. INNUHANt'J W. A. LI8TON. GENERAL IN SU RANGE Fire, automohll and liability. Bonds and loans. 484 court. ANDERSON AND RUPERT, IN- duka.-(jk tjabinty, automo bile, fire, surety, bonds, loans and Investments. 406-7 Oregon oiug. MAt IIINK SHOP WEl.'HTER AND SMITH Ma hill ists, engineers, welders, UK ALU cylinder grinding service. Phone ftSZ, 845 Ferry St It. AND M. CO. Specially grind ers and welders? Automotive ser vice. 490 Ferry 81. , j-jL,.n i i dii money to loan on Im- ! proved residence or buslnues property, or for building pur poses, ii. K. Bolinger, agent r.tjuiiHoie savings ixian asso ciation. 327-328 Oregon bide phone 1009. 1 also write all kinds or insurance. MOTORCYt l,k;s LLOVD E. RA1ISDEN. Ind motorcycles and. Dayton bicycles oi ujurt street HARRY W. SCOTT "The Cycle Man," 147 S. Com. Phone 48. MUSIC PIANO playing. 11 weeks, guaran teed. Beginners, advanced. Room 1 over Miller's. M'lUiLHY STOCK FRUITLAND nursery will have sales yard at Cherry City feed barn, 644 Ferry St. about Nov. 1. gee ms before buying. Phone 1140M. SALKM Nursery company, frull and ornamental trees, smsll fruit snd roses. Phone 1763, 428 Oregon bldg. OPTICIAN GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur dette. optometrist. Bow Optical Co., 123 State street. iivkkil OPliCAL C O. 'suit 11 Oregon (aVJeotrte) wood Working WOOD WORKING All kinds of wood work made to order. Nov elty Shop It Court, telephone 1742. e OSTKOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathic physician and surgeon. .Klrks villa graduate. 404-406 U. S. Na tional bank bldg. Phones, office Vl, resilience 614. DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, osteopathic physicians and sur geons, tun u. H. bank building. pnone Dr. White , rest denes phone 469; Dr. Marshall, reaidenca phone 8 3 4. PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet musia and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew- ing machines, 432 State, Salem. "EVERYTHING IN MUSIC." Moore's Music houses, 419 Court street and Musonio bldg. PLUMBING THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works, 164 S. Commercial. PLUMBING, repaliing and col) work, reasonable charges. A. I.. Godfrey, shop toot of Union St. Phone 1887 J. -.. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns to Rowland Printing company. phone 1512 Masonlo Temple. REPAIRING STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60 years, experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sixes 16 to 68 inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc. logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 150 Court street, phone 124. SCAVKNUUl NEAL SCAVENGER" WAGON Phone 1867R. SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage" . and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167. Night phone 12S7M. R. O. Cum mlngs, Mgr. TRANKFKJt OREGON Transfer & Storage Co. Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertiliser; 4 foot slab wood for sale. Phone 77. WATKIl tH)AIPAN Y SALE. VI WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly In advance. Phone 67. SALEM RflARKETS Compiled from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Revised dally.) Grain: No. 1 white wheat B6c; No. 2 mixed wheat 94c; No. 3 red wheat 98e; (sacked.) Hay: Cheat hay $15.00; oat hay $17 18; clover hay (baled) $1617. Wholesale Prices. Meat: Hogs $9.50; dressed hogs 14c; top steers 6c; cows Itt 4c; bulls 88V4o lambs 8ttc; dressed veal 13c. Poultry: Light hens 13c; heavy ueiis iou; uia roosters VCflOc broilers 1880e, Butterfat: Butlerfat 44c; cream ery butter 45Ji)46u; country butter 'u-'c; eggs zic; milk $2.26 cwt. Vegetables: Wax onions $1.18 crate: beets $3.25 cwt; Oregon cubbage 8c lb; green peppers 20o lb; potatoes 81.78 cwt; Oregon lettuce $2.26 per crate; parsley 40o don; tomatoes 90a crate; cucum bers 40c per doz; new potatoes 2c lb. Fruits: Oransea 19.76; lemons $9.00; bananas 10c: Calif, arana. fruit, J7.6U; cantaloupe 11.151.50 standard; watermelons 14c lb: Oregon peaches 76c Oil per box iteull I-riois Poultry and eggs: Mt-gs 29 35c; creamery butter 4950o; country butter 35 JSc Portland, Or., Sept. 11. Cattle steady; receipts; 1963: choice steers $7.T08.0O; medium to $7.257.76r common to fair $4.50 M l IS; choice cows and heifers $5.(105.60; medium to good $3.60 4.60; fair to medium $3.00 & 4.00; common $3.000350: ca li ners ll.60W2.60; bulls $3,009 4.00; choice feeders 16.00 5.60; fair to good 14.00 5.00: choice dairy calves $9.60 4110.00; prime light 18.00 9.00, common light 2.60; common $2.00 il 8.00; can. ners $1. 602.00; bulla 13.00 11 $8.00ijjp9.; heavy $9i&8. Hogs steady; receipts 601: prime light $ 10.00 a 10.60; smooth heavy 200 to 800 pounds $9.60 10.50; 800 pounds and up $9.00 10.00; rough heavy $6.00 to . 00: feeder pigs $8.60 10.00; fat pigs 9 SOft 10, stags $67. nep steady; receiots 1133: choice val lambs $9.50 10 60;medl um 1S.OOS0 9 00; common 86 00: culls 15.00 6.00; light yearlings (i.u.; nwivy 8. 00417. 00: Ight wuthers 18.0007.00: heavv 86?6: ewes $205. Butter steady; ex cubes 88 U 6 89 unaer grades S5f38c; carton 4ac; prints 44e. Hutterfat No. 1 churnlna cream 44tp45c; toh Portland: 4lo at sta tions; under grides 41G43c: Kggs: Firm. Buying cur- nt reci-lpts 27 29c; white hen neries 8234c: sellinsr case count tt92c; candled 31 ft 3 3c; selects i VI 4 O. Poultry: light hens 12a: heavy 22c: torollera 20ia22c: old roosters 10c; gees nom: ducks oc; turkeys 300. Wheat: Hard white 11 20: soft white $1.09; western white $1.09; ra winter $1 .06; northern spring nrniem rea 91.03. Mill run $31.60: oata 828 SOffl 0.00; corn No. 1 yellow ay. timothy, valley intone: falfa $18r8.60: grain 317ils: oats snd vetch ! 17: straw $9. A new logging company and a iw shingle mill for Astoria as actualities ars worth mors than down milhon dollar factories la pros peet. Astoria Budget. A representative government is one thst elects six men in favor ef thing and six against it and woo ers why something isn't dose. Med ford Mail -Tribune. The oil well now beiug drilled at Hutherlin has resehed a depth ef 00 feet and a good showing ef oil has been encountered. Fees sad fines sollected by the city ef Eugene during ths noath of August amounted to $795.83. PAGE SEVEN RUSSIA ABLE TO-GET ALONG Moscow, Sept. 11 Soviet Russia, leaders are advancing reasons, ea li ly understandable - within Eus.iia but probsblj difficult of compre hension abroad, as to why they be lieve Russia, after the coming har vest, can. get along auii show econo mic improvement without the aid of foreign governments. They made no secret that Indus trially the country can show very little without huge foreign credits, ' but they say that Russia is prim arily an agricultural country, and that the requirements of the Hussian peasants are probably smaller than those of any other people except ths uhinese or Hindus. The peasant comprise at least 70 percent of ths country! population. An American, accustomed to the standard, of living in the United States, might Consider it a terrible condition were somc6ne to tell him that 50,000,000 Euaslan people had no shoes. Ths Rusian, familiar with his own country, would shrug his shoulders and say: "What of tf He would remark that at least 30,000,000 Rtisians never had shoes and probably would not know what to do with them if they did. Ths peasants go barefoot in summer. use homemade straw sandals in ths autumn, and felt boots of village niunufaoture iu ths winter. It is similar with moat articles of wear and household use which American civilisation considers es sential to comfort. If the Russian peasant has plenty to eat and above all other things he prefers black, bread aud if he "has a few rags to cover him and a hut to shelter him, bo is as well off as he waa before ths war. Ii was only in late years under the mouarthy that the growth, of manufacturing within Russia wai seriously encouraged. The Soviet regime, . whose supporters were mostly amoug the factory workers in the cities, has desired to increase industry probably even more than the old regime, bat, due to eivil war and destruction, industry Is now in a worse state than ever before, if foreign capital comes in to any great extent the government ex pects to recreate industry, but luck ing this, it considers that Russia, can get along as an agricultural eountry until such time ag either from within itself, or with, foreign assistance, it can become an indus trial country. Realty Transfers Complied by Salem Abstract Co, Salem Monthly Meeting of Friends Church to Morley, !,. and wife, lot 12, block 7, Hi i iland ad dition to Salem, Oregon, 3000. Gilbert, E. M., widow to McClel- lan, T. B. and wife, lot 4, block S, west otnyton, Oregon, glu. " " Price, J. C. and wife to Price, O. K., lot 1, block 2, Woodburn, Oregon, 10. Rhoten, E. A. and wife to Staf ford, 0. W. snd wife, part of block II, Nob Hill Annex to Salem, Ore gon, ilO. Conger, A. L. and husband to Rogers, U E., lot 11, block 8, En- glcwood addition to Salem. Oregon. $10. Fry, D. J. and wife to Matthia. J. 0., part of block 12, Englewood addition to Salem, Oregon, $1250. Balein Lodge No. 33H, B. i O. E. to Bligh, T. O., part of block 22, City of Suleni, Oregon, 10. SI oilier, A. II. and wife to Page, R. M., land in 01. 4fl, 7-3-W, Mar ion county, Oregon, $10. Krauti, M. J, and wife to Hill, C. E. et al, land in CI. 41-7-S-W, Marion county, Oregon, 2tJ00. Browning, M. 1., widow to Bello, Frank, lot 3, block 11, J. Meyers, Marion county, Oregon, $1, Browning, R. L., unmarried to Hello, Frank, lot 2, block It, J. Meyer's sddition to Salem, Oregon, $1000. Churchill, H. L. end wife to Jones C. T. and wife, lot 8, and part of lot 7, block 1, Frickey's addition to Salem, Oregon, $10. .Still, H. U and wife to Wohlnirk, W. H. and wife, lut 1, block 3, Ma foy's addition to Salem, Oregon, 10. Brown, B. E. and wife to Wilt sey, V. C. and wife, part of lot 8, block A, yew Park addition to Ra le m, Oregon, $10. Kvans, L M., widow to Bvant, K. A, land in CI. 04, 0-1-W, Marios. county, Oregon, $1. Kuenii, A, and wife to Ksanal, H. A., lend in section 877-1-W, Marion county, Oregon, $3000. King, C. H. and wife ta Murray, C. V. and wife, land la seetion SI. 7-1-E, Marion eousty, Oregon, $4,- 200. Havags, D. J., single, to IJiifoot, R. A., land in CI. 43, $ 3-W Mar ion eousty, Oregon, $10. Klerk, if. W, and husband 1e Cr-"J ver. Will, part of lots 3 and 4, No 0 Hill Annex to Salem, Oregon, $23. ' Iversen, O. O. and wife to Olasj,' 4. C, land in CI. 41, 5-1-W, Marios. ' county, Oregon, 2O00. ka Olaas. S. C. to 1 versos. O. fX .' and wife, lot 1, block 3. and lot 5, block 7 all is I.ogaaville, Maries eounty, Oregon, $2000.